
By Our Hand, Tyrande Elune Cinematic - 9.1 Chains of Domination , World of Warcraft Shadowlands 

Freki Guides
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The full cinematic for By Our Hand Questline Spoilers ahead, you have been warned. Like/Subscribe for more content like this and to support the channel! :)




26 июл 2021




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@repthe21st66 2 года назад
"Vengeance or renewal" Tyrande chooses. "Wait, not like that!"
@TheAustinKendall 2 года назад
"Vengeance or Renewal" "Bitch fuck that, I know how powerful you both are and I've been worshipping you for 10,000 years, not to mention the ONLY reason I could have evoked the night warrior ritual was FOR vengeance, and still you have the gall to ask of me MORE!!! Oh and not sure you've noticed cause you both seem clueless but, your brother, the one you locked up due to some vague "rebellion" is also trying to undo reality with the HELP of the bitch I want vengeance on!"
@janjan55555 2 года назад
@@TheAustinKendall She didn't even want to help her against Sylvanas, who even without Tyrande's powerboost should have been able to take out Sylvanas without Elune... Writers failed big time if Tyrande would have asked for a suicide in exchange for Sylvanas' death who would then be resurrected by one of her valkyrs... Again horrible writing on behalf of Blizzard
@korsekil 2 года назад
@@janjan55555 Sylvanas was pumped up on the Jailer's magic, which was why she so easily overpowered Saurfang in the first place (and later became a raid boss you must fight). The Night Warrior power seemed strong enough to overpower that but yeah, the writers decided they had to nerf that and give Tyrande a "chance to repent" - basically giving her a "destructive path of vengeance" without any serious side effects or real benefit.
@janjan55555 2 года назад
@@korsekil This has been now 2 whole Sylvanas central expansions, and the fans had enough. I am glad I no longer play but only watch videos and nothing changed... SYlvanas has been written to be this ultimate strategist that never suffers a loss and always is 7 steps ahead of anyone, and of course nobody can even take her out. I seriously hope Alleria steps in and throws her in a void world where she'll go insane for eternity...
@nishikaze 2 года назад
Okay... So to explain; The Winter Queen begged for aid when the drought hit and Elune heard her sister. She wasn't in a position to help. When Sylvanas burned the tree and murdered countless of Night Elves, Elune decided that instead of turning them into wisps she sent them to Ardenweald not knowing that the souls had been redirected to the Maw, the reason for the drought to begin with. Now Elune and The Winter Queen will work together to aid Ardenweald and work to get those souls back. Elune had nothing to do with the burning of the tree. She just was redirecting the dead not knowing what would really happen to them. She didn't abandon her people, she simply didn't know.
@dragonborn6347 2 года назад
so the winter queen told her that no soul is going to ardenweald, she must knew something is wrong, but she sent them to the shadowlands regardless, it makes no sense btw or she is simply stupid :D
@Finn3601 2 года назад
So much for mother moon's knowledge...
@nathanwinters2400 2 года назад
I mean really pretty, nicely voice acted, but I don't understand a damn thing with the new lore and it's multitudes of nonsense.
@BenDover-gc4xs 2 года назад
don't worry, no one does
@LakritsUwU 2 года назад
Elune talks through Tyranda and says "Yea I let the nelfs die in the tree because you needed soul juice here in ardenweald"
@BenDover-gc4xs 2 года назад
@@LakritsUwU aah the sweet current WoW lore, ladies and gentlemen
@PeterPanda527 2 года назад
​@@LakritsUwU THIS! It annoys me so much that the "Godess" does not care about her "favorite children". Who the fuck writes this shit???
@timelytwitch9271 2 года назад
@@LakritsUwU Elune does not interfere with mortal affairs to just snap her fingers and save the night elves. She saw the tragedy as an opportunity to help her sister knowing they would eventually be reincarnated.
@Avacious181 2 года назад
All things aside I really appreciate the art team, the sound team and the voice actors. you guys are truly the backbone of warcraft atm. the writers have no idea what they're doing anymore. But damn the music and the visuals gave me chills.
@whyteboyy1978 2 года назад
When Elune spoke I got wracking chills up and down my entire body. It was truly inspiring. Their cinematics team is truly top knotch. :)
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
@@whyteboyy1978 haha yep, as always
@mrlieenn 2 года назад
@scottfree6479 2 года назад
Backbone? They are the only damn thing that’s left.
@Watermoon1293 2 года назад
@@scottfree6479 amen to that
@jamescrosson3071 2 года назад
Elune specifically says "in the wake of tragedy". That strikes me as she tried to direct the souls to where they'd be needed after something horrible happened, but it failed because of what the Jailer has been doing and they wound up in the maw. I don't see where people are getting the "ELUNE CAUSED THE GENOCIDE" angle going...
@KosmataBradva 2 года назад
Elune didn't help Teldrassil, even when nelfs begged for it. Arbiter doesn't send souls based on faction. They are judged based on personallity. Being a nelf doesn't mean automatic Ardenweald, considering there are crafters, warriors or plain assholes to be redirected into any of the other 3 SL's. Also, 20 years of culture being impacted by being a member of the Alliance, unlike nelfs in WC3, what were isolated. If Elune has any power to influence the Arbiter's judgement, what;s the point of the entire SL system?
@jamescrosson3071 2 года назад
@@KosmataBradva A lot of it is in my opinion just bad writing. This expansion especially they refuse to actually let us know anything. And while it's true being a night elf wouldn't be an automatic Ardenweald, they're probably much more likely than the average soul to get sent there. I still think it's heavily implying that Elune could influence where they go with this, but who knows. As to why Elune didn't intervene directly, I mean, there hasn't been much evidence of her doing so ok a large scale like that before, mostly just helping individuals, like she has Tyrande in the past. All in all it's a big muddled mess, but I still wouldn't put it on Elune.
@StrifeStalker 2 года назад
I mean, Elune personally seemed to make sure Ysera got to Ardenweald which seems further indicated by the cinematic we get during her death. So, did she really try with the night elves? We didn't get a full moon eclipsing over the tree ushering the souls to the shadowlands. The Afterlives cinematic makes it seem as though the Anima drought has been going on for awhile now after all, so, did the Arbiter break after Legion and, if so, why did Elune personally deliver Ysera and not the Night Elves?
@jamescrosson3071 2 года назад
@@StrifeStalker @StrifeStalker iirc, they've said the Arbiter broke some time during Legion, but I don't think an exact time. It's also possible that given how powerful a being Ysera herself is, it was easier to help guide her, or even just that it was more doable to guide her as one entity than however many thousands of souls were lost during Teldrassil. In the end, it'd just be nice to get more specifics, because these days Blizzard mostly likes to throw us crumbs and leave everything as unsatisfying cliffhangers.
@StrifeStalker 2 года назад
@@jamescrosson3071 I totally get that part, it just seems odd. Like, based on the cinematic, Elune personally saw to Ysera . . . but how does she have this ability at all or are her and the rest able to do this in some capacity as well and the Arbiter can just see to a larger volume then they can? It's just very conflicting and unexplained and seems as though they didn't think all this through.
@SinjinS 2 года назад
So like Tyrande have to choose now between becoming like Malfurion (renew - one of druids specs) or like Ilidan (vengeance being his avurite word).
@thewhitewolf1211 2 года назад
Ofc she chose malf 😒
@gokai976 2 года назад
Well, I have to disagree with the comparison. Malfurion is hardly the paragon of renewal. Besides, Renew is a priest HoT, not a druid spec. That's Restoration you're thinking of😉
@Cheezeblade 2 года назад
They went from rejection of the gift, to repackaging of the content.
@tismon 2 года назад
"By our hand" -Blizzard responding to how female employees were sexually harassed
@woutvandessel1823 2 года назад
Holy shit mate, you made me spit my drink
@tommyrichard2746 2 года назад
@chrissy93x 2 года назад
Ooooouuuuuu that stings they need some elune tears to cool that burn
@Lolzorpantz 2 года назад
Butchering 25 years of lore so people will accept the redemption of your imaginary girlfriend Bravo Danuser. Also great timing telling the community to basically forgo vengeance and choose “renewal” when your company is facing a sexual harassment lawsuit.
@Finn3601 2 года назад
Damn , that went well with what's actually happening lol. Makes sense..
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Well , stick around and subscribe to know how it ends haha :P Video is out for raid ending and it looks like they are announcing the new expansion the 18th of April. Might have one more extra cinematic hidden if there is a secret mythic boss (Usually there is??)
@user-zv2vm8bd8h 2 года назад
Can someone send the entire writing team at a different planet?
@ansmaru4929 2 года назад
The story of Warcraft was broken since BFA. I don't know what are they thinking.just want to ruin Warcraft and make players feel sick?
@user-zv2vm8bd8h 2 года назад
@@ansmaru4929 It was broken way before that. Legion was giving players artifact weapons and made everyone feel like a special snowflake at the expense of the story and the characters. WoD was retarded from its conception. Mists had many issues, Cataclysm was 4 expansions at the same time and ended up being none of them and Wrath avoided dealing with Arthas and filled its content with Titan and Old God stuff. The story since BfA has been a disaster but it was broken long before that.
@grandelderx7084 2 года назад
@@ansmaru4929 I have never seen a truer statement, for me the lore ends at legion, BFA and shadowlands should NOT be cannon.
@MrPeaceFroggy 2 года назад
Lore started going wrong in tbc
@user-zv2vm8bd8h 2 года назад
@@MrPeaceFroggy In some ways yes. However, it wasn't the mess it became later.
@Thatwasianboii 2 года назад
So Elune sensed that there was something wrong, so sacrificed her favorite children only to be told that they all went to the maw? She knew something was wrong but didn't know exactly was wrong? Little confused ngl Other than that, awesome graphics and really good voice acting
@serella2916 2 года назад
What's so hard to understand. It's called dramatic irony. Not every character gets to see every cinematic play out before them on their monitor. It's plainly obvious that Elune (like bwonsamdi did for the darkspear) has the ability to ferry souls unto her sisters domain. You also make it sound like Elune was the one to off her own children. Uh, no? It was more of a "Well shit they all died, things are fucked, imma let my sister handle it from here, since I can just tell my kids to walk to her place after school (after they died) Sorry it's not a Biscuit book.
@professorgoat1099 2 года назад
@@serella2916 eh its not a well written book either. its lame.
@iceman3317 2 года назад
She probably left the Shadowlands or was exiled and unable to return, which is why all this happened. Unlike the Jailer, she possibly left without being angry and accepted it. So she left, unable to return. This means we still do not know what broke the cycle.
@Jugger4242 2 года назад
@@professorgoat1099 its pretty hard to tell a proper bookish story in an MMO but i think a lot of people legit just can't read or speak english and thats why they are hating on it. Ok it's not the greatest story ever, but its alright at worst sometimes but it always has been interesting with a lot of relatable/likeable characters. If you expect too much you'll always be let down.
@Time_Goblin 2 года назад
Literally no one knows how to read “In the wake of tragedy” means AFTER TRAGEDY!! Elune didn’t cause the fucking genocide she just sent the souls to Ardenweald instead of night elves turning to wisps
@radoslavnenchev8412 2 года назад
i think what she implied was that when sylvannas burned the tree, Elune somehow transferred the night elves' souls to Ardenweald (or so she thought) to help them, but she didn't know they went to the Maw instead. I refuse to believe that Elune purposefully killed souls just for the sake of Ardenweald. More like, she was trying to at least put their death into something good, given that Elune doesn't control sylvannas' actions.
@thunder9236 2 года назад
I mean.. This is from the same staff who wrote sylvanas and the infamous line of "I will never serve" after having served for several expansions. This team ruined every character.
@andrewfriedman3947 2 года назад
Agreed, I believe she was trying to say she was preoccupied with the tree and she tried to help by sending the souls lost in the tree to ardenweald to fuel it
@kevinluu7024 2 года назад
If u guys are confused about what's going on Don't worry in the next expansion it will be retcon 😉
@feelsreeeman7992 2 года назад
*next patch Well, that's if blizzard survives
@kevinluu7024 2 года назад
@@feelsreeeman7992 they will retcon the sexual harassment lawsuit too
@MrFuzzyFlippers 2 года назад
its funny because its true
@Hyth 2 года назад
Remember when WoW was about your player character doing heroic things that make some sense within the lore, rather than you watching a fan fiction about elf waifus who are terrible people?
@Scarletraven87 2 года назад
Yes, and it was horrible. Giving a handjob to each player's ego. Regardless of their skills even. Without any choicemaking even.
@Guarrow 2 года назад
@@Scarletraven87 Cuz you feel like the game gives you any choice right now ? Come on lmao It's always shit when MMOs try to make it like you are a super big hero saving the world or something, it's way better when npcs treat you like soldiers. There are a shit ton of players like you, the whole purpose of MMOs is to be a part of a virtual world with a shit ton of other people. Should be easy to think that it would be easier to have players take part in armies or something, but nah, looks like they prefer people to feel like they are heroes or something even tho that's completely counter intuitive and absolutely not immersive because there are literally millions of heroes just like you the moment you'll leave the instance. It's just better when you're just some kind of subordonate, you are here to complete quests, and it's cool to recognize npcs you see on cutscenes and shit talking to you and giving you orders instead of them trying to make it like they care about you even tho they will obviously not mention you in cutscenes because in cutscenes you just cease to exist. So yeah, I feel like you're completely wrong. I didn't felt like npcs were talking to me like I was the goddamn savior of the universe when I played WoTLK, but after that I felt some huge changes towards npcs talking about « the adventurer » and how strong he is. That's just horse shit, and to me that's « giving a handjob to each player's ego », and it's clearly the « modern » way since it seems that a lot of MMOs like to do that
@novawildpaw3732 2 года назад
Elune: mistakes happen forgive and forget... Sylvanas: yes forgive and forget... Night Elves: BRUH...
@MarkoArillius 2 года назад
Vengeance or renewal. To sacrifice all in the name of justice or to focus on her people. Elune loves Tyrande enough to let her choose which she should be given, the power to strike Sylvanes down or the power to save her people, and Tyrande chooses. Nothing about forgiveness. Not even once. It's intellectually dishonest to say it's about forgiveness.
@MrBas-cu7dt 2 года назад
@@MarkoArillius Why did killing that undead bitch and saving her people are considered mutually exclusive? Tyrande can and should be able to do both. Extract whatever information about big bald man plans from Sylvanas and behead her immediately after that.
@kmputertechsupplies2374 2 года назад
​@@MrBas-cu7dt imagine That the person who knows the secret to life was sent to share their knowledge with your family.. They were attacked and is now on life support. Electricity was cut due to damaged lines. You have one battery. And you have 2 choices, 1) Save the person on life support by giving them the battery to power their equipment 2) Use the battery to power your car to go hunt and possibly kill the person responsible. Stopping them from causing further destruction... ..... You cannot choose both.
@moviac 2 года назад
@@kmputertechsupplies2374 pfft easy, number 1, let law enforcement handle nr 2 they always did have a 'shit' job
@jensjensen4836 2 года назад
she chose not to pursuit her vengeance above renewal, Arthas got his vengeance against mal'ganis, Sylvanas got her vengeance against Arthas, and they got nothing from it. the venthyr night warrior also have some interresting dialogue, about how her never ending thist for more vengeance made her the the biggest threat to her own people, and a friend had to kill her to protect the people she was seeking vengeance for in the first place. the other night warrior says that the power of the night warrior was double-edged sword that ended up killing her self.
@Wildchildinc 2 года назад
They will be remembered as the Kaldorei that died for nothing!
@gummybear8679 2 года назад
For the drama! *Elves turn to ashes*
@feliperosa4211 2 месяца назад
For N@zi Horde
@erdnuzz8368 2 года назад
Vengeance or Renew? A Question that Blizzard has to decide as well.
@XxDiPpInDoTsXx 2 года назад
Judging by the union-busting law firm they just hired, the answer is very clear.
@silith7027 2 года назад
I hate this lore wise and still I have tears in my eyes because of it. Major kudos to the sound team as well as the voice actors, especially Tyrande's/Elune's. They've done such an amazing job.
@neilbryanpita9698 2 года назад
Sylvanas burnt teldrassil Sylvanas raised Delaryn, Sira, and other fallen nelves to forsaken Blizzard: Its Elune's fault
@engelchenlilith 2 года назад
Well. my interpretation was, that Elune influenced the ranger, that etched Sylvanas in the Burning of Teldrassil. It would be really dark, if i was right.. but its my interpretation of it.
@DT-yw4ob 2 года назад
Oh,it's just abusers doing victim blaming, nothing new here.
@suppertrollxD 2 года назад
No, elune did not say she caused it. She said she decided to not take the souls and instead gave them to the shadowlands during the drought.
@TheSquareheadgamer 2 года назад
Pretty sure Elune just meant she didn't nap the souls but let them go into the Shadowlands
@engelchenlilith 2 года назад
@@TheSquareheadgamer Hmm not sure. If she would normally do that.. she would rid her sister of a lot of souls, wouldnt she?
@nimgul7688 2 года назад
I just love the music in this cinematic... surprisingly it was composed by Pedro Macedo Camacho, which worked with Blizzard on World of WarCraft Shadowlands expansion. He tweeted about in August 2021.
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
I can confirm this, I saw his tweet today from last August!
@pedro.camacho 2 года назад
@anulire 2 года назад
I love it how camera puts Ysera and Shandris as witneses to this. Elune and Tyrande. Two mothers and two daughters. Both adopted. One by Elune other by Tyrande. As always. Art team is awsome in their job
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
yep, AAA quality work as usual from their art team definitely. Do subscribe for the content from the upcoming patch 9.2! :)
@RumandCocaine Год назад
Two bitches, one tear
@Bewmkin 2 года назад
Uhhh, I'm pretty sure Renew is a level 5 druid spell and Vengeance is a demon hunter spec, so unless she puts a blindfold on we know what she's gonna' pick.
@Feathersongwolf 2 года назад
Renew is a priest spell :)
@cerberus6400 2 года назад
@@Feathersongwolf Which conveniently for her, she is!
@Bewmkin 2 года назад
@@Feathersongwolf Oh crap you're right! XD Thanks!
@clawsandteeth7846 2 года назад
I like how Elune has almost no emotional reaction to finding out she just yeeted all her people to Turbo-Hell. She bows her head and a sheds a single tear, but aside from that she doesn't seem too upset.
@omen_bear 2 года назад
Oops, maybe if I shed a single tear they'll think I'm actually sorry for what I did and that I actually care.
@Guarrow 2 года назад
Yeah I also found that quite shocking tbh. There's very little reaction. Tho I'll be gentle, I'll say it's because she's a goddess therefore she doesn't express emotions like mere mortals ... But yeah
@LethalOwl 2 года назад
Can't exactly expect some demi-god-level beings to have the emotional range of 'mere mortals', but I see your point. I'm sure she feels bad in her own way, but yeah. Blizzard's no clue what they're doing anymore.
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
hahaha, do stick around here to find out how it ends :P
@CurtalA 2 года назад
"then I have condemned my favoured children" - Doesn't this sound like a very, I dunno, basic or clichéd thing to say? Just like the jailer, you can predict what they will say. Show don't tell has clearly been missed by the story team.
@Crazozourus 2 года назад
Tyrande confirmed as the new Warchief of The Horde.
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Looks like she'll have to dye her hair red now
@th3ra83 2 года назад
Illidan return from jailing Sargeras Illidan: Malfurion WHAT THE F**K??? Malfurion: Uhh.... I can explain?
@Crazozourus 2 года назад
@@th3ra83 Bli$$ writers: It was HIM all along!
@TheSandChris 2 года назад
Rebirthing souls require anima right? That's why the soul of Ursoc is harvested in the Ardenweald intro cinematic. There's not enough anima to rebirth him, so he either withers and gets extinguished or the night fae harvest his anima, killing the soul, but they can use it to hopefully save other souls. There is an anima drought in the shadowlands. So the winter queen calls for help, pressumably about the drought (forgetting to mention the bit about the maw). Elunes response? She lets her people die in droves, to "help out" her sister in Ardenweald. They cannot maintain the souls they already have, there's not enough anima to go around. How is sending a ton of new souls there going to help her, Elune? They'll be harvested, that's how. Imagine the mistress of an orphanage asking her sister for help, there's not enough food to go around and the children are starving. Her sister then "helps" by sending 20 more kids to the orphanage with a letter saying "these little fellas can help with the chores, or you could feed them to the other kids, god bless". Also the line "she can choose vengeance or renewal" is so bloody tone-deaf given the current lawsuit. I'm all for separating the product and the creator, but that one grinds my gears.
@odst123451 2 года назад
Elune didn’t let her people die, they died. She couldn’t stop that but she did have a choice. Let there souls remain by turning them into wisps or sending them to the after life where’d they eventually return.
@stanmeevissen 2 года назад
there is a difference between the rebirth of powerful spirits of nature and just grove tenders. the normal people in ardenweald care for the souls that get rebirthed, they themselves don't go back. so the night elves bring their own anima and are new caretakers.
@flameknightdragon 2 года назад
@@odst123451 no she let them die. she could have saved them but chose not to. straot up she made it so people would not be bothed by the fire or smoke when she put them to sleep. she could have done that when they were awake so they could have fled. instead she put them to sleep to get the max body count.
@es333000 2 года назад
👈 This. 👍
@odst123451 2 года назад
@@flameknightdragon What proof do you have that she could have saved them. She put them to sleep so they didn't suffer, the tree was engulfed in flame, they couldn't escape. The player barely escaped during the event.
@ScotsmanDougal 2 года назад
The score for this is incredible.
@pedro.camacho 2 года назад
Thank you, sir!
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
@@pedro.camacho Wow thank you Pedro for coming in!! I loved your music in this one!! Congratulations!!!
@mrlieenn 2 года назад
What's the soundtrack???
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Might be something new, but it does have similiarities to nightsong
@mrlieenn 2 года назад
@@FrekiGuides 0:44 gives me vanilla NE zone vibes 😭
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
Custom music composed by Pedro Macedo Camacho.
@LineageIILegend 2 года назад
Ah yes Shadowlands . 4 years of build up for the pay off to be Sylvanas on denial and Elune laundering souls to her sister . Amazing story writing .
@TheJezryk 2 года назад
The worst part is that the otherwise omnipotent and seemingly omnipresent Elune somehow knew about Ardenwelds struggle, but not the cause behind it. Selective perception, much?
@fraise000 2 года назад
@@TheJezryk she felt her Sister despair but doesn't know what was happening
@Hugo-mh1pe 2 года назад
Well if you're gonna give in to your own negativity go ahead, but personally I found this to be the most epic cinematic they've ever made. I don't see how the increased complexity of Elune not being an omnipresent goddess with infinite power is a bad thing. It gives her more depth. If she could've stopped every tragedy ever then there would quite literally be no story to be told in wow whatsoever lol
@LineageIILegend 2 года назад
@@Hugo-mh1pe They've been hyping up Elune for 20 years for her to do an act that is most incompetent . No it doesn't make Elune complex , she is a Eternal being and that makes her dumb . Most epic cinematic ? They are reusing the same animations lmao . And yes I am extremely negative and frustrated that Blizzard has killed the potential of every lore it has touched the last few years . Sylvanas : Incoprehensible actions , Shadowlands : Full of plotholes , Anduin : Lich Kinged , Night Elves : Dead who cares, N'zoth : Dead along with Nyalotha in one patch . They are burning through lore to keep the hype alive .
@Hugo-mh1pe 2 года назад
@@LineageIILegend Awesome, that is your opinion and you're entitled to it. I don't agree at all and while I think the story has weak points I still enjoy it overall and I've no energy left that I want to spend on being bitter. It's not worth it. If they wanna lich king anduin or make elune "weaker", as you seem to see it, then why not. As long as it's entertaining idgaf.
@Rave91 2 года назад
When you sum everything and you think on it for one second, then it becomes clear, that this whole story is f'ing ridiculous. Even soaps don't produce such nonsense.
@thefane8682 2 года назад
Why are people mad about this cinematic? We clearly don't have all the context yet, and the story is still being told. I get blizzard itself is under fire over other things at the moment, but the lore is fine. Stop acting like you read the book when you only saw the cover.
@arthurhki1471 2 года назад
because people don't even understand basic english and assume that Elune burnt the tree... that being said one thing that is a bit annoying is that we never get clear answers.
@LittleMigi 2 года назад
its fine having no context but you literally dont have any context the whole year 😂
@zhaohuangsfm Год назад
Are you watching Elune? -Maiev (O1) and Illidan (O1) Maiev (O1) is swapped with Junko's Personality and Outfit while Illidan (O1) is swapped with Hecatia's Personality and Outfit (Male Version) Yep this is a Touhou Reference
@FrekiGuides Год назад
gg haha
@dev0ur408 2 года назад
I believe the explanation behind this lore is rather simple. Elune had nothing to do with burning of Teldrasil - it was all Sylvanas realising her own agenda. For some reason Elune couldn't do much about the burning, perhaps she is not able to peform such grand and direct interventions within the world - maybe it would disrupt the cosmic balance or something. As the s**t hit the fan anyway and so many of night elves died, she decided to allow their souls to go to the shadowlands, instead of keeping them on Azeroth as wisps (as she seemed to do before - I'm not sure how it precisely works). If the theory that Elune is a member of the Pantheon of Life (we already get to know the Pantheon of Order and the Pantheon of Death), and all the cosmic forces are equal to each other, then it seems probable that Elune has limited power within the shadowlands and could not have known about all this Maw business. Still, I don't enjoy the Shadowlands storyline at all so far xD
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Hopefully the next patch will be more interesting and have more lore bits. They probably will tease or setup for the next expansion with it as well!
@Altaranalt 2 года назад
Fuck... whatever Bliz is going through right now, their music is so GOOD!
@dmitri22484 2 года назад
What music it is? It is fantastic!!!
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Might be something new, but it does have similiarities to nightsong
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
You should ask the composer Pedro Macedo Composer. I just saw his tweet today, someone made a link to it in a forum!
@m3divh 2 года назад
Just let the voice actors "tuut" like pengus. The music and visuals as well as the delivery are all great! But I would enjoy it more if I did not understand a single word because then I have to turn on my brain and it all falls apart... Jesus Christ that writing :/
@deitybro 2 года назад
ngl I'd renew my sub in a heartbeat if what we were getting was World of Nootcraft, Shadownoots
@plumpreimu41931 2 года назад
and then she says "Not vengeance... Justice."
@Luna-ii4mx 2 года назад
The music is beautiful, but thats the only thing good left at Blizzard. Rest is utter trash.
@cristhianmlr 2 года назад
Cinematics are good. People who don't groom others are good too.
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
I read very recently the music in this one was composed by Pedro Macedo Camacho.
@ozymandias9920 2 года назад
So in order to help the draught elune let her ‘favored’ children to burn alive? If thats what she does to her favs i dont wanna imagine the least liked children of hers
@ahmedxein1057 2 года назад
After we finish this mission there is a music playes after Tyrande and shandris finish their dialog...does anyone know the name of this music 🎶 ?
@nimgul7688 2 года назад
Maybe you could email or tweet the composer, Pedro Macedo Camacho.
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
I think this whole segment was composed by Pedro Macedo Camacho.
@overmind7711 2 года назад
Just check the composer's website: Pedro Macedo Camacho
@StrifeStalker 2 года назад
What bothers me is that Elune acts as though she didn't know where the souls of Teldrassil were going . . . but she personally ushered Ysera to Ardenweald in Legion which seems to be indicated in the cinematic we get during her death. . . . Soooo, you didn't think to maybe do the same thing for the Night Elves? I mean, we didn't get a full moon eclipsing over the tree lifting the souls up and such. So, did she really not know or did she not really try? Or maybe Ysera got special treatment because SHE was in fact your favorite *shrugs*
@kael4277 2 года назад
It's been confirmed that the arbiter "broke" during Legion, so we can surmise that this occurred sometime between Ysera's death and the burning of Teldrassil.
@StrifeStalker 2 года назад
@@kael4277 No I get that, what I am saying is Elune seemed to personally take care of Ysera based on the cinematic, so why not do the same for the Night Elves?
@kael4277 2 года назад
@@StrifeStalker Elune didn't deliver Ysera to Ardenweald. According to Wowpedia and Wowhead, Ysera was one of the last souls to be judged before the Arbiter was disabled. She went through the intended soul ferrying process of the Shadowlands. Elune apparently didn't know the Arbiter wasn't distributing souls to their proper places anymore when she supposedly willfully abandoned all of the NEs of Teldrassil. Every soul since the Arbiter's demise has been funneled straight into the Maw which has been consistent so far in the questlines. I don't think Elune had any way of bypassing the Arbiter. That said, this whole thing with her choosing to allow all the NEs to die to provide anima to Ardenweald is pretty ridiculous. She spoke as if becoming anima and being used to sustain Ardenweald is some kind of ideal fate for them, doesn't sound so ideal to me. And even if it wasn't anima they were meant to provide for Ardenweald, even if it was to become part of their forces to combat the drust/other threats, that's a pretty shitty thing to decide for a whole bunch of faithful worshipers without their consent. "Oh, sorry! I gotta let you guys burn to death as well as the whole tree so that yall can go help my sister in the afterlife." If I was a Night Elf, I sure as hell wouldn't put faith in Elune anymore, lmao.
@StrifeStalker 2 года назад
@@kael4277 Yes, but, if you watch the cinematic it makes it appear as though Elune is symbolized, at the very least, to be there. Especially since I am sure when normal people die they don't get Lunar eclipses and anima like tendrils coming down to embrace them and welcome them into the next life. Especially considering its the job of the Kyrians to ferry souls to the Shadowlands, or, does this only apply to Human souls? My point is there are too many variables that seem to not be taken into account and, as an "upstart goddess" for her not to know what is going on or to allow "her favorite children" to die in mass numbers seems a bit of a copout. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WsqC5wnpD8E.html
@predwin1998 2 года назад
@@StrifeStalker Ursoc died after Ysera and we saw he safely reached the Ardenweald as well without a full lunar eclipse. I think what Elune did for Ysera was just mourning and comforting her soul in the brief moment of limbo before she went to the Shadowlands, as well as reasuring onlookers that Ysera's soul was once again freed from the nightmare and able to rest in peace. More of a symbolic act than anything of real consequence. That's ultimately just my theory though, and I've not played Shadowlands (just wathced cinematics) so I might be overlooking something. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is good writing or anything, just that I don't think that particular point is a plot hole and Elune is not in fact capable of ferrying souls to Aerdenwaeld herself. Another possibility could be that it was something she technically could do on occasion but really shouldn't, so she made a single exception for Ysera, but couldn't repeat it for the *insert high number* souls that died at Teldrassil. Lastly, I agree that it does make it sound like she's absolutely willing to sacrifice her loyal worshippers for her greater good (Aerdenwaeld) without their consent or knowledge which, while probably caused by her different worldview as a goddess, isn't a very nice thing to do anyway to put it mildly.
@Deedosera 2 года назад
my opinion on the story: Burn the Bitch! No mercy, no forgiveness for Sylvanas.
@passiversosogni 2 года назад
So Elune knew that Ardenweald is in trouble so when the burning of Teldrasil she sees it as opportunity to help, thus didn’t prevent the massacre but let the night elves died peacefully in their sleep to send their soul to Ardenweald but instead they went to the Maw 😢 Can see Elune/Tyranda looks hesitant when she said in the wake of tragedy there.
@LethalOwl 2 года назад
I'm not sure what part of "peacefully in their sleep" matches up with "massive firestorm full of screams". We can only hope SOME elves were unaware of their fate, but at the end of the day, Sylvanas and a huge part of the Horde condemned elves of every age bracket, from newborn to elders, to hell. Even if they died peacefully, they sure aren't having a jolly time in the Maw while waiting for this expansion to be over. And once it is over, Sylvanas - both shards of her soul - and half the Horde belongs in the same hell they threw the night elves. They can take their place, and let the night elf souls be reborn.
@isaei4799 2 года назад
Can they update Yseras model?? They put her in cinematics but never show her because of her outdated model
@CrossFire141 2 года назад
Have you seen Kaligos??? He's still in flipping Classic.
@QueenMeowTigeress 2 года назад
*me a night elf watching all this go down* HOLD UP..WAIT A MINUTE..SOMETHING ANT RIGHT? *when all this is done* *sigh* well back to the maw to save more elves' souls ...
@852primus 2 года назад
Why do I get the feeling that despite being “sisters” Elune is still more powerful than the Winter Queen? When she needed help she called to her sister for aid, not the other eternal ones.
@MarkoArillius 2 года назад
Eternal ones seem to be gone. Also Elune could be the older sister.
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Probably is, and they are probably setting up for an expanded universe (light, void.. so on) in the future maybe
@852primus 2 года назад
@@MarkoArillius you are thinking of the first ones not the eternal ones. The primus, sire denathrius, kyrestia, zovaal, and the Winter Queen herself are all eternal ones.
@cmon200 2 года назад
Nice plot armor there for tyranda
@KubanaHAFANANA 2 года назад
All these dumb comments that can't comprehend the story. Elune did not know about The Maw, nor was she behind the Burning of Teldrassil. It was Sylvanas directed by Zovaal who orchestrated and executed the burning as the leader of the Horde. All Elune did was directing the Nigh Elven souls to Ardenweald to try and quench the drought.
@dstyer6128 2 года назад
Something tells me Elune exists outside of the current "reality"
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
There is a picture of the different 'realms' or 'planes' in warcraft , while it might not be 100% true you can google it pretty cool drawing!
@nobelmassinaarben2467 2 года назад
Somehow I feel that what Elune did was the same as Illidan's when he sacrificed his Moon Guard to defeat the Burning Legion in Black rook Hold. Even the Goddess of Moon imitated it🤔🤔
@danedavid6925 2 года назад
Really wished they just didn't explore Elune. Like at least have some kind of mystery element to the lore where we just have it up to interpretation.
@1shogunate696 2 года назад
They should’ve left shadowlands up for interpretation in my opinion. At least mostly anyway. They should’ve treated the shadowlands how they’ve treated emerald dream and Thros in terms of content and exploration
@fraise000 2 года назад
The cinematic is beautiful as well as the music and voice acting! Didn't expect to hear Elune's voice
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
ikr , blizz has one of the best music for cinematics always
@nimgul7688 2 года назад
@@FrekiGuides I discovered a few days ago a tweet from last august where the composer revealed himself: Pedro Macedo Camacho!!
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
​@@FrekiGuides I just noticed the composer himself replied to someone in this video, (Pedro Macedo Camacho)
@kamiljankowski249 2 года назад
Music, what is that music playing in this cineamtic, i have to know... now!
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
Music composed by Pedro Camacho, ask him!
@joemama114 2 года назад
"Fires were seen on the second and third branch, Teldrassil was an inside job, Sylvanus did nothing wrong." -Blizzard
@axechop 2 года назад
Forsaken plague can't revive night elves
@Watermoon1293 2 года назад
Is it sad that I can echo the dialogue in the cinematic as it’s being said? I hate what blizzard has become, and the downhill slide of wow (been a fan since BC thanks to my brother) but man the cinematics are still amazing to watch! My two favorites being this one and the rebirth of Ysera. Bless her ❤️
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Yep, cinematics are always dope, stay tuned for more soon!
@sunxgaming Год назад
I understand every hate against shaowlands - i felt the same. More so for the shitshow of arthas's ending. But this cinematic was still great. I think it was a decent implementation of elune & who she really is.
@FrekiGuides Год назад
Wish they spent more time on arthas haha or at least have a secret phase involving him in the very last fight since he was such a pivotal character in warcraft. Well, maybe they wanted to move on from the old story fast.
@alle8689 2 года назад
The thing is, how can Elune control where the souls are being sent? Isn't the entire thing with Shadowlands that you go there after you die? Then the arbiter sends you to one of the zones? How does that work together?
@shuffnuff9368 2 года назад
WoW Lore. Nightelves dont go to the Shadowlands. They become wisps.
@alle8689 2 года назад
@@shuffnuff9368 Oh yeah you are very right about that.
@LethalOwl 2 года назад
There are other cases of creatures lingering on in the world as ghosts without really ever departing proper. Blizzard likes to leave a metric shit-ton of plotholes. For instance, riddle me this; What happens to the creatures and people who 'die' in the Shadowlands? Do they go to Shadowlands V2? V3? Does their souls just 'cease to be' in its entirity? Too many unanswered questions. People were asking "What happens to people/creatures/souls who are killed in the Shadowlands?" from like day 1 of this expansion, and there hasn't been an answer to it xD (As far I'm aware, anyway.)
@Clarkeh616 2 года назад
Been trying to find the sountrack from this cinematic and I can't find it anywhere
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Heya, pretty sure it is a hybrid or new track all together! Been trying to find it too :) , will let you know if I do here! Cheers!
@sheanaquino4724 2 года назад
I want the Music soo baadd🥰🥰🥰
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
@Noone95noxchi 2 года назад
Me 2 :( cant find it
@leadizolatorz668 2 года назад
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
Just to say I just saw in a forum the music was composed by Pedro Macedo Camacho. He tweeted about it.
@DisappointedBuddha 2 года назад
What are the sigils? If you can just make new ones, then how are they important?
@thefane8682 2 года назад
If mortals play a part in the creation of sigils as we just saw, then it implies that mortals have something to do with the first ones as well.
@overmind7711 2 года назад
Amazing music by Pedro Macedo Camacho!
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Agreed, more to come hopefully in this current expansion :) Do subscribe as I will be posting cinematics / cutscenes as they come
@RumandCocaine Год назад
Oh no i thought i heard sleazy italian
@Notthemikeurlookin4 2 года назад
Something that made me love WoW was the story but recently I've gotten over it. There are too many redemption arcs to deal with. Even if they are genocidal warlords, they get a redemption arc. Blizzard would find a way to write a redemption arc for Vlad the Impaler if you gave them the time.
@HalloWitch93 2 года назад
The funny thing is, they literally did that in the Coppola movie. Didn't make any sense in that one either.
@jimboa20 2 года назад
At least we'll always have Arthas...dear God please let them leave him alone...
@jimboa20 2 года назад
@@HalloWitch93 what Coppola movie?
@HalloWitch93 2 года назад
@@jimboa20 Oh, sorry - Dracula. Don't know how I forgot to specify. D:
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
@@jimboa20 probably coming in the next patch or story since he is in the maw hahaha
@Anidem9 2 года назад
Fudge Tyrande.
@KhaledIron 2 года назад
Whats the music at 1:30??
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
If I'm not wrong its a custom piece for the trailer. Stay tuned soon for more cinematics and story from the new patch releasing soon :)!
@willanrac 2 года назад
@0:11 LOL no wonder she loved Tyrande!
@sarahthewierdo 2 года назад
every one really do be getting blue eyes. First blood elves, then sylvanas, now tyrande?????
@punker974 2 года назад
tyrande has always had blue eyes
@Starlo562 2 года назад
Tyrande already had blue eyes before the night warrior transformation so does almost every night elf
@DrunkCrazyMonkey 2 года назад
Sylvanas always has blue eyes since you know all high elf’s has them . . . Look at her sisters. They have blue eyes lol.
@Skygrove 2 года назад
Ya’ll really just come onto these videos and comment whatever sentence pops into your head haha
@sarahthewierdo 2 года назад
@@Skygrove damn right
@profeta4177 2 года назад
Ask The Gods.
@alexkay9860 2 года назад
the song from the end... anyone knows whats the name ?
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
sounds like an enhanced version of nightsong haha , pretty epic
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
You should ask the composer Pedro Macedo Composer. I just saw his tweet today, someone made a link to it in a forum!
@talizorahnarrayya001 2 года назад
This is fucking stupid, they're really pushing that Sylvanas redemption arch nobody wants, now Elune did Teldressil, great retcons from the worst company on earth
@borisiliev2432 2 года назад
Its World of WARcraft not World of Hugcraft damn it. And i loved that Sylvanas burned that damn tree finaly a warchief with some balls. Yet here we are.
@thelvadam2586 2 года назад
Anyone know what is music there?
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
If I'm not wrong its a custom piece for the trailer. Stay tuned soon for more cinematics and story from the new patch releasing soon :)!
@thelvadam2586 2 года назад
@@FrekiGuides hope will. Few months done, still not created.
@Bezebut 2 года назад
ok so what did she choose? sorry im dumb
@andrewhinson4323 2 года назад
One can infer from the musical movement that she chose renewal :)
@reymart3324 2 года назад
Name of the music please
@RumandCocaine Год назад
Lil peep - pussy stains
@Anidem9 2 года назад
I'm not going to lie. Elune was underwhelming, but then again I abhor Tyrande, but then again that's mostly because I'm Horde and she always talks to me in such a degrading manner that I can't help but hate her.
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Haha, maybe they are trying to save the mystery of Elune for another expansion. Gotta keep them OG lore stuff spread out :P
@girl1213 2 года назад
So Elune didn't help the Night Elves...because she THOUGHT she was helping her sister, not the Jailer, by allowing them to die. Shows like a lot of gods, Elune doesn't value her worshipers as highly as she should. But then again, the Pantheons that make up the Warcraft universe see things in a different perspective. Not an excuse, but at least it is a reason.
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Interesting perspective, there is a picture of a chart of the 'realms' or 'planes' of all of warcraft , while it might not be 100% canon stuff pretty cool to look at if you google it! Might be close to summarizing how warcraft is split up imo
@girl1213 2 года назад
@@FrekiGuides Yeah I saw it. It's why I don't think Elune is heartless, but has a different perspective that mortals don't see. As much as she favors the Night Elves, The Winter Queen is her sister.
@MrMaelstorm 2 года назад
So I guess in the end ... Sylvanas, really did nothing wrong by burning that tree and killing lots of Elves. Wait for the next cinematic where she was with elune all along. Only pretending to be with the jailer to get her soul back and save the shadowlands by murdering thousands of furries. Yeah it's dumb but not as dumb as the lore is today.
@MarkoArillius 2 года назад
Not what was said at all and you're an intellectually dishonest person for acting like that's what this was about.
@aetiaetyqi2096 2 года назад
🍂 🍂 wœh
@TheSaltyAdmiral 2 года назад
Justice without mercy is nothing more than cruelty.
@BlackstoneAL 2 года назад
Theme music name please!!
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
Lots of people saying that it is by Pedro Macedo Camacho , I don't really see any 'name' persay but you can dig on him! Hope that helps :)
@Time_Goblin 2 года назад
Literally no one knows how to read. “In the wake of” means after lol Sylvanas burned Teldrassil and instead of the souls becoming wisps, and some going to the arbiter, Elune tried to send them directly to Ardenweald. Also how do you expect Elune to know about the maw when even the Kyrian didn’t know? Jeez people are idiots
@flameknightdragon 2 года назад
since it is shit writing. NONE of them bothered to look into what as going on. for fuck sake the Maw is visible from every realm and none of them looked to the left to see it. as well the Kyrian knew about it. they ere tossing souls into the votex sucking them to the ma.
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
What do you guys think of the story development for this week? Hit that like/subscribe button to support the channel as every sub goes a long way :)!
@Ramborc86 2 года назад
it's trash.
@NiocG 2 года назад
@professorgoat1099 2 года назад
absolute trash. literally the worst thing to replay
@theunknown1760 2 года назад
I like it I wanna know more
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
@@theunknown1760 Stick around here for the next few weeks/months for the complete chain of cutscenes and cinematics :)!
@rxb6891 2 года назад
wtf happened?
@Forsaken9x 2 года назад
Since this moment 1:29 im rewatching it again and again. IT'S SO INCREDIBLE
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
blizzard always on point with their music ques and selection mhmm definitely can feel the epicness!
@Forsaken9x 2 года назад
@@FrekiGuides ya, i've the same point!
@pedro.camacho 2 года назад
When I composed this track I was in a very delicate moment of my life. My son had a surgery some weeks before and returned home completely healed. This part of the track was created some moments after I was able to play with him as if nothing had happened. I was so happy. This is why I posted this section in my twitter. Thank you for enjoying it.
@Forsaken9x 2 года назад
@@pedro.camacho No, thank You for creating things like this. In our country we have the idiom for people who are masters of their business (I mean hobby) "You have a gold hands". So, Mr. Pedro, I'd like to say that you one of the people who have a gold hands. I'm really enjoying it as more as I can, rewatching it over and over again taking a decent emotions which motivate me to do any hero action :D
@pedro.camacho 2 года назад
@@Forsaken9x Thank you so much, Sir!!
@oguzhansarigun2545 2 года назад
Literally everybody died with this power of elune but tyrande. I am sick of her plot armor.
@cristhianmlr 2 года назад
@oguzhansarigun2545 2 года назад
@@cristhianmlr of* corrected, ty for the heads up
@shuffnuff9368 2 года назад
She is alive because Elune has and always had a thing for Tyrande. She didnt let her sacrifice herself and she took the power from her in the end. Its not the first time in Warcraft(!) lore that Elune helped Tyrande / saved her.
@oguzhansarigun2545 2 года назад
@@shuffnuff9368 from all the worlds only tyrande was elune's loved one. Plot armor
@shuffnuff9368 2 года назад
@@oguzhansarigun2545 never said that. but nevermind people can cry because they never read any books or played WC.
@kossua6554 2 года назад
This cinematic lacks emotion. From the beginning of shadowlands Winter Queen was "mad" at Elune, now it is just "ohh" for sending few Nelfs to sustain ardenweald. Also she knew that they claimed by the maw so why is she even talking about it? Is it Elune job to sustain Ardenweald generally? If so shouldn't WQ disregard the great tree tragic and still be mad at Elune for something or just straight up saying "I'm sorry for being mad at you, Elune, cause I know you wanted to help me sustain Ardenweald."
@cegesh1459 2 года назад
Cringe. This story is getting worse and worse.
@pressheart64 2 года назад
It amazes me how WoW players have zero comprehension. Everything needs to be spelled out or explained to them like a 5 year old. If not it's "bad writing".
@respectandcherishnature6886 2 года назад
My God, art, music and voice actors are so good.
@gabrielcorbeau1064 2 года назад
Pedro's music never disappoints!
@vortex3833 2 года назад
So Elune is an idiot who unknowingly brought elves to the maw? And why does Tyrande have to make a choice between vengeance and renewal? Why not both? The new lore is dumb
@whyteboyy1978 2 года назад
No, I think Elune just thought she was guiding those souls to her sister, she obviously wasn't aware of what's going on in the Shadowlands, I guess...
@stanmeevissen 2 года назад
She aided ardenweald in their sacred mission to help the balance of life and death and nature's renewal, something that benefits countless worlds for all of time. The fact that the jailer intervened and send everyone to the maw isn't her fault, we rescued the souls in the end anyway. Tyrande wanted to avenge them, its not for Elune to force her to let go of her vengeance.
@kidwithdream1 2 года назад
While the lore is far from perfect your interpretation is hilariously awful . A person already adressed the whole Night elf souls going to the Maw . As with Tyrande - choosing vengeance would mean going all out Night Warrior and we already learned that the power of the Night Warrior will cost her her life . So no , she can't have both .
@nadchan2043 2 года назад
The Winter Queen called Elune for help, but remember, at the beginning of SL, NO ONE except Oribos knows that the Arbiter is broken and that all souls goto the Maw. The mawwalker has to warn everyone. In many quests we see people from the covenants just learning about this. So the Winter Queen could not warn Elune about this, she just wasn't aware. Elune thought she was going to help Sylvarden by letting all of the elves souls in.
@cerberus6400 2 года назад
I think the idea here is that choosing Vengeance has her keep the power Elune lent her to use as a weapon, whereas renewal uses up that power to create a new Tear of Elune.
@dlshs1130 2 года назад
i just unsubbed my retail acc
@zoe-iu5ut 2 года назад
i’m 99% sure that the people complaining about this cinematic and the writing/lore this expansion have the reading comprehension of a 2 year old and need shit spoon fed to them like it’s a bedtime story.
@berndbernd3464 2 года назад
Hahahshahahash Were the writers diatracted by the cosby room too? This shitt makes no sense
@larr4960 2 года назад
Tyrande smiled aww that's so cute
@Elkethuss 2 года назад
that was amazing
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
The songs they use made it so much more epic
@Elkethuss 2 года назад
@@FrekiGuides I had tear in my eye and elune voice acting was amazing
@FrekiGuides 2 года назад
@@Elkethuss haha, the power of a normal blizz cinematic.. hopefully the end patch ones are great , anticipate seeing someone familiar soon heh
@Jollyeye 2 года назад
is she posessed by elune? is Elune talking true Tyrande?
@timelytwitch9271 2 года назад
is this a troll?
@zoe-iu5ut 2 года назад
@@timelytwitch9271 it amazes me how little the people that play this game pay actual attention to the lore while consistently criticizing it
@timelytwitch9271 2 года назад
@@zoe-iu5ut im a casual and knew they were sisters, that Tyrande was Super Saiyan on Elune and that she doesn't have all white glowy eyes. Not to mention the strange echo to her voice. Also...she literally says "I have condemned my favorite children" . But i got a good laugh when someone called Sylvanas a Mary Sue on another video. lool
@deazth 2 года назад
@@timelytwitch9271 yes. Night elves are originally from troll species. The Well changed them, sadly.
@samueldavidbatistaruiz7510 2 года назад
@@deazth lol, "sadly".
@omen_bear 2 года назад
Another funny cinematic by my favourite so bad it's good sitcom, world of warcraft by Activision blizzard.
@axechop 2 года назад
Wait, so Elune had the souls of the elves that died at Teldrassil before they reached Oribos?
@AymenDZA 2 года назад
I don't think that Elune "had them" it's just that she didn't intervene during the the great fire that burned Teldrassil and she let her people them die so that they can go to Ardenweald (to her sister), but they went to the Maw instead.
@axechop 2 года назад
@@AymenDZA She "sent" them to reach Ardenweald, so she must have intervened at some point between their deaths and them reaching Oribos.
@AymenDZA 2 года назад
@@axechop You have a point
@jkranites 2 года назад
@@AymenDZA she sent them there because most souls would of ended up as wisps on azeroth thats what she ment
@timelytwitch9271 2 года назад
@@axechop nelves never go to the shadowlands because they get turned into wisps. So instead of wisps Elune threw them to her sister
@in2it85 2 года назад
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@22locor 2 года назад
I wish they'd just stop. They've ruined Tyrande, Sylvanas, and didn't even give Elune a fighting chance. Her character has been so fucking confusing and boring from the start.
@oestergaard141 2 года назад
People don't understand.... everything in shadowlands happens way slower, so I do not think this is about Tel'Drassil. Elune is sad about the world tree in the fight versus Archimonde. Using the wisps to defeat him, all their lives went to the maw, already back then.
@alextygesen3101 2 года назад
Lol, sure, WE don’t understand, it’s not like the thing that caused the Arbiter to go offline happened during the Legion expansion or anything. A bit of a weird timeline you got going there.
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