
Beth Moore | I Hear Voices In My Head 

Polite Leader
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@truthorterritory5137 3 года назад
Thanks again for your kind words and for promoting my book. May it be a blessing to many.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
@Truth or Territory You are very welcome, Pastor Osman. Thank you so much for your labor and work in writing that book. It has been such a blessing to me and so many others.
@thewaymissionalministries 3 года назад
No the Holy Bible is the true blessing, this is just a stumbling block to believers and a way to fleece the flock with merchandising. Capitalism at its finest in My Fathers house. Funny 😆 I read that somewhere in the Bible that still small voice inside me gave me remembrance again.
@carolberubee 3 года назад
My life is so much better now that I'm not always wondering if I'm hearing from God. I walk in freedom now, not the burdensome weight of not being able to make a decision without some kind of sign or voice from God. We have the Scriptures, which equip us for every good work. So long as we are delighting to do His will, He will make all things work together for good.
@blossom86branche70 3 года назад
Well said🌻
@bryguy8203 3 года назад
Isaiah 58 says 'The Lord will guide you continually.' Love that verse and I Amen it all the time. It is in the context of walking in obedience though and we can't forget that. Take care, B.
@disproveofthis 3 года назад
If you have found seeking the voice of God burdensome and felt the weight of not making a decision unless you get some sort of sign then the issue is bigger than whether God dpeaks or not. That is a faith issue. The righteous walk by faith. It is exactly the same when we follow scripture.
@carolberubee 3 года назад
@@disproveofthis thanks for your reply. Walking by faith is, indeed, the issue. Blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe. I'm just saying that my peers were "hearing from God," including words of affirmation, and instructions on how to proceed in some matter. I now know that all words of affirmation (or admonishment) are already written in the Bible, and that I don't need daily extra-biblical words of instruction; rather, I delight in Him and do whatever I want. Then, as I go through the day, when wonderful things happen, I praise God for His benevolence and providence. And when "bad" things happen, I remember that all things work together for good to those who love God.
@pamwestenbarger3195 3 года назад
Sadly, I have seen several congregations that could not grasps these things
@vivienmartinez2542 3 года назад
Its saddens me to think that there was a time when I struggled with my faith and thought something was wrong because I didn't hear Gods so called whisper voice. It grieved me greatly. But as I continue to search for truth I realized that in the end reading the bible is the only safe way to learn the truth.
@bloodsweatphilp4310 3 года назад
My closest conversations with God/Holy Spirit have been in times of trauma/hardship. As a child, when I was upset, I would run to my room & Pray. I would find 'arms' wrapped around me, never letting go. As an adult, I suffer from multiple chronic illness's, The Holy Spirit without failure will sit with me. Yes, these moments are quiet times, but I do believe, if I didn't have Jesus, I wouldn't be able to manage through these times. Everything that goes through my imagination, I test however. But I do believe The Holy Spirit speaks to me quietly.
@patriciagrant6687 3 года назад
Thank God for the Bible that speaks to me everyday, and men like you that continue to remind us to read it, do it, and to teach it to others.🙂
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
You are very welcome, Patricia and thank you so much for all of the kind things you say about me. It truly blesses my heart.
@isaacperez7580 3 года назад
Love you brother Allan, all my brothers and sisters in Christ
@Aurumfae 2 года назад
I have learned that discernment comes from scripture, not from within. When you know what God desires by way of the Word, you are instantly guided the right way. I’m thankful to be in the Word now, because I wasn’t years ago and I was lost… now I turn to my bible daily to be instructed. Also thank you for this message, it blessed me 🙏🏼
@Loris_channel 3 года назад
I have been slowly reading through “God doesn’t t whisper”. Very good book!
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
That's awesome, Lori! I love that book.
@christin395 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader brother Alan, great video, as usual :) Is your email active? I had a question that I would appreciate your input on :)
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
@@christin395 Yes, it is. politeleader123@gmail.com
@christin395 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader thank you!
@LilacDaisy2 3 года назад
"It more closely resembles our own personal intuitions." That just made me remember when I had mild OCD and "listened" to thoughts I had that I obeyed as if they were God or angels, to keep me safe. "Run and close the window before the clock ticks to 3pm, or a man will climb through it." - "Stop and get petrol now, or have a car crash down the road." If this is the kind of thing some Christians are doing, thinking God is speaking to them, that is *burdensome!* I think it was something John Mac said about 15 years ago that made me determined to ignore those demanding "voices." It took about 2 weeks for it not to be a habit, and I _distinctly_ remember how FREE I felt, and how powerful it was to say, "No! That's just me."
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
Hey Sis. You bring up an excellent point. The issue of OCD (oppressive compulsive disorder) can be part of the confusion for at least some people. My friend Andreas believes he has seen that happen in people who are going through severe life struggles. A few others in the church might be even experiencing schizophrenia. At times it is hard to distinguish between mental illness and the common personal intuition.
@disproveofthis 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader Atheists say that all Christians are suffering from schizophrenia and delusions. Where is your biblical standpoint that God ONLY speaks from the bible to individuals today.
@MrLouboy999 3 года назад
Hi Allen! Love your videos brother and keep up the great work. As a man who struggles with sins everyday and is battling for my very soul I just wanted you to know videos like yours and others help keep me from falling away with the true understanding of GODS word. It's not easy and some of you may laugh at me and say I'm not a Christian since I sin but it does hurt and I do literally cry with shame over it. It's hard being all alone in life and being a sinner but I still thank my brother here because he helps. Allen, May GOD Bless you and may you live a long and beautiful life.
@PR-xk3rl 3 года назад
Hey brother Lou, if you've accepted Jesus' forgiveness and salvation, you no longer have to struggle for your soul because you are already saved (think of the thief whom Jesus saved right before he died, in Luke 23). I think every Christian still struggles with sin (even the great apostle Paul did, as he wrote in Romans 7). But day by day, year by year, with His help and strength we will sin less and less and reflect Jesus' character more and more. And you're never alone if you are a child of God (Hebrews 13:5b). God bless you Lou and may we both draw closer to Him 😊.
@eternallyfearless8537 3 года назад
Please don’t be discouraged, and remain in the Word continually throughout your struggle. I’m not sure what Christian will be bold enough to lie to you and say they don’t sin, but it does happen even if we avoid willfully sinning in the major areas the Bible covers as much as possible. If not in our actions, our thought life. I did not grow up in a Christian home with a consciousness of sin, and have had to learn the hard way exactly why certain thoughts and behaviors are sinful, and the past decade has been a major uphill battle but God has worked a sincere desire for obedience in my heart, and He will do the same for all His children. Praying for you!
@MrLouboy999 3 года назад
Thank you both for your very kind words. Sometimes I feel a great weight and shame for my actions which sometimes causes much hurt for sinning. I think being alone and leaving my old friends behind after trying to teach the word of GOD and being rejected stings. Walking with GOD in a world of lust, greed and sin sometimes leaves you walking a lonely road and a want to go back to it instead and that's when the real pain returns knowing it's wrong. Anyhow, thank you both so very much and may our Lord continue to bring your words of encouragement to others like me. GOD BLESS you both so very much!
@PR-xk3rl 3 года назад
@@MrLouboy999 how are you brother?
@MrLouboy999 3 года назад
@@PR-xk3rl Hi P R! I am doing better. I had back slidden for a bit and was weak and felt alone again. I found out through the Spirit of GOD that though I my have been walking with him I wasn't allowing him to help me walk and only letting him lead. I was trying to use my own power to move through life but found I have no power over the prince of darkness or his army. It was always GOD who had the power. I have since been asking him to take my hand and not just lead me but pull me up the mountain during the hard times. I now walk hand in hand. This isn't to say I never sin. Not willingly but I don't do it as a present thought. His power is so great I find he's really talking if you let his Spirit speak. Thank you for your kind words and I hope your are well brother! I'm teary right now to see a person who doesn't know me is wondering about my walk. GOD truly is amazing as our Father and with his son has given caring people.
@ethan9868 3 года назад
What do we have today that Elijah, Moses etc. didn’t have? The complete revelation of God, if one wants to hear God speak then all they need is to go to His word.
@disproveofthis 3 года назад
Something else we have is the Holy Spirit
@disproveofthis 3 года назад
There are many testimonies of people saying that an inner voice told them to pray for a situation or they have been woken and told to pray for a specific person and they have. They have found out later that the person was in trouble just at the time that they were told to pray. I heard a testimony from a christian man that was told by an inner voice specifically to go knock on a certain door that he never had any dealings with. When he visited the house a man came and told him that he had just been going to hang himself and asked God to show him a sign he was there. The christian man shared the gospel and led the person to our Lord. If you have never had that experience then you need to ask why. You don't get that from just reading your bible. There is always a balance to things and God will not be put into box of our making. But he will not contradict his word either.
@ethan9868 3 года назад
That sounds like you’re conflating the Holy Spirit’s guidance (which I do not deny, but does not come in the form of a voice) and someone like Beth Moore who claims to have back and forth conversations with God. One is biblical the other is decidedly not.
@disproveofthis 3 года назад
@@ethan9868 i agree with Totally about people like Beth Moore Ethan that talk like they have a private phone number to God. The danger is when we use the idiots of this world to define who God is and how he works. It depends how we define voice isn't it. The conscience can be defined as a voice that speaks to us i believe that the voice of the Holy Spirit within can be defined in a similar way to being totally separate to our own conscience, thoughts and emotions. I only read my bible these days and go to it for guidance but i did not find out that i should go plant a church in Spain which i did from just reading it the bible. Blessings.
@ethan9868 3 года назад
Dave - Blessings to you too. I don’t think we disagree, rather this is a case of talking past each other. I would propose that it is because of your relationship with God, cultivated through the Bible, that you went to plant a church in Spain. Did it tell you to go to Spain? No. Did it grow in you a deeper love for God, and those who are perishing? Clearly, and I believe He guided you to go to Spain to conduct your ministry.
@valeriemckenna4590 3 года назад
As always Allen another great video. Thank you again. I keep learning and my desire is to be faithful and true in Him and Him alone. I appreciate it. God Bless You and hope you’re staying safe
@sevensickszero6112 3 года назад
Jesus said " my sheep hear my voice" so jesus does speak to his followers , we just have to discern by the word and having a peace about it,"let the peace of Christ reign in your hearts" col. 3:15a
@bryanwong2575 3 года назад
And that is how mormon was formed, simply because joseph smith heard a voice
@sevensickszero6112 3 года назад
@@bryanwong2575 what does " my sheep hear my voice " mean? Jesus said that for a reason....
@johnpaulssemakula 3 года назад
@@sevensickszero6112 please go back and read that verse in its context. Jesus was speaking of salvation through obedience of faith in Him. If you suggest that He is addressing the issue of just a voice, remember that He was talking to the unbelieving Jews who were literally hearing His voice. Context is very key.
@ethan9868 3 года назад
“I can do all things through a verse taken out of context”
@sevensickszero6112 3 года назад
@@johnpaulssemakula I read the context and your right, jesus is speaking to Jews who didnt know his voice , thats why they didn't believe him. Are you saying that when I study a verse, I cant say" what is God speaking to me about this verse",or "show me jesus in this verse"...I would need to have some sort of impression or still small voice in my spirit to understand what God is showing me....what do you think "he who has ears to HEAR(spiritually)means?
@CateOtanes 3 года назад
I will add this book to my 2021 reading list brother. Thank you. I was in a charismatic church for 3 years and doubted my faith because I didn't hear God's voice audibly. I thank God he saved me from believing the lies that these false teachers teach. Bless you, brother.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
@Cate Otanes You are welcome, my Presbie sister. I believe you will find this book to be an excellent resource for you. Thank you for that blessing and God bless as well.
@newlearner5560 3 года назад
I believe God is speaking to us via His Words called bible. I've not yet heard 'still small voice' for 30 years in my faith journey, But I guarantee you that I've often heard loud voice called conviction from my prayer, bible study and listening to teaching/preaching from my pastor.
@connihudson1578 Год назад
Revelation from God has always come from withou/.❤ thanks for speaking out! Standing firm in truth!
@mulletsandmustaches8656 3 года назад
It is alot like the new age ways Of stilling oneself and listening This way is opening doors to the demonic spirits. Discernment in these times is so important God bless 🙏
@disproveofthis 3 года назад
I agree on the exegesis of Elijah and i don't know who the HVG are but i got saved 35 years ago while i was singing in a club and a still small voice that was not audible spoke to me to stop what i was doing and follow him. He introduced himself as our Lord and said to me that what i was seeking in performance was what i would find in him. Acceptance and being somebody. It took me on a 3 month journey of discovery where the voice spoke to me and directed me towards our Lord and salvation. later after i was saved i came across Matt 6 seek first and realised this was the full context of the conversation that i had with the inner voice that was not my own. I have since been a full time evangelist and Pastor. I have never had deliverance and i am not a charismatic because i really don't know what that term means but i know what i know and always go to the word. But that is why we have the gift of DISCERNMENT !! that did not cease with the Apostles !!!!
@bobbiesox6289 3 года назад
Thank you brother for your clarity on this. God’s Blessings on you!
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
You're welcome! God bless as well.
@jlsheehan 3 года назад
Alan, thank so much for taking the time and the effort to further explore this topic. May you be blessed in your efforts to teach the word of God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
@christianporter3638 3 года назад
This issue I have with the “HVG” teachers and believers is that it appears to be esoteric in nature - in that, I mean that it’s some special gift or knowledge that only certain privileged, special or deeply ‘righteous’ people can obtain, have or recognize. Like Justin Peters (and others) have said, “If you want to hear God’s voice, read your Bible. If you want to hear God’s voice audibly, read your Bible aloud!” Great vid as always Alan
@toolegittoquit_001 3 года назад
It's Gnosticism to be sure
@andrewcreek3846 3 года назад
@@toolegittoquit_001 you're spot on. 👍
@soldierofchrist4ever 3 года назад
Esoteric in nature is spot on, I would also add, that some of these teachers probably claim to hear things as to bolster their authority, or appear more "spiritual."
@nwoods58 3 года назад
Let me begin, Alan, by saying how much I appreciate your 'polite' treatment of these controversial topics. It's a welcome change from the normal cadence of social media. Your well-delivered posts warrant a thoughtful response. My father used to tell a very corny joke, but I think it's relevant. He spoke of a man who claimed unequivocally that "All Indians walk in a single file.... at least the one I saw did." Ignoring that fact that the joke is politically incorrect, it does identify a mindset that tends to universalize ideas or ideologies into a one-size-fits-all box. Until your last couple of posts, I had not heard of the HVG ("Hearing the Voice of God") label. I didn't realize it was a "thing", but apparently Dallas Willard and others have put some parameters around this idea that don't set well with conservative evangelicals. While I disagree with your position that God's written Word is His only & complete means of communication today, I would like to cite a few HVG fallacies which I believe have discredited the entire notion of God communicating with man in a personal way in our age. 1) Anyone who attempts to formularize the means by which one can "get God to speak extra-Biblically" to them is way off base. As you yourself pointed out, God has communicated in countless ways throughout the O.T. and N.T. and He will not be manipulated by any kind of methodology. 2) There is often a presumption of holiness when one claims that God has spoken to them personally. This, too, is false. When God says or does ANYTHING, it is about Him (the Messenger) and not about me (the receiver). I deserve no praise for having been the recipient of a Word from the Lord. After all, He once spoke through a donkey. 3) To suggest that the Bible is lacking without a supplemental word from God violates the canonization of Scripture as well as Biblical texts such as II Tim 3:16 and Rev 22:18-19. To summarize, I believe God speaks when, how, where, and to whom He wills. There is nothing in Scripture to suggest that it is prescriptive. Second, there is no personal glory in having heard from God (i.e. it's not about me). Lastly, if God never speaks a personal Word to me, I can rest assured that the Bible thoroughly equips me for every good work. That being said, most of your contrarians have objected to your stance based on the claim of personal experience. This is, admittedly, a weak argument. On the other hand, it has been said that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The Bible is silent on how the Holy Spirit has chosen to communicate after the formation of the early Church in Acts, so to hold that He does or does not do this or that is tenuous (so long as it doesn't violate His nature as revealed in the Text). Jesus does refer to the Holy Spirit as a parakletos (helper/counselor/advocate) in John 15 which certainly suggests that He is more than a mere bookmark into Scripture. In your previous post on this topic, you said, "There’s no reason to believe that scripture plus prayer does not constitute meaningful communication between ourselves and our Lord." I agree. On the other hand, to hold that God does speak in personal ways today does not contradict your statement. Let me close by saying I believe I have heard God's voice on three occasions. None were audible but all were explicit enough that I could write down what was impressed on my mind verbatim. In just one of those instances, the short phrase I received was meant for one of my pastors. I have never been keen on people who go around frequently carrying a "word from the Lord" for someone else, but I was also convicted that I would be disobedient if I didn't follow through. Reluctantly, I shared the brief message with my pastor along with the caveat that "this has never happened to me before so please test what I tell you against Scripture and through prayer." His response: "You're the fourth person to share that with me this week. God is clearly trying to tell me something." Go figure...
@jennifertaylor1258 3 года назад
I love this!
@328am 3 года назад
“An archeologist always finds what they’re looking for”
@jcorle00 3 года назад
Underrated comment.
@awaitingthetrumpetcall4529 3 года назад
I'm going to listen to this video a second time. You make some excellent points that can be applied to other subjects.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
@donnadickson9409 3 года назад
Thank you! I thought I was missing something by “just” reading my Bible.🤣 I pray for these false teachers and all of those who follow them!
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
The thing is that still small voice in the mind can be a demon.
@ReeseyPiecey11 2 года назад
Okay this makes SO much sense! I've heard a few people saying they "hear" God (audibly) and I need to learn how and I have had 0 luck hearing God, but scripture DOES speak to me louder than anything. Good to know there's not something wrong with me!
@maria49ism 3 года назад
🤲📖🙏👏AMEN!shalom for the bible TRUTH believers!
@kristenroberts9335 3 года назад
I have a friend that says that he leads her by feelings. When I ask her how she knows it’s from God, she just says she knows. The then acts like I’m just a silly nerd for not trusting it and telling her the only we know what God wants is to read the Bible.
@johncline3033 3 года назад
It's up to me to go right or left. After I make the choice I ask God to protect my path, and He does.
@melissaconner9538 3 года назад
I never learned it like this, thank you for this truth.
@daraharvey4519 3 года назад
I love your videos. They keep me company at work.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
That is awesome! I'm so glad they do.
@benmartens5840 3 года назад
For years I went to a church that taught this, although I actually never experienced it. About a year ago I started attending a reformed church, and just ordered “God Doesn’t Whisper” by Jim Osman. I’m really excited about this purchase.
@hesavedawretchlikeme6902 3 года назад
The Word of God has many messages directly from the Lord. Jesus said my sheep hear My voice and they follow me. He never contradicts Himself.
@devinaustin8462 3 года назад
I live this channel. I have always had a hard time finding teachers who aligned with my beliefs but this but polite leader is definitely one of them.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
I'm so glad.
@numarkaz 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader you are STRICTLY biblical, and that's all that matters. Surely you qualify as a good and faithful servant. Thanks for these videos.
@kathleens.laroche754 3 года назад
Yes, our foundation IS the Bible, the Word of God. However, the Lord DOES still speak directly through the Holy Spirit. Yes, demons also speak to the mind and so do our own minds speak to our minds, but that's where discernment comes in. I am in no way defending Beth Moore, because I think she has gone over the edge of the precipice. But I HAVE (amd other I know as well) heard the voice of the Lord at times, and I am not going to deny Him by denying that.
@benvindatati 3 года назад
Agreed and amen!
@igotem38 3 года назад
Absolutely. And what about David when in numerous passages the Bible says he asked God a question and God gave him a direct answer? There's no indication of whether it was audible or not, but it says God answered Him in reply to a question. While I agree that we need to be very careful with teachers like Beth Moore who are questionable at best, I think that to say that God ONLY speaks through the Bible and NEVER through your personal time with him is almost equally a travesty because you limit your relationship with God. Should everything you believe you hear from God match up with what's said in His Word? Absolutely. But I agree that He still very much speaks to His people today.
@a5anointed705 3 года назад
I agree. I think people get too carried away to the point of sin with claiming God speaks to them all the time. “God told me this. God told me that.” The word is how I hear God the best and the more time I spend in it, the better I recognize His voice in everyday life.
@mordecaialivanallenoshea7532 3 года назад
As always, a very informative and well articulated video my brother. Keep up the good work and God bless you. Nice shirt btw.
@dianebragau5357 3 года назад
Thank you for this truth Alan.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
You're more than welcome, Diane.
@joshuaborne4721 3 года назад
Brothers and sisters, one time I was pondering going on a dangerous missions trip. I was newly married and while praying and asking for direction this verse came to my mind/thoughts. Be a doer of the Word and not a header only. Tell me then was this the Holy Spirit answering my pondering and prayer? Yes it was and off I went on the trip to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. So I do believe in the still small voice and weigh it against His Word.
@bobbipatrick7079 3 года назад
So, what you're saying is.. God doesn't whisper and if I hear voices in my head I should probably ignore them and go read my Bible? Thanks for you research and teaching dude. By the way nice shirt.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
You're welcome, kid and thanks. I still like the Randy Orton song though. "I hear voices in my head. They counsel me. They understand. They talk to me."
@jhowe5571 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader The Police, of 80's rock scene, has a song called, "Voices in my Head" 😄🤷‍♂️
@Teegal_x 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader is it inconsistent to hear from the Lord audible words that are in the Bible keeping in mind 1 John 4:1
@bobbipatrick7079 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader yeah. I actually like this song too. Although if my voices in my head counsel me...we are all in trouble.
@mariodini839 3 года назад
Excellent and informative...God speaks to us through his word...scripture... via the Holy Spirit and gives us illumination...it is through the word only that we come to the understanding...it requires us to read and study the word with passion and zeal...I love your channel
@rosemaryrojahn584 3 года назад
Wonderful teaching. As Justin Peters says "If you want to hear God speak, read the Word. If you want to hear Him speak audibly, read it out loud. "
@davidgaffney4918 3 года назад
Thank you brother for sharing this! I learn a lot from this channel. God bless you sir!
@_KendraChristine 3 года назад
Awesome!! Now I really want to read that book since you’ve mentioned it multiple times!
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
Thank you, Sis! And you definitely should. You will not be disappointed.
@thewaymissionalministries 3 года назад
12/9/20. Should we be looking for the Lord speak in and through a bush, a cloud,whirlwind, or a mule ? No but scripture is telling us God can and does speak to his creation supernaturally or even a clear or small voice. In Judges Gideon asked for a sign so he knew he was listening to God. Holy Spirit called for Barnabas and Paul , when we pray Holy Spirit can intercede with groaning we can’t understand. You just admitted he spoke clearly to Elijah in a clear voice. So where the voice come from and where did he hear it? Is there an abuse of people using this to make themselves look extra holy? Absolutely but it’s no different when use abuse the academics and theology part of teaching scriptures making it all fleshly and leaving out the spiritual making yourself look so smart. All these big academic Bible terms like hermeneutics, eschatology etc are all terms created by man to make your selves feel smarter and give yourselves awards,degrees and write dumb books. It’s All fleshy that deals with your egos, there is always an over exaggeration on both ends. Foundation should always be the reading 📖 of the Bible daily and prayer. I always keep an open mind, heart, and ears to how the Lord wants to communicate to me. With man it’s impossible but with God anything is possible. Acts 2:17- how God will speak in last days Acts 13:2- Holy Spirit calls to separate to him Barnabas and Paul. Matthew 3:17. Voice from heaven Romans 8:26-27. Holy Spirit intercedes which groaning.
@bloodsweatphilp4310 3 года назад
Thank You. My comment was from personal experience. Thank you for giving scriptural reference to this point.
@thewaymissionalministries 3 года назад
I’m not trying to sarcastic but that voice in me gave all that I typed. I give the voice and guidance of the Holy Spirit the credit for bringing to remembrance all scriptures. I’m just a dumb truck driver who meditates on his Word day and night. These opinions and books they try to make fact and stumble believers to make merchandise of them. Don’t let anyone ruin your personal relationship with the Lord, it’s your relationship and your faith not theirs God bless you sister
@kayleyhiggins4205 3 года назад
Didn’t realize how unbiblical this was. Thanks so much for sharing this! ❤️
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
You're so welcome!
@kayleyhiggins4205 3 года назад
@Emanuel Ruiz I have heard that text but that is a single occurrence and it is not a PRESCRIPTIVE text but a DESCRIPTIVE text. I encourage you to listen to this video and the 2 he posted before this one on this subject. ☺️ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-aq6gx_f9I8o.html
@kayleyhiggins4205 3 года назад
@Emanuel Ruiz did you watch all of those videos? I do hear His voice. Through the Bible, where He said His voice will be.
@kayleyhiggins4205 3 года назад
@Emanuel Ruiz once again. Did you watch any of the videos I shared with you? Why do you just share verses out of context? The Holy Spirit revealed through the writings of the apostles in the New Testament that He speaks through the Bible. And since He is not a spirit of confusion, He will not contradict Himself. I am not limiting the Holy Spirit, I am telling you what He says in His Word.
@scrapingrama1 3 года назад
Thanks for revealing Dallas Willard. We have had teachings by him at our church recently wish you could do more on him. God bless.
@user-zv3bh3nr1p 3 года назад
Thank you Allen!
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
My pleasure!
@brionsog2186 3 года назад
"I hear voices in my head" is ironically the signature song of wwe star Randy Orton. Beth, it's not a good sign for you at all.
@DarkstarArchangel 3 года назад
I love how the first comment that I see is EXACTLY what I was thinking.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
"I see darkness falling, I hear voices calling, I feel justice crawling, I see faith has fallen."
@alexmanzewitsch714 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader RKO OUTTA' NOWHERE!!!!!!
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
@@alexmanzewitsch714 The RKO is no match for the GTS!
@SupernaturalByDesign 3 года назад
John 14:26 “But the Advocate,(S) the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,(T) will teach you all things(U) and will remind you of everything I have said to you.(V)”
@JiuJitsuandPikachu 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing this content. It has really helped me evaluate everything I'm being taught and ensure I'm being edified with scriptural truth. On a similiar note; it is actually terrifying how many false teachers are in existence today.
@fournanna4 3 года назад
When I heard this from her I determined then that I would not follow her any longer and I’ve discouraged others to do the same thing
@JoseManuelLegardaGalarza 3 года назад
those nar people believe they are so special God gives them "so special" revelations just to them and for them, it's not intelligent
@danielreed3718 3 года назад
Deaf people can hear God speak to them though... I’m not trying to assert anything but that thought came up while I was listening and I don’t really know what to do with it.
@benvindatati 3 года назад
@angelicacoppolella 3 года назад
Remember God created man from dust. And restored sight to the blind. He used a donkey to speak. I say all this to point out God's ability to restore or even create where a disability once was. But these are instances of God's intervention, not man's discipline to 'tune in'.
@lynnekirkup984 3 года назад
Thank you!
@orion7741 3 года назад
Gods teaching through his living word and spirit inspired HOLY BIBLE, goes against everything you are teaching and claiming though....... God teaches us through the bible that HE USES THE HOLY SPIRIT TO COMMUNICATE TO US. by denying that we as Christians hear from God through the Holy Spirit, you are totally denying the Holy Spirit and his power as God through the trinity. you are teaching some seriously messed up and WRONG theology my friend......
@SupernaturalByDesign 3 года назад
I 100% agree. This might be the reason why the church is so divided. People are leaning on their own understanding
@ethankaryadi37 3 года назад
Now I’m not so sure about this, but there are people who have had non-audial and external intuitions about God which ultimately lead them to the Bible and not to dangerous doctrines. While we can’t limit God in any way, we can however limit what we take in as true. I appreciate your video and I wish you all the best. By the way, what are your thoughts on Pastor Phillip Blair from the Torch of Christ Ministries? God bless.
@IDIOTBoxxx22 3 года назад
You and your team are amazing at finding these thumbnails. Thanks Brother Allen and company. ☺️
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
Glad you like them!
@AndreasWiget 3 года назад
@IDIOTBoxxx22 3 года назад
@@AndreasWiget did you find this one too? 😆
@AndreasWiget 3 года назад
@@IDIOTBoxxx22 Yep 😂
@backcountry8405 3 года назад
Thank you sir God bless blessings on you sir May the Providence of God be wonderful in your life
@steve7onfire 3 года назад
Awesome work my brother. All the way from Darwin Australia 👍😊
@designbuild7128 3 года назад
Heb 4.12 Which indicates that the Bible (full counsel of) helps us discern if we are hearing the wrong voice in our heads :)
@theresamarais2642 3 года назад
God speaks to us through the Bible, it is that easy to understand. I've forever tried explaining this and other things to my only sister. She gets very mad at me when I share the truth about these false teachers. We have not had any contact since October.
@marlenereimchen9141 3 года назад
Thank you I plan on getting that book. So many books to get. I'm reading through Costi's books right now. So good.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
You're welcome, Marlene. You'll love that title.
@Kayokak 3 года назад
I remember hearing the phrase "the still small voice" when I was younger, but I cannot remember the circumstances clearly enough to say they were HGV. (Also everytime you say HGV teachers my brain says HGTV). There seems to be some murkiness between understanding what the Spirit of God is and what it is not. Comparable to the teenage boy that asks God to tell him if he should date someone and believes his thoughts are the answer. Or, "Lord, speak to me today," then randomly opening the Bible expecting something. I think there's a misunderstanding that comes from lack of teaching. HGV teachings (along with other problematic beliefs) pick up these confused people and teach them.
@Charles.Wright 3 года назад
The Spirit is not "it." He is a person.
@cecillefabio6496 3 года назад
The truth is that God is always speaking to us, we just aren’t listening. We are often hard of hearing. And God doesn’t like to shout. In fact, God most often speaks to us softly and quietly. Our verse for the week demonstrates that. “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go,’ whether to the right or to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21 NLT) When Elijah ran from the threats of Jezebel and hid in a cave on Mount Horeb, (1 Kings 19) he heard from the voice of God. Elijah heard from God frequently (he was a prophet after all), but God wanted to make sure Elijah heard Him. So God whispered. A strong wind, earthquake and fire all passed by Elijah, but God was not in any of them. God was in a still, small voice. God was in the whisper. God doesn’t like to shout. He loves to guide us gently and purposefully as our loving, heavenly Father. He longs whisper into your ear, “This is the way, walk in it”. How do we get that? How do we have the a relationship with God where He only needs to whisper? Do you long to have the kind of relationship with God? One so close that He merely whispers His will in your ear and you follow? You can have that. God wants it for you. Follow those steps above. Be still before Him Be quiet enough to hear Him speak Be obedient to every direction I am watching from Philippines 🇵🇭 😃
@ReformedGibberish5881 3 года назад
Thanks Alan 👌
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
Very welcome
@samuelflores1419 3 года назад
Like I heard brother Justin say if you want to hear God's voice. READ THE BIBLE OUTLOUD! Great video, God Bless You Brother!
@yeshuasfragrantlife1262 3 года назад
I don't know about you guys, but I hear all kinds of different voices. Usually a man's voice, but the voices I hear sound and come from the people I come into contact with. I've been hearing the voice of God for almost 10 years
@Eren_Drager 3 года назад
Love the shirt Allan!
@gohim2j 3 года назад
I eagerly await your videos each week and learn much from your well planned teaching. Thank you for all the study and time put into these informative presentations. I'm ordering God Doesn't Whisper today.
@mdkelley100 3 года назад
Nice shirt! Listening for the inner voice seems to be big in the occult. I think it comes from a search for the supernatural and mysticism. This is big in the New Age movement which is bleeding over into the church. Bottom line, the Bible is all we need for teaching, instruction and it alone is the only voice we need to listen to. To say we need something beyond the Bible is to nullify the sufficiency of Scripture. Question, off the topic, I keep hearing this commercial on TV by a Michael Youssef pastor of Church of the Apostles in Atlanta. Have you heard of him? Is he NAR?
@jeremybeavon4476 3 года назад
Listening to inner voices is also a big thing in psychiatry and mental heath: psychosis and schizophrenia. Often pretty dark.
@kathierouse5306 3 года назад
I have heard Michael Yussif on the radio. I don't think he's NAR. So far, I haven't heard anything that wasn't biblical. He sounded very balanced to me.
@mdkelley100 3 года назад
@@kathierouse5306 Thank you.
@kathierouse5306 3 года назад
@@mdkelley100 You're so very welcome, mdkelley! 👍😊🙏💞
@jesussaves7973 3 года назад
@@kathierouse5306 I also listen to him and so far all I have heard has been Truth!
@KristiLEvans1 3 года назад
Nice shirt! And - thank you for this. Sadly, Moore was popular with a few of my friends last I checked. This is an excellent vid to share. Gently-delivered and kind, but solid teaching.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
Thank you Kristi and you are welcome!
@rosemaryrojahn584 3 года назад
You are a solid teacher brother. God's blessings on your endeavors.
@existentialcatharsisvibe1709 3 года назад
thank you for this video and other videos related to this subject. i remember during my younger days i would question my believes and even doubt my faith because i could not hear the "voices in my head" and also i could not "speak in tongue". And one point i even believes God does not exist but prayers from my parents do help me through tough time. God bless you and keep it up
@denonjoka8848 3 года назад
Hawayu Polite Leader *& Thanks 4 Classifying & Exposing The False Error & False Heretical Teaching of False Teacher Beth Moore on Hearing The Small Voice of Our Great Almighty God Where There Was a Reason & Purpose Why Our Great Almighty God Send The 🔥 Down on Prophet Elijah's Offering In 1st Kings 18 That Prophet Elijah Heard The Small Voice of God In 1st Kings **19:12** 4 Our Great Almighty God Speaks 2 Us Thru His Word Where Faith Comes By Hearing & Hearing The Word of God In Romans 10:17* & May God Bless Yu Polite Leader So Very Much & May He Lead Yu Always.🙏🙏🕊️🕊️
@corinneperegrini6003 3 года назад
By the way, thank you for promoting our brother Andreas Wiget's youtube channel: very good biblical teaching 👍
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
I'm glad to do it!
@AndreasWiget 3 года назад
Thank you so much Corinne.
@taylorlungren8083 3 года назад
Hi Alan! My husband and I love your channel and videos! We align with the same doctrine and theology and I actually go to Apologia church so God has really been shifting me in what I know and believe. what’s hard for me is that a lot of the things you address sort of challenge my past beliefs when I started out in Christianity in a more charismatic type of church group where this type of teaching tends to be more normal. Like we would say things often like, “I have a word from God” and we even did a prophecy tent where we would listen for a word to give to someone (like one physical word not necessarily a giant slew of things). I feel confused and like unsure what to think if that makes sense, since it was such a huge part of my life... but I also want to do solid biblical study to know what is true, even if it means I was wrong before. I guess my question is, do you have any recommendations for books or specific scriptures that can help us kind of get started on breaking down those previous beliefs? I definitely want to check out the one that you’re recommending in this video but I didn’t know if you knew of any other books that specifically reference coming out of something you thought was so true and then having to come back to solid biblical teaching.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
Apologia! That's so awesome. Pastor Jim actually has several books on the subject you're inquiring about. I'm sure his body of work will be very useful to you.
@taylorlungren8083 3 года назад
@@PoliteLeader Oh, good to know, thank you! :) And thanks for all you do to help spread the information out.
@leonpope861 3 года назад
We need the HOLY SPIRIT to keep directing, convicting, and counsel us to proclaim The SON, YESHUA HAMASHIACH, Crucified. Not how we may become self serving, self seeking, self proclaimed people of significance, importance, and christian elite. Christian = CHRIST is LORD/REDEEMER . I am not [ ian, which are the last three letters in christian ]. Humility not Hubris, Meekness not Pretentiousness was the Way, the Truth, the Life of the SON, YESHUA HAMASHIACH. Oh ADONAI we have fallen for are own reflection in the pool of water. AMEN. ⭕✝️💯🛐♾.
@jfryer11 3 года назад
What does HVG mean?
@jfryer11 3 года назад
@C Shell Thanks! I’ve heard false teachers talking about it but I’ve never heard that acronym.
@donnagelina8548 3 года назад
"Hearing the Voice of God"
@Hello-xb8re 3 года назад
Hey polite leader! Love your videos!!
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
Glad you like them!
@drmshyamala 3 года назад
Ahh the still small voice... 🤗 How easily was I fooled .. 😅
@williewiner4161 3 года назад
Great teaching Alan- thank you for making these videos
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
My pleasure!
@deniseadkins2901 3 года назад
If I am doing something out of the normal that is so bad that I have to hear the voice of God, I expect to die soon. His Word is enough to convict me of my sins.
@trevormaxwellsy8600 3 года назад
1 The Time Is Always Right To Do What Is Right So Let GOD BE GOD Anytime. & Be The Best U Who Is Christ-Like. While Always Miracles Happen For Those Who Believe. & Life Is As Great As U. While Have Glad Tidings. So Anytime Have Peace & Blessings. & Keep Hope Alive. While I Hope All Is Well With U & That U Are As Healthy In Body As U Are Strong In Spirit. Also, Let Love Have The Last Word. +ALL THINGS GOD WORKS TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD !
@arundurgam9120 3 года назад
No question all the contents here are biblical I learn and enjoy for my part, sir I make a request to you to make a content on the Biblical worship & hvg type of worship🙂🙂
@stephentaylor2051 3 года назад
Reading the Bible in it’s Ancient Near Eastern context is extremely important. But it can be difficult to untangle our modern conceptions of Scripture and to un-filter ourselves from our traditions. It is important to not read into the text what the author and audience of the Scriptures would not know about. Thanks for the video.
@bryanm5233 3 года назад
When I need communication from God, I read the Bible.
@thedesertshulamite1967 3 года назад
The Lord says His sheep know His “Voice.” We need both the written word and the rhema word. God speaks in many ways.
@MikeChirkov 3 года назад
Dear Alan, thanks a lot for another helpful bit of teaching. Keep up the good work! Blessings.
@PoliteLeader 3 года назад
My pleasure!
@Izthefaithful 3 года назад
Hi Alan! Thankful for you and your channel 😊 Thanks for everything bro 👌🏾
@gregstickler3798 3 года назад
How do you explain the gift of the word of knowledge or for that matter all the gifts as God chooses to give
@patrickc3419 3 года назад
While I don’t claim to know anyone’s heart , I’ve long said that Christians need to use great discernment with the Sherwood church movies (ie FlyWheel, Fireproof, Facing the Giants, WarRoom, etc). For instance, the Kendricks worked with false teacher Moore in WarRoom, do seem to convey a recurring theme in their films that God is a “genie” who gives us a happy ending always as a result of prayer (I do not claim that they are prosperity preachers, rather this is just an observation), and lastly they have stated interviews that God “told them” to make faith-based movies. How exactly did He tell them?
@ericandrusca3549 3 года назад
I've heard God's voice in my head for over 7 years now- it is not a delusion or illusion
@ericandrusca3549 3 года назад
@NicoCoco we talk about all kinds of stuff. The voice is masculine and kind
@virgilklondike 3 года назад
another book gee thanks
@retrograd332 3 года назад
Crazy eye Beth is back
@hudsondonnell444 2 года назад
The more you believe that you can be like God, the more likely you will confuse yourself with your own selfish thoughts.
@andrews47 3 года назад
I’m not sure if you done a video on this. What’s are your thoughts on the gifts of the spirit? I have heard people speak tongues in my life. Sometimes I feel the spirit and start the cry. Though I hear people say that tongues were meant only for communication during the ancient world. Based on acts and how many people knew what the disciples were saying. Your thoughts tongues and the gifts of the spirit? Also, you speak in tongues?
@JESUSisLORD24151 3 года назад
Thank you, Polite Leader. I enjoy your videos.
@toolegittoquit_001 3 года назад
Popular topic these days. Chris Rosbrough (Fighting for the Faith) is covering this topic right now too ...
@prvbs_31 3 года назад
What does HGV stand for?
@prvbs_31 3 года назад
@Concerning the Way thank you!
@BronsonLivesHere209 3 года назад
My church has always been a genuine church. Leonard Ravenhill even said he would sit under the ministry of the founder of our church. But our church has always used the “still small voice” verse as way to say that this is how God speaks to us. Thanks for the informative video. BTW What is deconstructed eisegesis?
@75SoulJah 3 года назад
Who is the "founder" of your church?
@BronsonLivesHere209 3 года назад
@@75SoulJah You probably haven’t heard of him. His name is Pastor Fred Wilson. He started the church in the 1950s.
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