
Basic Tutorial: Spotting Contacts when flying 

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@donpyers3638 2 года назад
Excellent tutorial! Learned more in this one video about spotting contacts than from days spent watching other videos.
@KarayaYT 11 лет назад
Disabling AntiAliasing also greatly helps spotting contant as the lack of edge smoothing will make them appear more blockwise. Of course it does hurt visual quality but its a price one has to pay in order not to be surprised.
@vasilistsilioukas4270 10 лет назад
I was flying with StG77 as StG77_Rudel on IL-2 Sturmovik and USL tournament.. I have to say that you are the best instructor i have ever seen! Great work and Great speech! The most worthy subscription i have ever made.. Keep flying!
8 лет назад
You guys are really getting in depth into this game. I love the look and feel of the game but It's kinda intimidating the amount of practice and time it takes to get good at it.
@Skilly_J 11 лет назад
the Warthog is amazing, you'll definitely love it! super smooth and very high quality. there's so many buttons i can even use some to turn on/off the gun sight, change flaps, and talk on teamspeak. never have to touch the keyboard anymore! p.s. i agree with jerry jarreau, a loadout tutorial would be awesome, a lot of us newer players don't know what ammo does what or is better or worse
@kwings714 11 лет назад
Just a tip from my private pilot training. 15° scanning increment. Stay between 5 to 8 second per increment.
@edwardbrophy9749 Год назад
This is the most important!! 👍
@medicatedsaint 11 лет назад
By the way, thank you for all the time and instruction you put in your videos. Well done. :)
@longbowdt 11 лет назад
Another fine tutorial, man. Good tip about lowering the resolution for better chance to spot bogeys. I'd forgotten about that one. I know you've done some toots on defensive maneuvering, but maybe you can come up with some new lessons?
@ronaldwatson1951 7 лет назад
Great explanation of the video, can you give me directions on getting started?
@DrMaquisapa 11 лет назад
I love your tutorials. I have used your tactics to improve my gameplay. I would love to see a tutorial on using the bf 109 to attack bombers.
@geraldjarreau 11 лет назад
Great tutorial. I would like to request a loadout tutorial. For those of us who can't read German, how do we know which gun rounds to use? How to use the loadout interface, etc... Keep up the great work.
@ChiefRedCloud01 11 лет назад
Excellent and well needed ...... thanks
@blackjohnny0 11 лет назад
Tutorial about navigation will be cool. Especially in RAF planes, which has strange compasses.
@Krotiki 11 лет назад
Thanks. Wow. You have mighty ears.
@szjason8 10 лет назад
Hi, Ape. Your video is very helpful. Just one confusion regarding Hartmann's escape. I got info from other source that the rudder should go in the same direction as the stick, i.e.: left rudder + left top stick push, or right rudder + right top stick push. Which one is correct?
@jaggoeu2828 9 лет назад
Excelent tutorial! Thanks.
@p0iuytr3wq 11 лет назад
U r making really nice videos. Channel subscribed! I got a question for u. Which joystick u r using? Right now I got Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, but I want to buy a new 1. I'm thinking about x52 Pro and G940.
@hinks11b 10 лет назад
Can you do a tutorial on the gaming equipment you use? Like what kind of head sensor you use, and what do you think about the new oculus rift?Positives/Negatives?
@BuzzyGruen 7 лет назад
Excellent video! Do you have a video on managing the oil radiator and the water radiator? Thanks for your tutorials! S!
@Nekhrest 11 лет назад
Thank you for your tutorials!!! :)
@p0iuytr3wq 11 лет назад
Thx mate. After reading few negative opinions about x52 PRO, I was thinking for a while about Warthog. But it's a bit too expensive. Even with just a joystick and keyboard as throttle I would still need a rudder pedals, wouldn't I? I came out with a crazy idea of designing and building my own joystick ;). Right now I'm learning the basics of electronics and programming of microcontrollers.
@Apeoftheyear 11 лет назад
Just get the Thrustmaster T16000, its a very good stick,has throttle aswell as twist function (to replace pedals) and costs only about 50 Euros. It´s the second best stick after the Warthog in my opinion and has an unreal price/performance ratio.
@Skilly_J 11 лет назад
if you have the cash thrustmaster makes some of the best sticks around. i spent a bit extra and got their Warthog HOTAS package, and having used the stick and throttle for several hundred hours now i have to say i haven't used anything before this that comes even close to the quality of the Warthog. imo if you have a keyboard you don't need a dedicated throttle as you can put all commands onto the keyboard, and getting just the stick is still really excellent
@Erc888 10 лет назад
Ape, do you sometimes fly the Spitfire or Hurri?
@steelpanther88 11 лет назад
stay calm, sometimes, if you don't see anybody, you actually might be ALONE in the sky xD Also, it's good to fly in formation of 4 friendlies. It's easier to spot contacts when 4 people are scanning the sky, with 4 pairs of eyeballs. Sometimes its impossible to see contact, because of angle (low 12 oclock), but his wingman can see the same contact EASILY from his own plane. this is the reason for German schwarm formation, easier to spot contacts in this formation, from any direction.
@ericp.9497 11 лет назад
"Clean your monitor" Ha Ha! I can't tell you how many times I've cut hard to chase a bogey only to discover it was a speck on my monitor!!
@schmalzfaust 11 лет назад
Sehr gut, wie immer :-) wie wäre es mit einem tutorial über "Situation awareness". Wird sehr unterschätzt, auch bei erfahrenen Piloten.
@ChiefRedCloud01 11 лет назад
Two questions ... (actually one request and one question) ... Request: what are your monitor settings again? and Do you fly on ATAG (online)? If so, do you use the same handle?
@medicatedsaint 11 лет назад
Looks like a fun game. Bought it but it wont play on my Win 8. I read forums of other people having issues and tried a 'fix'. That didn't work. lol. Oh well. C'est la vie.
@Apeoftheyear 11 лет назад
Hmm haven´t heard of anything like that, but it sounds like a driver issue. Install the latest driver of your Graphics card maybe. Was this problem always there? Do you have the newest Patches? Maybe play around with the graphic settings and see if a specific option has an effect on this.
@royraiden 11 лет назад
If you open the side window you can definitely hear the Merlin from far away.
@uubeerdude 7 лет назад
Why don't I hear more about flying a combat spread, with a pair of aircraft flying on each others' 3/9 line at a distance of maybe a couple of hundred meters or so, with both pilots spotting enemy contacts for the other?
@steelpanther88 11 лет назад
can you make a tactic/ tips video about fighters escorting bombers successfully (e.g. for IL21946, Mustangs and Thunderbolts escort heavy bombers) what tactic should escort fighter use? how to spot enemies when escorting the bombers?
@euanemblin7467 11 лет назад
If you have a powerful graphics subsystem, try Meshshowlod=1 in the conf.ini file. I made this change and upped the resolution and the result was both an improved image quality and distance at which contacts were seen. Horrido!
@AKAKraut 10 лет назад
5760 x 1080. Am I doin' it right?
@Apeoftheyear 10 лет назад
XD, either you have a very very weird monitor or you have 3... now you will only need the warthog and you are going to be in highest nerd league, well a cockpit replica is still missing ^^
@HolyOrangeJuice 11 лет назад
I have issues with shimmering. The distance graphics will shimmer and sparkle making it almost impossible to see a plane. Even planes that are semi close are hard to spot.
@Apeoftheyear 11 лет назад
I can´t tell you accurately, but when you for example fly at 4000m and a spitfire crosses you below on 1500m you can still hear the drowning of her engine.
@Krotiki 11 лет назад
What's the distance you can hear someone below you?
@Apeoftheyear 11 лет назад
I´ll keep that in mind, i hope ;)
@Apeoftheyear 11 лет назад
Thx. What do you mean? The resolution is 1440 times 900.
@schmalzfaust 11 лет назад
Da haste Recht... das kommt mit der Zeit von alleine. Naja ich glaube mein nächstes Videos wird mal wieder ein "Cinematic". Ich bin zur Zeit nur ein bisschen faul :P
@Leon_Portier 5 лет назад
>Clean your monitor >Me with my 6 dead pixels in the middle of it
@Apeoftheyear 11 лет назад
I´ve got the X52 and i cannot recommend it. The Throttle and the big number of buttons is great for realistic simulations but the stick really sucks. It has a dead Zone from the start and feels very light and cheap. So the Stick moves very easily and has very few resistance. Mine is now so worn out and has such a great dead zone that its nearly anbearable and i have to get a new one. My next big investment is going to be a Warthog and Pedals.
@HolyOrangeJuice 11 лет назад
CH gear all the way. It won't break ever. Only time you will need a new set is if USBs go out of style.
@eierschweiss8168 10 лет назад
Hi, thanks for your great tutorials. I am new to Clod and wanna learn this game. My biggest problem now is to set up the most usefull keys and function to my flight stick. I got a x52pro stick. What keys do i have to bind to the controller? For shooting with the gunsight, camera, plane etc. There are such a lot of functions, perhaps u can tell me what are the most needed for dogfights. It would be more easy for me to write in german language, perhaps u can send me a message or can meet me at TS to talk about my questions. I really want to learn this great game. Hope i can meet u at TS or ask u so e questions.
@Apeoftheyear 10 лет назад
Most important buttons you should put on your stick: -Most of these are in the section plane/Flugzeug: 1.Prop Pitch/ Luftschraube Anstellwinkel - verringern, vergrößern. 2.Landing Gear/ Fahrgestell rein, raus. 3.Flaps/Landeklappen, rein, raus. 4.WEP/Notleistung 5.Vertical trim/ Höhenruder trimmung auf ne Achse legen 6.Zündung auf nen knopf. Standart ist "I" 7.Prop Pitch automatik On/off belegen. 8.Bremse auf ne Achse/Breaks on an axis. (Achse) 9.Zoom (30grad,75 grad, 90 grad, oder achse). (Kamerasteuerung oder sicht oder so) This are the things that i don´t have on buttons because i use them directly on the handles in the cockpit: 1. Open water radiator and oil cooler with handles/ der gelbe knüppel unterm throttle ist fürs öl, ganz nach vorne drücken zum öffnen. Wasserkühler ist rechts ne Kurbel, gegen den uhrzeigersinn machts auf glaub ich, steht aber auch dran. 2. Open/close canopy and sidewindow, kuppel aufmachen oder schließen mit dem griff direkt unterm fenster, fester mit dem kleinen silber griff (bei der e4 nen paar cm unter dem griff klicken). 3. Magnetos auf M1+2 (links oben) 4. Visierbeleuchtung / Sights enablen, unter dem Zielvisier/below the aiming sights is a small turning device. 6. If you need to bail pull the red handle on the upper left to get rid of the canopy. Im Notfall den roten griff ziehen um das kabinendach abzusprengen. Nüzliche sonstige Tastenkombis/ Other useful stuff: Strg+w enables bombs, Strg+e bails/pilot springt ab wenn kabine offen. Other than that you need of course a Joystick and if possible in additon rudder Pedals and Track IR. Those Axis need to be detected. Pitch - Verticale Achse, Roll - horizontale Achse, Yaw - Ruderpedal achse oder stick twist. Solltest du es nicht hinbekommen kannst du auf unserem Teamspeakserver vorbeischauen, dann helfen wir im JG26 auf Deutsch auch weiter, solange es nicht zulange dauert und zu nervig wird kein thema. www.aircombatgroup.com Wir nehmen allerdings zurzeit keine Noobs auf weil wir ziemlich voll sind. Also schön üben dann kannst du vllt mal bei uns mitfliegen. Viel Glück!
@Apeoftheyear 10 лет назад
Apeoftheyear Achso, Tasten fürs Kanone/MG und evtl zum ablassen der Bomben natürlich auch noch belegen.
@eierschweiss8168 10 лет назад
Apeoftheyear Super! Ich versuche die nächsten Wochen zu üben und melde mich mal bei dir/euch wenn ich bissl drin bin. Kannst du evtl. noch ein Video zur Konvergenz der MGs/Kanonen und zur Gurtung machen? Welche Muni und welche SchussDistanz/Konvergenz gut ist für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Mir würde auch schon eine kurze Antwort reichen, wie ich damit starten soll. PS: Wegen dem Schießen.. da gibt es ja extra Ansichten, wie Gurt lösen und fürs zielen.. soll man das nutzen? Wie am besten als Noob, damit man was trifft? Danke dir!
@GhostRider247 7 лет назад
how you moving round the cockpit ? im new to this and have a thrustmaster joystick and trottle ... iuse the hat switch to move roun around which is not ideal .... i also use my right hand for mouse so using the joystick with my left is not ideal also ... sorry to be a newbie ... but not a newbie when it comes to flight sims .... thanks in advance buddy
@Tatefootball83 4 года назад
Head tracker. It's at least another 80 bucks. -_- $200-ish if you get TrackIR (I'm getting TrackHat). But essential in my experience. Flight sims are so much more expensive than other game types.
@Apeoftheyear 11 лет назад
Sry für die späte Antwort. Neue Nachrichten werden mir manchmal nicht richtig angezeigt. Nja das ist wieder eher so nen thema "kommt mit der Übung" und nichts was ich wirklich viele tips zu geben kann, hat auch viel mit Teamwork und absprache zu tun. Aber macht doch selbst den Tutorial dazu ;)
@elohssalaer12 11 лет назад
hi, ape. your vids are fun to watch, your german accent makes it interesting. I don't want to sound like a 'know-it-all' or something, but, you make the mistake many do when pronouncing the name...'hawkinge'......the 'inge' part is pronounced like the word 'hinge' or 'binge', not 'ing', like in 'going' or shooting'. I know, not real important, just a minor detail......
@Apeoftheyear 11 лет назад
@poeli1 11 лет назад
haha war mir anfangs nicht sicher ob das ein echtes flugzeug ist
@falconeaterf15 4 года назад
Open your can of pie?
@Tattvadarzin. 4 года назад
Hehe, canopy is pronounced can-oh-pee.
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