
Bereshit Secrets from the first word of the Torah/Bible 

Jack and Shira Melul
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Bereshit” in the beginning that is the first word in the Torah.
That word can't be taken lightly. It's like the seed, that has all the future hidden code within. The more you go to the source the more depth you will find. So lets dive right into it.
translated as in the beginning also
א בתשרי
which is Rosh Hashana. the day that the world was created was on Rosh Hashana
בית ראש
the house first. the first spec of the world acc to Judaism is at the holiest point of the world where the holy of holies sat and that was in temple mount
ברא שתי
Created two. Two worlds this world and the world to come
ירא שבת
Also spells fear shabbat because the world was created for shabbat like we say in lecha dodi סוף מעשה במחשה תחילה the end result is always at the initial thought. whenever you create something the end result is what is in mind. shabbat is the end result. shabbat in this world is meeyn olam haba. no more creativity. its just us being and connecting. the biggest shabbat is the world to come where we can absorb the goodness of hashem. which is really the only good there is. and thats what this world was created for.
Bwreshit also spells ברא שית
created six
six days of the week was the creation. we also know that 6000 years will the first stage of the world be. we are currently in the year 5781
bereshit also spells ברית אש
the covenant of fire. whats called a brit or a covenant of fire. the Torah. fire is what purifies us. the way to purify and become the best of ourselves is to stick to the directions of the Torah
there is also a discussion of why it started with the letter ב and not Alef? the first of the hebrew alpha bet. and the answer given is because its a bracha. a blessing. the Torah wants us to be blessed. God created us to give to us.
alef is the numerical value of one
bet also is the numerical value of 2.
The first letter is 2 as it represents the two worlds. the physical world and the world to come.
2 also represents the two Torahs the written law and the oral law.
finally on a kabalistic level 2 represents the finite world. where it appears that everything is now separated.
alef represents Hashem. as its numerical value is one. it goes in all directions and bet turns away from alef. reminding us that when the finite world was created God who is infinite is hidden. what happened before a finite reality is beyond our limited comprehension. God is hidden from us when we are in a finite space.
thats why the world is also עולם
which means עלם hidden
the word for hashem אלהים (with out the letter vav) is 86 which turns out to be the same numerical value of הטבע 86 hateva which is nature. because the natural world which is physical and finite hides our ability to see the infinite.
This and so much more is all hidden in the word Bereshit in the beginning, because when you understand that this is a book written by the creator of the universe the depth behind it is unlimited.
thank you for listening



30 сен 2024




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@TIMOTHY.KABUTA 8 месяцев назад
@gerhardusgrove594 22 дня назад
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God!
@-kepha8828 3 года назад
The Hebrew Sabbath was originally a Sabbathon . . . it was celebrated at intervals of seven days, corresponding with the changes in the moon’s phases . . . Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1899, p. 4180. Shabbat originally arose from the lunar cycle, containing four weeks ending in Sabbath, plus one or two additional unreckoned days per [lunar] month. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: Volume 10 Cohen, Simon (1943 p 482-483.) the week of seven days was connected with the lunar month, of which it is, approximately, a fourth . . .“ The Jewish Encyclopedia The Hebrew month is a lunar month and the quarter of this period - one phase of the moon - appears to have determined the week of seven days. Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1899, p. 4780. At first the New Moon festival was not counted among the seven days of the week; after 28 days had elapsed [7 days x 4 weeks], one or two days were intercalated as New Moon days, whereupon a new cycle of four weeks began, so that the Sabbath was a movable festival…. Later the week and the Sabbath became fixed [to the Roman cycling planetary week]; and this gradually resulted in taking away from the New Moon festival its popular importance. . . The Jewish Encyclopedia, Pastoral Feast. The [early] Hebrews employed lunar seven-day weeks, which ended with special observances on the seventh day, but none the less were tied to the moon’s course. Rest Days, Hutton Webster, p. 254-255 The weeks do not continue in a regular cycle regardless of the moon. Each month has four weeks, the beginning with the New Moon. I have no doubt that this was the old Hebrew system. Babylonian Menologies and the Semitic Calendars, p. 89. The connection of the Sabbath with lunar phases, however, was (later) discarded by the Israelites . . . The New Schaff-Herzog Religious Encyclopedia, p. 135-136. It is certain that the Jews celebrated . . . Pentecost . . . without regard in either case to the day of the [modern Roman] week. Oxford English Dictionary, 1971 Edition, Vol. 2, Pentecost. The Sabbath depending, in Israel’s nomadic period, upon the observation of the phases of the moon, it could not, accordingly be a fixed day [meaning a fixed planetary day of the modern Roman cycling week]. The Jewish Encyclopedia: Volume 10, p. 590. Most theologians and some scholars assume that mainstream Jewish society, at the time of Jesus was practicing a fixed seven-day week which was the same as the modern fixed [cycling planetary designations] seven-day week. This is extremely doubtful. The change, from a lunar to a fixed week, was brought about by the power and influence of Rome. As long as the Nazarenes held power in Jerusalem, all Roman practices and customs, including that of the consecutive week, were held at bay. Shawui Sabbath: Ancient Sabbath Observance In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time (A.D. 150-215), an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath. This intimate connection between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom - without paying any regard to the days of the month (i.e. the luni-solar month) . . . so that the New Moon no longer coincided with the first day of the month. Then, on page 4179 of the same encyclopedia, we read: “The introduction of the custom of celebrating the Sabbath every 7th day, irrespective of the relationship of the day to the moon’s phases, led to a complete separation from the ancient view of the Sabbath. . . Encyclopaedia Biblica, 1903 p. 5290. It should be noted that the oldest dated Christian inscription to employ a planetary designation [Sunday thru Saturday, unbroken weekly cycles] belongs to the year 269 A.D. Inscriptiones Christianae urbis Romae, ed. De Rossi, 1861, i, No. 1. The present Jewish calendar was fixed [changed to the Roman planetary weekly cycle] in the fourth century. Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Letter by Louis Finkelstein to Dr. L. E. Froom, Feb. 20, 1939. Some Dead Sea Scrolls, such as 4Q325, 4Q326, 4Q327, and 4Q394, contain fixed week calendar systems which may represent an early attempted transition from the more ancient lunar phase week toward the modern fixed week made mandatory by Rome a few centuries later. Dead Sea Scroll fragments also preserve a luni-solar calendar, along with new and dark moons which are unnecessary if they only kept the purely solar calendar of 364 days. [Author Unknown] This change from the luni-solar to a fixed solar calendar occurred in Rome during the repressive measures which were enacted against ALL Jewish customs . . .during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. With the fall of the Nazarene headquarters…at Jerusalem, this new Roman calendar quickly spread throughout ‘Christendom.’ This new calendar not only replaced yearly festival dates such as Passover, but it also revamped the concept of the week and its seventh-day. Iranaeus 2nd Century A.D. The calendar was used by ALL the original disciples of Yeshua…This original Nazarene lunar-solar calendar was supplanted by a Roman “planetary week” and calendar in 135 C.E. - when the “Bishops of the Circumcision” were displaced from Jerusalem. This began a three hundred year controversy concerning the TRUE CALENDAR AND CORRECT SABBATH: This [calendar] controversy arose after the exodus of the bishops of the circumcision and has continued until our time.” Epiphanius, HE4, 6, 4. In the years following Clement of Alexandria’s time, an ominous change started to take place that was to radically change the Christian concept of the Sabbath. This intimate connection, records the Encyclopedia Biblica, between the week and the month was soon dissolved. It is certain that the week soon followed a development of its own, and it became the custom without paying any regard to the days of the month [i.e. the lunar month]. Encyclopedia Biblica p. 5290. “The early Christians [Messiah followers] had at first adopted the Jewish [lunar] seven-day week with its numbered weekdays, but by the close of the third century A.D. this began to give way to the planetary week; and in the fourth and fifth centuries the pagan designations became generally accepted in the western half of Christendom. The use of the planetary names by Christians attests to the growing influence of astrological speculations introduced by converts from paganism.” Rest Days: A Study in Early Law and Morality. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1916, p. 220. Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), both periodically recur in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Holidays,” p. 410. The nations do their counting with the Sun, but Israel, with the Moon. The Mekilta, a work of Rabbi Yisma’el Merita (2nd century AD). “The first day of the lunar month was observed as a holy day. . . As on the Sabbath, trade and handicraft work were stopped (Amos 8:5; Ezekiel 46:3) and the temple was opened for public worship…. It was an occasion for state banquets (1 Samuel. 20:5-24). Smith’s Bible Dictionary (1884): New Moon. Under the reign of Constantius the persecutions of the Jews reached such a height that the computation of the (luni-solar) calendar (was) forbidden under pain of severe punishment. (Source: The Jewish Encyclopedia, “Calendar.”)
@annemburada6265 3 года назад
Why was it changed into b-reshit bara elohim et ha הלוחות הטקטוניים v-et-ha-tsunamiyot v-et-ha-hurikanim. Ve GAM et ha-וירוס !! כֹּל הַכָּבוֹד
@braedansings3042 Год назад
Jesus and the Father. The alpha and the bet (son)
@braedansings3042 Год назад
The bet that comes forth from the alpha
@undignified2843 Год назад
There's a Son inside that tent...
@DavidLoveMore Год назад
Literally the first two letters spell בר, bar, which means son as in Simon bar Jonah, or bar mitzvah.
@-kepha8828 3 года назад
Deuteronomy chapter 5 tells us that on the 2nd set of tablets given to Moses (after he broke the 1st set), God wrote on the 4th commandment that the 7th day sabbath is a memorial of the day he brought the Israelite out of Egypt. That means God is telling us that the day he brought Israel out of Egypt, which was the 15th day of the 1st month during the Exodus, was a 7th day sabbath! Its literally written in the 4th commandment forever as a time stamp to a specific 7th day sabbath memorial. if the 15th of that month was a 7th day sabbath according to the creator, then the 22nd of that month and the 29th of that 1st month must have also been sabbaths. Remember, the book of Enoch tells us that every single month either has 29 or 30 days in it. Exodus chapter 16 tells us that Moses and the Israelite spoke with God on the 15th day on the 2nd month of the Exodus. The Israelite's complained that they wanted to eat meat. So God told Moses to tell the people, that at evening, he would send quail for meat, and the following day (which is the 16th day of the 2nd month) God would send manna. God said the manna would fall for 6 straight days, but on the 7th day it would not fall because this was to mark his sabbath. God said this would be a test to see if the Israelite's would obey his sabbath. Friends, if the 16th day of that month was the 1st day of the week, the first day the manna fell, then we can conclude that the day prior, the 15th, was a 7th day sabbath. Since the 15th was a sabbath, we can conclude that the 8th day was also a sabbath. Therefore the 22nd and 29th days of this 2nd month had to be 7th day sabbaths as well. The Book of Jubilees chapter 1 tells us that on the 16th day of the 3rd month during the Exodus, God spoke to Moses and the Israelite's on mount Sinai. Jubilees tells us this day was THE FEAST OF WEEKS. Which means the feast of weeks took place on the 16th day of the 3rd lunar month during the Exodus (side note: who hear follows this instruction :). Leviticus 23 tells us that the feast of weeks must take place on the day AFTER a 7th day sabbath. This means the 16th day of the 3rd month was the 1st day of the week. making the 15th day of the 3rd month during the Exodus a 7th day sabbath! Which means the 8th day of the 3rd month had to be a sabbath as well. Friends, this now makes 3 straight months where the sabbath takes place on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the 3 months recorded in scripture referring to the Exodus. And remember, God said this was all a big test to see if the Israelite's would obey this sabbath count. Now for some unbiased simple math. If the last sabbath during the 1st month of the Exodus occurred on the 29th day (remember theres either 29 or 30 days in a Hebrew month per Enoch), and the next sabbath did not occur until the 8th day on the 2nd month, then how many days separated those two sabbaths? The answer depends on ho many days were in that 1st month. if there were 29 days, then 8 days separated the two sabbaths. if there was 30 days during the 1st month, then simple math tells us there were then 9 days that separated the two sabbaths! The exact same scenario plays out in the following month, once again the sabbath ending on the 29th day of the 2nd month was NOT 7 days apart from the sabbath that fell on the 8th day of the 3rd month! So the scriptural fact is that you can deny a luni-solar sabbath all you want, but the proof of scripture says that you are wrong. Scripture does not lie and our amazing father has given us a way to prove his true sabbath through the Torah, just as the Israelite's were taught to obey its count. Side note: Leviticus 23 tells us the Feast of Weeks is a moedim. Psalm 104:19 tells us that the moedim are appointed by the MOON. So what does the feast of Weeks command tell us to do? it tells us to count 7 complete weeks! Weeks according to what? According to the moon! Here scripture is testifying that the only possible way to calculate his week i according to the moon! Test everything my friends, the word of God reveals much!!!! Funfact: The books of 2nd Baruch an 4 Ezra undeniably show proof of a luni-solar sabbath just like the books I referenced from the Torah do. If anyone is interested in that study just message me and ill provide the verses for your testing.
@jevonjulien2620 10 месяцев назад
בראשית ב - Inside ראש - mind איש - man יש there is שר a song. בריא Health In the mind of man there is a song and according to that song is his health.
@lh7550 9 месяцев назад
Words written by the "Creator of the Universe"...
@mrd.h.oebedagh8895 2 года назад
Hi Jack, very facinating - I am totally amazed on how your language works and how God works too. I am starting to learn Hebrew, and I have heared that Hebrew letters also not only have a number representation but also a drawing or image representation. Can you give an image interpretation based on the Hebrew word Bereshit?
@PastorBrianLantz 27 дней назад
Wonderful... but if you look at the word, it's adverbial, not prepositional... not in the letters nor the pointings, there is no article "the" so adverbially you could translated "initially"....and then go onto the next phrase with the adversative simple conjunction Waw that should be translated 'however/but' , 'the world was without form and void'.... wait...so a perfect God created something that was lifeless and incapable of bearing life, actually packed in ice until the Spirit rachaph INCUBATED it and all of the sudden there was water....HOW CAN THAT BE!? Isa 45.18... 18 For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: "I am the LORD, and there is no other. (Isa. 45:18 NKJ) .that's NOT how the earth originally was created.
@sonyamihaylova1433 11 месяцев назад
Hi Jack, can you tell me the number and the word Love in Hebrew please !
@jpskmusic Месяц назад
Perhaps the first word in the Scriptures starts with a beit because the land became a formless, empty, void, undistinguishable, wasteland. Suggesting there was something before. I enjoyed this video. I found some of the possible interpretations for Bereshith enlightening.
@annemburada6265 3 года назад
Why was it changed into b-reshit bara elohim et ha הלוחות הטקטוניים v-et-ha-tsunamiyot v-et-ha-hurikanim. Ve GAM et ha-וירוס !! כֹּל הַכָּבוֹד
@thelonegerman2314 Год назад
God Is Saying that Certain Religious sect Hijacked His Name, hide his name, from the Masses of people on Earth, To Hinder them from Attaining Blessings from God . He Also said that his Creation and Divine purpose for Humanity ❤️ have also been Hijacked for the Purpose of Diluting his Glory Among Men
@JackAtkins-xz5wi 4 месяца назад
All prophets model the shape of the universe
@junehinds9956 7 месяцев назад
You know his name Yahuah
@terrybenson3125 5 месяцев назад
It means without note
@sapa3134 2 года назад
you have done a great mitzvah in presenting this for us and our children
@kikifl4905 2 года назад
I cant express how overwhelmed I am with gratitude for this lesson
@danielsneighborhood2050 Год назад
Thank you, now I understand "שבת" a little better, and our modern 26 lettered alphabet from ירא שבת ף ; However, I learned from English. When I view בראשית , which is the beginning, you also have the end, ק ר ש ת from ב ר ש ת. GML, I would like to return the favor; The head ר is nothing without the body (embodiement), ב, the ו below the head. More than a foothold, or a foundation, an embodiment, like the earth resting in space, R, where as B is the embodiment. Q, is the part you've to start again, before finding another footing, the pin hole. Q, the pine hole, eye of a needle, or something similar. A new start? A black hole? Another Universe? "Cough" Shhhhhhhhhhh X Marks the spot. Where are we anchored in the heavens? Language is everything. Really, when I first read the word I said, what? bare set? I mean, yeah, it was bare before anything was set. Deh.
@tikvahspagepage8760 Год назад
great video. just missing Halel Yah! praise Yah! i learned berashit starts a story. in the first. as in yom rishom. i know Yasherel are Nagas. Due 28.lost there identity to Ashkenaz. utah is in AmeriKha. great video
@DATakingOnTheWorld Год назад
How do you spell the word for 2 worlds? I think it's something like barashtey
@samuelbokinala9342 Год назад
Beautiful Revelation with BERESHITH.... Praise God
@nancyrivera15995 8 месяцев назад
Estuve leyendo que la letra Bet es abierta hacia el texto y cerrada hacia lo que había antes de ese Principio.
@stevenmckinley6339 Год назад
Look for yourself the fist word is not berisheet, it ray-sheeth
@jevonjulien2620 Год назад
Does the word bereshit has any thing to do with music according to creation?
@alematematica123 7 месяцев назад
@jeremiahmartinez7934 2 года назад
Please I need your help with my study...
@reynauldthomas 2 года назад
Thank you for teaching I am now learning Hebrew
@ruthhidalgo2571 4 месяца назад
So beautiful
@yoachanan6701 2 месяца назад
מדהים ❤
@tasfish1 Год назад
How come the masons think the year is 6011?
@DavidLoveMore Год назад
there are discrepancies between different calendars. Search the missing years of the Hebrew calendar.
@GideonAbochie 2 месяца назад
Wow.simply Wow.. I am elevated to my next level Of understanding
@bereshit153 2 года назад
Thanks a lot. Are you a christian?
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