
Bloom is given the Soviet treatment (full version with Farage & 2nd expulsion) 

Brexit Party MEPs
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► European Parliament, Strasbourg - 24 November 2010
► Speakers (in sequence):
1. Martin Schulz, Co-president of the Socialist Group (S&D)
2. Godfrey Bloom, UKIP, Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) Group
3. Nigel Farage, UKIP, Co-President of the EFD group;
Chairs: Jerzy Buzek MEP (EPP), President of the European Parliament
Edward McMillan-Scott MEP (ALDE), Vice President of the European Parliament
► Debate: European Council and Commission statements - Conclusions of the European Council meeting on economic governance (28-29 October)
► Credits:
Video: EbS - European Parliament
Closing from 'Red Army is the Strongest', by the Soviet Red Army Choir.
► EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom



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@johnrmce 10 лет назад
Long live Godfrey Bloom
@leigheastham8979 10 лет назад
I'm glad someone is banging the bongo drums for him! Ha ha. Poor guy keeps getting stitched up.
@emsicz 11 лет назад
A little side note: Mr. Bloom is how I imagine British people. Even when they are pissed, they have their cool, their English is still perfect, and they are pissed in style. I am so glad, that British, once again, are the last true resistance, and that they stand up for it! :)
@adelarsen9776 6 лет назад
Nothing trumps British Democracy and British Justice.
@stoneangel1237 11 лет назад
God Bless UKIP, they stand up to the Fascists in the room and give us a voice, unlike the cons, lab and lib dem.. end of story
@carlharrison1765 10 лет назад
TOP MAN! The best of British, the very best!
@lucvangool2818 11 лет назад
In a democracy it's the people who decide who goes into parliament, not other parliamentarians deciding on who goes out.
@zp8290 11 лет назад
This is exactly why the EU should not exist. It takes them ~15 minutes to throw out a man for calling somebody a "name." Insanely ineffective bureaucratic crap
@janus302 9 лет назад
The biggest Circus of Europe
@jimboner1983 10 лет назад
My family and I will vote UKIP every chance we get.
@musictomyears8 6 лет назад
Why don't you leave Britain and leave space for some more educated and productive EU migrants?
@ominousparallel3854 2 года назад
@@musictomyears8 why don’t you and these migrants stay in the EU if it’s so fantastic there?
@johnnypark5041 9 лет назад
What?! Can the other MPs decide by a vote if their political opponents should be removed from the parliament, what madness is this?
@suburbenyobbo 11 лет назад
So the European parliament think that it is democratic to remove somebody from parliament on the grounds that they describe somebody as a fascist... that is pathetic.
@derrickfield8957 11 лет назад
How would these people have ever dealt with the insults of Churchill, probably cried.
@suburbenyobbo 10 лет назад
Thanks for all the likes! keep liking!
@Ifanair94 8 лет назад
I find it funny how when Schulz calls anyone who voted no to the Lisbon treaty a fascist and an extremist and that were following the steps of national socialist he wasn't even called upon because "it wasn't a personal attack", by the words of the speaker in charge. The EU parliament is a complete joke and is totally antidemocratic and biased, it makes me quite mad.
@Ifanair94 8 лет назад
+Ifanair94 LOL Farage just said it, lika a fucking clock.
@Martytoofree 9 лет назад
EU is soviet union in blue dress everybody in czech republic knows it
@uncommonsense9452 9 лет назад
+Marty toofree No, the EU are pussies. The Soviets were anything but. These politically correct propellor heads are selling all of you in the name of the multiculturist lie. The Soviets would never have stood for this. These traitors need to be exterminated for their unabashed Islamification of Europe.
@Martytoofree 9 лет назад
I didn't mean if from political oppinions point of view but that Centralism is the same, before it when Soviet union told you do something you had to do it, now EU tells you do something you have to do it, from this point of view it is the same uncommon sense
@bob733333 10 лет назад
Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper..
@kruthian 14 лет назад
Bravely done Godfrey - and good on Nigel and other MEPs for supporting him!
@cun7us 8 лет назад
They must be the friendliest, most unintimidating looking security officials I've ever seen
@perberge 10 лет назад
farage for the future. His words, GOLD.
@Darwinion 11 лет назад
"The House wants Mr.Bloom to leave... that's it;s expression... if he does not do so people will infer from that his attitude towards the democratic process" LMFAO!!!! WHAT DEMOCRATIC PROCESS??!!!! WHO DO WE VOTE FOR THERE???!!!!
@adelarsen9776 10 лет назад
That was a good one wasn't it ? It's Comical. It's laughable. They talk democracy but there isn't any. Say NO to the EU - It's a disaster.
@joe9083 10 лет назад
In a democracy,you should allowed to vent you're slant,without being fucked out of the venue.
@daleksec54 10 лет назад
***** He should be publicly hanged for expressing his views? I hate to say this, matey, but that's pretty fascistic of you.
@douglastodd1947 5 лет назад
Perfect example why EU needs to be dismantled.
@princeofd 10 лет назад
Edward McMillan-Scott won this tiny battle but he lost the war (booted out as an MEP by voters). It looks as though the sensible voters of Yorkshire, told him to take his version of democracy and choke on it. Well done Yorkshire.
@darek4488 10 лет назад
This is like a primary school. However my teacher was far more effective when it comes to dealing with somebody calling names.
@puddingpimp 10 лет назад
I agree, they should just drag the offenders into the center of the floor, bend them over and give them a good caning.
@darek4488 10 лет назад
Yep, but you can't smack your child in EU. Apparently in this system the child is not yours, it belongs to your master aka the state.
@DoritoWorldOrder 10 лет назад
darek4488 I take your point, however generations and generations worth of child-smacking and other forms of widespread and normalized child abuse, have contributed heavily to the evolution of the mega-state. Smacked, spanked, battered, and otherwise mistreated children become conditioned to self-blame for whatever abuses they suffer, and to make excuses for their abuser--often to the effect that things would have turned out much worse were they not hit, i.e. "children who are not disciplined firmly with a smack turn out much worse than children who are" ; "I was smacked and I turned out OK, it's what taught me discipline and respect." The reality is that it taught you fear of authority and the propensity to make excuses for its undue exercise... precisely the character aspects that allows the state to grow like a cancer.
@danieldjz 8 лет назад
these are the clowns passing laws for the EU members. Europe, wake up.
@jeffhickman10 13 лет назад
Mr. Bloom is a man of principle. I'm an American and let me say that UKIP is a class of people that I would LOVE to have over here. We do have the Tea Party but they are not as vociferous and eloquent as Godfrey Bloom and Nigel Farage. Thank you Great Britain. Now I have 3 heroes from your country. The third being Winston Churchill.
@edmund184 8 лет назад
We need him back in UKIP.
@nel1948son 9 лет назад
How disgusting it is to see Schulz act so childish. If this is the calibre of the leaders of the EU, the organization is in deep trouble.
@Robihno888 10 лет назад
So this is where my income tax goes to...
@adelarsen9776 10 лет назад
59 million Quid a day !!!
@garsm2290 9 лет назад
Bloom's expenses?
@MsTokies 13 лет назад
boy the people who were after godfrey really missed the point of what he was trying to say
@Iurisprudence 11 лет назад
"We are in a democratic parliament. We decided democratically mr. Bloom, that you should leave the chamber" The majority voting out the very voice of opposition. Not exactly what one would relate to democracy.
@montycreosote5724 8 лет назад
When the "rule" that was broken was read, I thought he was going to toss out the guys creating the mountain out of the mole hill. They are the ones who actually disrupted the proceedings, while the other simply made a statement.
@healthhavencom 10 лет назад
Lock the doors. Let them all cage fight their way out.
@traciecobain4611 11 лет назад
way to go godfrey lad we shall not be moved
@SirWinstonFurchill 3 года назад
So the EU wasn’t happy with removing Bloom once, but they had to do it twice?
@olafreinhardweyer 9 лет назад
German here. Disruptive... that's another word for "style over matter" I'd say. What, we all need to be Oscar Wilde now so we are allowed to make a point?
@bimhimbim 14 лет назад
@rafaelneville What I do know is that when you say rude words in parliament and the chair remarks that you simply apologize and the case is settled. You don't refuse to apologize, you don't attack the chair, you don't shout at the chair, when the chair asks you to leave, confirmed by the house, you never refuse his orders. Bloom lacks manners and courtesy.
@alwaysatwork5913 5 лет назад
Why the hell would any country want to be a part of this shame
@TheDogonebad 10 лет назад
LOL The guy who has Bloom ejected has just lost his MEP seat!
@oisindayo 11 лет назад
This is why I vote UKIP in European elections despite being a Scottish nationalist. They do more to defend Scottish interests than the socialists in the SNP could ever do in Brussels. I'll vote Yes in 2014 and I hope that the Scottish Democratic Alliance and Scottish UKIP members can work together and get us out of the EU too.
@whereeaglesdare3 14 лет назад
Well done Mr Bloom you are British and Proud...UKIP will always have my vote
@arcanekrusader 14 лет назад
This is a democracy! You are not allowed to express yourself here!!!
@Drumsgoon 12 лет назад
Why is the vote not to be found on VoteWatch? Where can I see which persons voted yay or nay on ousting Mr. Bloom? Thanks in advance
@LeamingtonSteve 13 лет назад
in 1980 I remember lighting a candle for Poland during their Soviet tyranny (for the Solidarity movement). Please guys, do the same for UK this Christmas as we are in danger of being swallowed by the EU- nightmare.
@YouDonteverhavetodie 10 лет назад
Those in favor of Mr. Bloom leaving all raised their arm like you know who. lol
@JosephW99 14 лет назад
@gawaintowler where are you guys from....which country
@europarl 14 лет назад
Hey people, did you know that Herr Schulz will replace Buzek as EU president Januray 2012? There will be an election, of course, but in the European People's Congress people know the outcomes of such elections 2 years in advance. Aren't you all looking forward for Schulz vs Farage? The Rottweiller will have to bite harder. The fighting bull will not fear him.
@pauldog 12 лет назад
"We decided democratically that a minority party whom we do not agree with should not be entitled to a voice."
@ShadesOfKnight 13 лет назад
In order for this group to function, they must recognize that a man has the right to his opinions. If Bloom is of the opinion that Schultz is a Fascist, why should it be considered grounds for expulsion? "I do not agree with what you said, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire
@generallz 14 лет назад
what happened after the 5 minute break? was mr. Bloom allowed to come back? or did he leave the chamber?
@sow1827 5 лет назад
I wish the British could see this and get an idea of what the remainers are actually fighting for..! As a Mauritian watching this from a distance could clearly see how anti democratic these EU bureaucrats really are.. You have a golden chance in your hands which many of the other 27 countries do not.. Take it before it's too late! Wishing the UK all the best as this country is really close to my heart having lived there for 12 yrs..
@Opdehoede 14 лет назад
The members of parlement can vote about who to remove from parlement.... How creepy.
@parvelvante 13 лет назад
The fact that grown men are standing up screaming at mr Bloom in the chamber is proof enough why my country, Sweden, shouldn't have anything what so ever to do with this union, that would NEVER happen in my country and i don't see why people behaving in such a riddiculous way should have any influence of the dayly lives of my fellow countrymen. It's just pathetic.
@samm1809 12 лет назад
Well this dictatorship may have a little bit more debate, but 'Comrades' certainly had a better ring to it than 'Colleagues'.
@devilsadvocate5817 11 лет назад
UK does not have colonies anymore, the EU sure does. Did the EU allow referendums and elections in Italy, Greece or Ireland? How democratic.
@toLothair2 2 года назад
There is a lot of apologizing to be done by all these hypocrites to all the citizens for all the wars they start and let citizens die.
@MegaNorman007 11 лет назад
I never realised Bloom had been ejected once, that should have been the end of it, they went after him again in the next session.
@drusha1 13 лет назад
i love this englishman!!!!!!!!
@AscensionSeries 14 лет назад
Perhaps they should have voted out the president for allowing democracy to work to vote out an anti-facist but not to vote out a facist.
@codex8085 5 лет назад
Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights provides the right to freedom of expression... This right includes the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas.
@andrewwilson4175 4 года назад
I think I'll buy his new book now ...
@scotts689 13 лет назад
How can you take a vote on whether someone should leave or not. If other parliaments did that the ruling party that had the majority could just vote out the opposition.
@keegan773 7 лет назад
Utter chaos, they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery.
@gawaintowler 14 лет назад
@bimhimbim The reason why Farage and others defended Bloom is simple. He was rude. He was asked to apologise. He refused. He was sent out. What is supposed to happen next is that he is dealt with by the President of Parliament and is carpeted for his impolitesse.
@ggerely 14 лет назад
Give me an RPK or a SAW and three minutes in the parliament, I`d do justice quickly enough...
@fragglet 14 лет назад
By this logic, a majority party should be able to vote out all opposition MPs, then?
@wellsmokemeakipper 14 лет назад
@GermanInvestor Thank you for your support friend :)
@HenriqueDecimo 10 лет назад
What's the name of the song?
@ThalamusMinimus 11 лет назад
late-2013 Red Cross report: "We now see a quiet desperation spreading among Europeans, resulting in depression, resignation and loss of hope for their future. [and yet] the long term consequences of this crisis have yet to surface.” ~ "poverty has increased, social services have been reduced... Public services simply cannot respond to the ever-growing needs ...Poverty is on the increase in France, Romania, Spain, Sweden and many other countries as reported...through the IFRC’s mapping exercise.”
@adelarsen9776 11 лет назад
Bloom and Farage = New age gents Who would Churchill vote for in 2014 and 2015 ? Bring back the English Sausage.
@NukuDoi 12 лет назад
First, I was not in favor of anyone leaving the room and I respect Bloom opinions. But, I was born in Europe, and I like Europe very much. I do not understand people against the best thing that this continent have experienced in 2000 years.
@realisticclearmind3531 8 лет назад
And this guys are responsible for Europe? Good Night.
@europarl 14 лет назад
@SuperGuitarman69 - it won't come to that. They'll use this crisis (which is only just beginning to unravel) to consolidate the EU State fiscally, financially and economically under the governance of the EUSSR central planners for the benefit of the EU elite and their mentors. The ECB would then be able to play with our lives just as the Feds are doing in the US. All 500 mln of us serfs will be paying for this neo-Soviet extravanganza through inflation, EU taxes, CO2 taxes, sweat and obedience.
@jonaspedersen5990 8 лет назад
The most depressing parlament building in the world
@ratioveritas9983 10 лет назад
If Mr Bloom has insulted a person he's to leave BUT if Schulz has insulted them and Farage in turn he should have been to leave too. You can't call it democracy if two different standards apply. Farage might be wrong in some things, sure, but he's right in mentioning this biased EU regarding some appointments or the imposed Lisbon treaty
@andresviveros3994 9 лет назад
what song plays at the end?
@kellymatthews3732 5 лет назад
What a bloody joke, absolutely disgraceful
@gigie555 5 лет назад
Bloom's comments were over the top and he should have apologized.
@roadman73 14 лет назад
Does this shed some light on why Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain in trouble.
@vorbeigehende 14 лет назад
Parliament is not a place for discussions (c) Boris Grizlov, speaker of the russian Parliament
@dspot66 11 лет назад
What an expensive PANTOMIME this European Parliament.
@sexyxrs 13 лет назад
they should show this video in every country before voting for EU (or any treaty)
@simonjohnhinton1938 8 лет назад
schulz undemocratic fascist? that's a pretty accurate and damning comment and justly deserved. i guess the truth hurts....
@summer20105707 12 лет назад
Yet I still believe our politicians in North America are still working on this.
@theknightswhosay 11 лет назад
If he's upset by his country's history, he should act like it.
@Roky1989 12 лет назад
Thumbs up if you will always vote YES for a Federal Europe!
@SaharaForce 14 лет назад
There is one rule for Schulz and his kind, and that kind is the majority of the parliament. And at this point you can see that most representatives do not represent their countries at all but their kind. Well, yes better had been for Mr. Bloom not to loose his temper at this moment but he marks clearly that the end of the rule of the leading kind is nearer than ever.
@Amstrup77 12 лет назад
Thumbs up if you will always vote NO to EU!
@Halland197 8 лет назад
Godfrey Bloom ROCKS!!!!! 4:11
@MrLukasboys 9 лет назад
Where is the epic music when Schulz talks, only that makes it "even more" believable. Edit: Nevermind, I knew I could rely on that.
@bimhimbim 14 лет назад
@karkelkhan Yes, it is an insult to practice anarchy in parliament. I am an UKIP sympathizer but the behaviour of Bloom was unacceptable. Not a matter of political agreement or disagreement, simple matter of courtesy and principles.
@h3f5 11 лет назад
I am speechless. The president said "this will be taken in account". So let`s discuss the matter later. By making the "incident grow", some eu-deputees only do waste the time they should put to work ! And, worst of all, some seem to like it !
@s1monz 14 лет назад
'This is a democracy' ... therefore aren't Blooms comments entirely acceptable? Even if they are construed (wrongly) as being insulting and whatever else. Strange definition of democracy some of these EU politicians have.
@CenturianCornelious 13 лет назад
@skydome29 What I was trying--clumsily--to suggest is that a majority, no matter who they are, has no right to force a minority into any agreement of any kind. Thus if one individual in an EU country does not consent to EU governance, then he cannot rightfully be subjected to it.
@BarrySlisk 14 лет назад
What's the problem? They want ONE EMPIRE They want ONE PEOPLE They want ONE LEADER
@zahnpastacremetube 11 лет назад
I am not a member of the EU parliament and I have advantages because of the EU. As a scientist I can work in an other european country and can move freely there without visa. Also it is automatically paid into the social insurances for my retirement f.e.
@miplev 8 лет назад
So if you deesagree with socialist burockrats, you misbeehave, such a behavour is not acceptable and you would have to leave...? WTF, do this people know what the democracy is and how it works...? This reminds me Romainian democracy while Caucsescu ruled Romania...
@francesca27545 12 лет назад
It is as Nigel Farage and his party say, these EU have double standards & the rules they have in place they do not apply evenly. They are very critical of those who impose any challenge to their party, but are very sensitive to criticism themselves and so touchy that they appear like whimps. What Nigel's party is offering is constructive criticism, and they should take it if they are to be corrected of the serious mistakes they are making against humanity with their fascist rules. . .
@europarl 14 лет назад
@generallz - watch till the very end - you will see Bloom leave.
@mike8903 13 лет назад
@europarl Good point but I think it's just too broad of a term.
@europarl 14 лет назад
@dideleda - Indeed, when one talks of a democracy,one needs to add 'Constitutional' or 'Republican' before 'democracy' - otherwise, the majority can sweep the floor with the minorities, as these folk are doing in the European People's Congress.
@shhwinner6663 11 лет назад
I have shaken this mans hand
@MrMugg 14 лет назад
@rmcnnlly Not really true, as far as the haplogroup goes it does not have it's origin in Europe but most haplogroupes represented in Europe has it's origin elsewhere. There is also some major doubts if they really have established his Haplogroup for real.
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