
Army Canteen vs Nalgene Bottle 

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Use a Nalgene bottle and nesting cup or an Army canteen and canteen cup to purify water and cook your food for hiking, camping and survival. Another option is Ron Hood's idea of the coffee can cook pot.



29 сен 2024




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@ppspsd 11 лет назад
I personally use both of these systems,like them both ! Neither bottles can be put on heat/fire ! My 32oz nalgene nest in my Maxpedition 10x4 pouch with the cup on top not the bottom, works great ! The military canteen setup is all standard issue ! NOT cheap imported junk ! I also use a 20+ year old Esbit stove and a MSR Pocket Rocket stove,both work great and I use these only when no campfire is made ! I try to conserve as much fuel as possible ! Thanks for posting
@pichnoufblues 12 лет назад
Hi! Good thing with the US Canteen and cup system is you can put sutff un the pouch. I use to bend an Ikea spoon an she rides pretty snugly on the "shoulder" of the canteen, the handle being in the back in diagonal. Having an esbit tablet stove is cool too, you can use it to burn tabs, gel, meths in a tea candle or just a holder for a wood twigs fire. You can even use 2 esbit supports with a trangia meths burner to cook with a pan: just lean them on the side, the burner nested in the "box".
@HAROLD-CORE 9 лет назад
Condor outdoor makes a mollee pouch that the Nalgene bottle and the canteen cup that goes around it can fit into. It's pretty nice on its own, or on one's tac vest. The pouch has D rings which one can attach a sling to or some cord and carry it that way, that's generally how I have mine while I'm hiking so that I have quick access to my water. I generally don't wear any tac vests or anything while hiking so as to not be provocative, I just shove my mags and normal tac vest items in my jacket and pouches on my ruck's straps.
@UmmNotQuiteSureToPut 11 лет назад
He meant that at 160 it kills everything so when you have got it to a boil you have passed that mark so it can be safe.
@AnnBearForFreedom 12 лет назад
Back when I was in the Scouts, we built something called a "buddy stove", used with a "buddy burner", which was a tuna can with a narrow roll of corrugated cardboard that had wav poured over it. The stove was a coffee can with air holes notched in it under the top lid with a can opener (the punch kind) and a door cut into the side with the bottom taken off the can. It would also burn sticks and even a single briquet of charcoal. I've stocked several of those in my Bug In kit.
@toneholler3020 10 лет назад
That bottle and cup for perfectly into the Condor H20 pouch.
@norby0418 10 лет назад
Maxpedition makes a nice carrier with a side pouch that is designed for a 32 oz bottle & nesting cup. Pricey but nice.
@Businessaccount312 12 лет назад
great video, very informative and detailed
@donaldboyce7110 4 года назад
Great share!
@RushCampAndPrep 11 лет назад
though if you get a can of v8 juice, or other juice from the grocery store, you should be able to fit the stainless cup inside. i like to use a can opener that cuts from the side, it removes the top and leaves a clean edge where u dont have to worry about the rough sharp spots.
@EccentricEllis 11 лет назад
Some good ideas. Thanks buddy.
@GTVAlfaMan 12 лет назад
Could you put some cold soup or cold coffee in the Nalgene bottle and heat it up later in your GSI cup? Will the Nalgene hold the soup or coffee odor? Can you microwave foods inside the Nalgene bottle and still have no odor? Thanks
@cranna31 10 лет назад
Hello. Take a look at a Sawyer mini water filter.
@oMLKYWAYo 12 лет назад
Is there a Metal version of the nalgene bottle?
@NebulousCat 11 лет назад
I've read 98.6 and listened to Cody's class several times at REI. Don't agree with putting duct tape on the Nalgene bottle. Just wrap the duct tape around a piece of cardboard and it is easy to tie some cord to the top of the Nalgene. I like to be able to put my Nalgene in the dishwasher when it gets dirty. Check out the Snow Peak Hotlips ot keep from burning your lips when heating water for coffee.
@bigguyprepper 12 лет назад
The empty sterno can could be used as a little lantern
@NorthCarolinaPrepper 12 лет назад
I have just boiled water in the metal bottle type canteen.
@Spikestrip55 11 лет назад
Good info; thanks!
@elliotneace 11 лет назад
Thank you
@smilingbiter 10 лет назад
Duct tape is also great for blisters. I got a bad blister on a long hike and with putting the tape on I was able to keep hiking. Worked great. I'm sure all experienced hikers already know this. Buy the good stuff, not from China!
@smilingbiter 10 лет назад
Yep, since I started wearing a thin pair of synthetic under socks I haven't had a blister . But I still take my duct tape just in case.
@gewgulkansuhckitt9086 9 лет назад
+Lawrence Dolha I used to hike until my feet bled until I found out about duct tape.
@smilingbiter 9 лет назад
***** I got a real painfull blister on one of my 10 mile hikes so I googled how to deal with blisters from hikeing and found all my answers on a hikeing forum. No problems since.
@ipokeu3 12 лет назад
if its boiled it's biologically safe. please remember there are other contaminants that can make you ill. i have met people who think they can drink from the Mississippi if they boil it. if you are near the river you know why that's not safe.
@peterbard8487 8 лет назад
one disadvantage of the nalgeen bottle is that you can't drink from it while you are walking
@aarondowney206 6 лет назад
Try it in a moving vehicle xD
@shawnb1287 5 лет назад
Dude if you cant walk and take a drink stay outa the woods and never chew gum my point is learn to multi task and think on your feet
@karmarkan2030 7 лет назад
Hello, I want to purchase the cup fitting the Nalgene bottle but I don't find it, can you help me?
@montanaflytyer 7 лет назад
Arcangelo Panza in the camping section at Walmart. .. $5
@raymondblood6322 11 лет назад
swedish army trangia job done even in baddest of weather
@Coney_fans_1245 10 лет назад
depend where you going what you want to bring
@embaradosmithingandwoodcraft 9 лет назад
most kidney shape cups like that are aluminum some not many are s,s,
embarado smithing and woodcraft army issued cups are stainless steel
@yourfacelookslikebut 11 лет назад
made out of plastic ...
@corntorteeya86 12 лет назад
funny how duct tape isnt really used for ducting
@SFSideburns 12 лет назад
I never understood why people are so anxious to have a cup on their water bottle. I never needed the cup when I wanted to drink from the water bottle, not in the military, not in civilian use. It bugs me to pull the cup out every time I want to drink from the bottle. I need the cup when I heat water/food so I need the cup together with my stove therefore I carry my stove in the cup and leave the bottle alone.
@182roadwarrior 11 лет назад
I used a lot of Nalgene bottles and then finally broke down and bought a Klean Kanteen 40 oz wide mouth. It also works with the MSR filter. I will never go back to plastic. Great video!
@charlesaferg 11 лет назад
HSGI makes a nalgene pouch, it's very high quality and I highly recommend doing business with them.
@NGMonocrom 10 лет назад
I've got a 32 oz. Nalgene bottle, along with that cup for it. Thanks for the tip regarding how to keep the cup attached to the bottle.
@Warprize1 5 лет назад
we should all Learn from history's countless examples of misplaced hope in false promises. Don't be so quick to blindlesy follow those claiming to be wise, many are wolves in sheep's clothing, who cleverly create the problems along with the solution and stand to profit from both. Destracted and fighting umongst yourselves, you proove useful only to be discarded later, along with the ones who said for themselves, we are nonbelievers, surely we'll be spared. Psalm 33:20-22 We are waiting for Adonai; he is our help and shield.For in him our hearts rejoice, because we trust in his holy name.May your mercy, Adonai, be over us, because we put our hope in you. - Jeremiah 29:11 For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai, ‘plans for well-being, not to harm you; so that you can have hope and a future. - Jeremiah 32:33 And they have turned to Me their back, and not their faces; though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not listened to receive instruction. - - John 17:14-15 “I have given them your word, and the world hated them, because they do not belong to the world as I myself do not belong to the world.I don’t ask that you take them from the world, but that you protect them from the Evil One. 2 Timothy 2:23-26 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth,and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will. - - Micah 6:8 Human being, you have already been told what is acceptable and pleasing, what Adonai demands of you - no more than to be just,love grace and walk in purity with your God. - Ephesians 4:14-32 We will then no longer be infants tossed about by the waves and blown along by every wind of teaching, at the mercy of people clever in devising ways to deceive.Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in every respect grow up into him who is the head, the Messiah.Under his control, the whole body is being fitted and held together by the support of every joint, with each part working to fulfill its function; this is how the body grows and builds itself up in love.Therefore I say this - indeed, in union with the Lord I insist on it: do not live any longer as the pagans live, with their sterile ways of thinking.Their intelligence has been shrouded in darkness, and they are estranged from the life of God, because of the ignorance in them, which in turn comes from resisting God’s will.They have lost all feeling, so they have abandoned themselves to sensuality, practicing any kind of impurity and always greedy for more.But this is not the lesson you learned from the Messiah!If you really listened to him and were instructed about him, then you learned that since what is in Yeshua is truth,then, so far as your former way of life is concerned, you must strip off your old nature, because your old nature is thoroughly rotted by its deceptive desires;and you must let your spirits and minds keep being renewed,and clothe yourselves with the new nature created to be godly, which expresses itself in the righteousness and holiness that flow from the truth.Therefore, stripping off falsehood, let everyone speak truth with his neighbor, because we are intimately related to each other as parts of a body.Be angry, but don’t sin - don’t let the sun go down before you have dealt with the cause of your anger;otherwise you leave room for the Adversary.The thief must stop stealing; instead, he should make an honest living by his own efforts. This way he will be able to share with those in need.Let no harmful language come from your mouth, only uplifting words that are helpful in meeting the need, words that will benefit those who hear them.Don’t cause grief The Lords Ruach HaKodesh, for he has stamped you as his property until the day of final redemption.Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, violent assertiveness and slander, along with all spitefulness.Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted; and forgive each other, just as in the Messiah, God has also forgiven you. Proverbs 25:8 This is why it says, “After he went up into the heights, he led captivity captive and he gave gifts to mankind.” Do not go hastily to court; For what will you do in the end, When your neighbor has put you to shame? - - Luke 17:1-2 Yeshua said to his talmidim, “It is impossible that snares will not be set. But woe to the person who sets them!It would be to his advantage that he have a millstone hung around his neck and he be thrown into the sea, rather than that he ensnare one of these little ones. 1 Timothy 6:11-13 But you, as a man of God, flee from these things; and pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love, steadfastness, and gentleness.Fight the fight of the faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you testified so well to your faith before many witnesses.I charge you before God, who gives life to all things, and before the Messiah Yeshua, who in his witness to Pontius Pilate gave the same trustworthy testimony, - 1Peter 4:18-19 “If the righteous is barely delivered, where will the ungodly and sinful end up?”So let those who are suffering according to God’s will entrust themselves to a faithful Creator by continuing to be righteous just as he is righteous. - Isaiah 43:1-13 But now this is what Adonai says, he who created you, Ya‘akov, he who formed you, Isra’el: “Don’t be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I am calling you by your name; you are mine.When you pass through water, I will be with you; when you pass through rivers, they will not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire, you will not be scorched - the flame will not burn you.For I am Adonai, your Elohim, the Holy One of Isra’el, your Savior - I have given Egypt as your ransom, Ethiopia and S’va for you.Because I regard you as valued and honored, and because I love you. For you I will give people, nations in exchange for your life.Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. I will bring your descendants from the east, and I will gather you from the west;I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Don’t hold them back! Bring my sons from far away, and my daughters from the ends of the earth,everyone who bears my name, whom I created for my glory - I formed him, yes, I made him.’”Bring forward the people who are blind but have eyes, also the deaf who have ears.All the nations are gathered together, and the peoples are assembled. Who among them can proclaim this and reveal what happened in the past? Let them bring their witnesses to justify themselves, so that others, on hearing, can confirm it". “You are my witnesses,” says Adonai, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you can know and trust me and understand that I am he - no god was produced before me, nor will any be after me.I, yes I, am Adonai; besides me there is no deliverer.I have declared, saved and proclaimed - not some alien god among you who is unable to stand when the wind bares its streighth. Therefore you are my witnesses,” says Adonai. “I am God.Since days began, I have been he. No one can deliver from my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?” Genesis 4:7 If you are doing what is acceptable and pleasing , shouldn’t you hold your head high? And if you don’t do what is right, sin is crouching at the door - it wishes to have you, but you can rule over it.
@MatoNupai 10 лет назад
Nick Macleod ; tin is a metal on the periodic table with no lead in it. The Ibriks used to make Greek or Turkish coffee are copper but lined with tin. The danger is not the tin but the lead used in the solder. If you get a Progresso soup can with no line down the side where the can has been soldered together. The so called tin cans is mostly steel not tin.
@SouthernPatriot1 6 лет назад
MatoNupai nice info I never heard that but very helpful
@HikeordieTV 10 лет назад
Really enjoyed the video and the collection of ideas that you have gathered together. Definitely something that I need to look further into now. Thanks.
@MatoNupai 10 лет назад
Survive2day; I wish you had done a weight comparison between the Canteen and cup vs the Nalgene bottle and Glacier cup. I think the Nalgene and glacier cup are the better option than the canteen and cup. Because the glacier cup holds 18 OZs. Just right for rehydrating a Mountain House freeze dried meal and extra room for the 16 OZs to boil without boiling over. FYI Sterno only puts out about 5,000 BTUs where denatured alcohol puts our more than 10,000 BTUs so an alcohol stove is much better than using Sterno. Sterno can get two cups water to 150 degrees or so but not boil. Some alcohol stoves like the BIOS, Super Cat, BS 1.0, Gram Weenie, Topsy Turvy, etc can boil two cups of water in 5-6 minutes, and use 30 ml of denatured alcohol or less.
@RECOIL64 10 лет назад
the canteen cup looks like the gi speck not genuine army issue or it would have the us stamped between the two handles so it may be aluminum rather than stainless steal. if you can get the real cup it will accommodate the stove that wraps around it for storage. Also the cover helps keep the water from freezing and when dunked in water help keep it cooler in summer.
@leonardwhittemore5805 2 года назад
You need to check cdc on that need to bring water to a rolling boil for 1 minute. High altitudes rolling boil 3 minutes, these are minimum times.
@StatenIslandPrepper 12 лет назад
check out "the canteen shop" dot com for a canteen stove that fits in the canteen pouch. BTW the sterno stove you are talking about will definitely not work well at all. It needs more oxygen than you think and never really heats up enough to sterilize water,, it just won't boil. When i worked at a catering hall we were lucky to get warm water. Good Luck
@AussieBushman 11 лет назад
You must bring water to a rolling boil for 3 to 5 minutes and this will kill most water-borne microorganisms. However, prolonged boiling of small quantities of water may concentrate toxic contaminants if present. Good video though.
@Skooty68 12 лет назад
That all looks brand new...get out and use it....enjoy.......i use a tatonka cup and stainless bottle,can boil in the bottle if need be,and one of them gel stoves and shield,all fits in a maxpedition 10x4
@forreststump11 7 лет назад
us issue canteen cup is stainless steel. It has been media blasted to provide a dull finish for using in the field.
@CynicalDad81 10 лет назад
Maxpedition mini rollypolly dump pouch fits Nalgene bottle.
@RJBURG 12 лет назад
sterno is good for warming things up it not boil water very good a bush buddy stove be a better stove make them out of a cat food can them do soot up your pot so dont go camping in your best set clothes lol
@rlmarin1968 12 лет назад
How about putting the cup on the bottom of the Nalgene bottle, then putting the coffee can over the top...so you have a cup AND boiling vessel AND water storage. Just a suggestion.
@DualFieldBandit 12 лет назад
OK..... with the coffee can on the bottom of the bottle take the stainless steel cup and slide it over the top now you got two containers no extra room required!!!
@RamenShamen 11 лет назад
Sterno isn't a very good solution considering its weight to btu output. The DIY stoves you referred to (I believe) are alcohol stoves. There are many designs, e.g. cat stove, open jet, pressure jet, and hoop. Zen alcohol stoves has free and easy designs (the cat (food can) stove being one of the lightest and easiest to make). Use 100% denatured alcohol or HEET. Sterno IS denat. alcohol w/ spill stop gel. You could probably carry 3x the btu's in alcohol. vs sterno for the same weight.
@brimstone33 12 лет назад
OK. Here's the the real deal canteen vs. Nalgene. Nalgene used to make laboratory containers. Long before "survivalism" got conflated with "camping", mountain climbers started using Nalgene bottles BECAUSE in cold weather a normal canteen opening will quickly freeze closed, long before the rest of the water. Leading to you dieing of thirst at high altitude. A large Nalgene mouth can be chipped free of ice. Canteens carry MUCH better on your hip- and don't hurt nearly as much if you fall on it.
@luckyx16 12 лет назад
While I appreciate reviews on items I have not tried yet. My big pet peeves on reviews is when people are n ot sure of the points of interest they want to cover. This leads to a ton of talking just to let us know they are still breathing and interjections. This guy says Umm, a minimum of 15 times in the first 5 minutes of the video. That said, it is just a critique, but a good video.
@survivor31971 12 лет назад
Good vid.The US GI canteen cups are stainless steel they just have a sandblasted finish and oh yeah gorilla brand tape all the way, i'm a firm believer in packing a good size roll of it i think it's worth it's weight in gold. I subbed you yesterday and like your vids and sensible wisdom keep them comming and thanks for your efforts.
@brimstone33 12 лет назад
There are no "heavy chems" used in municipal water treatment systems. Chlorine is used. Same stuff that's in salt. Municipal systems treat sewage, then release it into the surface water features. They typically draw supply water from underground, then treat it. They do not recycle "brown" water into drinking water.
@memyselfandeye1234 12 лет назад
you may like to look up sodium fluoride in water supplys mate. look up how it is made not the natural stuff (bad any way)when it was used in history where it comes from why they say it is in water and professionals that say it should not be in there. fact most bottle water is tap water with additives minerals ect. peace n love all stay safe pip
@LibertyLeslie 11 лет назад
Better chance of getting it from a restaurant since that is what chefs prefer to cook with......There are no credible studies to verify the aluminum poisoning SCARE anyway. Aluminum is lighter, stainless is more durable. I don't know why water tastes better out of stainless steel.
@thegoods34 12 лет назад
how would you separate the purified boiled water from the particulate if you didn't have another container to pour the boiling water into? If the Guyot is all you had, good luck drinking the nasty stuff that settles at the bottom of your bottle. I'll stick to my nalgene and gsi cup.
@shannonbtanner 12 лет назад
Dave Caterbury sells a huge nesting cup on his site for it that can be cooked in rather easy, he actually sells a pathfinder stainless bottle and that big nesting cup for $35, the same price as the Guyot designs bottle by it's self but it's not as thick walled but still a good buy and a good bottle
@Nightl3lade 12 лет назад
@RECOIL64 my tap water tastes like shit, i use a simple brita and its 1000% better
@brimstone33 12 лет назад
Yes. A better, lighter, more energy dense solution is to carry 'Esbit" style solid fuel tabs and perhaps a tiny folding "stove", thought rocks, sticks or a simple groove dug inot the ground work fine. The Esbit is also a primo wood fire starter.
@RoninIchiban2008 12 лет назад
@BigSean1992 I think bacteria cannot live past 160degF, so if the water is boiling it has obviously passed through that point. Just a visual device in leiu of a thermometer. Maybe that's what was meant. Good vid. Lots of ideas to stuff in a condor pouch.
@morgandewolfe 12 лет назад
David Wendel ( YT channel - bushcraftonfire ) has a excellent video of making a backpackable Hobo stove. I made one and have given up on all my other stoves as long as I can find about a double handful of pencil size+ sticks. :)
@embaradosmithingandwoodcraft 9 лет назад
last i looked Canterbury ti cup was 42 bucks 8x the price of the ss cup at walmart
@jamesaritchie2 8 лет назад
+embarado smithing and woodcraft You must have looked cross-eyed.
@embaradosmithingandwoodcraft 8 лет назад
realy so how much is it now
@embaradosmithingandwoodcraft 8 лет назад
cause it if it is still 42 as i suspect the titanium to be or more and the Ozark SS is as i saw yesterday still 5 bucks that makes the TI 8 plus times as much and it dont do any better a job its only advantage is weight and to me IT AINT WORTH THE DIFFERENCE IN PRICE as im not a GRAM WEENIE so ya go look up Canterbury's ti cup an if its less than 4 saw bucks ya send me a link if not buzz off
@embaradosmithingandwoodcraft 8 лет назад
you go look for your self hears a link y to the one that nests with the nell gean bottles the price has come down in last 30 months but still near 8x the price and only advantage is a reduction in weight and i have a 1 qt SS POT that is actually lighter in weight i diy it to a cook pot it cost me $.88 so in my extream its 39 x mote for the Titanium Pot 750ML Titanium Pot $38.95 www.selfrelianceoutfitters.com/750ml-titanium-pot/
@embaradosmithingandwoodcraft 8 лет назад
and with that my accuracy rate remains at 99.9875% never question your mental superiors you'll get taken to the wood shed
@79outlaw 12 лет назад
totally agree. However I can find a GI surp. canteen set for way less money than just the Goyot stainless 32oz bottle alone. heard of a stainless Stanley 24oz on the cheap. haven't seen it in Hawaii though.
@korboismywaifu 12 лет назад
@PrepnB4Y2K My personal opinion is if your in an area with a large population (and industry) it won't be safe at all to drink the water. Just prep and have enough water to last you till you make it to a safe location.
@MontysMotos 12 лет назад
Having been in the Army I make it a general rule to avoid stuff that the Army uses. As a civilian I have a choice in which product to purchase, which creates competition and a better product.
@dustya1982 12 лет назад
for the coffee can pot braided picture hanging wire works grate and can be used for many other things i keep 25 foot of it in my pack 6$ at walmart pop can alcohol stove condor h2o pouch good 20 go
@Warlock359 12 лет назад
At sea level you just have to bring your water to a rolling boil. However if you are at altitude you have to let your water boil longer. Just google for more info.
@Warlock359 12 лет назад
The only thing I don't like about the coffee can method. Is that over the long term a coffee can could start to leak at the seams, but short term it's a great idea
@jakk222rem 11 лет назад
I use both. The canteen is my cook/water carrier, and I use the nalgeen bottle to store and measure dry foods like rice, beans and oats. The nesting cup I use as a "dirty" cup to dip water prior to purification.
@bc46488 12 лет назад
hey try your cup on the bottom and your can on top of your bottle. with the tape set up like you have it now. you might have room for your fuel too,
@JoannaJedrzejczyksForehead 12 лет назад
@79outlaw they have the Stanley stainless water bottles at Walmart for like 5 or 6 bucks. Just as good as anything you will find
@survivor31971 12 лет назад
@BonnieBlue2A Just burn off the enamel in a fire and then scrubb the insideof the can with a brillo pad and your good to go.
@urflofit2010 12 лет назад
13.00 for a cup? I looked it up-that seems a lot to me. that doesn't include shipping either
@mardianaana393 3 года назад
Nalgene alternative ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-PK1VuTYbS1Y.html base on the thumbnail 😉
@Punknudder 11 лет назад
Darn near impossible to boil two cups of water indoors with sterno. Don't think I'd even try sterno outdoors.
@Frequenz643 12 лет назад
search for: schweizer notkocher - a perfect solution for your cooker problem!
@hoosierarcher 11 лет назад
Several companys make bags/pouches that hold Nalgene bottles with cups.
@lipa90 12 лет назад
Cool video i have bcb crusader and trangia stainless steel mess kit
@bruceinnawoods3610 12 лет назад
Is there any chance of getting aluminium poisoning from the army canteen cup?
@StatenIslandPrepper 12 лет назад
the bad part about stainless steel instead of nalgene is that the SS is hard to handle when hot,,,trust me---ouch!!
@thomasmusso1147 4 года назад
Yes ..
@timlipinski2571 10 лет назад
Should show one more type; a two or three quart/liter water bladder with drinking hose. Carry everything in a day pack and you will not have to call 9 1 1 from the cell phone. Remember the "The Ten Essentials". I have a water filter; but in NM not too much water in the wilderness... Eyes UP and lights down, tjl Sent by Win7Pro64 w/ADSL
@erinowl4407 10 лет назад
Thanks for the video. There are GREAT belt carriers for your set up that are in fact much better than the army canteen carrier. Check out Ultimate Survival Tips channel video: "DIY - Survival / Bug Out Water & Filter Kit - EDC - Emergency - Sawyer / Klean Kanteen / GSI". It can carry fire, survival gear, etc. No need for a pack.
@speedimusmaximus9636 11 лет назад
maxpedition makes a nice carry case/sleeve for the nalgene bottles.
@mantorok09 10 лет назад
Several companies out there that make water bottle sleeves and holders. I have a pair of 48oz Nalgenes (about one and a half 32oz bottles tall) and I have really high quality insulating sleeves with leak proof YKK zipper lid. Outer shell is heavy duty nylon, lid and bottom are thick rubber so you can set it down anywhere and not worry about the ground tearing through. And they come with long, 2in wide, full velcro straps for securing to the belt, packs, etc. But yeah, you can find many other companies as others have posted.
@BillHinson 12 лет назад
There is no chance of aluminum poisoning from canteen cup
@Patriot7476 12 лет назад
U.S. MOLLE Sustainment Pouch works great for my Nalgene bottle.
@alanvalentinus 12 лет назад
too bad you didn't have the canteen cup stove stuck on there too.
@longrider42 11 лет назад
Condor H20 10x4 inch insulated Molle compatible pouch,
@demoniack81 11 лет назад
Careful, the UV light could damage the plastic of the bottle.
@codybrady100 12 лет назад
does the msr filter water into the bottle or from the bottle
@johntewelow3770 12 лет назад
your sterno pot stand could be made from a tuna can, they have a good fit with sterno. BUT STERNO WILL NOT BOIL, maybe a hobo stove from your nesting can would be a good option. i saw you do have a water filter so boiling may not be as much of a concern
@thomasmusso1147 4 года назад
'Sterno' .. have never used it. Alcohol-based Gel Fuel (Sicherheitsbrennpaste) DOES boil water. I use it all the time. Where I live, easier to source and cheaper than the Debit Tabs.
@brianminkc 10 лет назад
I like having a stainless water bottle. That way you can heat in the water bottle your supply for the afternoon. The nalgene is not how I would do it.
@6daemonic6 2 года назад
Molle canteen pouch will hold the nalgene
@douglasconrad7121 11 лет назад
weight is critical. could you weigh each setup please ?
@jimsmith9470 10 лет назад
Those stainless cups are great. I used your idea of the nalgene bottle fitting into them for my bob's. They are about $5-6 at Wal-mart. Great cups. I use them on weekly backpacking trips. An ultra-lighter would argue for the titanium, but at about 5 times the price
@jamiemurphy3633 6 лет назад
You can get a titanium cup from China it takes about 30 days to get here for 20 or $25 same good quality is toaks titanium
@JHunnicutt730 6 лет назад
Camelback and Rothco both make a water bottle pouch for around $25 that will hold the 32oz Nalgene and the steel cup similar to the issues Army canteens.
@Titanykus 10 лет назад
Thats true John, but you do prepare and gather the best possible equipment, tools, etc before anything right? So in the process why not go the best way!
@nickjohnston7739 11 лет назад
looks like a GSI Glacier Stainless Bottle cup.
@QuaabQueb 12 лет назад
you should cut a small slit on the lower warping of duck tape so when you remove and place the cup on there the air can escape and not create a vacuum
@smokescreen3670 10 лет назад
being a survivalist what do you do when ,the goverment in your area dont know how too make a good dental plan for everyone as we the people not we in a tax bracket or shool program
@joekkl 12 лет назад
No, no, no. Weight.
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