
Bird Calls | Songs | Cries | Sounds of Britain & Europe 

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If you are looking for a particular bird go to this link: www.scribd.com/doc/106959256/B...
The birds are listed by name and followed by the appropriate time stamp (youtube's video description isn't long enough to have it here). Use 'ctrl + f' and search keywords to find the bird you're after, the list contains most known European species.
Diver Grebe Slavonian Fulmar Cory's Shearwater Manx's Shearwater Yelkouan Shearwater Storm-Petrel Pygmy Cormorant Shag Gannet Great White Pelican Dalmatian Pelican Eurasian Little Bittern Heron Cattle Egret Little Egret Great Egret Black Stork White Stork Glossy Ibis Spoonbill Flamingo Mute Swan Bewick's Swan Whooper Swan Goose Bean Goose Pink-footed Lesser Greater White-fronted Greylag Barnacle Canada Brant Brent Red-breasted Egyptian Ruddy Shelduck Shelduck Mandarin Wigeon Wood Duck Gadwall Eurasian Teal Mallard Northern Pintail Shoveler Garganey Red-crested Pochard Marbled Duck/Marbled Teal Common Pochard Ferruginous Tufted Duck Greater Scaup King Steller's Eider Harlequin Duck Common Scoter Velvet Scoter Long-tailed Goldeneye Smew Red-breasted Merganser Merganser White-headed Duck Ruddy Duck Black-shouldered Kite Red Kite Black Kite White-tailed Eagle Short-toed Eagle Lesser Greater Spotted Golden Booted Spanish Eastern Imperial Bonelli's Eagle Beared Vulture Egyptian Vulture Griffon Vulture Black Vulture Marsh Harrier Hen Harrier Montagu's Harrier Goshawk Sparrowhawk Honey Buzzard Rough-legged Osprey Merlin Lesser Kestrel Common Kestrel Hobby Red-footed Falcon Lanner Falcon Saker Falcon Eleanora's Falcon Gyrfalcon Peregrine Falcon Ptarmigan Willow Grouse Red Grouse Hazel Grouse Black Grouse Capercaillie Chukar Partridge Rock Partridge Red-Legged Partridge Barbary Partridge Grey Partridge Black Francolin Common Pheasant Lady Amherst's Pheasant Quail Buttonquail Water Rail Spotted Crake Little Crake Baillon's Crake Corncrake Moorhen Purple Gallinule Eurasian Coot Crane Little Bustard Great Bustard Oystercatcher Stilt Avocet Stone-curlew Pranticole Little Ringed Plover Kentish Dotterel Golden Grey Spur-winged Lapwing Knot Sanderling Little Stint Temminck's Stint Curlew Purple Dunlin Broad-billed Marsh Green Terek Wood Ruff Woodcock Common Snipe Great Snipe Jack Snipe Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit Whimbrel Curlew Greenshank Spotted Redshank Turnstone Red-necked Phalarope Grey Phalarope Arctic Skua Mediterranean Gull Slender-billed Little Sabine's Black-headed Audouin's Lesser Black-backed Great Black-backed Herring Yellow-legged Iceland Glaucous Kittiwake Gull-billed Tern Capsian Tern Sandwich Tern Common Tern Arctic Tern Roseate Tern Little Tern Whiskered Tern Black Tern White-winged Tern Brünnich's Guillemot Black Razorbill Little Auk Puffin Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pin-tailed Sandgrouse Rock Dove Stock Dove Wood Pigeon Collared Dove Turtle Dove Great Spotted Cuckoo Common Cuckoo Barn Owl Scops Eagle Snowy Hawk Pygmy Little Tawny Ural Great Grey Long-eared Short-eared Boreal Owl European Nightjar Red-necked Nightjar Common Swift Pallid Swift Alpine Swift White-rumped Swift Kingfisher Bee-eater Roller Hoopoe Wryneck Woodpecker Green Woodpecker Black Great Spotted White-backed Syrian Lesser Spotted Three-toed Skylark Dupont's Lark Calandra Greater Short-toed Lesser Short-toed Crested Thekla Horned Lark Sand Martin Crag Martin House Martin Red-rumped Swallow Barn Swallow Tawny Pipit Tree Pipit Meadow Pipit Red-throated Pipit Rock Pipit Water Pipit Yellow Wagtail Grey Wagtail Pied Wagtail White Wagtail Waxwing Dipper Wren Dunnock Alpine Accentor Rufous Bush Robin European Robin Thrush Nightingale Nightingale Bluethroat Black Redstart Common Redstart Whinchat Stonechat Isabelline Wheatear Black-eared Cyprus Wheatear Blue Rock Thrush Song Thrush Mistle Thrush Ring Ouzel Blackbird Fieldfare Redwing Grasshopper Warbler River Warbler Savi's Cetti's Moustached Aquatic Sedge Reed Great Reed Marsh Olivaceous Olive-tree Icterine Melodious Dartford Marmora's Spectacled Subalpine Sardinian Cyprus Rüppell's Barred Orpheon Garden Arctic Greenish Wood Bonelli's Willow Zitting Cisticola Lesser Whitethroat Blackcap Chiffchaff Goldcrest Firecrest Pied Flycatcher Collared Flycatcher Semi-collared Flycatcher Red-breasted Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher Bearded Long-tailed Sombre Siberian Chickadee Marsh Willow Crested Blue Tit Coal Great Penduline Corsican Nuthatch Wallcreeper Short-toed Treecreeper Golden Oriole Red-backed Shrike Lesser Great Grey Shrike Woodchat Shrike Masked Shrike Jay Siberian Jay Azure-winged Magpie Magpie Spotted Nutcracker Chough Alpine Chough Jackdaw Rook Hooded Crow Carrion Crow Raven Starling Spotless Starling House Sparrow Spanish Sparrow Tree Sparrow Rock Sparrow White-winged Snowfinch Chaffinch Brambling Serin Citril Finch Greenfinch Goldfinch Trumpeter Finch Rosefinch Hawfinch Bullfinch Siskin Linnet Redpoll Arctic Redpoll Twite Crossbil Pine Grosbeak Bunting



8 июл 2024




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Комментарии : 59   
@AbhiroopBanerjee1 11 лет назад
We watch this video in small, 10 minute installments and have been coming back for almost a week now. What breathtaking variety, what amazing work! Thank you so much for sharing this with the world.
@kagi95 7 лет назад
OMFG I thought I couldn't find it out of so many birds but I finally did it's at @29:02 the bird is a collared dove. I've been hearing this bird in a coastal town in the Mediterranean and now in Western Europe. Reminds me of warm dry summer afternoons.
@Elladajosie 3 года назад
Yep classic bird in Greece :)) When I was little I thought it was an owl hahah
@LeeAndersonMusic 3 года назад
Holy shit you just saved me half an hour of searching. I've been wanting to know which bird makes this sound for years lol
@tomhill866 10 лет назад
These terrify and intrigue my parrotlet. He flew off and hid when he heard the great northern diver
@electroparth 11 лет назад
really hard work salute to you thanks
@ddeseKitten 3 года назад
3:42 Great Egret
@TheBananaNababa 11 лет назад
Thank you for pointing this out. If anyone notices any other errors, please do share for the benefit of others. I suspect the call is Ural but the picture is wrong.
@mge456 8 лет назад
Great resource, thanks for posting!
@fubukiplays1878 7 лет назад
Black Crowned Night Heron
@alcousins1259 7 лет назад
Fantastic and exactly what I was after. I was a Peregrine Falcon for sure. Didnt know by silhouette if it was Merlin Hobby or Peregrine, Im not a birdy..(had to research to get that list) This answered all my questions. The call was unmistakable. Many thanks for your efforts in putting this together.
@fubukiplays1878 7 лет назад
Great Spotted Woodpecker
@thesongbird2711 7 лет назад
Wonderfully made! Lovely bird pictures too.
@neonwind 10 лет назад
Thank you ever so much for this upload
@leoguado7454 4 года назад
The variety is astonishing, great work I'm here looking for a bird which song goes like D-E-Gminor-E-Gminor-Aminor-A, the sound is clear whistle, not too high pitch. I heard that this morning (Tuscany, Italy) and absolutely wanted to hear it again. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be here
@eliadam1710 4 года назад
Amazing ! Thanks so much, through your brilliant page, finally I've learnt that the ethereal bird song which first appears here on spring evenings and lingers on through summer is a Scops Owl! Made my day!
@fubukiplays1878 7 лет назад
Marbled Teal
@takezotsukaharamasteriljim9610 3 года назад
Lady Fairy be with you
@poopoo2175 8 лет назад
This must have cost you quite a few hours to put together, to say it at its mildest. Thank you.
@allstarpterosaur850 5 лет назад
I came here for the Eurasian bittern. Mixed the sound with that of the Chinese alligator, and I got what a t. Rex might’ve sounded like.
@ponderosa1850 10 лет назад
Amazing! Great work! Thanks.
@Pelicanlake 11 лет назад
I am very much enjoying this and have shared it with many friends today. Thanks very much for taking the time to make this video it really is very useful. One small point......... #324 Dartford not 'Datford'.
@geraldinechansard5770 7 лет назад
@godfatherk7 11 лет назад
this is just what i was looking for
@calebdrew5684 7 лет назад
I can't stop watching this! :)
@1justpara 8 лет назад
Excellent video. Great pictures and I love how each photo is matched to its clear, distinct song. Very well done and I shall be here a lot as I try to identify the bird songs I hear when I'm out and about. Thank you for sharing. :D
@slidemoves 10 лет назад
Awesome bird sound , like this so much
@MsPrettylittle 11 лет назад
the spoon bi!! does sound !ike he's got spoons.... and the mute swan is not mute !!
@TheBananaNababa 11 лет назад
Added new description with link to the list of birds and their appropriate timestamps.
@ReshiramWhitefireDragon 8 лет назад
These make me feel like birds are Pokemon... XD
@tynekavka9264 5 лет назад
In my home city every night in summer I'd hear this beautiful bird sound I adore, I'd been looking for the species for a long time and thanks to your video I found it. It turned out to be a scops owl. Thank you!
@eliadam1710 4 года назад
Here in Andalucia , I''d been hearing this amazing bird song for so long without knowing what it was, and finally today , I discovered it was a scops owl too! Made my day!
@janeslater838 5 лет назад
Thank you x100s! You solved the mystery bird sound ( it was a common snipe)
@theopaopa1 7 лет назад
great ! thank you very much ...'
@Garcia061 8 лет назад
cool learning tool!
@fubukiplays1878 7 лет назад
Common Kingfisher
@TheBananaNababa 11 лет назад
Might have to change the description because it wasn't long enough for all the time stamps. Use ctrl + f to find the bird you're looking for.
@Swiftpaw 11 лет назад
The Owl pictured for the Ural owl is not a Ural... It's a Barred owl..
@Gioffry501 Год назад
Ottimo lavoro, ma ne hai mancati un pò
@nicksmith2359 6 лет назад
An amazing collection visually and audibly, thanks for your efforts. Still at a loss to identify a shy visitor with a definite song that sounds like pid eet beem, pid eet beem, pid eet beem pid.....bit coarse, any clues??
@dimitrimachin1281 2 года назад
September 19, 2014
@adirakessler235 6 лет назад
17:42, 10:36, 11:54, 12:05, 12:29, 12:57, 14:06, 20:12, 23:12
@jan-paulcharteris5752 4 года назад
Only took 1 minute 55 seconds to spot a mistake... "Cormorant" photo is a Double Crested Cormorant
@Vegasastron 7 лет назад
Very good work ! Great photo and sampling. Thank you ! Unfortunately not listed scientific name of birds.
@mikespain8231 6 лет назад
It would be nice to have a numbered reference list. L
@fubukiplays1878 7 лет назад
@fubukiplays1878 7 лет назад
@javiboxer9998 8 лет назад
The cormorant of the image isn't an european cormorant
@alexhamilton6611 11 лет назад
iam hope they see what its going on whit me
@sydniejackson3684 6 лет назад
To much hoot hoot.
@TheWizardYeof 10 лет назад
Some of these don't live in Europe.
@corrinjessen 9 лет назад
No some of them live in Europe and North America.
@1977niallo 3 года назад
Also there's rare birds
@Gioffry501 Год назад
Invece si. Alcuni sono rari altri vivono sia in Europa che in America
@ReshiramWhitefireDragon 8 лет назад
50:40 *Gray-headed
@bradleyshimels8404 5 лет назад
Each bird species seem to have a North American counterpart.
@kitanacorvidae5445 5 лет назад
Common name issues. We have the same problem with certain birds in Australia. A good one to rile or confuse Americans is call a "Cellar spider" a 'Daddy Long Legs', and watch the corrections start since their "Daddy Long Legs" is in fact, a Harvestman and we call them what they are - harvestmen. Huntsmen spiders are Huntsmen though. Giant Crab Spiders are not the same.
@SallyAlexandriaAlexParakeets 7 лет назад
amusing,checkout my video--Australian parakeets singing,dancing,eating---Enjoy
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