
Borrowers brace for tough budget choices after student loan payments resume | Nightline 

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Sarah Wood, a mother two 8-year-old twins, is one of 28 million borrowers who are once again on the hook for paying off their loans.
#nightline #studentloans #repayment #budget



10 сен 2024




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@JD-lt7uv 11 месяцев назад
Pay attention kids! This is a great lesson about cost-benefit analysis. It's not worth getting into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt for majors that don't pay a livable wage.
@tbone8636 8 месяцев назад
Seems like the real problem is a nation that doesn't value important jobs. Teachers and many other public servants don't get paid well and yet they are all important to the functions of society. Maybe the cost-benefit analysis you all are doing is focused on greed instead of the benefit to society. But then again you are some bozo chastising people in the YT comment section so you must be a pretty miserable person to begin with.
@UnlimitedEmeralds 7 месяцев назад
Only 3 or so majors pay good wages out the door. And we all know what happens if everyone goes for high paying majors…just look at computer science grads who can’t even get hired at a coffee shop. Lifetime wages are generally stagnant for upper education and the scam that is college is finally showing.
@yfdfireman2 11 месяцев назад
So they put away money for their daughter while leaving their loan “pause”? Maybe she should have taken a course on compounding interest?
@Lucylou7070 11 месяцев назад
Pay off your own loan.
@yfdfireman2 11 месяцев назад
@@Lucylou7070 I couldn’t agree more… I don’t understand how they rationalize people working blue collar jobs paying for their loans…. It is absurd.
@catherinewetzel417 11 месяцев назад
@denverlilly3669 8 месяцев назад
​@@Lucylou7070What does this have to do with this comment?
@Lucylou7070 8 месяцев назад
@@denverlilly3669 Really? II was agreeing with the comment, and we were both referring to the mother not paying on her own loan.
@antdog8888 11 месяцев назад
I only came here because I also have loans. Not nearly as debt as most people, but I do look forward to paying it off and feeling accomplished.
@juanleonardo3359 11 месяцев назад
They bought a home?!!! while being on a 240k student loan. Dave Ramsey retired
@jragon9215 9 месяцев назад
Don’t forget about their incoming kid too
@kevinb8881 11 месяцев назад
$118K to $180K, a 52.5% balance increase, DAMN!!!
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
Simple math that was ignored.
@drn13355 8 месяцев назад
Now they want the taxpayers to pay their bills. If they do this "cancel loan" I expect the money I paid back in student loans to be reimbursed. @@tmusa2002
@ralpho1984 9 месяцев назад
The 3 year student loan pause was an opportunity to pay off her loan while the interest was zero. You don't put money in 529 while u have high interest debt. Unfortunately, she chose otherwise. She was a teacher, she could have went for PSLF or Teacher Loan Forgiveness and stay as a teacher. A $400 payment would not help her pay off her loan. The balance would keep on growing at 7.5% interest. The big mistake is that most people think only about the degree not the return on investment of that degree or how much they will make once they graduate and even less how their new career will help them pay off their student loan. These are not bad human being; the lack of financial education is just a real detriment to the future and wellbeing of many Americans.
@JudeDude409 8 месяцев назад
Well said. It was idiotic on her part.
@luissalmeron5772 9 месяцев назад
Hard to empathize when they are irresponsible with debt. Tacking on more debt when they are already indebted by that much. The pause was meant for people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic and some of these people took it as forgiveness.
@marswillrule2431 11 месяцев назад
Pay your debts The people who went to school to help others can't even help themselves. I'm sure they'll all be successful.
@mizzsanchez4994 11 месяцев назад
118K loan? What a stupid idea that was!
@buddygrimfield7954 11 месяцев назад
Yet you have no qualm with Musk and Bezoz getting government subsidies on top of their tax breaks. Hypocrite much?
@JD-lt7uv 11 месяцев назад
It's criminal that universities are allowed to charge so much for majors that don't pay crap.
@SannarClaus 11 месяцев назад
@@JD-lt7uvI agree with you 100% but at the end of the day the student signed the loan documents and made that choice and now they have to pay up…
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
@@JD-lt7uv How is that criminal? A student that was smart enough to get into a Columbia masters program signed for the loan. Think about that for a minute.
@travelingRonman 9 месяцев назад
Wow! So many bad financial decisions in this report. From taking out $118,000 in student loans for a teaching degree (at an IVY League school), and building your kids college while in debt to the other guy buying a house when he's knee deep in debt, this should be a study on what NOT to do.
@juanleonardo3359 11 месяцев назад
your daughter could pay for their loans. You need to live in an apartment not a house
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
He owes $240K. The only time he saw a bigger number is WHEN HE BOUGHT A HOUSE??? He couldn’t afford a house of any price! No Wonder his loans are not paid off, DUH.
@dantesinfernopurgatory7826 11 месяцев назад
Majoring in Liberal Arts degrees with a low ROI is a choice. No one forced these borrowers to incur tens (or hundreds) of thousands of debt for these worthless degrees. STEM, finance (and in some cases, Law) are the only majors worth going to college for. Idealistic "saving the world/making a difference" degrees with a low ROI is a path to financial dire straits.
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
Education does have a ROI though. I'm an educator, and although it was a difficult process to pay off the loans, I did and still came out on top.
@dantesinfernopurgatory7826 11 месяцев назад
@@happycamper6352 I'm glad it worked out well for you. But you and I represent a small percentage of those who did things the right way and paid off their loans. Those who currently have the lion's share of the student loan debt were banking on the govt. to provide either debt relief or loan forgiveness and are paying a severe price for that decision. Bottom line - the Feds want their money. It goes back to the old adage "nothing in life is free". (Disclaimer - I have two STEM degrees which I paid off long ago).
@happycamper6352 10 месяцев назад
@@dantesinfernopurgatory7826 There were many times where it was quite difficult, but never to a truly unhealthy level, physically, emotionally, or financially. You learn to find things that can be fun without needing much money. With loans paid off and with making pretty decent income (especially being married to someone in the same profession), I find that I don't even need as much as I make, so instead I'm working on a retirement and safety net.
@1lorijb 11 месяцев назад
Get a job and pay your loans!!!!!!!!!
@buddygrimfield7954 11 месяцев назад
Tell it to your orange idol. He is the biggest bum out of anyone in this country. Glad that he is going to jail.
@shadowsrwolf 11 месяцев назад
Whattt but she needed to pop out some kids and become a proper dependent
@buddygrimfield7954 11 месяцев назад
@@shadowsrwolf At least her offspring will not be mass shooter supporting groomers like you smelly right wingers like to inbreed at a streamlined pace into the world.
@buddygrimfield7954 11 месяцев назад
@Supremecamper I bet that you were simple enough to actually believe that money you were sending Trump was going to a wall in New Mexico. Well, don't forget to go and buy some more erectile dysfunction pills from Jones. He needs your help too, you know.
@princesskaitlinhazelwood4703 11 месяцев назад
These people would fail a basic finance course and clearly do not understand return on investment. Borrowing six figures to be a teacher or a social worker is financial suicide. For god sakes it is a negative return on investment. And we should stop lending money for all these stupid masters degree. Go back to taking one course at a time, getting an e,player to pay for it or getting a university to pay for it. Wise up people. These institutions took you for a big fat ride. And yes, you can go out and get an education. Just not always easily or in the timeline you wanted.
@Lucylou7070 11 месяцев назад
So true! I wonder when the university educational system will be investigated for fleecing people who now require degrees for jobs that really are meant to keep the industry growing.
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
I am an educator with a masters degree in one of the lowest paying states in the nation (WV). I still had return on investment. I didn't have to borrow six figures though. I had a job and I went to school. It was difficult. But it paid off and the loan is paid off without needing to have a poor quality of life. I didn't drive fancy cars or own a big house when in repayment, but I was healthy and had my basic needs met. Now I live comfortably with a family.
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
@@happycamper6352Same. It’s hard to believe they put this common sense and embarrassing topic into a video. I’d never admit to this.
@hartindc 11 месяцев назад
Master''s from Columbia University. One of the most expensive schools in the world. What was wrong with her state university? I'm sure she received a great education. She should of minored in Financed as an Undergrad.
@trueconservatie33 11 месяцев назад
she could gotten a computer science degree in a community college, I did that, now I work from home.
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
Dumb to save for kids’ college when you have your own huge debt. They may not even want to go to college.
@managingmonasmoula9811 11 месяцев назад
If a person signs on the dotted line for a college loan, then they can pay it back. It’s not up to the American taxpayers to pay them. These people with such huge student loan debt bit off more then they can chew and now it’s “cry me a river” time. Hustle and pay it people. You signed for it, you got it, now you can pay it back. I have no sympathy for these people. I took out student loans and I eventually worked my tail off to pay them off. These new borrowers can now do the same!!
@denverlilly3669 8 месяцев назад
It's not that black and white.
@JWHIP-1 8 месяцев назад
@@denverlilly3669but it is that black and white…. Just like a car, house, credit card. The money you borrow is what you pay back.
@denverlilly3669 8 месяцев назад
@@JWHIP-1 Then why aren't their predatory lenders for those? Why is it only student loans that are a problem?
@drn13355 8 месяцев назад
Yes it is. You borrow you pay it back. People try to complicate it are trying to distract. "Oh it is so complicated". No. Like the dude taking a cheap job when he owes 240K. Sorry I am not paying my taxes to pay off his loan so that dude can have his "dream job". @@denverlilly3669
@JudeDude409 8 месяцев назад
Your first mess up was thinking getting a 118k loan for a masters degree was financially responsible.
@Elizabeth-rh1hl 11 месяцев назад
Yes. It was very challenging for me too. But, I paid my student loans off. Took me a long time and had to negotiate my payments. I didn’t expect other taxpayers to pay my loans off because I was the one who took out the loans.
@flexibledreamer7846 11 месяцев назад
I mean, considering the money giving Ukraine and the tax payer funds we’re using to feed, clothe, and shelter GROWN men who identify as “asylum seeker” we could definitely cancel Student loan debt.
@coffeecup3177 11 месяцев назад
@@flexibledreamer7846 How about not giving money to Ukraine, not spending money on asylum seekers and lowering the income taxes Americans pay. Her family could use this new found wealth from the tax savings and put it towards her student debt payments every month vs cancelling loans people took and agreed to pay back.
@armandogonzalez0814 11 месяцев назад
​@@flexibledreamer7846The solution is not more debt. The borrowers had an option, and they made the wrong decision, the incorrect purchase. I paid for my loans by joining the military. We all have options, and we all have decisions to make.
@phils.3178 10 месяцев назад
Burying yourself in $240k in debt to be a social worker? Big brain move right there
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
Take your masters in special education and work in a Title I school. You'll get minimum payments free until the loan has disappeared with the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program. Alternatively, make ten years of payments while working any public sector job such as mailman or police officer (or of course, public school teacher) and the remaining payments will be paid by the public service employee loan forgiveness program. There are many other options too.
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
Yes! But that wouldn’t allow them to buy a nice house or car NOW. So aggravating that the media eats these sob stories up and doesn’t ask the tough and common sense questions about how they are not managing their money.
@happycamper6352 10 месяцев назад
@@tmusa2002 Something I discovered and have trouble believing is that I had the best times of my life when I had the least amount of money. I had a very beat up pickup truck that was always "injured" but somehow never dead. It just worked to do anything you could imagine, and everyone around me loved that thing because it never stopped; just needed gasoline, and we all seemed to find a way to get enough to keep the tank full. We all took turns making food for each other, which was fun. We had one television between 8 people so we really got into what we watched the few times we could find time to turn it on. We focused so much more on activities and each other rather than possessions. There were lots of good experiences and memories. Now we all own stuff, and that stuff tends to own us.
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
Education isn't expensive. College landscaping is expensive. Lavish architecture of university buildings is expensive. Athletic and recreation complexes are expensive. All these "adjunct professors" that are really just doing a supplemental side hustle to a separate career are quite inexpensive. Colleges and universities could have modest buildings without all the extra BS and still be able to hire well paid full time professors and it would still cost a lot less.
@drn13355 8 месяцев назад
And many people only owe 30K on actual tuition, but their loan is 90K because they borrowed "living expenses". Then they say these insane amounts and play victim. I am sick of this whining. I borrowed. I worked my entire time in college. And paid back what I borrowed.
@nabewatanabe2685 8 месяцев назад
She said she went to the best education? She owed $180K but did not pay her loan but save for her daughters’ college education during interest accrued… Obviously she did not get the best education. The guy spent $240K student loans debts for social work? He could get his job a lot cheaper but he bought house to add more debt while pausing? He thinks he would accumulate more assets on his house? He obviously does not understand how the interest quickly accumulates over years from both huge student loans and big mortgage much more faster than house appreciation… And top of that, Houses are overpriced… Housing appreciation are generally not greater than investment on stocks, it depends on market but probably just 2-3 % after inflation is considered. That is not good enough to cover his huge interest + loans he needs to pay back 😮
@watzittooya8914 11 месяцев назад
They really think we are as financially illiterate as the people that were interviewed. 😂 turns out if you don't make the payment it keep compounding the interest, but the news would never report the facts. Just blame the other side.
@denverlilly3669 8 месяцев назад
The interest is the problem. That is a fact.
@Brownlady78 8 месяцев назад
My husband still has loans 😢. Mine were forgiven.
@garnetrose6162 11 месяцев назад
The Government needs to find a way for Bachelor’s prepared Nurses, Teachers and Social Workers to have loans forgiven or college PAID because these jobs are a labor of love and no one will go into these professions! Who’s going to pay off $200,000 when salaries are $50,000/yr?
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
People should go to schools they can afford. Nurses can go to community college, become an RN, and their employer (hospitals, etc.) will happily pay for a BSN and Masters. Such a cheap profession to enter and good pay but of course we can’t talk about that.
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
I also need to add that many states offer free, discounted, and/or very reasonable Community College rates. You can cash flow your way through. Check for your state. My kid is going for free by picking an “in demand” major. Pays books and fees only and lives cheap with three roommates. Easy cash flow with a part-time job during the year and closer to full-time during the summer.
@jessecollingwood1002 9 месяцев назад
Petition the government to be put on a voluntary tax increase list so you and people who agree with you can have the government increase your tax’s to create that fund while leaving the rest of us alone. I like it!
@garnetrose6162 9 месяцев назад
@@jessecollingwood1002 Not me buddy, the billionaires and multimillionaire class 🤑 and YOU, if you fall into that category, should be at the 50% tax rate of the 1960’s and 70’s .
@briant1319 8 месяцев назад
There are multiple such programs now. I had much of my undergraduate degree and all of my medical degree paid for through military service. The military isn't for everyone, but there are are other state and federal programs that pay for degrees in return for service in undeserved areas. Corporations also offer scholarships.
@oxwellstoer5318 11 месяцев назад
Boo-hoo. Cry me a river. If you get your student loan forgiven, I demand to have my home mortgage forgiven as well, courtesy of taxpayers. And I plan to buy a very expensive car in a few years. I expect the government to pick up the tab for that too. Unbelievable. Smh.
@jeffreyjackson5229 11 месяцев назад
118k student loan? The only way to get out from under that is the PSLF Program on a teacher's salary. Otherwise, she just buried herself.
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
That's not at all true. I work in one of the lowest paying states as an educator and I paid my rather huge loans off quite early, long before I became eligible for the public service loan forgiveness program. It all has to do with accepting a lifestyle that is healthy yet frugal and I found it to be quite enjoyable because most of what makes me happy has little connection to money.
@nacarreira777 11 месяцев назад
If education is so important (and it is) then why is it so flippin' expensive?
@hartindc 11 месяцев назад
Columbia University Master's degree to to teach K-12.
@Lucylou7070 11 месяцев назад
@@hartindc Don't feel sorry for Lopez. If it's meaningful then you will find a way to pay for it, which might include grants and scholarships in addition to loans. There is no reason for university education to be so expensive - especially now that it is watered down or indoctrination versus classical education and critical thinking.
@silo18 11 месяцев назад
Yours is the only empathetic comment on here. Thank you for caring.
@Mavryck_Tha_Myghty 11 месяцев назад
Because the government (and in turn, the taxpayers) backs the loans. So colleges can charge whatever they want. Generationally, we have been taught that college is so vitally important for our futures, so naive children go into student loan debt to obtain it. Not to mention the lack of financial education in this country - so even the parents often do not understand the danger. It’s a messed up system, but we have done this to ourselves.
@sagitarriulus9773 11 месяцев назад
Pay me and I’ll tell you
@denniedollreborn8711 11 месяцев назад
I paid my students loan because it was MY responsibility, not someone else's. These people made their bed now they lay in it
@rsimmons1980 11 месяцев назад
I have $140,000 in student loans at 7 percent interest. I feel for these people! I make six figures and am doing public loan forgiveness.
@marswillrule2431 11 месяцев назад
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
Why can’t you/others get 2-3 roommates, drive a cheap car or use public transportation with no car, live on half your salary and the other half goes to the loan? Be done in 2-3 years.
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
@@tmusa2002 It would be more than 2-3 years, but your point is still well taken about learning how to reduce expenses while still living a healthy life.
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
@@happycamper6352 I did something similar to this-just one roommate and bought an old house trailer in the middle of nowhere. Lived like a hillbilly for a few years but the debt is gone and we have a lot of funny stories from those days!
@happycamper6352 10 месяцев назад
@@tmusa2002 Make fun all you want, but the fact will remain, hillbillys have fun. I live in WV, and some of the most fun people I know are those that have or spend the least money.
@HiThere-du4up 11 месяцев назад
180,Gs for that, with interest! So where is that Biden / Obama student loan forgiveness? Not to knock down this good woman's accomplishments but most college degrees are not worth the weight in paper. This is a lesson to everybody.
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
Thing is, she CAN afford it but is unwilling to live within her means.
@PhilipMarcYT 11 месяцев назад
AKA: People who can't manage their finances responsibly
@marybowers6090 11 месяцев назад
I don’t feel bad for these people, they bought something they couldn’t afford. I was accepted to a private out of state college that I knew I couldn’t afford so I went to an in state public college, worked 3 jobs and studied till the wee hours, paid my tuition bill every semester in cash along with half my rent . Why should responsible people have to pay for another’s irresponsibility. Hopefully these folks learn from their choose to live above their means. It’s a valuable money. The first woman is still making bad choices. You don’t owe ur children an education, they are perfectly capable of putting themselves through a state college or university. These people wanted a college experience they couldn’t afford. I’d like to drive a Maserati but I can’t afford it so I drive a Toyota. A state college or university is very affordable 5000-12000 a year in state
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
$5K? I graduated in 2001 from the lowest priced university in Ohio at the time (YSU) and it was much more expensive than that even back then. But, I still agree with your point. Live within your means, and that means putting off luxuries until your debts are paid off. Besides, that Toyota won't die whereas the Maserati will.
@ofthedifference 11 месяцев назад
The title of this video says it all: "brace for tough budget choices after student loan payments resume." Gosh, I was taught that when you borrow money, you pay it back. When you sign your name on a contract for a loan, your signature conveys your promise to pay the money back that someone or some entity literally gave you up front to pay for something you did not have the money to buy. This woman's "tough budget choices" should have been considered before she borrowed money she didn't have - all this story tells me is that it's been eight years or more that she has owed the money that she still hasn't paid back, and she's complaining about the interest going higher?? What did she expect would happen when she didn't keep her promise to pay it back? No consideration at all for the entity who gave her the money a decade ago that trusted her to pay it back but still hasn't been compensated. I'd say her integrity is questionable at this point - I wouldn't load her ten bucks if she asked me for it, cause she sure has proven I'd never get it back.
@rsimmons1980 11 месяцев назад
Generally, the issue isn't paying it back. The problem is the interest rate. I have 7 percent interest rate like this lady. My loan has increased from 100 to 140k. I make six figures and can pay this, but I plan on doing public loan forgiveness as of now so I'll only pay about $55,000 and the rest will be forgiven in 7 years.
@lorettacarroll6015 11 месяцев назад
I refinanced mine 2.5 years ago with a fixed interest rate while the rates were lower. That really helped me, and I am paying it off much quicker now.
@sandorclegane8164 11 месяцев назад
Yeah nobody is impressed that you understand that borrowed money is money you pay back. The issue here is that inflation is going up, wages aren't, the middle class is shrinking and the only ones that are benefitting from all of this are the bloated pig executives who are cutting their employees down to skeleton crews and working them to the bone so they can save money for their own bonuses. "No consideration at all for the entity who gave her the money a decade ago that trusted her to pay it back but still hasn't been compensated" - what a load of rubbish, these entities are the ones who prey on and profit off of young adults who have less life experience. They're compensated very well with that extra juicy interest they gather.
@gregv2821 11 месяцев назад
@@sandorclegane8164 Great mini rant in favor of socialism. It works though, right? It's just never been implemented correctly, right?
@sandorclegane8164 11 месяцев назад
@@gregv2821 I'm not talking about socialism, you nit. There are criticisms to be had
@marcielynn4886 11 месяцев назад
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
FIX the problem! Do not just pick the group who happen to have loans now and pay their debt. That’s vote-buying. Fix the problem now and for future generations. I am not an expert but I believe a reasonably low and fixed interest rate is a good start.
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
Another quick and effective fix would be to get schools under control with their non-instruction spending. They are so busy paying for extremely expensive architecture, landscaping, student recreation, athletics, and other non-instruction expenses that they put students into debt for stuff that doesn't educate them. Then they hire instructors that are only there as a side hustle... I could go on and on and on.
@christian7561 10 месяцев назад
The interest rate is the problem!!! They need to help people not reward those who made bad choices
@joelink3483 7 месяцев назад
I’m sorry but you made 2 horrible choices. The student loan in the first place and then not using 3 years of no interest to pay back the loan. I really Dom t understand how you think a 529 is the solution for 3 years
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
Who are the dumb ones? Those who sacrificed to pay our loans or those who didn’t and whine until it’s forgiven?
@Sandlewood-ti3sv 8 месяцев назад
Save would literally save them. 5% of discretionary rest insurance forgiven. Total loan forgiven in 20 years.
@kensmith2796 8 месяцев назад
I took jobs that most people don't want to do because they are stressful, but they pay better than average. I was a 911 dispatcher in my 20s, an air traffic controller in my 30s and now I'm a tax accountant. I worked my way through college and obtained 4 degrees, up to a masters degree. I spent less than 40k for ALL of my degrees. I attended colleges that were the most affordable and not the most prestigious I could get into. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do to support ourselves and not necessarily what is the easiest or most fun.
@operator9858 11 месяцев назад
blackrock is laughing all the way to their bank...
@om-lit3643 7 месяцев назад
Good. Maybe they will understand that all the time they spent not paying back the money the students signed for, must be paid back and there is absolutely no way out. You cannot sign papers and go about life not doing anything to pay that money back. You all have "families" and "budgets" now. Why invest in things you did not need to later complain and expect things to be handed to you. You did not need the families, the homes, or anything you claim in your budgets. You did that to yourself and carried your debt onto your families. Live with the consequences or go to prison for stealing. Bottom......line.
@ewanfraser 8 месяцев назад
$118k loan to teach autistic children. Cause you know who has big bucks…autistic children? What was the thought process here?
@MiguelNoyola1 8 месяцев назад
Don’t feel bad for these stories. The pause they didn’t pay towards the loan.
@sadfasde3108 9 месяцев назад
So she didn’t make payments on her loan and the balance went up, then instead of paying off her loan during the pause, she “saved” for her kids college (who knows how much) and now has to pay interest again. What in the world? And this is the person people want to force me to pay for?
@macgamer1973 11 месяцев назад
200? My payment is 690 a month
@saritamoorebansa4485 8 месяцев назад
Why didn’t she payments toward to student loans during the interest pause? I paid off my son’s student loans and 90% parent loans. The daughters may have to work and go to college. The goal is to not have your students loans and kid’s college tuitions and retirement funding intersect….
@psylintzu6036 11 месяцев назад
Each one of these ppl could have had no debt, the deception here to try and make this seem like sob stories is ridiculous!
@hiyo2567 8 месяцев назад
Dumdass parents
@drn13355 8 месяцев назад
Yes. People have to "skimp and save" when paying back the money they borrowed. That is life. I paid off my student loans back in 2012. I worked my rear off and lived on nothing and paid back what I owed.
@TanNguyen-nq9nj 8 месяцев назад
I agreed wth Dave Ramsey that student loan forgiveness is a joke. I have been trying to avoid debt for my whole life. I worked by ass off to get my education with no-debt. Best wishes to the interviewed borrowers.
@marybowers6090 11 месяцев назад
These people don’t regret their decision, they wanted a high end education and that’s what it costs. Pride got the best of them them and the devil . Hope u learned ur lesson
@SaSpursFan 8 месяцев назад
This is what happens when you devalue degrees and everybody gets one. Also it was dumb they didn’t pay down when interest was paused.
@coffeecup3177 11 месяцев назад
Sarah hang in there and keep up with the payments. Speaking from experience you will feel so good about yourself once you pay off the loans. You will also set an Excellent Example for the Twins by meeting your commitment.
@happycamper6352 11 месяцев назад
@@psylintzu6036 While agree, I also must say that if you're a teacher, you CAN afford the payments as long as you don't expect to live all fancy like those that have been in the workforce for decades already. I put off buying anything other than necessities until my loans were paid off, I put off having kids until then too, and I made enough to pay them off early because of it. Now I live comfortably with a family that has all its needs met and I don't have to worry about financial troubles because we still live within our means.
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
There are very few times you need a masters. Get a job and your employer will pay for it.
@kensmith2796 8 месяцев назад
Exactly. I call masters degrees vanity degrees because most of the time they are not necessary and the people just get them to say they have a masters degree.
@MiguelNoyola1 8 месяцев назад
Do the Math it’s not worth the end result.
@thomaschew2191 11 месяцев назад
I want free annual all-inclusive 2 week vacations in Miami for life!
@trueconservatie33 11 месяцев назад
I mean why did she get a degree in computer science from a local school? I know several folks work in IT now, cost them less than 10 G and quite a few of them work remotely from home, making at least 60,000 a year.
@michaelstiller8498 11 месяцев назад
Cry me a river…Cry me a river…Cry me a river….this is pathetic 😂😢😂…….
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
HOW, how could you think $118K and a $440 payment (@7.65%) was going to do anything but bury you in more debt? One or two months should have gone by and you’d realize that your balance wasn’t going down! Hit it at 2K+/month before you buy a house and have kids. This is no surprise and she should be ashamed to admit it on camera.
@davidmiller11723 11 месяцев назад
brave of her to share her story
@danielread1942 11 месяцев назад
It's called living in the real world. All Americans pay their own loans and debt obligations. We don't ask taxpayers to do it for us. That's called reality. What makes you so special that someone else should pay your debt. I don't think so.
@itsKuma 10 месяцев назад
I cannot afford a lambo, but im sure someone would give money to buy one with a loan. Doesn't mean my irresponsibly should be used as an excuse to stop paying and keep the lambo.
@vajona2495 11 месяцев назад
Bankruptcy law prevents economic enslavement and protects those rights which we, the people, hold as self-evident, inalienable, God-Given rights: The right to be left alone, to pursue happiness, and to enjoy the fruits of one's own labor. Bankruptcy law is Federal Law and cases are administered in Federal Courts. Guess which debt cannot be cured with bankruptcy? Are students slaves? Imagine students not using the 2nd amendment to free themselves.
@tmusa2002 11 месяцев назад
It’s been the law since 1976 and many millions of poor students are happy to have had the opportunity to get a loan to pay for their education. Most get paid back. It’s so bad now with people overspending and refusing or unable to pay that I think college should be cash-only. No cash? Go make some and come back. That will fix this problem quick.
@vajona2495 10 месяцев назад
@@tmusa2002 Imagine if every American, except students, have the inalienable, God-Given right to cure all debit with bankruptcy; thus, students are the most enslaved group in the US. Furthermore, you support this enslavement; thus, you are pro slavery but only when it doesn't affect you. double standards are fun kids...
@Mavryck_Tha_Myghty 11 месяцев назад
Michael seems to want everything without any of the sacrifice, and then wants to turn around and complain about it. Sorry, Michael. Maybe build your roof before it rains next time instead of going deeper into debt and calling it an “investment”. You, along with millions of others, are now reaping what you sowed in form of bad financial choices. I wish you well! We believe in you!
@thinkaboutit.2997 11 месяцев назад
A College Degree is NOT needed. Most jobs do not require one. Colleges and Universities are basically Businesses and SELL Degrees. Most Degrees are worthless. They promise an "XYZ Degree" will get you a great job and have a great income. They are SELLING Degree Dreams...most of which are busts. Some are Legit, but most are busts. The best jobs at a College or University: Tenured College Professors that sell these Bust Degree Dreams. Colleges & Universities are laughing all the way to the bank.
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