
BR in the 1980s - The Alan Harrison Collection Part 7 Gateshead TMD (British Rail Trains) 

KARTWHEELKARL Trains, Railways, Railroads & Travel
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During the summer of 1986, my good friend Alan travelled around the UK, armed with a hefty VHS camera, recording the railway scene. I'm delighted to be able to bring you the results. In Part 7, Alan visits Gateshead Depot on the banks of the River Tyne. The opening shot is a fabulous view of the King Edward VII Bridge, with the city of Newcastle-upon-Tyne as a backdrop. We see 47526 crossing the bridge with a Liverpool bound Trans Pennine service before a Class 37 provides some fabulous audio as it thrashes away from a signal check with a train of loaded bogie tanks. Happily, Alan managed to talk his way into the depot again. Inside, we see a variety of locos, both stabled and under repair. At the time, Gateshead had a large allocation of Classes 03, 31, 45, 47 and 56 and examples of each are seen. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this video. Please leave comments below. Thank you.
1986 की गर्मियों के दौरान, मेरे अच्छे दोस्त एलन ने ब्रिटेन के चारों ओर यात्रा की, एक भारी वीएचएस कैमरे से लैस होकर, रेलवे दृश्य को रिकॉर्ड कर रहा था। मैं आपको परिणाम लाने में सक्षम होने के लिए खुश हूं। भाग 7 में, एलन टाइन नदी के तट पर गेट्सहेड डिपो का दौरा करता है। उद्घाटन शॉट किंग एडवर्ड सप्तम ब्रिज का एक शानदार दृश्य है, जिसमें न्यूकैसल-ऑन-टाइन शहर एक पृष्ठभूमि के रूप में है। हम 47526 को लिवरपूल बाध्य ट्रांस पेनाइन सेवा के साथ पुल को पार करते हुए देखते हैं, इससे पहले कि कक्षा 37 कुछ शानदार ऑडियो प्रदान करता है क्योंकि यह भरी हुई बोगी टैंकों की एक ट्रेन के साथ सिग्नल चेक से दूर हो जाता है। खुशी की बात है कि एलन फिर से डिपो में अपनी बात रखने में कामयाब रहा। अंदर, हम विभिन्न प्रकार के लोको देखते हैं, दोनों स्थिर और मरम्मत के अधीन हैं। उस समय, गेट्सहेड के पास कक्षा 03, 31, 45, 47 और 56 का एक बड़ा आवंटन था और प्रत्येक के उदाहरण देखे जाते हैं। मुझे इस वीडियो के बारे में आपके विचार सुनना अच्छा लगेगा। कृपया नीचे टिप्पणी छोड़ें। धन्यवाद।
1986 年夏天,我的好朋友艾伦带着一台巨大的 VHS 摄像机环游英国,记录铁路场景。我很高兴能够为您带来结果。在第 7 部分中,艾伦访问了泰恩河畔的盖茨黑德仓库。开场照片是爱德华七世国王桥的壮丽景色,以泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔市为背景。我们看到 47526 乘坐开往利物浦的 Trans Pennine 服务过桥,然后 37 班提供了一些美妙的音频,因为它从一列装载的转向架油箱的信号检查中甩开。令人高兴的是,艾伦设法再次进入仓库。在里面,我们看到各种各样的火车头,既有稳定的也有维修中的。当时,盖茨黑德有大量的 03、31、45、47 和 56 班,每个班级都有例子。我很想听听你对这个视频的看法。请在下方留言。谢谢你。
1986年の夏、私の親友のアランは、巨大なVHSカメラを装備して英国を旅し、鉄道のシーンを記録しました。結果をお届けできることをうれしく思います。第7部では、アランはタイン川のほとりにあるゲーツヘッドデポを訪問します。オープニングショットは、ニューカッスルアポンタインの街を背景にしたキングエドワードVII橋の素晴らしい景色です。 47526がリバプール行きのトランスペナインサービスで橋を渡るのを見ると、クラス37は、搭載されたボギータンクの列車で信号チェックから離れて、素晴らしいオーディオを提供します。幸いなことに、アランは再びデポへの道を話すことができました。内部には、安定した状態と修復中のさまざまなロコがあります。当時、ゲーツヘッドにはクラス03、31、45、47、56が大量に割り当てられており、それぞれの例が示されています。このビデオについてのあなたの考えを聞いてみたいです。以下にコメントを残してください。ありがとう。
Durante el verano de 1986, mi buen amigo Alan viajó por el Reino Unido, armado con una gran cámara VHS, grabando la escena del tren. Estoy encantada de poder traeros los resultados. En la Parte 7, Alan visita Gateshead Depot a orillas del río Tyne. El plano de apertura es una vista fabulosa del puente King Edward VII, con la ciudad de Newcastle-upon-Tyne como telón de fondo. Vemos a 47526 cruzando el puente con un servicio Trans Pennine con destino a Liverpool antes de que un Class 37 proporcione un audio fabuloso mientras se aleja de un control de señal con un tren de tanques de bogie cargados. Felizmente, Alan logró hablar de nuevo para entrar al depósito. En el interior, vemos una variedad de locomotoras, tanto estabuladas como en reparación. En ese momento, Gateshead tenía una gran asignación de Clases 03, 31, 45, 47 y 56 y se ven ejemplos de cada una.
خلال صيف عام 1986 ، سافر صديقي العزيز آلان في جميع أنحاء المملكة المتحدة ، مسلحًا بكاميرا VHS ضخمة ، وسجل مشهد السكك الحديدية. يسعدني أن أكون قادرًا على تقديم النتائج لك. في الجزء السابع ، يزور آلان مستودع جيتسهيد على ضفاف نهر تاين. تُعد اللقطة الافتتاحية منظرًا رائعًا لجسر الملك إدوارد السابع ، مع مدينة نيوكاسل أبون تاين كخلفية. نرى 47526 يعبر الجسر مع خدمة Trans Pennine المتجهة إلى ليفربول قبل أن توفر الفئة 37 بعض الصوت الرائع حيث تتعثر بعيدًا عن فحص الإشارة بقطار من خزانات العربات المحملة. لحسن الحظ ، تمكن آلان من شق طريقه إلى المستودع مرة أخرى. في الداخل ، نرى مجموعة متنوعة من المواقع ، سواء كانت مستقرة أو قيد الإصلاح. في ذلك الوقت ، كان لدى Gateshead تخصيص كبير للفئات 03 و 31 و 45 و 47 و 56 ويمكن رؤية أمثلة لكل منها. أود أن أسمع أفكارك حول هذا الفيديو. الرجاء ترك التعليقات أدناه. شكرا لك.
Au cours de l'été 1986, mon bon ami Alan a parcouru le Royaume-Uni, armé d'une grosse caméra VHS, enregistrant la scène ferroviaire. Je suis ravi de pouvoir vous apporter les résultats. Dans la partie 7, Alan visite Gateshead Depot sur les rives de la rivière Tyne. Le plan d'ouverture est une vue fabuleuse du pont King Edward VII, avec la ville de Newcastle-upon-Tyne en toile de fond. Nous voyons 47526 traverser le pont avec un service Trans Pennine à destination de Liverpool avant qu'une classe 37 ne fournisse un son fabuleux alors qu'elle s'éloigne d'un contrôle de signal avec un train de chars à bogies chargés.



1 окт 2024




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@williamrichardson9475 5 лет назад
I have about 20 hours of unedited VHS video taken in and around this depot in the 80s / 90s in boxes in my garage.Nothing remains of this depot today.
@graemekornicki6810 4 года назад
Very good video alan now all history,intresting to know what camcorder and tapes you used top quality
@famfunuk1842 4 года назад
Don't suppose you have anything from the old low fell goods yard in bensham? Lived next to it for 30 years until it closed and demolished. Always used to poke my nose through the fence to watch the shunting of wagons etc.
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
So sad William. So many depots have gone the same way haven’t they?
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
FamFunUK unfortunately FF, Alan didn’t seem to get to Low Fell. I’ve now uploaded all 50 episodes of the collection and it hasn’t been on there.
@eeclass20 5 лет назад
45150 the last one I drove, Harwich to Blackpool I picked it up at Manchester Victoria around 40min late. The train was terminated at Preston to allow a right time return despite picking up around 10 mins . This must have been around the end of '87 as the loco was withdrawn in early '88.
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
You lucky person EEClass. What a great time to be driving trains. I’m intrigued though - what service was 45150 on? The only Harwich to Blackpool train I knew of around that time was the afternoon return working of an early morning Blackpool to Harwich that was booked for a class 47 with a rake of declassified mk2 corridor stock. That would stable overnight at Blackpool rather than returning straight back east.
@eeclass20 4 года назад
@@kartwheelkarl It's along time ago and I foolishly threw away my diaries from the period so the above was a best guess. I'm sure there was a service because we'd used it as a training train out of Sheffield the previous year .
@highdownmartin 3 года назад
Closer than I ever got to GD. Spent hours at Newcastle central with O3s fussing around with their match trucks!! Summer of 76
@kartwheelkarl 3 года назад
1976 was a bit before my time Martin - I was only seven years old. But how I wish I could have seen Newcastle and Gateshead then, just before the arrival of HSTs, when Deltics still reigned supreme. Really glad you’re enjoying the collection and thank you for your comments.
@grahamsmith7054 Год назад
45118 at 5 Minutes.
@markedgar6437 5 лет назад
I can smell oil :)
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
Wouldn’t smelly vision be great with this collection Mark. Remember those scratch and sniff cards they tried on TV a few (OK, many) years ago?
@trainandbusfan5706 4 года назад
It was criminal to shut such a wonderful shed and make so many superb locos homeless the same could be said about Tinsley.I suppose the bigwigs in there posh offices would call this progress.
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
I think the progress they craved T&BF was a standardised railway comprised of multiple unit passenger operations with block freight operated by a small fleet of highly reliable, long range GM locos, with everything run by private enterprises.
@keithsmainlyrailwayvideos55018 3 года назад
Excellent stuff. That brought back some memories.
@kartwheelkarl 3 года назад
Perfect Keith. I think that’s what Alan’s collection is all about. Really glad you’re enjoying the videos.
@AndreiTupolev 3 года назад
I've never seen Gateshead depot, this was most interesting. 45150 looked a state, looked like a moving oil slick
@kartwheelkarl 3 года назад
I went passed Gateshead a few times Andrei but never managed to actually visit. Looking back now, and watching Alan’s films, I wish I had.
@ianmitchell1594 28 дней назад
As teenagers we used to climb the bank on the opposite side and walk the fence line. Normally we were let in on weekends to have a look around the sheds. Great memories 👍 but as mentioned nothing left😢.
@kartwheelkarl 28 дней назад
I never managed to visit Gateshead shed personally Ian, but I really wish I had. Thank you for your great comment and I'm really glad we were able to bring back great memories.
@jeffreyhodge5564 2 года назад
My memory of 52A Gateshead was my first trip there in early 1964 ,steam galore A1/2/3/4 V2/V1,J27/Q6/j72 ,visiting locos , thedead lines with withdrawn locos and carriages ,Highlight for me waiting till October 1964 Silver jubilee with A4 60009 being serviced for requiem return to London ,can smell it Own!
@kartwheelkarl 2 года назад
That sounds wonderful Jeffrey. Born in 69, I’m just a little bit too young to remember anything other than preserved steam. Glad you enjoyed the video and thank you for the comments.
@squeaksvids5886 5 лет назад
And not an overhead wire to be seen anywhere!
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
Absolutely Paul. It looks strange now though don’t you think? We’ve become so used to the catenary.
@ewoodrailway 3 года назад
Great memories, I visited Gateshead after it had closed all that remained were 2x 08s and 37190
@kartwheelkarl 3 года назад
So sad to hear Elwood. I believe it has housing built on it now! Really glad you’re enjoying the collection.
@frenchsteam7356 Год назад
I reckon the first 31 was Coxlodge [Rowntrees] and two tanks for South Gosforth, 45150 didn't look well!. I can't remember ever seeing Gateshead's Washer in action
@kartwheelkarl Год назад
45150 did look a little worse for wear didn’t it FS? Re the Rowntrees train, I. Eli eve the locals called it the ‘Chocolate Express’. Am I right in thinking that Nestle bought around trees out and closed down the York factory?
@frenchsteam7356 Год назад
@@kartwheelkarl We just called it the Coxlodge pilot, it derailed in Fawdon once and one of the vans lost it's contents onto the track, word got around and the Police had to be called to get the locals off track. As for Nestle the Fawdon centre was closed quite recently I assume York went as well.
@kartwheelkarl Год назад
@@frenchsteam7356 That’s brilliant FS - free chocolate! It reminds me of a story my dad told me about the day Fleetwood Pier burned down whilst my then very young dad was on holiday there. Apparently, the morning after, all the kids were on the beach gathering the coins that had been released from the pier’s slot machines!
@adamc1272 3 года назад
In a class not noted for its spit shine cleanliness, I still have to say that 37 must rank amongst the most filthy I have ever seen
@kartwheelkarl 3 года назад
Fair point Adam. Back in the eighties, the 37s were definitely the lowly Cinderella class. The poor, ignored workhorses of the railway network, less glamourises than the top link type 4 and type 5 locos. Yet many have outlived there more mollycoddled stablemates.
@craigymac5386 2 года назад
Excellent videos mate, I'm really enjoying them . The BR blue days were the best with plenty of British built locos and rolling stock.👍
@kartwheelkarl 2 года назад
Thanks for the great comment Craigy, and really glad you're enjoying the collection. I couldn't agree more with what you say about the BR blue period. I don't think we realised at the time just how lucky we were to be rail enthusiasts living through the 80s did we?
@craigymac5386 2 года назад
@@kartwheelkarl Hi there, thanks for the reply. I live in the East end of Glasgow and I'm close to the line where the double headed 37s went to Ravenscraig. The line was always busy with plenty of freight and a variety of locos. I was always a regular visitor to Motherwell and Eastfield depots. But changed days. Not much freight trains in the Glasgow area now just Modern EMUs. I think it's the same all over the UK these days.
@kartwheelkarl 2 года назад
@@craigymac5386 I think you’re right Craigy. I now live in regional Australia where, sadly, it’s the other way round. Rail is seen by the public as a means for transporting freight. Outside of the capital cities, very few people even consider using the train. Passenger services have been cut back considerably over the past ten years, with people preferring to fly or drive.
@lauracandykiss 3 года назад
💗💙These were right in front of my bedroom window, as a little kid, as I lived in St Cuthberts Village. I miss them. The trains lulled me to sleep💗💙
@davewiggins9016 4 года назад
Great video! Thanks for sharing.
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
Thanks Dave. Glad you’re enjoying the collection.
@richardturnbull6333 3 года назад
Good memories from when I was 14 years old.
@kartwheelkarl 3 года назад
Happy to be able to bring those memories back Richard, and really pleased you’re enjoying the collection.
@johnabbott2575 2 года назад
Absolutely brilliant brought back lovely memories of visiting gateshead only did it once but wow what a depot lots of variety staff were so helpful in letting me go around the depot without a permit good old British rail days wish you had more of gateshead would love to see a video of thornaby
@kartwheelkarl 2 года назад
Glad to be able to bring back such brilliant memories John, and thanks for the great comment. How great was it when we were trusted to wander around working depots without harming ourselves or doing any damage? I remember as a fourteen year old being allowed to wander around Longsight depot one Saturday afternoon. To this day, I treasure the memory of a class 40 bringing empty stock into the carriage sidings just yards from where I was standing. I would imagine such all areas access is banned nowadays?
@johnabbott2575 2 года назад
@@kartwheelkarl oh how lovely that would have been great memories for you yes staff were usally helpful me living at wellingborough on the MML didnt for some reason get up to longsight guidebridge or wath which is a downside for me should of visited these places i did manage to get to wath on a coach railtour got there on the sunday they had moved the 76s on the friday was gutted i can remember going Thornaby on the way home from Scotland same trip as Gateshead it to was a sunday and having the same experience as you freedom to walk everywhere with locomotives moving on off depot such special times and no one ever got hurt thankyou for your great videos i shall be watch everyone you put on
@kartwheelkarl 2 года назад
@@johnabbott2575 Fabulous John. Really glad you’re enjoying the collection.
@ericlovett9022 5 лет назад
A lost age.. Now housing I believe. I assume the 14 tanks behind the 37 were empties.
@frenchsteam7356 5 лет назад
Yes -all gone, now blocks of flats. Wonder if they know what the flats are built on?
@neildahlgaard-sigsworth3819 4 года назад
Eric Lovett yes, heading back to Seal Sands,Teesside, for another load of highly toxic anhydrous ammonia hence the bogie trestle behind the loco and in front of the guards van.
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
So sad Eric. Housing has sprouted up on so much ex-railway land. I’m thinking you might be right about the tanks. The 37 doesn’t seem to be struggling as it would with such a long rake if it were loaded. Indeed, would it have been able to move it at all on its own?
@peterarmstrong3298 5 лет назад
No graffiti!
@kartwheelkarl 4 года назад
Good point Peter. Why have some of today’s youths decided that it’s a good idea to paint everything with their initials? This was in the eighties, shortly after the miners strike, with extremely high unemployment in areas like the north east, so you’d have thought there would have been a lot of bored kids or angry people around wanting to make a statement. But no,it’s blissfully graffiti free.
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