
Can Small Modular Reactors Save Nuclear Power? 

Engineering with Rosie
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@_aullik 2 года назад
My only really strong opinion about nuclear is that shutting of nuclear before you get rid of fossils is super stupid.
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
Where there aren't safety issues, I agree with you.
@jimurrata6785 2 года назад
Germany is in a pickle now... Stepping up lignite production to meet their shortfall is about the worst thing for the planet right now. Wealthy Northern/Western nations should be leading by example, not turning back on a long history of safe energy in their respective country. (IMO)
@factnotfiction5915 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie Sure, but safe operation of any power plant - nuclear - and also hydro, geothermal, wind, solar - is a given. Similarly it is a given that coal plants (without sequestration) CANNOT be operated safely - acid rain, particulates, heavy metals, radiation - all directly into the biosphere. However, were any of the German plants shut down due to safety concerns? Um, no. Every once in a while a regulator finds a safety concern, the NPP is shut down temporarily, the operated fixes it, and the plant is reopened. There was no long-term concern for any of the German NPPs - in fact Germany has one of the best safety records in the industry!
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
@@factnotfiction5915 Putin is a NPP country, no problem there. 90% of the world's population is in dictatorships, no problems there.????
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
90% of the world's population is in dictatorships and NPP are not part of your strong opinion. Putin and little rocket man and the Iranian leaders and ...... would be so happy 😊
@MetalBull2024 2 года назад
Great video by the way! Thanks. Shared on twitter amongst nuclear friends!
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing!
@MattOGormanSmith 2 года назад
Nobody talks about a major potential cost/safety saving. When the module is spent it can be trucked or barged back to a specialised reprocessing facility, instead of trying to decommission it on-site.
@bluesideup007 2 года назад
Thank you for shining some light on the technology. I've been following news about SMRs, MSRs and related technologies for more than a dozen years. Unfortunately, during this time the regulatory and public perception gains have been glacially slow. Nuclear has to be part of our future energy solution. Too bad we are several decades behind the curve.
@lachlandoughty545 2 года назад
Hi Rosie, Does dealing with nuclear waste in the same way as traditional nuclear generators mean storing it for thousands of years in someone else’s backyard?
@MiniLuv-1984 2 года назад
Well said Rosie. We could ensure that the SMR plant also takes care of the radioactive waste rather than externalising their waste issue. Safety of the plant should be treated as a whole system safety issue, including radioactive waste in legislation.
@jimurrata6785 2 года назад
Benny, I have a question. What if that legislation were to say 'You can only lease your fuel rods. All fissile material remains property of the Department of Energy.' If that lease price included both production _and_ spent re-processing costs do you think that would assuage your concern about waste? Right now it seems the French are the only ones re-processing spent fuel or using breeder reactors. The operational safety factor of the plant is really one of tight QC at the factory and ongoing inspection. This seems very similar to what we have today in the aircraft industry. And at similar cost scales. Type certification of a completed model built on production tooling using approved process would have development costs ameliorated over the production run. The current system here in the U.S. where every power plant is unique and needs individual approvals and inspection processes is absurd.
@MiniLuv-1984 2 года назад
@@jimurrata6785 Yes, Jim - something like that would be start. There is also the materials used that do become radioactive over time that also need to be properly managed. I think of the mining industry here in Australia where they remove the mineral from the ground, make a mess, destroy the local environment and spread various processing chemicals, many highly toxic and other waste around the area and into the water table, into rivers and streams, then shut the mine down when its no longer viable and walk away with some agreement to clean up that they never honour. Its a total failure.
@jimurrata6785 2 года назад
@@MiniLuv-1984 Im definitely aware of those situations. There are a number of mining towns abandoned because of toxic tailings and leach ponds here in the States
@seneca983 2 года назад
@@MiniLuv-1984 Waste treatment is probably not any different than for more traditional reactors. Same procedures can be applied.
@MiniLuv-1984 2 года назад
@@seneca983 The problem I'm alluding to seneca983 is that these procedures have not worked and have left tons of waste badly managed. Profits drive all industry and if there is a loop hole in legislation or the people ensuring compliance are not doing their job, then things will get missed...great for the bottom line, shit for the rest of us.
@peternicholson4417 2 года назад
Another excellent tutorial, thanks. How is nuclear waste disposal costed, any current experience of cost of full cycle ie design, build, operate, dispose? Obviously exclude nuclear weapons research and disposal, just the generating cost cycle.
@RCdiy 2 года назад
Please always ask how the cost of storing and monitoring of nuclear waste for thousands of years is calculated and included in the costs? Is there a real solution or will the problem be “solved in the future”? For example in Canada Ontario the waste is still “temporarily” stored on site on the shores of Lake Ontario. With lots of smaller nuclear plants what happens to the waste? Is it harder to track and keep safe? If shipped to a central location we now have lots of nuclear waste being transported in lots of different vehicles or trips. This increases the likelihood of a mishap.
@billlyell8322 2 года назад
For decades we have used nuclear generators for space craft. These generators can be powered by nuclear waste. We could use these generators on earth not only to replace fossil fuel power production but also eliminate nuclear waste. That sounds like a win win to me.
@tobyw9573 2 года назад
How does the 1/3 scale prototype operation numbers compare with the full sized SMR?
@damienvanhoogenvan5111 2 года назад
So the answer to the videos title: NO. Their cost target is $58 pMWh, which is 50% more than the stated wind/solar costs (which might be lowballing a bit). That $58 includes un-disclosed subsidies. Pile on the historic baggage of nuclear and there is no chance in hell this is being used at scale for grid energy. I fully support the company though and hope they find a niche
@robertkkpollock 2 года назад
SMRs might provide steady baseline power for heavy industry. Making steel, concrete, glass and many other such commodities require round-the-clock intense industrial processes. For these applications, efficiency improves as variability is avoided. Energy input loads for continuous operation of this type are often extreme, but start-up is much worse and deviation from run-mode increased waste, degrade product quality, and lower profitability. Boston Metal’s electrolysis methods for steel manufacturing, for example, might be sensibly located in industrial parks with dedicated SMR heat-&-power plants.
@Stambo59 2 года назад
I saw a video a while back about how SMRs could utilise existing or decommissioned coal and gas plant facilities to reduce costs even more. Using the existing turbines and replacing boilers with SMRs seems a practical and cost effective solution to me. Not that it will ever happen in NZ, there would be to much opposition to anything nuclear no matter how potentially climate saving it may be.
@Saka_Mulia 2 года назад
Not a fan of nuclear fission, but I have to concede it's the only viable stop gap until renewables, batteries, and fusion are in place.
@MrStuart21 2 года назад
Can the SMR design be used in mobile applications? What is the Min height of the reactor?
@kokofan50 2 года назад
Yes, they’re all designed to be built in one location and moved to the power plant, and all the navy ship reactors are SMRs. There are some designs intended fit inside a cargo container so they can be moved to areas hit by natural disaster and stuff. The kilowatt reactors are designed to be sent to the moon and Mars.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
I am an old Civil Engineer, UNSW. Construction Contracting. I have worked on large projects including coal fired power station and power transmission lines. The 'vital few' items are the biggest danger when tendering and overlooked. Like if you tendered for a house and a solid gold roof was specified. But you missed the 'solid gold metal' part. Nuclear is a central power system. In an electric world the AEMO said that you would have 4 times extra demand. So 5 nuclear power plants, not one. So 5 distribution grids. The grids are the killer overlooked item, but 'VITAL' matter in the proposed scheme. $TRILLIONS of extra costs plus the $TRILLIONS in extra nuclear power plants. And what is the point, as the Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott said if the world keeps on pumping out CO2. If,( a huge if ), if nuclear is the world's chosen energy system to stop CO2 then every dictator will be delighted to have his own nuclear industry. The USA military costs will explode. So let's add MILITARY COSTS to the nuclear power solution. Does anyone see the problem? Many are delighted with the nuclear solution 😀. Many fear the warmer climate but the nuclear winter was the greatest fear for the past 75 years. Atomic bomb mushroom clouds, was that all fear mongering ?
@MetalBull2024 2 года назад
Bit quick to draw the direct one between having nuclear power and the world descending into nuclear winter mate! The countries we should be worried about already have nuclear industries and weapons. But alas, there has never been any link between nuclear power and nuclear weapons established. Unless you listen t Greenpeace.It’s highly regulated only a few places actually have the ability to enrich.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
@@MetalBull2024 I just followed the quick reaction of the world when they realised North Korea was going nuclear and Iran was going nuclear and Pakistan and ..... And then Mr Putin threatened his own country with the West's nuclear retaliation...., while he is killing his neighbour's children and the USA might have got a little more involved to help the poor Ukraine. And nuclear winter happens really fast, really fast, within months, but lasts for a few years. In fact they are thinking of using a dusting of the atmosphere to slow global warming. I find these small short comments make it difficult to explain. I do appreciate your feedback.
@jongun65 2 года назад
Please put capital costs and NPV as if grid was entirely built of each tech. Current NEM ISP and CSIRO GenCost list capital costs at nameplate and ignore storage and backup. This makes it hard to work out real costs. Simlarly LCOE is misleading since it ignores intermittency. Also, NEM in 2050 assumes 20% curtailment, something else omitted from the renewable-heavy LCOE and relativr Caoex graphs. Message me for more info, ive been doing analysis at work as well as from my own interest.
@jonmullins296 2 года назад
There was a key idea that was not clearly covered. Dr. Reyes mention the ability to load follow. This is necessary because renewables are not dispatchable. Nuclear is the only carbon free *dispatchable* energy. When everyone comes home in the evening, turns on the lights and the oven, wind and solar are typically reducing output. The sun is going down and wind cannot be counted on either. This power has to be replaced with dispatchable energy.
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
What about hydro and geothermal?
@factnotfiction5915 2 года назад
Also, batteries and other storage works just as well with nuclear as with wind and solar.
@jonmullins296 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie Hydro is partially dispatchable, there are usually limits on how much water can be spilled downstream. Geothermal is a great dispatchable resource where it is available. Geothermal is one that sounds perfect in principle, but the working fluid coming out of the ground is so corrosive the turbines don't last long at all. More significantly, it's a resource that is not large enough to make up the difference in the duck curve. Batteries are great also, but we do not have the capacity to make enough batteries to make much of a difference. When I say batteries I'm including pumped storage, liquid air, hydrogen, and kinetic storage. It's really hard to fathom how to create enough storage to make a dent in the problem.
@mx2000 2 года назад
I wonder how they plan to do maintenance and exchange of fuel rods.
@factnotfiction5915 2 года назад
@TheBlibo 2 года назад
Dose nuclear need saving. Small nuclear is more efficient but that is because the conventional large scale plants were not designed for ultimate efficiency for power generation, I have heard that they were designed for the production of weapons grade materials Please correct me if I am wrong But I believe nuclear has a future In power generation
@terminusest5902 2 года назад
Generation 4 reactors offer huge potential over common, current PWR reactors. With greater safety, less waste and lower cost. Gen 4 reactors should be considered on their own merits. China now has two Gen 4 reactor prototypes. There are a number of different types of Gen 4 reactors. Britain should be producing SMR reactors by 2030. Mainly with Rolls-Royce. The US may have a Gen 4 MSR, Molten Salt Reactor prototype reactor by 2030. Currently, we just need prototypes to prove Gen 4 technology.
@grahamcastle8189 2 года назад
Excellent video cast, very well done. Still a very long term solution to our carbon free energy needs but who would want to live next to one of these?
@anydaynow01 2 года назад
Despite what the fossil fuel, media and movie industries say to make money off of people's fears, sentiment has changed with time and will continue to do so especially as the old plants are decommissioned and the new tech comes online. It is like, looking at the safety and efficiency record of the average car made in the 1960s vs an EV made in 2022; they both transport people, have doors, a steering wheel and storage of some kind but the similarities start dwindling fast after those comparisons.
@factnotfiction5915 2 года назад
I would certainly prefer to live next to a NPP than to a coal plant, gas plant, or wind farm. ANd I want electricity 24 hours a day. NPPs are quiet, clean, and bring educated workers with good salaries to your town's tax-base. Why would you not want to live next to one?
@Oswald2615 2 года назад
I love your videos and the work that you do! ❤️. However, I am not a fan of nuclear because of a complete failure in development of a way to dispose of the waste. Currently, there are more than 90,000 metric tonnes of radioactive nuclear wastes in the United States alone. While the amount of power generated and the fewer emissions are very good, ultimately the waste issue is a time bomb waiting to go off. San Onofre nuclear plant has had numerous problems during its decommissioning. Renewables are really the way of the future. I hope you continue to look into and design improved and innovative energy sources. Thank you. 😎
@clanmeademagruder9692 2 года назад
A big reason for that is because people keep preventing them from doing that. And there is a place in Finland where they are planning on storing massive amounts of waste. There are also other types of reactors that can use the long lived waste for even more energy. Things like fast reactors certain (but most I think) molten salt reactors where it is physically impossible to have a release of radiation unless you bomb it. As well as dozens of other types reactors that can use the waste.
@donpasto59 2 года назад
No it takes very very less space to store nuclear wastes, see the debate on Nuclear energy on Great courses.
@Oswald2615 2 года назад
@@donpasto59 it has nothing to do with the amount of space the radioactive waste takes up. Rather, it is the toxicity and thousands of years emitting deadly levels of radiation ☢️ that is the concern. 90,000 metic tons of highly radioactive waste in the US alone shows how far behind we are in its disposal. Much is held in temporary storage while the NRC and others try to figure out where it can go without causing harm. Fix that problem and it would become a global solution for much needed energy - particularly the smaller localized plants that were the subject of Rosie’s video. Cheers, 😎
@PatrickKQ4HBD 2 года назад
99% of that 90,000 tons of waste is LOW grade waste, like garments and rubber gloves, and massive amounts of packaging to put them in. The actual high level waste of the whole world (excluding Chernobyl) will fit inside a single 20' shipping container. Please watch "Illinois EnergyProf" here for more information.
@Oswald2615 2 года назад
@@PatrickKQ4HBD I do not profess to be an engineer or have detailed knowledge of nuclear waste. However, the US Department of Energy (DOE) has represented that the US generates about 2,000 metric tons of spent fuel annually. That figure represents a total (since the 1950s) of about 90,000 metric tons of spent fuel (not gloves or other low level waste). The spent nuclear fuel is kept at 76 facilities across the country, because of a failure to develop a centralized storage location ( Yuca Mt plan was abandoned about 10 years ago). So, the current storage is temporary, waiting for the NRC to find a better solution. According to DOE, the 90,000 metric tons fills an entire football field to a depth of 10 feet. Sorry, but that DOE representation raises serious questions about the validity of your 20 ft storage container description. See, www.energy.gov/ne/articles/5-fast-facts-about-spent-nuclear-fuel No need to dwell on this, I just raised a concern about the small nuclear plant discussed in Rosie’s video. I believe we need to solve the nuclear waste issue before advancing further plant construction. It’s just my concern, I understand that others may not have the same concerns and have no problem with that. In fact, the only reason I am responding here is because the facts you present are inconsistent with those presented by DOE. I don’t know who is correct, just pointing it out. Cheers!
@jimgraham6722 2 года назад
My only strong opinions are: 1. Plenty of power, 24/7, as and where needed, and 2. No atmospheric pollution with GHG or any other unwanted gases. Renewables at this point are inadequate because they rely on coal and gas to provide 24/7 continuous power. This is self evidently unacceptable.
@saeedsanei1272 2 года назад
One thing that prevents nuclear leading the transition is geopolitics. People who want a 100% nuclear world often forget that other nations exist, that they're probably not happy with having nuclear power.
@factnotfiction5915 2 года назад
There is no requirement to go nuclear - but there is a requirement to go low-carbon - or we all cook. Most of the OECD countries have an NPP or have had. And if a country like Rosie's Australia wants to not use nuclear - fine - but deal with your emissions Australia (highest per-capita emissions in the world!)!! Most of the 2nd world countries want NPPs because they want low-carbon electricity, and they prefer reliable dispatchable nuclear to wind and solar. Also, countries like Germany give wind and solar a bad name - when the Germans lecture a 2nd world country against nuclear or help deep-size a bank load for a NPP - it comes out as very hypocritical that said energy-poor 2nd world country should make-do with wind and solar while energy-rich Germany continues burning coal and constructing natural gas facilities.
@huibu8987 Год назад
9:53 target established by the customer. Nuff said
@davidwilkie9551 2 года назад
"Prohibited by Law", and what does that mean to Citizens of a Democracy who grew up in an era under the "Nuclear Umbrella" when Conscription of 18 years olds before they had been Legislated the right to vote was considered a legitimate decision for a Government afraid of the "Domino Theory" that justified War in Vietnam. So if it's a natural human behaviour to throw oneself into personal danger to help others in immediate trouble, it's considered an honourable duty to your Nation to volunteer for Military Defence of home and family.., and worthy of elevated respect for Service in what could be Combat situations and prevention of Armed Conflict on home territories. Therefore the Sailors in Nuclear Ships on the tipping point of Mutually Assured Destruction, or potentially a nasty incident if their Reactors were destroyed by Enemy Fire and the incident became deadly, these are people who deserve the most perfected of democratic benefits such a Society can provide for them and their families. If SMRs are the ultimate tool in the success of Democracy, and Fossil Fuels are obviously the cause for failure ,controlled by the total abuse of Military Defence Volunteer sacrifice, exactly why is this the most exaggerated cause for denial in sharing security benefits and health-welfare, avoidance hypocrisy of Nuclear States? Why is there a surplus of death instead of life, in Party Politics.
@chat-gpt-bot 2 года назад
There is nothing about the current crop of SMRs that reduce the capital per kWh, the long investment periods and the regulatory risks. This is what killed the traditional nuclear industry, and SMRs are a very old idea that could never be demonstrated, and not for lack of trying. With renewable and storage prices per kWh tanking, no sane investor will tie up capital for decades into new nuclear plants.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
The grid is the money maker. Taking power from every where.
@walterpleyer261 2 года назад
It keeps surprising why everbody talks about small reactors as such a novelty. Submarines have been using small reactors for decades
@Bloated_Tony_Danza 2 года назад
In the 50's and 60's there were reactors roughly the size of microwave ovens. SNAP reactors from the US, and BES-5 and TOPAZ reactors from the Soviet Union were designed for powering space satellites. The issue with these reactors was that they used 93% and 96% enriched uranium, respectively. That's weapons grade, and that level of enrichment is simply not acceptable anymore because of the risk of proliferation/diversion of fuel.
@walterpleyer261 2 года назад
@@Bloated_Tony_Danza These were not really reactors, but nuclear batteries
@SovereignTroll 2 года назад
@@walterpleyer261 Thorium is a good replacement tech and 3x cheaper than Uranium.
@tobyw9573 2 года назад
@@walterpleyer261 Why call them batteries? Batteries use chemical energy.
@walterpleyer261 2 года назад
@@tobyw9573 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_battery
@billheughan637 2 года назад
One note of caution - LCOE/strike price costs are not all that useful for costing externalities/total costs of every energy source, whether that is gas turbines without carbon tax, renewables without backup power, or nuclear with the "nuclear waste issue" (though I disagree that this problem is of the same magnitude of the former two). Everyone likes to quote that Lazard table but sort of glosses over the bottom of the table wherein a ton of caveats are listed. They are intended for investors of a single power plant in order to do accounting (not coincidentally this is lazards business...). They are not intended to show the costs that said power plant imposes on the grid to make everything work with the reliability we expect. Or the sensitivity of each particular technologys costs to commodity prices. Et cetera. It is not for no reason that, for example, germany pays some of the highest residential electricity costs in the world before the current energy crisis and will be paying quite a bit more in part thanks to their closure of "expensive" nuclear in favour of "cheap" natural gas to take the load when the dunkelflautes/wind droughts happen, as does happen on occasion with weather. The short-term may not be that much better either for renewables, as they tend to be the most materials-heavy forms of energy, which means that impending commodity price shocks are a correspondingly bigger problem for the very impressive cost-curve progress we have seen thus far.
@joels7605 2 года назад
Another excellent video Rosie. Thanks. A few massive flashing warning signs jump out at me. Feature creep and minimum viable product are critically important concepts, and the downfall of so many new companies. Even simple product ideas are very difficult to execute in practice. They're making an SMR. That's a really great thing. Stop there and get that working. Add in all this extra stuff like high temperature hydrogen production and they're doomed. This is the trap that kills so many new companies. They're going to over-extend themselves trying to do all this other stuff and the whole company will implode.
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
I agree that's a risk, it's an issue I fight about with nearly every startup I work with! They have a huge number of features they're trying to incorporate before they produce their first demo. I am always telling them to just get the most basic functionality working, then add in features later. In my experience, usually the reason startups are adding features "too" early isn't because they are trying to make life hard for themselves, but rather because they need funding. And a customer has offered them funding if they add feature X. Or, they *assume* potential funders will require feature X. Usually the latter actually.
@joels7605 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie I think you hit the nail on the head with the funding. Hydrogen is a much more impactful buzzword right now compared to SMR. If you're going after green funding you need to say either "hydrogen" or "carbon." In reality we need all of these things, but only some are getting attention. ...don't even get me started on all the mega-nano-carbon-hydrogen-blockchain funding scams. I've (briefly) worked with one. The ease at which a company can vacuum millions in funding simply by saying a few key buzzwords is staggering.
@pbecker1865 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie another possible reason that startups add features is that the core concept does not stand up to close scrutiny. So the only way to make the product viable is to add commercially valuable by-products
@PaulBostwick 2 года назад
@@pbecker1865 That (and/or) they have to keep refreshing the buzzwords to keep their lease on the various funders short attention-spans.
@bazoo513 2 года назад
I believe this is a good advice.
@ketangandhi3134 2 года назад
Hello Rosie. I've been following you for a while now. I really enjoy your videos and find them very useful and insightful. I am a chemical engineering undergraduate and now I'm pursuing Masters in Energy Systems Engineering. I often find the energy domain very confusing and complex, so videos like these really help a lot and make me confident about my choice of pursuing energy😀.
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
Hi Ketan, thanks for that encouraging comment. I think everyone finds energy systems confusing and complex! Things are changing so fast in the energy transition that even those who have worked in the field for decades find their education and experience isn't enough to know what's going to happen even just a short period of time in the future! But that's what makes it such a great time to be an engineer in this field, there are so many interesting problems to solve. I am sure you will have a great career. Good luck with the rest of your studies, you have chosen (in my biased opinion) a fantastic field.
@ketangandhi3134 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie Thanks a lot for your reply 😁
@apuuvah 2 года назад
The mighty energy of the atom WILL be the future.
@johnswolter 2 года назад
Take a study into Complex Adaptive Systems on Wikipedia & expand from there : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_adaptive_system Also, the key inventor : John Henry Holland, here at the University of Michigan Psychology & College of Engineerng Computer Science Departments. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Henry_Holland Also, see the Santa Fe Institute's ongoing work. : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Fe_Institute Thank Roise. Have you considered MIT or U of M here in the US??
@rgjohnjw 2 года назад
Excellent video. Very informative and balanced.
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks!
@daedalusdreamjournal5925 2 года назад
While some nuclear power main remain in the future, I don't see the cost going down as the guest expected (58$ in the best case and with public funding ... and with a new technology that has yet to be commercially viable). Standard nuclear is expensive due in part to safety regulations and small reactors while having an advantage there are still to be determined safe(r). A lot of hype is made around that technology while it's still in the works and has been for a while. Renewable is coming faster and better due to shorter iterations cycle and greater security and I think this is what is going to win in the long term. The war in ukraine is also reminding that human created threats can also be dangerous while using nuclear and they can be targeted in time of war .... or through terrorism. ANother way to look at this is that it's wayyyy too soon to declare the small reactor the solution for the future while they are still in development the same kind of thing that can be said for fusion power. Because despite the progress been made recently we're still waaayyyy before true commercial power for fusion (though the small reactors should hopefully come to fruition sooner than fusion).
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
Rosie Rosie Rosie good RU-vid work. When ever you talk to experts in nuclear they will take you to their comfort zone. They are highly paid. You are an engineer. You are paid by ????? Government or business. Do the numbers but include all sub headings. Include military costs, include monopoly costs, include today's technology becomes ancient technology costs, Include that renewable energy supply becomes part off the PV panels supply and recycling ♻️ You might need a non engineer to publish. I am an old civil engineer with grandchildren. I knew /know a few brilliant people who spoke about nuclear as the answer but then technology and world politics developments meant that dispersed energy with EV car battery and the grid was the best answer. Australia is building a 5,000 klm power cable to Singapore. We can ship solar energy anywhere in Australia and the world. We are 8,000 million billion m2 of sunlight 24/7/365. At 1kwhr/ m2. The USA is just bigger numbers. The Sahara desert and Europe and Africa just bigger numbers. All this is possible in small steps.
@chriscavanagh1347 2 года назад
Your graphic of the costs of Solar and Wind is faulty at one level: it does not include the cost of the [so far non-existent] batteries that are essential to overcome the intermittency problem. If there was a cost comparison of technical equivalence, you would have to allow for batteries or the massive, typically 4x overbuild in capacity to get reliable continuity. Some argue that intermittency can be overcome by wide area power networks and this is partially true. But for a true costing of solar and wind one would have to also factor in the cost of such a massive power distribution grid, able to cater for the multi directional peak current flows necessary for grid stability. This amounts to disinformation on the merits of solar and wind by omission of the costs of technical equivalence with nuclear power.
@AndrewSheldon 2 года назад
Couldn't opponents bomb such a facility to disperse contained nuclear isotopes. Probably the only concern I have, and its true of conventional reactors as well I guess; only more so. I guess old mine sites, with established declines for access would avoid this, but a constraint of being 'location specific'. Great interview by the way.
@mx2000 2 года назад
I'm sceptical of the HTSE part, simply because that would work for any other thermal power plant, yet somehow it is not commonly done today.
@kevinmcdonough9097 2 года назад
Skepticism may be earned, but power companies are notoriously conservative and resistant to tech changes. So it wouldn't be implausible that none of them have the R&D and risk tolerance to try.
@SocialDownclimber 2 года назад
I think that might be more of a matter of the price difference between electrolysis and steam reforming. If you are going to burn fossil fuels to make the energy, you might as well convert them directly to hydrogen with greater efficiency.
@glennjgroves 2 года назад
I have a couple of comments: Firstly, Dr Reyes wording related to expected costs was interestingly chosen. He did not say they would meet the cost range; or that their modelling suggested they would, or forecasts implied they would. The only cost he gave and the only evidence for it was the target price the client had specified. He used the wording that they/his team “want” to meet the price. He did not say they believed they would or could. I realise I could be reading too much into this. However, I am used to scientists being precise in order to be clear. He - possibly deliberately, possibly not deliberately - did not at any point state what he thought the price would be, or what any modelling by his team suggested the price would be. I realise it would be very hard to model pricing, but they either have not modelled it; or they know the results of the modelling were unreliable; or he very carefully did not say what the modelled prices were. Whatever the cause, we have no idea what the price actually will be, and I have little faith it will be the price mentioned. Secondly, in terms of land area required, I agree that nuclear plant/infrastructure requires little land for the volume of electricity produced. However, full size nuclear generators in parts of the US at least have exclusion zones around them, so they actually “lock up” sizeable areas of land (far more than the plant itself.) If SMRs needed those exclusion zones also, then I think the land/space requirements could still be sizeable. I don’t know if SMRs need an exclusion zone or not. (I don’t even if the full size plants ever truely needed one, I just know at least some have them.) But if they will be required to have one, that might alter the size comparison so to speak.
@MetalBull2024 2 года назад
SMR’s would pop into a coal plant location no problem. I believe this is where will see the first one in this country.
@glennjgroves 2 года назад
@@MetalBull2024 your comment does not seem to address any point I was making; unless you have evidence that exclusion zones are really not required for SMRs.
@MetalBull2024 2 года назад
To lockup a zone is one thing, to clear it for “spacial requirement” i.e turbines is another. I’m not anti renewables FYI. I just think we need all the low carbon options at our disposal. Nuclear is extremely effective and should be in the plans if/when it’s needed. It’d be a shame if we got 2030, realised we needed it in the mix and then started the process of lifting the ban even further behind the curve. Forward planning/keeping options on the table is smarter than just ploughing madly for an ambitious 100% RE grid.
@glennjgroves 2 года назад
@@MetalBull2024 that still does not actually address the point I made about exclusion zones. Renewables do not have exclusion zones. You can farm directly under wind turbines and around (and to some extent under) solar panels. You can live and have businesses right next to wind turbines (though shadow flicker and noise in some weather conditions are an issue for homes and some kinds of business.) Do you actually, genuinely, not realise that you have not remotely addressed the point that I was making regarding exclusion zones? Why do you respond to comments when your response is not actually a response to what was in the comment?
@charlescamen5225 2 года назад
It should be noted that the levelised cost of electricity in the chart provided is not a true reflection of the costs to consumers. the consumer's cost has the cost of back up electricity and the cost of extending the grid to far flung dispersed renewable generations sites, factored in the cost of the power they pay for. With these costs renewables cause a rise n power charges very different to the chart that you used. good discussion otherwise.
@gregbailey45 2 года назад
Did I miss it, or was lifetime not mentioned? Presumably, the fissile material is in the form of solid rods, and these require regular replacement in a 'normal' reactor, something like every couple of years or less. I do not recall hearing anything about fuel lifetime or replacement intervals. This must have a big impact on running cost and/or lifetime cost of thus type of reactor system, surely?
@davidelliott5843 2 года назад
Please take a close look at Moltex and Elysium. These use molten chloride salts (basically table salt) to carry the fuel salt and as a heat transfer medium. The list of advantages over traditional PWR (large or small) is extensive. The biggest bring they can literally burn used “spent” fuel to make 20x more energy per kg of fuel and cut the radioactive life by 1000x.
@chriscavanagh1347 2 года назад
Thanks Rosie for an excellent update on Nuscale. If the Nuscale model or some similar was developed to be a drop in replacement for the boilers in current coal fired power stations, the nations who own those would not have wasted their investment. Small modular reactors can and should be developed to be literal boiler replacements. Modern small power stations are often made up of a series of 250MW to 600MW subunits to combine in multiples to make up the whole power station. That’s why there are invariably 1 smoke stack and 1 cooling tower per production unit. So a 250MW unit would require a cluster of 4 Nuscale units to replace the boiler. A 600MW unit would require 8 units. These numbers, times the number of coal fired power stations worldwide would make mass manufacturing, installation and post processing of the units both economic and relatively rapid to implement. Right now, 2022, power stations are being built throughout the world, in small and large countries. Most of these are still coal fired due to the relatively cheap technology and price of coal which does not include the uncosted externality of CO2 generation. The rate of power construction in fossil fuelled power stations, taken worldwide, way exceeds the installation of clean energy so the graphs are diverging. Ergo, we cannot meet net 0 carbon goals. But drop in boiler replacements would enable a rapid reversal of that trend.
@tokasam_win 2 года назад
I'm generally impressed by your video. NuScale is a very interesting vendor and have been for a while. Even though they haven't pursued Gen IV tech, they've achieved so many key features of what a power plant should be now that in my mind, it's a really good yard stick for a "sensible design". Too many reactors seem to be primarily technology advancement, and a solution second, whereas I think NuScale have taken a good approach to making a good solution and developing what they needed to. Some of the key issues w/nuclear plants: Risk of financing a plant (e.g. Sizewell C): modular design used here means reduced risk for financiers and shorter time between starting the investment and seeing first returns Challenging build and construction (e.g. Hinkley Point C, Vogtle): smaller components lend themselves to factory manufacturing Low variability of supply (e.g. entire UK fleet): multiple ways to load follow Safety (e.g. Fukushima): passive pumping and passive safety systems Not all of the problems are addressed by NuScale, but it looks like they've made a big dent solving the problems of getting nuclear power plants onto the grid. We'll see how it progresses from here, because so far all of these are promised benefits rather than demonstrated. I'm hopeful though. I'm also hopeful that other vendors will start to take a similar approach of solving the problems and not just pursuing interesting technology.
@WobblycogsUk 2 года назад
Great video. I'm firmly in the pro-nuclear camp but I can't help feeling the technology is largely finished for power production. With every passing year regulations that are already absurdly tight get tighter to the point where new projects become impractical. On top of that there is no political will to do anything about the problem, no politician that values their political career will stand up and say nuclear should or even could be part of the solution. Maybe if the current sky high energy prices continue we'll see people start to accept nuclear a bit more but I can't help feeling the anti-nuclear sentiment is so strongly ingrained it might never change.
@bazoo513 2 года назад
And then, when New Orleans, Key Largo and Manhattan are under water, we will throw all regulations to the wind and build '50's style reactors willy-nilly.
@acmefixer1 2 года назад
@Wobblycogs Workshop "Anti-nuclear sentiment" or anything the public (including you or I) feels about new nuclear power has nothing to do with whether or not new NPPs will be built. The utilities are the ones that decide to build new NPPs and they're not choosing new NPPs because of multi-billion dollar cost overruns and decade long construction delays. Flamanville, Hinkley, Okiluoto, Vogtle, all these new NPPs in various countries have these problems. Utilities are not going to build any more new NPPs.
@pietersmit621 2 года назад
The Russian invasions of Ukraine is showing a new risk related to Nuclear, where deliberate actions during war increase the risk of nuclear accidents.
@RCdiy 2 года назад
Let’s not forget nuclear plants not being built on time and within budget. Further in Ontario the operator went bankrupt with the rate payers paying for it. Further nuclear power can’t get insurance so as an industry they had to create their own insurance. Further in Canada their liability is capped at $1B. That’s $1000 per person for a population of 1M. Toronto has 3 million people. Further nuclear waste does not have a storage location with it all sitting on site. Who pays for thousands of years of monitoring to make sure it does not contaminate ground water or Lake Ontario?
@clarkkent9080 7 месяцев назад
The answer to that question can be answered by NuScale who even after the taxpayer paide for the NRC review, gave them free government land on which to build, and $2 billion in matching funds, canceled their project as too costly. Their investors are now suing for FRAUD.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
EXTERNAL COSTS, stay focused everyone. C02 impacts on climate, and it's destabilisation, and with Massive costs. So fossil fuels bad. Electric power to everything including Electric vehicles and the home. TRIPLED DEMAND. Nuclear power plants to supply electricity but now TRIPLED DEMAND and TRIPLED the size of the grid to distribute the TRIPLED ELECTRICAL SUPPLY from TRIPLED size of the power plants. Does any one see a problem ? ? ? Every country on the planet needs the same solution to stop CO2. 100,000 Nuclear power reactors. 70 years of non proliferation of nuclear problems, now not a problem. ??? TRIPLED military defence costs, the USA being the biggest target on the planet. May I suggest Nuclear winter would also be a big climate problem. And so for the logical to consider Rooftop solar PV system Every building IS connected to the grid today. EV batteries are 100kwh, huge. Home fixed battery is 14kwh, a baby. So for max value use the EV battery. Ezi pezi. Smarten the existing grid, much cheaper than building 3 grids. And CHEAP. The Daily drive is 7kwh, ezi pezi to top up from home power. And CHEAP. No new power plants, And CHEAP. Renewables cheaper than nuclear power including storage, and millions of EV batteries. Nuclear electricity costs have flatlined above Renewables. The total nuclear solution needs TRIPLED the amount of new power plants, and TRIPLED the amount of grids. And nuclear power costs above fossil fueled power. FMD does nobody think.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
Million of Australian roofs have only 30m2 of solar on 200m2 roofs. Because of restrictions from the government. NO NEW LAND IS NEEDED OUTSIDE URBAN AREAS. Every building is connected to the grid. 'Monkeys' can install rooftop solar .
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
Engineers have to look at the full picture if they are to have any credibility. I am an old Construction Engineer, Civil and Building. I have successfully achieved major redesign on many projects, even Professional Design Engineers can make mistakes. I recall an extremely young female engineer student asking the most senior Building Structural Design Engineer one question about wind loading on a brand new building in NY, CITI BANK CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS. Fortunately she followed up her own question and the failure in Design lead to the entire city officials being galvanised to save 1,000s of lives. The Citicorp Center engineering crisis was the discovery, in 1978, of a significant structural flaw in Citicorp Center, then a recently completed skyscraper in New York City, and the subsequent effort to quietly make repairs over the next few months. The building, now known as Citigroup Center, occupied an entire block and was to be the headquarters of Citibank. Its structure, designed by William LeMessurier, had several unusual design features, including a raised base supported by four offset stilts, and diagonal bracing which absorbed wind loads from upper stories. Google the story. Nuclear is so large an investment it will block all new research into renewable energy.
@MrPrime2357 11 месяцев назад
Finally, something in regards a load following approach. Their approach (reducing reactor output) seems somewhat counterintuitive to me, but I guess they did think more about it than me:D Combining hydrogen production (for seasonal storage) with nuclear power was certainly something which would have been nice to have here in germany. By combining it like this, you can run the power plants and electrolyser always at 100% (most economical and highest efficiency) and only when the renewables are unable to support the grit you reduce the hydrogen production and directly sent the energy into the grit. Now they want to produce the hydrogen from the overproduction of the renewables:D - you can't operate an electrolyser more uneconomically than this, even if you tried
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
Concentrated generation and then disperse across the grid. $Billions/ m2. Rooftop solar is dispersed and supplies the grid, the grid does the concentrating of energy. Electrical energy never knew if it was coming or going it just needed to be enough. Transformers work backwards and forwards. Electrical EV car battery 100kwh will be everywhere in every home, plugged into the grid and trading Electrical Power for money. 33kwh on 8.3 million homes. 20 million EV car batteries. The grid exists and the 40% capacity that was for non industrial needs is now available for additional industrial production 😀. At no cost. 90% of petroleum imports not needed. Monopoly investment in fossil fuel industry is $300Billion cash flow every year in Australia. Monopoly political donations. Even fat man Clive Palmer said he stopped Labor winning with his $83million spend. And he is 'fighting against' political donations. More Monopoly power supply is now not necessary and stupid.
@michaelviney3737 2 года назад
Happily today in the UK our government and the opposition confirmed more base load nuclear plant would be constructed ASAP. Also more offshore floating wind farms. It looks like we will have the most expensive electricity in the world from 1st April. I like your videos from an engineering point of view but I know first hand you can create pricing comparisons to highlight a view point . Around the year 2000 a study on the comparative costs of all forms of generation was done for the UK government by a company I was involved with. The study included all phases of a project including decommissioning. Most expensive with a life of 20 years ? Yes off shore wind £145/MWhr Cheapest with a life span of 60 years? Nuclear £60/ MWh Fast forward 20 years and the improved wind turbine designs have improved the utilisation factor for some models to as much as 45 % from 25 %. Life span increased to 25 years. These improvements make some positive difference But in the UK price in a credit for carbon saved and miraculously wind becomes much cheaper. I once worked in all six of the UK s nuclear plant which were funded by our then nationalist power industry and we were a world leader . Privatisation happened and no new nuclear and all skills in nuclear disbanded and now gone. In the last few years the realization dawned that perhaps new nuclear would be good. To get the international private sector involved the UK government had to guarantee a strike price of £145/ MWh……….Also the complete lack of talent in the civil service all contributes to high prices for the first of a kind new 4 th generation plant. Hopefully the Nth of a kind prices will be 50 % less. Bet you Germany keeps it’s nuclear plant running a bit longer now they have decided not to import Russian gas!!
@fishyerik 2 года назад
Mainly because the main issues with nuclear power isn't technical, or even rational, I personally don't think there are technical solutions for them. I don't think SMRs are going to solve anything, small sure, 5-ish or so, percent of a typical "Chernobyl-style" reactor, does anyone in their right mind think that 5% of the Chernobyl accident would be a sh*t happens no big deal kind of event? The answer is: No. And in this case, up to six such reactors, close together, that adds up to about 30% of a "Chernobyl-style" reactor. I know, I know, these reactors are safe, as every type of reactor has been, until in some cases the opposite was proven. In the CGI the reactors share a small body of water, one drought away from loosing that safeness. Yeah, I saw the river, a river can reduce the probability of lack of water, not eliminate it. Also, a river adds an increased risk of severe flooding. At coast, you have possibly tsunamis, other natural catastrophes, threat from other countries, and so on. It's actually difficult if not impossible to find a place where there are no such issues, at least combined with a huge, unmet demand for power. About that, you can be too far from any large grid to be able to get a decent connection, OR you can have a lack of land, you don't have both issues at the same time. Nope, the claimed niche doesn't exist. A somewhat problematic grid situation combined with a slightly problematic land situation sure, but new type of nuclear reactor plus hydrogen storage-level situation, nope. Also, when it comes to nuclear, accidents are considered severe catastrophes even if there are no severe [relatively speaking] consequences. So, it will take a single accident with SMR, even without casualties with enough media attention, to make it virtually impossible to get approval to install any more. And with mass production, accidents are virtually unavoidable. Production of hydrogen, well of course. A bit higher efficiency than ordinary electrolysis, great, but it doesn't matter much. Also, higher efficiency compared to what, electrolysis at room temperature? Why, and even how, would room temperature be maintained in commercial scale hydrogen production with electrolysis? Also, storage, even at 30 MPa, that's 300 bar, you need 50 cubic meters of tank volume to store 1 ton of hydrogen (roughly, and at 20 °C). 30 MPa is scuba tank pressure territory, it doesn't make much sense to compress much further for stationary storage. 250 tons * 50 cubic meters = 12.500 cubic meters tank capacity. Reversible HTSE and fuel cells combined, well, now we left modifying/improvement of existing technologies, that's not equivalent of developing the first production model car, or airplane, that's more like an equivalent of developing a mass produced flying car model in a world where there has been no mass produced car or airplane yet. If you don't even think you can become cost competitive (per MWh) compared wind and solar now, you definitely won't be able to compete 10 years from now with a combination of wind, solar, improved transmission capacities, DSM and enough batteries to make a more reliable energy supply than a few SMRs and hydrogen storage. And, honestly, the cost of alternatives 10 years from now is irrelevant, the cost of alternatives the the proposed technology reaches global significant importance, at the earliest, that should be roughly 40 years from now, assuming best case scenario. By then we will have solar PV built in surface materials of buildings, at negligible extra cost, wind turbines will be developed in ways I can't predict, batteries will be extremely cheap compared to current situation, things like V2G, DSM and VPP will be implemented "everywhere" unless they have been made obsolete be even better future solutions.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
Nuscale is a money casing business They will corner the market for 60 to 100years and with government guarantee profits. In Australia we have 'Gold plated poles and wires' said the Royal Commission into over charged consumers.
@fimbulkron 2 года назад
One of the problems with the traditional ones is risk. There doesn't need to be a Chernobyl kind of accident to cause extreme economical damage. Here in Switzerland we run an ancient reactor. Just releasing a moderate amount of radioactives to wind or the river would destroy potentially trillions of infrastructure and property. Just because you have to leave the area. And for how much are they insured? About 3 billion! So that risk is never included in the cost calculation. And what about waste? The most extreme of it needs to be safely stored for millennias! Who pays for that? But hey, Australia has lots of space, why don't you just take it and dump it somewhere. 😉and guard it for that time, because you need to keep terrorists and such scum away from it. Otherwise they can make easy dirty bombs! Then, what about running time? Self contained means no exchange of burning material? So you break down the whole power plant after 15 years? Or do you just exchange the reactors? But then the whole thing needs to be much bigger and more complex again. Same goes, security against terrorism? Airplane crash? Bombs? So I'm not sure they will have that much savings as they think. But all for much less energy and probably less time. So how does the cost scale then for the whole time. And lastly, so the earliest full scale shall run end of this decade? If everything goes as planned! What it never does... So real data will be just available then. So wider adaption around 2040 maybe. So way to late to really tackle the problem we need to solve now! Why don't we go now with what we already have, do proper research and not silicone valley type of fundraising for a maybe... If it works good it can start to stabilize the grid when our first or second wave of solar and wind needs to be renewed. Or maybe it will be totally obsolete by that time anyway.
@trogdorsp 2 года назад
To emphasize this point, it is misleading to suggest traditional large reactors are "not too dangerous on the average compared to other forms of energy". 'Average' is not a good metric. The risk potential has an extremely long tail. The likelihood of an accident maybe very small but the possible deaths and damages may be horrendously large. Hopefully SMR don't have this problem.
@SocialDownclimber 2 года назад
I think this is a very underrated point. The "deaths per megawatt hour" graph doesn't actually show the cost of nuclear disasters. It only shows deaths. The economic impact of Chernobyl and Fukushima can't be understated. It is actually pretty similar to Hydro. It looks safer than wind and solar, but if a dam fails there is a massive disaster, which is much harder to deal with than the occasional fatal accident associated with turbine maintenance.
@hermannkorner3212 2 года назад
Small cores need highly enriched fuel, which is in short supply if you dont want to buy in russia. High temperature electrolysis using nuclear Heat is the way to go for hydrogen. It works best at>600 C, which cant be achieved in a water cooled reaktor. You need molten salt or liquid metal as coolant. High pressure gases could bei used, but would leave the core uncooled in case of a leak - i wouldnt recommend that.!
@jonwatkins254 2 года назад
Near and medium term the best energy solution is offered by the Ed Pheil designed reactor that is walkaway safe and burns the vast store of existing 1% spent nuclear fuel and other radioactive material to 97% spent. It involves only existing technology and the huge amount of usable fuel being stored at great expense at existing nuclear plants as spent fuel. The 97% end of cycle burn means the remaining waste needs safeguard for only 300 years. It burns weapon waste also to the same end-product.
@wilfriedhahn5053 2 года назад
Look also at Copenhagen Atomics, they want to produce a SMR with 2 cents per kWh thermal energy and fast scaling up production
@addestensfors8425 2 года назад
Today in Sweden, our almost 5000 wind propellers produced 0% electricity... and we had record high electricity prices
@norgerepairs8687 2 года назад
SMR, LIFTR, Thorium will be the future. Time to logically bring the future into now.
@Karagoth444 2 года назад
Nuclear I see as a necessary component because it reduces the amount of energy storage and overcapacity necessary of renewables, since it provides a dependable amount of energy that doesn't need storage.
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
It would certainly make it much easier for countries who don't have excellent renewable resources and low population densities.
@tonywilson4713 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie As an other Australian who has worked in the Australian nuclear industry on the mining side the short answer is: Yes we will need to have nuclear power in future. The long part of this discussion is why and its probably a whole series of videos on the subject starting where the hell are we going with energy generation? Easily the biggest part of the problem is that there are a staggering array of technology promoters all spouting that their solution will save humanity and everything else is worthless. news flash every one of them is WRONG and also partly right. *None of them are going to save humanity or the planet, but some of them will play a part in our energy future and if we get very lucky we might save the planet.* I did an odd little consult job about 5 years ago and during I discovered just how old our power stations are in Australia and just how big the problem is of replacing them. When I checked around the world its just as bad and in some countries worse. The problem started about 25 years ago when planning for new MAJOR power stations effectively stopped and then construction with it. By "major" I mean Giga Watt class stations of (1,000MW or larger). The problem has been partly masked by the massive rollout of rooftop solar. In the 80s & 90s when our population went from 15 to 20 million we built a bunch of new stations. in the 2000s and 2010s our population went from 20 to 25 million and we built NONE. Anybody who ever took a class in economics knows what happens when demand goes up and supply doesn't match it. Prices go up and that's exactly what's happened. Australia has a huge problem and nobody wants to publicly talk about it. (edit) I had a typo it was supposed to say 25 million not 50
@tonywilson4713 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie A quick other point. There is nothing new in the safety methodology that they are using with the control rods descending into the core to reduce the reaction. That method has been used for decades. In fact I remember my science teacher explaining that's how Lucas Heights works and I finished high school in 1982. On top of that at my speech night in 1980 we had an old boy from ANSTO give the main speech and he told us that one day we will have nuclear energy in Australia. The world would have to use it because there was no other way that we would be able to keep up with the demands of a growing population. It remember it because it shocked us. We were just kids but it shocked us. I can remember being at home afterwards spitting chips. My father (a science teacher) asked me "Well how else are we going to supply power?" You see even back then when our population was only 15 million recognized that our population would grow and with it the need for power. That reality is about to smash a few countries, Australia being one.
@danyoutube7491 2 года назад
@@tonywilson4713 Just a note about the population; I Googled just now because going from 15 to 50 million sounded incredible. According to various websites the population of Australia is 25 million; still a considerable rise, particularly in terms of proportion to the 'starting point' of 15 million, but not more than trebling in size :) Not that this invalidates your point about lack of new power generation provision, but just to say the change hasn't been quite so dramatic. Mind you, it does surprise me (as an English person) that the population has risen so much. I do know that moving to Oz has long been an ambition of a lot of my fellow countrymen, including a childhood friend, and immigration probably explains a lot of the rise. For a country whose governments have long seemed so keen on coal though, it is surprising to hear that they haven't been building more power stations in recent decades.
@tonywilson4713 2 года назад
@@danyoutube7491 It surprised the hell out of me when I first found out. When raised it with another engineer one day telling him the issue was: "We had a power system built for 20 million and a population of 25" he called me out for BS. Then I showed him the list of our main power stations and when they were built and he freaked out with "Why aren't we building power stations." Then it hit him - politics and money. That was nearly 4 years ago and NOTHING has been started. There was a burst of consternation a few weeks ago when they announced one of our largest would be closing AHEAD of schedule. Not only has that concern died but the stories totally ignored the fact of how many stations have already shutdown without being replaced and how many are going to shut down in the next 3-5 years WITHOUT any plans to replace them. Did you ever see the hare and greyhounds scene from the film "Snatch"? We are the hare and we are "Proper farked"
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
Look at the problem from military defence 'eyes'. PLEASE.
@theelectricwalrus 2 года назад
👍 It's great to see what's "new" from an engineering perspective with the vacuum and water sealing safety tech!
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
Thanks Christopher. I learned a lot from Dr Reyes and the research I did for the video. This was a lengthy video to make, but worth it for what I learned and I'm glad you thought so to.
@buildmotosykletist1987 11 месяцев назад
The costs she showed for solar totally ignore the grid costs which more than quadruple solar costs.
@joeywashington 2 года назад
Hi my dear friend Nakita ko channel mo sa comment section sa email ko kaya Hindi n aq Ng dlawang isip na subscribe Kita my friend from Philippines 🇵🇭 God bless you and full support full watch video ❤️❤️❤️❤️🇵🇭
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
100,000 SMR around the world to save the planet. 60years lifespans for each. 60,000 tonnes/yr uranium mined today and we are going to save the planet by mining more uranium, 😀
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
@foot bru I agree with you. My sarcasm was to highlight how extreme the idea was. Impossibly extreme.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
@foot bru I also see a large military costs as the USA is the biggest target in the world. If the world technology leaders go Renewables then the Dictators can steal that technology and save the world. Hahaha Hahaha.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
@foot bru Australia has some political interest in nuclear power plants and Australia also exports uranium. Fossil fuels, coal and gas are huge exports and important for the national economy. Huge pressures from big business in the background. I think that if they mention Nuclear it will be an acknowledgement of the dangers of fossil fuels and so they block Renewables.
@stephenbrickwood1602 2 года назад
@foot bru more comments from yourself when the nuclear solution or anti Renewables are on RU-vid would be important. Many follow the latest glossy thing.
@PapaPiggie 2 года назад
Rosie love your channel but go look up the LCOE of nukes, it’s most expensive electric possible. Unsubscribing once you shill nukes starting the video with facts I know are wrong.
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
I did include the LCOE of nuclear compared to other techs, showing it is the most expensive. That's The first thing I asked. So I am a little confused about your point.
@touyats1 2 года назад
How does the safety and safety cost develop if instead of having only some big nuclear plants placed miles away from populated areas, versus having one modular plant for each city of neighboorhood of a large city? Linearly, super-linearly, or exponentially?
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
Well, according SMR proponents it will decrease costs. It would presumably be an exponential effect, due to the learning rate effect (Wright's law). But if the exponent is close to 1 then even an expontial cost reduction can be very slow. And so far we haven't seen any evidence of SMRs delivering on their promises. So we'll need to wait until the end of the decade to see if NuScale are different.
@echoeversky 2 года назад
Their proposed clusters of 12 or 18 SMR's allow to take 1 down for servicing and require a smaller safety footprint around the site but it currently still needs that buffer.
@factnotfiction5915 2 года назад
NuScale is asking the NRC for an EPZ of 40 acres (a square 400 meters a side) - i.e. the plant's boundaries. A traditional US plant occupies about 1-1.5 square km and has an EPZ of about 10 miles in radius. This smaller footprint thus requires MUCH less land and planning.
@echoeversky 2 года назад
@@factnotfiction5915 THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOWUP! :)
@bikemadkiwi 2 года назад
Heya Rosie- great content as always. I wonder if anyone has dealt with the issue of nuclear waste, and/or included in cost analysis.
@wjhann4836 2 года назад
AS my concern. But can we now estimate those costs when we don't know how to store that waste permanently? AFAIK no country / state has a perfect solution.
@jimurrata6785 2 года назад
The biggest issue is that conventional nuclear fuel is only depleted by a few percent before it is "spent" Much of this is down to international treaty. As a species we have to get out of this "waste" trap. There is no waste, only a valuable resource that can be dangerous if ignored.
@dugandav1 2 года назад
A well balanced argument, I think it’s too easy for people to come to emotionally attached to the issue regardless of the facts surrounding Nuclear
@christinedo 2 года назад
Real nice exposition. I wonder if you have done any on ground and air source heat pups I have both, no they do a great job, and ground source in particular is invisible!
@bazoo513 2 года назад
Do those numbers on price of wind and solar power include the cost of storage needed for them to function as baseload sources, or, alternatively, the cost (financial and environmental) of various "peaker plants" (usually gas powered) used to "smooth out" their output?
@sonictrout 2 года назад
Every nuclear plant is insured by the government where it sits. That means that tax payers take the risk, and some private company gets the profits.
@tbix1963 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ideas and videos. Very good review on this nuclear option. As impressive as their safety accomplishments are they are still old fashioned nuclear with all the problems related to the spent fuel. channels like yours are important to bring the facts to the younger generations. One thing to remember is used fuel isn’t really nuclear waste, it’s better to call it untapped potential energy. The newer design of fast reactors or even Thorium MSR reactors process the fuel to a higher degree and use more of the energy contained within leaving less byproducts with shorter storage requirements. Might be interesting for you to do more episodes related to nuclear energy and some of the other options out there that really need to be brought to the public and the light of day. Wishing you the best, looking forward to seeing more of your videos in the future.
@totalrecone 2 года назад
Hi Rosie. One thing that has always baffled me is why isn't the nuclear waste produced as classed as 'Emissions? Considering that the cost of removal, processing and very long storage times of that waste surely cannot be classed as anything but. Would love to hear your thoughts.
@MetalBull2024 2 года назад
Because it not emissions! Google the word emission. There’s your answer.
@tobyw9573 Год назад
Current nuclear waste can be used as fuel for advanced reactors (95% of it). See Gen IV reactors.
@liamwinter4512 2 года назад
Where do I invest?
@josdesouza 2 года назад
It seems we're getting more mature when it comes to discussing nuclear energy.
@anydaynow01 2 года назад
This was a good discussion, NuScale will probably be the first big player on the market followed closely by Rolls Royce with their shipping container sized SMRs. SMRs are the best way to overcome the cost overruns associated with construction boondoggles since the major components are produced by one company with an interest in making efficient use of their time and not the other way around. Also the licensing process for modular plants over bespoke plants is much more streamlined (at least in the US) and thus much cheaper. Hopefully the fossil fuel industry in Australia looses enough sway over the law makers so Australians can benefit from this technology in addition to their abundant solar and Li resources.
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
I agree that SMRs seem to have that potential. But I am wary that we haven't seen anyone realise it in decades of people talking about it. So I am reserving judgement until we see some actual projects completed and find out the budget and timeframe. And I don't agree that Australia needs nuclear. In my opinion, we have it way too easy with wind and solar, lots of places for pumped hydro, no real problem with seasonality like a lot of northern countries do. I really don't see nuclear ever getting cheap enough to compete with renewables in Aus.
@acmefixer1 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie The utilities don't see nuclear, which is going up in price, competing with renewables in most countries, and especially here in the US.
@thedamnedatheist 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie, but when you think about it, SMR's are much better for the environment than pumped hydro,- Let's flood a lot of alpine valleys rather than build reactors. I've always found it ironic that The Greens, who will oppose increasing the capacity of Waragamba dam on environmental grounds will also champion pumped hydro over nuclear on purely ideological grounds. The only winners of the long standing antipathy to nuclear energy have been the fossil fuel companies. Not suggesting you are a Green or share their reasons.
@tommartens3731 2 года назад
SMR’s are the way forward
@EngineeringwithRosie 2 года назад
What do you think about NuScale's tech specifically? Is it a real improvement on other available SMRs?
@tommartens3731 2 года назад
@@EngineeringwithRosie The SMR’s in general are super safe. With the addition of hydrogen production, Nu Scale has an even better output potential. If SMR’s employ IFR technology, the waste can get re used so no more downside of waste.
@paulbrouyere1735 2 года назад
Thank you for this video. Although I am a longtime opposer to nuclear waste produced by such powerplays, I am slightly positive about this approach, IF it goes together with let’s say 90% renewable energy from wind, solar, water and sea and natural storage systems and a decent way to deal with this waste. Honestly, I know CO2 is a problem, but I don’t want to see that problem being replaced by let’s say cesium 137 causing thyroid cancer.
@tobyw9573 2 года назад
Breeder reactor nuclear properties allow the use of "spent" fuel rod waste (90% recovery) and reduces the life of the final waste and its decay time very significantly.
@paulbrouyere1735 2 года назад
@@tobyw9573 I would go 100% renewable energy all the way from the first time. No need to clean up the mess.
@paulbrouyere1735 2 года назад
Except for recycling and reuse of course.
@RCdiy 2 года назад
The US imports almost all its uranium. And the kicker is half their nuclear power plants rely on Russian uranium. So going nuclear does not make them independent of foreign energy. Kazakstan is by far the largest supplier of uranium. You and others have made content on going nuclear options. I think people including me would like to learn once mined what processing needs to be done before it can be used. Why is Kazakstan so far ahead in being a supplier? Does the procurement price go up if more nuclear power stations come online? How much does the cost of uranium affect the cost of electricity? I’ve heard a power station needs one truck of uranium per year per million customers. Is that correct? So it’s not fuel it and forget it. I don’t think people understand that. So even with small or micro reactors we have lots of uranium shipments taking place and is it dangerous during shipping? How about being stolen and used for weapons or dirty bombs. Dumping the truck in a lake.
@RCdiy 2 года назад
The US imports almost all its uranium. And the kicker is half their nuclear power plants rely on Russian uranium. So going nuclear does not make them independent of foreign energy. Kazakstan is by far the largest supplier of uranium. You and others have made content on going nuclear options. I think people including me would like to learn once mined what processing needs to be done before it can be used. Why is Kazakstan so far ahead in being a supplier? Does the procurement price go up if more nuclear power stations come online? How much does the cost of uranium affect the cost of electricity? I’ve heard a power station needs one truck of uranium per year per million customers. Is that correct? So it’s not fuel it and forget it. I don’t think people understand that. So even with small or micro reactors we have lots of uranium shipments taking place and is it dangerous during shipping? How about being stolen and used for weapons or dirty bombs. Dumping the truck in a lake.
@normandiebryant6989 22 дня назад
It's a pity their project in Utah was cancelled back in January 2024. I hope they get a chance for another project to test if it's commercially viable or not. I guess the Utah project showed it wasn't.
@PhilipWong55 9 месяцев назад
Of the six proposed fourth-generation nuclear reactor types, the Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) is the only type that has high fuel efficiency, no danger of explosion, and does not generate substantial amounts of plutonium. The fissile uranium-233 produced by the MSR is difficult to use for weapons because of the presence of highly radioactive uranium-232. While other Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) can serve as a short-term solution, MSRs are considered a more promising mid-term solution due to their potential to address these issues more comprehensively. Hopefully, we will have fusion by the time we run out of uranium and thorium. The differences between Light Water Reactors (LWR) and Thorium Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) are significant in fuel utilization and waste production. LWRs use approximately 0.5-1% of uranium fuel, leading to the generation of long-lived radioactive waste due to inefficient energy conversion and the use of enriched uranium. In contrast, TMSRs can achieve fuel efficiency of up to 99%. This is achieved by converting fertile thorium-232 into fissile uranium-233, substantially reducing waste production and more manageable radioactive waste. Uranium Molten Salt Reactors (UMSR) are just as effective as TMSRs. 800 kg of natural thorium in a Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) can generate 1 gigawatt (GW) of electricity for one year. In comparison, generating the same amount of energy in a Light Water Reactor (LWR) would require mining 200 tons of uranium. In an MSR, the storage requirement for 83 percent of the spent fuel is 10 years, and 300 years for the remaining 17 percent, whereas in an LWR, 28 tons of spent fuel need storage for 300,000 years. MSRs can utilize the spent fuel from LWRs. A coal power station will need to burn 3.5 million tons of coal and emit 10 million tons of carbon dioxide to produce the same amount of energy for one year. That amount of coal contains 3 to 14 tons of uranium, 10 to 50 tons of thorium, and 3 to 35 tons of arsenic. MSRs can adjust power output to match electricity demand, thanks to the inherent and automatic load-following capability provided by the fluid nature of the molten salt coolant. A key safety feature of MSR is that it automatically adjusts to prevent overheating. This is achieved through a "negative thermal reactivity coefficient," which means that as the temperature rises, the reactor's reactivity decreases, preventing a runaway chain reaction. Additionally, the MSR has a "negative void reactivity coefficient," ensuring that the reactivity decreases if there is a loss of coolant or boiling, preventing potential overheating. These safety measures help keep the reactor stable and safe under various conditions. Looking ahead to 2040, China plans to deploy Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs) for desalination of seawater, district heating or cooling, hydrogen production, powering of ships equipped with Thermoacoustic Stirling Generators, and power plants with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Turbines within its borders and globally. In the Earth's crust, thorium is nearly four times more abundant than uranium. Every atom of natural thorium can be harnessed, unlike natural uranium, where only 1 out of every 139 atoms can be used. China produces thorium as a byproduct of its rare earth processing. Similar to the trends observed with solar and wind technologies, MSR costs are anticipated to decrease with the scaling up of production and the development of robust supply chains.
@jarvishill1007 Год назад
My father's family all worked Oakridge Nuclear Facility & as an electrician last worked construction on the control room: CONSIDER the following, chosen in History between Nuclear for WAR or for SAFE ENERGY🤔 "Thorium-based nuclear power generation is fueled primarily by the nuclear fission of the isotope uranium-233 produced from the fertile element thorium. A thorium fuel cycle can offer several potential advantages over a uranium fuel cycle[Note 1]-including the much greater abundance of thorium found on Earth, superior physical and nuclear fuel properties, and reduced nuclear waste production. One advantage of thorium fuel is its low weaponization potential; it is difficult to weaponize the uranium-233/232 and plutonium-238 isotopes that are largely consumed in thorium reactors.", Web At age 75 in a suffocating CONSERVATIVE, choosing "belief over reason", find both of you refreshing❤ Into 11th year of solitude. (Interesting science quandary: in Myers Briggs, I test 50% Extravert & 50% Introvert, yet find that I am 100% of each🤔)! OOP! 😂❤
@oneeyedphotographer 2 месяца назад
Potatohead has been talking about the AP1000 specifically. Have you done this? There are also disposal of waste, as the possibility of refining and reusing the waste. PS, I find it hilarious that almost as soon as the leader of the opposition announced that Collie is the preferred location for nuclear, that McGowan announced a new wind farm nearby.
@PeFePT 11 месяцев назад
The smr project, NuScale, in the USA costs have blown out from USD 5 billion to USD 9 billion !!!! And all you get is 462mw !!!! For thst dort of money you could buy 10 (yes ten) 500/2000mw batteries!!!
@somefishhere 2 года назад
Hi Rosie, great timing. I just watched a video by Matt from Undecided about small and micro. Can’t wait to listen to this on my commute!
@Aermydach 2 года назад
I'm all for nuclear energy development and installation, as long as the nuke-fanatics don't drag down the current (MASSIVE) head-start wind, solar and batteries has. I agree; we need all the energy options we can get our hands on :P. We'll have greater resilience and self-reliance that way.
@jimurrata6785 2 года назад
100% agree! I'm pro-nuke but 110% positive for any viable renewables or storage solution.
@instanoodles 2 года назад
I am very pro nuke but I wont hold any of those back as we need them, especially batteries its just its fucking retarded to use chemical batteries for grid storage.
@jimurrata6785 2 года назад
@@instanoodles No it isn't. In point of fact storing electrons _as_ electrons is far and away the most efficient and offers both the best return and response to load. No one is going to circumvent the laws of thermodynamics and battery chemistry is improving by the day. Developments in sulphur and sodium offer great opportunities for grid storage even if they don't (today) have the density to make them viable for vehicles. Add the reduced need for expensive and rarer metals like cobalt. It is down to the ability to scale fast enough that is holding us back
@anydaynow01 2 года назад
We need nuclear long term to keep up with population growth and consequent energy needs, especially when it comes to electrifying large industrial processes and making H2 for heavy transport (including growing space transport). In the near term we need to roll out as much renewable generation as possible and the energy storage which allows it to be viable. In the long term there will be a good mix between renewables/storage and next generation nuclear based on location and how the climate has changed to that point, maybe some H2 peeker stations in areas where grid demand is especially volatile.
@colsylvester639 2 года назад
​@@anydaynow01 agreed, and other high temperature output nuclear reactor designs are being developed which has advantages in that it can provide high process heat, (600 deg C plus) which renewables cannot effectively provide, at the moment. Personally I think, all options as quickly as possible are needed because we the window of time within which we should act and avoid climate inertial changes and avoid tipping points, is essential.
@johnswolter 2 года назад
Take a study into Wikipedia: Complex Adaptive System Also, the key inventor : John Henry Holland, here at the University of Michigan Psychology & College of Engineerng Computer Science Departments. Wikipedia: John Henry Holland Also, see the Santa Fe Institute's ongoing work. : Wkipedia: Santa Fe Institute Thank you Roise. Have you considered MIT or U of M here in the US??
@joedance14 Год назад
Thank-you! I always enjoy your very informative videos. In this one, remarks were made about reducing costs, but I never heard “standardized design” or “standardized production processes” mentioned. And THAT is really the key. Same for safety. Regarding safety, “passive safety measures” were mentioned, but not described. Also not mentioned, the expected life of the SMR, and safe disposal of an SMR. This is the first time I have seen an SMR immersed in water. Steel rusts. It also grows brittle when exposed to radiation. How are these issues dealt with? Hydrogen production was discussed only in terms of supplying chemical plants. What about steel plants? Aluminum? Recycling plants? What about the use of SMRs and SMR hydrogen by electric utilities to flatten the duck curve? Is that actually feasible? Is anyone working on it? Thanks again for a thought provoking piece.
@3D_Printing 2 года назад
Small Modular Reactors Safer NO: They are to be used to allow some to be bombed in a war but other to keep going; this is how the Internet works and was developed in the first place
@voiceoutloud2314 2 года назад
Rosie your questions are low grade, take this top question. Being small sized and modularized, NuScale Nuke can easily change hands. What if terrorists hijack this module and take position of it. Question: What's next? A new Government policy must be established strictly stating the highest penalty on the cost of risk to the General Public. Must be written that CEO's, BOD, and investors of NuScale must be responsible and criminally accountable if such event occurs. Terrorists have been dreaming and waiting for modular Nukes to get into the market so they can acquire radio active materials. Seems NuScale will become an accessory.
@bulatdavlet5141 2 года назад
As small nuclear reactors as much subcontractors could be in game, small companies more efficient. Year by year such companies could reduce cost of all systems, from reactor production till nuc waste storage.
@davidwilkie9551 2 года назад
Things change in the six months since this excellent interview. Maybe the burning of Brown Coal and related Armaments Industries will be seen for what a treacherous evil they really are, ..one that inverts the facts of Nuclear Energy and obfuscates the actual cause-effect QM-TIME positioning phenomenon itself, (eg Fusion is universal resonance bonding not two knobs of discrete atoms bashed together.., and "Temperature" is a metric similarly designed to confuse.). "It won't be ready"?, not if Dark Money has anything to do with it. So what is keeping all those Ships and Submarines operational if there is no support industry already to adapt to the SMR Production Line Factory? (One is tired of the vile contempt for basic intelligence we get from those who we [don't] trust any more in [corrupted] Governments everywhere) Actuality is Flash conscious awareness of real-time Function Fusion-Fission, ONE-INFINITY Singularity. If you don't know what it is in scientific terms it's because words are sight-sound adaptation to holistic concepts Physicists and Sciencing Re-search Engineering have most contact with in the reality of controlled thought experimentation. In which NOW is "Nucleated" QM-TIME Completeness cause-effect of Singularity-Duality holographic point positioning, something that is urgently needed to be reiterated Educationally from First Principle. (Stop the MAD-NESS)
@peterkratoska4524 Год назад
Looking at some regions Ontario for example, 65% of its electricity generation is from the 3 Nuclear Plants Bruce, Darlington, Pickering (the Bruce at 5.6gwatts being the largest in the world today. Those were built over the 70 and 80s and in fact is one of the first SMRs in the works (At Darlington). Conversely Ontario from 2010 built some 2700 wind turbines (assuming at 3-4million each a total of $11billion) which generate at most $7% of the provinces electricity. I know there is a question of how whether or people want to be next to nuclear plants, but there is a similar question of living near wind turbines that make a constant noise - and the possible effect on property values (and on livestock etc).
@itsmatt2105 Год назад
No commercial micro nuclear plant has ever been built on the face of the earth. Ever. Despite all the hype about the fabulous promise of micro nukes, all it's ever produced is scores of billions of dollars in investment for research. I love the promise of micro nukes, I'd love to see them fulfill their promise but there are a couple huge barriers that don't get talked about enough. One is the cost. Even if we set up assembly lines to mass produce micro nuclear reactors and radically lower the cost, it will still be obscenely expensive, WAY more expensive than conventional fossil fuel power. Most of the cost of nuclear is currently bore by the government so the rate payers don't see what their power is actually costing them, the true cost gets spread around (and hidden) to all the tax payers. That's problem one. The other problem is waste disposal. There currently isn't any place to put the waste. Again, the government (tax payers) is footing the bill for this so the rate payers don't know the real cost but the existing nuclear waste depots got filled up decades ago and opening a new one has been delayed again and again and again with no operating date in sight. So the radioactive waste sits in temporary storage for years and decades. Many of the nuclear plants decommissioned decades ago still have their extremely highly radioactive fuel rods on site. They were supposed to go to safe storage years and decades ago but there's currently 500,000 metric TONS of radioactive waste awaiting proper storage in the US and nowhere to put it. So it sits in "temporary" storage in industrial parks where you drive past it on your way to work everyday. In the US Biden just firehosed a shit ton of tax payer's money at more nuclear research. The money will be spent, research will be done, the same research that was done the last time, the time before that and the time before that. The conclusion will be, like it has been every other time, "nuclear energy has AMAZING potential and promise, we just have to solve these couple (insurmountable) problems to usher in a nirvana golden age of cheap, clean and plentiful energy." Listen, folks, micro nukes have been just a couple years and just a big wad of money away since the late 1940's. The problems they knew they had to surmount back then? Guess what? THOSE ARE STILL THE SAME PROBLEMS WE HAVE TO SURMOUNT TODAY. DESPITE INCREDIBLE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES IN EVERY FEILD, WE'RE STILL NO CLOSER TO SOLVING THOSE PROBLEMS. The real future of energy is in a battery that will make renewables practical on a grid scale. If even a tiny fraction of the money spent on nuclear research had been spent on battery research, we'd probably have a practical battery by now and economical, practical storage will ignite a 100 year frenzy of building out renewables. It's time to stop throwing good money after bad in pursuit of the fantasy of nuclear energy and move on to what we all know is the real long term future of energy, renewables. Renewable energy is already WAY cheaper than any other source, all it needs is the battery. Lets get on it.
@davidfilmer1 Год назад
BUT BUT BUT... What about SHIPS? We are fretting on how to power big container ships, with fanciful hydrogen/ammonia or aluminum-based fuels. Why not small reactors (such as aircraft carriers use)?
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