
Can All People Learn Math? 

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@FridayMorningCoding День назад
Assuming you don’t have a good teacher - it becomes a game of how well you can teach yourself math.
@JustinK0 День назад
math isnt just numbers, its also logic and pattern recognition which everyone uses everyday.
@musashi542 День назад
pattern recognition = memorize the techniques to solve that problem .
@BboyKeny 2 часа назад
I think it's numbers and the relationship between the numbers. Then it's about looking around you in the world and thinking about how to describe the things around you as numbers and relationships.
@acasualviewer5861 Час назад
math is modeling things with mathematical structures, such as numbers, equations, matrices, graphs, geometry, etc..
@alpkaraoguz9988 День назад
When you think you are bad at something and you want to get better at it, that is when patience comes in to play.
@NewHandleWhoDeez День назад
That thumbnail is fiiiire
@berserker3778 День назад
She looks like max caulfield
@caution942 20 часов назад
@@berserker3778 wait you're so right omg
@Elivi-jh1fh День назад
This is so weird i spent the day relearning linear algebra and other math topics and she drops this. 😂
@lfaq1059 15 часов назад
Saame, struggling..
@Muhammad-Jacobs699 День назад
This video made me realize I was never actually good at math, I was just really good at memorizing patterns/answers for math exams. Only to forget all of it soon after, since I don't get to use that level of math often. I'm definitely interested in learning it now, since my future career requires it (3D software engineer).
@moravianlion3108 День назад
To give you a feedback regarding the question if anyone can do math... I suck at math. Always hated it. But currently working on a pretty sophisticated procedural modelling algorithm for Blender that requires fair amount of mathematical thinking regardless. Am I good at math? Hell no. But just like it was already said in the video, I sit down and work it anyway. Results are there and they keep me motivated to work it further even more every day.
@alionicle День назад
Just this. Like, in order to pay something I am low at calculating how much I'll spend and how much I will get in return But i do a lot of programming, from working with Python to handling Differential Equations on Matlab and I get pretty good at the concepts and abstractions, but i left the computing part to the computer to get those numbers
@Nuss-j4s 21 час назад
don't forget to prove correctness of your algorithm 😛
@ArcticPrimal 16 часов назад
​@@Nuss-j4syes, proving it yourself. People forget that when studying math by yourself, you have to be sure of the correctness of your answer. Which is the hard part. You can't simply always ask or find answers online for every math problem you do
@michaeltennant8312 День назад
Fun fact! Some people have a learning disability called dyscalculia, resulting in difficulty comprehending arithmetic, which can massively hinder their ability to learn maths. However, while it makes it much more difficult to understand maths, we've developed techniques to visualise and explain the concepts better to students with this expertise, and it's not impossible to get a good grade if they have proper help and put in enough effort. (Enough, unfortunately, being a lot in this case). While I'm not an expert on this, coincidently, my mom actually is, and she does one-on-one tutoring with quite a few students, including those with dyscalculia and those with a lower IQ. Quite a few students struggled but did a good job on the exams, so it's never impossible to improve your maths skills, even a little bit. But by no means does that mean it will always be easy.
@luiegiii 14 часов назад
I grew up struggling with math most of my life. Fast forward and I'm 36, taking physics and calculus in university and I'm doing well. The problem most people have is they never learned the foundations so they struggle.
@felr1b День назад
the big problem (imho) with math is that teachers (mostly) dont explain "why" if u get the "why", it's beatiful (and easy)
@soilgrasswaterair День назад
Those are the teachers that say ”you don’t need to understand why, just remember it”. Ehhh??!😮 I’m taking a guess now, but students would probably remember IF they understood what they are doing instead of tubling around in a fog filled with numbers and problems they don’t know how to tackle.
@welshsectionk День назад
Yes! I was naturally pretty good at math but got completely disinterested in it after asking my teacher why a certain thing worked and they replied with "don't worry about that, it just is". 20 years later I'm finally picking math up again now I have the resources to ask why and get an answer.
@jamesarthurkimbell День назад
When they try to explain why, they get complaints that it's too abstract, get to the point, just tell us how to do it...
@ruchieru День назад
It's often times the "why" that's hard to understand for some people, myself included, and I went through 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of grad school in engineering. Some people are just not mathematically-minded (me) no matter how it's taught. They have a harder time than their peers getting it (me), and it is dry material to them (me). That's okay. Just like not everyone can be artists. The aptitude to learn a particular subject varies across minds.
@agostonbazmajer1100 22 часа назад
@@soilgrasswaterair The reason for that is because understanding the proof of something is much, much more difficult than simply accepting it and applying it as is. Comprehending and believing that pi is infinite and nonrepeating can be done in the fifth grade or even earlier. Understanding the proof is way, way above the skill level of a fifth grader.
@juansalvadordomandl5287 День назад
Awesome video. I was really bad at math in high school, I was really good at other subjects but really disliked and was bad at maths. When I started uni I realized how important maths are and I changed my toughts about it, started studying computer science and now I currently really like pure mathematics and using proof assistants like Coq, Agda and Lean to formalize mathematics and software. I know a lot of people like me that was good/normal at humanities but hated maths. I think if you want to be good at it you can. But tbh i think the reason many dislike maths or think that they aren't good is that even at the level of linear algebra, calculus, etc. the subjects are boring. I think it only gets interesting after that when you have "mathematical maturity" and can formalize (or make mathematical models) and prove stuff by yourself: it becomes like a second language.
@sterlingphoenix День назад
For many decades, I was The Guy Who Hated Math. I worked around needing it. When I eventually, very late in life, was in a place where I had to learn some, I was old enough to be able to see math in a way that worked for me. I was able to see the actual FUN in it. Sadly no school can really teach to each individual directly. Math suffers from this more than a lot of other things.
@Boognish64 18 часов назад
Been on a kick of watching videos on this topic and yours is probably the most thoughtful and well studied I’ve watched so far. I’m one of those who has attempted to learn math time and time again but hit a deadlock at anything above college Algebra (and I only passed that out of pity from the professor). Took me a while to narrow my bereft down to complex fractions, logarithms and weirdly any geometry beyond like “find the area”. Then I come to recall that every one of those subjects was the favorite “you fail this test” topics of Ms. May the misanthropic High School Geometry teacher. Math trauma is a real thing, sadly, and because of her I can find no fulfillment in math beyond a certain point. Luckily I went into the trades and have not graphed or factored anything the past 20 years, and May died just a few years ago.
@soilgrasswaterair День назад
Lol, sadly too many people have had parents like this which is no way to make someone get better. Once my dad went on a walk to calm himself down, when he tried to teach me about some historic event for an upcoming exam in high school. Why is the go to thing ”shouldn’t you know this”, when there still is a struggle. So mean😂❤
@HalkerVeil День назад
Math is like art. You will never be Michelangelo. You can try. But there is a natural baseline you are either born with or not. Like being able to understand why you don't understand something is a natural baseline for learning itself. Which many people don't have.
@JoeMakaFloe День назад
In my case I can manipulate numbers and values really easily and have good logical thinking. I play a lot of puzzle games. Like I know whats going on in each step and I can visualize in my head but my working memory is terrible. It takes me some extra time to do math in my head which is why I use a calculator even for simple steps. just wanted to share my experience with math.
@KoopstaKlicca 19 часов назад
I feel like this is the video I needed. Had damn near a mental breakdown studying and failing the first Calc II test of the semester yesterday. I've been out of practice and college so it's a struggle to derust
@malaki3687 День назад
My brain physically wont let me skip the sponsor after you said I would get cursed. lmao
@CaioCodes День назад
pause your math questions everybody, projectMaria just dropped another one
@arfasifat День назад
found ur account yesterday and i ended up here because i was tryna figure out is it only me who struggles with cs and coding or is it everyone else as well and after watching your last video im damn sure its a universal thing. lovee youu
@francoisschoeman5350 23 часа назад
I couldn't help but notice that you have a massive passion for space. It would be cool if you could build a project around it... Thanks for the video!
@torbato День назад
Right now I am struggling through Calculus I, this video couldn't drop at a better time 😅
@Sovvyy День назад
Yep, thought I sucked at maths my whole life - bad working memory etc. Went to uni in my late 20's to study science, took optional mathematic path modules and achieved 1sts. We tend to have an idea of what someone who's good at maths looks like; quick to sum numbers etc, but that's only one small area. *I should add, I'm still not good, but achieved more than I imagined.
@42jen День назад
Man I can't believe that earlier today I was thinking to myself "oh, I need to check if there's a new projectMaria video" and there really was.
@SoftRainfal19603 День назад
Hey Maria, I just wanted to say how much I admire your work! Your creativity and passion really shine through, and it's hard not to have a little crush on the amazing content you create. Keep being awesome! I think I'm in love❤
@Anthony-mf3pu День назад
I'll say this video was perfect for me. I'm extremely logical thinking and analytical but I have always struggled with doing or enjoying math. When it comes to feeling good about myself, I'm not very good at that lol lately it feels like I'm bad at learning as I get older. It is so nice to see some form of data, as well as personal reports, about this subject as that is what specifically speaks to me. Not "i believe" or some woowoo - just raw data and multiple anecdotal experiences on it to show what may be truer. It shines through uncertainty for me; and uncertainty is a bitch.
@BuffaloDoesStuff 6 часов назад
The problem isn’t that certain people can’t learn math or even that math is hard, the problem is we aren’t teaching math the proper way
@felipediazvlog День назад
We humans, by design, are capable of using, in extremely sophisticated ways, words and quantities. So, yes, we can do math. We just need to work at it, ask questions, try to find answers. The price is effort and good sources. Being mad at your teacher, at yourself, at the world, etc., are obstacles. You CAN do math. Remove the obstacles (your negative emotions). Focus. One step at a time. One topic at a time. It is possible.
@JLM-y5g 22 часа назад
The math explanation from "Dad" (in my case, it's Mom)... that hits different.
@quixotik1021 День назад
Have to relearn Calculus ... this vid came at the right time. Thank you!
@Huinker 15 часов назад
education system just doesnt know how to teach math. math can be as romantic as literature or music. people just need to learn how to feel math
@Ikkepop 23 часа назад
I'd be firmly in the camp of almost anyone can at the least learn more math then they know now, I think that is the best way to word it.
@reaperanon979 День назад
It has to be said that those stats don't mean anything without the accompanying demographics. It makes sense for the US to be below all of Europe because it's much more diverse than Europe and there are significant IQ differences between groups. You can't really just compare the stats sadly, not even with other American stats when there are millions immigrating yearly.
@PySnek День назад
The problem with math in school is that you don't have a nice project going that than needs the math you have to learn. For example building a small rocket with some additional functions. Or a robot, there are so many interesting things that schools could do in math classes besides solving boring text book exercises over and over and over and over and over AND OVER again!
@carultch День назад
Two of my math classes, had free-response projects. 6th grade, we had a project to plan a park that we'd lay out on graph paper, and determine the size of all the features of the park at scale. So determining how big a bench would be, or a picnic table, or a person, a statue, and so forth. 7th grade pre-algebra, we had a 3D modelling project, where we'd build a 3D project out of the shapes we learned about, and determine surface area and volume of the various elements, and come up with why you'd want to know surface area and volume in a real life application of the model.
@feinberg4625 День назад
Mathematics makes heavy demands on working memory capacity and processing speed - the more advanced the mathematics, the greater the demands are - since mathematical reasoning involves holding many abstract variables in imagination at once and manipulating them before they're lost (working memory is highly volatile). It also just so happens that working memory capacity and processing speed are the main factors underlying IQ. Given the average IQ of mathematicians is 143 from US employment data, with the lowest recorded score being 115, I would imagine that you're probably at least 130 if you've got a maths and cs degree; you may not feel like anything special intellectually, but that's probably just because you surrounded yourself with other people with high IQs so have a warped perception of the intellectual capacity of the average person. I just don't see someone with average intelligence ever grasping the epsilon-delta definition of a limit, let alone studying Galois theory or algebraic topology.
@agostonbazmajer1100 22 часа назад
Amazing response, I highly agree with this.
@ArcticPrimal 16 часов назад
As you mentioned I dont trust myself or have confidence my solutions. I have a problem with the correctness of math solution/method. Which is the hard part for me. I can't simply always ask or find solutions online to verify every math problem I do. I will be sure of myself that the solution is correct only to be proven wrong which then leaves me with doubt for future math problems I solve.
@RandomVariable007 15 часов назад
Most people can learn math with proper guidance and dedication, up to some extent. Beyong that, having talent is must.
@TheElementAce День назад
I'm quite good at math, and I've learned enough math to study quantum mechanics. But I don't have good enough conscientiousness skills to see things through to the end. My "math muscles" are only useful for solving problems (like in the context of a project). I'll quite literally solve the problems in my subconscious. But once the problem is solved, that's it. All of my passion is gone and I end up bouncing around to the next problem...usually in a subject I already know. This is probably due to being tired from solving problems at work as well. I've been trying to study finite element analysis for months now, but my career doesn't require it, so I'm never driven enough to see it through. I can't count how many times I've reviewed the first chapter of my FEA textbook. Most problems that you get paid for don't require high-level math unfortunately.
@ItsJayYork 12 часов назад
Maths have a genius problem. If you were to tackle a problem that you don't know other people are solving in half the time, you'd probably just stick to it. But given how even our learning processes are permeated by society, and how the recurring narrative is to show the exceptional cases, of course you'll never feel like you fit in. And by then, it's only a matter of time before you abandon your path if you don't have a compelling reason to learn.
@DaveJ6515 23 часа назад
Short answer: no. Reason: most people lack the necessary patience, concentration, humility, passion.
@jeromemeyers7079 День назад
Math is literally just a set of rules that apply to a set of objects. In that sense, if you can learn to tie your shoes, you can learn math. Now, how deep you can understand the connection between rules and their implications on one another is a different story.
@johndorian473 День назад
Knowing my sister I'd say no. Because some girls can be really dense when it comes to getting the basics. And even if they do, they'll forget about it the next day and have to be taught all over again
@spongythecake День назад
My take is that it's that most maths teachers lack imagination. I've been taking some maths class as of recent and had serval different tutors. They talk like "x equals this and so on." But really, why is x important? why are lines important? What can you do with this? Programmers, on the other hand, are very creative because they can turn a sequence into something tangible
@GiGaWierd 10 часов назад
i was really good at math i was in the top of the school in my childhood but year after year i got stuck with really bad teachers that make me hate doing math i was from the top to the bottom after highschool
@billylee5624 12 часов назад
Basic math concepts take awhile for me to get especially how we get a bell shaped curve through a negative exponential gaussian distribution, but I would prefer symbols than doing proofs in maths. Man, did I do bad in proofs class. I guess I just will never understand the logic connected to mathematics. I'm sticking with graduate Economics where I learn concepts such as economic growth, which is really just derived from the biological sciences. But economics is nice cause it's like applied math where you can learn math not only from equations, but learn about it along with the graphs behind them.
@erickfreeman424 День назад
anyone can learn math. I'm a high school drop out that went to Georgia Institute of Technology for five years. I made a C in calculus 3. It was tough, but I was young back then. I also started college at 17 then I aged to 19 then I was accepted into a top university. I never passed high school math. I had a F in algebra 2 at age 16 then I dropped out. Good luck with math, it's not hard.
@ayush0477 День назад
I understand your doubts very clearly, same for me as well 😅.
@Chefbigpp День назад
A blessing from the gods. Also, lego space fan?
@iamsaidumar День назад
i didnt skip the ad section i swear. just watched at 2x speed🙃🙃🙃
@KgByson День назад
its true i went to further maths and mechanics 1- 3 night classes just to see how far i could push myself and wrote my national exams in 2 years and passed with B's @ age 26
@ClintStone-t9m День назад
If one is less gifted one simply needs better learning strategies and needs to take more time, that's it.
@SpectraVision-f5o День назад
Coding is lanauge, it's not "math". Math is a language but it's far more important to understand the relationship of English and the computer language than math and the computer language
@chrisholland6366 20 часов назад
Math is just innate to some people. I've seen kids pick it up very quickly, and skip 4 grade levels just like that.
@lostcityrs День назад
I think we are overestimating the work it takes to build simple web apis using Spring Boot or something...
@Santiago_Handle 16 часов назад
If only any of my past math teachers would've been half as beautiful as you, I'd have solved quantum mechanics by now.
@agun214 День назад
math is a formal language. i feel like this is significantly tied to language skills
@phnml8440 14 часов назад
Love this
@sam4bytes406 День назад
nice video, now am gonna see it
@starlord6626 13 часов назад
for me I like maths because I use it in physics which I like . I think those who have patience and having good grasp on fundamentals of maths can learn easily relative to others.but sometime things gone terrible for me it was complex no., binomial ,probability etc. and somtimes like I am a math lover in topic like pre calculus ,calculus, algebra, trignomatric, set theory sequence and bla... bla...bla.beacuse I like to find pattern in question.
@cozydrowzy 12 часов назад
i struggle with math aswell, so bad like omg😭 & i’m studying to get my bachelor’s in cs for swe, i’m nervous
@farooqmohammed316 21 час назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="152">2:32</a> you messed up the inputs for the quadratic formula.
@bananaroast7187 День назад
maria cooked!!!
@caution942 20 часов назад
A lot of people (me) think they're bad at math and then once they actually try it's not that hard lmao. you just have to put the work in. It's obvi harder for some people but most give up too soon.
@welshsectionk День назад
It's a shame there was no mention of dyscalculia.
@omi_khan4901 День назад
This dropped day before my calculus quiz. is this a sign lmao
@ScantaniouslyCombust День назад
Maths is problem solving at it's core. Mental arithmetic is just a skill that you train. You can be decent at maths and shit at mental arithmetic. Case and point, this guy (me).
@NiKiTjA_OFF День назад
I didn't skip sponsor's ad, google extension did it for me. Can't do anything with it, sowy
@alt2755 День назад
you are so awsome
@mattz_zeref 21 час назад
Once again i will say this, I love you ❤
@phillyyyphilll 21 час назад
Kachow (is that how you spell it). Good video!
@sortof3337 День назад
u look prettier in thumbnails. :P If ya'll ever think you can't learn math, read 'Men of Mathematics'. If people in those books could do it, anyone can do it.
@Dychord 5 часов назад
As an asian..........I was doing calculas in 5th grade!!
@Dychord 5 часов назад
I said I was doing.......I didn't say I was good at it!!
@Numero.de.Reinolds День назад
*Coeficiente intelectual *Traumas *Malas experiencias *Enfermedades mentales *Las matemáticas en nuestro caso, No es nuestro objetivo, es un obstáculo que se debe atravesar para lograr el objetivo. Nuestro objetivo es ser ingenieros, informáticos, estadísticos, físicos, o cualquier carrera. Las matemáticas vienen luego de que nos damos cuenta de que es necesaria para que nuestra casa no se caiga, o que nuestra estructura metálica no falle. Las matemáticas vienen después. En voleibol, el objetivo es Ganar, y por eso hacemos pesas y barras para abrirle un hueco al piso con los remates, y hacemos sentadillas y ejercicios de salto para volar encima de la red, tener medio cuerpo encima de la red. Pero no es ser superior físicamente, sino ganar. El objetivo es construir un edificio con un poquito de matemáticas, sin necesidad de ser un gran matemático.
@CaliburPANDAs День назад
Become youtuber, better than engineer.
@levibaraka День назад
The p word had me confused a little bit 😂
@SOULJAJOE010 14 часов назад
ok i wont skip :(
@ypey1 День назад
hell no, she got too much trust in humanity
@ege8240 21 час назад
think of it like this, if you punch a tree everyday, will your fists change? well, your brain has a lot more plasticity than your hands. ofc, assuming you will 100 years, you might not totally morph your hands to fingerless tree punchers, but you can certainly learn, or morph them. I find the idea of intelligence especially from birth redundant. we dont have sufficient techniques to examine it, at least not with some background of eugenetics :D
@auto7385 День назад
i want to be your project maria
@Optim40 4 часа назад
Oh God...
@Angyl День назад
clicked coz thumbnail
@KJ7JHN День назад
Hello Maria, have you taken Calc III?
@Eah2019 День назад
I cant and i can as in i cant do math until i need to math meaning if i need to buy somwthing and i jave x amount of money i can magically do quick math or if my paycheck looking low or if i want to guess how big my paycheck will be i magically can do math but if someone ask me randomly whats 2+2 ill freak out and even if i write it down i wont get it
@bodziolomza14 23 часа назад
no skipping guy here
@post_rot День назад
people dont like maths because there are no jobs not because it's "hard", maths itself is awesome, but u cant make a living from maths, scientist is not a real job it's just movies
@mariobaldi3714 День назад
Hey Maria, Mario here 😅 Can you tell me the model of your keyboard?
@TristanOnGoogle 3 часа назад
Hey maybe define "math" first ;) Do u mean basic arithmetic u can do with your calculator ? Or do u mean "mathematical demonstrations", "complex linear algebra", "topology", ... ?
@manso306 3 часа назад
Here's a math fact for you: 5 = 5
@praecorloth День назад
ADHD and medication. They give us meth to calm us down. :D
@bladekiller2766 День назад
What was your major?
@velikanskaglava2087 День назад
You are gorgeous and smart, I hope you make a nice family!
@Cookieforya День назад
What do you mean by MATH ? yeah sure learning any concept in math might be doable for most ppl... Writing proofs and reasoning about math in a scientific manner is what actual math as a skill would be, which also takes quite abit of creativity. In this regard programming and math is very similar, not because programmers use concepts that are mathematical in nature. Kinda funny that none of your interviewees are math majors.
@agostonbazmajer1100 22 часа назад
Your comment hits the nail on the head. If you define doing math as learning high school algebra and maybe basic calculus, sure, the vast majority of people would absolutely be able to learn it. She even hints at it a little bit in the video but glosses over the fact when she says that "yes, but not all subjects". Anyone can do calculations, but mathematics is not calculating, it's developing and utilizing a very complicated machinery to tackle abstract concepts and pick them apart. If you were to ask a math major the same question, I can guarantee you that they'd say that sure, mostly everyone can learn computational stuff, but you need to have the 'right stuff' to even have a chance at actually learning the foundations of mathematics, analysis, abstract algebra and topology.
@johndoe-rq1pu День назад
Some people are dead.
@arods День назад
I thought she was serious about the subject... 😢
@nelfowz 5 часов назад
<a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="839">13:59</a> I like his opinion
@carpediem6764 День назад
wait what heppend in 2019-2022,, POVID??? omg im stupid
@sighmahmale 15 часов назад
I skipped
@ashishkumawat6110 День назад
she's an AI
@failscript День назад
I though your dad had russian accent
@Numero.de.Reinolds День назад
Quiero que los misiles de mi juego se muevan como en la vida real, 😢, necesito matemáticas, fórmulas de movimiento acelerado con gravedad. Necesito repasar física, ya se me olvidó. 🤔
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