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@fizzycolalizzie 9 лет назад
"Nuxly Stardust" is a name in the feedback section of the credits. What a fucking awesome name.
@AmeshaSpentaArmaiti 11 лет назад
there's a fine line between pretension and a deep meaningful experience.
@jktomas 10 лет назад
Now there's finally a point of buying this game - when you own a game you can write a review and tell everyone on Steam how shitty it is.
@Shaun5P 11 лет назад
Watching this live last night are always going to be the best moments of my entire life, ever!
@k8sune 7 лет назад
The prolonged "waiting for a partner" segment that started at 19:06 was artistic... in all of the wrong ways.
@CloudCukkooLander 11 лет назад
Becky and I both thought of Epoot. That was a great walkthrough...
@tarik44100 11 лет назад
4:41 Ben's perfect "Je vous aime" vs "Je vous zaimé" from the perfect Fraser. Je vous aime !
@PatThePhat1 11 лет назад
Art is subjective. opinions are subjective. just like any art form, people criticize it, I'm a artist myself and most of the time I spend at college is saying what we dislike and like about other students work so they can improve on it.
@PatThePhat1 11 лет назад
I think the problem with most artsy games is that it's not made by game creators that fully know how games are meant to be made. a artist has to first learn as much as they know about the medium before they can create a masterpiece. Journey is so good because the people who made it do understand how games are designed and how people are going to play through it.
@datgraywitch 11 лет назад
While I enjoy VGA and watch it often, they rarely make me actually laugh out loud. This had me rolling. Poor Becky!
@MikeSugs 11 лет назад
From Steam message boards - "This game is beautiful and exciting. I don't like dating sites and don't drink so bars are crap for me. I just work now and come home and record music. When I enter this world of love and mystery, I remember who I am and what it feels like to be in love again. I think it's beautiful."
@MordecaiandMonroe 11 лет назад
I love my french heritage:)
@Annausagi2 11 лет назад
Hmmm I wonder what FrashFrash and the others would think of The Path... very artsy and weird as hell, but it is the kind that makes you think and doesn't waste your time.
@NetNerdy 11 лет назад
He`s the Angry... Video Game... Canadian
@fnord3125 11 лет назад
Tale of Tales knows what they're doing. This is far from their first project. It isn't "broken" it just isn't what you want/expect it to be. And there's nothing wrong with that, for you, or for them.
@SouthHill_ 11 лет назад
Flower is fantastic, I hope you do it sometime.
@MikeSugs 11 лет назад
I'm not gonna lie, this playthrough made me laugh so hard. The chat is amazing as well.
@buttpaste 11 лет назад
0:12 "This episode needs more Katawa Shoujo" Yes it does.
@Wraithbone0087 11 лет назад
I love this game...but only for leading to the creation of this hilarious episode of VGA.
@LelouchRika 11 лет назад
So much Katawa Shoujo could have been played during those 26minutes. At least it was funny seeing becky hating it so much.
@Just2Sleepy 11 лет назад
15:35 Dramatic cigarette drop
@xsariax 11 лет назад
these guys need to play facade. funniest shit ever
@spellshellmobile2046 3 года назад
That was a greenlight game before greenlight
@momamario 11 лет назад
It makes me sad that Jenova Chen was apparently involved in this, because I've enjoyed all of their games, because they were FUN to play, as well as making you feel something. This is just... Well it, uh, doesn't do either of those things.
@Gourkan 11 лет назад
That's the keyword right there; fun. Do all games have to be fun? What is fun anyway? Do games require to be fun and why can a movie that is not a comedy be enjoyed? Is a goalless game not a game? What people consider being a game falls apart pretty easily with just a few examples of successful games that people enjoy that break these rules. I'm not saying I have a better definition that I came up with. I think it's more complicated than that. But I still consider these experiences as games.
@randomgamer666 11 лет назад
Game of the year !
@Sandrilyonaify 11 лет назад
I don't think the problem is how I define games, but how games are defined by most people) Its a form of intertainment to kickback and complete a set of tasks to achieve some goal and have fun in the process) I work with games myself I can talk about what a game is from different perspective for a long time) But considering ToT games the word experience is the main thing. Their products always feature heavy symbolism, make you think and enterpret your own way.
@oiinvadar 11 лет назад
you know Frash, i don´t think that the dev was trying to rip off people with content that he made unsincerely, i just think he made an artistic experiment, based on a vague idea and put it up his vision to the public, yes ten dollars is a lot for a game as simple as this in my opinion but you can´t just discredit the artist just because you don´t like one art piece
@CloudCukkooLander 11 лет назад
That guy music sounds like something from like Tower of terror or some haunted place. No Mas.
@BeckyBlow 11 лет назад
No worries chero666, it added to the effect!
@phroggle 11 лет назад
After doing my research on this game and playing it for myself, I can say that I respect it, and understand it's message. But this is a really douchbaggy way of getting your message out. The most perfect pieces of art are universally understandable, profoundly multifaceted, and never blatant. This game fails in most of these areas.
@weckar 11 лет назад
If you would like the 'outside' part but with a POINT... try the Path.
@VeryPlushy 11 лет назад
From what I gathered from reviews, this game carefully references the writings of Marguerite Duras. That's a very niche audience alright D:
@Gourkan 11 лет назад
The whole point of these games is that they try to break "how games are meant to be made". Many of the people I know that create these kind of experiments are tired of the way that games are made today; from a machine of repetitiveness. Keep in mind that not all games are made to bring in cash and that not all game creators are motivated by money. Sometimes its interesting to just try and break some preconceptions without packaging it like a product. It does not always work but they at least try
@fitzinabox 11 лет назад
I liked the textures in this game. I found one positive! I win.
@MJTH 11 лет назад
90%-95% percent of devs that had released a game before the introduction of greenlight, were given the rights to bypass the system when any of their future games come out. This right is also given to those who have been through greenlight once already. It's good in theory because it means we don't see triple games, and games made by proven developers wait for them to get past greenlight system. The bad news is that devs who released a crap game before, they too still get to skip greenlight.
@Gourkan 11 лет назад
I never said you should. But the right and opportunity for others that do like these types of games should not be taken away. What Fraser is saying is that these games should not be on steam and I say that it was through steam that I found it. I enjoyed it and wouldn't have been able to if it hadn't been there. I'm not telling people what to play, but people are always complaining that the industry is not moving forward. Some developers at least try but get shunned for it.
@uummmnocoolnames 11 лет назад
As an art student, I would like to confirm we (artists) are all pretentious assholes, which is why I never tell girls I meet that I am an artist, because it makes me seem like a pretentious assholes (which, being an artist, I am)(I tell them I'm going into video game design, which, as a nerd, I am). And as an artist, I advise all of you youtubers to punch anyone who introduces themselves as an artist. Preferably in the face. Goodness knows we deserve it.
@A.Tag90 11 лет назад
white hoody, glow-y vision, is this the new "Assassin's Creed" game?
@fleacythesheepgirl 11 лет назад
Uninvolving: The Game!
@PatThePhat1 11 лет назад
well The point I was making that even a abstract painter has to learn as much as they can about painting before stripping it back to its simplest form. I'm not against these games but some that I've seen I get a feeling a lot of people don't know what they're doing (just like most games that are bad) but hey, it's just my opinion and it's not based on facts. I actually do like the idea of this game. I was just addressing Frasers dislike for most art games.
@narutolove12 11 лет назад
as a future artist i kinda agree with you lol ...kinda why i dont wanna go to art school
@gpweb01 11 лет назад
I don't know whether to be laughing or crying :P
@xsariax 11 лет назад
ohhh I just saw the next vid title on the playlist... nevermind about my message below >.
@Idunnoyouguessit 11 лет назад
Bientôt l'été is French for FRENCHMEN SIMULATOR 2013
@fnord3125 11 лет назад
Aaand, I think this is when I decided I was done with VGA. I've got no problem with people not liking stuff, but it's pretty shitty to make blanket, sweeping insults directed at people just because they enjoy something you don't. Plus, everyone on the show just echoing Fraser is pretty tedious. Have fun hating stuff. I'm going to go spend my time and energy being enthusiastic about things I enjoy.
@MisterTingles 11 лет назад
i didn't mind the concept of this, though it was poorly executed in the end
@0shadowbadger 11 лет назад
The only winning move is not to play.
@temptationspiper 11 лет назад
Oh Becky, you are so adorable when the boredom kicks in. 'Is this the GAME?!' *FLOPWHINEPOUT* Not that I blame you I would be doing the exact same thing. Just you are much cuter doing it.
@NetNerdy 11 лет назад
Frick, Fraser versé de l'argent pour cet amour artsy fartsy et des jeux de rencontres, wow, l'homme trop
@oOLinux276Oo 11 лет назад
They didn't need to be greenlit since the publisher already had games on Steam.
@SamIsPink 11 лет назад
Thanks VGA, for wasting your money so we don't have to.
@Sandrilyonaify 11 лет назад
Like most of Tale of Tales games, its not hte game you play just for fun, its a game that gets into your head and you have to search for enterpertation. Like in their Graveyard - the whole game is grandma walking to a bench on a graveyard while sad music is playing) Or their Vanitas app...or the Endless Forest.... or the Path. Those are all great works of art, they shouldn't promote them as games really. Because they are not.
@othernamesdidntwork 11 лет назад
At least they could let you play regular chess or something. This is boring. Or even better: make a chess simulator, where you say different things based on the movements of your pieces. You could play with someone and you might want to avoid saying stuff you don't want to say or something. There, a better game idea!
@yostoyou 11 лет назад
why are games like this released on steam without using greenlight? completely insane.
@Gourkan 11 лет назад
I found the game via steam, I payed for it and I enjoyed it. A game can be worth buying not just because its fun to play, but because its interesting enough for me to want to support it. Why should that right be taken away? If we are not willing to pay for people trying new things, how are the medium ever going to evolve? I rather play an interesting game than "Bland Action Game 100.000 - Now with characters that are only slightly stereotypical".
@goshenguy 11 лет назад
She totally is ^_^
@Hippoman0512 11 лет назад
I think the main problem with games like this is they don't understand how key mechanics are to games. The player needs to know what the hell he's doing. You have to give the player SOMETHING to go on to read into it. The chess game, what are the rules, when I place a piece here what the hell does it do? This just adds vague actions and broad skylines. No point having something to say if no-one can even begin to understand what's being said.
@bloodguzzler 11 лет назад
Should have just played a dating sim on newgrounds
@yostoyou 11 лет назад
yeah, that makes sense. But there are just so many awesome games on Greenlight that get very few votes and it just pisses me of when you see this crap that would never get past Greenlight.
@MagdielBorges 11 лет назад
I was trying to search for this game on steam, just to see screenshots of this supposed "bench", but I searched up the name and nothing O.o
@JoeCoolMaveric 11 лет назад
8:47 Wow, Becky...that thing you did was the equivalent of putting a pillow in your face and screaming endlessly, with your screams muffled by the pillow.
@MikeSugs 11 лет назад
Lol, this game is selling for $2.50 now. It must have bombed so hard.
@Thesenicks 11 лет назад
Just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it bad. Not that I'm saying this is "great", but just cause something isn't entertaining, I don't know how that makes it bad. I read a good amount of seemingly meandering literature that's just absolutely genius; what would make games any different?
@xdeathknightx 11 лет назад
Man I thought some of my dates went shitty, they went swimmingly compared to this
@stomkieken 11 лет назад
wait a sec. 14:47: Flanders Audiovisual Fund. b...be...Belgians?
@MikeSugs 11 лет назад
The creator is pretty responsive on the Steam forums for this game. You should ask him for your money back. ;P
@SakuraAvalon 11 лет назад
What? You don't watch much VGA do you? He's like this in every video. Please tell me these are your first videos of his.
@CookieVG 11 лет назад
apology accepted
@AmeshaSpentaArmaiti 11 лет назад
white text on white background: the game.
@goldieboylover986 11 лет назад
um.. anyone else got a weird glitch of a very dark image?
@MagdielBorges 11 лет назад
Oh nvm, it has a bunch of accents on it, that's why
@orangecirclekid 11 лет назад
This just makes me wonder how many lonely men were sitting around waiting for a woman to come play with them. I doubt many women bought this let alone played it on Valentine's.
@Bulldozer4000 11 лет назад
Oh my god. This was made by Tale of Tales, a Belgian game studio. As a Belgian, I hereby apologize profusely for this artsy piece of crap. Please forgive us, we provide you with great beer, chocolate and waffles!
@uummmnocoolnames 11 лет назад
11:25-11:40: LMAO
@Shad_Rach 11 лет назад
The idea is nice, I guess.
@Gourkan 11 лет назад
Let me hear your definition of a game. Just out of curiosity.
@TheKnizzine 11 лет назад
At least its moreentertaining than dinnerdate
@VeryPlushy 11 лет назад
This game is in fact made by Belgians. And no, it's not the same.
@thegamer1242 11 лет назад
becky hates my bday :(
@Jordan83709 11 лет назад
This game looks and feels like something you'd find on the Xboxlive indie section! Granted there are a "Few" good games on there, but still. All you tend to find, is crap! lol
@songbird897 10 лет назад
these are from the makers of the game The Path
@Torraduke 11 лет назад
14:18 and there's the frage even if its just minor frage lol
@top-notch8277 6 лет назад
I assure you nobody have sex like that in France lol
@SelexTheDark 11 лет назад
still a better love story than twilight
@CloudCukkooLander 11 лет назад
So what you're waying is, she kissed it better? *leer*
@chero666 11 лет назад
I was sadly watching this during the part where Fraser was asking for someone to get online with him. I have the game, but had to leave in a minute somewhere. >>;; Still... not a very enjoyable "game."
@SuperTrulyAwesome 11 лет назад
Quest te tou unsúbbing?
@AngryIntellectual 11 лет назад
The chess game continues on after all options are exhausted, and nothing happens. Feels pretty broken. Plus, what is the point of it? It's not even a full game of chess, just 2-4 pieces you randomly place on the board. Absolutely no purpose to anything in the game. And that's just the chess portion! Not to mention the utter lack of progression or the poor quality in graphics -- of course they don't mean everything, but in a game that's supposed to be "art", it doesn't even LOOK good.
@SuperJoeBros 11 лет назад
more like how
@AngryIntellectual 11 лет назад
Not to mention, the game looks like a tech demo for a graphics card from 1999. Artistic my ass, it doesn't even LOOK good -_-
@AngryIntellectual 11 лет назад
I went on the website for this game. All it is is a chess simulator for 2 players that allows you to travel around this mysterious world and uncover its "secrets", with an "extravagant" version for $40. This game is broken and has no purpose, much like those shitty XBL games you find made by half-assed programmers making a quick buck. No excuse, these guys should just admit they fucked up and actually learn to make a game.
@Stephen3132 11 лет назад
One does not spend money on a tale of tales "game" if one wants to have a good time. It is know through out the indie community that their games are overly pretentious and always prioritize weird and obscure story stuff over even the semblance of gameplay.
@fnord3125 11 лет назад
And then good job shitting on ALL art in the Bientot l'Ete, video. Nice.
@SakuraAvalon 11 лет назад
Why should we pay with our hard-earned money to support something we don't like, just because it does 'something different' or 'interesting' to you. What if I want to support "Bland Action Game 100.000" because of how it was done? Because you don't like it, I shouldn't support it, but I should support something I don't like because you want me to? Get outta here with that noise.
@kerzid 9 лет назад
It is not.. Awewome.
@MrPibbsRevenge 11 лет назад
These fortunes are terrible. :|
@GoogsRS 11 лет назад
IGN has reviewed the game, check it out ;P
@Winterpelt 11 лет назад
As awful as this is, it's still better then Dinner Date :/
@ShinigamiSamaH 11 лет назад
Imagine the partner was actually a 30 year old fat bold man XD
Hatoful Boyfriend is AWESOME!
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