
Brianna & Roger || The Choice (Outlander) 

King FireMan
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New video!!
"You have all of me"
Again a new video on outlander, this time with brianna and roger story!
I Don't know what to say, just Watch this show!
I also want to say thank you for your message on RU-vid or twitter, I try to answer everyone, thanks very much for the support! :)
Song: max Richter - war anthem



14 окт 2019




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@aspeltaofkush3540 4 года назад
A lot of folks don’t like Roger and I get that but I think he’s a very well rounded character. I like that he’s a good guy with a few flaws. That’s what makes him more real. He’d be flat and boring. Sure, he’s not the dashing Scottish warrior Jamie is but he rises to the occasion many times. *If it weren’t for Roger, they never would’ve found Jamie in the first place.* Many people would’ve given up on a relationship that was so brutally tested. Both Roger and Brianna made their share of mistakes. Even Claire herself said that Brianna is a lot like Jamie and can say some pretty hurtful words that they don’t really mean in anger. Roger went through hell to get back to her and when he finally did, found out she was possibly pregnant by a rapist and not him. That’s a lot to take in once after being sold into slavery forced to march hundred of miles on foot and get the crap beaten out of you again once you got there. He was lucky the Mohawk didn’t torture him to death because that’s what they’ve been notoriously known to do to captives. I don’t blame him for wanting just a little time to absorb and process that type of information that came at him so fast after rescue. Jamie then had the nerve to get angry with him for Ian’s decision and not making a decision right there on the spot. I was like c’mon Jamie it was partially your fault he ended up there in the first place (although he did get the wrong information.)Roger’s a good man in my opinion. I don’t know too many people who’d go 200 years back in time for their significant other and fight for her the way he did.
@Oldleftiehere 10 месяцев назад
Well stated.
@thegirlwhocould7922 4 года назад
From my perspective the point of both Roger & Brianna is that they are humans, with their non-perfect feelings for each other. While Jamie & Claire have faults they are pretty much the ideal. Roger & Brianna are the ones who suffer more from doubt and anxiety. Love is rarely as perfect as what we see in Jamie & Claire. It can be messy sometimes
@smakkar06 2 года назад
well said!
@MJLOVEnow 3 года назад
Diana Gabaldon, the true authority on all things Outlander, has said that she deliberately made Bree and Roger’s relationship more human and “real”. She didn’t want to influence her readers to believe every love story should be like Claire and Jamie’s, which was borne out of extraordinary circumstances, unlike Bree and Roger’s which happened slowly over time, and became more complicated. Because every relationship is different, she wanted to show that. Not every guy is (sadly) the King of Men.
@reaganfranks4579 4 года назад
Rodger pissed me off but he came around and what really redeemed him for me is that he came back for her.
@pinchofsalt8232 4 года назад
He shouldn’t have come back for her😂 Bri is better off without him
@nessyness5447 3 года назад
Honestly he won me when he was the only one ( tho claire supported it later) who saw that they should go back to the 70's, like , bree, girl, yeah your parents are there ok but, a war is comming, your poor husband is not a soldier and he will be forced to fight because of his oath to jamie, and you have a small child.
@64slugirl 4 года назад
"Roger" is a very fine actor & damned handsome! His natural Scottish brogue is music!! This Grandma would like him to know!! Love this story !
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
You seem to be a huge fan of outlander parlez thank you .
@maestroclassico5801 4 года назад
I think it finally gives a great multilayer to the show to see Bree and Roger's passion playing opposite Jamie and Claire's. I just watched the final episode of season 2 again. When Roger first meets Bree. It is literally love at first sight. (Edit from a year later): After having watched season 5.....The Fraser/Mackenzie's continue to show that true love conquers all but they ALL each had to go through a lot of bullshit, trauma, and heartbreak. For those who haven't yet seen Season 5....do so.....as my previous comment about contrasting Bree and Roger's passion with Jamie and Claire's has a lot more significance right off the bat in episode 1!
@robertawitman3333 4 года назад
This is a wonderful video. It encapsulates everything I love about Roger’s love for Bree. Roger is my favorite character and demonstrates the fierce loyalty he has has for those he loves. 🥰 Thank you!
@OpiaVidding 3 года назад
Thank you for reminding me how much they have been through. You truly made me see it with an other perspective.
@kingfireman21 3 года назад
Thank you Léa ! Always a pleasure to see you here, and now it's reminding me how much I miss this show
@jediavatarpotter 3 года назад
I think Roger had an unrealistic expectation set for Brianna. From the moment he saw her, he idealized her as this pure, beautiful girl who he was going to fall in love with. Throughout their whole relationship he repeatedly said how much he loved her and how much he wanted to be with her, but when that time came after he was rescued by the Mohawk, he needed time to think of if he really wanted to be with Brianna or not since he found out she was raped after they had slept together meaning the baby might not be his. It's understandable that he needed time to think about it, it is a large step, but at the same time, they were handfasted meaning they were basically already married, already committed, to be together forever and when something came along that didn't meet with his expectations of his relationship with Brianna, he almost broke away completely from her. It could be interpreted that his coming back shows the unconditional love he had for Brianna, but it's hard for us, as the audience, to like Roger after all of this because of the relationship we have seen with Jamie and Claire. It's hard not to see the things Roger does that we don't agree with without thinking "Jamie wouldn't do that," even though they're two completely different characters.
@Ekaterinariddles 2 года назад
Completely agree.
@Oldleftiehere 10 месяцев назад
I think you need to read the books before you make such sweeping statements. Book Roger is much more rounded than show Roger. For whatever reason the writers made him pretty two dimensional. It was as though they didn’t want to detract from Jamie/Claire dynamic. The Roger in Seasons 6 & 7 is a much more understandable and more rounded out person.
@kathrynmolesa1641 4 года назад
Roger became a wow after going through the rocks.
@sly3186 4 года назад
Damn Roger went through he'll and back for Brianna that man loves her his a keeper ❤
@altinaykor364 4 года назад
that's why they are better than claire and jamie
@ednaperhach2769 4 года назад
There is no spark there between them , It looks forced to me , put some life into them , he's an ass , 🇺🇸✌️😘
@JeanBakula 4 года назад
Plus he was raised by a minister, and never saw a real love match before. Neither did Bree, Frank and Claire were only together for her after they tried for a few weeks. Both are only children, so aren't used to sharing or listening to anyone else's views so much. Their love affair is very different from Jamie and Claire's.
@smakkar06 4 года назад
Dude. Great summary of all the highlights between Bree and Roger. I initially wasn’t feeling her character but she has grown on me and I agree- I really enjoy watching their relationship and romance develop. So much hardship to get to one another.
@equipage72 4 года назад
You, young sir, are a master. Masterful editing and introduction of the perfect, subtle orchestration. Just like your others. There are millions of OUTLANDER fans out there and we are working hard to introduce you to them. Thanks to Courtney at Outlander Behind the Scenes for my initial introduction. Looking so forward to the countless OUTLANDER videos you're likely to (hopefully will) produce. Merci beaucoup!
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
Thank you very much!! always a pleasure to read comments like that :) and yes courtney has published my video on his site, it's so kind of her! outlander have a big and great community of fan, and it allows me that many fans see my video and that you take pleasure! thanks again and sorry for my english :)
@equipage72 4 года назад
Ne pas s'inquiéter! Votre anglais est certainement meilleur que le français de nombreux américains! Continuez simplement à faire ce que vous faites le mieux! Merci!
@jayenneB 4 месяца назад
Oh great editing, fast paced, and complete.
@martharamirezdelacruz5106 4 года назад
I think that people misinterpret Roger. People have spent more time and have experienced many adventures, misfortunes and happy moments with the main couple and that is why they do not like Roger as much as they like Jaime. Roger was raised in different times than Jaime's, and he is a historian not a warrior. He is more similar to Frank than to Jamie even if he is Scottish. Roger was very open-minded about time travel through magical stones when Brianna thought Claire was crazy like Jaime was with Claire. He also fell in love at first sight with Bree so their romance was fast-paced, but remember Jaime and Claire married and had sex many times in season 1 so their romance was also fast-paced. The fact that he refused to sleep with Brianna before the wedding shows that he is a good, honest man, product of his times, and he loves and respects her. Back then, many men would sleep with women, fall out of love and leave them pregnant. Men also did not marry women who had premarital sex with them, and virginity was very important. I agree with many viewers that traveling back in time is the ultimate act of love for Roger. This is incredibly brave considering that he is giving up modern medicine, technology, and an advanced society where men could live long, happy lives without knowing how to use a sword. Every time he faces a challenge in the past (e.g. traveling with criminals and becoming a slave), I am more afraid for him than for Jaime because Jaime is a seasoned warrior, has friends who are willing to die for him, was raised in the past, knows people with wealth and political connections who help him, and he has been an outlaw for most of his life so he is used to dealing with difficult, life-or-death situations unlike Roger. Roger has less chances of survival than Jaime, and I am always afraid for his life. He could also be burned, hanged or drowned for witchcraft if he shows his knowledge of the future, modern medicine or science. To conclude, he proves his true love for Brianna when he decides to stay with her, even though she is carrying another man 's child (the child of a rapist and a killer). He will raise this child as his own because he knows like Frank and the priest who raised him, a man does not have to be the biological father of a child in order to love him/her. He is also aware that he might not have the happy marriage that he envisioned with Brianna because of the rape. Rape victims often are afraid and/or disgusted with sex even with someone they love, so he might not be able to have sexual relations or more children with Brianna. They also experience PTSD (with flasbacks, panic attacks, anger bursts, and even personality changes). Brianna might change, and might not be the woman he fell in love with before she was raped. If she was a confident, friendly, loving, brave, feminist woman before the rape, she might become a shy, reserved, afraid woman after the rape. She might feel broken, and have a complicated love/hate relationship with her first child, if the child reminds her of the most traumatic event of her life. Also, she might not feel that she can start over when she finds out that her rapist is alive and can still rape and murder more people.
@Off_the_beaten_path 4 года назад
The way you talk about rape survivors is extremely victimizing and frankly incredibly offensive. You've managed to take any agency away from survivors and talk about them as if healing is also not part of the process, which it is. Just because you are a rape victim doesn't mean you can't engage in intimate and meaningful relationships as well as heal on a personal level and move on with your life.
@Ana_Paula.Frasson 4 года назад
In the books they found out it's Roger's baby after all.
@aspeltaofkush3540 4 года назад
Gabby Sinagra I don’t see it as offensive. It’s a mixed bag. Some people bounce back while others don’t so easily if they do at all. Some people even commit suicide because it messes them up so badly. Different people can handle the same situation in totally different ways. It depends on the person.
@justarandomgirlvx3578 4 года назад
@@Off_the_beaten_path that is not offensive it is psychology. Everybody deals different with those things. if you recover or not... is laid on your shoulders. Why is it offensive
@nessyness5447 3 года назад
I have to disagree in the sex before marriage part because he admits to have had sex with other women. So when he says he wants to marry bree before having sex with her because he respects her , then what? He had no ounce of respect for the other women he had sex with? He considered them just trust only good to use and throw away? And what bree was not a virgin when they met? What if she admitted she had a one night stand with a college classmate? Would his respect and love for her vanish? Is that fragile? In fact he pretty much calls her a slut for wanting to sleep with him before marriage and they were in a relationship. So no, is not something good and is not comming from a good place of respect, at that point roger has no real respect for women if it's based on their virgin status, an so, for someone like bree that has a more open and modern mind, she can't not ignore those things. She did right in breaking up in that moment. Roger does come a long way after that, but that moment, has no justification.
@Okiemom50 3 года назад
Wonderful tribute to Roger & Brianna 👍❤️️☮
@veroniquenarbonne3429 4 года назад
Thank you, that's a nice sumary! I hope it will reconciliate some fans with Roger. We should never forget Jamie and Claire wouln't have never reunited without his help!
@michelleflood8220 4 года назад
Veronique Narbonne good point that I think gets lost on some people !
@L1L0 4 года назад
I liked him more before he proposed to Brianna
@aspeltaofkush3540 4 года назад
THANK YOU!! People also forget Roger is a scholar and not a warrior.
@melissinha73 3 года назад
100% While his motivation was to impress Brianna, I think he was very fond of Claire and worked tirelessly to find the clues.Every time Jaime got angry with him in the back of my mind I would think “Claire would never have come back if it weren’t for Roger”. That alone endeared me to him. I like their story too.
@murphysmom1387 4 года назад
We have to remember that itt isn't set in 2019, their time is 1968. Things were different then.
@menaburton1334 4 года назад
Love is timeless. If you really love someone than you get a love like Claire and Jamie’s. If you think you know what love is and delude yourself into thinking you can have it with someone toxic than you get a love like Roger and Bree. It doesn’t matter what time, what place in all the world. Love does not change. Love is something that only the rarest of people can truly feel. So you guys can make excuses for the way Roger treats Bree because the time. But Jamie and Claire are living proof that love is timeless and true no matter what century anyone lives in. Just saying
@phosphenevision 4 года назад
Mena Burton they are tv characters...
@marianasalibacoelho7565 4 года назад
@kristinesharp6286 3 года назад
Jamie and Claire had harsh environments of war in common. What the heck does the 60’s do to prepare for such things? Boomers in colonial times.
@nessyness5447 3 года назад
@@menaburton1334 oh yeah? Then how do you justify jamie spanking claire? Look, i am not a fan of how roger and bree's relationship went at the beggining, and no, the 69 was a year in which the younger generations had more modern ideas so is not justification for what roger said to bree and she had every right to be pissed, but he has come a long way, so i'll give him that. But do not come here saying that people should not justify behaviors with "it was another time" and then say claire and jaimie are perfect. Yeah roger was a sexist asshole with bree...but he didn't spank her or cheated on her with a prostitute while she was pregnant.
@lindav9367 4 года назад
I love, love love this...you are amazing! Thank You!!!💙💙💙
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
Thank you very much😁
@michelletucker6731 4 года назад
Take my breath away! Wow! Amazing job! Thank you for featuring Roger & Bree!
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
With pleasure Thanks to you! 🤗
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
You seem to be a huge fan of outlander Michelle.
@onesixteenth 4 года назад
A brilliant and touching tribute to Roger and Bree...thank you, even if it made me cry!!x
@RichardRankinFanHub 4 года назад
Beautifully done, you highlighted the essential emotions and made us cry! This is the truth of their relationship, thank you. 😭♥️♥️♥️
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
thank you very much :)
@rosytter 4 года назад
Amazing video, the edition is wonderful, thank you for your job. P.D. Love Brianna and Roger she is a great character and he is cute and brave.
@carodesalpes2882 4 года назад
Magnifique !!!
@jocelynmackenzie1046 4 года назад
I didn't always like the interaction between the two of them, but I love the editing to show their story. Well done
@MariaMaria-vq2cr 4 года назад
what a beautiful fan video! thank you for your great work
@outlandereveryday812 4 месяца назад
Absolutely beautiful edit.❤
@in24bal 4 года назад
so well done! love it
@madanamohana4551 4 года назад
eu to morrendo c essa serie!!! que gente bonitaaa
@virginiamerediz4250 4 года назад
@buffyjohnson8882 4 года назад
This is fabulous! Love Jamie, but Roger is my favorite character in the books and show. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful depiction of who he is!
@michelleflood8220 4 года назад
Buffy Johnson it has to be said and this clip shows it without Rogers research and proving Jamie survived culloden there is no reunion between Jamie and Claire and also no meeting of jamie and Brianna !
@Oldleftiehere 10 месяцев назад
@@niffleratheart2642No he doesn’t. Bree is the one who flies off the handle at Roger. Better go back and rewatch. Again, book Roger is far different from show Roger in so many respects.
@kasienkakaminska6915 4 месяца назад
Sophie skelton Great acting vibes🤗🤩⭐️✨🎬🎶💫
@layla302 4 года назад
Everyone is so down on Bree and Roger’s relationship and their chemistry. I enjoy watching their relationship more because it feels more real. Real couples have ups and downs. Yes, Jamie and Claire have this fairytale romance, but it becomes boring for me bc it plateaued early in the series.
@fomalhauto 4 года назад
not me I like them together
@JeanBakula 3 года назад
Also, Bree came from a broken marriage, and Roger was raised by a single minister. They are both only children and had no example of what married people in love act like. It's the late 60s when Bree meets Roger. But he's older than her and old fashioned.. He did the ultimate thing by chasing her through the stones. But he's a scholar, not a warrior like Jamie. Roger and Jamie come to love and respect each other, and Bree and Roger will find their way together. It's complicated because she was raped on the night she first had sex with Roger. It haunts the early parts of their time together at Fraser's Ridge. Roger doesn't want to stay there, and Claire doesn't want them to stay there. It's dangerous compared to where they came from. But Roger stays for Bree. What do people want from him?
@MJLOVEnow 3 года назад
Jean Bakula Exactly! Poor guy just can’t catch a break, but he hangs in. I think it almost means more because he’s NOT Jamie. He has to stretch for this relationship. They both do. For Claire and Jamie it just happened.💜
@sassenach387 2 года назад
Exactly . She meet Jamie in 2 years and say that he was the love of her live
@maestroclassico5801 4 года назад
I guess one of the underlying themes of Outlander is that true love really does conquer all. (Edit from one year later after viewing Season 5: But NO family should have to put up with the shit that the Fraser/ Mackenzie's have had to)
@nessyness5447 3 года назад
I can't help but imagine flint from black sails ( is also an starz show) being like " well, it didn't conquer england"
@Carolinahalves 4 года назад
Beautiful work!
@mlwtlc333 4 года назад
So beautiful. Love Roger and Bree. 🥰
@kaseytaylor4288 4 года назад
WOW! That was AWESOME❤
@macylea13 4 года назад
My fav couple! Beautiful video of their story!
@asa3409 3 года назад
This is beautiful!
@naomimaria6893 2 года назад
Love Outlanders, a devoted fan to these Series, binged watched 3 series over 36hours, and rewatched 3or 4x over, loved the costumes, were spot on in every time era they shoot, to landscape to make-up etc, was preciseness, it's hard to fault..the cast is brilliant, the writing to the production, I can't wait for series 6 and 7, if the lunatics call another world shut down and delay my fantasy past love of Outlanders get away from world pandemic madness.. I'll definately go crazy. I also want my daughter home who's stuck in US pandemic madness.
@rigaud01 4 года назад
Amazing,thank you!
@justblue8756 4 года назад
Lovely work ❤️
@amywilson9591 3 года назад
They’re definitely a better couple in season 5 than before. I guess going through horrific traumas can do that
@melissabowers6268 3 года назад
The best Bree Roger video online in my opinion! I am Bree's real life doppelganger: feisty redheaded mechanical engineer who speaks her mind!
@iloveejbgssnoopy 4 года назад
Beautiful job so beautiful music
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
Thank you so much ;)
@lilamvs 4 года назад
What a lovely video 💕
@juliabel2 4 года назад
Now I'm bawling!
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
I guess you really are a huge fan of outlander julia .
@maggied.7596 4 года назад
Holding my breath for season5
@noomwa 4 года назад
Great job editing
@auzzieworker5183 4 года назад
I don't know how they got through this so easily, barely a scratch.
@sharonmartin9248 4 года назад
Incredible, absolutely incredible!!!
@carolinegordon8515 4 года назад
This session looks amazing just finished session 3
@eloramaxwell7020 4 года назад
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
I agree with you!
@paulamckenzie 4 года назад
Fantastic video! Masterful job on this!!
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
Thank you Paula . You seem to be a huge fan of outlander .
@paulamckenzie 3 года назад
@@richardrankin2602 And of you! I have 3 beautiful prints from your newest collection framed on my wall - absolutely stunning! 👏
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
@@paulamckenzie you seem to be a really nice lady and a huge fan of outlander thank you . When exactly did you get my newest collection and I would like to see the exact print if you don't mind.
@paulamckenzie 3 года назад
@@richardrankin2602 I’ll post it to you on Twitter with pics 😊
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
@@paulamckenzie that will be perfect but I get too many Dm on twitter . I don't talk much here I just came here to check on some videos and the comments section . Maybe you can send the collections to me on my email if you want .
@brianconnaughton7077 4 года назад
you can call me old but i belive in love and i always will and i know this is just a story but you can see how much they love etch aver Roger went back in time to be with the one he truly loves and if thats not love them what is ? and i dont mind saying this made me cry and from me i had love once and it went and i hope to god i find it agian i will i have to
@harpiabg4751 4 года назад
Again, great work!!! Thanks for the pleasure! :)))
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
Thank you harpia. You seem to be a huge fan of outlander.
@harpiabg4751 3 года назад
@@richardrankin2602 yes, I am! 😘🍀
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
@@harpiabg4751 I hope you and your family are safe from the covid-19 pandemic
@harpiabg4751 3 года назад
Yes. @@richardrankin2602thank you very much, you too!
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
@@harpiabg4751 I am fine and safe . I guess you have watched all season of outlander.
@equipage72 3 года назад
Another masterful video, KingFireman! You always manage to find the best of so many clips you could use to tell a characters story from beginning to end. As always, I am enamored with the orchestration you use which I think is equally important to the story. How on earth do you choose the music? Your talent is just impeccable and thanks again for the share!
@richardrankin2602 3 года назад
You seem to be a huge fan of outlander kimber .
@hammysauce 4 года назад
Ugh I love them
@LettieDream 4 года назад
I am sorry but Roger made me hate him last season, like hate him. I am so happy that they found their way back to each other and he is willing to accept the baby since it may not be his but I still don't trust Roger anymore. I really hope that he proves me wrong in the new season.
@KrystalBr0wn 4 года назад
The show really doesn't do him justice. Read the books
@Oldleftiehere 10 месяцев назад
It’s just sad that people actually hate a character like Roger in a story that has a Black Jack Randall in it? What a waste of emotion.
@onesixteenth 3 года назад
Ah, Roger Mac, I love you ❤❤❤❤
@yoshDee 4 года назад
Wao... Que lindo video... Merci ☺️😙
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
Thank youuu🤗
@blackskyy669 4 года назад
@SirPercival1207 3 года назад
Well done
@doraangelicaguevaratrelles3085 4 года назад
Son perfectos!!!🤩🤜🤛
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
Thankss ✊😁
@leidysvalido3077 4 года назад
Is a Beautiful Love ❤
@KentPetersonmoney 2 года назад
What's funny Roger is her sorta younger 2nd cousin 4 times great grandson meaning he's pretty much the great grandfather of his great grandfather.
@nessyness5447 3 года назад
I swear , there is a video with this song for every show from Starz.
@Pradeep_889 4 года назад
Book Roger is far more realistic and a genuine character. I don't know why the show has tweaked his story to show him in a bad light, as eventually he will become the righthand man of Jamie. He is like a Claire 2.0 who got himself mixed with the Frasers.
@outspoken5808 2 года назад
I think the books explain Roger and Bree so much better. In the 1960s Roger represents the past to Bree, he is an old-soul with outdated intentions. The past scares her because of everything she learns about Jamie. When they both end up in the 1760s, all of a sudden Roger represents the future to Bree and everything she left behind, the world where Frank existed, and that also scares her for a moment. Roger and Bree are complete opposites, Bree being a child born in the 1900s to a father in the 1700s, and Roger being the product of a woman from the 1900s bearing a lineage in the 1700s. Yes, Roger is in love with Bree the moment he saw her (just like Jamie was in love with Claire), but just like Claire it took Bree a moment to truly accept Roger and the reality of what that choice meant. Bree cannot fully realize her feelings for roger until she meets Jamie, and faces the past that Roger reminded her of. But that's the thing, Roger isn't the past, he isn't like Jamie, if anything he is like Frank.
@ryn8613 4 года назад
I'm just so happy that Jemmy is actually his son and then they have Amanda and it's just so awesome!!
@hpetty7 4 года назад
Corrine Donovan why write spoilers???
@ryn8613 4 года назад
@@hpetty7 the books have been out for a decade, not spoilers at this point
@hpetty7 4 года назад
Corrine Donovan for the people who haven’t read the books and are just watching the shows. So yeah spoilers!!
@nandee1fuery 3 года назад
You can always tell the ones who don't read the books and base their information solely on the show. Bree is such a bitch to Roger in the books, she treats him like trash. Even after he went back in time to find their son, she didn't even really care that he was gone -- ask she said wwas that he'd "die looking for Jemmy". He literally sacrificed EVERYTHING for her, only for her to turn around and keep treating him like garbage. And courtship is so short bc it's A TV SHOW. If you read the books, it actually takes a year or so. And that scene with the burning of the clans, that's COMPLETELY out of context. It's explained WAY BETTER in the books why he reacted the way he did. IN MY HOUSE, WE LOVE AND RESPECT ROGER JEREMIAH WAKEFIELD MACKENZIE.
@LaRomaBella 3 года назад
SPOILERS * * * * * * * * * * * * I see a lot of comments disliking Roger for not returning to Bree immediately once he was free. The man was brutally beaten and sold by Jamie, forced to walk hundreds of miles from North Carolina to New York, was beaten by the Mohawk, held captive for months, (mercy) killed someone, and then found out the woman he loved was brutally raped and possibly pregnant by her rapist. He does need some time to process all of that trauma. I don't like TV Roger as much as book Roger (though Richard Rankin is great!) but he is a flawed character, not a bad one. And Randall was a horrifying villain (Tobias Menzies should have won a Golden Globe and an Emmy) - he beat and attempted to rape Claire twice, attempted to rape Jenny, brutally flogged Jamie, brutally raped Jamie, raped Fergus, and beat his brother's dead body. I'm side-eyeing anyone that genuinely likes his character over Roger who...was sexist for a brief amount of time.
@crisp.c9352 4 года назад
Diane Gabaladon à créé une fiction exceptionnelle et émouvante on se laisse emporter par ses livres et la série.
@himitsu97 4 года назад
Brianna is so BEAUTIFUL !
@iloveejbgssnoopy 4 года назад
Love Roger and Bree always I know there are those who have their opinions. They do care
@hannahelie5599 4 года назад
J aime bien Roger et brianna. Sur Netflix j ai vu l épisode de leur mariage c était beau. L interprétation de ses acteurs est belle ils forment un bon beau duo.
@meltcmelinda4012 4 года назад
There is no chemistry between them, but the man who plays Lord John Grey with the simple look he gives Bree the chemistry is booming.. It's either there or NOT.
@Delfini29 Год назад
There should not be even. They would steal the thunder from Claire and Jamie. They're a kind couple, had their tries and found balance just like Marsali and Fergus, but Claire and Jamie must stay in the center all along.
@lesyanisgarciavazquez3155 3 года назад
Por que en neflin no salen las cuarta ,5 y 6 temporada solo sale hasta la tercera dio ayundenme donde encontrar las demás temporada
@catherinegille6729 4 года назад
Trop bien a quand la suite.
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
Merci, le 15 ou 16 fevrier je crois
@peacec47 2 года назад
Watch this I went to the grounds of caloden you get a cold feeling there
@anishinaabae 4 года назад
to y'all who are justifying roger's shitty behaviour with "it was a different time" - are we even watching the same show? y'know the one that centers around the beautiful, equal relationship between a woman from the '40s and a man from the 1700s? sure, there were a couple of moments when jaime acted like a product of his time, but he was always quick to apologize and accept that his behaviour was shitty and inappropriate any time claire challenged him. roger, on the other hand? he throws tantrums until brianna caves in and apologizes or sees things ~from his perspective~ even tho it should be the other way around! claire and jamie are perfection so it's a little insulting that the show is trying to prop up brianna/roger as the 2.0 couple. we've already been served a four star 12 course meal, idk why they think a mediocre all you can eat buffet at 50% off is going to satisfy us after that!
@Oldleftiehere 10 месяцев назад
It’s sounding like you’re the one who’s not watched the show and it’s beyond obvious that you have no relationship with the books either. Too bad. Sometimes it’s better to remain quiet and appear the fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
@AnzuBrief 4 года назад
I don't like Roger, not since he made clear he expected Brianna to be a virgin, even if he was not. But your video has reminded me he is just a human being, with his defects and virtues. Beautifully done.
@audrey5592 4 года назад
Rebecca GeekyGirl i don’t think he expected her to be a virgin but rather that when they both commit, they do it fully without the desire of flesh to compromise it or to make them feel as though their relationship is more. He said that he had sex with other woman because he knew they weren’t the one for him but with Bree, he wanted to give her what she deserved and it wasn’t just a one time thing. I don
@AnzuBrief 4 года назад
@@audrey5592 I guess that's another way to see it. I re-watched the scene again, I still think Roger expected Brianna to be a virgin and he would've been just as upset (or more) if he found out that she wasn't. He came across as very patronizing and sexist, though to be fair it's the 1970s. Still your perspective is just as valid as mine. Thanks for sharing.
@nymeria1160 4 года назад
I wish I liked Brianna more. Love Claire and Jaime but their kid drives me nuts, at least from what I see in the show.
@debbieholder9155 4 года назад
Janelle B. Me too!... I thought I was the only one!
@nymeria1160 4 года назад
@@debbieholder9155 I haven't read the books so I don't know her character there, but on the show I constantly ask how she's the daughter of Claire Frazier!
@g.d.2059 4 года назад
Bad casting, bad acting. I can't stand her either. There's no likability factor. Her acting is fit for those faked Hallmark holiday romance series.
@nymeria1160 4 года назад
@@g.d.2059 Their whole relationship is off. Roger is a benevolent misogynist at best and Brianna comes off as a narcissist, especially when she blamed Jaime for mistaking Roger for her rapist. Ungrateful child.
@friedarothe6044 3 года назад
Who else looks this for Lily Evans Scenes?
@phoebehoward8398 3 года назад
Rodger reminds me of Rory from doctor who!
@dorisbarkler8570 2 года назад
Take me to see my son. Oh Lord I shuddered.
@stellaparker8620 27 дней назад
Now Rodger knows how to get off a horse
@ScissorhandsSnow-rh8ps 4 месяца назад
"I fell in love with a girl. Beautiful girl. I asked her to marry me, and she said no. So what did I do? Instead of walking away, I actually followed her across an ocean. Like an idiot, I pursued her through time and space, determined to prove to myself and the universe that I did love this woman, just like all those great love stories written by all those great idiots." Roger and Brianna's relationship wasn't perfect from the start, there were times when I didn't think it would last, but the love they have for each other just keeps getting stronger, it's not always perfect, it takes work. It's like @ImonSnow once said. You have to invest your time and love into something to help it grow. I love Outlander, I only started watching this beautiful series because of Imon. It's been a beautiful journey with her, she has such a beautiful way of looking at the world. I love what she said about relationships, "I really feel like if you invest your time and love into something it grows and it can't fail. If you water something it continues to grow. Do you know what I mean? I really believe that. I believe it with all of my heart, that people get bored or lazy and they don't want to water anything anymore." For anyone that's reading this and doesn't know who @ImonSnow is, then I'll tell you a little bit about her. She does reaction videos to Movies and TV Shows, but her channel is so much more than that, it's her. She really cares about people and about what she does, she cares for the story, for the characters and the message the story is trying to tell us. At the end of her videos she shares her thoughts and takes the time to talk about things. I really love how much she feels for the characters, the way she connects to the story, the way she feels and experiences all of it. She's really beautiful, in every sense of the word.
@maryagnus2859 4 года назад
Porque no lo traducen al castellano?
@bobvancevancerefrigeration844 4 года назад
Wait so if Roger is the many great grandchild to Dougal McKenzie and Bree is the daughter of Jamie Fraser and Jamie is Dougals nephew, doesn’t that make Bree and Roger *related* ? 🤔
@dianabello3747 3 года назад
I always wondered that
@giuliapicchiotti 3 года назад
I like Roger, i choose to see the flaws in a character rather than for it to be absolutly perfect, because that would make the character less human, and Roger is a HUMAN BEING, a fictional one sure, but still a human being, he can make mistakes, but he learned from them, and he got hundred time better in season five !!! , i like Roger and Brianna for different reasons that i like Claire and Jamie !!! , but i really, like them
@Wander85942 4 года назад
I think they’re better in season 5 rather than season 4. They had too much miscommunication with disastrous results. They’re doing a better job as a couple now they went through hell and back
@osarenoma9918 4 года назад
Such an underrated couple
@kathleenherschbach6822 4 года назад
Ive read all the books but have not seen any of the series..it's on a chan. I don''t get.. looks really great.
@dandydon6049 4 года назад
Kathleen Herschbach I also read all the books and I’m impatiently waiting for the next one. When they return with the kids from the little girls heart operation.
@patriciaevins6267 4 года назад
@Kathleen Herschbach , don't bother with the show if you like the books....the show went off the rails half way through season 1. They've adapted 21st Century "morals" to a story set in the 18th Century.....sigh....If you do watch it though, I'd love to hear your opinion ;) Slainte !
@rowanaforrest9792 4 года назад
I'm still curious to see the show, but it's always a big mistake to imprint modern-day mores onto distant historical times. Better to tell the story within the actual mores of that time and place in history.
@altinaykor364 3 года назад
actually I loved Brianna and Roger so much more than Claire and Jaime💗💗💗
@lisasellmeier4520 4 года назад
Der Roger geht mir voll auf die Nerven. Sie hätte den John nehmen sollen
@neollem5097 4 года назад
+ Rodger ist nur nervig!...
@natalieanne6098 3 года назад
When will this be on Netflix
@MrDonJBerg 4 года назад
How do you get SONY to approve the use of their video..Every time I make a video, SONY has a fit??? If you keep this up..I might have to stop..Your videos are masterful..Well Done
@kingfireman21 4 года назад
What do you mean ? What is SONY? Tell me the probleme
@kittykattmcgee6375 3 года назад
Wait....where can I watch the is?
@doratiscareno5856 4 года назад
@xqvs_4440 4 года назад
When will the new season be?
@terrynstasha 4 года назад
February 2020
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