JD is the teacher BJJ has never had. Good fighters for sure can teach a lot, but being a teacher is another thing. He is changing BJJ teaching for ever.
Man! I'm really impressed by this Sensei's ability to breakdown the technique and theory behind the method. Right off the back he appears to be a great teacher or instructor!
This video good, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to his actual courses on BJJFANATICS. They're a little costly but how good do you want to be in BJJ. Totally worth the money to learn from the master teacher John Danaher 🙏🏿
If you notice around 11:30 Danaher switches positions only to demonstrate the "pulling away" technique as he is not capable of allowing anyone to pull away from his juji
i see you have identified the similarities that exist between rolling bjj, and sexual intercourse. and also some of the words could maybe be about sex or jiu jitsu. it's lots of fun.
Craig Kukuk was the worst. "Just a couple of jerks is enough to get him off." He was instructing how to prevent someone from taking your back when you're in their closed guard.
When I started jui jitsu my armbars always went from a triangle position to spinning into an arm bar, I didn’t realize why that helped so much at the time but now I realize it not only helps me hold them at a lower position it also makes them want to pull back to escape my triangle even though I have very little success with triangle chokes
i assume you're not wearing a gi in this situation, so push her biceps or under-arm into the floor, bring your head over her head so your legs become weightless, you can then standup both feet at the same time, finally push one of her leg with both of your arms while shaking at the same time. Congratulation, you just escaped the childsupport! (the technique is actually showed in Gordon Ryans DVD).
But what many guys do not know. Gordon learned this from renato laranja 27x time BJJ worldchampion, porra! In the old days in Brazil they called this technique the child supportch escape.
Can anyone answer this question for me? John Danaher said very interestingly that closed guard is stronger the higher up your legs are. If that's the case, why does he keep his legs so low EXCEPT when he catches that shoulder? Why not just keep his closed guard high up all the time, even if it's just torso?
A higher closed guard mechanically breaks and compresses your opponent’s posture more effectively than a lower guard and is therefore stronger. He begins with legs low given that it’s the typical guard entry point and remains step 1.0 for numerous positions, progressions and drills.
From judo from closed i Was always told to shrimp control then throw the other leg while controlling posture and cross legs together squeeze everything in as the natural reaction is to stack to defend once he feels that is what your doing he will pull out and you follow that with the push of the hamstrings like a real mean leg smash to the face Finished many people like this
No disrespect to the Brazilians for creating a variation of Jiu Jitsu from Japan, but at what point do we start calling it American Jiu Jitsu, due to the teachings of this man - John Danaher?
Legit shat myself when I watched this video, because I realised that one day someone is going to poke me in the taint also, that day won’t come anytime soon, as I am black belt at defending the rear.
He prefers the original Japanese names for techniques in most cases. I know I've heard him say if a move already has a name, then he doesn't see a point in renaming it and would prefer to use the original name. But he does say Kimura rather than ude garami and omoplata rather than ashi sankaku garami, so there is definitely some personal preference involved. Armbar is obviously the preferred colloquialism, but he is very strict about nomenclature (e.g., "strangle" rather than "choke," "Achilles lock" rather than "ankle lock," etc.) and is a grappling historian, so I guess his studies have led him to this. tl;dr he's a nerd
Because that's the name used in Judo and BJJ is Basically Just Judo. Besides, the brazillians suck at naming things consistently and this pays homage to Japan. They should just go back to using all the Japanese names, it would be less confusing.
John’s foot looks like it’s constantly getting ready to fit into a glass slipper. Would it kill him to put some compression pants on those old ass white legs
there are multiple versions of arm bars.. this is a juji gatame are you "armbar" people seriously unaware who this guy is? he literally evolved the game.. they had blue belts running through competitive black belts before giving away their system.. years ahead of the competition.. shit was like throwing peak lebron into the 70s nba
@@ohword6806 so its armbar from guard then. If you want to be pompous then speak in facking Japanese with subtitles then you can say juji gatame and keza gatame all day quazimoto. LoL Im a blue belt who have subbed higher competition belts and i still say armbar from guard lmao! Anybody who goes around saying i caught someone with a juji gatame is prick