
Break Anxiety and Addiction By Examining Your Patterns | Michael Puett | Big Think 

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Break Anxiety and Addiction By Examining Your Patterns
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In our lives, we all spend a heck of a lot of time with one special person - ourselves. We know what we like, we know what we hate, what we’re good at, where we fall short. The world around you may be a complex mystery, but at least you know yourself, right? Wrong. Harvard Professor of Chinese History Michael Puett is riding in on the Eastern Philosophy steam train to shatter everything you think you know about your "true" self.
Firstly, he says, realize that you may think you are a certain way - you have a short temper, but you’re good at thinking on your feet, always have been and always will be. You have probably based your career, your relationships, your lifestyle choices on that information. But what if that is not your true self, but just a series of patterns you’ve fallen into? It’s not essentially you, it’s just who you’ve become.
When you start to examine why you are one way or another, you will find at some point it was a reaction to the world around you, which then got solidified and now that’s "you", but actually it’s a pattern, and patterns can be altered. He recommends that for your shortcomings, you should look deeply into why you have adopted that pattern, where did it start, and then break it at its base. For your triumphs, identify why you’re good at a certain thing or in a certain situation, and try to expand that pattern into other areas of your life.
Puett goes on to discuss this idea in the context of addiction - the most extreme example of a pattern people fall into. All addiction starts with a moment, a sliding doors comment, event, or an anxiety that comes to you and then compounds over time, forcing you to act and seek an outlet for that feeling. But the reason some addiction treatments can be ineffective in the long run is that you’re resisting the outlet, but you’re not breaking the underlying pattern of your addiction. "You’re trying to break it at too late a stage," says Puett. "Like going through the day with all the anxieties, [then saying] ‘Now I’ll try to not get that drink’. Well, good, but you’ve got to start earlier. You’ve got to begin with why those little anxieties begin to gnaw at you at 3am, when you wake up. Why when the alarm goes off they gnaw at you all the more. That’s where you begin to make the little breaks. And over time that’s how you break these larger patterns."
Puett is author of The Ambivalence of Creation: Debates Concerning Innovation and Artifice in Early China.
Michael Puett is the Walter C. Klein Professor of Chinese History in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and Chair of the Committee on the Study of Religion at Harvard University. He is the author of The Ambivalence of Creation: Debates Concerning Innovation and Artifice in Early China and To Become a God: Cosmology, Sacrifice, and Self-Divinization in Early China, as well as the coauthor of Ritual and its Consequences: An Essay on the Limits of Sincerity. In 2013, he was awarded a Harvard College Professorship for excellence in undergraduate teaching.
Michael Puett: If we often ask ourselves okay, who am I? What’s my true self? What am I gifted at? What am I bad at? Oftentimes we’ll answer that assuming this one authentic self. So I’m just the sort of person who gets angry at little things but I’m also the sort of person who’s very good at tackling big problems. So that’s me. And then we’ll think through okay, what’s a good career for me? What are good relationships for me based on who I am? Now again suppose that’s all wrong. Suppose those are all simply patterns we’ve fallen into. So it may be empirically right to say right now on someone who gets angry at little things and good at thinking big. But that’s just because I’ve fallen into these patterns. That doesn’t mean that’s essentially me, that’s just who I’ve become. Now if that’s right the question you should be posing to yourself is not who am I. The question you should pose to yourself is what are these patterns I’m falling into? Why do I get angry at these little things all the time? Why do I seem to be what I think is at my best when I’m tackling big problems? And you begin to look at those little things you do on a daily basis that are sort of defining how we’re responding to the world.
Read the full transcript at bigthink.com/videos/michael-puett-on-behavioral-patterns-and-addiction



28 авг 2016




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@DrumWild 6 лет назад
My pattern involves examining my patterns, which brings a great deal of anxiety.
@selfelements8037 4 года назад
Yeah, up until the point you realize about Gangstalking (aka Organized Stalking) where other people are manipulated to try and make you angry intentionally, only it doesn't work on me anymore. They are psychopaths!
@yucansuckadee8930 3 года назад
@livefastdieyoung2470 3 года назад
I feel you
@MehdiElAlaoui 3 года назад
You are examining your actions not patterns. If you are able to examine your patterns objectively, it means that you can see where you get things wrong and improve them. I think mindfulness and meditation can be a good tool
@usitha 3 года назад
Anxiety itself a pattern
@tmellott729 7 лет назад
Before disregarding all of this information and moving onto the next video, take a second to really listen to what he's saying. Almost everything we do is a result of patterns that we subconsciously follow. Pay attention to what patterns cause your behavior and really focus on why you follow these patterns. This has worked for me in regards to my anxiety, as well as other commenters on this video. Keep an open mind and pay attention to your life. Self awareness is the first step to change.
@okramra 3 года назад
In short, change habits to change your life
@dompaguru5730 3 года назад
Ask yourself reason behind any behaviour. How its beneficial. What to do next to improve the quality of life
@GoTerry 2 года назад
I'm going to take this seriously because I feel he's on to something.. and I need the change, I'm 57 and hope it's not too late
@strumminfuel4625 2 года назад
Thanks. True.
@sammorrison8042 7 лет назад
Self awareness can make you realize your pattern. Mindfulness alone is curative.
@Therevolution7 7 лет назад
and today were gonnna be talking about awareness...the way to overcome all problems .
@carolynelevin88 7 лет назад
It's not enough to be aware. It's only the first step. Sometimes being painfully aware of all of your flaws and strengths can be just as paralyzing. Mindfulness is beautiful. But for someone who grew up being acutely aware of her internal and external lives and all of the layers therein, it can be a never-ending loop of self-analysis as well. Mindfulness is not a cure, it is the first step to a looooooooooooooooooong process of healing that may or may not ever fully be actualised. At one point you gotta say... hey... oops I did it again. Well... let's just move on and enjoy life. Don't take yourself so seriously. Change is a long and exhausting process. It may take a lifetime to change. And in the process of making mistakes, it's also good to just say... sorry, pick yourself up and to STOP thinking about it so much. Get out there, stop over-analyzing yourself into a painful drudgery where you can't even appreciate yourself anymore. At that point, just being and laughing at how serious we take ourselves is the best cure (at least for me).
@Dmyra 7 лет назад
Mindfulness is the first step, like the new alphabet/vocabulary for the next levels of deprogramming all the learned automatic behaviors. "6 healing sounds" is a great meditation for targeting specific emotion patterns in a "non-mental" way. Sometimes the mind cannot fix the mind, it just has to let go
@thExoticAries 7 лет назад
what's the correct approach towards mindfulness? where does such a concept arise from? how can addicts incorporate such a technique?
@thExoticAries 7 лет назад
Eric Roets hey, thank you. I'm trying to figure out a helpful pathway for my older sibling who is suffering from an addiction. I'm familiar with certain bullet points of mindfulness but I'm more curious now after watching the video above. Thank you so much for the advice ☺️
@milanyt8286 3 года назад
This is exactly how i changed myself over a course of 2 years! I had severe anxiety issues due to my circumstances. But now im always open to "why" question most of these days and make and effort to be a better version of me everyday!
@raghdaalqaisi2789 Год назад
I am very glad that you fixed it. May I ask how you reached the conclusions to your questions? Because I am aware of my actions, but knowing "why" is difficult, because there are a lot of overlapping reasons. Could you recommend some methods/videos or books that helped you? Thanks
@-KillaWatt- 7 лет назад
This actually has some merit. I had gone through some pretty intense anxiety attacks a few years back and I felt it was never going to end. One morning I woke up and told myself it's all in my head and i can overcome it. Truth be told i haven't had an anxiety since. Mind you there was a six month period I went through this but it seems like I overcame it with my own mind. I kept telling myself it's irrational. I can proudly say I'm anxiety free 3yrs later and I didn't use medication.
@pennymac16 7 лет назад
Congratulations, good sir! And thanks for sharing.
@-KillaWatt- 7 лет назад
pennymac16​ thank you. Its really difficult to explain anxiety when another hasn't experienced it. The best way I can come close to explaining it to anyone who reads this. It's a blanketing white heat that overcomes the body. Similar to when you are young and have real fear struck into you. Someone you were scared of is about to beat the shit out of you. Or even a near death experience. The fear is ungodly and the worst part is there is no explanation. No reason why you are scared but fear is all you feel. Everything will trigger it too. Noises, alcohol, marijuana for me. Anything that may annoy you or bother will become a trigger. Soon you find yourself void of any human contact as you are scared of being scared. Worst feeling in the world. Sometimes you may sweat some times you may get dizzy and disoriented. Some days it was tolerable. Others it was crippling. Sleep was usually the only escape. I can't count how many times I should have lost my job because I missed work or the worst. Contemplated suicide as a escape. Its really a dangerous mental disorder that can ruin your life. I was extremely fortunate I was able to overcome it. It may me stronger as a person. Mentally anyway. The mind is a powerful machine and when something goes disarray it can have massive consequences. I don't know why I was able to overcome it. Maybe it just ran it's course and my body just adapted to block the it. Whatever the reason I can share my story with others and maybe it may help them from taking the easy way out. The same way i thought of so many times late at night. Thanks again mate. Sorry for the long response.
@pennymac16 7 лет назад
Killa Watt No need to apologize. If I didn't feel like reading, I could simply choose not to. =D But I am interested in these kind of things, personally. Thanks for your more detailed account. I think I can find myself in it. My anxiety is not one that gets triggered by anything physical, though (it's a social one), so it may not be as easy for it to cripple me. But it seems very similar in that it results in me rather staying at home so I wouldn't come in any situation where someone expected things of me, which could trigger my anxiety. I feel like knowing pretty well how my anxiety works and even how it came to be. However, perhaps because I am not often in situations that press me, I also don't have a great motivation to overcome it. I feel like the human being is, in the end, not one of reason but one of emotion: Even though I think I know so much about my state and how to possibly deal with it, I am just too lazy to act accordingly. I think I am in the process, though, however slow.
@naturallaw1733 7 лет назад
"I feel like the human being is, in the end, not one of reason but one of emotion" Very Important thing to remember. Working on changing this pattern in your Life will greatly help you in your journey. ;)
@pennymac16 7 лет назад
***** =)
@thekabeer3149 7 лет назад
I had the same problem with shyness and insulating myself from people, I just woke up one day and told myself that I don't have to be like that anymore, I was so infatuated with playing that role for no reason that to seem like a good boy to everyone that I forgot what I really wanted.
@puppetville-bethobrien4139 7 лет назад
This was so life changing for me and I've just listened to it!!!! I'm an artist moving into the next phase/size of my business on a dime. I'm a visual person, and have used it. I've used it the other way too. To scare me out of an addiction. It's powerful!!!! And I cannot wait to start applying it to everything in life. Thank you. I saw an affirmation video that said visualize it. and I thought one moment here, one there. Nothing REALLY solid. I can see now how to truly use the concept of visualizing and planning my ANYTHING really. I am truly grateful
@baasirsaeed7426 7 лет назад
I like that the advertisement I got before this was for a liquor store. How messed up is that
@RogerioLupoArteCientifica 7 лет назад
This makes perfect sense to me and it's indeed something I've been perceiving since long ago in my life. As I discovered the field in which I'm talented (art & scientific illustration) I felt that my talent would become my inner guide and then the approaches I had on issues of my work were extended to other fields of life, especially those that represented personal weaknesses. And it really worked and still works. I felt for instance more facility in dealing with my daughters the same way I deal with my students, bringing that same serenity into my home. Further, Art made me discover that there is no error, and what's now seen as error can reveal itself to be the new brilliant technique tomorrow. It was not hard to extend this perspective to the whole process of life and its apparent "errors" and "wrong going's" .
@docterphreak 7 лет назад
Wow - this is great! So simple, obvious; yet, it never quite "clicked" until now. I'm going to think about this & try to see where my addictions are rooted in small actions & reactions...Thank you
@NEOL1NK 7 лет назад
This plus reading up even just a bit on stuff like Sartre's absurdity and you start to get a pretty darn useful perspective on what "I" means. Nietzche helps, too. Depressed people and addictive personalities need philosophy! Source: coming out of depression and addictive patterns.
@MrBeaux 7 лет назад
Everyone could benefit from some philosophy.
@roseblack6342 5 лет назад
buddhism too
@okamisensei7270 2 года назад
Camus, Sartre, Sorrengard... Absurdist philosophy has definitely improved my mental health and widened my perspective on everything. Camus' book, the Stranger, changed my life. I highly recommend it.
@ledumpsterfire6474 Год назад
Stoicism too. Not faux-Stoicism where people take it to mean "bottle everything up and never show emotion" though, which is not at all what real stoic philosophers were suggesting.
@johnaens8759 7 лет назад
wow, i've pretty much figured this out in my head. But its really amazing to see a smart person put it into actual words. mindblown and correct
@benshakes6905 7 лет назад
John Aens you managed to figure out in your head that it's all inside your head? LITERALLY.
@iamjust1normalgirlfromindi446 2 года назад
This reminded me of... "Stop doing the things you know you should stop and you can stop. You stop doing 10 things like this, then you'll be able to stop doing something that you couldn't stop before" - JP
@baseball12ification 2 года назад
I always say, everything is trauma Some of it is socially construed positively Some negatively But your experiences and your brains perception of reality shift your personality We are just animals
@leo959 7 лет назад
i didn't know jermaine clement was a psychologist.
@tahadeterre1537 6 лет назад
I like how he talks. He seems like a good professor.
@jackhammer8061 3 года назад
The thumbnail coupled with the title might be the deepest most accurately condensed thing I have ever seen in 1 place. Jaw dropping when it starts to sink in.
@D_isco_D_ancer 7 лет назад
I Can attest that this is true. Over the period of my life, I have managed to recognize unconscious patterns that harm me in some way. It's tough to change them but it's possible.
@claramercier7924 5 лет назад
thank you for introducing me to that way of thinking
@morgomyster0man 7 лет назад
Very insightful video , thank you Big Think just what i needed right now.
@dominikamaciejasz8698 7 лет назад
Kurzgesagt (in a nutshell) once had this topic in their video. It's called "what are you?" Check and subscribe if you haven't already. Totally worth it.
@00954106 3 года назад
This one was life changing for me. Thanks.
@patriciachacon-roche544 7 лет назад
what great advice. I'll keep it in mind
@dmmm876 7 лет назад
Fantastic video. Very useful.
@3sixD 5 лет назад
Thank you for this.
@PacificNWGrl 7 лет назад
His voice is so unique I'd bet he's a good singer!
@tonyescobar378 7 лет назад
Thanks for the info.
@bogdanb32 Год назад
Key points: You should not think that you "are" in a way and that that's why you do things and react in a certain way. Rather, your behaviour drives patterns and habits that actually define the person you think you are. Think about changing those patters and you can change yourself. Eliminate anxiety and worries in your life and you can eliminate addictions as well.
@joeroebuck1341 7 лет назад
I love your channel!!! I watch everyday!
@chaugulepankaj Год назад
- This is amazing. I'm not who I am but the result of repetitive patterns. - If I want to change something in me, I need think of figuring out the pattern associated with that something which I want to change and break that patter by starting small. This small pattern break will eventually achieve the change on a bigger scale and for longer period of time.
@elizabethCorkins83 7 лет назад
I have anxiety so bad for many years... I get frustrated kinda quick sometimes too & upset & sad😔
@dRumpfsadouchebag 4 года назад
Root is pain aversion. Again, getting to the root is start to notice the subtle starting point.. awareness.. sometimes noticing situation, environment, thoughts.. repeated envelopment into these.. unfortunately, once the pattern begins it may only be microseconds until full blown activation and dysregulation.. So being gentle to yourself afterward, reminding yourself your going to work at unearthing what's going on.. so not beating yourself up or berating yourself and not explaining yourself or arguing with people and their judgments.. become curious rather than defensive.. look at them as potentially helpful observations.. forgive yourself along the pathway to discovering these ingrained, automatic patterns that disregulate you... Yes, this is way easier said than done, however it's possible.. I've been doing it and continue to do it.. This video is very helpful in the premise that it highlights a way to break through the identity you have for yourself and trying to unjust how to identify and operate more effectively in your life vs. How many therapies, groups and professionals want to label you to a belief of who you are, what you have and give you ways to operate or cope within that belief system.. We all only have one life to live.. whatever happened to get everyone to this point, has happened, and there is no do over or restart.. so understand, notice, try something different, notice of effective- of so continue to improve - if not, try something different.. move beyond. Being grateful for everything has helped improve what i notice.. being thankful for the smallest things has also.. noticing the effort it takes to just allow me to have shoes to put on and tie.. all the people that it takes to design, put together, make the material, make the thread, the rubber, the machines, the packaging, the delivery of everything, the raw materials to produce parts for the machines to produce/design everything, my have feet to put them on and hands to tie them, a place to live.. and all the people it took to raise everyone who had a part in any of that process and all the people that helped me and all the people who helped those people to be able to help me.. I'm thankful for all that and grateful.. coming from a position of appreciation rather than a position of entitlement, I worked for these so I desreve or have earned these... has really changed my outlook to more joyful, happy and content.. it took a bit, gratitude journaling and gratitude walks helped, saying thank you, out loud, for small things for an hour in the morning helped.. Developing a new mindset and belief system, shifts what you notice and what your thoughts are.. for myself this was the beginning to helping me discover my patterns and to actually notice then start to adjust and vanish without much effort.. 🙏❤😊
@LucasSantos-me6fl 3 года назад
It's not about "who I am" but "who I've become because of patterns that shaped my mind". It's not about "who I want to be" but "who I want to become because of patterns that will shape my mind".
@DarkAssassin2259 7 лет назад
I suffer from mild/severe depression with SI in the wings and only recently did I have an emotional and mental breakdown that caused me to finally seek more help than I was trying to find. I have this problem of wanting to do things by myself so that I can prove (at least to myself) that I'm able to sustain and prosper, but that's actually quite impossible and I've been telling myself that lie for a long time, so much so that I'm in a hole as of right now that I'm trying to dig myself out of with the help of my parents. Not only that, but I was recently diagnosed with epididymitis, which only adds to the stress of things. However, since that mental breakdown, I haven't really felt "meh" like I usually do. So hopefully I'll be able to recognize more unhealthy patterns and fix them so I can be at least a little sane, lol. This video is fantastic for those trying to figure shit out
@WandaThePanda 7 лет назад
Priceless advice
@initforlife8997 7 лет назад
great advice
@iOwenParsons 7 лет назад
@MacShrike 7 лет назад
Agreed.. thx!.. please elaborate. Mac
@zzzcocopepe 7 лет назад
I've thought this before but it only gave me anxiety. that there is no me, I'm just a process of thoughts and patterns. but it's actually kind of helpful to think of it in terms of patterns.
@MikeMike-ue7vm 2 года назад
This is deep, I LOVE THIS CHANNEL‼️
@rachelebsmith 7 лет назад
I love your channel !!!
@denissdennis 6 лет назад
This is exactly what i need right now.
@Serpien7e 3 года назад
Hey! thanks a lot !
@CR-gj4gb 7 лет назад
Thank you
@peterdeeks6530 7 лет назад
@tmstani23 7 лет назад
I like this idea but what about genetic predispositions?
@shawningram6349 7 лет назад
Those only indicate "tendencies" - they are NOT destiny.
@CDizzzle4Rizzle 7 лет назад
Surprisingly profound!
@firehorse1518 7 лет назад
excellent, the unhurried presentation has helped me understand this brain pattern habit. Thank you!
@Pidirects 7 лет назад
This is quite leading edge thinking of which i share focus. Addiction is the signifier of early/long developed patterns of denied emotions. Meditation is key missing component to slow down the anxious brain so these larger patterns emerge, shifting focus away from the final pick-up and seeing the first, pick-up, which is a thought, a hook, little fishy
@Benasbest 2 года назад
Well spoken
@TheDoomWizard 3 года назад
This is so important.
@Hodenkobold92 7 лет назад
very good video!
@sajanraghavan 3 года назад
@gustavosanthiago 7 лет назад
That's what the Buddha asked himself too and put in practice until finnaly removing all patterns and arriving to incredible conclusions!
@scienceandmind3065 7 лет назад
Nice Video, but how to shift from knowing the issue to acting on it? I have dealt extensively with psychologie, meditation and all other things that should help us deal with it. Anyway I catch my self falling in bad patterns again and again, like watching videos, playing sudoku or reading news instead of working at my projects, things that I choose myself and like to do but doesn't provide the cognitive ease of procrastination. It's no problem if I am on a deadline but if I do my own stuff.
@OTHERVERSETCG 7 лет назад
what works best for me is to start doing what it is I want to be doing. once I start I am good to go. Is starting the hardest part for you as well?
@vippsmillennial6336 7 лет назад
The reason dude is, none of us are getting emotinal education. Our parents and peers are constantly forcing us to be afraid of things that aren't even affecting our lives. As a result we concentrate on unwanted stuff like impressing other people and creating false identities for us. The forget to concentrate what is really needed for us. Our happiness, our health and our wisdom! Hope this helps dude..I wrote an ebook regarding these stuff and I m planning to release it. Take care.
@OTHERVERSETCG 7 лет назад
Entitledprick please let me buy your ebook. is it going to be on kindle? i need help. i have a false identity and just try to impress those around me like friends and family, but im so unhappy. what can i do? i find doing work helps me focus on something that is creating stability and value in my life. but im a liar and am suffering. what do i do?
@markbarone 7 лет назад
I'd like to know the answer to this ("...how to shift from knowing the issue to acting on it?") as well.
@Kratax 7 лет назад
It is in the culture. If you could build your society or city, it would be more interesting than filling up sudokus. But in our culture you are supposed to go to work, then back to home. At home you might want to do what ever you like, eg. playing games, instead of doing work again. But if you owned a city with other people, building it would be more like a life than work. You see it when business owners work very long hours compared to workers, because the owners benefit from what ever they do, in more exponential manner. A worker just repeats same kind of stuff most of the time and might get bored, as he can't use his creativity to the fullest. Maybe the ideas of the worker are not even listened to either, or someone else uses the ideas, but no bonus for the worker, which demotivates. Richer people polish their homes also for guests to see, who they invite there, so richer people kind of benefit from better cleaning, too. More poorer people might not clean that much, as it doesn't benefit them so much. That said, also poor people can be tidy, as they build their relationships with other people. It is more about who you make yourself to be and how you live, not how much you own currently.
@TheSkippShow 7 лет назад
@Ajaygg7 7 лет назад
really makes sense
@schroonsjozef 7 лет назад
Love it
@lisabeyer4712 3 года назад
This is interesting. I feel like it could be applicable in managing mental health, not just addiction.
@Sid0419 7 лет назад
You are a product of your environment and experiences. That's how the patterns form.
@TheRealDrWho 7 лет назад
subscribed! 😘
@katherinekelly6432 7 лет назад
People who are enlightened experience themselves for the first time. Before that time they are what they were made into and "this " is reacting to "that". Addiction is a reaction to the "that" because of the "this". Humanity lives in a perpetual state of "this" reacting to "that". People who seek enlightenment have a sensitivity that drives them to escape being in a state of reaction. They seek to transcend the human condition. People who are enlightened have a different relationship to time and the concept of time because they do not react the way they did before enlightenment. Enlightenment is escaping the inescapable to become what you are as your essence. Seeking it is stepping into a paradox. It is the self that you were born to be that was lost from being made into "what they were made into as "this" " It is not possible to become enlightened unless you believe in a soul that was there before the physical self that is indestructible because it is this that you are seeking but it cannot be found through religion because religion is a reaction between the this and the that.
@nathanheeren560 7 лет назад
Katherine Kelly woah
@nathanheeren560 7 лет назад
Katherine Kelly I like this. I mean that. I like the that, that you wrote.
@roseblack6342 5 лет назад
there is no essence in anything
@roseblack6342 5 лет назад
nothing is permanent
@keyorempi 6 лет назад
Reminded me The Power of Habit.
@maxd3028 3 года назад
The brain is so marvelous that it has the ability to reflect on itself and change itself ..
@gallifreyantauri 7 лет назад
Big Think: the link to the transcript that is listed doesn't work. I would like to use this transcript in an upcoming meeting. Any possibility of fixing the link so I can get the transcript? Thanks.
@therealking6202 7 лет назад
I was ready to chime in and say he doesn't know what he's talking about... but by the end he wrapped it up nicely and it made decent sense.
@thstroyur 7 лет назад
If anything you must concede this guy has a very consistent view on his talks - I feel like he's always talking about the same thing. What I find interesting in his expo is the use of the word "patterns"; in this context, I can't help likening the patterns of things we do to those of small-scale systems. A pattern may not necessarily equate periodicity, but I particularly tend to liken it to oscillating reactions here. In the end of the day, aren't we (our bodies, + most probably our conscious selves) simply open, dissipative thermodynamic systems? So it makes senses that, if we poke around our environment, the system that is us will evolve accordingly and fatefully; if we figure out the equation, we can predict how we will turn out, so that we may choose to prep a particular outcome - which is not 100% arbitrary, though, if there is determinism all the way through.
@JoeyLaurens 7 лет назад
This video came a little too late, I figured it out and got over my addiction.
@sbaromski 7 лет назад
Sick bro. I am happy for you. I've just begun to learn this stuff for myself, after over 10 wasted years being led astray by shitty substance abuse counselors and 12 step groups. I started to learn this from Buddhists actually, my life has improved drastically as a result
@hartesa 7 лет назад
it'll be helpful if there is an example case scenario
@MusixPro4u 7 лет назад
Welcome to CBT
@securityaardvark2405 7 лет назад
Chinese ball torture. it's a Cia interrogation tactic that is no longer allowed by the Geneva convention. in 1960 it was estimated that approximately 3 CBT's were performed per US military base per day.
@calfborg 5 лет назад
Michael Puett is good enough, he’s smart enough, and doggone it, people like him.
@thedalaidrama 6 лет назад
Man....Chris Katan has been outta the spotlight for so long.....glad hes back!!😂😂😂
@joannakaras8063 6 лет назад
This problem is brilliantly described in the novel "Ferdydurke".
@igorchak48 Год назад
100%, this is how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works, but the biggest issue is most humans do not possess a skillset of complex thinking and problem-solving. This is due to a lack of knowledge and intelligence. Questioning yourself in a nonbiased way is extremely hard.
@dipro001 2 года назад
Exciting proposition. This guy sounds like a really cool dude
@geoffwheeler529 6 лет назад
I was hypnotised by this guy's voice.
@alexgaulton7264 7 лет назад
Do you not think though, that to perceive the "patterns you've fallen into", there must be an underlying YOU... YOU are the conscious thing that is in fact perceiving the automated patterns of the self? 🤔
@karls.623 3 года назад
2:20 Yes
@SuperArtuditu 7 лет назад
Hal and Sidra Stone - Voice dialog therapy. They speak about that all life, more then 40 years....
@eointolster 7 лет назад
Flight of the Conchords are awesome
@falsifiablerussell854 5 лет назад
Understanding of neuroscience and the biology behind our thoughts and behaviors is essential to the breaking of patterns. One should be to think through the “why” in terms of the biological mechanisms. You don’t have be a neuroscientist, just have the conceptual model.
@Debtwarrior 7 лет назад
I am the sort of person who ignores everything after someone says 'oftentimes' :) In this video one of the patterns is the pattern of talking about patters, little things and patterns... oftentimes.
@paulprice6330 7 лет назад
2017 Time change my patterns. I'm gonna try to be a ninja assassin.
@saurabhverma7366 3 года назад
Whenever I think of patterns, A.I. comes to my mind, what he is essentially saying according to me is to embrace artificial intelligence in your daily life. recognize patterns and why those patterns emerge, get to the root cause and fix them. "Why" takes you patterns which essentially is the starting point to fix the root cause of the problem.
@b.lloydreese2030 7 лет назад
this was good, but it didn't yet help me figure out why I can't keep a job
@maberti 6 лет назад
B. Lloyd Reese yet ;)
@laaaliiiluuu 2 года назад
I might not be me but pain feels real.
@RelaxingMusicHeaven 7 лет назад
Thanks, good video! :)
@OTHERVERSETCG 7 лет назад
does this mean if I change my moment by moment thoughts and experiences I can change myself?
@schroonsjozef 7 лет назад
Definitely, But it's not that easy as it seems. Your unconsciousness decides how you react in milliseconds. Improving the awareness of your mind is key.
@niabride7636 7 лет назад
if you will change your actions too, yes, definetly
@LuiKang043 7 лет назад
The brain is like a river. The river is shaped by the river bed; but the river bed is also shaped by the river. In overcoming one's self, one must not only persevere, but also act efficiently with prudence. In the absence of effective action, it can dishearten someone, making it easier to give up. A hamfisted summary is "Don't bite off more than you can chew."
@ViperXXXXXXX 7 лет назад
I don't think you can change the way you think, or formulate opinions, or react to things, unless you start doing things differently and over time it affects your mind. Our personality changes all the time with many decisions we make in our lives, whether or not they're good decisions. It happens without even trying, so naturally it will happen if you try to be proactive with your decision making.
@dcupmusic 7 лет назад
here's the key: you cannot change what thoughts come up, you can only change how you react to your own thought. in the words of Viktor Frankel, holocaust survivor, the space between stimulus and reaction is where your freedom lies. On a practical day to day level, next time something angers you, take a moment to ask, does it reeeeally matter? can you say to yourself "who cares?" and move on?
@ryanbenson4610 2 года назад
I keep thinking this is Jemaine Clement and I get so happy.
@marcosramirez8509 7 лет назад
does premature ejaculation can be cured through this? because a friend is asking
@oriolbentzsimal 7 лет назад
Well i believe that you is what makes you happy, let's say instead of saying I'm good at that I'm bad at that you would know more by saying I like to do this and that and try to discover and rediscover what you like, I believe that what shapes you is he passions you have and the will to reimagine and try new and old things that you might not have liked at first since we are all evolving, if no one is the same as 2 years ago imagine how would have you changed in a span of 5 or 10 years
@jpoconnor2857 7 лет назад
Mindfulness is not a synonym for awareness. For instance, if you were practicing Rokusho you would be mindful of your Sixth Sense which is primarily your mind/ thoughts commonly referred to as monkey mind as well as your other five senses. So, I imagine if you're stuck on some kind of obsessive/ compulsive feedback loop of thought I imagine it would create anxiety.
@bluesky2648 7 лет назад
i need to watch and understand and apply this i want to kick a bad habit
@Zett76 2 года назад
Semantics. Yeah, "simply patterns you've falling into" IS what is YOU... and they can be changed, but it takes A LOT.
@skg901 7 лет назад
already knew that..😏..we are all running the same program with different set of input parameters in different environments...
@ai-ur5uv 4 года назад
@yucansuckadee8930 3 года назад
@TheModernHermeticist 7 лет назад
Self is an Illusion
@madisondampier3389 2 года назад
Little problems always blow up in the bigger picture, given enough time unattended to, most things change beyond our control, possibly beyond even our capability of recognition
@420blackbirds8 7 лет назад
good habits are addiction for a good life. bad addiction will kill it.
@TheCalculator32 7 лет назад
You are your patterns. Patterns beget more patterns. There's only so much you can redirect alone. Sometimes a pattern is so deep its not enough to just will it to change. It's like climbing a mountain...only the mountain side is a clif edge tilted 45 degrees towards you and there's hail stabbing your face and body as you climb up. There is no one step back two steps forward in those situations. There's only a fall to the bottom of the cliff again. You have to understand the the our most fatal flaw is generalization. I'm guilty of it..everyone is...it's how we make sense of the world but the problem with generalizing things is we miss the important exceptions that make up the realities of things.
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