0:50 Yul's best shot was with the old schooler's and he sunk their ship. He put a target on the "Poker" alliance and then that morphed into this old school vs new school dynamic, which led to Tyson's demise and ironically Yul's.
Yul really thought he had Sophie Nick Wendell and Michele. If they didn’t vote him off that’s you’re likely final 5. Kim and Sarah in that final 7. Sele would’ve been demolished followed by tony.
Yup said in an interview that Tyson didn't seem to want to work with him. Yul wanted to be aligned with Tyson because he had links with Rob and them. But it seems Tyson didn't see him as a threat/lion which was Tony's argument that they could get picked off one by one by the smaller threats
@@cHAWELO3 I always thought it was funny the way Tyson seemed to blow off Yul as a threat, or low profile winner considering that Yul's a far more iconic and respected winner than Tyson.
@@arthurrimbaud7287 Exactly, a challenge beast with a great social & strategic game. Yul is one of the pioneers that influenced the way it's played today. There would be no Russell without Yul as it was Cook Islands that made us realise how powerful an idol is. And it was his season (one of few) where a player played the way he played but didn't have a bitter jury like some of the other players.
He would’ve been the ONLY person from the edge that may have beaten Tony and I would’ve been okay with it. I would not have been okay with Nat winning. Tyson, there would’ve been in argument for him had he made it back the second time
I think he would've gotten the same amount of votes as Nat but Tony would still beat Tyson. Other than doing great at challenges THIS season Tyson didn't really do that much. He strategized and made good bonds but honestly none of his plans really worked out and he was not in control of anything. His best showings were when he came back and went Off radar like Tony did all pre merge. His name didn't come up and He could've gotten far and start controllings things towards the end like Tony did. He had the most potential of beating Tony but didnt Pull it out. Go back to when he said to Tony. That whole Sandra is not as big of a Big threat like He is. Tony is the same as him. Now Tocantins Tyson 👀
@@ethan6483sandra winning HvV was due to bitter Jurries. She is not a good player. Tony's Waw game is What sandra should've Strive to do. But she doesn't have the strategic mind or physical Attributes. Just A weak link who's nice to everyone. Idk how yall respect that kind of game. Taking control > Passing by
Tyson is so much more mature than when he played in Tocantins especially and the incredible thing is he's still the Ryan Reynolds of Survivor. Like I can't watch a confessional that Tyson gives normally without wanting to laugh. It was so nice to have him back
Tyson Jeremy and Kim were in the merge and they really botched themselves bc they realized too late that they were in the minority. Like Yul was gone and they tried to follow tony etc. they should’ve Brought Wendell, Nick, Adam, Denise, and Michelle with themselves as an alliance. The only way they could win
Hoe not really. I mean ppl targeted Jeremy day one by getting rid of Natalie. Not how they did to tony and Sarah. And those 2 easily take control with Sophie and ben. Denise wasn’t swayed yet. She was sele and used an idol on him. He should’ve used that along with keep Wendell on board who can pull in Michele and nick since they’re on the bottom. The “poker alliance” was already known about and Jeremy was apart of that and could get kim and Tyson who both knew they were the bottom on Dakal. Adam would’ve gone with this group too. Basically everyone wanted to join tony and Sarah idk why but that was the best thing for Jeremy’s game and Kim’s and Tyson’s etc. they all lost when they joined tony but Jeremy was more powerful enough to take him on if he tried.
Adams Briee u can easily say that cuz ur watching from the outside, but when ur there in the moment it’s a lot different and harder, remember we are just fans who have never actually played before these are winners so we don’t really have room to criticize.
Did Tyson really think Natalie was being generous to him? For most viewers at home it was clear Natalie was trying to gain Tyson's jury vote if she made it back to the game and the final tribal council, and we know that everything in the end did follow this "scenario."
Tyson and Natalie actually have a friendship outside of the game. She got seriously injured and she crashed at his house for a bit was awhile before this season.
If only jeremy stayed on the tribal, michelle voted for sophie and sarah does not have a steal a vote. Kim played the idol on the right person. Sophie would be going home. And Tyson, denise, kim, jeremy and michelle eoild b on final 5. Final 3 would be the 3 girls and maybe Kim could have won.