
Astral Travel, What it is, Why it happens, Signs that you have experienced it. Spiritual Awakening 

Divine Harmony 22 《Nadia》
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What is Astral Travel? Why it happens? Signs that you have experienced it.



23 сен 2024




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@scorpiogirlva8421 2 месяца назад
That's why I have no fear. I know other worlds exist. I visit them every time I disconnect from this reality. This world is draining. That's why we feel replenished after a good night's sleep.
@theemperor2017 Месяц назад
@malindamoyer1192 10 месяцев назад
I started my awakening back in 2021. Lately I have had strange things happen to me at night, like hearing mumbling or people moving around in my house that semi wake me up, but I would never go and investigate because I figured I was just dreaming. So I got up at 5:30 this morning. Got my kids off to school. I didn’t have to be to work until 12 today so I laid back down to get some more sleep for a couple hours. I fell asleep on my back, which I don’t usually do. then I woke up to hearing noises outside of my bedroom, I decided to get up this time. when I got up to see what the noises were, I realized I wasn't walking, I was floating across the floor. The noises were outside of my room and I went to open the door, but I stopped and looked at myself sleeping on the bed. I could only see the figure of myself, and I wanted to see myself closer so I went over and really looked, I was still sleeping in the bed. I looked back over at the door because I wanted to know what was out there, but I felt like my body was calling me back in. So I went back into my body. I didn’t try to do this. I wasn’t practicing astral projection, I didn’t watch videos before going back to sleep about it. This video really helped me to confirm that I actually did do this.
@BiancaMoonGendron 11 часов назад
I often hear this too.Its like conversation, even laughter. but they sound too faraway to understand. Also, theres usually music- as in someone playing an instrument. Like a flute or some kind of wood wind.
@kiwalker5286 Месяц назад
I astral traveled last night and I woke up with so much anxiety.. I feel like my heart is racing.. It took me awhile to get back to my body I had to fight and that could be why.. I feel like I want to cry.. super emotional and I’m not a very emotional person.. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.. I been pouring through a ton of videos this morning to find something I can relate to and yours was very helpful and one part really stuck out to me.. Thank you so much again..
@Krishnadeevani 4 года назад
Knowing Vs believing !! Wow ! Your thoughts run deeep !
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Hello my love 💙😇🌠
@jezneedle9577 3 года назад
Thanks for this video. I've had a long history of sleep paralysis and it felt like entities were in the room with me. The last time it happened a woman slowly whispered my name in my ear. It's been a few years since this happened. Now in current times I've been experiencing a lot of different symptoms in my body. I had my first mini vision weeks ago and then lately i've been waking in the middle of the night feeling like my body is vibrating/buzzing. It feels like electricity is vibrating through me at such intense levels that it's really uncomfortable. I usually fight it, which makes it worse and I toss and turn all night. Last night I decided to surrender to the vibrations. After a short time my body felt heavy and expanded. Then I floated above my body and into space. When I realized I was no longer in my body I decided to travel to a planet that I've lived on before. I met alligator beings with consciousness and awareness like humans. They were both happy and surprised to see me. I consciously remember feeling that what was happening to me felt more real than living in a human body. I hope I can experience more of this with the ability to maintain information and knowledge that I glean from other worlds and dimensions. Human form feels so fuzzy, heavy, and dense. It's so limiting .
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
That's amazing. The buzzing and vibrating I felt was also very intense. And yes the human form does limit us. But we are meant to live this life for now. Thank you for sharing your experience. Blessings to you. 🙏🏽🌠💛
@astairehotye5227 2 года назад
Wow I recently experienced an off world experience and not for some reason I can go there at will every night.
@OyAtheGoddesS562 3 месяца назад
I didn’t know what was going on. Happened 3 maybe 4 times. Yes, the buzzing. I remember exactly what the voice said. My body had an orange tint, I felt like only part of my body was floating , not my entire body. Sounded like a generator was in my head but the voice was clear. It was definitely an experience. I haven’t been able to talk to anyone about it because nobody understands so I shut up and read as much as I can to understand what the hell was happening. I spoke with a few people that took some kind of drug to do this but their stories didn’t feel the same to me. I wondered, who would want to experience this purposely. I was shook. I hear the same persons name every time it’s happened. I see them too. I’m not sure why. Thank you for this video. It’s so old and I didn’t search for the topic, you/this video appeared in my feed. Divine timing indeed. To help my stalking you i simply subscribed to your channel.l for notifications and alerts. I appreciate you sharing. Take care. ~
@OyAtheGoddesS562 3 месяца назад
Oh and what do I do now? I forgot I had a question. The video got me all excited to hear a similar story of what I have experienced. I forgot to mention a light came from my chest area. The voice said, “we’re giving you something”. Then the little light was put back inside of me but I don’t remember where. I kept asking what is this? The voice told me to relax because I could go crazy. Um… I think I’m there Mr. Voice that I can’t see. I saw a few things and I would yell, what the hell is that. I was told not to worry about those things. But I was in my room. How do you not worry? I ended up freaking out and telling the voice I wasn’t ready to be there and I wanted to go. But every time I hear a name of a person I know and k immediately take off to their location. I’m at their door. But I never go in because it’s like I know or believe that I’m in real time and going in uninvited is an invasion to their privacy. Why do I keep hearing their name being yelled and thinking they are in trouble I don’t know. Why am I so afraid when the buzzing and the heat comes I don’t know. I’ve tried to relax every time. I really do. But when my wall started opening and I knew before going to bed my door was closed but in the astral projection it’s open. I couldn’t stop focusing on, why is my door open when I know I closed it. Why is the wall opening? I kept feeling I need protection. Not sure from what but I do. I also heard, you’re a healer. I only want to understand all of this. How is it that nobody i personally know has experienced this. I’m sure my answers I’ll stumble on. Because your video was definitely a stumble and you have helped me so much by giving 15 min of your time to explain your experience and with that you have let me know I’m not alone. And gave me confidence to experience it without fear. Thank you!
@finishtobeginpodcast9562 2 года назад
Crazy thing is, I was JUST telling my coworker about this happening to me today. I first felt bodily vibrations in 2018 and it happened to me about 8 times. It is an amazing feeling. I searched the internet for answers but I found nothing. I met a woman 2 years later that told me that I was about to astral travel and I caught it right before it happened. Now the average non believer would say it's nonsense, but....my body still vibrated. I was fully aware and awake and I don't have seizures . Peace, love, and prosperity to you and yours!! To you ALL!!!! ❤️
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 2 года назад
She's right...It's really nice that you have had someone around you to give you some insight. It was happening to me and I was so lost at the time. It is an amazing feeling. Now I get a lot of tingling all over when I'm dozing off. And that really feels good too. I'm not really sure why that's happening.
@MrSergeantsmooth 4 года назад
I've experienced all of the things you explained, especially the vibrating movements and sweats. Also the feeling of floating and sometimes falling. I used to wake up when experiencing the falling sensations because I didn't understand what was happening at first, but now I do. I've also started to become conscious of myself while sleeping and have begun controlling what happens in my dreams. The weird thing is a little after I start doing so, I wake up. Now I'm trying to work on staying in that state without waking.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Man that's awesome. I very rarely even remember my dreams. These experiences didn't start happening until I started feeling all kinds of other Awakening Symptoms. I hope that I will be able to start remembering and even controlling my dreams. 🙏
@MrSergeantsmooth 4 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia I'm sure you will! For me it's more of a reawakening I guess. As a kid I used to see and hear spirits and energies. My family thought I was weird and my cousins used to tease me and intentionally scare me knowing I told them I experienced this stuff. They didn't know any better though. Sense I didn't have anyone to help me understand or build on it, I started ignoring it and then it decreased, but it never went away!
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
@@MrSergeantsmooth Wow, psychic.... I always felt like someone was around me when I was little but never seen or heard them. But one time I was hallucinating screaming about a snake in the corner that wasn't there. My sister always talks about it. Now after this awakeninng I have experienced sounds pressure and high pitches in my ears. It seems to be getting stronger.
@MrSergeantsmooth 4 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia It's definitely refreshing to be able to speak with people who can understand these experiences! I'm actually starting to sense more and more people breaking away from the programming of this world and reconnecting to what's natural, and also opening up those abilities built into each one of us.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
@@MrSergeantsmooth I was energetically pushed and guided to making this channel. And now I see that it was not just to get info and share it, but to help myself learn from others. Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you.💙
@portalofwonder 7 месяцев назад
i had OBE’s as a kid while fully awake. i’d have double perspective of playing with my friends but also watching us play from the ceiling recently it’s been happening in dream state every now and then. had one where I was with another being and we were without bodies flying through outer space and I saw soooo many planets it was so beautiful. we stopped off at one planet that had a sort of dense foamy atmosphere and the other being and I took a tool and scraped some of the atmosphere as samples. i’ve been put through simulations by entities. they taught me breathing through fear and the second time I remember this dream I had the knowing that I had “passed” another time recently I remembered very vividly being asleep and floating to the top of my bedroom curtains. I felt a lot of pull to go back into my body but I kept saying to myself “a liiiiiittle higher a litttle more!” and when I reached the curtains the pull was too strong and I was sucked back to my body thank you for this video! it helps me put my own experiences into perspective. I have the knowing!
@CristinaRubin 4 месяца назад
Thanks for the sharing, some of the things you've describe i relate to astral projection, some to OBE, some to interdimensional/time traveling, some to vibid dreaming. I do experience everything you've mentioned when asleep and lately when awake to...my soul travels during the day also if i am calm and static. That buzzing and vibrating i perceive as synchronization with Universe and it doesn't happen to me when about to teavel or returning from it. I do feel when soul is entering tge body or leaving it and to me it's not the connect/disconnect that buzz...it does occurr though when somthing sidden happens in this reality or astral that makes you awaken when not ready...that's when your soul falls back into your body (usually when got surprised/scared by something) and that fall into the body forces tge body to reactivate and your neurological system got the electrical/vibrational pulse suddenly..it's just like an electrical shock...then you feel weak and buzzy and troumbling/vibrating. That's why you perceive it as connecting or disconnecting but it's not. That floating thing like swing left and right is when you actually teleport not astral travel...that's the feeling when your merkabba gets activated for traveling. I usually teleport and that's how it fills...like kind of spinning left/right...i experience it when traveling to far dimensions tgen o don't see tge way to there it's just like a leap into another dimension but i do feel it's spin stronger when i teleport back. Stay blessed 🙏🙏
@bluemoongoddess2370 Месяц назад
One morning I woke up and it felt like my bed was spinning. I closed my eyes and held onto the bed until I felt like I wasn’t spinning anymore! There are times when I feel like I am moving or floating but I am not moving. I was thinking maybe my guides or a spiritual presence are around. It takes me 40 minutes to an hour to become fully awake in the morning. Oh wow
@Lightness455 2 года назад
This has happened to me several times, floating, paralysis, visiting new places etc. It's a very weird experience but rly interesting.
@lebogangbodiba6065 4 месяца назад
...but I wake up suffocating, I seriously struggle coming back to "life" 😔, it's very scary.
@Incognito_Icon 2 года назад
I was lectured as well during a near death experience. I really wish I could remember what was said. But yes, you’re right. This topic is very interesting. Love your channel. 💗
@iytrahrhnegtive8109 23 дня назад
That's crazy how I get the you put in to words on what I keep going through with my journey to my understanding I couldn't understand what I was going through but the way you worded that I couldn't find better words to tell you how I feel in the moment of impact of departure or return but it's the most weirdest creepyst but yet the best high ever feels so good it hurts almost than the whole time you are questioning is this really happening to me or not 😮😮😮 wow thanks for your words to describe the feelings I am experiencing
@eighty8propertiesgh 5 месяцев назад
Just realised ive travelled many times without knowing,
@eighty8propertiesgh 5 месяцев назад
I will work on that to see what it has in store for me because I think it happens for a reason
@LaReina52110 3 года назад
This happened to me while meditating this morning. I thought I had fallen asleep and then realized that I couldn’t move! I’m scary too...lol! Thank you for this video. I feel much better about it now. You are a blessing! Thank you thank you thank you!
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
You're very welcome. Thank you for sharing. I never experienced the sleep paralysis. I know that has to be scary. But I'm learning that it was only scary because we didn't understand it. Love and light 💛💫
@LaReina52110 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia yes it was scary but now I understand that because I was still on the fence as far as really knowing that the sprit world is real they had to show me. I am still scared to see the faces and of that feeling of not being able to move and I have asked the angels to take away my fear so we will see what happens. I feel as though I am being pushed toward sharing my story as you were with creating this channel and I also feel like you did as far as what will I say to anyone or how will I be able to teach anyone while I am still trying to figure out what this all means for me as well. Watching you gives me inspiration and I feel as if we are life long friends and I relate to so much of what you have experienced its crazy to me but I know I found you for a reason. I am so happy you decided to follow your heart and make this channel for people like me! Love and blessing to you! Thank you again!
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
I never knew any of this would mean so much to anyone. But it's beautiful, Thank you so much for your appreciation. We are drawn to each other for a reason. Love and light Starseed. 🕊🌠💛
@AwakenedSoul223 2 года назад
@@LaReina52110 Do it!!! Start your channel! My spiritual awakening is also in full force... still figuring it all out as well but like you I feel like I am also being called to speak about my experiences, both the awakening and my Twin Flamr journey... which catapulted my awakening... lol. BUT YES!!! DO IT!!! ❤🙌🏾💪🏾🙏🏽
@keeonahedrick1978 3 года назад
Thank you for the video. This happened to me for the first time last night and honestly if was a little scary but at the same time peaceful.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
You're welcome love. Yes before understanding what it was, it definitely scared me. Still learning to shake the fear off. Lol Thank you for sharing. Blessings ⭐☀️🌙💛
@Eventsmadesimple 4 месяца назад
So I appreciate you so much! You are SO RIGHT!!! I have been having night terrors - like bad. For about 10 years and I started recently traveling with my friends and every time I wake them up screaming or breathing hard. I decided I was going to go to a hypnosis person because I didn’t want to take medicine. She did a chakra cleanse on me and last night I consciously astral traveled LAST NIGHT. Apparently I’ve been doing this regularly which is why I have had night terrors. Let me tell you my experience Woke up with a whoosh whoosh whoosh deep sound and my body started rising and vibrating… I seriously thought there was an invasion or something. I tried to shake my boyfriend and yell to get him awake.. and I realized I was not in the same dimension as him. A little scared to sleep now - but I’ve been very interested by this.
@laikapierre734 4 года назад
I had all of that symptoms when I was younger every night. Because I didn’t understand what was going on I had issues with sleeping because I was scared to go through the symptoms. Especially SLEEP PARALYSIS it’s a horrible feeling man I couldn’t move because my spirit was out while my body was awake and I used to have a big headache. My heart used to always race like crazy I had to calm down and if I didn’t I would stay like this for ten minutes seeing shadow figures even tho it was really chairs or clothes or shoes around my room. I haven’t tried it yet but now hearing your point of view I’ll give it another try. By the way what is that instrumental music in the background it’s very soothing ??? @Divine Harmony 22 *Nadia*
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
I've heard many stories people have had with sleep paralysis. It never sounds like a nice experience. I hope I never feel it. Lol I never try to astral travel. But now that I know what it is. I know what I've experienced. The music is produced by my daughters father. 🤗 Thank you for sharing your experience. Sending high Vibrations and beautiful energy your way. May all of your experiences be filled with blissful feelings and angelic beings.
@khalilwilliams1818 2 года назад
sleep paralysis I had it multiple time sometimes unconsciously when I wake up or when meditating consciously trying to come out. the spirit animated the body and it comes back in layers if it isn't fully in the body when you become conscious you can't move thats really it. you may see some thing because you are looking into diffent dimensions
@champagnefranklin5515 2 года назад
I have sleep paralysis every night! I know I do it all the time
@ladyoblivious 2 года назад
I was curious if I'd been astral traveling for some time now, I'd always wake up to this jolt feeling. It always felt like I'd fell down onto my bed or something, but no dreams or vision, but I always have an idea that something had happened. Though this usually happens when I'm dead tired, but I usually listen to music or videos that make me laugh to keep any paranoia or anxiety away when I sleep, been doing this since I was a child. Legit took the radio out of the kitchen and put it next to my bed just so I could sleep.
@shylalogan704 4 года назад
ive recently discovered that iam a seer , and this happens to every single day of my life. I have seen things that are completely "impossible" in this mental world . that pressure you were talking about I experience it every morning and I stay up through the night but ican feel it all through the night. its usually right after I have what icall a autopilot moment . it usually happens talking to my friends about amazing things or when im writing . im experiencing it now, because right before iwatched this video I typed in my notes more than a little of the same exact things youre saying. once iwatched the video and realized it the pressure in my chest came .
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Wow, you are really connected to the unseen. 🤗😇🦋
@shylalogan704 4 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia yes more and more i realized how deep it really is
@daddyswagdollar8433 4 года назад
Thank you very much because my first astral travel was yesterday and I can finally know what's going on.
@BlocksaverMax 4 года назад
I remember it was a crazy experience, coming back from astral traveling I started hearing helicopter-type noises and I started floating through the calling of the closet I was in (in the astral travel). The helicopter noises kept getting louder and louder until my eyes were closed. I was just praying I wasn't being obducted!! I then opened my eyes seeing what I could only explain as incredible, I can't really explain what I saw in words, but the best way I can put it is it was almost a high if you go into your photo editor and Posterize you image all the way down (which creates this really weird effect). While I saw that the helicopter-type noises were still really loud and I could see myself coming into my body (It looked like my head was jerking back into my body a million times per second). Once I finally made it into my body in my perifrial vision I could see ones and zeros strangely enough... Could this be further proof that we're in a matrix? I'm just still shocked by the experience, luckily my mom told me what happened when I went back downstairs. *Phew*
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
That's wild.. I've heard friends say they see writing and numbers in their visions.
@ellachirinos3685 4 года назад
Ok so I have a question, this happened to me last week. I’ve astral traveled before but , I never heard the helicopter noise and felt there was something hovering and there was another sound as if a scratching and an image trying to surface but, I woke myself up Bc I was nervous as to where it was going.
@BlocksaverMax 4 года назад
​@@ellachirinos3685, I would have no idea where you would be going, I was in a small room off a parking garage unfinished (just boards and a structure with a big window in front of me) and then I and some other random people had to hide because out the window we saw someone coming. Then we all went different ways, someone went into a crawl-space, I went into a finished house looking room/building and a grandma-person ran by me and started smashing the keys of a piano in a room, I then went into a closet off to the side of the door and I started hearing the Helicopter noise again. I then started floating through the ceiling and I could see the closet below me I was in, but everything outside of it was just a black void. Finally, I woke up with the experience I explained prior. *Most of the time* I feel like these experiences are random, or have a deeper meaning to them, but they seem random. ...Technically, we're going out of our bodies, so we could easily be going into some other dimension or something similar. Don't know if I answered your question enough, but Astral Traveling isn't all explainable a lot of the time.
@ashley-nicolemusic6778 3 года назад
I remembered!! I woke up to these energies and remembrance of a dream. I was then able to identify the energies!! Part of my soul visited someone dearest to my heart a half a country away and I felt what they were experiencing and thinking when I awoke. My soul visited my dearest while I was sleeping. So beautiful.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Sure sounds beautiful. 🙏🏽🌠🕊
@ashley-nicolemusic6778 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 🙏🏾❤️
@amberlywilliams8351 4 года назад
Thanks so much number 44 has lead me to you been watching your videos for hours and this one has really opened my eyes you explained to me what I been going through to a tee, and when I say it’s jaw dropping I’m still learning all this and trying to learn all of this it’s funny that the time was 4:04 once I finished this video as well as me being the 144 like so I know for sure this was meant for me thanks so much because this has truly helped me hopefully I will continue to understand as I continue to watch you’re videos I been experiencing so much that I don’t really understand but Im willing to continue to soul search because it’s so drawing to me
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Wow, The Universe is so amazing. I'm really happy that it all resonates with you. Being drawn to this info is a sign of you awakeninng. Thank you for sharing. Many blessings, love and light on your journey. 🌈💞
@divinegod9171 2 года назад
Yes that's what the universe shows you that it brings to the right people at the right timing I was more comfortable with myself after that happy to know the of the universe truly is a beautiful and its going to keep leading to you to all the knowledge that's meant for you to know in innerstand Queen 👁 👑
@davecarpenter8850 4 года назад
Yo I had no idea what was happening and I was terrified. This video I’m sure will change my life. I have so much to learn. And I found the answers I was looking for. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so grateful for you, this video and your ability to describe and catalog these symptoms! Your a blessing my dear :) thanks
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
You are very welcome my friend. I'm so pleased that it resonated with you. You are in Alignment. Sending you love and light. 💛💫
@son_of_hiskingdom5092 Год назад
seems like im constantly having these experiences but cant control it. everything you named, i have had happened to me. i just have a very hard time controlling it.
@Observant_Truth 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for your insights! Love your style. I'm just now learning about astral projection, had no idea what I was experiencing.
@gogoscorner1111 7 месяцев назад
I’ve been traveling since I can remember.. I thought astral projection and traveling were different things so I knew I was astral traveling but I would tell people that I still have to learn how to astral project lol. This clears up some things and I appreciate you. I’m experiencing too many things at the moment to mention, but now I’m excited to lie down and see if I can visit some places that I love ❤️
@numerologicatarot3333 Год назад
I’ve been astrally projecting since early on. I have always been aware of it but never knew what it was called. My dreams are almost always vivid/lucid. I live meta w/o having a choice. These things are being given names in the western hemisphere but truly, they are well-known world wide outside of the West.
@lesterhall5145 Год назад
I was paralyzed from the neck down and in an iron lung at two in 1946 with polio. I was Quarantined from my family. I found myself standing looking out the Window from the umpteenth story of the hospital looking out the window at traffic below. I suppose I was hoping to see my mom and dads car but it was dark and could only see headlights. I made a full recovery except for some muscle loss in one leg. I some times close my eyes and see faces. Some I know some and some i dont know.
@alyricasheliathomas8183 8 месяцев назад
Thank you Queen 👑 Nadia I've died before (Jan 2002) had NDE Very helpful info 😊
@444jk6 Год назад
Oh my God , this is something I have tried to explain to myself and to people close to me , I’m 42 and I have struggled to explain this on what is happening to me and u have explained the exact thing I have or I go through every day 😮 I have been scared all my life till today I came across this I need to speak to you more
@themoonisalwaysfull6480 2 года назад
I’ve astral traveled while awake and find it easy to leave my body at any time!
@earthbrother4549 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing. I had an astral projection and could let go and just flow with it because I thought I was high on drugs. Then I came back to this reality and realised I was actually sober 😂 this has completely changed my perspective on everything.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
🤣 the things our minds will make us believe.
@whitney6609 Год назад
Hello so glad I found your channel 💙 this is what happened to me last night and nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I went to bed and was just laying there for a while with my eyes closed and then all of a sudden I visualised these really really tall trees and I felt my body floating through them up into the blue sky. I couldn't actually see myself do this but it felt as though I was there. And just after this happened my fiance laying in the bed next to me who was nearly asleep said to me "did you just get out of bed" ..but I hadn't and it was so so strange and it's been playing on my mind lol
@Cpazza 3 года назад
Thanks Nadia for your post, I am glad I am not the only one experiencing strange things in this life. I had sleep paralysis a couple of years ago, it was the most frightening experience as I could not move my body but was wide awake and just laid there trapped and panic stricken. x
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
You're very welcome. I've heard so many people experience that. It definitely sounds scary.
@Cpazza 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia lovely to connect with you xx
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Yes Indeed. Love and light. 💞💫
@susankerkhoff1233 4 года назад
Apropos and Felicity are two of the spirit guides around me. You may be able to pick up on their energy a little if I just mention! They are helping lots of people and are full of lots of discernments about the spirit family in the Universe! ~ @PsychicSuesie
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Interesting, I would love to pick up on their energy. Right now there is a shift happening for me. 🌄
@Jaems_Scott 2 года назад
I developed a technique for Astral Projection, by understanding how a pattern created the Projection when I went to bed. I would go out for walks almost every night. Then I thought I was on a walk, when I woke up in a dream state, causing me to float up and down the street, back into my living room, then into my body where I was resting on the couch --- I realized, by visualizing on a common place for myself as I lay down to sleep, I could wake up there, out of my body --- to start off this practice, I would use a place close enough to build up to longer distances. I find that, just visualizing on the doorknob of my front door, with my hand on it, as my thoughts drift from me, will put me in that place.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 2 года назад
Amazing...🙏 I love to hear how people experience this. It even gives me insight to my experiences. I was above my home looking at the sky and became conscious. Scared the shit out of me before I knew I was projecting. Thank you for sharing love. 🕊🤍🙏
@Jaems_Scott 2 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia = That's beautiful. I appreciate reading and listening to others who also have spiritual curiosities and experiences. My first Astral Projection experience was kind of scary. I knew about it, and had friends who had been attempting to do controlled exploration. But non had much success. One friend had a little bit control, but it was minor. For me, I was in bed, and starting feeling some shifting in my energy. It shifted to a little bit of a tug. I was excited, but nervous at the same time. Then, I suddenly felt this almost pull, when I lifted up. But it was at night, and everything was dark, except for what looked like blue static against the blackness. Freaked me out, that I just sat straight up in bed, my heart pounding. The second experience was much better, but somewhat disappointing. I woke up in the morning, feeling amazing. I was laying in bed, face up. I though, wow, I can't remember the last time I was so relaxed and energetic to start the day. I told myself, I'm going to get up and start off the day early. Went to sit up; then watch my room spin around; finding myself laying face down on my waterbed, super tired. I was already out of my body and didn't realize it. Attempting to get up put me right back in my body. I was disappointed by not knowing I had successfully projected --- Yet, at the same time, I was happy that I was developing a technique. It was years later when I came up with the visualization technique. I hope this wasn't too long a read. I'm just please to be able to share with others. Love & Light, Blessings to you 😊 🙏
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 2 года назад
Not long at all. I appreciate you sharing it.🤍 I'm sitting here thinking about that second experience you just explained. That would've had my mind blown all day. Just wow! My experience always ends with sparks and electricity as I connect back to the physical body. I was amazed for months. It's when I realized that we really are energy.
@famosoworld1643 4 года назад
A good time to astral project we gooing to be on quarantine like for year lol this good way to Escape reality
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Correct ☀️🙏🌙
@famosoworld1643 4 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia and Good time to Collective consciousness
@soundlesswolfp2203 8 месяцев назад
I always wonder if there was something wrong with me. It's been happening to me since I was a kid. To this day, I'm almost 50 and still don't know what's wrong with me. I always feel the disconnection and be somewhere or at the same place where I'm at. I I could see what's going on in my house, at that moment. I am experiencing the vibration and my foot would twitch involuntarily, or started feeling some ache on my foot or hands. I think that is my body fighting what ever it is that's going to happen. I also experience where I was floating, where I could see myself and my husband with our daughter sleeping and I would just float back in my body. I also experience where my body gets so heavy and I could see myself going through the floor and ended up somewhere else. But I am always aware that it's either I'm asleep or or I'm about to fall asleep. But now, what's happening is more weird because I am still awake but my eyes were close trying to fall asleep, I could feel something pulling out of me, like a rubber and being pulled when I resist it, it's like when you let go off that rubber band after being pulled. Now for the first time, a nestling is going on ,where it's in a slow motion. I don't know what it means, sowhen I saw your video I kind a understand a little bit more. I just thought that I am weird.
@MylifeIsWorthLiving10101 Год назад
Since 2021 employment has been my God. Until around October of 2022, a roommate of mine began telling me about a lot of symptoms she had been experiencing to the word of what you are
@michellefingal5412 4 года назад
Thank you! I felt very drawn, and inspired by you. I think you’re great, and I was meant to watch this video :)
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Awesome.. I'm glad you liked it. Blessings to you my friend. 💛💫😊
@angelbouchoux8587 3 года назад
I met my angel and my grandma who passed before I was born . I said i wanted to see so traveled to my childhood home. There i met her skeleton and learned my symbol for grandparent. My first pic/ symbol . Was told learn it and help people.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Wow, that's amazing how some of you actually plan the experience. It's always been unexpected for me. Thank you for sharing. Much love and light. 🕊🤍🕊
@MrsTrishSantoz Год назад
I’m constantly having sleep paralysis, sometimes I kinda receive intels out of nowhere, like I see a woman and I have the urge to tell her she’s pregnant and at the end of the day she really is, sometimes I even get intels of bad things like someone is going to die… and I also have some visions sometimes… I’ve even sometimes feel like I’m losing control of my body like I’m falling into a deep deep sleep and usually I tend to be afraid after being really awake. I started having weird dreams of a woman who was kinda angry, once I was able to feel like her breath in my ears while as I was in bed… until the day she began crying in my moms voice and in the begging I freaked out because it was my mom crying but after I realized it wasn’t real and ignored her, and then she got agry and that led to me seeing her standing in my room and I felt that her energy was so bad at a point that I had to leave my room and go to my moms room (her room feels like a sanctuary for me). After consulting some people and my own mom, they gave me some advices to try to close the “Chanel” which that particular lady was using to get through me and it has been working so far but I still experience some sleep paralysis.
@jayjalloh3631 Год назад
As I raise my vibration, I've seen entities stare at me at night in my bed. I felt a deep shiver, but I was aware what was going on and remained calm. In the middle of the night, I woke up to use the restroom and as I return back to bed, I saw a silhouette of a little boy standing still, staring at the wall in my basement. The boy had a golden glow. I was amazed but I was too tired to watch any longer and went back to bed. This is not a "dream".
@tlcunity40 8 месяцев назад
Hello dearest🦋utmost respectfully, you are such a beautiful & precious DIVINE🕊️🤍 thank you☺️
@nalathefcknwizard1948 3 года назад
about an hour ago i fell asleep.. but i was still conscious, i felt myself sit up in bed but when i looked back i saw myself sleeping as a black figure with blue and red outlines.. when i realized i was dreaming. i felt the sleep paralysis.. i am now afraid to go back to sleep because idk if it is safe or not.. sn: i am very spiritual
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
It's so interesting how different our experiences are. Yes going to sleep is safe. Lol I know it can be scary but as your vibration rises the fear will fade. Keep your thoughts positive and uplifting. Your guides will protect you as you experience these things that are meant for you. Blessings love.. 🙏🏽😊💜💫
@nalathefcknwizard1948 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia thank you❤️
@carlosherrera945 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing this info. I did find it very helpful.
@kateashby3066 Год назад
100% with what you said about remembering past lives!! I have enough childhood trauma I’m working to overcome from THIS life. If I was supposed to remember my previous life then I would. I’ve heard many stories about people going under hypnosis to recall past lives and then they go and learn they blew their brains out in their last life and they open up a can of worms. No thanks lol!! I trust in the process and it will come to me if it needs to :) just like astral projection did.
@tompernis4375 4 года назад
I had a spiritual awakening about six months ago, now when I meditate my hole body vibrates to the point my body gets numb. The other day wile meditation I was vibrating, I stopped breathing but I also felt I didn’t need to as I was thinking that I had an extra surge of energy enter me, I felt I was leaving my body I got scared and started breathing again. I wasn’t sure if it was safe, the last time I left my body is the day I had my awakening as I entered my body a surge of energy entered with me I had a rough week but things balanced after that. I was told if you astral travel, because your light that darkness can leach on to you, is that true or possible? Thanks Peace.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Very interesting and familiar to me. I'm not really sure about dark leaching on to you. I kinda believe that if your vibration is high it will keep away dark entities. Then again that's only how it feels to me. I know many others have had different experiences. But the surge of energy is definitely something I've experienced. Feels like sparks and buzzing. I've even seen little electrical lines. Also have felt like I am floating. I do believe those things are linked to astral travel.
@divinegod9171 2 года назад
Me too aswell bt the vibrations is your kundalini is awakening in have ascension symptoms you are dealing with feeling sick all the time even messing with your sinuses right? bt its comes from our spiritual awakening journey
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 2 года назад
For me the kundalini energy feels different than the buzzing from astral projection. Kundalini energy feels more like tingling and more intense. And it doesn't happen while unconscious like astral projection does.
@kateashby3066 Год назад
I don’t know about that- in fact if we are in a positive mental state then we do not attract darkness. So I do not believe we automatically attract entities JUST because we are humans. And by the way not every human is light. We have free will and that means some of us choose to turn our light off (analogy). Like attracts like- so if you have no fear and you have love in your heart- no dark entity can access you. On the other hand if you have a dark soul then that’s what you’ll attract. This is where the concept of hell comes from. If we are say- Casey Anthony and we die, we are going to be surrounded by other similar energies and that isn’t gunna be pretty. But the Ram Dass’ of the world will have the opposite experience when they die and experience universal love and light. So have no fear! And if you do experience something you don’t like, ask for help and protection and it will be yours. In fact, I like to do that before entering into these types of matters. Cause it doesn’t hurt ;)
@webbthethird9086 3 месяца назад
I feel very validated. I've been experiencing travel ever since I was a small boy and funny enough one of the first places I went was a planet of pyramids. Seeming to be from the Egyptian culture
@rheaganelaine 5 месяцев назад
Last night I tried a new method to astral project to be in someone else’s dream and I think I did it. I woke up so tired tho and it felt like it took a long time for my spirit to return to my body.
@Justchanneling889 10 месяцев назад
I have been doing this since i was a kid and I would wet the bed and didn't understand why. As an adult i do it and don't know it until im there. I remember everything when i wake up for real. My eyes be really dry. Sometimes my mouth too. i have to sit there for a minute or walk outside to feel normal again. It freaks me out sometimes. Recently it was someone name teralyn and Felicia. I became friends with teralyn whoever she is. She was so real and beautiful. Felicia i was just there and seen and heard everything she did. She was a friend of my moms as a child.
@kevinward7498 2 года назад
I don't know if I was astral projecting but I learned to hallucinate when I was 2 years old. It started when I noticed the spots when you turn the light out. I started trying to play with them, to move them around. I found that I could move them around and I started putting them together to make things. It seems like within a week I went from noticing the spots to being able to hallucinate my room being a jungle, birds flying around, whatever. It was a great source of entertainment although I think it disturbed my parents quite a bit. LOL The last time I remember willfully hallucinating was in my parents room, they had me in there observing me playing with the birds flying around the grapevine growing over their bed. I knew they couldn't see any of it but I told them about it. I don't remember them being harsh with me but for some reason that was the last time I did it. Once in a great while I would have an involuntarily hallucination up until the 4th or 5th grade. And there was that one time in college I tried a lot of a different kind of mushroom. 😇 You should have seen that sidewalk move, it was like walking on ocean waves. LOL
@krisleal5350 4 месяца назад
I did when I was young, my mom married another man who was beating me and abusing me. One night angels come to me and took me away for a night, I saw demon staring into my house. I knew then that the man my mom married was a monster. My angels saved me from him.
@henryviera7825 4 года назад
You are awake and speaking truth hun
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Why Thank you. 😁😇🦋
@naomitamar8863 4 года назад
Buzzing vibrating floating feeling...Butterflys are my spirit creatures and communication with. Ancestors predecessors and GRANDCESTORS...BEAUTIFUL THANK YOU GODDESS...😉
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
That was put so beautifully. You are very welcome. Thank you. 🦋🌈
@tiffanygantt2237 4 года назад
I experienced all of this thank u really for the clarification I never could understand the shaking and vibration just thought I had too much energy I remember seeing my body levitate and freaked me out cuz i was up and saw my body in the hallway was the craziest thing
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
You're very welcome. 😊 Yes, before I knew what it was, I would drive myself crazy trying to figure it out. Definitely some scary moments until you actually know what is going on. Thank you for sharing. 💛💫
@shylalogan704 4 года назад
ive even experienced allowing someone else to experience what iwas seeing and she really was witnessing my astral projection in the same moment . and all ican say is "welcome to my world"
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Lol, so cool, no limits. 😳😊
@fabyb6306 Год назад
Good info but the music is distracting,
@karatbomb 4 года назад
Wow !!! Thanks for sharing your experience. I remember this happening to me in my early teens, with the sleep paralysis and I always felt, heard and seen something really scary as I was separating after the deafening white noise and vibration. I was into a lot of mushrooms and stuff at that time being a eighties kid and really thought I was just overdoing the recreational BS. Fast forward 35 years later and last summer experienced the paralysis and crazy buzzing again, same nasty demon face talking smack in my face and I couldn't even recite the "Lords Prayer " because that's all I could think to do. Really freaked me out !. I have had experiences since, and am really trying to keep my vibration high, not show any fear and embrace the wonderful opportunity it is to see in different dimensions, but can't get past the fear of not having control. Any suggestions you could share would be very appreciated. I feel I astral travel a lot because I'm exhausted and super sore in the morning like there was no rest involved , but have a hard time recalling my travels and lucid dreams. Feeling blocked or something. The spiritual awakening process is a learning process in itself I guess. Thanks again !
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Wow, thanks so much for sharing. I've heard many people talk about experiencing lower vibrational beings. I'm so happy that I haven't experienced anything like that. But I definitely believe keeping your vibration high helps. I am only sharing what I know so far. I think I'll definitely do more research on Astral Travel. Thank you, sending you goods vibes and wishing you safe travels. 😊🌙🌕🌈
@MylifeIsWorthLiving10101 Год назад
To the word of what you are explaining. I found myself scouring the internet for simple answers vitamin deficiencies etc do the employment I wasn't really thinking inside the realm of spirituality until she mentioned the wet bed and she was sure something happened, I took it the wrong way and pushed her away on the 24th of December 2022. 10 days after Christmas I would have a hallucination and I would be quick to jump to ignorant conclusion and accuse her of black magic, having no idea other than the idea given to me by Hollywood. The hallucination consisted of seven tall transparent White with a bluish hue apparitions shrouded in robes or gowns. Phone call to be continued
@gracewilson1881 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for explaining av had all of them . The 1 that always gets me was going to bed know a sat up and my bedroom was a like looked to me was the 40 50' high bk chair but didn't look around
@gracewilson1881 8 месяцев назад
Livingroom black siluets 3 different sizes that was start of my journey.
@soundlesswolfp2203 8 месяцев назад
I wish I could say, the same. Mine is more of the entities kind a thing. It's when I coyod be able to see them.
@mimimadd 4 года назад
Super interesting! I tried astral projection beside my partner the other night, I felt very strong vibrations and drifited off to sleep, I don't remember much besides the way I have felt from the vibrations but after 3 hours I was awake, like really awake. This was 3am, I sat up and ended up doing some work for two hours before I was even tired enough to go back to sleep. I wondered whether I had an experience and couldn't remember. It's been a very long time since I've napped for 3 hours and woke up so alert before.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
I think you have. I think everyone who has felt some kind of Symptoms has traveled before and just doesn't remember it.
@mimimadd 4 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia it's such a strange thing tho, I'd love to have an experience like your vision... But at the same time I think it would freak me out a bit ahahaha!
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
😆 Maybe not. I kinda think my fear was because I didn't know anything about astral projection or the signs of it.
@kateashby3066 Год назад
We all astral project when we sleep, we just rarely remember it. So yea you did ;) one tactic you can try is to set an alarm on your phone when you’re feeling very drowsy. Set it for 5-10 minutes and when it wakes you back up, take note of everything going on. If you don’t notice anything then just reset the alarm and go back to sleep. Make sure the alarm is a gentle sound and not obnoxious. This is not guaranteed to help you remember but it might. Kinda like waking up while in a dream and we remember the dream easier that way as opposed to waking up hours after the dream.
@prestigelawncare9389 4 года назад
Thank you for the knowledge. Lower back was vibrating hard. I see alot of things moving in 2 areas of my home.(doorway?) I had a dream that was very violent, I can vividly remember 80% of the dream. One time i was answering scientific questions, i would have never knew the answers for in 3d reality. I was answering the questions while i was semi woke, so i heard my voice talking, crazy.. ? When i awake from my from slumber, i Feel like i have a hangover. Is this part of it?
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Awesome... Yes, that is definitely a part of it. When I was experiencing astral travel, I would wake up so drained. Like I was working while sleeping. This experience can be so intense at times. Sounds like you are experiencing astral projection and even clairvoyance. Thank you for sharing and you're very welcome. Blessings to you on your journey. 💛💫
@PositiveMindofMine 3 года назад
I literally said the same thing to my twin flame that there is a difference between knowing and believing he said he “can’t believe what I’m telling him because it’s weird” I told him I keep dreaming of him.. I feel my soul leave my body y body gets very heavy especially near my heart chakra. Then I start dreaming and having visions of my twin flame. I won’t even be completely sleep. Smh I wonder if he has experienced the same thing 🤔. When I dream of him he texts me and tells me how much he misses me.. but he hasn’t really been speaking to me much it’s the most strangest thing.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
The connection is real.☀️🌙 Interesting about the heart pressure. I've been feeling that a lot lately. Especially in the morning. Thanks for sharing. 💛💫
@PositiveMindofMine 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia most definitely I heard pressure on your heart or pulling on your heart is a sign of your heart chakra opening for the purpose of being able to accept and or give unconditional love. I feel mine in the morning or at night.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
I felt it more intensely when my awakeninng started a couple years ago. But yes, at that time I did feel bliss, unconditional love and connection to the divine. 💞
@PositiveMindofMine 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia yes I’m going through my awakening now so I believe that could also be the cause of it. Especially since I’ve met my twin flame 😊
@jessim4154 Год назад
Not trying to complain, but the background music is a tad too loud, making it hard to focus on what you are saying. ❤
@beautifullove6198 4 года назад
Sometimes i feel like i am driving my body sometimes
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Amazing. I've read about things like that and the feeling of flying.
@TheKendricke 2 года назад
We vibrate together ❤ pretty voice
@AndreSlater 2 года назад
Your Awesome and Magical
@uganugapati Год назад
Too loud background music
@dylanstrickland9531 8 месяцев назад
My experience with astral travel was very daemonic and I seen shadows of demons is that normal because I haven’t heard anyone talk about demonic spirits?
@leonesarchar3020 Год назад
What is this beautiful music
@beatricelarsson8886 4 года назад
This happened just random to me in my meditation some years ago and it took me until like a month ago to undertstand it was astral travel. Anyway im glad i experineced it.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Same way it happens to me. I never tried to experience it. 🦋💙
@beatricelarsson8886 4 года назад
@Lilgoat-rq1qy 6 месяцев назад
I’ve been seeing 2:22 on the clock. I went to sleep the night of my birthday and I floated away from my body and I tried to scream and couldn’t. I said Jesus name and I went back into my body when I sat up I saw 2:22 on the clock. I’m freaked out by it can anyone tell me what’s going on??
@kjknight1911 4 года назад
We just found you shared on www.blacktraveltube.com ; looking forward to seeing more of your work!
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Wow, never heard of blacktraveltube. Thank you 💙😇🦋
@kjknight1911 4 года назад
Well, feel free to login and add your videos; the analytics will still come back to your RU-vid.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
@@kjknight1911 I already logged in. Thank you so much. 🤗💙
@spiritbutterfliespsychicme4859 2 года назад
I get very hot yet also cold. I have also experienced sleep paralysis.
@EsmeSamikwa Год назад
Is it possible to feel a very sudden and strong headache and faster heart beat?
@chfhcjfhryryrhdhdydhxbuf6847 4 года назад
Hii, last night i had what i thought was sleep paralysis i couldn’t move my leg and i tried screaming but nothing came out i became aware that i was “awake” in a way then my body went numb and i felt the tingling and vibrating all through out my body especially worse in my head it didn’t hurt but i consciously became aware and my heart was pumping fast and The first thing that popped into my head was I don’t want to astral travel, I don’t want to astral travel. I don’t know why that was first thing but at the time I knew that that’s what was going to happen and I think since I denied it a couple seconds later I woke up and it was day. I try to think back in it and it keeps fading i remember but then at the same time it’s fading and doesn’t seem real anymore
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Isn't is so strange how that happens? Right after it happens you are so blown away by the experience. But after time passes its doesn't seem real anymore. That is definitely how I think of these experiences. But I felt just like you when it first started happening. But I was more afraid of it because I didn't know what it was. 💞
@KareemGotDaJuice 4 года назад
Wow 7:33 that’s how it happen to me recently amazing 💜 I felt my spirit leaving my body and it did scare me too lol but when it happens again I’ll let it happen
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
It can be scary. It was most intense for me before I even knew what it was.
@KareemGotDaJuice 4 года назад
Divine Harmony 22 《Nadia》 it wasn’t scary like you said it lmao it was a mind blowing experience doa
@xcatalina_4426 4 года назад
I’m pretty sure I’ve been going through my spiritual awakening for a few months now, but some things I have lots of questions on , i need someone to ask questions to, Ive seen my repeating numbers for over a year though, not exactly sure how long but after my uncle passed away I started noticing them
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
So many reasons. Including your uncle being your guide. Even could mean that you are headed in the right direction or things that you may need to do on your journey. The true answers are within. You will know before anyone else. Blessings to you 💛💫
@jessim4154 Год назад
Is it possible to AT while standing, instead of laying down?!
@sheilaomodio9650 4 года назад
I don't practice it I don't like it it just happens. Vibrating buzzing Sinking Feeling then floating feeling. Flailing about in my room until I realized I could leave the room. When I do leave the room, I always wake up to windows or a door opened. One night went into people's house that we're having a party and they must have seen me because they were swatting and ducking at me like I was a mosquito.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Omg! That sounds amazing. But same here. I've never tried to do it. It was happening before I knew what it was.
@michaelcarbajal8300 3 года назад
I've been doing it the meditation part and I'll start feeling sensations like tingling starting from my feet then vibrations. It just started last week but I wasn't able to come out of my body because I got scared lol! It's like my ego doesn't want to let me go or it just stops me from doing it
@michaelcarbajal8300 3 года назад
Or unless I'm just not letting myself go but those 2 days from last week I was getting signs either from guides or the universe. The first sign I had to come to a stop at a stop light and I was 2 cars behind and there's cars on each side then I saw this big butterfly flying crazy then it came in front of my car and it started to fly slower an I looked around me nobody else was watching this butterfly I kept watching til I couldn't see it. The second sign, I work with this guy we call him J and when he plays music in the mornings it's always rap music but some reason he started playing meditation sounds on RU-vid
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
I think the fear does affect astral projection. I've never tried to control it. I just let it happen as much as I can. Lol I've been seeing black butterflies lately.
@michaelcarbajal8300 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia I agree. That's what it is, it's that fear I know it's all just me just gotta let go. That's awesome! Yeah ever since that day I haven't seen any butterflies at all.
@michaelcarbajal8300 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia yeah I was just looking up how to do it then I actually almost did it lol
@beautifullove6198 4 года назад
I been going threw that for years and didn't know it
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
I never experienced this in all my life until after this awakeninng.
@dianafornof9554 3 года назад
I am awestruck by your channel. I’d like to ask your opinion on my current thought, which relates to how we often don’t remember our astral selves. Is it vice versa? As in, from the point of view of our conscious astral self, to be in the physical body is a vaguely remembered dream? I have experienced a couple of these signs since early childhood. Not knowing what it was, in my head I called it “cement bed” or “rock bed”. I’d lay in bed on my back waiting for sleep, and at a certain point I could feel a shift in my perception. My senses were tipped upside down. The soft bed and pillow became hard as rock, and I’d feel my body expand, almost like a swelling. It’s like the borders of my physical body are lifted, and I drift into everything around me, feel the pressure of the room, until it feels I am filling my entire bedroom. This still happens to this day, but mostly when I’m meditating. As a child, I don’t recall describing it to anybody, or maybe I did and they had no idea what I was talking about so I stopped mentioning it 😅 I told my brother about it last week and he mentioned astral projection. Wow, I have experimented with OBEs and lucid dreams before, but never drew a link between my childhood experiences and astral projection. How effortless it has always been for me and I never in my waking life knew. Having been plagued by strange nocturnal sensations, shared dreams, night terrors, anxiety disorders, and fatigue all my life, what you say about the astral body makes sense. Perhaps one day I’ll be ready and will remember. It’s amazing how a massive piece of an individuals existence can remain a mystery to them most and even all of their lives. Thanks for your video 🙏
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Your very welcome. Your experience is amazing. I do feel that it's not meant for me to remember my whole experience at times. The Divine and even our higher self is so intelligent. Provides us with protection by shifting our conciousness at times. I have so many interesting events from childhood as well. Now I'm learning how it is all connected. I'm not sure if its vice versa from our astral bodies. But that certainly makes alot of sense. I hope I can find more info on this. Thank you for sharing. Sending you love and light. 💞💫💛🌈🙏🏽
@lukiya12 3 года назад
Hello Nadia Rehema again it’s like am doing a marathon of your videos . 2yrs ago I had a total hysterectomy so I started getting sweats but I have sweating alot to the point that my whole bed gets wet Sometimes I sleep and I feel like someone is holding me down and My mouth is closed I can’t yell I be trying to yell but nothing comes out so in my mind am yelling Jesus then it will release I thought someone had voodoo onme
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Sounds like you have experienced sleep paralysis. I've never had it but I hear it's scary. But I've definitely experienced those night sweats that make the bed wet. It's just a part of our body healing and our vibration shifting. 🌠✨🙏🏽
@lukiya12 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia thankyou again For clarifying all these for me I thought I was going crazy. I just saw your chakras poses videos you are so flexible ma I don’t know if I can bend like that but am off on Sundays and am going to work one one chakra at time I pray I don’t break a born ma 😅😅😅
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Lol. If you cant do them now it's okay. As you keep trying them it gets so much easier. 😊🙏🏽❤
@ericalaniz3805 4 года назад
I'm not sure if this is coincidence or not, I randomly thought about astral projection because of a video I watched and realized I noticed a sign that I related to, so I look up a RU-vid video..click on this one being the first one...finished it and realized that this video was just posted today. As if I was supposed to see it. weird. lol
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
Very rarely is it a coincidence 😇 Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you 🙏🏽🦋💙
@EthersMysticalChildTarot8014 3 года назад
Sleep paralysis feel like you're trapped in your own body 😩
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Sounds very uncomfortable.
@EthersMysticalChildTarot8014 3 года назад
It's scary and very uncomfortable sometime you can't breathe if you panic
@thequeen4241 2 года назад
What song is playing?
@beatriceharper7940 3 года назад
🙋‍♀️ I was wandering if caffeine from coffee will have an effect on the astral travelling as I did experience this before I drank coffee and have not experienced this again however I’m on my spiritual path ? Any idea please ❤️🙏
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Yes, I truly believe it can block the ability to be aware and remember the experience. Too much of coffee, alchohol, marijuana and even too much sugar. I experienced astral travel after I stopped drinking so much wine.
@beatriceharper7940 3 года назад
@@DivineHarmony22-Nadia Thank you sooo much for your reply and suggestion. Sending love and light :)
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Sending it right back. 😊🙏🏽💞
@celestialmaat9462 4 года назад
I astral traveled while I was awake. Do you know why or how that happens?
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
That's amazing. I've read that there are monks and shamans that know how to experience it while awake. You may just be more advanced than you know. For me I know that my body is sleeping and my spirit is conscious and aware. But fully awake is in a whole other level. Lol Does it happen while meditating?
@Patsworldbaby 6 месяцев назад
Is it true astral travelers can travel in the past?
@ssss600 3 месяца назад
No, by the astral travel just you can go out of your physical body
@checkmattee222 3 года назад
After "death" we won't come back to this world though. We move on to the next. In another place.
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 3 года назад
Yes. I believe the time to come back here has passed. But to be real we really don't know. None of us have all of the answers. 💞
@earthbrother4549 3 года назад
I had an astral projection last night and I lived a part of my past life. My old house and the landscape looked like it belonged on Earth but there could be other planets that seem similar.
@ramaniacekings1769 4 года назад
I flew to the moon 🌝 it was scary as hell
@DivineHarmony22-Nadia 4 года назад
😯 I bet it was. Maybe you were not human in another life, and you were visiting one of the places you have been before. I definitely believe that I have lived as some other kind of being in a past life. 👀🌌🌠😁
@GillianIngram-sk1gd 3 месяца назад
Weirdest experience i had was looking back at myself lying sleeping as id left my body, freaked me out and i popped straight back into myself and woke up in a panic. That was one of the first times, its easier and not scary now
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