
Balenciaga Got What It Asked For 

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11 сен 2024




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@rumbabygal-5758 Год назад
Really nice logical analysis of this situation. However you did not mention the CEO of Balenciagas parent company selling child sex mannequins. I know its not tied directly to this situation, but because of the connection, I think it is worth exploring. AIso, I agree with all your debunked conspiracies except the Micheal Boreman one. Todlers, or the likeness of todlers in violent or sexual situations should never be used for art. This applies to the renaissance paintings too. As someone who was physically abused my whole childhood, I find those Boreman paintings really disturbing and disgusting. Because why would you want to depict todlers mutilated?
@NessSuccess Год назад
Thank you, someone with some common sense. This video is damaging, it brushes off the seriousness of what’s happening, and paints anyone that sees what’s actually happening as a “crazy conspiracy theorist”
@fashionlover4 Год назад
I probably should have mentioned the mannequins on christie's but the video was already long and I didn't find them to be relevant to Balenciaga however I'll mention them at the end. I'm very sorry about what you experienced and I fully respect your opinion on Boremanns. However opinion is the whole basis for art critique, and our opinions are mostly based on our lives experiences so I can see why you would not want to see these images but I don't think that means that certain sensitive topics should never be touched. I think that your statement, 'Because why would you want to depict toddlers mutilated?' is a bit dismissive because while yes, that sounds repulsive, it's not all that Boremanns is trying to portray. I can't say that I am familiar with his work so I'm not necessarily trying to defend his work but the use of sensitive and offensive imagery in art in general. I think it's up to the observer to decide whether something offensive is done well and tastefully and in the same sense that you don't think that it is, the fact that he is a famous artist says that many do find his work profound, and for that reason I think that it should be allowed. Could he achieve the same thing through less offensive/provocative drawings? Potentially but potentially not, and again I think this is where you use your own judgement on whether an artist is justified in the choices they made. Obviously there are cases of art that is made purposefully hateful or pedophilic but I don't think that type of art is widely accepted or praised. Intention is very important and usually obvious by looking at the artist's past. For example I've never seen Balenciaga promote child p**n before so I'm hesitant to think that's what they're doing now. And when it comes to art, as long as it's in good faith, I think your opinion is as valid as mine. In regards to the Jake and Dinos Chapman mannequins from 1995, it's the same argument in regards to offensive art. Instead of defending them, here's a little summary of the piece to explain it with quotes from the artists. "The 1990s saw the Chapman brothers produce a whole series of disturbing human-hybrid monsters by melding naked child mannequins together. In this work their noses and mouths have been replaced with genitalia and they are wearing nothing but Nike trainers; a representation of child consumerism. 'Zygotic Acceleration' (the name of the piece) seems to be a critique of the inappropriate sexualization of children in the media, as well as alluding to contemporary anxiety with regards to cloning and genetic manipulation. It was also supposed to be funny. Dinos said in 1994: "A child mannequin with a cock on its nose. To take that seriously, you've got to seriously limit your mental faculties. Essentially, the thing that binds everything together is humor - the darkest kind of humor possible. Because that's the way that you defend yourself from the horror". In a similar vein, Jake noted that: "Our work is so gratuitously overburdened that it cancels itself out. There is nothing in it that can be taken seriously in the way that one would take shock seriously. There is nothing that would traumatize in our work. It really only provides the possibility for laughter, if anything". The mannequins that people are upset about are about what Balenciaga did in regards to exploiting children in their advertising and consumerism. Yet most know nothing about the mannequins which you can get from a quick google search. In hindsight, I should have mentioned the mannequins because it adds to my overall point about the reaction to his campaign. And if you still think they're offensive and should not exist, as long as you've put proper thought into it, I can respect that. But I don't think it means that kering is a part of some sort of pedophile ring.
@Monikamusic02official Год назад
That's the problem. They get away with too much because certain people of status and riches who have depraved minds call it "artistic freedom" and because they are so influential, it tends to provoke the masses to follow suit. Thinking, "Well if they are powerful people and they approve of this it must be exactly what they say it is... Thought provoking... Hmm they have much more worldly experience than I so maybe I need to just get with the times. Perhaps I'm not versed enough" No. No. No. No. The more we normalize this, the more the people with REAL problems with children develop the desire and simply do not have the mental health capacity to stop themselves. Then we find 5,6,7 year old girls and boys tortured s___a 'd and murdered in a heinous manner. All because ARTISTS WANT AND HAVE A RIGHT TO THEIR ARTISTIC FREEDOM. (Not saying btw that this is the sole reason things are corrupt but since we are critiquing this, I'm speaking on this subject) Fine! If you must, by all means as an artist flirt with obscenity then fine. A dangerous thing to flirt with might I add but hey, as long as it's in the name art! 👍 Pick another subject but for goodness sake LEAVE CHILDREN OUT OF IT
@NessSuccess Год назад
@@fashionlover4 oh man…you’re argument…I could understand if it was isolated incidents, but with the disgusting holiday campaign photo shoot, the previous photo shoot with child porn court documents, the ceo owning a site that sells weird child sex mannequins, the OTHER photo shoot with the art book featuring mutilated children that also has imagery of cult rituals/, then let’s look at the epstein case and the John podesta e-mails. The art of children being abused in podestas home. His connection with marina abromovic, and all her satanic art/spirit cooking,fashion etc….there’s so many dots and “coincidences”. I understand your argument but it completely falls apart when you connect all the “coincidences” together. It’s not a coincidence. It took me a while to wake up to this, so I understand the common person will think these accusations are insane, and that something this evil could never happen in this world….the truth is that’s what /they/ depend on. They depend on you making excuses for them, and allowing it. Please do more research. Some celebrities have come out and tried to tell us. Look up jim Carey on Jimmy Kimmel where he exposes the Illuminati. There’s so much more…. It’s exhausting explaining this and im not doing a great job, im at my work desk right now- but your defense is basically “edgy art exists and that doesn’t mean it’s offensive”. Well guess what, when people who do evil, acquire and put out this “art” for nefarious purposes like normalization of pedophilia, your argument falls apart. You can’t disprove any of this just by saying “some art is edgy/scary and that’s fine”.
@NessSuccess Год назад
@@Monikamusic02official thank you for saying this. @fashionlover4 I hope he reads this. So frustrating seeing people like him defend this evil…
@Megaman.ExE7 Год назад
Tbh I'm here for it. Not because I want Demna to fail or because I hate his work. But because I'm sick of these designers with their "struggle" stories about how capitalism greatly affects their life and worldview; then turn around and sell $2.2k jeans acting like they're actually DOING something for the world other then contributing to the cause
@srafnos2073 Год назад
You hit the nail on the head
@eLiAsn942 Год назад
@MitchellBay Год назад
Yuuup the whole thing is past ironic now and I’m here to watch it burn.
@lewisc3365 Год назад
ah so demna is identity is no longer valid because he works for a big company, i understand the dislike of high fashions state with company’s like kering but this feels stupid
@m.woodsrobinson9244 Год назад
@anderson9908 Год назад
i think my main takeaway from this is how out of touch these designers and creatives are. everything balenciaga has been releasing and designing has been pretentious for a while now, so it’s kind of hard to feel bad for them when they are constantly trying to evoke a reaction from the public, but then tuck their tails and run when they don’t get the reaction they were going for.
@karigrandii Год назад
It’s a business at the end of the day. Their priority us to make money, not art, not make a better world, not help young designers, not inspire people etc. It’s the same with everything in a system that only wants the economy to grow no matter what… its sad how art or even human lives and food is not as important. Its even more sad that most support this system (because all other alternatives have been demonized to hell) and don’t have the priviledge to learn about it’s flaws.
@sugarbomb26 Год назад
I worked in the fashion industry for a high end designer brand who showed at Paris fashion week. NOTHING is 'accidental' or a 'coincidence' in this world. Everything from the clothes, to the advertising, to the runway shows, to how models look, is carefully orchestrated. Every 'stitch' is scrutinized, every detail is purposely considered by the stylists, every prop is hand selected to convey a feeling and message. There are many discussions, numerous edits, every last detail fully discussed before green lighted.
@curlyhairdudeify Год назад
Yeap, he knows nothing about symbolism and calls it a "coincidence". When those designers are pretty versed on symbols. Just like Alexander McQueen's "Highland R-ape". Letting off his the British pillaged the Irish and Ireland.
@sugarbomb26 Год назад
@@curlyhairdudeify Yes, these designers are extremely intelligent and research everything.
@rexmuddissocool Год назад
​ sugarbomb26 tell this to the team of the jpg x olivier rousteing era, because that spectacle was proof that the world of the "highest form of dressmaking" can be just as careless and thrown together as your friend's spur of the moment fashion show. and guess what i worked in the fashion industry for some of the highest end designers out there who showed at PFW and i've seen it all. except, no i haven't, i was just saying that because as it turns out you can just say anything and anybody can believe it...or not. im a scientist, and so i don't have any reason to believe you worked in pfw unless you have proof. but let's just say sure you did work in high fashion, and you worked with a company dedicated to scrutinizing every last detail...damn cool story (invaluable lore) if the world we lived in was full of "high-end" and "successful" yet responsible companies-- oh wait, it's not, it's also the opposite. a great deal of globally successful companies are time after time as negligent as can possibly be. stating as a fact that they knew exactly what they were doing and it was all on purpose just isn't going to take with anybody of sound judgment and mind. if you don't know, then you don't know. don't pretend that you know. and it shouldn't be the norm to go mouthing off that there are no coincidences and everything is intentional. people and companies of people make huge mistakes all the time. if we cant understand that people fundamentally make mistakes, we're all screwed. especially if we condemn and ruin peoples lives who make errors. i know that this is just stating the obvious, but goddamn. pushing narratives/conspiracies which are not actual facts just spreads anxiety and paranoia. keep that shit to yourself. do more research and be a compassionate scientist. seek to either PROVE a result as wrong or corroborate the results before you say mindless shit that anybody can say which is what most people are doing, just saying things they are being told. real folks provide proof and blow the whistle, and those folks can get censored just for having the actual facts. anything less than that is just hot fucking air. peace
@chisomo8088 Год назад
@@rexmuddissocool wtf are you even saying?? You're making zero sense. What's wrong is wrong, what Balenciaga did is wrong. And the rigorous process that fashion campaigns go through before being presented to the public is widely known even by people who aren't in the fashion industry. Because you chose to be ignorant, doesn't mean everyone else is. And if publicizing the perversion of the individuals in this industry is spreading paranoia, then let's fucking do that. Because this shit is wrong and shouldn't be normalized. No one gives a fuck if you're a scientist as you repeatedly pointed out, if this is your thought pattern you're obviously no good at your job.
@nomanejane5766 Год назад
Dear sir or madame, you seem to forget that the crazy amount of models that walked down the Valentino runway with shoes that didn't fit, and ended up falling or taking them off. So many shows where the clothes are being held by safety pin. Yes, some things are accidental
@megorly792 Год назад
There's no way the documents and the diploma were a mistake. A brand as big as Balenciaga doesn't simply just take a picture of an advertised item on the spot on some random desk. They would have to set up a background and props. And it's just a wierd number of coincidences, I'm not taking it
@jude4628 Год назад
Exactly, companies like theirs decide on every little detail to make the campaign fit perfectly into their narrative.
@NessSuccess Год назад
Thank you! This vid is a joke. He thinks he’s a fashion expert mean while this has nothing to do with fashion and everything to do about exploiting children
@Ishtarthemoon Год назад
@@NessSuccess many people have pointed out how satanic we have become as a society for people to think any of this is ok, which the OP proves by stating he thinks there’s no problem with being a satanist.
@A_name_is_a_name Год назад
He’s trying to get attention from an opposing niche. All for views on both sides of the coin. Neither care.
@tsu08761e Год назад
@@NessSuccess no, you just dont understand the reality of the situation. you are sheep
@nicothetree Год назад
"coincidences" do not come from a billionaire company. stop making excuses
@Athena_208 Год назад
Exactly this is ridiculous defending the rich companies behavior they should know better.
@phume5957 Год назад
I think it's extremely far-fetched to consider it a coincidence.
@Ninjaagentxx Год назад
Agreed 100% there’s absolutely no way
@Zowiettr Год назад
agreed this is a bad take
@a.p.12345 Год назад
That's a bit naive….maybe you are living in a bubble…i have worked in this industry for years, believe me, disturbing things happen, this is why i quit. We should be aware that many of them (designers, celebrities, stylists) are totaly freaks…
@donquixote2584 Год назад
Either post proof or stfu
@TheArtkaw Год назад
A job is a job. Sometimes staff just want their paycheck in the end and not drama.
@LeexDore Год назад
@@TheArtkawand now in the end they have drama and lost their jobs from a failed set check because a brand will get of the people who helped and were in charge of the set and shoot rather than the head of brand in charge himself. It’d be different if this was a pull for a random shoot this was a whole set creatively set by and for the designer who gave the green light.
@jackchow397 Год назад
mind to drop your first name and where you worked as well as to elaborate on what you've seen just to back up what you are saying here?
@angela.luntian Год назад
No one with a sound mind would slip this in on purpose without wanting to make a statement that means a lot to them
@suzan4741 Год назад
I don’t buy your theory. There are no accidents when your dealing with a company of this magnitude.
@davidjuaquin2 Год назад
I like your take on fashion and am glad to have found your channel, but your position that elements of their ad campaign were either accidental or coincidental I can't agree with. Every single item used in the shots were intentional, from the court documents to the tape being displayed as BAAL, it was all purposely done. As you said, they sought out to be controversial and got what it asked for.
@Athena_208 Год назад
They crossed the line by putting stuff like that as props. They should of known better especially stuff about cp etc. It's inappropriate and should not used for their campaign.
@rhodaray130 Год назад
Since when Devil and symbols of Satanism is illegal to depict and use as cultural references in media involving children? Since when Adams Family and Chaky dolls got illegal? What about David Bowie's vampire hero in the movie Hunger, who occasionally kissed the little girl next door? What about Tim Burton imagery? Why Devil and other monsters are marginalized by todays digital society? A kid draws some little devil's disturbing? Have you not seen Paris or any other medieval town in Europe at night?
@Ninjaagentxx Год назад
As someone who has worked as a model in the fashion industry, and a professional in the marketing world (10+ years for both), there’s absolutely no way any of this was an oversight. I’ve been on set for over 100+ shoots and not only is every little detail deliberate, there are so many people on set to ensure that everything goes as planned. So many people had to green light all of these campaigns, and the fact that there’s such a track record of multiple incriminating campaigns is only further confirmation that this is intentional. Don’t let them gaslight you into thinking they are just out of touch, I have lived in Hollywood for 13 years now and I’ve met plenty of wealthy out of touch people who would never think this is acceptable. They know what they are doing, and they are trying to appeal to the Epstein crowd. #burnbalenciaga
@dvb013 Год назад
Erm I worked in the fashion Industry as a model, prop manager, and CFO of countless fashion IPs for 11+ years (more than you) and we make oversights all the time. Really no need to lie about what you’ve done In life with absolutely no proof backing it up In all reality if you think it’s genuinely impossible that teams this big can make mistakes, especially in the world of fashion that’s known for being so fucking hectic and stressful you must be living with your head in the sand. Valentino has had models fall on the runway from faulty shoes, Rick Owens had a model wish death on a politician during a runway and those are just more popular examples. Shit happens, mistakes happen. This whole conspiracy is what it is, a really big and really awful mistake that included tasteless photos. Not sure how “””flaunting””” a trafficking/p**n ring is good for business or for the supposed secret ring to begin with
@terrinhicks-jacobs9630 Год назад
For my job, I’m part of a team that is constantly in proximity to some high end brands meetings and all the various goings on behind the scenes. I’ve seen a lot of people in the midst of this discourse who allegedly worked in the industry trying to discredit your assertion that certain things were coincidental or at the very least not intended, as theres this notion that ‘everything is planned and meticulous’. I can PROMISE you, that’s bullshit. Some of the brands even I, as a relatively layman in the grander scheme of the industry, are very clearly running on loose threads. I’ve heard higher ups from Chanel, Jacquemus and yes even Balenciaga describing not just their work load, but how many other teams and projects are being worked on in a vacuum without large overhead from the big boys at the brand. Sometimes teams can, off a single green lit pattern or concept, create, sample and figure out a skeleton for marketing within a number of weeks before ANYONE with authority revises. To say that all this Balenciaga controversy is inherently because people are ‘uncovering the evil’ of the fashion and art world and that the collective witch hunt centred at Balenciaga and its affiliates feels like a modern revisiting of the Satanic Panic from the 90s. These are provocative images from a brand that many people assume they ‘get’ simply because they consume content related to it. Face value judgements and surface level observations based on whats right in front of them without any prior media literacy on Balenciaga, it’s great context, the creator, the artists, the potential statement etc are taking over the media cycle about this brand. It continues to prove that, in broader uncertain times, people want a Boogeyman. I’m terrified that because of this, the people I know who are employed at Balenciaga either in retail or at the company will continue to be harassed and attacked by, in truth, ignorant and angry people with very little actual information on what they’re mad at, and are simply fuelled by a myriad of very convenient and borderline nonsensical conspiratorial accusations. I think regardless of whether you like Balenciaga, this outrage should scare you about how society had regressed in terms of how it approaches the comprehension of art, and if you’re passionate about things like ending child exploitation and pedophilia, it could be time to look at the many ACTUAL predators that exist in our world (i.e politicians, religious figures, that 40 year old Uncle with a 19 year old Girlfriend)
@DivineYeezy Год назад
Balenciaga thrives upon controversy to maintain relevance and it's worked since the past 5 years. I'm sure Balenciaga was aware of what was being put on the advertising campaigns, they just thought they'd get away with it because they're the hottest brand.
@potipota9242 Год назад
Who could takeover balenciaga ? The succes of Balenciaga rn is insane and the whole identity of the brand seem to be the demna aesthetic right now
@Ishtarthemoon Год назад
They would need to completely change direction if they ever hope to salvage the brand. Cristobel will be turning over in his grave.
@fashionlover4 Год назад
This is true and another factor that buys Demna time. The brand is basically on him and his vision which is why I don't really think of Balenciaga as a heritage brand. As I said, I don't think he will be leaving soon but perhaps things will change over the next year. It's just my own speculation
@andyzamora584 Год назад
Ralph Rucci could take over Balenciaga, he knows couture and the tradition of the house.
@cloyboy2493 Год назад
I think this perspective is a bit skewed and optimistic. We all know Epstein’s book, his island, the victims, but where are the perpetrators? These kinds of conversations always seem so fast to defend those like haha it was an accident, oppsie. No. They placed everything on that set meticulously with tweezers and gloves, gave everything a good look over, and then said lights camera action.
@gazer99 Год назад
@@fashionlover4Because they’re rich and can get away with it? You obviously don’t give a fuck about the safety of kids, apparently bondage teddy bears and child porn documents aren’t a red flag to you? stop drinking the kool aid and trying to act like holier than thou by trying to cover this from a design perspective
@Athena_208 Год назад
Exactly they spend months seeing everything so they cant that naive. Their a multi million brand how stupid do they think people are.
@init100 Год назад
I wouldn't be surprised if Balenciaga top brass have been to Little St James, also known as Epstein's Island in the Caribbean.
@mister.wednesday Год назад
I've been saying those bears are dressed like punk/goth this entire time! I dressed like that in middle school and sold stuff like that to kids when I worked at Hot Topic!
@whatsup3820 Год назад
Bye bye Balenciaga.
@y2tnb Год назад
ehhhh idk bro it's definitely weird , sound like you're just defending people you've always revered or something lmfao . too many coincidences, also you didn't mention the photographers former tweets about child abuse at all lmfao .
@purpleye2608 Год назад
Also Gabriele Galimberti said now in a deleted tweet in 7/31/22 "Why restrict C-Pr0n but not guns?" 🤔🧐 Like what the actual fuck?
@nana_untamed Год назад
I think their trying to see how much they can get away with
@Americansikkunt Год назад
“Clearly the child represent the modern Capitalist worldV and it’s inherent bondage to materialism, even from childhood (as displayed by the multitude of items. Even the child’s sole source of comfort, a teddy bear, is a product of consumerism.” -Demna stans, probably
@UNIRach Год назад
They have taken Cristobols hard work and flushed it down the drain. And really its sad and shows y some refuse to sell their companies after they retire or pass away. Tho, Balenciaga didnt have any children or spouse to take over when he passed, his name, work and style had such a prestige behind it, they couldnt just let it die and sold it, twice.. I feel for the original creator
@VicandKelly4eva Год назад
I really don't think you've done enough research because when you are affiliated with a person who makes sex mannequins that look like children that you can have sex with that's not normal.
@TheArtkaw Год назад
@Monikamusic02official Год назад
Those were the most disgusting things I had ever witness. Just obscene. So much so that I thought they were not true. I thought there's no way they have this on their site. But it just goes to show how weak minded people are and how easily they concede and fall in line no matter how grotesque the subject matter is.
@A_name_is_a_name Год назад
@@TheArtkaw Straw-man fallacy!
@lorenzo1425 Год назад
Venn diagram between balenciaga's audience & anyone outraged by the controversy is two circles in different rooms. I really don't think this will affect anything long term
@jkb1O5 Год назад
Well said.
@rskl8083 Год назад
Yeah he said fashion isnt a bubble, sure not only the bubble sees these items but only the bubble will buy any of these producs
@indighostt Год назад
i usually like your takes, but this one isn’t it. Their actions are inexcusable and are far from “coincidental”. Even if this was all for the sake of shock value it is still very wrong and sick.
@stephm4047 Год назад
An Advertising Campaign is a lot of money for a fashion brand. So nothing is done by mistake. The agency will present dozens of pictures from the shooting. And a meeting of the key people of the brand, CEO/Communication/Design/Sales even Finance, will be organized to select the ones that will be used for advertising. So they wanted a scandal and they got it. Maybe beyond what they were thinking, which shows their lack of knowledge since most people in the business know Calvin Klein had a major issue in the 1990s with children in underwear advertising. And Calvin Klein was big at that time. But at the end, only the sales figures will count, and it actually might attract some customers, some people are weird.
@fashionlover4 Год назад
To be fair, you could be totally right, I think the bears were purposeful but for this video I went with Balenciaga's statement that the documents and props were fake. But maybe Balenciaga did know about them and thought to release them anyway for the controversy they may cause which rightfully so blew up in their face. Either way, if the props were planned or a mistake, they got what they deserved.
@camlam5269 Год назад
@@fashionlover4 I didn't know much about Denma or Balenciaga before your video. I had a very negative opinion of the ad campaign based on my first impression and still do. However, it seems the ads are part of a continuing theme of innocents in a corrupt and hostile world. Seeing the war themed fashion show and the damaged clothing and seeing that the teddy bears were already part of the collection puts in that context. I don't think the "Baal" tape or the diploma mean anything. The tape says "Balenciaga." John is one of the most common names in the English language, and Philip and Fisher are far from rare. The s*x offender by that name isn't famous, so it's quite a stretch. The document was about the limits of free speech, as well as innocent vs evil. They would have nothing to gain and everything to lose by openly admitting they support human trafficking. That said, there is no excuse for using actual children in the ad. They aren't props and could be affected by being exposed to these things or recognized for the ad. It's also a dumb idea to carry the dark controversial theme into the "gift shop" ad right before Christmas. There's a time, a place, and a way to explore these themes, and this wasn't it.
@JustARandomGuy1999 Год назад
It’s funny how you brush it all of as a coincidence. It’s only your fans that are gasing you about your view on this. You should check yourself.
@Athena_208 Год назад
This guy is either really naive or delusional to think this stuff is conventionality a coincidence.
@AlexMartinsBrazil Год назад
demna is the one to blame, but funny who he can do this and just say sorry and everyone will forgive and move on, in other hand, ye and kyrie say sorry they got fully canceled
@Regular-kid- Год назад
I’m a big fan of fashion but not balenciaga only there old couture collections I can personally say that what they are doing now isn’t fashion or doesn’t seem like it anywa
@fanpoop5064 Год назад
I really enjoy your videos.I can't stop watching them bcause they are very well put, you're charismatic, funny and you know your stuff. Keep up this great work!!
@Wa7edmenalnass Год назад
Ask him out for a dinner
@fashionlover4 Год назад
Thank you fanpoop I try my best
@tonysparks9453 Год назад
Hmm you’re far too soft on Balenciaga. 😒😒😒
@Riverbed_Dreaming Год назад
Balenciaga has always been an experiment in to what the shittiest thing they can slap a logo on and sell for an absurd price and are finally reaching their goal, surprisingly not by making their products low in value but making the brand logo low in value.
@duchessedeberne3909 Год назад
I love how the clothes in your background look like you built a fortress out of blankets and windbreakers :D is this where you retreat to a safe space after researching Balenciaga?
@ChefFonz Год назад
Stop defending them bro I know they are your favourite brand but open your eyes
@arceustheo Год назад
He's not defending them entirely bozo stfu and watch the whole video
@Devananta-Rafiq Год назад
Balenciaga casual fans are going to move to Diesel for the sake of cool factor on its way to become next hype brand. Tbh I hope they doing a complete rebranding and move on from Demna. Back to the roots of Balenciaga: dressmaking in the highest precision and innovation. The fun time of Demna all over, they will not recover. With the Haider trial on couture for the next JPG show, I pray for him for the next CD of Balenciaga.
@fashionlover4 Год назад
I could definitely see that happening, good take
@henningstreilau7003 Год назад
The only respectable coverage of this controversy, besides Fashion Roadman's W content as always Fashionlover4
@rivkahhaubner7498 Год назад
I feel that. Very few people with understanding of the fashion industry have covered it, so their views are lacking in nuance. Most talking about it seem to be religious fanatics.
@NessSuccess Год назад
He defended balenciaga and basically said there was nothing wrong or evil about these ads. How is this good coverage???
@user-bf3yh6ue7p Год назад
@@NessSuccess he didnt defend balenciaga tho…
@NessSuccess Год назад
@@user-bf3yh6ue7p he basically did. He’s brushing off this scandal saying it’s nothing too serious when it’s children being exploited right in front of our eyes. He even somehow made a brain dead defense of the child porn court documents that were seen in the photos, saying “it’s probably from a film or tv series that hasn’t been made yet”. Such a dog shit take.
@snkrmeetup Год назад
@@NessSuccess He's not wrong though. They should have done a better job moderating the campaign photos and it was certainly in poor taste, but it's a stretch to say that they are taking advantage of children and promoting cp
@ImDJ733 Год назад
Well, nice try but there are too many coincidences that didn’t have time for you to explain. So we are all grown up and we like fashion but even if everything is as you explained, still how it is possible that one so influential brand with so many people who are responsible, come on idea to promote and make narrative for there clients with very sick problem some humans have?! Nice try but to much coincidence just kills all arguments. Fashion last years killing the creativity pushing so hard political narrative supporting only one agenda. Never before in history of fashion was not, first politically correct and then maybe creative but not out of understanding what would Kardashian family have capacity for. Sad and so not fashion! Sorry, but I like very much your perception of art of fashion. Keep on 👍🏻👏🏻😎
@notatheory4488 Год назад
You really don't care about kids.
@happycamper3561 Год назад
“Weird but whatever “. What a compelling argument
@alexboucher354 Год назад
Literally never seen someone defending a point more than him. Frl cmon they did a wrong thing stop trying to defend it this much.
@nidahaider4956 Год назад
Honestly, that’s the vibe i got from this video as well. I appreciated his other videos for his fair analysis, This particular one is disappointing with the excuses.
@superherring Год назад
Same vibe, but I thought Gallucks' video was worse
@LeexDore Год назад
@@superherringalluck literally gave “fuck you guys I’m still wearing it” and his responses to comments were so immature like aight stay ignorant
@petrosbabinn1695 Год назад
Let's not act like all these files and props were put there by chance. This is a multimillion dollar brand; nothing is done by chance. It was thematic. Also let's not act like their designers and employees are blind. They can clearly read words but not the room apparently.
@lisajones5573 Год назад
Too many coincidences all on the same subject ….children…And not one thing accidental or innocent about it.
@diego.247 Год назад
How much did they pay you to defend their every move lmao
@amosjin3553 Год назад
i mean he is fair about it tho?
@brendacx6100 Год назад
@@amosjin3553 He is but he’s still leaning towards Balenciagas side.
@user-bf3yh6ue7p Год назад
Feel like this shows quite a lot from the both sides, balenciaga and their laziness, and descent of people who search for proof or facts. Ofc there were always people like that and when something controversial comes they become louder than the others with their outrageous takes
@locoasian122 Год назад
What do you mean they didn’t see the documents!!!???? Because of they carelessness!!?? Are you serious!! Believe me every move and every step is carefully calculated and placed in an order. Nothing is simply because they forgot and didn’t see it. I know you a fan boy of balecees but god damnn it even a person who has no knowledge of fashion can see it.
@NessSuccess Год назад
Agreed. This vid is a joke and is damaging, it’s defending balenciaga
@TheArtkaw Год назад
OK Tucker Carlson, settle down
@A_name_is_a_name Год назад
@@TheArtkaw You resort to name calling? That’s pathetic.
@Monikamusic02official Год назад
The fact that trigger words are being used like "conspiracy theory" and "A far right thing" makes me further believe that there is an agenda behind it all. Lots of people from Liberals to democrats to just about everyone else outside of the far right came out to CONDEMN this campaign. Remember, these are words used to desensitize the weak minded people so that they continue to fall in line and have no thought of their own. Sad.
@NessSuccess Год назад
@@Monikamusic02official they’ve been doing it forever! Any time this shit starts getting exposed the media says it’s a “far right conspiracy theory”
@melkab4765 Год назад
I'm christian and I appreciate your objective view on this and I don't disagree on most things. But while I do agree though that the child pornography/abuse/etc. documents being placed in the 2nd collection was really careless and even more because it got released after a collection promoted with children, it's just too many coincidences for me to ignore. This is just my belief though, some of these were stretched out (like the ouija board thing) but the art book, the jugements, the baal tape seem less coincidental to me.
@moniquecooper5487 Год назад
I have to agree with you completely, they are banking on the fact that we would say this is so out landish and far fetched it can not be true.... That is how they have been getting away with it for so long. Because we are normal people and these disgusting things are so far from what we would ever do that we think people cant be that sick. but they are.
@aloistyler Год назад
funny though how child abuse actually happens at christian churches and not fashion houses…
@melkab4765 Год назад
@@aloistyler Many have denounced over the years the abuse/sexual assault they've been enduring in the fashion industry, whether it was from strict diets, mistreatment, low salary, bad work conditions, etc. It is safe to say that many complain on the internet and don't/can't take legal action as they were taken advantage of physically and mentally when they were young and now can't defend themselves properly against this big industry that is basically indestructible, seeing how fashion is a major part of everyone's daily life and so will always stay relevant socially no matter what they do. However, that's not the case for religion. Religion is more so a choice, not a social aspect that's relevant for everybody, hence it can be battled by the people outside of that sphere. That's why many have actually been taking legal actions against the child abuse made in the catholic church (christian and catholic is different!). So you hear more cases like these _because_ they were brought to court. In the end I believe both have had a lot of cases of child abuse, it's just that the church was mostly reported and made public by the media because people want to see christianity crumble, as it's not an "important" social aspect of life for some, but more so a set of morals that they think is twisted because the people didn't follow the Bible (so the people are to blame, not the faith).
@ogpablo8752 Год назад
Bro is giving them too much slack by saying the document and michael borremans are just coincidence😂 the attention to details these designers/editors have when creating is obvious cut the crap
@judaz86 Год назад
So many people have worked in the fashion industry by the few comments I’ve glanced over. But anyway probably the best video I’ve seen about the matter and it puts my mind at ease about the whole situation and further assures my thoughts that the people coming up with all these conspiracies are the ones that care the least about the actual issues they’re complaining about. All the do is comment and be angry instead of donating their time or money to actual children in danger or need
@minnie383 Год назад
innocent and heart warming book? you are one of them, huh?
@Gashag5 Год назад
This is a very crazy situation that Balenciaga has put themselves in and I do think that some of the imagery they included was purposeful but it’s impossible to know what their goal for it was. Your videos are always in the top tier of fashion RU-vid because you actually go in depth and do research, unlike the many random people on social media putting together these theories of Balenciagas intention from assumptions. My main thought for these campaigns is, did Demna have anything to do with it? I feel like he did not but I cannot know for sure. I’m also a big fan of the 2023 Resort NYC runway show so I’d like to think they have good intentions.
@AyoKeish Год назад
I think some things are happening or coming out together because of not their intention of course but because the devil cannot do things without giving you the opportunity to choose.. . Whether it is the universe God, whatever ppl believe ... insert in the blank.. . but we have been given a lot of Information here and ive done my own research... . Take it and approve what is being done (make an excuse) or take it and research for the bigger idea here .. .
@VixxKong2 Год назад
I think you’re right. The devil often shows what’s he’s about and see if you’re still gonna come over to him despite seeing the weird stuff. These elite designers and celebrities don’t wear symbols for nothing. They’re saying « that’s who we are, that’s what we do » and if you’re still on their side after seeing the evil, then you choose the evil
@hausacat 3 месяца назад
Revelation of the method.
@blancabmdesign Год назад
Balenciaga should of used Adult models for adult content. Keep the children out of it!
@MikeWazowski680 Год назад
Still not done watching the video, but from the comments, I really don’t understand how so many of you don’t see this as sinister and call it a conspiracy theory. They are SHOWING you what they’re about, what they believe in. Otherwise, why would they show such things in their campaigns and work with people who also have “art” depicting these kinds of acts? I think any normal person who doesn’t condone these types of things, would never put stuff like that in their “art”.
@doofy3111 Год назад
Because they want to shock people
@MikeWazowski680 Год назад
@@doofy3111 I think one thing is shock value and another thing is what they did.
@doofy3111 Год назад
@@MikeWazowski680 what would be the difference?
@pseudo148 Год назад
Just got back from a Kendrick concert, and I’d love to see your opinion of the fashion choices musical artists make
@Americansikkunt Год назад
BAAL worship is real.
@stormzybanksy Год назад
thank you for debunking some absolutely stupid misinformation out there. i honestly don't know if people realize they're just making shit up, or are that quick to just accept anything they hear.
@A_name_is_a_name Год назад
You’re projecting pretty bad.
@yc1112 Год назад
Bro built like a sub bot commenter!!! 1500 for 3 dollar head
@goku9791 Год назад
literally ☠️ the devil worshipping or child trafficking like jesus christ do they not hear how dumb they sound
@curlyhairdudeify Год назад
Can you tell us about Denma's Tweets relating to child c-orn.
@Ninjaagentxx Год назад
It’s not misinformation when the brand itself has inappropriate imagery and has issued an apology for it.
@french.25princess Год назад
I've watched a couple of your previous videos and I appreciate this one so much that I subscribed. I'm super happy you talked about punk culture, and as per usual the internet is ranting conspiracies over mostly coincidence.
@VLAD..... Год назад
BALENC *I* AGA G *I* FT SHOP CAMPA *I* GN Three letter Is Focus on 3 and I What shape has 3 sides? A triangle What word is has three Is? ILLUMINATI ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED
@florptytoo Год назад
Adidas confirmed. Lol.
@christinanguyen1230 Год назад
You reap what you sow
Hey man i would be interested to hear your thoughts on the jake and dinos chapman mannequins and art work? From the stuff i have seen it seems to be an art gallery owned by Kering that sell these.
@fashionlover4 Год назад
I left a reply to the pinned comment about them!
@ramenisbombman Год назад
Very weird that the Tape actually says Baal in the original photo
@janinemarie4530 Год назад
Accidentally? OK. My bad to get it so wrong.
@celycute1 Год назад
I don’t put anything past anyone at this point 😂 most of the theories are def reaching, however … sure there’s a small chance anything is true … and nothing would surprise me 😂
@Ishtarthemoon Год назад
The punk bear has ankle straps that are used in bdsm. Take another look. Plus a padlock on the neck. Previous campaign shows a model holding a key, perhaps the key to the padlock? Either way the padlock has bdsm referencing.
@TheArtkaw Год назад
Look up punk aesthetic please
@Monikamusic02official Год назад
It also references children with black beaten up eyes. When you educate yourself on the subject, you'll see that the children are referred to as Teddy bears. This is exactly what they wanted to do. Desensitize you. By slowly releasing this so called "punk grunge look so that you can make this exact assumption. Gosh this world is hopeless. I pray that you never experience anyone that you love go through what they put these kids through who fall victim to these disgusting seriously disturbed people. A police officer gave his experience on what he has had to witness in regards to child "c r I m e s" of this specific type. He is traumatized by what he has had to witness and was deeply triggered, adding that he has recovered many children who were unalive clenching Teddy bears full of blood like the ones in these photos. Please open your eyes to this huge problem we have. Please do not allow this to go under the radar. This is horrifying.
@mcsc730 Год назад
Watch Hellraiser movie series and take a nap
@doofy3111 Год назад
@@Monikamusic02officialdo you think violent media also desensitizes us from violence?
@katexfob Год назад
What would it take for them to fire Demna?
@danilm5578 Год назад
9:38 Jesus Christ man you can’t just do this to us with no warning
@micacam2684 Год назад
So good! Great job and thank you for the clear head and INFORMED opinion. They need to hire you for their new oversight committee.
@jw1165 Год назад
Please do not blindly believe everything you hear. Read the Bible. Get into God’s word. Satan is not cool. Devil worshipping is not cool. Follow Jesus. Be blessed.
@goku9791 Год назад
tbh i don’t think the alcohol was that serious in my opinion
@efenty6235 Год назад
saying there is nothing wrong with satan is not helping your arguments denying the presence of satanism.
@rebrock67 Год назад
You are being very naïve and you need to dig deeper..
@aipanda09 Год назад
The campaign was a succes We all are part of it. Victims of fashion
@windsofthewest2164 Год назад
There was a model dressed in a leather Bondage butcher outfit with handcuffs and chains at the end of the 2023 show, so I guess you missed that, and the Models carrying babies and bags with bloody blankets, Oh so the bears are a punk style, lol why did they have babies?
@u-q-6236 Год назад
Thanks for the first rational take on this. I think the artistic intent here is pretty obviously not promoting child porn(idk how people even see these images as sexual) but the juxtaposition of the innocence of children with the dark/grimey/edgy aesthetic of balenciaga. But people will reach and Balenciaga shouldve predicted this and it's probably too challenging for a brand as big as them. I'm not a fan of balenciaga and this campaign but this whole controversy is blown way out of proportions and frankly ridiculous.
@jamesward4191 Год назад
You are not objective bro----and you know it, there is no doubt that this was a deliberate act ---have a word with yourself
@earlofunicorns Год назад
U got Beksiński right 👏🏻 i love his paintings too well i live near his hometown 😊 i found your channel two days ago and i love your content ❤ im more architect and graphic designer but thanks to you i got interested in fashion 👯‍♀️ nice take on this baalenciaga issue i hope many people will see this
@Lucky_Pon3 Год назад
I thought the prompt document and books were supposed to be commentary on the corruption amongst the rich or just humans in general. I thought “even as commentary this is so crudely done and out of touch for Balenziaga!” But nothing more than that. I think there are ways to touch on topics like that in better ways not that you can’t touch on them through art at all.
@KaTheMagician Год назад
Random "Cat Noir" poster at the start just induced some psychedelic nostalgia.... crazy tie for a 14-year-old
@bibzykravitz001 Год назад
where’s the link for the church of satan site bro?
@AnonAdderlan Год назад
• _"only one or two sinister child paintings"_ Oh that's sooo much better 🙄 • _"I won't show the paintings on __#RU-vid__"_ I wonder why. • _"why would a gallery with locations all around the world host an exhibition about the artist's work in this book if anything about it was morally wrong or pedophiliac?"_ You mean like how #Christie's, the world leading art auction site and owned by the same guy who owns #Balenciaga, featured deformed child sex mannequins which sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars? But let's skip all that and address the quality of evidence itself: If all these 'coincidences' aren't enough to make conclusions about #Balenciaga, then neither are the multiple #Dogwhistles people claim to hear regarding the #AltRight, and it would be intellectually dishonest to claim otherwise.
@stanco341 Год назад
Finally a good video on the topic. High end brands are here to make money, this is ruining their monetary gain by ridiculous amounts. Shouldn’t that be enough for people to agree with you?
@melo7591 Год назад
Demna knows what he’s doing he used to put ventements ( his own brand ) clothing on mannequins in gay clubs
@PeterPan-qb3tb Год назад
Too many coincidences and your reviews making excuses for a very deliberate marketing F up child sexuality has been and will always be a part of the fashion industry it is well documented how older men take advantages of young models or kids who wants to enter this industry.
@EXPLO17 Год назад
You like Beksiński huh... Amazing. Check Mariusz Lewandowski too then, it's a must if you like Beksiński, truly wonderful works of art full of madness
@NoemiLeNetteArts Год назад
No sir. There are no coincidences. Especially in art, everything has a purpose and meaning. You sound like you are defending dumb, and perhaps choosing to speak about the subject, because other channels are speaking about the subject, but doing it in a way to remain in the good graces of the offenders. I just recently subscribe to this channel but I’m reconsidering. If they tell you and show you what they’re doing and you still support them, then you cannot complain about the consequences. It brings upon you.
@juniorvlogs6617 Год назад
crocs too? i think i wanna throw mine away.
@alexwinter3752 Год назад
i feel sorry for you, the conspiracy theorists found this video
@martin_voxmartin Год назад
I want to give you a very wel owned compliment The moment you mentioned the bubble , I instant realized that it is so true. And I realized that because of my former friend, a very eccentric person who designed beautifully baroc like clothes. When I was stil going to school as a teenager I saw him once in a plexiglas melted space suit full of small lights. In the 70,s there were no leds. He wore two accu’s hidden in that suit. That’s wat I later found out. He was from an other world His shows were magical. His clothes not for the average women by the way. He for 40 years kept on going like a real craftsmen. Two years ago he was honored with the very seldom given prize from Paris ,the high needle craftmendhip for live award. (Free translation ). There are two levels but this is the most prestigious one. The first one given to a Dutch designer ever. But I wander of. It is the bubble created and sometimes necessary by a small group of people They have created often from young age on a fantasy world to escape the harsh world we often live in. It was his escaping from a abusief father who called him names. His mother allowed and helpt him to creat a space to make clothes for dolls. He needed to create a fantasie world. His mind was constantly creating clothes, furniture , materials fabrics, opera and theatre costumes. Without these special high sensitive ,Creative , Persons living in there bubble, the world would look very different. You are a wise young men to mention this. Y ou are the only one who mentioned this bubble and you inspired many people to redirect the childporn projection to a more fair and honest overthinking I couldn’t imagine that this was a kind of devilish secret society who,s plan was to plant the M ,next No the lbhg plus ideologie But these days we need simpel explanation sometimes and you said it very well I overthought the whole situation but the world reacted so in tune with each other ,that my idea of wat I saw, a very eccentric performance , was overshadowed by a lawine of negative emotions. I thought , I don’t know the designers at all but there must be something sinister going on like Epstein , or in this direction But again everybody should watch your story and accept that these visions and creations ,are a projection ,a outcome of a more and more complex world ,and what a incredible talents to combine all the thoughts, ideas , drawings enz , the patterns , materials , sewing enz enz to shine time after time.
@clairehann2681 Год назад
The bubble can be caused by being extremely wealthy and selfish, too.
@11kindpunk11 Год назад
Such good analysis 💙💙💙💙💙
@jockrlo04 Год назад
Im sorry but in Fashion school they stress the f out of us to find our voice Demna always seemed to be admiring Margiela too much that later he just starter reinterpreting him even his final graduation collection and vetements was a lame Margiela rip off
@hawkandserpent Год назад
But isn’t the sexual implication of harnesses and chokers the reason that wearing them in public is punk. It’s not bondage it’s punk but the punk symbolism of the items is just a reference to the original kink meaning
@alatacak6270 Год назад
Love how well and indepth you cover this topic
@karliebellatrixyoung6359 Год назад
5:28 Vivienne Westwood for Sex (a bondage boutique) with the Sex Pistols (the original punk boy band)
@emiliosandoval4 Год назад
Terrible takes man. Don’t let your fanatism make you blind
@DontPanicrs 6 месяцев назад
Disgusting brand. I judge anyone who still wears anything from them.
@josephrichards932 Год назад
I think a lot of people are caught on an emotional high in 'cancelling' Balenciaga and don't want to understand the situation from a logical perspective. When a set designer creates a set for a shoot (generally 1 or 2 people) they also have assistants (1+ people) who assist. It doesn't matter how 'big' a brand is or how much income they generate, they generally are run by small teams or contractors/agencies which plan and execute these campaigns - companies generally want to minimise costs and maximise output, also easier to control smaller teams. Entirely possible that these things were snuck into the set by one or a few rogue set designers. Although they go through many for approval, you must remember that the approvers are BUSINESS people, not CREATIVES. They most likely have 10000 other things to do and also do not care about the minute artistic liberties that these employees take, and are not going to formally analyse these as such. This hysteria is a mixture of ignorance and also lack of understanding of how organisational structures work - not saying that what they did was acceptable but it really shows the brain capacity of most people lol
@drxxg8660 Год назад
W comment
@Devananta-Rafiq Год назад
@fashionlover4 Год назад
Great point!
@josephrichards932 Год назад
Lol? And I’m refuting this with my point? Did you even read my comment? Doesn’t seem like it. Also my point comes from actually being in the industry. L Human
@A_name_is_a_name Год назад
Where does this give them the excuse to market towards MAPs on multiple occasions? I think you’re misrepresenting those cancelling Balenciaga to make their argument easier to attack. Pretty pathetic honestly.
@rhodaray130 Год назад
Since when Satanism is illegal to use as a cultural reference in art and media, also involving children? Thank you in advance, if you have a profound argumentation in your reply.
@kmoooooooo Год назад
I feel so bad for Lotta... Seeing the miu miu collection back in october made me realize how big she finally became inside of fashion (and outside of Balenciaga), it's a shame she got dragged into this. She's a very talented stylist
@rivkahhaubner7498 Год назад
I feel the same way. None of her Instagram content including children gave any indication of sexual undertones (at least not to me). Even the kid tied to a chair was satirical. I highly doubt any children were forced into taking photos for her. It’s honestly insane that people are still witch hunting in 2022
@cloyboy2493 Год назад
I think it’s time to step back and look at your comments with a perspective that’s unbiased. Just reading kid tied to a chair, satirical, etc. and then having her be involved in this is a little too coincidental. Global acts of evil happen everyday under our noses, Epstein’s book and travel logs had many people’s names in it, why is it so hard to believe that absolute power corrupts absolutely? I stand in the middle with hesitation, but don’t see fast to defend those in high places, after all this is what they are hoping for, that their ‘cult followings’ will defend and protect them.
@FaithFallRepentGraceRepeat Год назад
@@rivkahhaubner7498 Let’s not play dumb here: if you had an Instagram account with obvious satanic imagery & photos of kids disemboweled, sexualized or restrained- people are going to use discernment based on what you choose to promote. Don’t blame the witch-hunt….blame the witch.
@zayntax4329 Год назад
@@rivkahhaubner7498 the gross pictures are archived but some people managed to screenshot them. Look em up
@TheArtkaw Год назад
@@zayntax4329 Ok Tucker
@nadiachernich4876 Год назад
I feel like they did it on purpose on order to bring light to the sexualization of children but when the backlash became too much they tried to chance the message since they weren’t done.🤷‍♀️
@skyfalldeadpool1633 Год назад
I would considered all this a coincidence if they didn't include that case of child pornography vs the Supreme Court. That sealed it for the fact that you just downplayed that and glazed over it is bafdling to me
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