
BFC Bucket - 手段 Mainland Means 

煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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Happy New Year! Fried Chicken and Mainland Women. Enjoy the day!
If you like this vid, click "like" and subscribe to my channel. Cheers.
雞腿4隻 - 4 Chicken legs
芹菜鹽1茶匙半 - 1 and a half tsp of celery salt
多香粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of ground allspice
牛至1茶匙 - 1tsp of oregano
甜椒粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of paprika
黑胡椒粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of black pepper
中筋麵粉2杯 - 2 cups of plain flour
鹽1湯匙 - 1tbsp of salt
洋蔥粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of onion powder
蒜粉1茶匙 - 1tsp of garlic powder
白胡椒粉少量 - Pinch of white pepper
牛奶500毫升 - 500ml of milk
檸檬汁2茶匙 - 2tsp of lemon juice
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Facebook: / bobsuruncle
Pinterest: / homecookhk
Instagram: / bobsyouruncle1981



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@vgreen9940 9 лет назад
我是住在海外的大陆人,很喜欢你的节目。听不懂粤语,全靠字幕了。。。不过我已经试做过几道菜,接近成功,在此谢过bob兄 (闲聊几句:和刚才仁兄说的一样,大陆很多地方的女孩性格都不一样,大多数北方女孩性格比较直爽一些,南方女孩可能比较优柔一点,四川重庆妹子可能比较辣。不过就算同一个地方女孩子性格也有不同的,因为每个家庭的生活环境和教育方式也是不同的,跟喜欢的也好不喜欢的也好接触过后,阅历自然多些,人生也会多些感悟)
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
這個當然啦。內地也有很多好女人。適合自己就可以了。多謝支持! :)
@xuecici8076 9 лет назад
@user-ms5fz9gz7y 6 лет назад
@mamacheung 9 лет назад
Happy New Year Bob. I like your BFC logo :)
@kinli 9 лет назад
Liyun : 新年快樂!請不要介意,我覺得這件事只是一個人在自己家𥚃「放個屁」這麼簡單!阿Bob係一個很直接而不需做假的人!我們喜歡他除了他的廚藝、最重要是聽到一些香港人心入面的真心說話! 其實這個Channel係阿Bob自己的又沒有收費!他只是分享自己的lifestyle! 就好像打開自己間屋比人睇一樣,如果因為想分享下自己的生活而要成日「笠住個包皮」做人好辛苦不如剪咗佢把啦! 大家也是同一天空下不要太介意吧! 開心d啦:)
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@xiyuanliu2712 8 лет назад
@kinwangng 9 лет назад
Happy New Year Bob! Subscribe咗你個Channel都個幾月啦,想講聲多謝同埋加油。喺呢到想分享一個故事俾你聽,我哋初初就係因為一齊追你哩個Channel而熟絡,成為每日嘅共同話題,一齊學你煮嘅餸、一齊笑你嘅抵死旁白、一齊聽到小李笑到仆街,你個Channel就好似我哋之間嘅Connection。最近我哋成為咗情侶,覺得真係要上嚟Comment,Keep going man. Steven&Cheryle
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
媒人都做埋?第時擺酒記得請我 Congrats Cheryle and Steven!!!
@Demonbanecn 9 лет назад
though i'm from mainland but i'm totally agree with ur opinion to some kind of girls with lot of means. but what you've done to her was really how a gentleman should behave!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Wouldn't call that a gentleman act lol. More like saving myself from future griefs :)
@MeaGor 9 лет назад
睇黎都係要用條Jer諗今晚食咩會快d QQ 炸雞太熱氣啦~
@ansonyip2419 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol 咩哥新年快樂!
@thelokjohnson6896 4 года назад
@snuffyTHEmonkey 9 лет назад
At the rate you're going, I'm gonna start tuning in for the hilarious stories instead if for recipes. That was hilarious. You're an awesome storyteller and I am always enthralled by all the Cantonese slang you throw in! Happy new year to you and your family!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
haha thank you Snuffy. Happy New Year to you and yours too!
@ipcuchuchu 9 лет назад
隔住個螢幕都feel到好多汁丫~~ 支持你丫!!有時唔用下面諗嘢嘅小李!! 新年快樂!!!!!!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol 新年快樂!
@rowenasantos4311 6 лет назад
hello uncle bob! i'm from philippines and really like your videos because they are entertaining and you really know what you are doing with your dishes. really appreciate the english sub you've included in your vid. happy cooking and enjoy life!
@chefmike9945 9 лет назад
Bob! Nicely done again. It's amazing where you find delicious fried chicken. Some of the best I ever had was in Denmark at a Hong Kong restaurant, and the Philippines does some of the world's best. However, nothing beats my Great Grandmother's recipe. Happy New Year. Keep cooking. ChefMike
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thanks Mike. No Asians do deep-fry better than the Filipinos, I gotta learn from them too! Happy New Year :)
@kaiserchiu9222 9 лет назад
煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
@bernyourknees 9 лет назад
Gosh the BFC logo 😂😂 笑死我! Happy 2015! Thanks for the drama recommendation! I've been loving 客家女人! Hakka is one of the dialects I grew up listening to, so it's definitely a bonus to have it in the drama!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year! That drama will only get better :)
@MAMICHAEL 9 лет назад
happy new year 2015 BFC 炸雞,必屬佳品
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year MicMic!
@phuonglam7709 8 лет назад
Lol omg I just love to hear you telling stories. I was laughing real hard. Lmao !!!! Love your recipe too !
@marcofung1013 9 лет назад
好有共鳴XD 身邊D FD成日話有肉唔食罪大惡極,但我成日同佢地講,野唔可以亂食...有時有D野手尾好長好惡攪 LOL BTW 新年快樂呀BOB兄 !
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol 新年快樂!
@hung0187 9 лет назад
每個星期都有追你條Channel, 好鬼死鍾意睇你煮野食, 加油呀 Bob !!!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@samhuangto 9 лет назад
“我托起佢個腮” 經典啊
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@brianlai168 9 лет назад
新年快樂。 最like你嗰句:'男人,唔好用碌啫諗嘢,要用個腦諗' 新一年,繼續煮多啲好嘢,亦都講多啲故事。
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol 新年快樂!
@audreytsang2474 9 лет назад
d人都on9既 就係有d粗口又夠直接先係你呢個channel吸引人之處 支持你呀! 由你得幾段video開始睇到宜家 你好勁呀!忍唔住要留多個言!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
haha thank you :)
@jefflei615 6 лет назад
同意。。。咁文雅聽到粗口打尿震的話可去隔離睇張媽媽,NORMACHU,KITMAK 個D。。。
@echoyang8446 8 лет назад
作为一个正在London 留学的沈阳人,听到这个故事小小开心了一下:) 不过作为北方女孩子,撒娇之类的完全不会,就连出去吃饭都从来没让男生买过单,可能就是因为这样到现在都没有男朋友吧。。。
@user-cm9we6eh8t 8 лет назад
@echoyang8446 8 лет назад
+star 钟 。。。 好吧。。
@cshe2142 8 лет назад
+star 钟 我觉得她的性格很好哦 女人只要会打扮就可以了 你们还是太年轻
@messtogtac9898 8 лет назад
大陆南方的 完全不会撒娇 还长的有点高 有一朋友北京的 我就说话和她好像 不说的话没人知道我是南方的😂😂😂如果只听过声音很多人都会问我性别😂😂😂
@ziranwu4893 7 лет назад
star 钟 应该是性格问题吧?不过男的也并不是都爱撒娇的女的,找到自己合适的就行了😄女生打扮一下都会好看的
@hepos36 9 лет назад
this story is such a good laugh and recalling good memories...lol the BFC looks awesome
@AdrianLaw 9 лет назад
頂你個BFC LOGO.....笑死
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@alliemollie 9 лет назад
Uncle bob happy new year! Great recipe and story! You evil laughters cracked me up big time! 😂😂😂
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year mate!
@peii0122 9 лет назад
I'm from west London and now studying at Central :) So nice to see some youtuber that can speak Cantonese and been to or studied in London :D Feel so approachable^^ Subscribed
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@coeylo7591 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@puppyandsharonskitchen1229 9 лет назад
"Don't use your Juerrrrrrrr to think" LOL!!! 頂。笑左!!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@wingleunglamma 9 лет назад
Happy New Year uncle Bob! 呢個我媽咪鍾意食,多謝你嘅食譜。
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year!
@mantsunkwong5789 9 лет назад
Bob兄,開頭睇條片都係炸下雞, 點知越聽越覺得你把聲好似杜汶澤XD 連講野方式都似
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@koon3201 9 лет назад
頭先見到樓下有comment話有好多未成年觀眾唔好講呢d,咁佢地唔應該上性教育添啦,老實講,聽呢d經驗之談係教精佢地,點都好過聽條鳩呢..就係海綿體黎,呢d a for Apple b for boy既知識啦下話。
@hokei0613 9 лет назад
@catbabylai 9 лет назад
HO KEI ONG 開放得俾公眾揀,係自己選擇睇定唔睇,而且我唔覺得低俗化XD,我覺得咁講野先係生活化,雖然一定會有部分人唔係咁。我覺得性教育愈早教愈好,免得自己因好奇而去接觸異性得知,後悔莫及。早知好過遲知。anyway Happy New Year!!
@hokei0613 9 лет назад
。。。好吧 同祝Happy New Year~~
@hokei0613 9 лет назад
Cat Lai
@XanGious 9 лет назад
HO KEI ONG 好多人正常既生活用語=字與字之間用曬d粗言穢語做連接 :P
@LouisLouieSZ4 9 лет назад
好吸引既炸雞,11隻香料咁都試到8種出黎真係好犀利! Uncle Bob可唔可以講下出片前試食譜既過程? 我對煮食上既trial and error非常感興趣
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
我有啲片係整失敗菜式無post出嚟,睇吓遲啲有無機會喺片度加插 :)
@userrr9527 9 лет назад
新年快樂!新年有新故仔聽好嘢!BFC同logo好得,哈哈哈。Uncle Bob講故仔正到冇朋友,期待下一個
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@babypanda249 9 лет назад
I am Malaysian and currently staying in New Zealand! I am a big fan of yours! Love your channel and look forward for your updates again! ^^
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Hello Truly Asia! Welcome to the channel :)
@sunnychen9388 8 лет назад
@chanhinghing8983 9 лет назад
happy new year~~~Uncle Bob 岩岩一起身就見到你條片 超吸引,好肚餓。 陣間走去食個kfc先,hahahahaha...
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol Happy New Year!
@lichi1025 9 лет назад
Happy New Year=) 真係好中意睇呢個channel!!!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@entuoli48 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
味道是接近,但不是完全一樣。 這個做法可以說是美國南部的家鄉炸雞,也很好吃呀 :)
@entuoli48 9 лет назад
煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle 多谢您先!我吃过几种炸鸡,但是我还是中意肯得基炸鸡,比如那个aduro炸鸡也很有名气的,但还比不上肯得基,aduro太干,没有肯得基多汁微辣。我真的想自己试下做。
@horace1021 9 лет назад
新年快樂 bob 兄 又學到野了 [包括非煮食方面] 哈 你d片真係好撚正
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
thank you Horace!
@marcotsemarco3548 9 лет назад
新年快樂! 自從香港發大野後好耐都無看你了,因為減肥中,禁啱你又停播! 減肥結果當然係……失敗啦!(TT) 又係一個失眠晚上,聽到你講(多佳麗夜總會)十分有回憶呀!~~可惜!我半年前回香港,上到去原來已經結業了!香港又小一個回憶地!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@marcotsemarco3548 9 лет назад
@TerenceCW 9 лет назад
真係講得好o岩 唔好有女鍾意自己就諗都唔諗迎上去 真係哂精神 繼續拍多D片 加油!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol thank you la :)
@wingheng1019 9 лет назад
Bobbbbbb Happy new year !! 你呢個channel 係我2014 favourite
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you! Happy New Year!
@SaSa-ut1qd 9 лет назад
I love ur little stories about girls,lol.Please continue to talk more!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol Cheers :)
@Tsuiwl6 9 лет назад
好搞笑好鍾意你既影片 加油! 睇到我口水直流啊
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol thank you :)
@mssss9792 9 лет назад
Happy new year!! 新一年第一集就已經好正xdd支持你!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year :)
@E11ww 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Yes ga :)
@MissCarmenGrant 7 лет назад
@zhenmin930301 6 лет назад
@cocoho6173 9 лет назад
真係好鐘意聽你講故仔,一邊聽一邊笑,你d笑聲令我笑得再勁d添xD 希望你可以keep住呢個style,唔好太受其他野影響,just bob's your uncle :) 加油呀 支持你^_^
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
I will. Thank you :)
@Geoffreynguyen911 8 лет назад
Gosh! Thank you for sharing your video. This is what I called "BFC Bucket with Love Story." In real world, you must be very, very friendly. Probably this is the first time I see a cooking show with real life story about girls. Very, very friendly.
@jkmchung 9 лет назад
Happy new year uncle Bob! Love your videos!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year!
@carmenwong1970 9 лет назад
i can't believe i've only just discovered your channel now! you're freakin' hilarious... the cinematography and recipes don't hurt either ;)
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Never too late. Welcome to the channel Carmen :)
@david19851107 9 лет назад
好正!我係話個故仔~ 喺 office 睇都笑咗出來~ 繼續支持!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
lol thank you :)
@caichew633 5 лет назад
Thank you sharing this recipes. ❤ soon funny hear you story, it make me laugh loud. Love it. 😁😁
@1010matthk 2 года назад
@eltonwong9410 9 лет назад
很喜歡聽你講故仔 的確你明知個女仔係鍾意你 但係你的確唔太鍾意佢 就真係唔好上馬....如果我早D睇你條片就好 後果...
@jacobfang9045 5 лет назад
@BansiuNo1 6 лет назад
@ameluk7064 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@jeannetterook4579 9 лет назад
我有一個基本的炒雞食譜是一樣好 3 1/2 磅煎雞零件 2 杯四 2 TBS 白玉米粉 2 TBS 鹽 2 茶匙白胡椒粉相比我更喜歡芥花油炒也為鹽水我用每加侖的水,加鹽,醬油,橄欖油我鹵水為 24 小時
@user-nh1ww7rr3j 9 лет назад
好正呀好正呀0 0... 我好鍾意睇您...除左9up 都學煮野既技巧到野;-) 新年快樂~!加油
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@sawadow 9 лет назад
thanks for nice video and lesson about mainland girl
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
You're welcome. Not all are like that tho let me be clear :)
@alayochiang 9 лет назад
第一次睇你個channel! 好好睇!有時間一定會學整下!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@WLYeung1 9 лет назад
Not sure about KFC, but the herbs used in a recipe I inherited from my US-born mother-in-law include: onion powder, garlic powder, dried oregano, dried basil, dried thyme (you can buy this mix in some supermarkets under the label creole seasoning blend), sweet paprika, cayenne pepper, dried tarragon, dried dill, salt and grind black pepper. This is a recipe for American southern-style buttermilk fried chicken. You may want to try it out.
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
That sounds just the ticket! Thank you Catherine. Happy New Year :)
@good915 9 лет назад
Happy New Year Uncle Bob!! Really enjoy your cooking channel and your sharing xd
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year!
@faihungchan6033 9 лет назад
哈哈, 重慶妹個個笑死我
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@weiwu1153 9 лет назад
煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle 基本上重庆的妹子都很厉害,男人很多妻管严。。
@lsb0119 9 лет назад
Hands down best cooking show
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@Kelvinnen 9 лет назад
Bob 兄,好喜欢你的节目,而且欣赏你认真的为人。不说别的,看到你每条观众的评论都逐一回复,这就已经令我十分佩服。浮华世界,有一个这样平易近人,温馨开朗的频道,真的是我们的幸运。另外都建议你可以尝试新浪微博平台,相信除了可以让更多人感受到你的正能量,都可以为你带来不少实际的实惠啦~~XD
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
謝謝你啦 :)
@hallooo123_ 9 лет назад
睇你d片真係好enjoy :)))))) 好舒服 :DD 加油加油繼續拍片 :)
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@sugilam1024 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@TheLuminouShadow 9 лет назад
BOB 可唔可以搵日順便教下大家點樣揀廚具? THANKS 特別係刀同埋鑊... 我見有好多種, 但唔太清楚有咩分別.
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Okok :)
@wainwae 9 лет назад
hi 岩岩第一次睇你既片! 嘩!深夜一個人笑到仆街!晒精!今日又學撚到野! 唔講禁多!即訂閲!
@kevinkahomusic 7 лет назад
you're an abs legend mate! love watching your vid's so much!! big love!
@darnitproductions5945 9 лет назад
Im from England and I just wanted to say your videos are brilliant
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Cheers mate :)
@calvinli9183 9 лет назад
I can't believe I will like the style of how bob share his story while cooking LOL! I agreed with the china girl situation..
@cld2267 9 лет назад
Happy new year!!! 好欣賞你試完再試對美食追求嘅精神!👏👏👏👏
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year!
@happyteardrops 9 лет назад
唔系每個大陸女人都有手段,其實我覺得個重慶妹都系鍾意你而無用對方法咯。 不過我覺得你噶林法好好,明知道人地鍾意你而你又唔鍾意區都繫保持翻距離好D
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
新年快樂! 多一事真係不如少一事。浪子唔易做 :)
@arinac1990 9 лет назад
今日減肥第三日,好努力甘忍口忍左三日加做運動,但一睇你d片,馬上打電話叫左個肯德基,岩岩食完,依加準備面壁思過!如果你整返個減肥食譜就good la!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
arinac1990 lol
@anchorite21 8 лет назад
Looks good! I'm here more to learn Cantonese though and your stories are quite entertaining :)
@yenlang1624 8 лет назад
Why would you watch this to learn Chinese?
@anchorite21 8 лет назад
+Yen Lang I find that listening to native speakers do help me understand the language better, especially at their rate of speech :)
@chakkichan5195 9 лет назад
我預感個重慶女仔見到呢段片 會有更瘋狂嘅行為 新年快樂!!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@popomabel3842 9 лет назад
未㩒入嚟 見到個BFC icon已經笑左 Btw 新年快樂 !
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
新年快樂 ! 
@user-nh5it5th5j 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
不用謝 :)
@且行-e8n 9 лет назад
+王融 融 而且還中英對照,可以推薦對英文沒什麼興趣的同學來看,一次學香港話加英文XD~
@seandavidson625 9 лет назад
Happy New Year 2015 to you too Uncle Bob. your cooking and stories always superb : ), keeping us entertained while cooking.
@shawn3366 7 лет назад
@jovitoxavier4920 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
haha you're welcome :)
@petermhyung 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@rexord0324 9 лет назад
love ur story
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Jian Zeng Thank you Jian :)
@SimonCurrent 9 лет назад
i love your video , will try , thanks , from NY
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Cheers Simon :)
@amandalo7850 9 лет назад
你個故事好生動 一路睇一路笑到我傻 希望你出多d片啦
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@janicearies 9 лет назад
Thanks uncle for sharing i really love ur channel!!!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you :)
@kiwanozukai1180 6 лет назад
I just want to compliment your English; your subtitles are hilarious to read and are a great part of your videos!
@Faevae 9 лет назад
HNY! looking forward to more vids in 2015 :P love your vids with all the sarcasm n stories n foooood of course :D keep up your good work yo!! very cute logo for BFC btw
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year Fay!
@alexlee1905 9 лет назад
hi bob 有食唔食, 罪大惡極. 哈哈 you are awesome!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
haha :)
@kenhui536 5 лет назад
@Leunis05 9 лет назад
bfc lol btw, 甘多集 最中意哩个 因为我真系好q中意食炸鸡. Happy new year!!!
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year!
@irenechng8564 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@iibbmm1 9 лет назад
Poplar,30分鐘去到Leicester square,都ok ar, 好地方,炸雞好正,謝謝分享~~ :)
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you la :)
@carachoi1562 9 лет назад
好搞笑,依家我每次一睇你個片,我男友又要過黎聽埋一份😂😂 話你好撚正,琴日我去左海旁倒數真係有好多小李xD
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
haha 新年快樂!
@sonia4515129 9 лет назад
哈,第一次聽到男性講出lee D 咁哲學的說話,欣賞
@badbunnyqin 9 лет назад
Happy new year to you and Miss Fung!! 好鐘意你一D片!可否教D一部電磁爐就整到嘅簡單送^_^ thx thx & add oil add oil ~
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Happy New Year!
@mandywong6795 9 лет назад
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
Thank you! 新年快樂!!
@carmenjade9738 6 лет назад
can i just say that your british slang is on point! and being a hk Chinese new zealander im slowly learning some amazing cantonese slang hahaha good content keep it up!
@vickyng1014 9 лет назад
Uncle Bob,Happy New Year!!! :D
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
@ipakorn 9 лет назад
Hi Bob, I like your story so much hahaha. :)
@unclebob1981 9 лет назад
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