

Nathan Longwell
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12 сен 2024




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@lars2552 4 года назад
I can't imagine how anyone who reacts to music would dislike songs with political messages. Music has always been political. Aurora's political messaging does not detract from the beauty of her music, it only makes it stronger. Climate change is not "faulty," and you clearly need to educate yourself.
@lucks209wsm7 3 года назад
I totally agree with you…..
@danicaperkinson1960 4 года назад
Most of Aurora's music is pushing and advocating for nature in someway. It's all striving for some kind of change for nature or for society. This song was just more assertive about it.
@theos943 4 года назад
Wanting to save gaia is not a political agenda, is fucking common sense, that aparently is the less common of the senses
@klev5021 2 года назад
@quinncalvert9876 Год назад
f*** yes. thank you. As a 16y/o im overwhelmingly thankfull to Aurora for spreding the truth so that i might get the chance to grow old in a world full of all of the wonderful animals, and beutiful plants we have today. We are running out of time. @aurora
@anyssamarkowich4456 3 года назад
Almost all art has a message. Some of the most stunning and powerful art contains messages that are difficult for people to hear or understand. Just look at art history, you will see alot of proof of this. Political messages do not take away from the beauty of the piece, if you remove the message, all power and beauty from the art is removed in its absence. Aurora presents the issue of climate change and capitalistic greed in a beautifully, stunning and captivating way.
@javajink0301 3 года назад
Pushed agenda? It’s about preserving our world and Mother Earth. There was no selling of Indian land. It was stolen. It was kind of hard to watch this reaction as your info was incorrect. 🥺
@dansegelov305 3 года назад
There is no 'political agenda' in this song. And to be absolutely honest, it is only portrayed that way by American sources. The rest of the world isn't politicising it like you guys. Let's make this really simple. Forget climate change and any supposed 'controversy' you want to hang on those words and consider the words in the song. We live on a finite planet with finite resources that require time to replenish themselves, if they can replenish themselves at all. We, as a species have been spending the last 200 years in a race to extract all of those resources and convert them into money as fast as we possibly can. We have become exceptionally good at this exercise! So, what happens when we get to the point where we have extracted all we can and all that's left is the money we converted it into? Cut down all the trees, and there's no more trees. Over-farm the land and nothing grows anymore. Poison the rivers and there's no more fresh water. But hey, at least 0.00001% of the population have insane amounts of money.
@nathanlongwell 3 года назад
I appreciate your thoughts on this, and definitely agree with some of what you’re saying. Thanks for being articulate, and civil!
@TheLucidMysticsSleepMusic Год назад
Exactly. 10000% true. Non debatable.
@robotrobbohya 4 года назад
Most of Aurora's music has a political message, with art it's hard to separate the message from the product when it comes from the heart and her music is pure. Her life has always been about spreading messages and awareness through her platform and it's beautiful. It adds to it, doesn't detract.
@TheBape97 3 года назад
"lack of knowledge" …ma'am go to school, study, travel a bit. Climate change is not an opinion, it's a fact.
@todradmaker4297 3 года назад
Food to eat, water to drink, and air to breath. What's so hard to understand. It shouldn't be political.
@The_bleak_boy 3 года назад
Pushed agenda? Saving the plannet isn't a agenda...
@quinncalvert9876 Год назад
we need more people to spread the truth, and not less. this song is what we need. more of this.
@egiljohnsen6145 4 года назад
Sad news, I read in a Norwegian newspaper a month ago, that the ice on the North Pole (Arctic) is doomed. It will be gone in 40 years. So polar beer, Aurora's favorite animal, will be lost in her lifetime. She just wants to be able to see them in zoos. Polar bears rely on ice to catch seals, so they get no food when the ice is gone.
@theuniversewithin74 4 года назад
We're all fucked. The changes and destruction we've seen so far is NOTHING compared to what's coming the next few decades. We have to work on overdrive to save what's left, but sadly I think it's far too late. The machine won't stop. Trist når det finnes flere tigre i fangenskap enn det er i naturen. Isbjørner vil også snart være utdødd i det ville 😪
@hakanandersson1276 4 года назад
@@theuniversewithin74 ojoj du är lika känslomässig som jag här. När du ändrar från engelska till norska då brister du och det är så vackert mitt i allt detta katastrofala som händer.
@hakanandersson1276 4 года назад
Today, extinctions are occurring hundreds of times faster than they would naturally. If all species currently designated as critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable go extinct in the next century, and if that rate of extinction continues without slowing down, we could approach the level of a mass extinction in as soon as 240 to 540 years. And that is happening now. All the other problems in the world is small compare to this.
@theuniversewithin74 4 года назад
@@hakanandersson1276 bra det finnes flere som er følsomme. Verden trenger mer av mennesker som sitter pris på naturen og de minste lille skapningene. Trist å si det, men jeg tror vi ender opp med å bare sitte igjen med kun penger å spise...
@theuniversewithin74 4 года назад
@@hakanandersson1276 isn't it insane that the 6th mass extinction is the ONLY extinction set in motion by a single species? People don't know how incredibly fast all the changes around us is happening, because humans have a very limited time frame. We think gradual changes over the course of a decade or two is slow, but in reality what we're seeing now is an explosion (or rather an implosion). Even 100 years in a geological perspective is just a blink of an eye. Humans are so narrow minded.
@humourlessjester3584 Год назад
I don't think Aurora is coming from a political place when writing this song. She grew up wandering the forest. Nature has a very personal place in her heart. When she tells you to take care of nature she isn't telling you to vote pro-nature politicians, she's coming from a place where she genuinely cares for what nature is and is heart broken by what people are doing to it.
@eshqa 3 года назад
I don't see the song as being political but as stating the fact money is of no use when the environment that's necessary for humans, and other beings survival, has been poisoned. It's fact not misinformation, that air-water-land are increasingly being poisoned. Also the Cree quote is pointing out that most people from other countries didn't care about nature but just trying to get what they could to satisfy their lust for money.
@Traslan 3 года назад
When it comes to the melting of the north and south pole, we are now past the point of no return. This will have major inpact for our future. This is not political, but it should be.
@maxsteiner1964 4 года назад
Look at this live at the HAIK consert. A stunner. A bit stumped by you view on the climate "debate" though. Its no longer a debate. This is happening and it happens fast. Let me ask you a hypothetical question; If you have children, would you set them on fire just to check if they are fireproof? No, you wouldnt cos if you are wrong the concequences would be catastophic. Same thing here. If we start now and do everything we can to stop climate change and 100-200 years from now it turn out that oh, we didnt cause it. Its just some cyclic event, then what have we lost? Nothing. But, if on the other hand it IS our own doing and we do nothing!!! BOY, do we gonna have egg on our faces. Its a really stupid objection from climate change deniers. Its a hoax, the data is not in yet, etc, etc. WTF? You wanna bet your life and the life of everybody and everything you love on that? Not me and I supect that neither would you, if you think about it a bit more young man.
@regulusimpact9919 3 года назад
Very disappointed about your opinion... I really hope you change, if not I'm sorry for the people who have to live with you and your kind (including me) Yes it's cool to care. Aurora's line in Queendom: "I hunt the grounds for Empathie And hate the way it hides from me"
@elizabethlessner2911 2 года назад
We have one environment to protect on this planet. It's just common sense. Aurora spent a lot of time in the woods by her house in Norway and she loved being in it. She speaks from her experience on what she has seen being destroyed by people wanting to make more and more money...dumping toxic waste into freshwater rivers, streams....Telling people that eating beef and pork is healthy and that it is safe and gives you a lot of protein. So ranchers are raising more cattle on BLM property and paying pennies on the dollar for leasing land that we pay for. They keep asking for more land while they want to get rid of the wild horses that have lived there all of their lives. Who needs to each a 16 - 22 oz steak???? How many housing developments are going up in deserts? Where is the water going to come from that they will need to survive? How about the corporations that want to start stripping the rain forests? That is just the beginning of the list. There is mainly one side to be on and that side is to at least be aware and research what is happening to our planet. It isn't something that can be fixed overnight. You are young and you will feel a lot more of the effects of it than I will. Aurora is a very wise and she is also a free spirit. Her music and her messages are on point. Always.
@ChiliConCarnage 4 года назад
I didn't take you for a climate change denying right winger. I know this won't affect you in any way, but I'll no longer support your channel. Disappointed now.
@egiljohnsen6145 4 года назад
This is like the Titanic. Many people refused to believe that the boat could sink. So many lives were lost because the lifeboats were not filled to their capacity. When these people realized the seriousness, it was too late.
@TROONTRON 4 года назад
Suppressing the voices of those who disagree is the libtard way, so balance is continuing in an unsurprising way. Climate change is sort of undeniable, but the voices on both sides of the spectrum are still important. Because without them the climate change extremists will always win any discussion.
@nathanlongwell 4 года назад
@SgtSickilla I enjoy discussion, and staying friendly and open to the people I disagree with. 👍🏼 ☺️
@ChiliConCarnage 4 года назад
@@nathanlongwell is that why the only comment to my post that you felt you could like was the one with the ad hominem attack?
@nathanlongwell 4 года назад
Name calling, doesn’t help, but can we agree that hearing the voices from every side is important? I appreciate your civility in disagreeing. 👍🏼
@SaraKvammen-tx7qc Год назад
I think the world need artists with strong messages more than ever,people Who dere to use their voices for the greater good.Like Aurora,Dimash,S.o.A.D and moore
@LeNaSmileyStar 4 года назад
No matter what and how, this is a really amazing song. And I LOVE that AURORA use her platform to front challenging subjects. Her lyrics makes us think, the sound makes us feel, the whole package touches us in so many different ways depending on where we are in our journey. When it comes to climate, I've lived for a while, and I've observed my entire life. We use too much, we consume too much, and the nature is suffering because of decades of pollution. That is a fact. Even if we take the natural cycles into consideration, such as little ice ages, heat waves, etc etc, there is still too much plastic, general pollution a.s.o. If each and every one of us looked into our own consuption. We could reduce our waste, think what we buy, support local buisness and hand craft, and if everyone does their fair share, then it'll make a difference. (and then also I mean, you and I, doesn't matter if you are "rich or poor", doesn't matter what box you check, we all can "stop and reconsider" ;)
@hakanandersson1276 4 года назад
Thanx for the word 💚💚💚
@rocroc 3 года назад
ALL of the songs she has written have an agenda. "ALL". You just have to find it.
@norkannen 2 года назад
Pro nature is not political dude. It s just make sense😎
@rx7dude2006 3 года назад
The lack of knowledge about climate change is on your end.I could absolutely educate you on the matter if need be.It's something I have studied for years so yes anytime you would like.
@svorskemattias 3 года назад
So what's your credentials on climate change?
@imcalledMalin Год назад
Thank you for some great reactions. I've really enjoyed watching them! This one, though, puzzles me... This subject should be relevant to all living beings. Not just certain political sides. Nature is why we are here. No nature, no us. Aurora, like many others, understands this. I think she wrote this song to make us remember the earths beauty, and remind us that we need to take better care of it. Also, in the other Aurora reactions you've mentioned that you think her lyrics do not have a certain meaning. Well, here you go. A song with a clear message.
@ispbrotherwolf 4 года назад
Wellcome to the world of Aurora
@egiljohnsen6145 4 года назад
Here is the history about the proverb: quoteinvestigator.com/2011/10/20/last-tree-cut/
@TheOmegatronix 4 года назад
I don't know why climate change should be considered as a political agenda.
@cubensis7706 4 года назад
They use it to centralize power and plunder countries with taxation for ''saving the world''. They need a reason to manifest their long planned new world order. If you get into this matter it gets really obvious that almost all "facts" about the reasons of climate change are lies. The so called fact that most scientist agree with man made climate change is also false. Please dont let cognitive dissonance get a hold of you.
@svorskemattias 3 года назад
@@cubensis7706 sounds like a conspiracy theory too me.
@dmwalker24 3 года назад
Let's see now. The opinion on climate of the most artistically aware individual of my lifetime (at a bare minimum), who by all appearances could very well be an actual spirit of nature... or yours. Wish I could say that was a hard call. Think you may be trying to punch a little above your weight class there.
@erinhorkey9340 4 года назад
You have to see the Haik performance of this song, it's soooo good!
@Catastrophic_31 4 года назад
I recommend:Aurora-Animal
@catsarecute47 4 года назад
Yeah, but instead of the mv I'd recommend the live version at The Current. While I watched the mv only a few times, this live performance has really touched my soul.
@Catastrophic_31 4 года назад
@@catsarecute47 I agree all the three versions of songs there were satisfyingly soft🤗
@mrme123ee Год назад
@Nathan Longwell - Yea, you should probably not get into political items. You are clearly under-read and repeat standard political ideas on this subject. Great song.
@KatDorroughMusic 3 года назад
So SO disappointed with your rhetoric on “virtue signaling” and your climate change denial. The fact that we are killing our planet isn’t political. Although, politically speaking, the left is on the side of science and facts, while clearly you are not. You seriously need to educate yourself. The fact that she uses her voice and her platform to try to effect change should be admired. Instead, you’re using YOUR platform to mock her for trying to save the air we breathe and the water we drink and the animals we share this earth with. It’s incredibly disappointing. I really hope you can take some time for self-reflection.
@elias3078 4 года назад
Please the next one "Through the eyes of a child" (vevo LIFT UK) 🙌😭
@adamh7505 4 года назад
I 100% agree with this. Love that performance!
@maStiArsenal 4 года назад
Agree on this one! My top 3 next to Queendom and Lucky (vevo)
@In_my_own_mind 4 года назад
Elias Esquivel I like the version from Nidarosdomen more, but both are great. Next on my list for him is «Infections of a different kind» from the Haik concert.
@adamh7505 4 года назад
@@In_my_own_mind I don't know.. All of her live performances are great but I do feel like a lot of people hype up nidarosdomen as her best live performances and I don't know if I agree.. Great performance from her of course, but she has so many great ones. The Vevo LIFT UK performance is absolute magic in my eyes! That is usually the first live performance I show people of her and they are always left speechless.
@MarionJInce 2 года назад
You don’t like the “political” message, so you’re ok with forests being decimated and all the rivers poisoned…
@haniaulain7383 4 года назад
I am literally crying 😭 it's so beautiful🌹🌺
@beatrizgonzalezalonsopanza8706 3 года назад
ok so, correct me if I'm wrong, but I see that you seem to go against all types of facts that indicate that climate change is being affected by human race... So we should keep on destroying forests? Poisoning rivers and oceans? Extinguishing species? All that is fine? If you believe in that than you are the misinformed one... If you don't believe in that, than you agree with AURORA and the content in this music. What you call misinformation is actually just the interpretation of the facts. YES climate change happens either with or without human intervention and YES our actions towards nature are ACCELATING this event in ridiculasly fast pace. So we have to take action. There is no debate, this is a reality. We are killing the planet and we are sufforing from it already. Our lungs, our circulatory system, our high cancer ratings... I could go on and on about health problems related to demage we are inducing by not taking good care of this planet. And all that without even mentioning what our future generations wil have to deal with and avoiding the topic of other types of lives that are being killed. I honestly can't understand how someone can be that ignorant if they have done some research...
@ssjchirindongo 4 года назад
React KEXP concert. Gonna blow you mind
@josephalbanese Год назад
Funny, you didn't like her "political agenda" in her art and I didn't like your political agenda in your reaction. I will not be returning that is for sure.
@goeranm55 4 года назад
So please connect the dots to reveal what Murder song is all about (among other things).... But can I just say that exagerating demands is really the only way to get the 10% that are necessary. And it is largely the task of young persons in the artistic sphere to provide the 100% that result in 10%. Or?
@MICAM66 3 года назад
@IronQuietus 4 года назад
Such a cutie 😳 AURORA is amazing. We're her Warriors and Weirdos 😄 hope to see more reactions to her
@spontiggia8391 4 года назад
Do “Apple Tree” as well!
@anirenka 4 года назад
Amazing song and video 🤩🤩
@Gh0stHack3r. 3 года назад
More Norse (Norwegian) Artists for you: Aurora Aksnes, Einar Selvik (Wardruna), Angelina Jordan, Sigrid Solbakk, Anne Nørdsti, Astrid Smeplass, are just some of them. The Seed is not political dude ! It's all about you and most other humans poluting and destroying our planet !! And maybe read up on your history :-)
@norkannen 2 года назад
The last part of your speech you could easely dropped. Bcause it cost you one sub.
@bjornarsimonsen7592 2 года назад
Very disappointed with your reaction here. You can do so much better.
@aldousorwell4577 3 года назад
Speak your truth man. many of the people in this movement are so naive that they believe that scientist can't have an agenda.
@scottishmob7982 4 года назад
gentle earthquake lollapalooza brasil.
@scottyr618 4 года назад
It's too bad that some don't seem to appreciate your "honest" opinions. I want to see reactions, not rehearsed/scripted comments. Again your attention to the finer details is refreshing. As long as you are honest, it's unlikely I'll ever be offended.
@andreiarboleda7151 4 года назад
I reccomend Black Water Lilies. Her vocals are great in this songs and so are the live performances of it
@MarionJInce 2 года назад
So you’re ok with decimated forests and poisoned rivers…
@nathanlongwell 2 года назад
Nope. For sure not. There are absolute realities to some environmental issues. What I said was there are people making money on peoples ignorance about environmental issues, and global warming is not everything they say it is.
@Hobbitli97 4 года назад
Nice reaction!
@nathanlongwell 4 года назад
Thank you!
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