
Becoming A Witch , Wicca & Witchcraft ~ The White Witch Parlour 

The White Witch Parlour
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15 окт 2024




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@TheWhiteWitchParlour 7 лет назад
Hello my enchanting friends, thank you so much for the continued love & support! I am so delighted to hear that my videos are bringing a little bit of magick into your life! You can follow my daily adventures over on my Instagram instagram.com/whitewitchparlour/ Wishing you all a prosperous day! xo ~Jenna
@lori1642 7 лет назад
Love this video BB🔮💜
@cheryl398 7 лет назад
Blessed Ostara Jenna !
@autumnshadow700 7 лет назад
The White Witch Parlour Love you blessed be💖💖💖💖💖
@rainafrazier6079 7 лет назад
The White Witch Parlour love this video Jenna,
@zeroiceberg7612 7 лет назад
The White Witch Parlour Do you have any healing spells, crystals, and tips.
@niab9740 6 лет назад
This video almost made me cry, because you are the one person that talked about how to deal with past religions and being scared that you would be punished by god
@reshawndasexton8527 5 лет назад
I am dealing with my daughter through her awaking. I just found out that she is a witch.. And that my family also practices the craft also. They have kepted it hidden from me.. All my life.. I was a single mother at a very young age.. So my daughter's would be at a family member's a lot and that's where they were taught. With out my approval. I believe in GOD THE CREATOR AND JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.. NOT ONLY IS THIS A HORRIBLE SIN.. IT TRULY IS SAD KNOWING THAT MY FAMILY MEMBERS WILL NOT BE WITH ME IN THE END RESULT... WHEN THE god OF THIS WORLD TIMES UP. SO IT'S VERY IMPORTANT WHEN YOU DECIDE WHAT god YOU'RE GOING TO SERVE. IT IS YOUR SOUL YOU'RE PLAYING WITH....
@samuelharding9697 5 лет назад
@@reshawndasexton8527 yes he will end the earth but what about space colonies
@hozaywhatever3505 5 лет назад
Reshawnda Sexton the Bible says “I shall not judge or I shall be judged upon” so if your going to try and preach something that you believe in..don’t be a hypocrite ♥️
@VLoveCrystals 5 лет назад
loved your comment!
@saltyshimakei4155 5 лет назад
@@reshawndasexton8527 You understand there are Christian witches.... right? Witch isn't a religion. It's a practice.
@greenteafifi 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for this! I grew up Pentecostal Christian but never felt like I could fit in. I couldn't deny how much nature meant to me, so I feel like witchcraft is a great path for me! I still believe in God and my love for nature truly goes hand-in-hand together.
@rebeccarhodes6611 Год назад
Me too , I felt like a fish out of water.
@babylyn3094 7 лет назад
Both my mother and father are witches, my dad stronger and on the darker side of things my mum a white witch and very pure. They truly balance each other out.
@ladylilith3929 7 лет назад
Frank289100 well, no. If you did any research, you would know the distinct differences between all of that. And if you yourself didn't have an interest in any of this, you wouldn't have found this video. Do some actual research.
@ladylilith3929 7 лет назад
Frank289100 HAHAHAHA! You're rambling. Just stop. You're not going to convert anyone! The Goddess and the God, or the Lord and the Lady, are kind peaceful deities. The absolute number one law in WICCA is to harm none. To have respect for everyone no matter what. I respect the fact that you don't share my beliefs. And I'm sorry you're so closes minded. But there will be no conversion. My heart knows it's truth. And that truth is to respect everyone, including animals. To love all and to care for this hurting earth. Just quit while you're ahead. I care not for your stories because all they are, are crazy ramblings. BLESSED BE. :)
@ladylilith3929 7 лет назад
Frank289100 You're an idiot.
@ladylilith3929 7 лет назад
Frank289100 You're still a complete idiot.
@ladylilith3929 7 лет назад
Frank289100 *yawn* Still an idiot. You can send as many song lyrics as you want I'm not even reading them anymore lol. May the Goddess and the God bless you, even with your blatant ignorance. Blessed be.
@elizatash 5 лет назад
This is the best advice I have ever seen for someone exploring witchcraft. I've been a witch for more than 25 years, and I have never seen anyone explain how to find what works for you better. I hope you continue making these videos; educating people is key to encouraging understanding and acceptance.
@moonpiemoonpie 7 лет назад
I get overwhelmed with emotion when I watch ANY of your vids, Its hard when your culture rejects the idea of witchcraft when I want to accomplish is peace. I am from the south and I can feel magic in my history like maybe voodoo from slave ancestry but that's just a strong feeling.
@TravisMagus 7 лет назад
Its bigger than "slave ancestry"... before Colonialism dominated the world, your ancestry ran the world with Magic. Magic is the original way of life. Watch Brother Panic and Bobby Hemmit.
@jenniferedmond2897 6 лет назад
Girl I️ feel that! I️ think that’s why I️ can never stay in the South too long. I️ feel a rush of emotion and energies when I’m out there. I️ thought it was in my head but after reading a bit I️ might just be feeling vibrations from the past
@janesmith_seedler75 6 лет назад
1 Samuel 15:23For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee. Leviticus 19:31Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 20:6And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul Leviticus 20:27A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Revelations 21:8But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
@TravisMagus 6 лет назад
Jane Smith_Seedler but why are you in the comment section ?
@omgfinally4340 6 лет назад
I practice & I don't name it. It's nothing but the law of attraction.. with charms & physical representations, basically. Remember that. It's a more physical, energy honing law of attraction principle.
@gabriellerenee3243 5 лет назад
I’m an Eclectic Wiccan so I resonate with what you said. I attain to no hierarchy or certain way of things, I’m simply my own person. Learning, growing, and gently becoming the best version of myself. New sub here! Thank you for the vid🖤
@bigmyke587 5 лет назад
You are spot on when you mentioned staying away from “fear”....and “negativity”...
@ninjanailgirlinatube 6 лет назад
I'm pretty sure Ghandi said all religions are true or something like that. I mean practicing Wicca or being Christian are both right. Really everyone has their own spiritual journey and everyone evolves at their own pace. Gentle reminder.
@akolley1 5 лет назад
....Understanding who God is and what He has done for us only comes in knowing who you truly are and your need for a savior. Do You Want to Go to Heaven? forwhatsaiththescriptures.org/do-you-want-to-go-to-heaven/ The Bible declares, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23 KJV). Because of sin, none of us can pay the price to enter heaven. Regardless of how many “good” works we do, we are still sinners by birth, unable to merit God’s favor. We have come short of God’s righteous standards. Thus, in order to enter heaven, we need God’s righteousness. The good news is that, through the finished crosswork of Jesus Christ on Calvary, we can be made “the righteousness of God in Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV). We can receive God’s righteousness as a free gift! We can receive eternal salvation from our sins! “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9 KJV). “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23 KJV). “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1 KJV). “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 KJV). “In whom [Christ] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7 KJV). “In whom [Christ] we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14 KJV). “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9 KJV). “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness” (Romans 4:5 KJV). “What must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30,31 KJV). Salvation = Faith + Nothing. It is free to you because Jesus Christ paid the price. Do you believe that? Have you fully trusted in that alone for salvation? Jesus Christ (God manifested in human flesh), in His great love, grace, and mercy, paid the penalty for our sins. The Gospel of the Grace of God which saves lost mankind is: “Christ died for our sins, He was buried, and He rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV). The Lord Jesus Christ shed His sinless blood to forgive us our sins, but the Bible declares that anyone who rejects the Gospel of Grace will have to pay for his or her sins in the lake of fire for all eternity. When you trust exclusively in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, Jesus Christ’s righteousness will be applied to you. Jesus Christ is perfect, so His righteousness imputed to us is our only means of getting into heaven. Will you trust in Christ Jesus alone as your personal Saviour? I hope you will accept God’s offer today! forwhatsaiththescriptures.wordpress.com/ At this link at the top of the page their is a master list of questions, click and learn how amazing the Lord and His word is.
@aartistanimations5766 5 лет назад
@@akolley1 honestly I am not going to read all of that but I wish you all the happiness in the world, I myself am an atheist and practice magick, I can assure you it is not the devil's work, we don't go around possessing and casting spells, we want everyone to be equal and happy, Just as I am to you. I myself don't believe in a god, but I'm glad you have found happiness in your life weather it be god, Wicca, or whatever else, and that you find peace after death, blessings be 😊
@jozettemina5340 5 лет назад
akolley1 the Bible also says that women cannot have any power over men and should be silent. Timothy 2:11
@jozettemina5340 5 лет назад
akolley1 so fuck that
@briancordova1299 5 лет назад
@@akolley1 thank you. Such a thought system no longer has power over be. Be at peace.
@rebeccaautra442 5 лет назад
I always thought that witchcraft was scary and weird, but after divorcing a very Christian man and finding out that the pastor of my church was stealing from the congregation, I started rethinking my beliefs. I started with positive affirmations, which led me to the law of attraction, which led me here. I’ve been reading a book called The Goddess is in the Details, and as I’m reading, I’m just clicking with all of it, like maybe I’ve always been a witch, but just didn’t know it. And suddenly my scary idea of witchcraft is no longer scary, it’s comfortable, and beautiful, and just feels right.
@annad5052 5 лет назад
her eye makeup is amazing!! especially the eyeliner, it's so symmetrical!!
@sarahconner9433 2 года назад
Correct..her eyes are absolutely symmetrical!!! It leads to real beauty and balance... Usually are good singers and well balanced emotionally
@rosannastewart3174 5 лет назад
‘Question the world around you but don’t question yourself’ .. I really needed to hear that today, thank you x
@Hannah-th2ib 7 лет назад
So weird.. I was literally just thinking about looking into Wicca and witchcraft and u post this video 2 minutes later.. crazy
@emo1who 7 лет назад
Hannah Williamson I found her videos last year my life is changing its so positive Def look into Wicca
@lrinc.8978 7 лет назад
Hannah Williamson yeah she sure does pop up at the right time. same happens for me to.
@DarkFae-1700 7 лет назад
Hannah Williamson that's signs of power
@DarkFae-1700 7 лет назад
Hannah Williamson that's a sign ur a witch
@Hannah-th2ib 7 лет назад
darcy manning I've been doing a ton of research today!!
@Spirits-n-Giggles 6 лет назад
I started crying when you started talking about your fear through your old beliefs peaking through your new belief. When you said to go back out into nature and make peace with all of it, it hit me hard and helped me a lot. Thank you so much for the lovely reminder.
@Mystic_Christopher 7 лет назад
I have gone through several ways of explaining what my practice or "religion' is. From Pagan, witchcraft, hindu, and Buddhism. Nowadays i keep it simple and say i am a Philosopher (Philo-Sophos- A Lover of Wisdom).
@Anonymous18817 6 лет назад
Witchcraft is not Wicca. Witchcraft is a practice, not a belief system or religion. There are Atheist, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Agnostic, Satanist, Pagan, etc. Witches. Everyone’s Craft is different, witchcraft is extremely diverse. Some people consider their own Craft as their own personal religion and that’s completely fine.
@Ilovecats1989 6 лет назад
I love that, pretty much describes me I don't know really what I am. I believe in alot of things I'm very open minded.
@DivineAscendedSoul333 6 лет назад
Being a philosopher is great! Though it's Hinduism. People who follow Hinduism are Hindu😇✌️☮️
@sarahleechang2122 5 лет назад
Omg u have the exact same combination of beliefs as me
@sarahconner9433 2 года назад
@@Anonymous18817 you forgot luciferian
@CMT1995 7 лет назад
For those of you who didn't know, music legend Stevie Nicks has a huge interest for witchcraft. The more you know...
@thanostimestone6813 4 года назад
Many public figures are interested and into the occult.
@jessicagentry6379 4 года назад
I love Stevie Nicks music!
@juliereminiec4937 2 года назад
Stevie Nicks actually is a witch... Ms. Nicks was on a Tv sereis called American Gothic : Coven this was at the time when she admitted that she's a practicing witch
@sarahconner9433 2 года назад
Obvious like sunlight.. Every heard of the family "Kardashian"??
@carliebaccelli9382 7 лет назад
I suffer from really bad anxiety and I always felt different I was connected to witchcraft and stones and nature, its just really hard for me to feel my energy. I can feel peoples feelings I love magic I always connected to it..........its hard to explain.
@cheyenneparker4469 7 лет назад
Carlie Baccelli I know exactly what you mean I have the same problem but I can here people's thoughts and I know automatically if something is wrong and I'm closely connected to the spirit world so don't worry your not alone in this
@1chick1camera 7 лет назад
Definitely not alone! Spend time with stones and nature you feel pulled to. For me anything with the word "rose" I feel strongly connected to so I focus on rose quartz and feel so calm when I'm near it. Spend time getting to know the things that make you feel good. It takes time but the fact that you already have a strong connection to magic (just by loving it) is a good start. Keep your chin up and continue to do things that feel RIGHT 💜💜
@Richard-lh3te 7 лет назад
Carlie Baccelli you're an Empath and meditation is crucial for empaths
@MishiOtsubo 7 лет назад
Like Cheyenne Parker said use the stones for example, or everything that youre naturally drawn to. I myself made great experiences working with the elements and stones. ask water to wash off your fears and negative emotions when they overwhelm you and to cleanse you or use earth to ground you for example. I wish you all the best on your journey🌻❤️
@cheyenneparker4469 7 лет назад
Miician I thank you for agreeing with me
@debpollock5080 5 лет назад
Hi Jenn, Deb here, I'm a 65 year old eclectic witch and am very grateful to hear your words and know they are being shared. Thank you, your energy is very welcome and refreshing. Blessed be.
@OGmarzipan 7 лет назад
I just had to pause at 2:10 and say I'm so glad someone feels the same way as I do. Wicca was a good stepping stone for me as well, I was doing it for 2 years but just recently I decided I wanted to break free and be my own witch, creating my own personal path, making my own guidelines for myself. It makes me a bit less stressed or irritated by having my own free path where I can follow any direction I want. I know I have a lot to learn still being 16 but I know I have good judgement and a good head on my shoulders to know what I'm doing and where I'm going. I appreciate you a lot , you provide not only so much knowledge but you have an amazing energy.
@madelinebaylissmakeup8350 6 лет назад
Madeline B. Was scrolling and stopped at your comment as felt drawn to it ... then I noticed your name, I'm Madeline B too.. 💖
@ruthscott5511 3 года назад
Jenna, I completely agree with pretty much everything you said. The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. Life keeps a balance on its own. Blessed be
@hesperiia 5 лет назад
I kind of opened up to my mom recently about being interested in witchcraft and Wicca and she sent me two of your videos today. She’s a Christian so I was so scared of what she’d say, my grandparents (who I live with) are also catholic so they don’t know since they’re older and stuck in their ways. But my mom is the most accepting, I have a burning feeling she’s a Christian Witch, and I feel she’s known i was a witch before I knew myself. This is a great video. I love it ❤️ thank you and blessed be 🌙🖤
@zuzannavee9558 2 года назад
I wish I had had your video when I was starting out 50 years ago! I knew who I was at 15, as an adult I tried to fit in to the conventional for decades: on again, off again with my spiritual knowing, which cost me dearly. Now at nearly 66, I have fully embraced being a Witch, and the hell with any other group, religion, person, etc. Thanks for putting this out there for the just-starting-out crowd. They are blessed to have this available. You give wise counsel.
@spike16965 5 лет назад
God loves everyone and gave you this earth to relish in it. Use that energy from mother earth to conquer your inner soul and make your life more at ease
@gabrielleangelica1977 3 года назад
Your channel has been a staple for all things Witchy! ✨🌙✨ Thank you ❤️
@mlind-je5jn 7 лет назад
I can't agree with you more . I always felt I was different from the rest of my family. I have been into metaphysics and Wicca and paganism for a long time. I've always felt drawn to things of this nature. I'm the only one in almost all my family who isn't Christian. my mother hates all this sorts of stuff. thinks it's evil. I hated going to their church even as a kid. I respect everyone's religion though. religion should be something that makes you happy and a better person. gives you a better life. it should not be one is right and the rest aren't. a lot of religious followers have that mindset, their religion is the only way! well... there are many paths up the mountain.
@oreallyoreilly4525 6 лет назад
grimmscythe I can relate 100% to this. Glad I’m not alone
@bananalover1524 6 лет назад
majalind I know how you feel
@happilyevergreen 6 лет назад
Same! I was always questioning things but was told to just believe. I am the only one in my entire family (cousins included) that isn't Catholic and am no longer really a part of the family as my family too believes it to be evil. I've gotten to a point in my life where I'm okay with it. Best of luck to you on your path. ❤️
@Silverwaters05 5 лет назад
Definitely relate to this. I went to church when I was younger. Bible study, youth group, everything. I just always felt like I didn't belong. It wasnt for me. I watched Charmed and found out about Wiccan, and witchcraft, and that sounded more like me but then I felt like I was the only one who was practicing, so I quit. Now I feel like getting signs about going back into it as I just feel like there is something missing. We are free to practice this religion, regardless of peoples judgments. People judge what they don't understand. I hope one day we can be free from all of the negativity and judgements that this religion/practice seems to still get today.
@juliannacampo9453 7 лет назад
It is truly amazing how real this practice/craft is. My friend was born into a pagan Wiccan household, her grandmother was a high priestess of her own coven and her mother taught her a lot about her spiritual guide and she shared with me how she can quite literally contact her mother while she is away through meditation, it’s quite mine blowing
@vrindach7942 7 лет назад
I literally was reading the whole day about Wicca and sorcery and now you post this video. I can clearly see magick in the air!
@blackflame8893 7 лет назад
Vrinda Ch cana you? Are you sure you feeling sick ?
@akarimizuki4382 4 года назад
Your video is like a breath of fresh air. I'm a beginner in witchcraft and wicca, and I fear a lot about other's judgment, especially my family which is close-minding and full of prejudices... This video gives me peace and confidence and distressed me. Thank you very much for your advices and your sweetness!
@carderb6112 7 лет назад
your views on Wicca are my thoughts put into words
@benv6196 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for making this video - I was reflecting today on my past 15/16 months of being Wiccan, and exploring witchcraft, and this largely reflects how I have felt and have thought about the "absolutes" that some individuals present. You have articulated this beautifully. Blessed Be!
@saf1373 7 лет назад
I am 13 and I feel like I am a witch, I had this kind of calling to open myself up to witchcraft. I have been trying to start witchcraft and I hope to become a witch! I love your videos they are really helping me with my journey!
@thewitchhut63 6 лет назад
Phia, you don't "become" a Witch. If you feel drawn to the Path, you are a Witch already. Like she says; never stop learning what you can, this is so that you can tune into the kind of Witch you want to be. That doesn't mean a good Witch or a bad Witch per se, it just means what kind of witchcraft you want to do. You will naturally be drawn to your own unique Path on your journey. Also, don't want to "become" a Witch for the wrong reasons, don't dabble when you don't understand the consequences yet, and always work your Craft with positivity and light. I send you all the Blessing from Mother Earth and wish you well on your journey! Blessed Be.
Omg same but am 12 and i think i am a witch as well.
@audreyjean9918 5 лет назад
I started feeling a deep connection to this sort of stuff at a very young age. I just didnt know what it was and now i decided to start it.
@justicejewel 5 лет назад
Same but im 12 :) i already have tons of information on the topic so im hoping it'll kinda help calm my anxiety cause what I've done with it so far seems to be very healing, especially the crystals.
@Brooklyn_lin 4 года назад
I am 12 too! Btw anyone interested in being friends and talk about witchcraft on insta? My instagramm: @day._dreaam
@linsykes2372 7 лет назад
How refreshing to listen to you talking about witchcraft without coming across as a loony! I've been a solitary white witch for over 10 years now and its just so nice to hear someone talking sense! Thank you xx blessed be xx
@hollyclark4518 7 лет назад
There is a great social media app (free) called Amino for witches and pagans. Everyone is supportive and positive, there's tons of collaborators answering and asking questions. I've felt pretty alone going down this path, which isn't my learning style, this social media space has really helped me to feel uplifted and inspired.
@Mystic_Christopher 7 лет назад
Holly Clark thanks for this :-) Gonna try it out.
@172-0 7 лет назад
I'll try that then
@sarahw.5748 7 лет назад
I'm on Amino and it's been really great so far. I've been able to find so many people to talk about my path with
@michellefox1052 7 лет назад
Hi Holly I'm in New Zealand do you know if that app is available here, some aren't available:(
@hollyclark4518 7 лет назад
Michelle Fox oh I'm not sure... I know it's here in the US, and in Europe... my guess is it would be as I've seen lots of people posting from all over; Italy, Brazil, etc
@neesqueendom6107 5 лет назад
Hello, I'm in awe ! The personal feeling of not restricting your beliefs, and your opinions/ explanations are almost identical to mine,.that just resonates with me more than anything I've read or heard.my birthday is 7/23 with ascending capricorn and moon in pisces, in which I have been wondering for so long why I feel certain ways and things,THANKS FOR YOUR VIDEOS !I'm new at this but I'm confident now with you guiding me in your videos! I love you from afar in colorado! Your soul is beautiful I'm glad to just feel I've met you in this life!
@vancise08 6 лет назад
You speak to my soul on so many levels. I don’t follow just one religion. All religions interest me.
@thanostimestone6813 4 года назад
After reading the greater and lesser key of Solomon I went completely into Kabbalah and the tree of life. The Buddhist monks knew about it before the Hebrews (or Madonna). Eliphas Levi is a good reference as well. Forget about Anton LaVey, he twisted all the teachings of Levi.
@StrawberryFizzie 6 лет назад
I don’t usually like leaving comments, but I felt something amazing from this video. I’ve been interested in exploring magick and going down my own path, but for the longest time I was scared to because of my own anxiety and insecurity. I always had this thought in the back of my head that said “you aren’t good enough, you’ll never be powerful enough” and feeling like i look ridiculous (which really shouldn’t matter). It really means a lot that I’m not the only person who has had fears starting out, and that I don’t have to be a super powerful psychic or whatever to be the best witch I can be, and most importantly, that it’s okay to feel a little ridiculous at first. Nobody starts off perfectly, it takes time and practice to figure out what will really work for me. I’m positive that the universe guided me here to you. Thank you so much for this video and everything you’re doing. You are such an inspiration to me.
@nokareful 6 лет назад
You're saying great things. Real spiritual wisdom. Thank you.
@mariefechiongvlog1438 5 лет назад
since i was a child im dreaming to become a witch..thank you very much,you are so beautiful and you have a wonderful soul.
@riiriimii 7 лет назад
its been a year since i started exploring this path, reluctantly still. But receiving this kind of positivity from you i just feel like im ready to dive in and start my journey 💕🌿thank you so much!!
@1wingedangle 7 лет назад
I have always felt attracted to Wicca and witchcraft and now i have recently began to accept and decide to get fully into it and your channel is really helpful 💜blessed be💜
@OrangeChairs 7 лет назад
I'd love to hear more about how you created sacred space in the garden of your apartment building without making your neighbors think you're peculiar. :)
@afterthestorm221 3 года назад
I appreciate your pure intentions & honesty. I value the opinion of those whose intent is purely to inform and educate and not wanting to financially benefit from every opportunity to monetize. 💜
@oathboundsecrets 7 лет назад
For me, I knew it was for me when I was 12. My mum was a witch and I saw what she was into and decided that was for me too.
@lillettesam 7 лет назад
I don't have children of my own, but my 10yr old niece is interested. I hope she does the same thing :) I can't wait to start teaching her. I've snuck little things in here an there her whole life to influence her an it's working LoL. She on a crystal kick right now an has a display case she stores them on. I'm so proud haha
@MJ-vh3rp 7 лет назад
Samantha Squarl awww im 13 and i wish someone could teach me shes lucky
@aswen6314 7 лет назад
I know this was commented a while ago, but I thought I'd just say I became a spiritual witch when I was 12 as well. Oh, and my name is also Annika. No such things as coincidences, I've heard😌✨
@babyskittle2933 7 лет назад
i just turned 12 and im very interested in witchcraft, i find it as a wonderful and energetic experience.😊
@jess-cq9em 6 лет назад
Frank289100 people can believe in anything they would like. I honestly don’t believe in Christianity even though I spent 7 years in a Christian school. I honestly believe in the Wicca faith. Please respect people’s belief.
@NovemberRain3D 5 лет назад
I feel like this is my path! I have so much heart, spirit, and love! I can't stand negative energies, I love peace. Energy is everything ☺. Nature is love.
@acidprogram6240 7 лет назад
I know this will only get lost in the sea of comments. But thank you. I have been kinda researching Wicca and Witchcraft but didn't know where to start.
@Haley_Alexis3299 6 лет назад
Thank you for making such a wonderful and information video! I've been on my path for almost eight years now, and people constantly ask me questions...which is fine! The issue is I feel terribly if I can't answer their questions, and then they get upset with me. They assume that I know everything there is, just because I have years of experience. I try to tell them that you truly do learn something new everyday. I find it so refreshing to discover other people with common interests; watching their RU-vid videos, being friends with them, or just being in the same online community, or even fellow solitary practitioners in the same town, always fills my spirit alive. You've definitely earned me as a subscriber. I'll most likely be watching all of your videos to catch up as I do my morning chores tomorrow.
@maysynnevares9377 7 лет назад
"Broom closet" I LOVE IT well looks like I'm coming out of the closet for the third time
@TheValerwood 6 лет назад
What an enchanting and vibrant person, not to mention knowledgable. Thank you!
@gorgeeus 3 года назад
So much of what you’ve stated has always resonated with me and I never knew why until this video. Thanks love ❤️
@shannakinser1975 6 лет назад
Hi Jenna. I've known I was different from childhood. A loner who preferred to be outside, exploring the natural world. Being clairaudient and having premonitions. My parents allowed me to explore the esoteric and metaphysical. They weren't all that religious themselves..For a period of time, though, after some awful trauma, I embraced the church. It ended up being miserable other than as a an intellectual exercise. Now that I'm an older woman, I'm ready to return to whom I'm meant to be. I do energy work during phases of the moon, with elements in nature, with intentions, and by opening myself once again to being clairaudient,.empathic, and to communion with Spirit. I work with crystals, a pendulum, communicating with animals. I'm in so much better a place. It's so good to find someone like you who is obviously so grounded as a witch.
@sandybachar6975 7 лет назад
You are so sweet. Your own happiness and contentedness inspires and brightens. ✨✨
@palacinkasmarmeladou 3 года назад
You kind of confirmed everything for me. Being a witch is being yourself yet in line with nature and universe. Everything well intended is allowed, you do you. If you not comfortable with anything don't do it. Don't be afraid. When it's time it'll come your way. ☺❤
@faroutbeautyheidi1135 7 лет назад
I relate so much with what you said about not limiting yourself to one religion. I can pull things from so many different religions that I agree with but I don't fully agree with any of them. I make my own religion I feel
@caramatthews8279 5 лет назад
this was everything to me. i have been so overwhelmed trying to take in all the aspects of witchcraft and getting the supplies.. when really all i needed to do was go at my OWN pace. you are helping people all over the world please keep doing what you're doing! blessed be 🍃✨
@RavenTheValkyrie 7 лет назад
You should write a book
@theamazinraven2800 6 лет назад
Thank you for this. I'm currently struggling with cognitive dissonance bc I was raised Christian. It's making me doubt myself & think that what I'm feeling isn't "right," yet 3 nights this week I've had very specific dreams about specific people in my life & when I tell them, they confirm what I've said. I'm doing my best to follow the path of least resistance & allow this journey to take it's course as I unbound myself from the systematic strongholds of religion.
@LizanneFox 7 лет назад
Hi Jenna, I love your videos - they are always so calm and insightful. We share the same out-look on Magick and religion, plus I believe meditation is so important - everyone can benefit from it. You truly are an inspiration ♡
@ArshadKhan-lh9mf 6 лет назад
hy jenna i want to say somthing
@LennaLomeli 7 лет назад
Jenna this video made me so indescribably happy, thank you!!!! I've been trying to grow spiritually since I was 15, and I thought that all these years I hadn't made any progress, so what you said about things finding you at your own time really resonated with me. I'm 22 now and I still haven't cast a spell but now I know that I can keep growing, always. Thank you and blessed be!
@tracyruether2370 6 лет назад
Hey lady! Love your video. You’re my kind of Witch!! Everything you have said in this video is exactly what I have felt and adopted into my practice. Keep up the great work. I have subscribed and plan to binge watch your videos tonight.
@jacquelineirene6698 7 лет назад
Wow! I can't even begin to say and explain how much I gained from this video... so much light, guidance, true direction, inspiration and positivity directed in such a concise fashion to help a wide array of new beginners. I will come back to this time and time again. Thank you so much.
@lrinc.8978 7 лет назад
yay I to as a young Child was always feeling different. My parents are very strict Catholics aswell and even forbid these types of interests. but I am interested in healing medicine. 💚
@WyntersFrost 7 лет назад
That is what I want .. chronic pain .. uhg.. :)
@mizzladythemovement 7 лет назад
WyntersFrost me as well. let me know if you find a natural cure.😊 blessed be
@WyntersFrost 7 лет назад
i will... I have fibro and disk disease.. so yes. lots of pain.. !.. :(
@soldadodedios5798 7 лет назад
WyntersFrost sweetie Sugilite is a purple stone found in Japan. It is pricey but I wear it all the time and my pains are gone.
@soldadodedios5798 7 лет назад
WyntersFrost sorry dear, if it's really bad try here: www.drstuart.net/chronic-pain-letter.htm
@kimsmets5405 6 лет назад
Can't express how much love I felt from watching this video and listening to your message! Thank you so much for this! Your so beautiful! Much peace love and light to you! 🙏❤️
@ZipporahAanael 6 лет назад
Wow you have a beautiful energy. Harmonious and loving. Very good advice. Thanks. 💋💋💋
@pebbles111462 6 лет назад
I am a new Witch and your videos have given me much courage and confidence. I have placed one order with you and I love the items so much I plan to place more orders in the future. You are such an inspiration and I hope you continue to make more videos to help beginners like me to grow. Blessed be.
@HedyNAt 7 лет назад
This is just ALL such phenomenal advice and I am grateful for you. So validating, as this is how my practice has unfolded.
@alexandramarino8447 6 лет назад
You are radiant. I'm so moved by this.
@seekingspiritualtruth2393 7 лет назад
I just love you! I'm so grateful I accidentally stumbled upon you. Of course I believe there are no accidents, we are all each other's angels. ;-) I always find myself needing to hear what you're saying. You're so full of wisdom. I'm still finding myself, probably always will be. I was raised Mormon. Idk if you know anything about that religion, lots of judgment my whole life, & abuse. I've been different my whole life. Struggling with who I am, which is an empath, someone who has futuristic dreams sometimes, & other things I've never seen as "gifts" & am working on seeing them as gifts now, in my early 40s lol. Started hearing voices at 14, was not a good experience, in a haunted house, so it traumatized me a bit, I think that really pushed me away from wanting ANYTHING to do with "my gifts" & the religion didn't help. I'd love to have a conversation with you! I eventually learned to block all the voices out, I just asked them to leave me alone & for the most part they respect that, except during the moment when I'm almost asleep, they really like to come to me then, Idk why... I was finally was able to drop everything religious, boy was that a weight off my shoulders. The guilt occasionally creeps in, I push it out, because it's the brainwashing from a lifetime. I never felt freer or more at peace than when I made that choice, everything is a choice! I do have a closer relationship with my higher power because of it that I never had before, my whole life, religion kept that from me. Can't talk to my religious family about it at all. They still push me towards going to church, but not my whole family is religious, I have two sister's who practice witchcraft, in the closet and my kids I didn't raise to be religious, it's their choice what they choose to embrace in this life, without judgment.. Just one Sunday in one of those Mormon churches is pretty damaging to me. I was pretty emotionally abused in that religion. I'm still in Utah, I have a strong desire to leave. Time to manifest my way out of here. ;-) Anyways, you're a beautiful spirit, & I'm so grateful I found you on my path. Thank you for all you do. Do not stop. You are a great teacher. I've recommended your page to others, I'll continue to do that. Blessed be.
@tiffanihenry5437 6 лет назад
This video has helped me so much and I haven't even watched it all yet! I was raised where I felt different too and I self destructed because of that so now I'm 35, have always "been" a witch so to speak, but am just now starting to practice. I love you, your video and am grateful you are here for me to learn from. I don't follow any organized anything, including Wicca, but also have learned a lot from it. You are awesome. Thank you so much.
@shaylacontla1447 7 лет назад
Can you give me the spell to get my eyebrows THAT on fleek? Im not joking, this is a genuine question.
@Nightmare_Fae 6 лет назад
Shayla um, their are beauty spells but im sure their isnt a spell called "how to get eyebrows on fleek"😂. Plus their are other non magical ways
@Arsenik17 6 лет назад
Omg, I know right, they are perfect. I recommend a good pair of tweezers and the power of positive thinking lol.
@magengulley8056 4 года назад
Her eyebrows do look amazing tho.
@grandmawearscombatboots.1084 7 лет назад
Truly beautiful. The way you put it together and the way that you spoke . I really loved it.Brilliant
@charlenesims9063 7 лет назад
i am so glad that i am not alone with the fear of wicca.i am christian but then i want to learn more.and with me i am like you with nature.i also have a high level of intution.and i believe in the power of crystals and been with for years. and who knows? i might be a white witch? lol with me i like the history of old world religions. i also do cleansing with sage and get understanding from the information. the more i learn about white witches the more less fear i have. i also do tartot cards and i follow doreen virtue with angel light and it works for me. but i always have protective light around me.i am sensitive to people's energy and feel either dark or light. thanks for the great vids on this subject. :)
@choosejoy93 7 лет назад
Charlene Cartier I love your curiosity!!! I used to be Christian until I began asking more and more questions about everything regarding truth. I began to see that the only thing holding me back from researching and trying new things (spiritually speaking) was FEAR. They say God is Love, and Love is thw OPPOSITE of fear. dont let fear hold you back from your curiosity in Wicca. be brave and curious!!! 💜
@charlenesims9063 7 лет назад
Remainunique, i believe fear is an illusion.and thanks for the positive comment. :) the more i learn about something the less fear it has to see and learn for myself. only things get twisted out of shape and cause fear for most people. go ask questions because you never know what truth is until you ask and know the difference from what most people say. about wicca or other religions.
@choosejoy93 7 лет назад
Charlene Cartier I definitely agree. questioning the "norm" is so important for gaining knowledge!
@heavynlehair430 7 лет назад
Charlene Cartier meh too
@charlenesims9063 7 лет назад
I am leaning towards pagan. And I already have crystals and energy books.also have a wiccan book. But guess ss I do in a way slowly becoming a witch. ☺
@easilyamused2009 7 лет назад
This is one of the best and most insightful videos there is on the matter of witchcraft. Your words were well spoken and very respectfully said. I just found your channel today and look forward to watching more.
@Maria-kc5wq 6 лет назад
So I’m adopted and I’ve always strongly believed that my birth parents did witchcraft. Ever since I was 6 years old I kinda knew that I was a bit different. I didn’t know why but I started to look into things about the supernatural, paranormal, and especially the metaphysical. Now the family I have are very religious. They are all Catholic. I would always tell my mom about things that I’ve learned about paranormal etc etc. she would always try to draw me away from those things and teach me that it’s all evil. So when I was around 11 I started to learn more about the metaphysical and I feel that this is my path. Now I just don’t know how to tell my family. I think that if I tell my dad he’s just going to sit down and talk with me about how witchcraft is evil and how the Bible doesn’t agree with it. But thanks to the internet I learned that not all witchcraft is meant for evil. And i know that not everything is evil. So I just don’t know how to tell my parents. I always told my mom about paranormal things that not all is evil and this and that and she’s kinda understanding. Now the only person I’m worried about is my mother. She’s always been there for me and I feel that if she doesn’t agree with it I just wouldn’t know how to go on. And I’m a beginner at this and I’m so sure that this is my path. But I don’t know how to get use to do spells and rituals because if I get things like that my parents will question me and I wouldn’t know how to tell them.
@hlsk1111 6 лет назад
Girl, you summed up in this video everything I felt and needed to hear concerning my fear towards rituals and past frightful ghost-thingies experiences. Thank you for your kindness and positive energy!
@kyramcg1763 7 лет назад
i am 11 and im looking into witchcraft this video really helped me
@OfficialSwaggerKid 5 лет назад
Really nice to have a space to learn without judgement and see so many people who feel the same I do! Thank you for this!
@ellagrant8534 6 лет назад
Thanks for the vid! New to Witchcraft and totally terrified with where to start- this helped me out a lot.
@jboat47 5 лет назад
I love you so much. Everything you have said here is EXACTLY it.
@sherienowell6576 7 лет назад
Hi , i'm so thankful for your video this morning you said exactly what I was needing to hear… Now to get this solitary witch to do that ... ⚖ i'm gonna try to have a beautiful day🔮
@valpukejuice4979 5 лет назад
I first got into witchcraft when I was 11 when my friend introduced me to witchcraft. He taught me everything I know now. It brought us closer together. And my mom always...said I couldn't do it for my age. She thought I was too young to do it and she thought I was dangerous. Now she allows it and I'm thriving on my path and growing more and maturing happily and faster.
@kimmieverduzco6680 7 лет назад
Inspirational as always! Thank you🙂
@stefaneylenea 5 лет назад
I totally agree with you whenever you said that you found yourself fascinated with all the different religions are truly embrace the interconnectivity of us as humans and our connection to Nature
@heatherkrause8724 6 лет назад
Hi, I've always felt different in ways with earth. I was always drawn to rocks and crystals, eventually I figured it was something else about 5 years ago I found out my great-great- great grandma was a "Kahuna" in Hawaii.
@kdwildwood4496 6 лет назад
Best, most, knowledgable woman on yt! Thank u for bringing awareness!
@8o8guyfromHawaii 7 лет назад
Very inspiring/ motivational words, phrases. I love the way you explain your explanations, straight to the point. I love the way you demonstrate with every you use , crystals, gemstones, spells, etc. If you teach a class, I would want you as my teacher. I love you because you're awesome ❤. God bless and continue with a positive Inspiration to others. ❤❤❤❤
@4everMrsB 6 лет назад
I have just left Wicca. It feels so good to hear what you're talking about, because that's exactly what I've said to others: trust yourself and your intuition! Thank you very much for this video! Just what I needed right now Blessed be
@marilena7554 7 лет назад
Thank you for this video. Very inspirational and informative. 💞
@GeorgiaGeorgette 7 лет назад
Every time I watch you, you say something profoundly relevant to my life, just when I need it. Thank you 💖
@stephaniemaya4881 7 лет назад
Hi Jenna! Thank you thank you so very much for this video. So much love and inspirational. Blessed Bed ✨💫✨🌙💜
@magikahn 5 лет назад
You are the power... Wherever you walk, wherever you are, you cast a image, and you emit an aura that biases the environment around you. You are creating the environment that you live in... You are creating what you see...
@phildepain 7 лет назад
Knowledgeable and Beautiful. I can't stop watching her videos. 😍
@zekedallas6687 6 лет назад
You are gorgeous hun. So much light and good energy. I enjoyed your video.
@madisonsmagikal1465 6 лет назад
one of the best witchy videos I've seen...excellent advice... blessings
@thegreenpath1194 7 лет назад
I love the positive and heartfelt Pagan You tubers like you, no frills just good honest information. Thank you. Blessed be
@chayabat-tzvi1215 7 лет назад
Pretty good advice for those just starting out.
@vbright101 7 лет назад
Just wanted to say I love your videos so much. Some I've watched over and over. You make me feel more confident in myself. Thank you for being such an amazing spiritual mentor
@eiredreams666 7 лет назад
I'm 17, and was raised catholic, I'm new to wicca and would love to learn more, any advice for crystals, altars or simple spells?
@afry6400 7 лет назад
Yes, read, and read a lot. Practice what you read once you have become comfortable with what you have read. Scott Cunningham wrote a good primer for those just starting out that is used as a good strong base no matter what path you ultimately choose. Try the Solitary Practitioner title, and then the Living Wicca title for the base... among other things. I also liked titles from AmberK for the same reason. They will walk you through ritual at it's base level, altar set up, magic and what it is, different other skill sets involved and the like. There are a lot of other titles and authors, many of them very good, some not so much. The idea is to set your base skills then figure out which direction you want to take them by reading other points of view or traditions and the like. Past that, keep reading. Anything and everything can add to whatever you are practicing, including topics seemingly not witchcraft related, such as all the natural sciences so you can learn herbology and notice when animals are not acting normal... you can learn to tell the difference between an oman or a sick animal through that. Also different theologies and psychology topics so you can see better where a person is coming from if you get into a conversation with an outsider. History and Archaeology can also give you an idea of which cultures much of it came from.
@CryptoQuandary 5 лет назад
I would recommend reading about it...the history and such..there are many good books out there..I'm reading a series now..the more knowledge you have the better.
@CryptoQuandary 5 лет назад
Learn the history and such, druids, celtics, etc.. so much on it
@selenamusgrave8515 5 лет назад
@andrielisilien 3 года назад
Read read read. Use earth materials such as stones and plants to decorate or surround yourself that uplifts you. Carry a gem or crystal in your pocket for protection or courage. Wait on implementing symbols or figures because most Christians will not understand but they can't throw a fit about having what the Lord Himself created. Get into herbs especially tea. You can silently stir your blend of selected herbs: clockwise or counterclockwise. Instead of burning sage/incense the steam and aroma of your tea can be released to bless/cleanse you. No one can say boo about you drinking tea. Candles are popular so have all the candles you want according to colors. Again, hold off on symbols because Christians are super senstive about those but a plain candle is innocent looking. What I like about Wicca is that your intentions makes the difference. All the bells and whistles don't make witchcraft work. They are simply accessories but the real power is in you.
@indigomoonchild6638 5 лет назад
I really love that you take what fits with you from everything you read and see. You pick your own beliefs, and I love that. I thought I was one of the only ones that did that.
@Jennyvill82 5 лет назад
I am new to this and this video was very helpful, thank you so much!
@nickybee800 7 лет назад
You're so gorgeous, oh my goodness. Thank you for this video, I love your channel and it has helped me a lot. I've always known I was different too, as you expressed in the beginning of this video. Your advice has helped me not feel so alone in knowing there are other witches out there just like me. Have a beautiful week. 🖤
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