
Atheism & Logic 

Revealed Apologetics
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In this episode, Eli provides an analysis of a key portion of the Gordon Stein (Atheist) Greg Bahnsen debate.
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@matthewzmarzley Месяц назад
Another great show thank you brother Must have listened to the Bahnsen /Stein debate a few dozen times over the years Incredibly helpful and great to share with others seeking to better under presupp Thanks again brother
@49perfectss Месяц назад
Always entertaining when a presup tries their hand at logic and falls flat on their face 😂. This is your brain on god y'all.
@timothyvenable3336 Месяц назад
Can you explain where the logic failed instead of making a baseless assertion?
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
As an atheist, I am interested in how the pressuppositional method works. How would a presuppositionalist approach someone like me? I am willing to answer any questions concerning my current convictions if that is how this method works.
@toforgetisagem8145 Месяц назад
Prepositionalism works by the presup insisting a God exists. They will tell you that how ever much anyone says they do not believe in a God, they do believe in God. Presupis only have their own personal idea of God. If you ask which God? They will say The God, they never describe the concrete attributes that God. Muslims say Allah. Christians say Christian God. They will dress up everything in fancy language. Necessary and sufficient is a buzz phrase. Listen out for them in this videos. (There are lots of them here) They will claim atheism is a world view. The aim is to make atheism on a level with religion. They will not accept that you merely are merely reject their God claims. Right underneath the flimflam and fancy words is nothing of substance. All they are actually saying is:- Is you believe in God. You do. You do. You do! And you can object all you want to. You believe in God. Laws of logic* Material in nature* Immaterial* Laws of reason* In your world view* Abstractions* Atheists framework* Causal power* Absolute truth* Christian frame work* Brute fact* are buzz phrases. Their tools are: gishgallop. Arrogant tone. Insistence. Selective deafness Obfuscation Their aim is to bamboozle. What they NEVER do is provide solid evidence of a God. It essentially turtles al the way down. Transcendental* another buzz word. The narrator here pulls out lots of their stock phrases. (They frequently have lousy audio and production) On a personal level I find presup arrogant and boring I only stayed in the hope of pointing you in the direction. It's not possible to debate presups unless you are very skilled at it and are not wanting to shake belief but show up how rediculous they are. Presups are reprogrammed robots with a script. Once you know what to look out for you will understand.
@Scott_Terry Месяц назад
Presuppositionalism is an apologetic method. Apologetics is the intellectual defense of a position against argumentative attacks. Since you're not attacking Christianity, what work is there for a Christian apologist to do? From an evangelism standpoint, we might just live our lives honestly and forthrightly and in such a way you might look at us and wonder what we have that a government-schooled, pop-Western dystopia doesn't seem to offer. Then we can share the good news about the hope you can have if only you'd look into this man Christ...
@TheAaronYost Месяц назад
I walk through this with you to show you how the thought process works. What are your thoughts on neoDarwinian evolution? Do you believe the modern, secular science, common decent, tree of life narrative of human origins?
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
@Scott_Terry Yes, I understand both apologetics and evangelism. I was a 'born-again' evangelical Christian for eight years. I am curious about the _presuppositional_ approach to argumentation. For instance, is it a question-answer approach? Is there a script of some kind that is followed?
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
@TheAaronYost I acknowledge that biological evolution is a fact. I am not certain what you mean by "neoDarwinian." If you are asking if I believe the current Scientific Theory - Speciation by Means of Natural Selection - is still the best explanation for this factual process, I will state yes. If you are to mean something else, please rephrase your question, and I will gladly answer it.
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
Hello. I am an atheist. I define atheism as suspending any acknowledgment as to the reality of any particular god until sufficient credible evidence is presented. My position is that *_I currently have no good reason to acknowledge the reality of any god._* And here is why I currently hold to such a position. Below are 11 facts I must consider when evaluating the claim made by certain theists that a particular god exists in reality. To be clear, these are not premises for any argument which _concludes_ there to be no gods. These are simply facts I must take into account when evaluating the verity of such a claim. If any of the following facts were to be contravened at a later time by evidence, experience, or sound argument, I would THEN have good reason to acknowledge such a reality. 1. I personally have never observed a god. 2. I have never encountered any person who has claimed to have observed a god. 3. I know of no accounts of persons claiming to have observed a god that were willing or able to demonstrate or verify their observation for authenticity, accuracy, or validity. 4. I have never been presented withany _valid_ logical argument, which also introduced demonstrably true premises that lead deductively to an inevitable conclusion that a god(s) exists in reality. 5. Of the many logical syllogisms I have examined arguing for the reality of a god(s), I have found all to contain a formal or informal logical fallacy or a premise that can not be demonstrated to be true. 6. I have never observed a phenomenon in which the existence of a god was a necessary antecedent for the known or probable explanation for the causation of that phenomenon. 7. Several proposed (and generally accepted) explanations for observable phenomena that were previously based on the agency of a god(s), have subsequently been replaced with rational, natural explanations, each substantiated with evidence that excluded the agency of a god(s). I have never encountered _vice versa._ 8. I have never knowingly experienced the presence of a god through intercession of angels, divine revelation, the miraculous act of divinity, or any occurrence of a supernatural event. 9. Every phenomenon that I have ever observed appears to have *_emerged_* from necessary and sufficient antecedents over time without exception. In other words, I have never observed a phenomenon (entity, process, object, event, process, substance, system, or being) that was created _ex nihilo_ - that is instantaneously came into existence by the solitary volition of a deity. 10. All claims of a supernatural or divine nature that I have been presented have either been refuted to my satisfaction or do not present as _falsifiable._ 11. I have never been presented with a functional definition of a god. ALL of these facts lead me to the only rational conclusion that concurs with the realities I have been presented - and that is the fact that there is *_no good reason_* for me to acknowledge the reality of any particular god. I have heard often that atheism is the denial of the Abrahamic god. But denial is the active rejection of a substantiated fact once credible evidence has been presented. Atheism is simply withholding such acknowledgment until sufficient credible evidence is introduced. *_It is natural, rational, and prudent to be skeptical of unsubstantiated claims, especially extraordinary ones._* I welcome any cordial response. Peace.
@richietorresmma Месяц назад
All arguments of incredulity. They’re not even worth addressing but good luck hope someone finds a reason to engage them.
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
@@richietorresmma Did you even read my comment?
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
@@richietorresmma Yeah. I didn't think so.
@richietorresmma Месяц назад
@@Theo_Skeptomai I did and all of them well mostly all of the was you haven’t experienced or know anyone who has experienced God etc.. those aren’t rational reasons and are arguments from incredulity that’s why I didn’t engage them I just wanted to make you aware that those aren’t rational reasons.
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
@@richietorresmma Did the second paragraph mention _anything_ about my forming an argument? Yes or no.
@bengreen171 Месяц назад
presuppositional apologetics is the equivalent of a child being overly pleased with themselves for painting their first picture of their house and family and announcing that not only is it the best and most accurate painting ever painted, but it's the only painting that matters.
@threeinthegoo1878 Месяц назад
I get it my man, presup is hard to understand, youll get it one day.
@Scott_Terry Месяц назад
Discord atheism is like the child who refuses to eat a wholesome steak dinner, lovingly prepared by his grandmother, and enjoyed in the presence of a loving family - in favor of twinkies and sugary cereal while watching cartoons. They're killing themselves spiritually and are too ignorant to even realize it.
@bengreen171 Месяц назад
@@threeinthegoo1878 hilarious overconfidence of the toddler confirmed.
@bengreen171 Месяц назад
@@Scott_Terry nice try, but your steak is full of steroids and pesticides. I know you want to think of us as spiritually redundant - but that's a cope. There's nothing spiritual about Christianity. It's just fear of mortality and a bunch of bigotry thrown in for good measure, usually.
@threeinthegoo1878 Месяц назад
@@bengreen171 Hilarious ignorance of the reddit mod confirmed
@kellygipson8354 Месяц назад
If Van Tli wasn't a philosopher, then Rousseau wasn't a social influencer.
@Scott_Terry Месяц назад
There's an old line: "...all was dark and void, then Frege spoke and there was light!" ... sort of an in-joke among Analytic Philosophers. Some think no real or consequential philosophy was ever done until the analytic tradition came along. I think we get a lot of that bias picked up among internet atheists, especially when they attack Van Til's credentials. Van Til studied philosophy at Princeton, under Bowman. Actually, I've just gotten a copy of Bowman's thesis, a widely regarded work in Idealist metaphysics. When you read it, you can hear much of Van Til's apt criticism of that entire school of philosophy. The idea that none of these guys ever existed or none of their work ever mattered is pure modernist bias and even ignorance.
@calebwatkins1212 Месяц назад
Simply put, we all have an ‘authority’ or foundation by which our worldview is formed, thus leading to our interpretations of the world around us, and the fundamental meanings of life. The ultimate question is whether or not your ‘authority’ or foundation for your worldview is TRUE or FALSE. Truth is objective, not subjective, so there is always ONE truth. The idea that someone can have their truth, while I have mine, is illogical at its core. Someone is wrong, and someone is right. I’ll side with the Only God of the Universe…not a fallible, finite, depraved human that claims logic and reason with no basis. The idea that we are just “matter in motion” cannot coherently provide a basis for any type of logic, reasoning, or intelligence. “The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
I find your thought on worldviews interesting. Would you be willing to answer some straightforward questions concerning your comment?
@calebwatkins1212 Месяц назад
@@Theo_Skeptomai absolutely.
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
@calebwatkins1212 Do you agree each and every able-minded human has a unique personal worldview?
@calebwatkins1212 Месяц назад
@@Theo_Skeptomai yes, unique in the sense that it is personal, as in, ‘individual’. But, it’s formed from something or someone they believe to be true or truthful; therefore, it influences their perspectives and presuppositions on the meaning of the world around them. So, it won’t be ‘completely’ unique in the sense that it is ‘completely’ different from every other person-because other people will also have a similar worldview that’s based upon the same foundation. From a presuppositional approach, there are two opposing worldviews: Christian and Secular. Each of those worldviews bases their beliefs on an ultimate authority. (I.e. how a person knows what they know, and why they believe it)
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
@calebwatkins1212 Do you also agree WVs are _individualistic_ (no two persons share the same one), _accumulative_ (expand over time), and _dynamic_ (evolve with each new significant experience)?
@AdamsTaiwan Месяц назад
Did you see the AI Atheist vs AI Christian debate? Both were terrible.
@ChristisLord2023 Месяц назад
Love Bahnsen's work.
@bengreen171 Месяц назад
Hiding comments is a sign of insecurity by the way.
@RevealedApologetics Месяц назад
@@bengreen171 Lol! I don’t hide comments on my channel. If someone’s comment doesn’t show up, it’s not something on my end. I literally just go live take some questions, etc., and close out.
@bengreen171 Месяц назад
@@RevealedApologetics there was nothing in my comments that breaks terms and services, and yet they're hidden.
@Scott_Terry Месяц назад
@@bengreen171 try going to the top and sorting comments by "newest first", then scrolling down and finding yours.
@bengreen171 Месяц назад
@@Scott_Terry yes, I'm aware of how to get them visible, that's why I said 'hidden' and not deleted.
@ApPersonaNonGrata Месяц назад
@@bengreen171 I have noticed that RU-vid filters have gotten extremely reactive lately; false-flagging comments. Some comments are deleted. Some are hidden from others. Some are sent to channel owners for review. RU-vid's filters are really really bad at being able to tell when a comment violates TOS.
@markrademaker5875 Месяц назад
Eli, when talking with an atheist or anyone for that matter and they say, "Prove that christianity is true.", do you think it wise to respond like this, "Give me you definition of "prove" but remember that your definition will be used against you."? I am thinking that their definition, when used in regards to their life, beliefs etc. will be seen...well, they will be seen to be a liar. Thanks. 1 John 4:10,11
@RevealedApologetics Месяц назад
@@markrademaker5875 I think it is helpful to clarify the difference between “proof” (which entails logical argumentation), and “evidence” which uses data and facts to support a view or hypothesis. Evidence can support an overall view, proof in the technical sense requires offering an argument. Sometimes skeptics (and Christians) will use the term “proof” inappropriately. In some cases, when an atheist says “prove to me God exists” he is using the term proof to refer to some sort of empirical verification. This is not what “proof” means in the technical sense, and what is usually baked into this is the assumption that empirical verification is the only appropriate way to demonstrate something. That presupposition needs to be challenged. Hope that makes sense:)
@markrademaker5875 Месяц назад
@@RevealedApologetics Thanks. I was thinking that no matter what definition for "prove" they give me it will backfire on them, if i am responding Jesusly/Biblically. Thanks again.
@hudjahulos Месяц назад
@@RevealedApologeticsAn unbeliever may also say “prove that God exists” while meaning “convince me that God exists.” But proof and conviction are two very different things. Conviction is a state of mind and is inherently subjective. A person may be convinced by a bad argument, or unconvinced by a strong argument. Proof, on the other hand, is objective and follows from an arguments premises and logical structure.
@Theo_Skeptomai Месяц назад
​@markrademaker5875 You do understand that Christianity can not be proven to be true (or even not true). Christianity is a religion, not a truth proposition. Only truth propositions (the actual claims proffered in the bible) that can be demonstrated to be true (or not true). Do you agree?
@markrademaker5875 Месяц назад
@@Theo_Skeptomai Jesus, I Am Saves, Speaking of Himself Says, "I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to The Father except through me." John 14:6
@BobKatLife Месяц назад
Question for Presups: Mathematics and therefore logic, is provably incomplete - meaning that under ANY rigorous system of thought, there will always be propositions that cannot be proven true or false. How do you square that fact with your UNJUSTIFIED ASSERTION that your god underlies THAT reality?
@timothyvenable3336 Месяц назад
Because God is infinite, so it’s only reasonable that mathematics, logic, and the other laws of nature (scientific laws especially) will be infinite and thus always be incomplete. Great question though!
@BobKatLife Месяц назад
@@timothyvenable3336 “infinity” has nothing to do with Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem. You have ASSERTED your god is “infinite” without defining what you mean by “infinite” (infinite WHAT?) let alone give evidence for that assertion. You can’t breathe life into your god with logic alone. Whereas the existence of the universe is a brute fact - therefore the null hypothesis is that the universe exists as a brute fact. Any alternative hypothesis must be justified by evidence.
@timothyvenable3336 Месяц назад
@@BobKatLife so many things here… I’m not familiar with Gödel or his incompleteness theorem, I’ll look into it I have asserted my God is infinite, and you’re right I should clarify he is infinite in his nature and attributes. The evidence is the Bible. To the entire second paragraph, I’m honestly just confused. I agree the universe exists, I’m not sure who would ever disagree with that lol. “Any alternative hypothesis…” what hypothesis? Are you saying the universe has always existed? The steady state theory? Because science would disagree with that. I think I’m misunderstanding your whole second paragraph here
@BobKatLife Месяц назад
@@timothyvenable3336 “He is infinite in his nature and attributes”. That statement has exactly zero meaning. What is “his nature” and in what sense is it “infinite”? What are his “attributes” and in what sense are they “infinite”. The Bible was written by human beings, copied by human beings, and translated by human beings, almost NONE of whom are know to us and large portions - including most of that attributed to Paul - is known to have been added later by unknown authors. You’re welcome to “presuppose” the “authenticity” - whatever “authenticity” means when you claim men wrote it but despite that and all the errors introduced -some of which were later corrected, others not - the current edition is the end product that your god intended. 👍😜
@timothyvenable3336 Месяц назад
@@BobKatLife putting aside your changing of the argument to baseless claims of the Bible which, I challenge you, has no support… Just because you don’t understand his attributes doesn’t make them any less real. One of his attributes is existence. God is infinite in existing; he is eternal. And our reality is grounded in God. Therefore we can have concepts in this world like math that are infinite in nature because God is infinite.
@piebald Месяц назад
Bring back another episode of Sayala
@tomfrombrunswick7571 Месяц назад
The logic argument is moronic. Broadly we have two ideas of logic. One is the idea of deductive logic as developed by the Greeks. This broadly is an extension of rhetoric. It is a way of structuring language. It is not a map of actual mental process. The other logical method is induction. It is a process rather than a set of laws. People find out about reality by working out theories and trying to falsify them. Unlike deductive logic it is not a subjective process. People publish findings so that their theories and experiments can be reproduced and counter check. Philosophy has been a human dead end. It has produced the humor theory of medicine, the phlogiston theory of combustion and the uses of blood letting in medicine. The deductive process is a human construct that now days has not practical application outside universities which study it largely out of nostalgia
@Scott_Terry Месяц назад
So: If a process is a human construct with no practical value, it ought to be rejected. Deductive inference is a human construct with no practical value. Therefore: It ought to be rejected... Is that what you're saying?
@russellsteapot8779 Месяц назад
//"One is the idea of deductive logic as developed by the Greeks. This broadly is an extension of rhetoric."// If Anne is taller than Barry, and Barry is taller than Charlie, then Anne must be taller than Charlie. It is the case that I'm either drinking water or I'm drinking orange juice. I'm not drinking water. Therefore, I'm drinking orange juice. Why do you think deductive logic is "rhetoric" and why do you think it's "subjective" ?
@wesleydickens9283 Месяц назад
Which logical system are you dependent upon to make the claim "the logic argument is moronic" and have that be a meaningful claim?
@wesleydickens9283 Месяц назад
I dig the presuppositional apologetic. But if you're going to say the accusation of it question begging is a laughably bad refutation, perhaps you could demonstrate it as such rather than just dismissing it.
@RevealedApologetics Месяц назад
@@wesleydickens9283 Been there. Addressed it countless times in multiple videos. Check the Channel:)
@thevulture5750 Месяц назад
​@@RevealedApologeticshave you seen how the KJV Bible is mathematically encoded?
@valinorean4816 Месяц назад
@@RevealedApologetics Hi! As someone from a Soviet culture (now an immigrant in the USA) I believe that the resurrection was staged by the Romans, as explained in a popular book where I'm from - "The Gospel of Afranius"; like many others, I read it in childhood and never thought about this question again - until coming to the USA and noticing a stark contrast in the discussion of this question. What's wrong with that explanation? Also, I believe matter is eternal - it can only move and change but not appear from nowhere - seems like common sense to me, but apparently not here in the US, what's wrong with that?
@Miguelstradamus Месяц назад
Thanks for the uploads brother. Dont know what it is, but I cant youtube download this video in particular like I normally with all your other videos.
@JP_21M Месяц назад
It seems like a reformed vs secular world view thing. Reformed thinkers have an advantage in approaching presup compared to secular thinkers like Craig because they don't take their starting points for granted. Craig doesnt understand reformed theology or presup because he doesn't have a biblical world view and appears to reject any philosophy unless the thinkers starts from a secular world view (aka myth of neutrality).
@Scott_Terry Месяц назад
It seems the *real* and actual *best* (so called) argument against presuppositionalism isn't an argument at all, but rather a strategy of intellectually dishonest gas-lighting and a staunch refusal to reason. "What's the argument for premise 1???" ... repeated ad nauseam. Dr. Malpass, for his part, seems to have accepted the false premise that Van Tillian presuppositionalism is just one more would-be straight-forward, classical-style argument, stated in premise, premise, conclusion form. My push-back is to assert that this is never at all what Van Til had in mind. (I've been doing a study on the history of the presup development and trying to track down the first usage of so-called "TAG" - it seems to have come from a group of Bahnsen's students who were reading philosophy and trying to imitate some of the analytic philosophers of their day. Bahnsen just kind of went with it, but you can tell he wasn't married to the "TAG" jargon). In any case, if we side with Van Til and conceive of our apologetic method as a meta-undercutting-defeater for all intellectual attacks against Christianity, this takes the teeth out of pretty much everything the good Dr. Malpass has done. Otherwise, Malpass has helpfully kept us on our toes and he certainly helped clarify the issues with Matt Slick's formulation of TAG, but this is all really beside the point. We need biting criticism and a chomp-worthy atheist worldview that can actually stand on its own in contention with Christianity. Dr. Malpass, other than vague hand-waving towards undefined platonic metaphysics, hasn't given us anything like this. Nor have any of the Discord atheists.
@ataho2000 Месяц назад
So Are you one of this people that says "I'm the one that stated the first claim and therefore everyone ales has the provide an argument except me!?
@DiscernibleInferences Месяц назад
My impression of Van Til’s work is that it’s mostly axe grinding against other theologians, and when he does argue for presup, his intended audience is other Christians. He explains to Christians why they ought to be presuppers; I haven’t found a passage in which he gives an argument to NON-Christians why they ought be Christians. I suspect you’re correct that “TAG” is more of a Bahnsen thing, an adaptation of intra-church polemics to wider purposes. And yeah, no one who isn’t a Christian has any reason to believe that “God is the necessary precondition of X.”
@russellsteapot8779 Месяц назад
Presenting a "meta-undercutting-defeater" (ie - undermining *anything* anyone says) is just showing a refusal to engage. There is no opportunity for progress in discourse, if you don't want to indulge in discourse. And if you don't want to indulge in discourse, then don't! If we *agree* to play chess, and you are clueless about the rules of chess, or have a different conception about what the rules ARE, then we're not going to be *playing* chess. The agreement to *play* chess presupposes that you understand the rules and will play by them. If you don't, and will not, then don't agree to *play* chess, and simply explain that you are unable to do so. If you want to talk *about* the rules, or *why* we should play, or what "accounts for" the existence of chess, or what "secures" the 64 squares on the board, or whatever, then that's fine, but *none* of these things is *playing* chess! :) "What's the argument for premise 1?" is a reasonable question, IF you're playing by the rules. If there IS such a thing, you can present it. If there is NOT such a thing, you can declare that you don't have one, and P1 is an (unsupported/unjustified) assumption.
@Scott_Terry Месяц назад
@@ataho2000 Objectively, since arguments are so important for you, you ought to have some philosophical motivation for offering them (or demanding someone else offer one). But you don't, now do you?
@Scott_Terry Месяц назад
​@@DiscernibleInferences My thesis isn't that Bahnsen created "TAG" (he didn't, nor did he utilize a formal deductive argument in any of his public dealings with unbelievers), but rather, a group of his students began construing Van Til in this way. Bahnsen seems to have just gone with it as a teaching device but never suggested it as a methodological norm. Using it as a teaching device to clarify transcendental reasoning for students is one thing, but unfortunately, this has caused confusion in the presup community over the years, as well as massive confusion among unbelievers, who think presup is just "TAG" - or, one more fancy, deductive, classical-style argument for God's existence. Given the clarity brought to the Presup-program by construing our entire polemic as a simple deductive inference, however, unbelievers ought to easily grasp transcendental reasoning by now. That many don't (or feign ignorance) is a move we might predict based on Biblical data of unbelieving behavior. And since the only counter to presup we have is this methodological gas-lighting from unbelievers, attacking a strawman "TAG", then it prompts us to respond with the methodological twist of our own and demand to know why "reasons" ought to be offered for any belief at all, whatever? And good luck coming up with an answer to that one...
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