
Argentina economy: Price hikes & inflation driving social tension 

Al Jazeera English
Подписаться 14 млн
Просмотров 34 тыс.
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In Argentina, tensions are rising as food prices soar, and fuel stocks run low.
There have been weeks of protests by truck drivers, who are demanding higher pay rates to help offset the costs.
Al Jazeera's @Teresa Bo reports from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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#Argentina #Economy #inflation #PriceHike



1 июл 2022




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@RollyBalondo 2 года назад
the policy of printing money instead of controlling the money supply
@workphone4210 Год назад
@gabrieljones9084 Год назад
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design. To the naive mind that can conceive of order only as the product of deliberate arrangement, it may seem absurd that in complex conditions order, and adaptation to the unknown, can be achieved more effectively by decentralizing decisions and that a division of authority will actually extend the possibility of overall order. Yet that decentralization actually leads to more information being taken into account.” ― Friedrich Hayek, The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism
@angulaaagula5926 2 года назад
Argentiina is rich when comes to agricultures!! Why not have enough foods?
@rogerbowen1472 2 года назад
Because it's ran by communists!
@Rainforestdelight 2 года назад
Government incompetence by the various military juntas and civilian administrations.
@zico739 2 года назад
Most food insecure nations have all the recourses they need to feed their people. It’s about inflation, mismanagement, corruption, and so on.
@Hkchinese888 2 года назад
you have to pay the market price for food and gas, the problem is they can't afford
@nathanielsingleton6302 2 года назад
@enfredlindstrom6763 2 года назад
take my advise if u have a home and some land plant a garden. its going to get real bad.
@felixyusupov7299 Год назад
The problem with Argentina is the people. The government is only as good as the people.
@essietel1196 10 месяцев назад
Same story every nation. The people are still not standing up enough.
@yeagipark8478 2 года назад
Inflation is so brutal
@scottymathieson9529 2 года назад
@OriginalSoundFX 2 года назад
Argentina is about to become like Venezuela veeeeeeeeery soon
@eduardosotelo4663 Год назад
They will never will be like Venezuela. Venezuela is in War with USA, so they prohibited to make business. Argentina is not in war they alone are falling.
@OriginalSoundFX Год назад
@@eduardosotelo4663 Economically speaking, they are failing this lead to lots of problems including insecurity. Today, you can't even walk in Buenos Aires let alone other areas that are in "red". Man, the situation is absolutely critical, people are hungry, thieves are everywhere they would kill for a couple of pesos.
@RajNUK Год назад
@@OriginalSoundFX really is it getting that bad? Are you living there? Just curious as I plan to visit next year
@megustaelmate5499 Год назад
Yeah... no. Even if Argentina is bad it's very hard for every country to be like Venezuela
@franciscosa4130 Год назад
@abdabtele 2 года назад
Blame the Bankers and the WEF.
@Purp4040 Год назад
Yeah who ever gives Argentina money is an idiot
@luisapoblete1294 4 месяца назад
Finally we got rid of the trash, we have a good new president now!!! go Argentina!!!
@paulvalentine4157 Год назад
so, they march for universal basic income? which wouldn't lead to more inflation? folks, somebody needs to give you the hard talk
@FloridaMan69. 2 года назад
the world needs more money
@SeeLasSee 2 года назад
Actually a bit less money.
@PatrickBatefan Год назад
@@SeeLasSee no that's a myth
@bernaclischurchill4463 Год назад
This is happening all over the world. The US has 9.1% inflation, and the UK, Germany are close behind. On a different not, If they develop their oil/gas system, it would alleviate their dependence on outside sources, and provide much needed income, which other countries, i.e., western countries would glad to purchase from them, as well as the UK, which is running short on energy fuels, and has no ability to produce themselves. This would lessen the dependence on Russia/Ukraine, and weaken their stance. Ms. B. Churchill (USA)
@eduardosotelo4663 Год назад
You are wrong! My country is next to Argentina. My country is poor also. Bolivia and my country Paraguay don't have sea, but still the inflation is not so bad. In Argentina the prices go up every month. In 1998 1 dollar was 1 peso. Now 2022 1 dollar 340 pesos in the street, black market. And in official exchange house about 200 pesos. People don't trust in Argentinan money and go to change in dollars so the government forbids to buy 200 dollars per month.
@mtselinoportuno 2 года назад
Siempre sobrevivimos.
@enfredlindstrom6763 2 года назад
people will have to work or grow food cant ask the goverment for hand outs like bums u are if the goverment dosnt have any money.
@FortuneSeek3rz 2 года назад
Starting in 2016 the Argentine peso really started to fail. Wonder what happened that year.
@eduardosotelo4663 Год назад
The main problem is Cristina and Alberto Fernández.
@SeeLasSee 2 года назад
If inflation is 5% a month that is brutal. I hope it’s only for a few months at this level.
@scottymathieson9529 2 года назад
Brandon and his Russia sanctions and obsession with Covid
@joeshmo1685 Год назад
In a constant state of disarray
@crocobaur5407 2 года назад
long live socialism, some people deserve their faith
@Maylen110 Год назад
Si pero tienen al boca y a messi 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@tiendung1095 Год назад
Football makes them forget these things and live better
@PatrickBatefan Год назад
Commercialization of Sports was done to distract people from actual problems
@tiendung1095 Год назад
@@PatrickBatefan They are living in heaven when their national team won world cup, and i think they don't care it much more
@mrzuniga4658 Год назад
When foreign currency is weak US dollar is strong.
@enfredlindstrom6763 2 года назад
the yuan in chine is worth less and people are selling homes for food and its bad when u know even in canada the stores are starting to look like stores in north korea.
@smartasskickass4260 2 года назад
Thanks to the high inflation Argentina got the Falkland islands back Nice
@supernova7966 2 года назад
These people are not Argentinian
@THELASTISDP 2 года назад
What are they?
@TheSchiffReport 2 года назад
Are they bolivians ?
@yourerightimwrong4567 2 года назад
Yes they are. You can tell by their accent.
@supernova7966 2 года назад
@@TheSchiffReport Peruvians
@jamacismacil2596 2 года назад
When I heard Latin America, I remember Africa they share Poverty, insecurity and Gangsters.🤔
@zico739 2 года назад
Africa wishes it had Latin America’s problems.
@yourerightimwrong4567 2 года назад
@Generocyclopedia Your comment would make sense if OP had said that Latin America was a country-they didn't.
@jimmyTooFreshh 2 года назад
All financed by the USA 🇺🇸 by the way
@OriginalSoundFX 2 года назад
The quality of life in some African countries are way better than most Latin American countries.
@shay3697 2 года назад
@@OriginalSoundFX South America is my favourite continent I hope one day it can prosper
@jayechow8525 2 года назад
While Russia is counting its rubles, US foolish sanction is causing worldwide inflation and higher cost of living due to high oil prices.
@alerav4826 2 года назад
Mate I agree that the US I partially at fault, but Argentina has been having this crazy inflation rate for the last decade at least.
@jayechow8525 2 года назад
@@alerav4826 US is 100% guilty for this current predicament. The whole free countries are suffering including my country. We have never suffer such high inflation. Every single item prices goes up to double the amount. If it is only Argentina that is suffering then it can be directly attributed to bad argentina leadership. When every single countries in the world are facing high inflation the cause goes to US. Argentinians are barking up the wrong tree, your protest should target US the real cause behind your suffering.
@yourerightimwrong4567 2 года назад
@@jayechow8525 LOL, no.
@ricardosoto5512 2 года назад
@@jayechow8525 I guess your country must be a shthle....
@danielgoring1328 2 года назад
@@jayechow8525 blame the US for everything is the same pathetic baseless excuse that everyone uses out of jealousy
@HVBRSoF Год назад
at 0:29, I wonder if it was deliberate they interviewed two fat people complaining about not being able to eat meat.
@nomee3931 Год назад
"Without YAHUAH ELOHAI There Is No Peace"
@keeman7994 2 года назад
Ankara Messi
@fernandovazquez7272 Год назад
I think it’s time for Argentina to stop watching futbol on the TV and start getting an education to better their country.
@jarrodyuki7081 2 года назад
no child policy for those below poverty and one child policy for the rest.
@johnnypham2850 2 года назад
@betttina33333 2 года назад
@lisabowden1679 Год назад
Because they can't afford healthy foods. It's the same in the u.s it's cheaper to eat macaroni and cheese then a salad
@Anticolonial911 2 года назад
mucho bife de chorizo.....🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
@truthcantbehidden2165 2 года назад
@DSD7733 Год назад
crypto is the only way to fix this world
@quepunetaeres5905 2 года назад
La razon porque los latinos son muy pobre en todo el mundo como africa porque hablaban su colonizador. Que verguenza jajaja....
@norgessalg6640 2 года назад
Those "poor people" look well fed, I must say!
@Anticolonial911 2 года назад
se ven gorditos tooooodos che !!!!!.......están demandando comidas vegetarianas??????
@danielgoring1328 2 года назад
Thats exactly what I thought 🤣 they look well fed to me
@redneckhippy8711 Год назад
Because communism works right
@truthcantbehidden2165 2 года назад
Superiority of white race 🏁
@zico739 2 года назад
@milesinnz 2 года назад
@Travel Crawl funny how so many "oppressed others" want to get to a country and be ruled by WHITE people.. do you even know how stupid you sound.. nah, didn't think so... but then you will not be White..
@de_ciphered 2 года назад
majority of Argentinians are literally descended from white european settlers.
@adikamelesse7218 2 года назад
Lift the sanctions on Russia we love Russia 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
@alphacentauri7381 2 года назад
Drop the panties of your mom I'm Russian
@zico739 2 года назад
Even Russians don’t love Russia.
@adikamelesse7218 2 года назад
@@zico739 ok your free to think what ever you like!😅
@danielgoring1328 2 года назад
Russian bot alert 🙄
@abby54 2 года назад
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others. But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted". YOU SHALL NOT MAKE FOR YOURSELF AN IMAGE in the form of anything, in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath, or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them, or worship them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents, up to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me, and keep my commandments. If my people who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sins, and will heal their land. AND WHEN YOU PRAY DO NOT BE LIKE THE HYPOCRITES, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners, to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. BUT WHEN YOU PRAY, GO INTO YOUR ROOM, close the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need, before you ask him. This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. "Matthew 5-7 NIV Bible Gateway", we can use google search. These are the teachings, The Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ our God. REPENT, and start doing what is right. If you abide my teachings, you are really my disciples; then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in Truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. GOD IS SPIRIT, so his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in Truth. In the New Heaven and the New Earth, only Righteousness dwells. May the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ our God be with you all.
@anon21qwerty17 2 года назад
jealous god, huh? lol
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