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Boost Your Hypothyroid Metabolism and Lose Weight! 

Dr. Brad Bodle
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6 сен 2024




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@DrBradBodle Год назад
What strategies have helped your weight loss to be more consistent? Let me know in the comments! -Dr. Brad
@oldbat4383 Год назад
i love to walk, but right now my back just wont let me. 1/4mi and it is tight and i am hurting. would you have advised jane to get on a recumbent bike? what heartrate?
@aracelypadilla4658 Год назад
Fasting and exercise. So hard to lose weight with Hashimotos. Have to be aggressive but in short spurts. Lost 25 pounds so far.
@DrBradBodle Год назад
@@aracelypadilla4658 Hi Aracely, thanks so much for sharing! Congrats on the positive changes and I'm glad you've found something that works well for you. Have a great rest of your week and thanks again :)
@DrBradBodle Год назад
@@oldbat4383 Hi! Yes, to some degree I don't care exactly what the exercise is, I just want to find something that people tolerate and allows them to move. A recumbent bike would be a great option! Keeping your heart rate in a moderate range is a good place to start, see how you feel, then adjust from there.
@tanharty378 Год назад
I have recently discovered your channel and have found this information very validating. I have had Hashimotos for 4 years now. Initially, when I started levothyroxine my symptoms disappeared although they came back and I didn't understand why. I started putting on weight and couldn't budge it. I started exercising harder but got to such a state of inflammation that I felt terrible. Going gluten-free was the first step 🚶‍♀️ walking seems to be the best thing to help sleep, mental well-being and muscle cramps, etc. I have had to listen to my body when it needs rest, seems counterintuitive but has helped reduce the inflammation and allowed for a few kilos of weight loss. I feel diet hugely impacts the gut and hormones. Thanks for your advice, it makes sense 👍 😀 sometimes you feel very alone with this invisible illness because no one understands how unwell and exhausted you can be 😪
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Hi Tan, thanks so much for the message! I think one of the biggest issues when it comes to thyroid care is that a lot of doctors don't take it seriously, which then leads to us second guessing ourselves and feeling like we don't know where to turn. You make such a great point regarding the management of inflammation and how that can play such a huge role in helping with the weight loss. I'm so glad the videos and advice have been helpful! Thanks again for the comment and for sharing, feel free to do so anytime :)
@tanharty378 Год назад
@Dr. Brad Bodle yes 🙌 I felt like a fake for years telling my GP all the symptoms I was experiencing 😢, at one point they even offered me antidepressants and i knew i didn't have depression. In the end I asked to be referred to an endocrinologist seeking answers to why I felt so run down. I am a registered nurse and knew my body was in some sort of perpetual inflammatory state so when my bloods showed raised CRP I was not surprised. I liken my healing to a wound -it cannot heal when stuck in the inflammatory model. I started removing trigger foods and even consulted a rheumatologist to make sure I didn't have any other autoimmune diseases. I have realised along the way that a pill alone cannot fix the thyroid and so many other factors I need to control like enough quailty sleep, reduced stress, good diet and recognition of low energy and learning how to say no. Keeping a journal is a really good way to see patterns and track flares. Long term maintenance has to be the key 🔑 to living my best life now that everything has changed and I'm not the same person I was pre Hashimotos.
@DrBradBodle Год назад
@@tanharty378 Hi Tan, I've had many patients over the years who have taken every kind of antidepressant because their doctor thought they were depressed, but it turned out to be their thyroid. You're totally right though, inflammation impairs the healing process and we need to manage that acute stage if we're going to move forward. Keep working on that consistency and it will continue to provide benefits for you!
@ankaimen Год назад
Reframing is really key. I needed to realize that I will never get back to my weight when I was Hyperthyroid. Clearly that was not going to happen because my Hyperthyroidism got me to my weight in my 20s. After the radioactive iodine, I went up 15 lbs. I was able to keep it there by walking 45 min- 1 hr a day. Fast forward (work forced us back to the office), I gained 10 more lbs as I couldn’t walk this much every day. Now I just want to get back to the weight when I was walking every day. So kicking this practice off again and will update here
@DrBradBodle Год назад
I totally agree! It's ok to set goals, but we need to reframe them in a way that takes into consideration some of the health challenges we're facing. Since you're limited on time these days and can't walk as much, it might be worth considering doing very short, but slightly higher intensity workouts. I usually have patients do 2 sets of 2 exercises, that ends up taking about 10 minutes. They can do this every day or every other day and can be a great way to stay consistent with movement. Also, depending on the cause of your hyperthyroidism, you might want to look at nutritional approaches that help you to manage any residual inflammation. Hope this helps and good luck!
@ashlyS100 4 месяца назад
Any updates?
@ankaimen 3 месяца назад
Update: The walking + gym (3-4 days a week) did NOT help. My *guess* is that early on when I was Hypothyroid, my Thyroid was still working (I had a little bit of functional thyroid left). I’m guessing that the remaining thyroid is simply not working anymore. My Endo is not helpful at all. She couldn’t explain the weight gain despite my good eating and exercise habits. So frustrating. I’m also starting HRT…Will update if anything changes.
@ashlyS100 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the update
@heyitsrenee22 Год назад
OK, right off the bat I had to pause and comment, because I was dx'd with hypothyroidism at 39 and the provider told me my weight gain and fatigue was due to age and actually put on my medical records that I was in denial that it was due to age. I was livid went to an endo and was dx'd with hashis.
@heyitsrenee22 Год назад
Paused again, because, same, I worker as a manager in retail and was running, running, running all day and then went into the billing side of the medical field, now I sit all day.
@DrBradBodle Год назад
@@heyitsrenee22 Hi Renee, thanks for the message! While some of those details are amazing coincidences, I thought Jane's story would be helpful because the timing of her diagnosis and her challenges are very similar to many of my other patients. I was not trying to steal your story ;) I'm sorry to hear about the endo though. That's totally inappropriate to say that you were in denial. These are very real conditions and just because certain providers don't know how to help, doesn't mean that they should blame their patients. Let me know if there's anything I can help with and thanks again for sharing!
@heyitsrenee22 Год назад
@@DrBradBodle not stealing mine at all haha, a lot of us are so similar in these situations. It was super funny that her and I both went from busy jobs to more sedantry. Her story for sure hit close to home, I'm glad she was able to work with you and get on the right path. I'm slowly working at it.
@DrBradBodle Год назад
@@heyitsrenee22 It is an amazing coincidence :) Slow and steady is the best way to approach things! Keep making changes that make the most sense for you and your goals, then worry about making the little adjustments later. As you continue to feel better it will make it easier to figure out what has a big impact on your health and what doesn't. Reach out anytime if you have other questions!
@phylliswright9336 4 месяца назад
I. Not putting on weight with my enlarge gioter
@myrandaclark1395 5 месяцев назад
No sugar, no gluten, no alcohol, non-GMO, no more power walking, slow steady walks, with air squats 😉 and lots of apple cider vinegar ❤
@DrBradBodle 4 месяца назад
Thanks so much for sharing Myranda! Sounds like a very solid approach and I hope it's treating you well. Thanks again! :)
@LearningGrace Год назад
THANK YOU! Wow, I had just told my husband that the 40 min. Cardio with 15-30 min weights is killing me. I had just figured that instead of helping, I was harming my body. Got SO TIRED. So I began walking instead of doing all the cardio to try and drop this Hashi weight. Great video! Can you do one on MCHC levels and other blood levels, what it means, what we can do? Thanks!
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Hi AG, you're welcome! I'm happy to hear that this provided some helpful context :) Good job listening to your body and making a switch. I will add that topic to my list, but very quickly... MCV, MCH, and MCHC help us to understand the size and hemoglobin concentration of our red blood cells. When those markers start to trend low it's generally a sign of low iron, when those markers are high it's a sign of dehydration or low B9 or B12. Hope this helps! Thanks for reaching out!
@trueblonde89 Год назад
I kick started my weightloss with AIp. I followed it strictly for 3 months and continued following it adding other foods very slowly. After a year of this, I feel like it reset my system and I can eat a lot of foods again without the rapid weight gain I was experiencing. I quit teaching fitness and focused on food. After 6 months, I got a puppy and the walking began! Looong walks everyday, and then I added 20-30 mins of strength most days a week. I bought an ring the tells me how I slept and my readiness for the day. Sometimes it shows me I’m over doing it and that’s when I take tests.
@trueblonde89 Год назад
Rest s
@trueblonde89 Год назад
I lost 35 pounds in a year. It is very slow😅 but as you said, it is staying off!
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Hi Anastasia, thanks so much for being transparent and sharing your journey :) This is such an awesome example of how our body can recovery, which then allows us to be more flexible and resilient. That rapid weight gain after offending foods is usually a sign that our immune system and gut are sensitive, so it's great you've been able to get past that. It can take a long time, but your progress is amazing and it's good that things are continuing to stabilize. Thanks again!
@lexisky1 Год назад
Thank you again and again for continuing to share with us your expertise and knowledge. Jane’s story is about 90% my own. This weekly videos help me more than you know. Thank you!!
@DrBradBodle Год назад
You're welcome Lex! I'm happy to do so and I'm really glad that they've been helpful for you. Reach out anytime if you have questions! Hope you have a restful weekend :)
@giovannip5678 Год назад
Doctor, you have the best explanation about this topic. I went to a doctor about sixteen years ago complaining that I was feeling always fatigued, he prescribed levothyroxine telling me that would give me more energy but don't remember having a blood test done. I think my thyroid got lazy producing thyroid hormone and now I cannot do without. I'm filling better if I avoid gluten, sugar and dairy but I have lost too much weight. would you suggest electrolyte powder? because I always feel dehydrated even if I drink a lot of water.
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Thanks so much Giovanni, I really appreciate it! If you're feeling like you're losing too much weight, I like to look for easy ways to boost your calories, which usually come in the form of adding some healthy carbs or extra fat. Something like an extra serving of sweet potatoes with some butter, ghee, or coconut oil. In regards to the electrolytes, you can find my at home recipe linked in the description, but for convenience I often use the product LMNT. This should help to balance your hydration and water intake. Let me know if you need anything else!
@jmw1683 Год назад
Another problem is daily job stress that has led to insuline resistance and that plus Hashimoto can really drain you.Any thoughts on addressing insuline resistance? I do exercise at the gymtwice a week, but try not to stress my body even more .I am 60 and way past menopause, have a stressful desk job and try to walk at lunch , but the day just doesn't have enough hours in the day .
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Hi there! It's definitely hard to find the time for everything, which is why we want to do our best to isolate the changes that make the biggest difference for us and use those. What you might want to consider is more regular exercise, but keep it really short and within your tolerance. I have a number of patients that I like for them to do a short brisk walk in the morning, combined with about 10 minutes of weight training. Doing this on a regular basis can really help with insulin resistance, but the short duration can reduce the overall stress on our body. Of course, if you feel like it's too much, you can always change the intensity of the exercise or the frequency. I hope this helps!
@EBoone503 Год назад
thank you for such a great vid! lots to take and put into action.
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Thanks so much for the feedback :D I'm glad you liked it! I'd recommend choosing some options that make the most sense and are most achievable, starting small, and building from there. Let me know if you have any questions!
@kathyerb3134 Год назад
Wish i had a doctor like u. My doctor will not even talk about hypothyroidism and b12deficiency. Hes a bully. If i try to open a discussion on either topic one more time, he will no longer keep me on as a patient. I happen to know a few things about thiese things as i love research, support groupds, anything medical since a child. Have lots of genetic medical issues in my family. Took a medical course 20 yrs ago butt got sick so could not continue into medical field/job. A lot of ppl look to me for medical advice. If i cant help them, i tell them.
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Thanks so much for the kind words Kathy :) I can't imagine why anyone would get into healthcare and be a bully. I'm really sorry you have to deal with that. I believe that the doctor and patient should be a team, working together, learning together, and discussing options so that we can best support your health. That's great you've been able to take your knowledge and help those around you too! Keep up the great work, we need more people like yourself!
@kathyerb3134 Год назад
@@DrBradBodle thank you for your awesome words Dr Bodle. Since we have a huge shortage of doctors in Canada I've been unfortunately stock with this doctor now for yrs.. I fired him about 3 yrs ago. He gave me 3 months of meds prescriptions. He let me come back as long as I promised to not mention b12 deficiency again. However since then, I have brought up my symptoms of hypothyroidism which I've been treated for since birth of my last child in mid 80s, now deceased. TSH is usually fine but not T4, borderline to low and nobody checks T3 or Reverse or antibodies. When does antibodies need to be checked, like how often? How do I know if I don't have Hashimoto.? Nobody has felt my thyroid gland except my first doctor upon initial dx of hypothyroidism. Thyroid lab tests recently 4 months ago were 11-23 was 11 for T4 , 2 months ago 13 so had gone up 2 points. After finally getting Levothyroxine increased from .050 to .075. Yrs ago I was on 0100 synthroid or eltroxin then Levothyroxine. Difference? I have, major hair loss, severe fatigue, dry skin, cold hands, feet, bad nails, brain fog, poor concentration, no motivation, depression. Also fibromyalgia, ibs, b12 deficiency. Dr won't check, ferritin etc. Had gastritis,, large gastric ulcer, gallbladder-pancreatitis 16 months ago. Gallbladder now gone 7 months ago with complications.
@JenniSchaffer 3 месяца назад
Thank you!
@DrBradBodle 3 месяца назад
You bet Jenni! I hope you found it helpful!
@DolceDolce Год назад
Excellent video Dr Bodle. How many minutes of walking per session do you suggest?
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Thank you! I like people to start with 5-15 minutes. Essentially, whatever they tolerate. Some people are very sensitive and have been inactive for awhile, so we start them out small. With others, it can be easier to ramp them up and do more. I then like to try and mix multiple sessions of those walks throughout the day, so sometimes it can be 15-30 minutes of walking, 2-3x per day. Thanks again and hope this helps clarify!
@DolceDolce Год назад
@@DrBradBodle Thank you, you're THE best!
@DrBradBodle Год назад
@@DolceDolce You're welcome!! :)
@sparkle9482 Год назад
GREAT Information Doctor Brad!! I use a tracking method to keep up with the food I eat. When you are honest I see snacking is my issue!! Thanks you for bringing Awareness about the scale process also🙏🙏🙏❤
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Thanks Sparkle 😊 I also like tracking my food, especially when things get busy at work. It's easy for me to get distracted and tracking helps me stay on my game. I'm glad it's working for you as well and I hope all the info provided some helpful context!
@sparkle9482 Год назад
@@DrBradBodle 😊
@vidyakaviveerappan2483 Год назад
I am breastfeeding mom.taking 50mcg levothyroxine..I am always feeling tired. Loosing weight...how can I get rid off thyroid medication..
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Hi Vidyakavi, when you had your thyroid tested did you get TPO antibodies and Tg antibodies checked? If not, I would definitely look into it as it could be the reason you're still having fatigue, especially if the symptoms started after your pregnancy. That's where I would start! Hope this helps!
@ponytail1995 Год назад
I exercise few times a week but the endurance is not good. How can I improve it? Tia
@DrBradBodle Год назад
If you've been exercising for awhile and you're not seeing improvements, then it's possible there could be other factors that are limiting your endurance. This could be something as simple as not fueling yourself before workouts (I like people to have a good portion of protein in the mornings, then potentially some fruit or honey 30 minutes before workouts, plus electrolytes) or it could be more complex like decreased adrenal pathway function or iron deficiencies (just to name a few examples). I would first make sure that you're feeling good after each one of your workouts and that your ability to complete them doesn't diminish as the week goes on. If this isn't the case, start by reducing the duration of your exercise and slowly build from there. Add in the food if necessary, then look for other contributing factors if the initial changes aren't successful. I hope that helps!
@santhanarayanaiyer7355 Год назад
Dr,I have been taking medicine for hypothyroidism for more than 15 years ( hashimoto), but I am very thin and not putting on weight, while most people are overweight.Why is so?
@lifeaccordingtotheo9643 Год назад
How do we calculate our BMR with Hashimotos?
@80bccaveman87 11 месяцев назад
What about those that got hyperthyroid and was treated with RAI and turn hypothyroid afterward?
@DrBradBodle 11 месяцев назад
Hi there! It would depend on the reason why someone needed the RAI. If it was due to Grave's disease, then a lot of the autoimmune principles I discuss are very applicable. Even if the thyroid tissue is killed off, the autoimmune process can still be present. Once that can be better supported and addressed, we would hope to see improvements in function. Hope this helps a bit!
@terrinoggle3893 Год назад
When she was off dairy, did that include butter or ghee?
@DrBradBodle Год назад
Hi Terri, really good question! I typically take people off butter, but allow ghee. Seems to work very well for the vast majority of patients, then we can reintroduce different dairy options once the individual is feeling better. Thanks for asking! :)
@adriennesygrove6732 Год назад
Hi, Dr Brad! I was diagnosed with Graves in my early 30's. After been treated they took me off the medication because my levels were good then 2yrs later was diagnosed with Hashimotos. I've ended up getting other autoimmune diseases. Arthritis and poor bone density also to top it off, high blood pressure. I started eliminating things from my diet that affected me. Have been to see a Naturopath which has been very helpful. I loose a little bit of weight then balloon back up again. I have had a couple of slip ups with sugar but am more serious about what I eat. Do you have any suggestions why my weight isn't coming off successfully?
@AASA76 3 месяца назад
HATE the music!
@DrBradBodle 3 месяца назад
I'm sorry about that Aasa. I like the music, but I edit all of these myself and it ended up louder than I wanted it when I finally exported the last draft. Because I couldn't keep the results of that consistent, I've removed it from the intro in my most recent videos. Thanks for the feedback and I'm sorry again that it was so bothersome.
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