
ArmWrestling CONTRACT WARS Coming??? 

Paul Italia
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ArmWrestling Contract Wars Beginning Between Top Organizations? #armwrestling #paulitalia #italiaarmwrestlingpromotions #iap #enginterzi #eastvswest #wac #devonlarratt #armwrestlingbuzz #levansaginashvili




12 апр 2024




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@adebih8126 2 месяца назад
Nobody will pull for Igor, he scammed people before
@DrewBahr 2 месяца назад
I bet some will, if you aren’t getting a shot at KOTT or EvW those guys will go where ever they can get paid and compete, regardless igor needs to stay the fuck away
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
when? i know neil the scammer pickup did, but when did igor?
@adebih8126 2 месяца назад
@@ronniemillsap top8
@sanguablue 2 месяца назад
Guys like Igor held arm wrestling back for years
@SovietUnionn 2 месяца назад
I wouldn say so, Zloty Tur was every year most waited competition and it pushed level high consistently. When armwrestling started to move more to supermatsh format then we started to have little issues but nothing major imo. Zloty Tur,Pal in evropa and in usa, Top-8...he was pioneer + he standardized armwrestlign tables what we all still use today.
@thetrajohnson 2 месяца назад
Big difference. Igor is for finding out who the over all best athlete is through tournament style vs supermatch only.
@hijim3874 2 месяца назад
Igor brought armwrestling forward too. He was the start of professional armwrestling. I hope the same thing doesn't happen with engin
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
@@thetrajohnson yes i love the tournaments
@jax9574 2 месяца назад
@@ronniemillsap Supermatches is where its at
@senditsillly1423 2 месяца назад
That Sean guy riding Igor jock
@mrditkovitch8358 2 месяца назад
I guess Paul is still mad that he was told to keep quiet after EvsW 4 when he was shirtless drunk and harrasing everyone
@Corriemcphee 2 месяца назад
Sean Hancock is sipping on Igors koolaid. All you guys better step back from the Igor stuff. Engin is the man to bring armwrestling mainstream. Igor has no ability at all to challenge EvsW or KOTT. Without top level talent it will never be great.
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
no igor brought it mainstream. engin just piggy backed when he was in war and coudlnt compete
@sankhawkulathantille 2 месяца назад
05:35 He had all that power for so many years and did very little to bring the best athletes from all over the world to one stage. On the other hand, Engin has created the best thing Armwreslting fans have ever seen within just 3 short years.
@SovietUnionn 2 месяца назад
Thanks not true, Mazurenko started from nothing 24 years ago when this sport was at it baby steps. He organized Zloty Tur that was world most prestigious turnament until korona forced all down. Top-8 was legit and tables we all use today are thanks to Mazurenko, its his legacy that is way too often overlooked. Engin started East vs West when there was no armwrestling happening due to korona so there was no competition.
@sankhawkulathantille 2 месяца назад
@@SovietUnionn The fans are not blind friend. They know what's good for them. There has never been anything as good as East vs West. Mazurenko never did what Engin has done even though he was in a position to do it for many year. But I doubt he wanted that to happen.
@mrditkovitch8358 2 месяца назад
Top 8 was legit? Are you kidding? He charged 25 dollars for Levan ongarbayev or Levan Tim Bresnan
@SovietUnionn 2 месяца назад
@@sankhawkulathantille Ofcource East vs West is the best thing ever to happen but its not so simple. Armwrestling got bigger over the years and this really started booming during korona whitch served East vs West wery well and im happy it did. It doenst still lessen or diminish pioneer like Mazurenko. Armwrestling was mostly about turnaments during Igors reign of power and he focused on those + amerikans started wal with its restricting contracts. I personally think both Engin and Igor are good figures for armwrestling and like Engin has stated many times "Mazurenko served armwrestling for 20 years", now its Engins reign of power 👍
@SovietUnionn 2 месяца назад
@@mrditkovitch8358 By legit i mean legit world level events. First Top-8 was exellent. Second was halted because of korona but still saw Levan vs Chaffee, Ermes vs Alex, Irakli vs Mosier...25 dollariduus is nothing if you are not bum or live in some third world country.
@guyallen2355 2 месяца назад
What happens when Dana and Chael start their own league? 😂 People gonna be pissed about their current contracts!
@ColdStone52 2 месяца назад
No one’s gonna be pissed about that because they’ll bring the sport more mainstream than Igor and Engin combined. People don’t like Igor because what he will do with the sport will not be as good as what Engin is currently doing for the sport.
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
man i hope they do SOOO MUCHCHHCHCHCH
@sergejmaher144 2 месяца назад
EvW and kott are the best. Exclusive contracts all around, only way u can maintain consistency. Blocking the interviews makes no sense tho, that was wrong
@janardhanrao7976 2 месяца назад
Dude, think about it.. Jake (Aussie) isn’t exactly on Engin’s camp but he gets interviews with top athletes.. he’s not cribbing.. Paul Italia actually disrespected Engin. EvW is not an elected government to act like everyone has an equal say in it.. Engin runs the show.. Sometimes he gets to employ his discretion for what he believes is not in the larger interest of the sport.. Period.
@mitchgowing2336 2 месяца назад
Agree. All these pups forgetting Engin is papa. An interview is content and content is currency. Who tf is Paul italia to take from Engins plate like know your place dude. If he would have shown some humility and asked Engin first I’m sure he would have said it was fine. It’s kind of a Ryan Bowen move IMO.
@ermeriodsassperini 2 месяца назад
As for the interview. There must be more to this story.
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
no the contracts restricts everyone all around except engin : D
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
@@mitchgowing2336 'An interview is content and content is currency. ' if thats true lost all respect for engin and you. makes his organization meaningless. its like when he says 'guys i think a little more like kabib than mcgreggor, I want to be like ufc though with less bs' great try to be like big companys and ruin everything that was good about the sport
@airsoftninja295 2 месяца назад
Someone needs to flat out ask Engin about all this.
@mathieutrenbolonesandwich2397 2 месяца назад
nobody ever will because deep down everybody knows Engin is the one pulling the string & a little dictator.
@allenhepler1304 2 месяца назад
He has already addressed it if you followed him you would know that
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
@@allenhepler1304 its not a bad thing not to follow a sefish dictator, if you were rational, you would know that. it takes nothing away to not listen to someone whos friends with devin lol
@viktore69 2 месяца назад
You don’t get it do you? Why should elite pullers pull in low tier comps and get paid less than half of what they make in EvW? And also pro comps should be a gateopener to the elite level. The elites have no business pulling pros. Why can’t you guys just be grateful of Engin’s work of getting all elite pullers on the same place for once? You get super high level matches every month for a price that should be alot more expensive for the quality we see. Igor split the sport and hindered the best athletes to compete against the west. Don’t even compare the two.
@jax9574 2 месяца назад
Because they don't like engin, and wanna spite the guy no matter what good he's done for us viewers and the sport, they rather get deep throated by Igor and they'll overlook his sliminess and the negativity he did because they don't like Engin, it's an agenda running here
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
YOU dont get it do YOU? If someone wants to compete, anywhere they should be able to. If you want to pull, pull. it doesnt matter money, fame, etc. If you're a real arm wrestler not pumping peds you dont need this to be a money thing, you do it, and you ALWAYS did it cause you love it. restricting people is stupid.. makes engins organization less meaningful overall.
@viktore69 2 месяца назад
@@ronniemillsap Keep complaining… you’ll see how stupid you will look in a few years👍
@wipsam 2 месяца назад
If engin don’t fuck with u he prob has a good reason
@rlevari1 2 месяца назад
Damn look at all the lovely comments about Engin and EvW.... so much love .
@tier1turks 2 месяца назад
Drama everywhere, people can not just congratulations. People are have two face's
@tallpaulhutchensjr. 2 месяца назад
I've been very vocal about the contract thing is a bad idear. We keep missing out on great matches by tying down the athletes to one promotion. That's definitely not gonna grow the sport. And now banning the athletes from even just a interview on other podcast definitely won't grow the sport either. I'm not hating on Engin but I do disagree with the banning and contracts. Seems to me the pullers can make more money if they not tied down to one promotion. We just went thru this before COVID and already going right back down the same path except now banning pullers from podcast too. Guess where it's just a different part of the world and they ain't known for having the most freedom over there. But I don't really know all the details about the bans and who all is involved so I never speak much about it
@luketutber9326 2 месяца назад
Arm wrestling shouldn't go back to Russia.
@denginterratt 2 месяца назад
The man with the most dough gets to run the show, ya smell me
@esestlloco 2 месяца назад
Boycott igor if you’re a real armwrestling fan 💪🏼💪🏼
@isyt1 2 месяца назад
Engin doesn’t let people go on podcasts? Man that’s pretty bad. You could argue for not letting people compete in different leagues but not videos?
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
and even the leagues part is complete bs and dictator type shite. ruins it for everyone but engin
@Mark.Sciguerra 2 месяца назад
Engin = Igor = WAL Same game, different name
@weldmishref 2 месяца назад
Igor was...Engin is now! Being honest, we never experienced so many good matches like EvW or KOTT.
@wretchedarmwrestler450 2 месяца назад
Healthy competition, exactly! We all can participate... Free Market, lets all make money... There's enough dough to go around for everyone... Stop the greed.
@East_Referees_Vs_West 2 месяца назад
Crazy that Paul Italia is tryna side with this Igor dude. Nah gtfo here you’re lost.
@DrewBahr 2 месяца назад
Saying Igor is the god father is so wrong, that guy kept armwrestling at a stand still when it came to high level competition because of his BS contracts if it wasn’t for the WAL all of North America with the exception of Devon, MMT and Dave, wouldn’t have had high level super matches at all Igor was all about the Europeans, seems like he’s a good talker and has your best interest but he’s flipping you off behind his back at the same time, dude seems like a snake.
@donttreadonme306 2 месяца назад
Thank u for posting these updates I'm super invested in this match which probably sounds stupid to u but i guess im just a armwrestling junkie lol i need these vids at this point
@weldmishref 2 месяца назад
I don't agree that Igor is the most guy that "knows" the game. Engin knows much more about it, and when I say "it" means in the true sense of the game, the deeper roots of Arm Wrestling as an athlete.
@christopherrutherford690 2 месяца назад
Arm wrestling has never been bigger and thats due to Engin he’s the top dog and nothing will change that.
@East_Referees_Vs_West 2 месяца назад
This dude said Igor is the godfather of armwrestling? Hell nah I’m not listening to anything that dude has to say anymore. It all makes sense now. He’s one of Igor’s guys and engin is trying to stay far away from anything involving igor cuz that dude destroyed armwrestling for many years. Dude never let his top guys pull against North Americans. And stopped so many awesome matches out of pure greed. He is the exact opposite of engin and engin has every right to stay the fuck away from anything he’s involved with.
@ronniemillsap 2 месяца назад
yet you support engin lol
@allenhepler1304 2 месяца назад
No one cares about Igor or what he is doing
@highlyalloyed9296 2 месяца назад
Uncle Jon the Javeliner
@janardhanrao7976 2 месяца назад
Oh you guys crib too much.. Do 10% of what Engin’s doing n then you’ll be taken seriously.. m sorry.. no offence.. just my opinion..
@alexm2873 2 месяца назад
Engin doesn't allow them to do just that. That's the point 😂
@janardhanrao7976 2 месяца назад
@@alexm2873 dude there are other things than just organising matches.. There’s a reason why Engin is required to do what he’s doing right now..
@SovietUnionn 2 месяца назад
@@alexm2873 What do you mean? Amerika has had their own competitions for long time and still have. They have us-nationals,Arnolds is held in Columbus, tons of state championships, Robert Vigeant just pulled in some local turnament in Montana, ual and wal have been there... monster factory...Ofcource level is not world level but still. The main point is we see world level, i mean WORLD LEVEL, events consistenly in Türkiye thanks to Engin. Who gives a fuck of some micky mouse interview is granted or not its irrelevant. Main thing is actual armwrestling not milking content for your own channel.
@joshwaltrich5930 2 месяца назад
He just doesn’t like you and didn’t want to come on your channel lol
@joshrowe634 2 месяца назад
Paul is trying so hard to trigger Engin.
@mitchgowing2336 2 месяца назад
Delusions of grandeur
@Eli46123 2 месяца назад
Dude this is very strange. Ryan is 20 times bigger and got wrecked going against Engin. Everyone needs to stay in their lane
@ermeriodsassperini 2 месяца назад
4:06 Kris makes a valid point. The organization works with the athlete to build the athlete , it's a give and take. If an organization puts a lot of time and effort into an athlete, they expect to be compensated, hence contracts. I think this is where East versus West is at the moment
@syntholshoulders1842 2 месяца назад
@dsjjmv7546 2 месяца назад
It’s an excuse not to do your channel.
@ColdStone52 2 месяца назад
That Sean dude is so biased it’s hard to listen to lol. As the far as the Engin situation I would highly suggest getting in his good graces because Engin is by far delivering the best product in arm wrestling by far, consistently seeing better matchups than we saw on Igor’s cards. Don’t let some interview stuff ruin your relationship it’s not worth it.
@mathieutrenbolonesandwich2397 2 месяца назад
If someone isnt in his( Engin's) good graces aka kissing the ring they have no future in armwrestling , Such a good guy 🐕🐕
@ColdStone52 2 месяца назад
@@mathieutrenbolonesandwich2397 what I meant by that is more avoiding pointless drama like in Paul’s case the whole interview thing. It’s very normal for athletes competing in an upcoming event to not go on random peoples podcast in the lead up. The organization gets to determine what channels their contracted athletes get to be on in the lead up of competition for promotional purposes. This isn’t rocket science people just need to understand that as the sport grows this kind of stuff becomes common practice we’re simply getting out of the stone ages.
@user-kr6ld3qb6d 2 месяца назад
Igor will put evw of of business
@stustanski3912 2 месяца назад
Engin is a worm
@mrga5098 2 месяца назад
A worm who saved armwrestling. Forget about devon larrat and larry wheels, what engin is doing and has potential for the future is so big u cant even imagine
@RICHIE_RICH89 2 месяца назад
Were is caddorett that dude fell off the table and never got back up. Ermes sent him to the grave litterally. I like jerry but man his mind got bent off that loss.
@RICHIE_RICH89 2 месяца назад
Wac is to unstable most will stay with engin. The reason why there is contracts the athletes are your investment . Anywhere you go ufc wwe they all have them. The guys paying good money not 1 or 2 k like other jokers . Christ awe there top prize was 500$😅 i wouldnt set my snooze for that christ a guy would lose money to compete by the time you pay flights hotels ect. Not even 2k or 5 k is enough when your talking a level that high. Let the ametures play and let the big leagues roll. The big leagues like east vs west is where the money is at. If engin was smart he would get a bigger building and sell live seats. Thats coming i bet. I heard the top guys took well over 40k 4or 5 events back the prize now is even more. Egor dont pay shit pay is king. You going to go by egor for shit pay or go were the bread is. East vs west will be the ruler for a long time. Sponsors egor had bring 50 to 100k total east vs west off ppv probably bring 8 times that . These guys are far wrong. Chael sonnen dumped major publicity for larratt thats massive.
@mrga5098 2 месяца назад
Yea also imagine if engin didnt do any contracts, igor could just come in and start contracting the armwrestlers again and split the aw in two again! Engin protected his brand and athetes and is paying them good. What more do we need. Let others have their small organizations and have amateurs in and leave top elite guys to the pros like engin
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