
Border Security: What We NEED To Do About Immigration - Learn Liberty 

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How many immigrants should be allowed to call America home? Is there a moral argument to be made in favor of allowing more immigrants to the United States? Learn more: bit.ly/1HVAtKP
The United States has laws in place to limit the number of immigrants granted entry. How many immigrants should be allowed to call America home? Bryan Caplan, professor of economics at George Mason University, argues that the United States should have open borders. Jan Ting, professor of law at Temple University, argues that there need to be limits on the number of immigrants. Is there a moral argument to be made in favor of allowing more immigrants to the United States? Should immigration policy decisions be based on cost-benefit analysis? What does a cost-benefit analysis say about the number of immigrants that should be allowed entry anyway?
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@michaelpaliden6660 5 лет назад
I love open Borders with Exit only doors anyone should be allowed to leave if they want.
@freshlybakedwithallie 2 года назад
I was so happy when Prof. Bryan mentioned that competition in education is not a reason to exclude immigrants! That comment blew my mind, we should be so lucky to have that extreme and skilled competition in our schools and our workforce. It drives us to improve and succeed.
@GregBledsoe 9 лет назад
Wouldn't it be great if politicians could debate immigration policy so amicably and cogently? These are all reasoned arguments, pandering free. I dream of a day we have a population educated enough in critical thinking that we see this quality of debate in presidential debates. (This will never happen in the US, I fear.)
@Laloteria420 8 лет назад
+Greg Bledsoe Yep
@tcskips 2 года назад
I do to but those kinds of politicians are only in power because the electorate vote them in.
@Anthropic 10 лет назад
I think at the end there it would have been great to explain that if all of Nigeria wanted to move to America, then the Nigerian government would become extremely competitive very quickly and/or just completely fizzle out because of zero economic productivity for them to live on taxes. Ultimately this would lead to deregulation either due to competition or just complete loss of power on a lot of countries governments. And we all know that decreasing regulations on voluntary exchange would increase the economic productivity of the world, and everybody's standard of living.
@zaidnava3728 5 лет назад
Anthropic i think this argument might have changed my entire opinion on open borders.
@tcskips 2 года назад
@@zaidnava3728 Me too
@robertortiz-wilson1588 2 года назад
What an absolutely laughable idea to even be slightly considered "good."
@kerrysmith1899 5 лет назад
I went to high school with Jan Ting. He is off the charts smart. My mother was an immigrant from Scotland.
@Antitheist98 11 лет назад
what assets are you referring to? Be specific.
@loszhor 11 лет назад
How does that tie into what we are talking about?
@ProtoAlphaDog 11 лет назад
The moderator did a really good job here.
@humanhiveanomaly 11 лет назад
@10:53 Brian you nailed it!
@MrDarthBaker 11 лет назад
This deserves a like just because it shows different perspectives. Keep it up and keep thinking.
@fraxus 11 лет назад
The basic flaw here is an economic one. Market prices reflect price of last trade - not value of every share.
@gveliopoulos 11 лет назад
Im enrolling as an economics major in George Mason this fall and this is the 4th econ prof. from there that I have listened to. I AM SO READY FOR SCHOOL TO START!
@samib7368 3 года назад
where you at now? lol
@donaldkeyes649 5 лет назад
how much accountability of the governments of the countries of origin is being addressed to address the needs and effective (applied over time ) application of it"s citizens economic well-being to dissuade the high flight response
@HermannTheGreat 11 лет назад
I did some research on what foreigners' experiences were and they've said most Ivy League schools give full-ride tuition if you're accepted and many state schools have scholarships that pay at about 5-10k for starters not including federal aid that is being given now.
@alfalfa 8 лет назад
So he says we let all immigrants in and housing prices rise, fuel prices rise, grocery prices rise and how does that help me an American now? Not to mention medicare/medicaid pricing and future debt. He also says we let in 1% of the people that want to be here so 100M a year comes in and a few hundred people lose their job and house so what, as long as its 'fair' to other people not born here. Sorry but Americans matter, our jobs DO matter, our LIVES do matter, not yours lol get lost your ideas are ridiculous.
@alfalfa 8 лет назад
***** How does more people equal a surplus of fuel, groceries, housing? We'd have less of all of those not more and higher pricing on them to boot. While when a product has high saturation the prices go down that's not always why prices rise and fall. Gas always goes up in the summer no matter what because the crooks take advantage of vacationers.
@CrimsonGuard1992 11 лет назад
I don't understand why this is such a controversial issue. If you want to enter the US, do it legally by going through the immigration process. Those who do come in illegally, kick them out. Its not fare to those who do get into the country legally.
@fraxus 11 лет назад
And you see no relation between these and the HC costs ?
@kkejjbohner 11 лет назад
I can sympathize with both of them but overall I agree with professor Ting that we need to set a limit somewhere. But we do need an easier path for citizens for immigrants.
@TheLordLaup 11 лет назад
These debates are excellent and I love that it shows the opposite viewpoint keep them coming
@rwalkenhorst 11 лет назад
Oh, of course I wouldn't bet a penny that this is going to actually happen anytime soon. 1) My 3-step plan: Repeal all laws about education, sell all government schools to the highest bidders, and as equitably as possible divide the proceeds among the people who have been forced to pay. 2) Yes, I really believe that would be best. I think we'd be amazed at how quickly entrepreneurs would step up. 3) I would say that there never was a need for coercion in funding or attendance in the first place.
@pheargynt 11 лет назад
when did he ssay that?
@TheScourge007 11 лет назад
The only externality Ting pointed out towards the end was environment and Caplan immediately showed immigration controls were not the rational way to deal with that concern (carbon taxes are).
@CrimsonGuard1992 11 лет назад
We aren't responsible for other people outside the US. That is a fact. Its cruel , but its true. We cannot help everyone. How can we support them if we can barely support our own? If those people who are less fortunate want to get into the US, they will have to go through the legal process of getting into the country.Its not equal treatment, but equal consideration. We can't help everyone, its impossible.
@stevemcgee99 11 лет назад
You're psyched! I'd love to go to GMU. It's amazing they even exist at all. Wish all economics programs had their heads screwed on right.
@Scoinsoffaterocks 11 лет назад
Any mention of guest workers? As in true guest workers who come in, gain some money in the most humble conditions, then leave with that a significant money (relative to their home country), and slowly improve their home country.
@TheScourge007 11 лет назад
you're right title isn't everything* correction
@0pyrophosphate0 11 лет назад
Good debate. Both sides brought good arguments. No clear winner if you ask me.
@quantumGs_Blackbird 11 лет назад
We're not talking about what "a nation" owns (whatever that means). We're talking about YOU.
@raj-cr4nl 10 лет назад
The law professor keeps saying "we". I think that's funny.
@AustenJenius23 10 лет назад
Collectivism in his lingo! :O
@raj-cr4nl 9 лет назад
***** Yeah, people born within THIS arbitrary imaginary boundary are much better than people born in THAT arbitrary imaginary boundary!
@GregBledsoe 9 лет назад
Adam Jones Why is that funny? Because he's not white? He's an American citizen isn't he? Then its "we." If not, why not?
@agnewtj 10 лет назад
Great argument to open up law schools and the bar to subject profs like Jan to competition.
@bignate515 11 лет назад
Great Debate!!
@fraxus 11 лет назад
Read more carefully. I said NYSE+NASDAQ is
@SilentSandwhich24145 6 лет назад
I believe as a South African I have a pretty good argument against your libertarian candidate. He speaks that these people don't even compete with Americans due to their low skills and that the economy would adapt. If South Africa's economy hasn't adapted by now (due to our high low skilled worker rate) then there will surely be no way that any nation can open their borders entirely and cope with the change.
@fraxus 11 лет назад
Not just medicare/gov payments cause it to be expensive. Ppl on employer insurance typically aren't paying much per unit service - so they don't care abt cost.
@dryhumor7302 5 лет назад
1. Immigration would lower wages (labor costs) so that people would make less money. He admits this. 2. Large scale immigration would increase the costs of housing. He admits this. 3. Large scale immigration would raise the cost of goods, in general. He admits this. 4. The environment would be endangered until the price mechanism could be leveled out at a functional rate, meanwhile, driving the rates for citizens hire for the privilege of having a decreased quality of environmental health. So, he wants large quantities of unskilled people to enter a tougher economy than they left, make relatively nothing in wages, enter a great chance of homelessness, enter a great chance of malnourishment (or vastly increased welfare systems that would diminish to nothing rapidly under such strain), in a nation with a heavily affected environment, or be someone's "personal servant" for pennies...Because he cares? I would offer the homelessness issue in Southern California as an example. I would also cite the Germanic tribes that diminished and eventually dissolved Rome. I would gladly point out the recent troubles in Europe due very much to immigrants from the Middle East. These demonstrate a need for measured and calculated immigration into ANY country on the planet. It is not hatred for any race, color, creed, religion, etc. that informs the immigration policies we now struggle to reform. It is the assessment of real costs (and they do exist in jobs lost, benefits paid, cost increases) to United States citizens. Every country has a right to its borders. Every other country has a right to choose the rules by which they maintain their nation. Why are we to be treated differently? In order to extend automatic citizenship to all of the people of the world, we must ask what measure makes them U.S. citizens. Do the immigrants need to arrive on our soil to automatically be citizens, with full rights, privileges, and responsibilities? By this young man's logic, that precludes poor people from enjoying the wealth which he seems to believe that is theirs to enjoy, but for our "greed" and limiting rules. Is it merely by claim? Should the U.S. government intercede for every person that, when afoul of the law of their home country, claims to be a U.S. citizen? How would that play out? I am libertarian in many ways. This man's ideas are as dangerous and unreasonable as they are counter to the liberty of a nation of citizens free and equal before the law.
@lendluke 5 лет назад
1. Lowering wages (for low skilled jobs) is basically the same as saying ALL goods in services that Americans buy would become cheaper. 2. Increasing the costs of housing is basically the same as saying all Americans who own land become richer. 3. He never admitted to goods becoming more expensive. If labor costs go down which you and Bryan both claim, then goods and services become cheaper. So there are two main aspects of open borders that means nearly everyone should support it: the practical reason, and the ethical reason. The practical reason is that unless your only doing low skilled labor, your purchasing power will increase because labor costs in the US will be lower, and if you own property or work in the real estate industry, your property or work will become more valuable. The ethical reason is this: open borders would help more people than closed borders. Any effects of immigrant competition hurting some Americans is swamped by thousands and eventually millions of people's lives being improved. Think of the long term, which one of these scenarios leads to long term American prosperity and a competitive economy: letting in people so there is more competition, or closing our borders even more to protect those who couldn't compete with the people entering? If you support liberty, you will support every adult's right to enter into any agreement with any other adult as long as it isn't coerced. Closed national borders clearly infringes on that right.
@dryhumor7302 5 лет назад
@@lendluke While also lowering the amount of money that individuals make...And demanding higher taxes to support greater welfare programs.
@dryhumor7302 5 лет назад
@@lendluke your 1st statement assumes that there are enough jobs for those in the U.S. to keep employment numbers high and unemployment numbers from creating more welfare debt. I don't necessarily like welfare but it is a reality. That said, the same amount of dollars with fewer goods per person does what to prices? Yes, Luke, it raises prices...While wages go down. Your 2nd statement assumes that the people coming into the country making lower wages won't have to live in ever more expensive housing. Again, supply and demand dictate that this WILL increase rents and make housing more expensive. More people, same amount of land = higher prices. your 3rd statement, See the above answers. Fewer goods relative to greater numbers of people will increase prices. The reason that we have a nation that protects rights is because we have a Constitution based upon ideas built culturally over a great many years. The culture that the United States used to have was centered on maintaining the liberty of the nation and its means of governance, political freedom to choose elected officials to staff that politically free structure, and individual liberty. These are not balanced easily. They did not fall into place. Wars, Luke, have been fought to maintain, refine, and change this country and its structure. The founders of this nation were not immortal beings of unearthly light...but they did know that the people needed to understand their government, their rights, and their responsibilities. This was for the purpose of maintaining the greatest amount of individual liberty, while also maintianing the government that protects these liberties. The political weight of the citizen is immense precisely because every other citizen's rights must be protected from government overreach and defended from all enemies foreign and domestic. Ignorance of this is at least as dangerous as ideological opposition to it. I wonder if you can tell me how many of those coming into this country illegally understand the rights, the government structure, and the responsibilities of the citizen, Luke? Do you? The United States grew its economy and did so very well with borders. The erroneous (to say the least) statement that America cannot simultaneously maintain borders and a strong economy is not based on historical data. I wonder where the assertion comes from. In no way does maintaining an American national boundary and secure border infringe on the right of adults to engage in contracts. In fact, the United States has an implied agreement with those wishing to live in the U.S. They can apply to become citizens. There is a provision for that. If they want to work in the U.S. they can apply to do so, as well. I am a free market thinker, Luke, but surely you do not think that security is a non-issue here in the U.S., do you, Luke? I believe in trade. So, turn your political guns on other countries and demand that they give their subjects opportunity. Build a business and make contracts with these people that you want to help. Is that not opportunity? Does that not give them greater wealth? Meanwhile, visit the border and see what it is like for miles on either side, specifically because illegal trade brings human trafficking, drugs, and weapons to either side of that border. Some, Luke, do not see money as a means to amicably trade. Some see it as a way to rule. Check out the gangs on the southern border. Look at the cartels south of Texas and California. They kill Mexicans routinely. They kill Americans frequently. Now, given the ability to cruise right on over, without any way to check this activity, what do you think will happen, Luke?
@kathryncastanares525 4 года назад
@@dryhumor7302 every benefit he mentioned, only benefits the wealthy ruling class. None of these things will benefit the majority. The guy in the video says its only going to hurt the absolute lowest class, but in reality it will hurt the working/middle class the most. It will eventually make the us just like all the countries these people left where you have wealthy ruling class, and the poor laborers, fighting over reourses. And will never have the opportunity to get ahead. Which is another thing he said. To hurt a few of our lowest class will be a benefit for millions of immigrants coming for a better life. But at what point does that opportunity diminish? After so many others to compete with, and how low it makes the wages, will make it the exact situation they left.
@silverwildeproductions1085 4 года назад
@@kathryncastanares525 , I agree. The United States has given massive amounts of tax payer money to other nations to "help raise the living standards" of those countries. Their wealthy and powerful absorb those funds rapidly and the majority does nothing to fight the corruption. U.S. businesses build facilities in nations around the world and largely pay wages to scale because they would be short on work and blasted by the media if they didn't. Even when they pay to scale, mendacious people talk about how low the wages are for employees in those places...Never revealing that in many places globally wages that seem small here are great to those in the area. Of course, those that benefit from being liars attempt to shut down these businesses...Or blackmail them...until they shut down and take jobs and careers from impoverished natives. The U.S. has taken in and offered amnesty to untold millions of illegal immigrants. Each time we are told that it has helped the immigrants way of life and American economic circumstances. It NEVER has. It NEVER will. Legal channels for immigrants help the U.S. Illegal entry is a violation of law, sovereignty, and trust. It should NEVER be rewarded with amnesty. It further subdivides dollars spent on those who have no right to be here. None. The "Free World" libertarians have always talked about how open borders are just great for everyone. Europe, The U.K., and the U.S. have all seen what illegal entrants can do to societies. They bear less accountability, due to the fact that they often have false (multiple) identities. They have advocates that shield them from answering for crimes. They pay as little of their tax burden as they can (sometimes nil) and simply change locations/identities to avoid overdue taxes. The silly argument that it is "racist" to have border and laws to protect the sovereignty, security, and culture of a society is made utterly useless in the examination of U.S. history. Slaves were forced to come here by filthy slave traders. Democrats wanted them to remain slaves. Republicans wanted them to be citizens. Why? They didn't sneak in and take. They were the victims of barbaric swine. The slaves did more than enough to show that they were good people. They showed that they were willing to stand for freedom and the letter and spirit of the Constitution. United States citizens became soldiers to fight and die for the freedom of these people. That hasn't changed. We still help people find freedom in their own nations...While so many attack and accuse us of racism and bigotry. The fools that believe we have no right to borders must show a moral way that we can have no borders and yet have the authority to enforce laws that protect the freedom the libertarian idiots pretend they want for those that turn their noses up at our Constitution.
@modernpanther 11 лет назад
I think that fact government subsidizes education with all these grants and scholarships, leading to greater overall demand for a college education than previous is having the most impact on why college kids in the US seem to be "screwed."
@ChrisPacia 11 лет назад
if so, do you not see how your view is rejecting private property rights and embracing a collectivist idea of property?
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
One of the few uses for government spending that I do support, is building things that cross many property boundaries. Things like lakes, roads, railways, etc. I support government regulations on water ways too. When many different people own the land that needs to be used, its difficult for the private sector to handle that. There is however, a potential to over build. A country with limited infrastructure benefits more from new infrastructure than one with good infrastructure already.
@miamihurricane555 11 лет назад
Wasn't that a given?
@FrankWhite604 10 лет назад
lol... not that I'm racist or anything... but the roles here seem so switched based on their visual appearance :P
@astronautfarmer2358 6 лет назад
FrankWhite604 yeah it just goes to show what a liberal white guy thinks and an actually immigrant thinks.
@NyalBurns 5 лет назад
FrankWhite604 😂😂😂
@6doublefive3two1 11 лет назад
Whenever the subject of immigration is discussed it's always assumed the immigrants in question would be those in the lower classes. Shouldn't we prefer wealthy, healthy, and educated? I wonder if the collegiate master planners would welcome the deluge of healthy competition if it were their jobs at stake.
@ChrisPacia 11 лет назад
feel free to post my response and show how you can restrict immigration without violating private property rights..
@fraxus 11 лет назад
US med expenses avg ~$8.5k/person! Even if you cut that in half- it's far from "almost free". Many H.costs are unpredictable and very expensive. This is an ideal case for insurance and insurer profits are not a major factor (~3x less than medicare fraud costs). It's insane we use insurance for regular expenses; this destroys market forces. But insurance for major trauma & a cancer ... is exactly what most want, unless you are wealthy and can pay.
@SaviorOfLogic 11 лет назад
Including Mr Caplan
@fraxus 11 лет назад
It makes complete sense to anyone who understands basic econ that allocating resources efficiently can't be accomplished w/o price signaling and by addressing the needs and values and price elasticity options of the INDIVIDUAL consumer. Read chapter 1-3 of Mankiw MacroEcon and try again. This is real basic stuff.
@catlover1986 9 лет назад
I used to think like Caplan, but then I studied Economics. He says people are economically illiterate, but he's violating several basic principles of Economics. The problem is he is assuming that we are rich as nations, because we live in high productivity nations. In fact, WE are the high productivity in high productivity nations. Our culture, our education, our way of life, renders us productive. Also, Caplan acts as though nationality is some imaginary thing. Part of the issue is that we share a culture, this isn't purely an economic question. One of the reasons nations in Europe are more stable than the US (for crime and wealth distribution), and the US is more stable than the developing world, is cultural homogeneity.The US is ethnically dissimilar, but we share a unifying set of beliefs and a collective identity that unifies us. This matters because of what we call in Economics, the "problem of the commons". We have a finite amount of resources, be they human, capital, etc. We need to effectively use them all, and that means we as a nation pay to educate our children, we pay to take care of the sick, we are willing to defend each other with military and police. The problem is that when you are flooded with outsiders in unmanageable numbers, most regulatory processes break down. There aren't enough police, there aren't enough benefits, there aren't enough universities, people don't all speak the same language so we need more effort to accomplish what we do now. Imagine you have 50 homeless kids in your neighborhood, so you invite them all into your house, literally leaving the door wide open. That's what this policy would do. Your stuff gets used and beat up, no one really 'owns' it. Suddenly you're fighting for scarce resources, but no one is or is wanting to, contribute to this communal pot. Additionally, his arguments ignore nationalism completely. I am a citizen of the US. I am pledged to help my fellow Americans when necessary. I'm not a humanitarian, I get something out of this, which is mutual protection, and living in a better society. When countries like China and India which have weird dual economies mixing ultra poor and western style wealthy classes as well, you end up with a situation where the environment and poor aren't looked after, because they are unmanageable. The wealthy simply look out of the themselves, and the poor simply try to survive. It would, in a word, be Hell. And I owe it to myself, my family, and my American "family", to look out for our interests. Our buddy Caplan on there kept saying we were 'imposing poverty' on these people in underdeveloped countries. In reality, we aren't doing anything of the sort. We are simply not a factor in it. 'Failing to prevent', and 'causing', are two totally unrelated concepts.
@jektonoporkins5025 9 лет назад
+Bret Z Yeah, you're right, Caplan knows nothing about economics. It's not like he got his doctorate in economics at Princeton and is a professor of economics at George Mason University or anything.
@catlover1986 9 лет назад
+Jek Tono Porkins Let's argue credentials, instead of making arguments... Said no Economist ever. My degree in Economics allows me to comfortably say that he ignored his, in making that argument.
@KoopinMafia 8 лет назад
Research "pay premiums." His argument is backed by research.
@kylecaraway8662 5 лет назад
Lol look at europe now.
@kylecaraway8662 5 лет назад
I love how you compared it to leaving your door open. It's such a bad example cause it's not nearly the same. Also the only reason we don't have enough police is due to corruption in state governments. Like Cuomo handing money to counties that supported him instead of distributing the states wealth throughout the state as needed.
@Brantoc 8 лет назад
I like both of them, don't agree 100% with either, but after viewing this, I think I agree closer to Jan. I do think our numbers should double to 2 million+ a year.. Maybe 4 million.
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
Further, one reason why medicare is so expensive is that people are spending other people's money. As a medicare patient, you aren't shopping for the best price or making the best deal. You are taking whatever the government will pay for. This causes price inflation. By giving people individual retirement accounts, we would lower healthcare costs.
@williamplayer2702 5 лет назад
Odd how Caplan unfairly limits the number of strangers he allows to live in his home. I'm sure his income could support at least several dozen Nigerians or Nicaraguans. How does he sleep at night knowing that he has an extra bedroom that could accommodate tens of homeless people. Caplan doesn't understand that nations are essentially collective property and that citizens get to determine how that collective property is used.
@robertortiz-wilson1588 2 года назад
Excellent analogy.
@Drumwannabe17 11 лет назад
I agree with professor Tin but professor Caplan made a way better argument.
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
In fact, lets do that. When you are born, you get $150,000. You invest that and buy health insurance on the interest. At the current birth rates, that's $240 billion a year. As opposed to $804 billion a year the federal government spends on Medicare that only covers the elderly, this would cover you for your entire life.
@loszhor 11 лет назад
What do you mean by swamping exactly? The environment was on the very tail end I found it to be more of a probing for info than part of his main argument. He didn't say we had open immigration already he said we do better than other countries. I'm 180 on their performances I found Mr. Caplan's views and counters to be more idealistic than need be. It's more of something for college classroom.
@ChrisPacia 11 лет назад
This was an immigration debate not a debate about pollution. It is widely accepted among economists that the "solution" to pollution is raise the cost of producing it. There are different was to do that. The libertarian solution is to defend property rights. Had this been a debate about pollution i suspect he would have made this case, but in a debate about immigration he just was just suggesting that citing pollution is not a legitimate excuse to restrict immigration.
@hOtneO 11 лет назад
College is like a multi-story parking lot and you pay when you leave regardless if your degree nets you a job or if you actually got a parking space. It's a permit that is overvalued to secure a job. The data does show that a degree keeps people employed longer and the problem is access for the many when we can't take care of our own before catering exclusively to foreigners who are not looking at their own country's problems and doing something about it. The pull factor is stronger than push.
@MarcPage 11 лет назад
Anti-immigration case sounds a lot like tariff arguments
@Hellsconsort 11 лет назад
I was pleased to hear the Asian gent mention how coorporations may make more money but the reality is that the average workers wealth goes down. That has been the case in the UK. I thought they would have talked about the harm emmigration does for countries also though, from brain and skill drain. There is a good documentary on YT somewhere on how Poland has been effected by so many leaving to work in the UK with lack of services.
@MarcPage 11 лет назад
If there really are so many people wanting to come in, we can offset the federal budget problems with an entrance fee (Coyotes charge as much as $10,000 to bring people to United States) and then an extra tax on income. This would have the natural effect of limiting people (by varying the entrance fees), we would know who is coming into the country (homeland security)
@boddy1948 11 лет назад
Also, there are a large number of highly educated immigrants who the math and science industries desperately need
@Trepur349 11 лет назад
While I do support open border immigration, I think Caplhan here is greatly overstating the benefits. Language is almost as big of a barrier as politics in terms of properly moving to a new country, and unless everyone starts speaking the same language, the full benefits of immigration cannot be realized.
@matbroomfield 11 лет назад
Immigrants taking local jobs is not crap. Thanks to open borders in Europe, my town was flooded with Polish migrants, and for a while, all the non-skilled jobs that didn't require language skills were taken by them. The problem is, immigrants living 20 to a house, in shitty conditions can afford to work for minimum wage or less, but local who have to pay tax, rent and all the other bills that go with full time residency.
@kendoWTL 11 лет назад
I challenge that price rise for colleges would be a good thing. College is by no means a necessity for success and furthermore there is no evidence that having a college degree will make you a more successful entrepreneur or more successful worker than a man who went to a trade school. (trade schools have a higher employment rate than college grads). Not to mention that as tuition continues to rise the student loan bubble will simply pop faster leading to an end to the absorbent costs of edu.
@mikecala7 11 лет назад
I can't put a weblink but the Syrian Civil War has 60,000-100,000 deaths estimated. U.N suggest that the number is on the higher end. The pentagon realeased in 09' a report suggesting we increase military aid in Mexico as they were "at risk" of a implosion. Violence has settled down now that the cartels have gained much MORE control. Only 2 murders a day instead of 5+
@MrFreeLibertarian 11 лет назад
At $9 an hour, you make $14,500 per year and maybe pay about $1,500 in taxes. It currently costs taxpayers about $10,500 per year to educate a child in a public school and the average cost of an emergency room visit is $2,000. Don't tell me that illegal agriculture workers are not a net drain on society. Yes, their willingness to work at low pay reduces some food costs, but even factoring in this point, there's no way the average illegal worker is not a net fiscal drain on society.
@fraxus 11 лет назад
Everyone loves free stuff, but without the pricing mechanism you can't make good decisions about resource allocation. In the US these subsidies are used to turn out thousands with useless degrees who leave school with massive debt. If subsidies evaporated and the Univ had some liability, the costs & access would be much more rational.
@Udayan8Dutta 11 лет назад
Economist vs Lawyer
@steveboo6311 11 лет назад
same as the citizenship test here.
@fraxus 11 лет назад
Good point ! This cultural homogeneity of Swedes, Koreans or Japanese allows for more altruism that is unavailable in a more diverse USA. This is why solutions that work well in a family unit or a homogeneous culture may not work in a more diverse setting. Would anyone suggest open immigration into family units is valid and not disruptive - utter nonsense!
@takaditakadang 11 лет назад
Is this an argument against welfare or immigration? Because the two aren't exactly a package deal
@stevemcgee99 11 лет назад
I can't at all see how Jing won. His arguments were based on unrealistic scenarios!
@fraxus 11 лет назад
No. Investors seek out the best risk-adjusted returns already and compete for these The alternatives are either hidden or lower return or higher risk for a given return. By analogy the first settlers seek out the best farmland. A huge number of new arrivals will have to settle for lesser land (poorer investment returns) or else bid up the good land price (making it less profitable). Either way their is a lower avg return rate.
@SkankinRep 11 лет назад
I think this is the most compelling limitation argument to immigration. If people are coming and working to earn a wage, it's not hurting other people except for the fact that we've set up our government to systemically cost everyone else. Everyone is running up debt directly or indirectly. There's a difference between allowing immigrants and making them citizens. This debate should be centered around citizenship, not immigration. Who has the vote? How can we forward limited govt principles?
@fraxus 11 лет назад
Yes, Gov has a role in ensuring F-M works, but this is almost entirely in civil tort law, and mostly 3-4 centuries old. It is not an activist role. We need an SEC to verify/ensure reporting accuracy, and we need an IP/patent registration system and we need civil court and general rules on required market exchange & contract disclosures are fine. We don't need Gov interfering w/ markets nor becoming a market participant.
@govtmustleavemealone 11 лет назад
Clear path of citizenship? I assume that Jan Ting never had the experience of applying for green card and/or citizenship.
@Antitheist98 11 лет назад
Except in substance. Not on immigration, not on war
@HermannTheGreat 11 лет назад
So many logical fallacies in this debate it makes my head spin.
@MildNarcissist 11 лет назад
This is not a wholly economic problem that can be addressed by a wholly economic solution.
@TheScourge007 11 лет назад
He wasn't particularly clear on that, and that problem is trivially easy to deal with without significantly touching the welfare state. Simply don't allow non-citizens access to it. The rest of government spending is either non-rival or close to it, or should be easy to cover with regular taxation from immigrants. Restricting immigration is perhaps one of the most irrational and most inhumane ways to deal with that complaint.
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
That means, that the wealthiest 25 people, are the ones that will be buying your PCs. That's good for you, but its not good for the consumers, as they are buying your PCs at a price higher than they normally would be worth. Look at any video game console that ever released. The first year, they are about twice as expensive as they are sold later. The fact is, they are actually a better product a year or two later, as they have more games and more bugs are fixed, but the supply has increased.
@TheScourge007 11 лет назад
One point I wish Caplan had addressed more thoroughly is Ting's completely wrong claim that the US has the "most inclusive" immigration policies in the world. Yes we let in the most immigrants in absolute terms, but we're a huge country! Even with draconian policies we'd get more immigrants than almost anyone. Countries like Italy, Australia, Singapore, and Qatar all let in more immigrants per capita (for a full list see the CIA world fact book's migration rate list).
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
Maximizing demand maximizes price, which hurts poor people. You have your supply and demand mixed up. Increasing the supply of goods, makes goods cheaper. When goods are cheaper, more people can afford to buy, which means more goods are sold. That's how "effective demand works." You can't buy something you cannot afford. The secret to helping the poor, is to lower unemployment, getting more people in the work force, which increases production.
@loszhor 11 лет назад
The echo chamber example may apply to opinions but I'm talking about studying and understanding economics. This immigration issue alone can be viewed from many angles from many varied people and experts online. Don't consider Mr. Caplan untouchable just because he has a title and his opponent has a different one. Just because Mr. Ting specializes in law doesn't mean he's not as knowledgeable as Mr. Caplan on the subject. If anything, I think Mr. Caplan made a poor showing this debate.
@loszhor 11 лет назад
No, the comment was just fine. If you watched the debate the context is loud and clear and I'm not going to spoon feed it to you. You just don't like the message and so far you've just been speaking down to me. You whole demeanor thus far is you want to pick a fight than debate. So if you want a debate start over at the first comment and I'll let this start with a clean slate.
@humanhiveanomaly 11 лет назад
To the extent there is an "immigration problem" is caused only by the socialized service forced on the tax farm.
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
The issue in the US, is that we compete around the world for jobs. If we have high job requirements, or high wage requirements, it makes it harder to compete. If we have entitlements that encourage people to not work, people won't work unless they can get a really good job. What we need however, is more people in unskilled jobs.
@acvarthered 11 лет назад
Don't put your cart in front of your horse! We did not become rich because of those purchases. We were able to make those purchases because we were rich.
@james64468 10 лет назад
Very true. We have more problems than that. This is top of iceberg. If we can't take care of our own first. Who are we to try to take care of other nations?
@ChrisPacia 11 лет назад
They have a right to access private property if the property owner invites them. For example, if I invite someone to my house for dinner or if I rent an apartment to them or I hire them to work in my factory etc. You claiming the government has a right to intervene in those consensual relationships.
@rasay9 10 лет назад
Dr. Caplan paints a bleak picture in my opinion. When does rising costs and lower wages a good thing for the American people? Personally, I would like to see a redistribution of wealth. Seems like it benefits the few for a short time but I don't like how there would be classes of people. How is that any different from how India is run?
@brianclark4796 9 лет назад
get a job!
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
The global stock market isn't $19 trillion, its $54 trillion. You are looking at US investments only, but US citizens can buy stocks globally. Further, if we had to we could rely on bonds as well. Total world bonds is $157 trillion. Now does the plan still sound completely unfeasible?
@fraxus 11 лет назад
Stop the distortions. The issue was NEVER just retirement, but all HC + retirement. You can't increase market investment w/o diluting profits from the est 10% return level and diverting this money from other consumption&investment; so your plan costs a lot more than you estimate. I've said it 10 times - so no hope you understand. For the foreseeable future we will need to fund these primarily from principle savings & income (taxed/redistributed) only marginally from growth.
@toughcookie48 11 лет назад
Also Finland and some other European countries.
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
Debt allows for short term spending, but in the long run you cannot spend more than you earn in income. So no, the national debt is not increasing the GDP. It might, however, be creating a bubble. Once we can no longer spend more than our means, that bubble gets popped.
@fraxus 11 лет назад
Let me try an analogy. Say on average if a farmer adds $10 worth of nitrogen fertilizer, that ON AVG gets an added $11 of corn (10%). That does NOT mean you can add $50 of fertilizer and get $55 of extra corn. Then try hard to understand what all the extra fertilizer demand does to the price of fertilizer and the extra corn does to the price of corn. Can't work. Your econ investment scheme simply won't work in that scale.
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
So you are saying, that if I bought a company that was previously foreign owned and a bring the profits back into the US, there is not more wealth in America than if I had not bought the company? This wasn't covered in my macro-econ course in college. Where did I say our trade deficit didn't lower our GDP? Maybe you need the English version of Rosetta Stone? I was implying, that profits from overseas investments is one way we overcome our trade deficit.
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
Taxes are taking money from people by force. Your argument that reducing taxes is wealth distribution is like saying preventing theft in wealth distribution. Wealth distribution is when you take money from someone (taxes) and you give it to someone else (welfare). Reducing taxes, by definition, is decreasing wealth distribution.
@fraxus 11 лет назад
You are ignoring the elephant in the room. US Med expenses per year represents 18% of the stock market. Maybe double that to 36% with retirement. You can't sell off 36% of all stocks per year without a vast price decline. Doesn't work for a lot of reasons.
@MrJarth 11 лет назад
It isn't so much economic as it is cultural. Why open your boarders to a culture that may be worse then your own?
@lordnate2000 11 лет назад
The problem with the expense of Medicare and Social Security is not just that we don't gain interest on our money. Our government is in debt, so everything it spends, it has to pay with interest. I don't know how you can't figure out that investing gets you more money and debt costs you money. Its a real simple concept. $150,000 I'll admit, is too high of a number to go with and it isn't needed to be that high.
@dumky 11 лет назад
Could you list some examples of values or cultural memes that you are concerned about? -freedom to move and contract/exchange with willing individuals (employers, landlords, ...), caring for people who are worse off? (quota demonstrates the opposite of these important american values) -the understanding of language or law? (Caplan addresses that with a test on entry as a cheaper and more humane alternative than quota) -the appreciation of american pop culture, food or sports? (not a problem)
@drinimene9126 6 лет назад
Talking about Germany and the German blood that was mentioned, it is something that it could never be more wrong.
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