
Best Lucid Dreaming Technique (For Beginners) 

Lucid Dream Portal
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@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
If you could lucid dream about anything tonight, what would it be?
@netabolt6546 6 месяцев назад
I love this new style of videos. its easier to watch but all your videos are great but these newer ones are a bit easier to follow so yes, this new style is better. Liked. keep making these videos.
@BigBlue-pg8sy 6 месяцев назад
It’s a lot easier to watch the full video in my opinion
@savascidoner 6 месяцев назад
Eating a large pizza. 🍕🍕🍕
@benl6020 6 месяцев назад
Driving a race car, more specifically, a sprint car.
@netabolt6546 6 месяцев назад
i have 3 Dreamgoals in No particulair order of importance. - Flying to Mars (or further into Deep space but i'll beging my goal just at Mars for the moment) - go to the Age of the Dinosaurs and see them walk and roam the Earth - Talking to Dead Relatives Bonus : i did One of my other dreaming goals so if i not done that one already it should be swithched with Talking to Dead Relatives. i had normal Non Lucid dreams with talking to the dead but it feels way nicer to say what you want to say when you know its a dream and than it feels more like saying goodbye to your family who died. in a Non Lucid dream its Not the same to talk to them but i did have lots of them lately due to some circumstances. almost forgot... the One Lucid Thing i realy wanted to do as a first Dreamgoal was creating my own thunderstorm and lightning and rain and i made it a very quick but very intense lightingstorm with hurricanal winds. it was pretty fun. the best part of it is that i didn't needed to film the storm because i knew it would'nt be important since i was just Dreaming. so the stress of filming the storm was all gone. it was a fun experience, creating my very own thunderstorm. i love lightning (as you can tell by my profile picture and if you watched my videos)
@Abdisamad-e6s 6 месяцев назад
Best Chanel in the world of lucid dreaming.... I wish I know about it 10 years ago when. I fail.... I will never give up until I have one inshallh
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words!
@StumpedSlicken 6 месяцев назад
Most of my dreams tend to be related to anxiety and fear in someway or another, often including being chased by things or trying to run away before something dangerous happens. During these dreams, the dream tends to be fast, hopping from scene to scene and things piling on to be overwhelming. Granted, I don't have those dreams every night, but it's more than half, which does say something. Anxiety is something that I struggle with and with my life changing around me, that anxiety has grown a bit stronger. Even with some help I have received, anxiety entangles me easily and doesn't let go, which makes sense in how often it appears in dreams. It's something that I know I could use to the benefit of lucid dreaming and quality of life (stopping during these entangled moments), but its a lot easier said than done! But hey, thats what its a practice and not a technique - it needs to be consistent. Thanks for the recaps on reali- lucidity checks! I often do these in the complete opposite order, often thinking after I test "chances are, I'm probably awake, but I could be wrong." Logically, I thought that saving that until the end made more sense, but doing it at the start makes way more sense to the overall general purpose of it. And yes, lucidity checks are the most important key - I've had many lucid dreams by just using them and nothing else (although I could increase that with dream journaling). Great video and I really like the new style!
@StumpedSlicken 6 месяцев назад
Leaving a small comment to hopefully boost this video in the grand algorithm!
@jllav8214 6 месяцев назад
Aye, my issue too. Too caught up in the moment and forgetting to question reality.
@surrealhumor1235 6 месяцев назад
Damn,I've been doing reality checks wrong all this time!Thanks for actually producing helpful guides instead of the absolute slop of content all the other LD youtubers put on the table
@shipsability 6 месяцев назад
This week has been great!! I got 2 lucid dreams. 1 of them where I achieved my dream goal of transforming my dream into a calm beach, I've been trying to do this for months. And honestly, it's videos like these that help. I've been lucid dreaming for over 2 years on and off, yet I still come to beginners videos, because these are basic habits you must remind yourself of. The roots of lucid dreaming. Great video as always, wanted to leave a comment but also wanted to make it topic-related. Have you done a reality check?
@1StopMusic 6 месяцев назад
You hit the nail on the head with this one! I always get caught up in the moment when I'm busy or distracted with something important, so I definitely need to "catch" that opportunity and ask myself if I'm dreaming.
@zinsy23 6 месяцев назад
I like how this is summed up in one video. It is kind of hard to convey to others from a long members-only livestream how that practice works in essence. Also, something else to remember is that as more tests show up in dreams, it really has to become a genuine questioning because suddenly, it is much easier to have the wrong conclusion when testing. The mind's logic center and activation while dreaming is also wonky, so we have to make sure we do the right thing even with that too.
@kid90playz 6 месяцев назад
Amazing vids man!! Ever since I can remember I wanted to be able to fly. I'd ask my parents and they'd say "oh sorry Josh you can't fly". And then on a random day, I was sick, home form school, bored, and scrolling through youtube. One of your vids popped up and I was like "hmm, what's that?" A month later an all my wishes have been granted. Thank you Daniel!
@SaffrinianOfficial 6 месяцев назад
Always ready for new helpful ideas
@netabolt6546 6 месяцев назад
Reality Tests (Checks etc) realy does work overtime. i'm doing them everyday now once or even twice. also did reality checks when watching the video. this week i had like two nights in a row where i had a Lucid Dream. the first night it was actually a Lucid Nightmare. had a little bit of controll but i was caught up in the plot of the dream and the only reason that i know i was dreaming whilst not having full control over the nightmare, was infact the reality checks that keep working. but i was afraid of more dreaming and wanted to wake up but i still dreamed and it felt like eternity but looking back i think that "Lucid Nightmare" was only three or four minutes long or even shorter, but Time in a Dream is hard to describe because even when i'm lucid, i get caught up in the moment. my main two lucid dreaming checks are at first Nose Pinch and then whilst i still Lucid i do a check to look at my hands and they're always distorted. more fingers most of the time six or even seven, and also uneven length and thickness. the hand check is whilst i'm already lucid. but i begin the tests with the Nose pinch. but that first night i also checked the time, because there was a clock nearby. it changed the second i looked at it so i knew i was still stuck in the dream. i also had seen a Mega Tsunami but its the first time i didn't need to run away, just flying away. that was the first time that i transformed myself in a Crow and i saved a girl also and she also became a crow (yeah, Lucid Dreams are still as weird as Non Lucids). Second night it was not a Nightmare but more of a dream. and i think that was the longest Lucid Dream i had in a while, not the Longest ever but one of the more stable and longer dreams. i even talked to celebrity while doing the constant Reality checks. it was fun. but then, i lost lucidity at the end of the dream when i wanted to go to Mars but i realized dont have my boots on and was shoeless and with naked feet i thought it would be too cold (waking up again i realized, if i still was fully lucid i wouldnt have minded but i was searching for my booths that were on the train that rode away again, but then woke up lol) and i was panicking at the end. waking up i had a little dissapointment of myself because i waited too long to fly and so Mars was still not an option (my main focus now) but i did do fun things like becoming the DoomSlayer and playing the game Doom Eternal in real life with my own fantasy level based on a spaceship, until i was claustrophobic and rapidly changed scenery by closing my eyes and realizing something like a beach but i accidentaly was on a train that moved toward somewere and had three suns, all on the wrong sides and there i talked to the Celebrity and about my own book lol. i know its heavy to talk about the Lucid dreams but i find it hard to make a short comment because i have too much to say or i dont know how i make a short comment (i have autism so i think thats one of the reasons i ramble on so sorry if this is too much information in one too long comment) but i just wanted to say, LONG STORY SHORT : Reality Checks does work overtime and its one of the Best Tips somebody can give about getting Lucid, aside for Dreamjournaling as well because i think Dreamjournal is the Most important and then the cheks. there is no point of Lucid Dreaming when you dont write the dream down and forgetting it two days later. when i write in my Dreamjournal i can look back and also its imprinted in my mind way longer because i did the effort to remember the best scenes and sketching it. so in my opinion in order of importance for Lucid Dreaming (there's def. more but these three are very important for me at least) 1 - Dreamjournaling 2 - Reality Tests (Lucidity Test? Reality Cheks?) 3 - Dont Give Up even on bad nights (even when i have two or three or even weeks where i have boring or Non Vivid Dreams there's no reason to give up. i feel like when i'm not giving up, when i did have a Vivid dream or have more memories of the dream, that feeling is so awesome that i immediately remember WHY i do this. To escape reality, to gain more knowlegde about my Inner Self and also the have The Inpspiration for my Creative Outlets.) the end this (again, sorry) superlong comment : your channel got me motivated to keep going and not giving up at the desperate times and actually keep fighting even with weeks of Dry spelling vivid dreams and Lucid Dreams, because i now know already that having bad dry spell weeks or months is very normal for everybody, aspecialy when growing older so its something i need to live with.
@fishskilletvillet 6 месяцев назад
wow long comment lol
@midaslucky4363 6 месяцев назад
Is asking oneself "am I awake?" also a suitable question? Personally I ask myself this, because it directly puts into question the default assumption of my brain: that it is awake. Especially when in autopilot, I find myself more rattled into doubt and active thought by this question, rather than with the questions "am I dreaming" or "could this be a dream?". It's a kinda "Are you awake? Prove it!" mentality, which puts me into odds against my assumptions. I understand that it is a very similar question to "am I dreaming" or "could this be a dream?" as they serve the purpose of doubting the status quo. However I would love to hear your opinion on this
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
The simple answer is: ask the question that makes you answer the question thoroughly. Recently I am swaying towards "could this be a dream?" as the "could" initiates a little humility, it opens the question up a little, in a way which makes it slightly harder to dismiss.
@Carl_Frank 6 месяцев назад
This made me think of the scene in Blazing Saddles: "Are we awake?" "We're not sure..." LOL
@shinygritsifter 6 месяцев назад
Always enjoy the refreshers. Practice..
@Joe2328 6 месяцев назад
Only got as far as a brief realisation i was dreaming so far, then the next night i dreamt i broke my leg and could run across water - remember wondering if my leg was ok, seemed fine, then i overtook a boat! All perfectly normal to me apparently, never questioned any of it
@RainisaurusRox 6 месяцев назад
The new style isn't for me 😂. But it doesn't bother me either. I think it totally works. It's fresh, it's well produced and I think it can bring the channel forward 👍. The way you approach the topic is amazing. It's to the point, it's simple without being dull or boring and one could begin their lucid dreaming practice after watching only this one video. Wow 🎉
@ryzikx 6 месяцев назад
ive been in an out of practice and i havent had one in a long time. been on top of it for the past week though so i hope i get one soon
@bernardkung7306 6 месяцев назад
Catching a bus, or making sure to get off at the right stop... It seems I'm reflexively on autopilot whether dreaming or awake. This bus motif **should** be a really good trigger for doing "reality checks" -- but I keep finding it surprisingly, _ridiculously_ difficult to be and remain fully aware when catching or boarding a bus, or getting off that bus at my stop. (Even when I make a special effort. I can be "critically aware a minute before the bus shows up, but as soon as it comes along...) And I would really like to know why that is. (And what I can to improve my performance in this situation.)
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
A good starting point would be to read the book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
@bernardkung7306 6 месяцев назад
@@LucidDreamPortal Yes, that seems quite pertinent. (And more people should know of Kahneman's work anyways, whether or not they are interested in dreaming lucidly.) The weird thing is that I have managed to break several other "autopilot" situations relatively easily, even if some required a little persistence to make them serve as triggers for doing "reality checks". (For example, one of the harder ones was logging in to a computer or an account.) Yet the bus motif, despite being a common event (both "waking" and "dreaming") and seemingly not a terribly intense or distracting activity, is for some reason a situation which I personally find unusually resistant to my exercising critical awareness/avoiding "autopilot".
@Disedinel 6 месяцев назад
I do sometimes realize I make some reality tests without a critical mind, and when I realize that is the case as I do the test, I feel very similar like when I realize it's a dream, which does feel like a relief when it happens, because it assures me if it was a dream, I'd realize that for sure.
@TheFetucchini 6 месяцев назад
I've seen a few people talk about using mugwort leaves to help lucid dream, does that actually work?
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
There's no evidence to support it, and franky I'd recommend ignoring any advice online that suggest taking any kind of supplement or herb for lucidity - as it's irresponsible. You should never ingest any substance without first running it past your Doctor or a trained medical professional.
@Starss25899 6 месяцев назад
Great video man
@jimvanhall217 6 месяцев назад
thank you sir. I hope you have a nice weekend I unfortunately lose regular lucid dreams. there is also a lot going on (nothing bad) in my life. organize again lucid dreaming is like a 24/7 job hahaha Sorry for the . Super thanks going wrong. was testing to see if my comment got through
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much Jim, I always hugely appreciate your kind support. I hope you have a lovely weekend too! You're right, it can be quite hard work with this subject - and it's absolutely right to take a break and focus on other things sometimes, especially when life gets busy. And no worries about the "." comment, it gave me a laugh :)
@AC_Editing 6 месяцев назад
Great reminders! I also have a question for you: when I am caught up in the moment, I sometimes forget to reality test. I believe I have asked this question before, maybe I haven’t. Is there a trick for catching yourself or is it mainly practice?
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
Mostly practice - start with the easier moments, and build up. It's part prospective memory, part metacognition. But these muscles take time to build, so don't worry if it's really tricky to start with - it does get easier.
@AC_Editing 6 месяцев назад
@@LucidDreamPortalok thanks!
@SanTarot 6 месяцев назад
Thank you. 🙏
@MysticLGD 6 месяцев назад
@kikorangi8 6 месяцев назад
Hello, algorithm.
@Story_.time1731 6 месяцев назад
last month i already give up for my lucid dreaming and i notice my dream recall fade away like i clearly don't remember now my dream...and i start now having no dreams...and now i want to try again lucid dreaming..
@MainTain4life 5 месяцев назад
So I can't wait to tell you Dan . I've not been really practicing all reality test techniques . Only in the beginning when I seen my first video . But I see things on your channel from time to time . Really fascinated with being lucid though . Had a slight moment also in the beginning of the lucid journey. I seen a silly shorts video last night of a guy saying we are gods we are in the kingdom already . I find nonsense so I had to comment on how ridiculous it sounded . He goes on in the video to say it's like when you lucid dream basically telling me we need to become awake to realize we are gods . But while I'm awake already following me I can do a reality check rite now to know this . Must of had a impact on the feeling I felt because I became lucid that night in my dream. .it started in a supermarket shopping with a loved one cart full of groceries I walk another isle only to find out the person vanished car outside gone I'm asking around I'm outside I know this person would not just leave me I knew in my heart . Snap I became lucid and knew we never went to the market and no one left me I'm dreaming so I decided to have courage to test myself so I start walking down the st. Bike riders approaching me I push one off his bike no consequences rite . So i say hey wanna see something cool . Look at that billboard I'm prove sum to u I put my hand up like with my super powers rip it rite down from a distance. Now I have their attention. I do a couple more . I go wanna see more so I levitate for them now they are really impressed. And I'm impressed as well . I leave flying in a straight line not to far though from the ground past experience I had flying but not lucid i would be scared to fly to space . I look up to the sky looked weird seen like flying meteors. Along with clouds same blue sky . I wanna go to space But I can't for some reason frustrated me I know I have some lucidity in me left but sec later im waking now a little . But no I want back in so I Kept calm made sure not to move and did a quick dream re entry technique . To still be lucid again this time I'm in a random house doing basically whatever I wanted . I'm not lying was losing and gaining lucidity back and forth at least 2 or 3 more times each time I told myself to stay calm so that I can keep a longer lucid dream running . It was like trying to focus your eyes in the morning when you wake up to see better until things come into focus better its cool when this came back into focus so i can have control to start looking around my environment but thoughts of how much time do i got left ..And I think we all adults here had intimacy with a women . And we'll time hop in shower when I got out of bed . Wow 😮
@daisyip8603 6 месяцев назад
Great video! Thanks, Daniel❤ if i get lucid tonight, i' m going to conjure a dragon and fly to the akashic records😊
@fishskilletvillet 6 месяцев назад
How long does this technique take to work? How long after starting to do this do you have a lucid dream?
@thebeatsaberkid3130 6 месяцев назад
Here before it blows up 😮
@Carl_Frank 6 месяцев назад
Apropos of nothing, that bell sound you've been using always makes me think of a Taco Bell commercial. (Taco Bell is a cheap, pseudo-Mexican-style fast food chain here in the US. I'm not sure if they exist elsewhere.) They used to have commercials with a nearly identical bell sound. Haha. Time to check!
@ArlindoPhilosophicalArtist 6 месяцев назад
I love those 'aha' moments. Thank you for the video, Daniel! 🙂
@savascidoner 6 месяцев назад
I had a long lucid dream this night, I think I become a real lucid dreamer.
@AC_Editing 6 месяцев назад
700th video, Amazing job Daniel! And I love the new style of these videos, especially the clock sounds!
@MainTain4life 5 месяцев назад
So I didn't lucid dream last night , but reunited with about 4 dear friends i know that i haven't seen in a very very long time . And we were just socializing hang out . 3 days ago I had a dream I look at my watch and it was all broken up on wrist. Had chance to become lucid then . No frustration it a happen when it happens I'm cool with that .
@goshenparanormalsociety 6 месяцев назад
I have a tattoo of the big dipper on my right hand, and use it as a reality check. Two nights last month, it finally worked! On the first night I looked at my hand, and there were globs of stars where the handle should be. On the 2nd night, the handle had a circle around it. On both nights, I simply continued the dream, forgetting I could do something different - but on the 2nd night, I asked a woman if she knew what day it was...and it was as if she had NO clue what I was asking. I asked her twice - and I might as well have been speaking gibberish to her. It was incredibly interesting
@EV143 6 месяцев назад
The reality check which I really like and often do is looking at the watch or clock and looking at another one (obviously this will only work if there are at least two watches or clocks around you), and comparing the time on these two watches or clocks, in a dream the possibility of the same time on a watch would be very very very small so I think that it's quite effective, but if you have only one watch or clock looking at it and then doing it again would work out too
@Georgina_0924 6 месяцев назад
Finally someone that knows how to lucid dream I watched so much videos nothing worked i went on google and i spent weeks trying to i finally found this video witch looks simple will try tonight update tomorrow😊
@Tweek42 6 месяцев назад
Feast algorithm, feast on these mortal comments.
@Castiwr1 6 месяцев назад
Had a lucid dream last night. I tried to fly but fell face first on the road, tried again and managed to sort of 'swim' in the air as tall as a house.
@Stovr1ng 6 месяцев назад
Hi, I've recently become aware in my dream for the first time, but it only lasted a minute. After the minute of looking at people around me, I had a false awakening where my best friend was beside me in bed (not my own bed but I thought it was), and I told him about me doing the nose reality check and becoming aware. He answered with "oh wow, maybe you're dreaming now too?". I was so so sure I wasn't dreaming, but it couldn't hurt to check, and I was baffled when I could breath while covering my nose, and woke up for real. What could this false awakening mean? I am really passionate about learning this skill, and try doing reality checks often, but I haven't become lucid since that one time. I do dream journaling, and it has greatly improved my dream recall. Thank you for the videos!
@MrGodOfedits 6 месяцев назад
Can you name a lucid dreaming technique which allows me to lucid dream instantly as exams are going on I can't try much techniques and I have tried mild technique many times but, it don't work
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
There's no such technique - that's like asking for a way to learn to speak French instantly.
@franciscordon9230 6 месяцев назад
Really enjoyed this one. The concept that ‘your dream world is your ultimate Lucid Dream guide’ is astonishing. Thank you!
@KALIFABOY08 6 месяцев назад
Happened many times were i ask myself while dreaming: should I keep dreaming or wake up and write it down. Does this man I’ve been lucid?
@potatoproductionsmovies 26 дней назад
I had a dream where I biked home from ocean city Maryland (i live in Ohio) but I somehow didn’t realize it was a dream.
@dataStream2 5 месяцев назад
Does this work if I don't dream at all? I rarely see dreams(approximately once every few months). Will this technique allow me to unconsciously dream-check even when I can't remember my dreams?
@MichaelNash-ok6ow 6 месяцев назад
if it possible to lucid dream using only this, or do you have to implement other measures?
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
This itself will lead to lucid dreams, but you can always have more by having a more thorough practice.
@MichaelNash-ok6ow 6 месяцев назад
@@LucidDreamPortal thanks a lot, good to know!
@logandothewarlock6043 6 месяцев назад
3:25 YOOOOOOO ITS GAMERA VS GUIRON! Did not expect to see a clip from that in a lucid dreaming video!
@eveline2495 5 месяцев назад
Is it right to do it 10 x a day question yourself this: 1. Where am I? Is my environment correct? 2. Who am I here with? Is that right? 3. What am I doing? Is that possible? 4. How did I get here? 5. What was I doing an hour ago?
@BATTLEBUDDy. 6 месяцев назад
do u have a book..if yea i wanna buy your book but idk how...
@kencormier3015 5 месяцев назад
Daniel, I know patience is a big part of all this. ( I am a subscriber) But I am wondering...what kind of results can we expect, realistically? Long story short...I have had about 20 LD's, mostly years ago just by accident. None are long, 10- 20 seconds or so. For about 3 months now, I have been really trying to get this going, buying a few books, writing the journal, watching lots of videos, reality checks, meditation, WILD method, set intentions, etc etc etc., But most nights, no results. I do feel disappointed sometimes. How long do we practice before getting some real results, like 30 seconds or more? I know everyone is different. Does it take 1-2 years to really get a handle on all of this??? The past 2 months I have had some real cool results, kind of breakthroughs, but they dont last long. Of course I have watched the videos on how to lengthen the dreams etc. Ok, dont want to make the comment too long, but...any stats on how long we wait till we are good at this???? Much much Thanks!!!
@Skyler-ld1su 3 месяца назад
I dont know if its a lucid dreams but i want to share one of my dreams . Before the result date of my exam I get a dream where i failed in math and it was fucking scary .i was thinking even in dream that is it reality or dream .i knew in my subconscious mind thats its a dream but i didnt wanted to accept that fact
@culan_SCP 5 месяцев назад
Trying again after 100 days and nothing i quit, now im starting again from scratch
@user-wh1ry1gr1f 8 дней назад
Can you get lucid in the dream by saying I am dreaming over and over again
@LucidDreamPortal 8 дней назад
Can you be happy by saying "I'm happy" over and over?
@user-wh1ry1gr1f 7 дней назад
@LucidDreamPortal no . OK makes sense 👏 👌 one more question what is the best lucid dreaming technique for kids 🤔 cuzco I'm a 10 year old girl
@MainTain4life 5 месяцев назад
If i can lucid dream tonight i would want to soar in space . Maybe hop from planets to planets . Maybe not sure but maybe Discover some new life form or something. And or have a gathering with all my family , friends, and loved ones who are no longer here .
@potatoproductionsmovies 26 дней назад
I don’t dream much so it’s hard to become lucid
@jonny3003 6 месяцев назад
So where do I get that inducKtion device and do I really have to use it in public?
@Story_.time1731 6 месяцев назад
can u gave me an easy step?..i just kept having a normal dream..but there's some dreams that i feel wierd like it's different from my other dreams then I just ignore it..help meeeee
@justalp4860 6 месяцев назад
Hey i spowned you in today's dream.. for guidance. .. but you just show me the portal and get away... Kindly reply me. So that i remember that dream❤
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
You'll remember! But are you dreaming right now?
@culan_SCP 5 месяцев назад
I realise im dreaming quite often, but it just goes black as i gain conciousness and wake up
@SAvannagEvanS 6 месяцев назад
I'm a bit confused about whether one is actually fully asleep asleep... or, more like in a kind of lucid state where the mind is producing images but you're kind of awake and on the edge of being asleep. For example, if I'm in bed, aware that I'm not properly asleep, but, rather, drifting in a dream like world, where thoughts and images play out and I can *think* them, is that lucid dreaming??? If its not, I've no idea how to get to the lucid dreaming state, because it seems like once I'm asleep I'm dead to the world... until I wake up and can remember my dreams! Argh. Why is it so difficult? 😂
@Hero-bo2il 2 месяца назад
no technique works for me, i invented one technique which involves being highly self aware, when you're self aware, you can feel your body touch the bed and your eyes are closed
@LucidDreamPortal 2 месяца назад
Techniques are not the path to lucid dreaming, it requires a more holistic approach and lifestyle/mindset adaptions. Be careful not to fall into the "find the right technique" trap, as it can waste a lot of time.
@Hero-bo2il 2 месяца назад
@@LucidDreamPortal i dont even use any techniques no more, i just try to realize that im dreaming while im dreaming
@Uchihasasuke291 6 месяцев назад
I can’t lucid dream it’s been nearly 1 month. I woke up every night naturally straight from the dream around 6 to 8 hours and whenever I get in hynogogic state and felt great vibration I wake up what should I do
@fishskilletvillet 6 месяцев назад
Same thing happened to me the other night with the vibrating thing. I was in a dream, and actually managed to reality check (I looked at my fingers and they were all weird) but immediately after before I became lucid I kind of half woke up and was vibrating a lot. I thought it was my watch, (which vibrates as an alarm) but then when I was fully awake I realized my alarm hadn't gone off yet and I was very confused. I wonder what is the explanation for this because it was really weird.
@mina.555 6 месяцев назад
@mingfanzhang8927 6 месяцев назад
@samuelzins5089 6 месяцев назад
You're freaking me out with this style of ai thumbnails
@Call111-z3 6 месяцев назад
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
@MrKuib 4 месяца назад
Blud I’m about to sleep why do u have these creepy images in this video 😃
@jimvanhall217 6 месяцев назад
@LucidDreamPortal 6 месяцев назад
Как мы играем в игры 😂
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Как мы играем в игры 😂
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