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Can we keep all of the commandments? (keep the Torah) 

UNLEARN the lies
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@biblestudy9906 6 лет назад
After 42 years of loving Jesus I just started keeping Shabbat. It has deepened my walk with G-d more than I ever could have imagined. Just setting aside time to study His word has opened my eyes beyond measure.
@valeriegriner5644 6 лет назад
Bible Study: So...considering that Jews/Hebrews go by the Lunar calendar, how did you determine what day was the true Sabbath/Shabbat/Shabbos...whatever? I think we're supposed to pray, honor and worship GOD....every day of the week...not just on the Sabbath. (No offense meant...I just know that Jesus Christ did several things on the "Sabbath" that were forbidden by the temple-goers. They got really angry with HIm. He was trying to teach them and us something......?)
@griffithswetdream4882 6 лет назад
Amen brother
@biblestudy9906 6 лет назад
I observe the shabbat to honor God because it was given BEFORE the law. The Torah simply told us to 'remember' to keep it and it will be kept in heaven. My salvation is based 100% solely on the shed blood of Jesus. All other ground is sinking sand. If you study history, you will see that the early church kept the shabbat for hundreds of years until the Catholic church started pronouncing horrible curses on those who refused to observe their SUN day. Please take the time to study that.
@sighteternal497 6 лет назад
Bible Study - I do study history, church history, secular history and expository biblical study and have been for well over a decade or so... The early church did not teach honoring the sabbath to the gentile believers... it was the Hebrew believers who kept their traditions but it was certain sects of pharisee and other religious leaders who became believers who kept incorrectly telling new believers they had to follow the customs of Israel... Your argument is with the scriptures themselves and the writings of the early church fathers - but I do ask if you have sources to confirm what you have stated, please, provide those so if there is an area people need to be aware of by all means, bring those forward. And to agree with Valerie Griner - worship of God is a life lived unto Him, in every decision, every word, even every inaction against the pulls of this world. All that we are, all that we do, all that we ever plan to become lived for Yeshua - This is worship in spirit and truth... as Yeshua told the woman at the well... it's not where you go that determines worship - it's what is in your heart. So if you want to really look at a true heart of worship - every day is a sabbath rest for those who are saved by Yeshua - as stated the letter to the Hebrews. Have a nice day.
@biblestudy9906 6 лет назад
In that case, why did the Catholics place curses on those believers who did after the council of Nicea? I studied for a BA in Biblical history. You are sadly mistaken.
@marcosross790 4 года назад
It's hard to be humble when your perfect in every law. Jesus came to save sinners. The law, if used in the right spirit helps us on our journey. If we drive a car and observe the rules of the road, we have no fear in us. When we get home no summons in the post. Likewise if we don't drive, and ride public transport, we need not to worry about keeping the laws of the road. One could say they no longer apply to us. If we don't eat fish, we need not worry about allergic shell fish nor toxic poison such as copper over load. Some laws are for our own personal good. Others for the good of our community. I keep the Sabbath, to remind my community that God made the world in six days, not seven billion years. My God is all powerful. So very wonderful. I am human and keep falling, but the Holy Spirit keeps lifting me up. So I can learn to walk wiser each time. In Jesus name, Amen.
@samdunlap5365 Год назад
Christ came to save us from our sins not in our sins
@charliebrownie4158 4 месяца назад
Although riding on a bus the passenger can't get angry at the bus driver because the passenger didn't pull the cord where they needed to get off the bus at the right stop. And just as likewise for those people who would say something like that the for example the words that were written and the Book of Mark where Jesus spoke about saying that it's not what goes in a man that defiles him but it's what comes out of him out of his mouth thick basically for what what he says that is going to damn him not really puts into his mouth or what he eats well the part that's written right after that saying and by this Jesus proved that all food is kosher is not part of scripture that is what a scribe wrote because it wasn't in the earlier manuscripts. It's one of the reasons why so many when Christians he tried to debate with with Jews who refuse to even want to hear anything about scriptures will say how many times did your scribes change things around because they'll cite that instance to say that they knew that what was being said in there wasn't completely untainted that scribe did interject his own thoughts on something rather than just copying over what was being said.
@augustthefourteenth3485 6 лет назад
I am thankful for your teachings. It has changed me. I am in Nigeria, a Nigerian, and you've taught me a lot. I have started observing the Sabbath, keeping Yahuwah's laws, unlearning what I was taught all my life. Thank you for being an instrument for Yahuwah to use
@Masar647 2 года назад
@aaronekundayo-vv4iq Год назад
I'm Nigerian too. Trying to keep the Shabbat as well
@dennisdelaney1801 6 лет назад
All have sinned and fall short.
@Excalibur2112 5 лет назад
This is why we need Yeshua to cleanse and redeem us through his blood on the cross.
@childoflight389 4 года назад
It is "Have FALLEN short." in original translation.
@truthseekertoday2377 4 года назад
Yes we have fallen short but Yeshuah came so we would not be left short.
@frae7143 4 года назад
The saying is true; there are only really 2 religions in this world: The religion of works and the religion of Grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 states is clearly: 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast
@uriyahpanas9669 4 года назад
Wages for sin is death
@TheOmegaSquadHD 8 лет назад
@Diegopv76 3 года назад
Till all be fulfilled, and Jesus fulfilled it
@srikarbabu519 3 года назад
@@Diegopv76 where is the kingdom, promise of His Return, Messianic kingdom, True Peace. These will be fulfilled in His second coming. They aren't fulfilled. By the way, if your grammar says, "fulfill" means "no need to keep anymore", you should buy a new dictionary. Bcoz No need to keep anymore mean getting abolished. He came to fulfill, not to Abolish.
@gabrielalvarado7849 3 года назад
@@srikarbabu519 Fulfill means to put an end, right? In Matthew the word fulfill means that the baby Jesus prophecies completed their purpose, they weren’t abolished or deleted, they simply did what they needed. Still, I rather keep the 10 Commandments.
@geordiewishart1683 Год назад
At the end of Matthew 5:17, Jesus said He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. The Greek word pleeroo translated "fulfill" can mean to complete or accomplish. But it can also mean to fill to the full. Which understanding is correct? We can answer that question easily by simply looking at the complete statement: "I did not come to destroy but to fulfill." Barnes' Commentary explains the meaning of "to destroy" as "to abrogate; to deny their Divine authority; to set men free from the obligation to obey them." That is, Christ did not set men free from their obligation to the law. Interpreting "to fulfill" to mean Christ came to end the Law or the Prophets, when in the same breath, He said He did not come to end them doesn't make any sense! However, the meaning "fill to the full" does. This meaning of pleeroo is found is several New Testament passages. For instance, Romans 15:13 says, "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Obviously, the correct way to understand "fulfill" in Matthew 5:17 is "to fill to the full." His complete statement means, "I didn't come to do away with the Law or the Prophets, but rather I came to uphold them in everything that I say and do." The prophecy of the Messiah in Isaiah 42:21 helps explain what Christ did in fulfilling the law: "He will exalt [magnify, King James Version] the law and make it honorable." Jesus expanded our understanding of God's law by showing that we must obey the spirit of the law as well as the letter, as several of Jesus' following examples in Matthew 5 show.
@mj2519 7 лет назад
1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
@misterdude123 5 лет назад
But what exactly are the NT commandments, they are most definitly not the 10c. As far as I know there is only 1 commandment for the NT christian.
@goscott2 5 лет назад
True. Many people think that 1 JOHN 5:3 is talking about the Torah but it's talking about believing on Christ and Love. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 John 3:22 and whatsoever we ask we receive of him, because we keep his COMMANDMENTS and do the things that are pleasing in his sight. 23 And this is his commandment, that we should BELIEVE in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and LOVE ONE ANOTHER, even as he gave us commandment. 24 And he that keepeth his commandments abideth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he gave us.
@Nazirite_SouL 4 года назад
Matthew 5:17-20
@Excalibur2112 4 года назад
@@misterdude123 1) Love God above all others 2) Love your neighbour as if you would love yourself is the *Law of Christ*
@misterdude123 4 года назад
@Wayfaring Pilgrim The OT economy is obsolete and no longer in effect. Hebrews 8:13
@bobbi2235 5 лет назад
Amen, so good to hear someone that teaches the whole law! I started keeping the whole law about 6 years ago, been keeping the 7th day Sabbath a lot longer. It is beautiful! May God bless your ministry, I know He will, you are preaching truth! Amen and AMEN 🙏
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
Amanda God tells us not to eat swine, not even to touch it’s carcass, it’s unclean! It’s a scavenger🙏
@eskilforsberg3544 4 года назад
Read galatians. Especially chapter 3 verse 19 and chapter 5 verse 14.
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
eskil forsberg the Bible says that all righteousness was fulfilled, so righteousness is gone also. Jesus fulfilled the law and righteousness, that means He made it better. You have to rightly divide the Word. That’s why they are so many different denominations, the law shows us our sins, Christ’s blood washes them away. Where there is no law, there is no sin. Why would we be praying for forgiveness if we didn’t know sin, there’s got to be a law. Even this world has laws, think about what would happen if all our laws here would be done away with. Same with the kingdom of heaven, God has laws too. Laws can’t save us, only Jesus can do that, Jesus saves us from sin, the law shows us our sins.🙏
@eskilforsberg3544 4 года назад
@@bobbi2235 agreed, there is definitely a law, but not that of the old testament. We have a new contract with God since Jesus came, as explained in galatians
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
eskil forsberg those commandments I wrote are all about loving your neighbor, the first 4 is all about loving the Lord, surely you keep those, don’t you?🙏
@TimWismer 5 лет назад
You state that "we are to do all the commandments that we are capable of doing" (4:16). One example category you provide is that "many (Laws) are only to be done when there is a temple in Jerusalem" (5:02). Are you then suggesting that if Israel builds a third temple ten years from now that all modern-day followers of Yeshua will be required to move to Jerusalem so that they can obey all temple-related laws? In the case of the woman caught in adultery (7:00-9:00), are you suggesting that if they had brought not just the woman who was caught in the act, but also the man, and that if they had at least 2 witnesses, Jesus would have said, "Yes, stone her in conformance with the Law"? I think you missed the point. If you are going to suggest that we are responsible for keeping all the Law the obvious question arises: What is the penalty for a believer in Yeshua who breaks God's Law? James tells us that a person who breaks one Law is guilty of breaking all of them (Jas 2:10)? Is such a Lawbreaker damned? If so, then are you suggesting that you have never broken the Law? If, on the other hand, they are forgiven for that transgression of the Law, on what basis are they forgiven? The answer, of course, is that they are forgiven on the basis of trusting that God provided His only Son as a sacrifice made on their behalf. Paul tells us that "the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good" (Rom 7:12). But he also says that "before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed" (Gal 3:23). A true believer loves God's Law, because he recognizes it as good, but now that faith has been revealed, he is no longer captive to it (i.e. he desires to obey it and God's Spirit helps him to do so, but his failure to fully obey it does not lead to condemnation (Rom 8:1-2)). Thus James instructs us to "so speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty. For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy" (Jas 2:12-13). In other words, turn away from sin (as Jesus instructed the woman caught in adultery), but be eager to show mercy to sinners instead of condemning them (as Jesus modeled toward the woman caught in adultery). Jesus didn't fail to command the woman's stoning because there weren't two witnesses or because he couldn't stone the man also -- he failed to command her stoning because He loved mercy (Micah 6:8).
@justindrouillard7237 5 лет назад
Tim Wismer Amen to that, awesome job brother!
@resdenharris580 4 года назад
Bro you kind of stated the obvious. The law is to show us our sin. In the event we slip up then Jesus still forgives us. But just because we know we might slip up doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try our hardest to obey. The wages of sin is death, so just because she didn’t die by stoning she’s still gonna die.
@jestergodfield690 4 года назад
Very true, I like this guys lessons but he comes across as one who worships legalism to the letter sometimes
@resdenharris580 4 года назад
Jester Godfield No. Its just that instead of making excuses as to why you shouldn’t try your best to obey Yah, he tries his best to do the right thing anyway. If you are one of those “New Testament” Christians or you think the law has been done away with, this channel is NOT for you
@iwantthetruthandnothingbut6521 4 года назад
@Supreme Ace beautiful christ-like attitude ;-)
@aestivalgirl 6 лет назад
when the Holy Spirit changes the believer into a 'new creature' they no longer want to steal kill or covet anything.
@naomimay82 3 года назад
This is true!!
@Str1ek0 3 года назад
Can't pet your dog either or you are unclean
@vward4871 5 лет назад
Another fantastic video. Thank you for leading those of us who have been granted “eyes to see” and “ears to hear.” I have so many questions as I am journeying through the scriptures and your channel has helped me to understand His word much better.
@nikloff1815 3 года назад
The law served it's purpose to demonstrate our need for a savior.
@Tafari1109 8 лет назад
Thank you for this. I was having a debate yesterday, and while my stance is as yours, the other party had good arguments, so I'm Re-searching to gain more confidence and boldness when I speak the truth. And this video helped so Thank you.
@valeriegriner5644 6 лет назад
Sabrina: Please re-read (and try to commit to memory) the 4 Gospel Books : Matthew, Mark, Luke and John...the ones about Jesus Christ. If you get bogged down in the Old Testament or these "Hebrew laws and rituals," you will get very discouraged. The 10 Commandments are okay, but not the "rituals" in Deuteronomy or Leviticus. Actually, your MOTHER has to be a "Jewess" before this ethnic group will accept you. Jesus Christ beckons ALL to come to HIM. He wasn't racist at all.
@derkgold6395 4 года назад
For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself Galatians 5:14
@fangomegawolf1058 4 года назад
Law= 613 Standard = perfection/100% Time= 24/7 a nano second(smaller then micro) How = though, word, deed, speech, mind, how to treat God and others
@Jason0088 3 года назад
Derk, If a man says I love another man, so I wanted to marry him! Is that acceptable to God? Definitely no. Love God and Love others as yourself, it summed up all commandments. Which means Torah gives us clearly explanation how to love Yahuah God and others.
@derkgold6395 3 года назад
@@Jason0088 huh?... love your neighbour means treat others how u want to be treated.. dont complicate simple scripture bruh
@Jason0088 3 года назад
@@derkgold6395 I'm not complicating it brother. I'm just saying, Torah teaches us, giving us clearly instructions how to love Yah and love others. Those who saying Torah is done away with are becoming lawless. Another name for Antichrist is Man of lawlessness bro.
@greenergrass4060 3 года назад
Well this just complicates things tbh.. Between Paul and Lex, id have to believe Paul. Sorry lex 😑
@FireballFarts 3 года назад
I've been watching these off and on over the last year and this video was like a slap in the face that I really needed.
@Think4Yourself- 8 лет назад
You did a really good job with this subject, Lex. Your teachings are such perfect length to easily share with others. Thank you for making good resources available for the rest of us.
@unlearnthelies 8 лет назад
@stephenbradley5292 2 года назад
Wow, challenging a lot of my "traditional" ideas with biblical truth. Thank you for this ministry.
@abrokenandacontriteheart1308 6 лет назад
Through Christ all things are possible. We can do all things. Through Christ who strengthens us. The power of the Holy spirit is our helper. We can if we are truly saved. Obedience.
@ChunYun-hh8kl 3 года назад
Thank you very much. I have been stressed since 1992,I finally made decision that keep 4th commandment is right before G-D. About 2 years ago. Thank you again for teaching the bible for the rightway. From Houston
@0Nardock0 6 лет назад
Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Galatians 2:16-21
@Dee-sg4uq 5 лет назад
Leonardo Carvalho Amen!
@berns4146 4 года назад
Yes to the judeizer Christ died in vain...His perfect sacrifice was not sufficient for them, but they seek out to establish their own righteousness.
@Nazirite_SouL 4 года назад
It also says faith without works is dead. The law that was done with was sacrificial. People were still sacrificing animals for sin, not accepting Christ as the lamb.
@berns4146 4 года назад
@Wilderness Bound No the law of the Spirit is a higher law. Jesus said unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Does your righteousness exceed theirs? Do you keep all of the over 600 ordinances? The word says if you break one you break them all...have you broken any?
@berns4146 4 года назад
This Hebrew roots thing along with The I don't know how many other Satanic deceptions is amazing. They just keep coming very few and I do mean few people know the word and have any discernment. Listen to the responses in these comments. I don't know what these people are reading nor do I know if they're even saved! Listen to what this scripture says...Oh you simple ones how long will you love simplicity for scorners delight in their scorning and fool's hate knowledge. Seems to fit.
@Johnnythespaceace 7 лет назад
Dear Lex, I am an artist in Illinois...and I have been SAVED for over 32 years. Since 2004-2006 I have been reading praying trying to clean up my act give to the LORD and learn more of his word! THANK GOD for this media, the internet. three years ago I ran across a Christian who also believes in the whole ten commandments not nine...I always felt in my heart these thing since day one...but normal Christian churches kept away from this not studied this and used NEW TESTAMENTS verses against some OLD TESTAMENT verses to support or not even TOUCH this subject. Finally through personal issues financial issues etc...the word came to life for me...I am married..she believes but has a Christian family of norwegin christians going far far back...this does not go down well...I love her honor her but she accepts this but has her fight on her own side and together with me. I was raised in Catholoic church. Please pray for like wise me to you and yours...need help
@unlearnthelies 7 лет назад
Family struggles are difficult. I also have family members who do not believe we should keep all of God's commandments. They think I am crazy. But, it doesn't matter what people think, it matters what God thinks. Keep seeking the truth, and stand firm on the entire Word of God. Blessings to you brother
@halnjoan 10 лет назад
Well said Bro Lex. Thank You for your posting and truth about keeping TORAH and the importance for us to keep it.
@abedbgarcia1626 5 лет назад
We are not saved by da commands but we have to keep them
@Excalibur2112 4 года назад
Yes, we are saved by grace through faith in the Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Something Lex should be teaching.
@fangomegawolf1058 4 года назад
That contradicts what you just said " we are not saved by the commandant but we must to keep them " That's double talkin and double-minded The only must that we have to be saved by is simply by believing what Jesus Christ did on Calvary there are no Works added and if you add any work of humankind at all Christ shall profit you nothing.
@abedbgarcia1626 4 года назад
Oh so ur a worker of lawlessness depart from me i never knew u faith without works is dead u must prove ur repentance by ur good works
@Jason0088 3 года назад
@@fangomegawolf1058 Traffic Light doesn't save us. But obeying the traffic rules keeps us safe until we reach our destination. Torah was given to Israelites at Mt Sinai after they have been saved from slavery from Egypt. So, obedience to Torah is NOT FOR SALVATION but to lead Israelite towards promised land. Likewise our obedience to commandments is lead us in the right path, until we reach our promised land which is kingdom of heaven. Blessings.
@Jason0088 3 года назад
@Jammy Day You're welcome brother. Yahuah bless you
@MrsTheClown 6 лет назад
Thanks for the information. I'd been turning that last verse you mentioned from Matthew over in my head for weeks, together with my husband. I found helpful clarification here.
@DredPiratWestley 5 лет назад
Lex, I believe that you WILL be great in G-d’s Kingdom, because you teach the Word correctly and truthfully! I hope that I will as well.
@michaelwinn9682 6 лет назад
The purpose of the Law was to show that no one could be righteous in the eyes of God. That is, nobody can achieve salvation on their own merit. No amount of good works or deeds can make us righteous in the eyes of God. God is perfect and His standard is perfection. Transgress a single law and you've broken them all. Have one evil thought and you are worthy of death. The Law was meant to teach us that we each have a heart problem. And that problem is called sin. We all fall short of the Glory of God. Our Most High and Righteous God cannot and will not tolerate even one drop of sin. This is the Divine and Holy nature of God. The Law exposes our Sin Nature.The cross removes our Sin Nature. If we want to know God and have a relationship with our Father then our sins must be paid for. Because God's justice is perfect, nothing can be overlooked. Each of us need a Savior. Jesus is the sacrifice for our sins. This was the plan God created before creating the universe. It's the blood of Christ that cleanses us. It's through our union with Christ that we can be given a new heart. Man was unable to fulfill the Old Covenant. God had to come into the world as Jesus to fulfill it Himself. By doing so, He established a new and everlasting Covenant. Jesus Christ died for our sins. Jesus Christ died in our place. In doing so, Christ Jesus has delivered us from the Law. But we must believe in His death (on the cross) and Resurrection from the dead. We must confess our sins, repent, and accept Him as our Lord and Savior. This is the only way to Heaven. There is no way to earn our way to Heaven on our own. People who reject Jesus as the Christ are still under the Law. If they die in their sins, they will go before a Holy and Righteous God without atonement for their sins and shall be condemned by the very same Law they tried to live by. People who accept Jesus as the Christ are already forgiven and our salvation is guaranteed. The Law leads to condemnation and death. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. May God bless each of you!!!
@tysoncarr5876 6 лет назад
Thamk you
@bobbi2235 5 лет назад
Michael Winn you are right about one thing, Jesus fulfilled the law, He also fulfilled all righteousness! Fulfill meant He kept the law!
@bobbi2235 5 лет назад
Michael Winn the only way we will be condemned by the law is we have broken the laws, there is no condemnation as long as we keep the law. Same as earthly laws, as long as we don’t break the law, we’re not under the law, nothing to condemn us with
@ehijatornoelillenre.5328 5 лет назад
Give chapter and verse to support your claim
@jeffscricket23 5 лет назад
Faith without works is dead!!!!!! Show me your Faith without works and I will show you my faith by my works
@armorvestrus4119 4 года назад
Outstanding teaching about the Law and the Commandments, if only all the churches could understand this.
@YAHaqabNatsariym2701 3 года назад
Loved this concise video on an important question many are asking. Praise Yahuah for giving you the heart to make it. Shalom
@benjaminthomas2626 Год назад
I've been chewing on Matt 5 17-19 for a year now. It never made sense as to why the Lord would say this if we were to keep only the ten commandments. This is a shocking confirmation of what was right before my eyes. Thanks for sharing this wonderful message
@joeywilliams2675 Год назад
Roman’s 3:31. Paul confirms it. And I believe Roman’s 7 says “Christ is the end of the law” but that word “end” in the Greek means goal. And then acts 21-26 Paul refutes the accusation of teaching against Torah. See you cannot enter the kingdom as a gentile. You must be in the house of Israel. And these commands are for the house of Israel. You must be graphed into the vine.
@joeywilliams2675 Год назад
And I forget actually which verse but in Luke it also says it’s easier for the heavens and earth to pass then one letter to fade from the Torah. It’s tradition that teaches against the scripture and theology is the death of truth. Be like children. Children understand things simply. And the text that has been given to us is meant to be understood simply. Obey through the belief in Yeshua. The Torah itself tell us to obey Yeshua.
@lindaoster8865 5 лет назад
Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. --------------------------------------- if we don't keep them, then what? I find my Ishi's/Yah's law so easy!!!! Praise be to Yah!
@Lemon-sc2yq 2 года назад
Wait, so we have to keep all 600 something commandments?
@anjalikurre9739 4 года назад
I was born in an hindu family and it is hard to keep the very first commandment that is "you shall not have any gods before me" but i follow jesus christ and it is easier with him
@truthbtold6118 3 года назад
Keep on holding the Lord's hand each day He will give you the grace you need. Keep praying and reading His word daily. One day at a time :)
@dengallardo 6 лет назад
The TORAH has 613 laws, not Ten, I dont really understand how on earth can you follow them when no Jew have ever done this.
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
Dencio Gallardo that’s where Jesus comes in, if He is in our heart, all things are possible 🙏
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
Mike 72 why?
@marcosross790 4 года назад
@@bobbi2235 If he tells you why. Then it not be a surprise.
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
Marcos Ross I guess you’re right, there will be big surprises for everyone, I thought he meant just me. I wonder if he believes the Lord is coming back!!
@jami1730 3 года назад
None of their fathers were able to keep all either.
@wallypaige1240 8 лет назад
Excellent video,very well done. You have taught me a lot more about Gods Commandments. Thank you so much and my God Bless you.
@dlx6028 7 лет назад
Solid teaching & very true. All laws don't apply to us personally but that doesn't mean we are exempt from obsrervance. For example there are about 20,000 Laws in the United States alone. There is no way all 20,000 apply to us personally. But just because all don't apply doesn't mean we are exempt when faced with the ordinance.
@dm8443 6 лет назад
Yeah, except you can't list which ones apply and which ones don't, and you can't find a verse to substantiate EVERY position. lol
@alaskaaksala123 6 лет назад
You are exactly right...and just because someone pays our fine doesn’t mean the law is abolished. On the contrary, it establishes it!..
@Hebrew42Day 6 лет назад
This is actually a terrible argument as most people break at least 1 law of our government every day without even knowing it.
@dm8443 6 лет назад
Elwood, and people broke the Mosaic law all the time too, that is one of the reasons a Redeemer was needed, go read Hebrews for more on that. I guess you didn't think your response through very well.
@BelieveOnlyJesus 6 лет назад
@willemlouwchannel4573 7 лет назад
for me He showed that only He could do that and that we need Him as Saviour
@watsonsatot6925 4 года назад
Most Christians that I know tried to keep all of the commandments except for the 4th which is keeping the Sabbath. In all of the years I've become a Christian this is the one that I fall short of. Now I tried to keep all the commandments including keeping the Sabbath...
@refr1983 5 лет назад
Our works are filthy rags. Romans 3:20 says that commandments were given to identity sin...... romans 3:23 says that ALL fall short to the glory of God. ●John 6:29- JESUS ANSWERED, “THE WORK OF GOD IS THIS: TO BELIEVE IN THE ONE HE HAS SENT.” John 6:40- For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.” ●1 john 3:22-23 and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him. 23 AND THIS IS HIS COMMAND: TO BELIEVE IN THE NAME OF HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, AND TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE COMMANDED US. ●But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6 ●●● Galatians 2:16‭, ‬21 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified. I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, THEN CHRIST DIED IN VAIN” John 6:33-35-bread of God from heaven to world…..they ask for that bread and JESUS SAYS IM THE BREAD OF LIFE. ●Acts 4:12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 6:47-Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life..belive in jesus.
@iandalrymple7255 6 лет назад
Man I go back and forth on this topic And so I appreciate your always well put together presentation God bless everyone seeking the same and looking to minimize the gnashing of teeth like myself
@mr.e1220 4 года назад
Blessed are those that seek after righteousness.
@truthbtold6118 3 года назад
Keep seeking the Lord He is faithful to answer. Great work brother !
@michaelchristian2110 4 года назад
Brother you teach in such a simple and comprehensive manner. Yahuah bless you.
@robnsherrysmith7954 9 лет назад
here it is... very simply really... ALL THINGS (this includes the commandments) ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. ;)
@robnsherrysmith7954 7 лет назад
sorry, but you're absolutely wrong... even the Messiah made is very CLEAR that ALL things are possible with God! Do you deny the power of God? This would include the keeping and obeying the commandments. (which are 2 separate things. You should really study it out because keeping the commandments is easy and all those who love God can easily do so)
@valeriegriner5644 6 лет назад
The "Ten Commandments" are very different than those given in Leviticus, Deuteronomy or the Talmudic Law. I stick with the 2 that Jesus Christ told us were most important....about loving God and loving others as ourselves.
@Standing_on_the_word 6 лет назад
@@robnsherrysmith7954 you don't understand and your pulling the verse out of context. Place it back in it's context and you can see messiah is referring to rich people being saved not for man to be able to keep the ot law. The bible states clearly that "no one can be justified by the works of the Law. Are you saying Paul is wrong here then? Galatians 2:16 KJV Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
@Standing_on_the_word 6 лет назад
Yes all things are possible with God here means that God can save people even if it's impossible with man. The key is it's NOT possible with man, man can NOT keep the Ot law but God could and He Jesus kept the Law perfectly for us. You clearly rest the scripture to it's own destruction and are unable to rightly divide the word of God. Here's the bible answer whether you accept it or not the word is true Galatians 2:16 KJV Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. I rest my case
@Christopher.Carrillo 6 лет назад
Agreed. Jesus came to save us from sin. Sin is transgression of the law. Even Paul himself testified in court, that he believed in the the Law and Prophets. They are a blessing.
@victoriasmithcrews6347 8 лет назад
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Being explained like this gives me so much clarity!
@iuconnecttokyo 7 лет назад
Question, so if we are meant to keep the Torah, why does Paul argue against circumcision? Can you do a video on that?
@unlearnthelies 7 лет назад
+IU-Connect 外国人と話して、世界とつながる great question. I will work on a video about Paul's stance on circumcision.
@donaldtennant5285 3 года назад
Romans 7:6
@Jason0088 3 года назад
Circumcision is a sign of covenant. We have a ID card as a proof of citizenship of respective country. Likewise circumcision is a proof of covenanted relationship, a citizenship of Yahuah's coming Kingdom which is Israel. Israel mean God's people. As believer is Yahusha we're grafted into Israel and no longer gentiles (Rom 11:16-24; Eph 2:11-12, 19-20). Even during Moses time, even though covenant made with Israelites, there is liberty for a gentile to be part of covenant by circumcision. A foreigner who circumcised will be considered as Israelite. (Exo 12:48). But for us, obedience to Torah is circumcision of heart. (Rom 2:26-29). We receive circumcision made without hands (Col 2:11). Yah made covenant with Israel but mixed multitude followed them. (Exo 12:38). So both Isrealite and gentiles received manna, and spiritual drink. They promised to inherited canaan. But Yah tested them in wilderness after they saved. Obedience in the wilderness prove their faithfulness and equip them to battle to conquered canaan. For believer also, we need obey torah after receive salvation. But Israelite failed and many dispersed into world. Yahusha came for these lost tribe, and for gentiles.
@Jason0088 3 года назад
@Jammy Day Why you said that brother? Where does Paul contradicts?
@Jason0088 3 года назад
@Jammy Day That's right brother. But most Grace preachers misinterpreting Paul's writing to led people away from Torah. But as I studied more Paul wants his reader to obey commandments. Anyway there is Law of God and Law of Moses. Law of God is regards as Book of Covenant which kept inside the Ark while Moses' law kept outside of it. (Deu 31:26) Believers must obey God's covenant commandment. But Moses'law is optional. For example Do not steal is from Covenant law and it's a must. And a woman must go in quarantine or we say as confinement period after gives birth is from set of Moses' law. This is optional. But law of Moses is given to a group of people who just came out of slavery whom soon will form a greatest nation in the world. In order to that, Yah gave the ADDED law to Moses. This is wisdom for us. In this law of Moses has ceremonial and ritual law. I'll explain best I can brother. Shalom.
@tonyabrimmer5254 4 года назад
Shalom, thank you for the clarification. I was truly struggling. I am a Torah observant Christian. I Love YHWH and YESHUA and I want truly keep. HIS commandments.🙏🙏
@jazzammarbello5835 5 лет назад
Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days.
@Nazirite_SouL 4 года назад
That was in reference to israelites living as gentiles since they got scattered. They were told not to allow the heathens/gentiles they were among to judge them abandoning the ways they learned, to live how they were meant to. Just how people try to judge me for not observing christmas or these other pagan days, to observe Yah's Holy Days
@Jason0088 4 года назад
@@Nazirite_SouL Great.. Sadly most Christian quote this verse the other way around and saying don't judge me if I not keep sabbath and feast.
@RickyYahsharala Год назад
Awesome video Ahk(brother in Hebrew)“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3).also in the new testament
@nathanrinesgotcha 6 лет назад
Self denial, dying to oneself, following the Spirit, by love working through faith in the Messiah, by Gods mercy and grace, fulfills the Torah.
@anepicflyingbrick_4872 4 года назад
Explain this: Romans 7:6 But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.
@Jason0088 3 года назад
Roman 7 begins with a covenanted relationship between a husband a wife. You may under if you understand what is Old and New Covenant The different between Old Covenant & New Covenant The *Old Covenant* was made with Isralites. It was a marriage contract between Yahuah God and Nation Israel. As groom and bride says 'I do' during their wedding solemnization, Nation Israel also said 'We will do' during the covenant (Exo 24:3) *God Yahuah become Israel's husband* (Isa 54:5, Jer 3:14, Hos 2:19). Heaven and earth became witness. Deu 30:19. Marriage certificate is 2 copies thus 2 tablets which written on both sides, each one for Husband and wife. Exo 32:15. And of course marriage covenant comes with its own rules and regulations. In this case, the rules of covenant were the commandment! Why there are rules? Because, to protect the covenant. Spouse cannot disloyal to their partner. Same goes to Israel. Yahuah is Israel's only God/Husband, and they must not worship other idol for its considered as adultery. Rom 7:1-3 says a covenant applies on a man until he lives. And a man can divorce his wife when she commits adultery. Deu 22:13-21, 24:1-4. God warn them many times through prophets and then punished them because of their disobedient with sword, pestilence, famines and so on. But, we knew Israel's divided Kingdom failed their God by going after idols and profane His Holy things. Thus, it forced Yah to DIVORCE!! Yes, Yahuah *divorced Israel and Judah (Jer 3:8). So the old covenant vanished away. Heb **8:13**).* But a man cannot re- marry his former wife again whom he divorced earlier. Deu 24:4. Thats why God (Yahusha) have to die to re-marry Israel thus making New Covenant. Heb 8:13, 12:24. But, the marriage contract clauses (commandments) remains. But this time, Yahusha only made proposal to His Bride. Those who believe in Him and obey His commandments can be His Bride. The wedding will be at His 2nd Coming. Untill then, Yahuah is looking for best bride for His Son Yahusha through His Spirit. Will He comes for a bride who is obedient, spotless without blemish or comes for disobedient bride? That is the *New Covenant.* Without forgeting, there is a good news for us. We have advantages to obey the commandments better than Isralites or Jew! The New Covenant is not like the old which was written in the tablets of stones but it is written in our heart, for us to obey them better with the help of the Holy Spirit. “Behold, the days are coming, says Yahuah, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah- not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says Yahuah. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahuah: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Jeremiah 31:31‭-‬33 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them. Ezekiel 36:26‭-‬27 But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ. But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. Nevertheless when one turns to Yahuah, the veil is taken away. Now Yahuah is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of Yahovah is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:14‭-‬17 Now we are no longer carnal minded as Old Testament Israelites but with the faith in Yahusha, Holy Spirit in our heart we can read the Law without the veil and we have better understanding to obey them. This is why in Romans it's says like this... For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous *requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.* For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the *carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.* So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8:3‭-‬8
@anepicflyingbrick_4872 3 года назад
@@Jason0088 ok, explain this. Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment: Acts 15:24 kjv
@Jason0088 3 года назад
@@anepicflyingbrick_4872 Act 15 is about a dispute among brethren especially Pharisee who became believer taught other to circumcise. Without circumcision you cannot saved, in another mean you cannot receive salvation without circumcision. vs 1. And Peter rose and said that he himself is a witness that gentile who never circumcised were saved. Because Peter was saying, how can a gentile be filled with Holy Spirit without being saved. Therefore Peter saying, the gentile are already receive salvation, so no need to force them or make a law to impose on gentiles to be circumcised to be saved. And, the 4 things which they agree on the council is about their conviction to follow Christ fully. To abstain from sacrifice to idol, blood, things strangled and adultery. If a gentile proof himself to abstain from all these 4 things, he can come into synagogue every Sabbath and learn Torah. (vs 21). Just do not overwhelm a new believers to obey all law. Once he enter synagogue, he can learn Torah and obey it by the power of Holy Spirit
@lindabineau5277 10 лет назад
Great teaching like always .Thank you .Shabbath Shalom!
@bri9715 6 лет назад
Our salvation is only through trusting the sacrifice which took place on the cross. By grace through faith alone. But we were created with the purpose of doing good works to give praise and glory to our Father in heaven; although it is not those good works that saves us ''lest any man should boast." Because salvation is a merciful, loving gift from our Father. Following the law pleases God. So yes, we should all try and follow the law. (Ephesians 2:4-10).
@shannonpolklowe4368 5 лет назад
Brianna amen sister! 👍💙👍💚
@jacquesvoigt8239 6 лет назад
The teachings of Jesus are a perfect fulfillment of the law.
@iggs67 4 года назад
Yes, Jesus taught Torah, so you're correct.
@mysteriouspizza8458 4 года назад
This video is very very moved! Enough to touched my soul and open my eyes to see the truth. Thanks for teaching, love watching more of your videos, shalom to y'all ❤️
@craiglees5631 4 года назад
WOW, this comment section is hectic😖 Seems most prefer their interpretation of Paul over the clear words of Messiah.
@craiglees5631 3 года назад
@@sourmilkministries9445 yip, that's what i meant. By the way just wanted to say, i have watched a bunch of your vids as well and have found them very helpful on my journey. Thanks so much for making the effort. You brothers have done great work for the Kingdom. May Yah bless you, keep you and continue to lead you on your journey with Him as you keep your eyes on Yeshua
@rickbecker3277 7 лет назад
Agreed. It wasn't the Torah that was nailed to the cross, it was the laws of the Pharisees, the laws of men. Matthew chapter 23, Yashua explains this clearly. So when Shaul (Paul) says in Romans 6 we are not under law but under Grace, that law is the law of men and Grace is found in Torah.
@efandmk3382 5 лет назад
The 10 Commandments are the ONLY thing from the old covenant that Jesus brought forward to the new. They are the rules, the beatitudes are the mindset you need to keep them.
@sighteternal497 4 года назад
Opinions are baseless until they are backed with facts - by all means - please - use holy scripture to prove your position - I give you Yeshua's own words. Matthew 22:40 The Greatest Commandment (Deuteronomy 6:1-19; Mark 12:28-34) 34 And when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they themselves gathered together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested Him with a question: 36“Teacher, which commandment is the greatest in the Law?” 37 Jesus declared, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’d 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’e 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
@srikarbabu519 3 года назад
@@sighteternal497 Greatest, not the only ones. Hangs the Law, bcoz if you can't Love your G-D, you can't keep His Law. Love Him and Keep His Law.
@chuegraff Год назад
“Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
@robertj.simpson354 8 лет назад
There is so much confusion out there, even in sincere "biblically based" churches. I never understood the teaching that the "old testament" no longer apply, yet Jesus said that he fulfilled the law? This distortion of authentic biblical teaching is very disturbing.
@morningdewreynolds5476 7 лет назад
nonailsneeded, The *ONLY* thing "done away with" at the Cross was the blood sacrifices since Yahushua (Jesus) *was/is* the Eternal Sacrifice once and for all.
@morningdewreynolds5476 7 лет назад
nonailsneeded, Where do you live? Opposite Land? You need to seriously reread Romans 7:1-7!! Are you trying to claim that the Author of the Law is *dead*? *Blasphemy!!!* It is true that believers are not under *the penalty* of sin, but where in these verses does it ever say that what Yahuwah established is *EVER* changed or "done away" with??? Likewise, where in 4:20-30 does it ever say that the Commands, Statutes and Appointed times that Yahuwah established have been "done away" with??? This is why I think that "babes" in the faith should not tackle the teachings of Paul. Babes need "milk". Paul's writings are "meat". Babes can't digest/understand "meat". Even Peter admitted this. "Study to show thyself approved".
@morningdewreynolds5476 7 лет назад
dirtyvarmit, Are you telling me that Paul's letters are _sinful_ ? Scripture compares yeast/leavening to sin. I guess you shouldn't read Paul's writings, especially during the Feast of Unleavened Bread! Lol
@morningdewreynolds5476 7 лет назад
nonailsneeded, Did Yahushua (Jesus) keep His Fathers' Commands, Statutes, and Appointed Times? Were He and His Father in total agreement? Was Yahushua our perfect example of how to keep Yahuwahs' Commands? Does the Most High God Yahuwah ever change or give permission for _anyone_ to change what He has made? Didn't Yahushua pay the _penalty_ of our *sins* with His very own blood and death? Isn't sin simply breaking/transgressing the Law? Didn't Paul say in Romans 7:7 that if it weren't for the Torah/Law, that he would not have known sin? Isn't it impossible to be a sinner if there are no Laws to break? What would there be to sin against if there is no Law? If you want to persist in your argument against Yahuwahs' Commands being part of the "New" Covenant/Contract, then you will first have to define the Terms of the "Old" Covenant/Contract and then give the Scriptural evidence of where Yahuwah ever changed His Terms/Requirements. Yahushua *did* pay the penalty for your sins, but He did *not* change the *Law* ! Picture this. You are arrested and tried and found guilty of drunk driving. At your sentencing, a man comes forward and asks you if you will allow him to pay all your fines and do your jail time for you. You accept his generous offer and you promise to never drive drunk again. Does this mean that now there is no drunk driving law? Was there something _wrong_ with the law that it needed to be changed or "done away with"? Was the drunk driving law abolished because someone _fulfilled_ the penalty instead of you having to pay it? If as you say, the Law was "done away with" or fulfilled at Calvary, long before you were born, how can you be a guilty sinner? If there are no Commands to transgress, then of what do you need to be forgiven? Law without Grace = tyranny Grace without Law = anarchy Yahuwahs' Laws are perfect and have never changed. Yahushua fulfilled the requirements for blood sacrifices. He was the once and for all, Eternal Sacrifice. All those who love Him and are grateful for His Sacrifice to pay the penalty for our imperfections/transgressions *will keep the Fathers' Commands.
@morningdewreynolds5476 7 лет назад
dirtyvarmint, nonailsneeded doesn't really know what he is saying. He is the product of years and generations of lies and deception. He doesn't understand the simple fact that he can't claim redemption from laws that don't exist. He doesn't understand that it is is a contradiction to claim to love the Heavenly Father and His Son and at the same time disregard Their Eternal Commands, Ordinances, and Appointments. He doesn't understand that he is rejecting the Saving Sacrifice by rejecting the Fathers' Perfect Laws. Nonailsneeded is certainly not alone in his deception. 99% of Christendom believes some variance of these deceptions. We can and should continue to pray that they will see the Truth and accept it. Shalom
@ellenlefavour628 Год назад
Excellent study. The majority who call themselves Christians have been so deceived by HaSatan. We must pray without ceasing for their eyes to be opened as ours have been. It is not by our wisdom that we can see the unchanging truth of His Word, but only by His revealing it to us by His Ruach HaKodesh.
@BeresheethFarm 7 лет назад
I enjoyed this teaching Lex. I will be doing another video on connecting Old and New Testament verses that'll relate to this from a different angle. Keep up the good work.
@treece1 4 года назад
In the comments i see people going back and forth, When I see a comment from someone quoting Things that Paul wrote as gospel, why do people think so much of Paul
@KOIFishcat 6 лет назад
Will Jesus say that He knows you?
@Buffy_Marie Год назад
I am truly unlearning the lies. I have watched this video probably 3 or 4 times today or listen to it while I was driving. Thank you so much brother!
@rigobertovelasco3824 5 лет назад
All praises the truth of YHWH is coming out...HaMashiach (Jesus) never came to destroy the Torah!!!!!
@TheMdoddy Год назад
I absolutely agree. Please for the benefit of friends and family in explaining these things to them, can I request a video including a bit about the grace mentioned in Romans and also Daniel 7;25 and how it all fits together. I have had people say to me we are now in the time of grace and by adhering to Jewish feasts and Sabbaths we are turning our backs on grace. Does Daniel 7:25 not point to the fact we must keep the feasts and Sabbaths? I would love your clarity on all this. I know it's a large topic area but it would be good to hear your thoughts please.
@pastorpresent1134 5 лет назад
Lev 19:27 You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor shall you disfigure the edges of your beard. It is obvious you don't keep all the commandments, or you would have a much longer scraggly bead and long locks in from of your ears.
shave around is like shaping the hair line or shaping up the beard, it isnt about triming its about shaping up the edges of both beards and hair
@jjsam5375 5 лет назад
There are 613 commandments in the Old Testament and 1,050 in the New Testament. We are not saved by the law, we are saved by grace.
@jjsam5375 5 лет назад
@Yahawah is God I'm curious, do you obey all 613 commandments in the OT and 1,050 in the NT ? And I don't buy that most of the OT laws have been done away with. Either you follow all the laws or you follow non of the laws to be saved. James 2:10 says " For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, is guilty of breaking it all".
@jjsam5375 5 лет назад
@Yahawah is God So do I , I follow the 10 commandments as best as I can, but I do it because I love the Lord, not to be saved. I am saved by grace, not by the law. When I mess up and disobey a commandment I don't loose my salvation, I ask the Lord to forgive me and because of His mercy , He does.
@jjsam5375 5 лет назад
@Yahawah is God Sure thing ! I'll be watching for you :-)
@Jason0088 3 года назад
@@jjsam5375 Yahuah gave Torah to Israelite at Mt Sinai AFTER saved them from Egypt. So obedience to Torah obviously not for Salvation but to lead them to Canaan Land. Likewise, our obedience to Torah is not for Salvation but because of Salvation. And I believe it will lead the way to promised land which is millennial kingdoms. We have to walk as Messiah walked. Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. *He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.* I John 2:3‭-‬6 For example: Traffic rules don't save us. But the rules is good because, the rule can keep us safe until we reach our destination. When we don't obey, we'll get summon or punishment. Likewise, Torah will punish when we don't obey but it's not given to save us but to lead us safe to our destination/Heavenly Kingdom
@ashleycnossen3157 6 лет назад
Wouldn’t you say that laws concerning the sacrificial system no longer apply, since Christ was the ultimate sacrifice, a perfect and final fulfillment? And the feasts are called holy convocations, which I have heard defined as a dress rehearsal, which pointed to and prepared for the arrival of the Messiah - the fulfillment of those feasts. What would be the point in keeping those?
@alaskaaksala123 6 лет назад
Yes, he was the ultimate sacrifice.. the holy days are for us to observe and learn from. They show the Fathers plan for mankind and salvation
@bat-melechhamelachim4063 5 лет назад
Well, some fears we commanded to be kept forever (like the Passover for example). I think God would have been specific and would have said to keep it until the Messiah came.
@ronniecauley3166 5 лет назад
@@alaskaaksala123 the sacrificial service does still apply every part of the sanctuary service still applies. It's just that Christ was the lamb study and see what the lamb does in the sanctuary service all that applies to the lamb applies to Christ everything else applies to us.
@timowensmith2969 6 лет назад
Listening to this makes you want to strive more.
@pgakagi 5 лет назад
And fall short. Again.
@Isaiah42.21 6 лет назад
I like the word of warning you mentioned but I am afraid apostle Paul is also giving a word of warning against of what you teach in Galatians 3: 1-5, 10-13 "You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. 2 I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? 3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?[a] 4 Have you experienced[b] so much in vain-if it really was in vain? 5 So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard? "For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”[e] 11 Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”[f] 12 The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, it says, “The person who does these things will live by them.”[g] 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole." And Galatians 5: 2-4 "Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. 3 Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace"
@longleggedmacdaddy5313 6 лет назад
Z A So the law is bad? Should I return to sacrificing my children to Baal?
@JesusProtects 6 лет назад
Long Legged Mac Daddy If you live by faith you don't sacrifice your children. What a stupid thing to say, sorry but it's true, that was retarded.
@longleggedmacdaddy5313 6 лет назад
Jesus protects Well why not? The law says that we aren’t to sacrifice our children, or to make graven images, or practice homosexuality. If we are no longer under the law, then these things are now fine. If there is no law deciding what is and isn’t sin, then what does? Simply saying, “living by faith” is not a guideline for godly living.
@longleggedmacdaddy5313 6 лет назад
Trey Fontenet Ok, what is stupid about it? No one can seem to address my objective points, so doesn’t that actually make the opposition stupid?
@longleggedmacdaddy5313 6 лет назад
Trey Fontenet Very simple question, and Paul actually discusses the same subject. If it was not for the Law of Moses, how would we know what is and is not sin? And if we are no longer obligated to do things required of the Law, does that mean that we can, for instance, covet our neighbors possessions?
@shannondyson6388 Год назад
I am so glad I have found your channel. Please keep bringing more. You answered my question completely:).
@MrsKartier 8 лет назад
Amen Amen Amen. You now have my attention.
@ShitinWithNoBathroom 6 лет назад
I am so amazed about this channel. It seems to follow the understanding I have of the Bible as well, everything except for the trinity. I believe in what is biblical, and not traditional. When people ask me about the laws, I say follow them. Do I uphold them to the letter, every day? No. But the argument that we can't follow the law, therefor it makes no sense to try, is very vague in my opinion. The point is to follow the law to the best of your ability, and not take pride in what you can't uphold, but rather ask forgiveness for it.
@doublej1963 10 лет назад
Good job My Brother, you have eyes to see.
@shehears1163 Год назад
Shalom❤finally a real humbled teacher ❤ lawlessness is why He coming back❤Hallelu-Yah
@itsDragon_Star 4 года назад
Romans 8:1-39 Jesus fulfilled the law by nailing it on the torture stake, so we do not need to keep those laws, just follow the Christ
@jamessutherland-dufour5759 2 года назад
God doesn't change, so His laws don't change.
@berns4146 5 лет назад
There are over 600 laws to keep in the old testament and the word says if you break one you've broken them all. What do you do with that?
@bobbi2235 4 года назад
John Berning keep them🤗🙏
@frankie9899 5 лет назад
So everyday do all of you guys love god with all your heart soul and strength because if not according to some of you we are in danger of hell fire
@black-shiip1323 5 лет назад
They are all lost.. No one can keep the 10 commandments 100%
@John-eh4yk 4 года назад
@@black-shiip1323 so you suggest that we should just disobey them then? If you have the Holy Spirit in you, you obey God's law. You keep His commandments as he instructed. The Holy Spirit gives you the want to and the power to. Disobedience is what happened to the Israelites, you are no different if that you think that you get Grace by being disobedient.
@msheldon005 7 лет назад
Wow amazing teaching brother! Love your channel! Keep the teachings coming!
@johntreschmusic 7 лет назад
We are no longer under the law.
@Excalibur2112 4 года назад
Lex doesn't understand that, because he doesn't *rightly divide* the word of truth given by the Apostle Paul.
@chuegraff Год назад
@@Excalibur2112I didn’t realize Paul took precedent over the entire rest of the Bible
@skipdegraff6547 7 лет назад
Well I read bunch of comments just now and I would like everyone to pray for unity of the SPIRIT in the bond of peace.
@tomasw6985 6 лет назад
Yes! Finally! Thank you. Now I dont feel so alone. You dont know how good that makes me feel. But then again, you being like me, maybe you do. Peace and God's blessings to you and your family.
@BrookDesHarnais 5 лет назад
Psalm 40:8 I delight to do Thy will, O my God: yea, Thy law is within my heart. 119:35 Make me to go in the path of Thy commandments; for therein do I delight.
@bxllyjxck4339 6 лет назад
Short answer, NO! Our flesh will never be sinless. That's why it's necessary to receive glorified bodies so we can live sinless lives in heaven. The holy spirit is what keeps you uncorrupted, not your works. The holy spirit cannot sin, it is the law but the flesh still can. Those with the holy spirit are always keeping the law by the very nature of being saved.
@anepicflyingbrick_4872 4 года назад
How do you know that when Jesus said to not relax the least of these commandments he wasn’t referring to the commandments he was about to give! The next things he says is actually changing the law!!!! He says to love your enemies, and not hate them(as the OT said). So which do we do, love or hate them? Bc OT says hate yet NT says love!?!?!
@iwantthetruthandnothingbut6521 4 года назад
We are in a New Covenant. The word testament, as in Old Testament and New Testament, means Covenant.....
@HumbleHeartMinistry 7 лет назад
Acts 15:23 And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia. 24 Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment: 25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, 26 Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who shall also tell you the same things by mouth. 28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; 29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well. This is what the gentiles was told they had to keep. Not the law. The law is fulfilled in these two scriptures. Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and strength, and thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. We are to keep the "law of grace", and be doers of the word from the heart. Not keepers of the written law of ordinances. Because if we break even one of the laws, we are guilty before God, and are no more under grace. Because the law was given so we all were made guilty before God, And all under sin. It reveals we are all sinners and in need of a savior. But we are under grace brother, and God has written his law upon our hearts, who believe the testimony of his son Jesus. The commandments of God are fulfilled in one word. "LOVE". And everyone who loves knows God. And every day is for the Lord, because we are his temple, and he lives in us. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. The law has not passed away, and will not, until heaven and earth are no more. But we are not saved by keeping the law, or the Sabbath. The law shows us that we are all under sin. We are saved by grace through faith. Not by the working of the law, lest any man boast. Its Jesus who saves us by the sacrifice he made upon the tree. Its the mercy of God, and the work of God that saves us, and not our effort in keeping the law. In Christ`s love brother!
@jamallamaj3167 3 года назад
Thank you.
@zapazoid 3 года назад
This is the ignorance that comes from trusting man and not God. Repent.
@adrielmccomie3350 6 лет назад
Well said my brother i hope by the almighty name of Jesus Christ that those who read this comments will understand and fear god rejoicing in there trembling for his return in at hand.
@TimpBizkit 8 лет назад
i was always curious as to what BORN AGAIN meant if we still couldn't keep all the commandments, but yeah i used to hold it as an unrealistic standard that only Jesus could do. Until you have a new heart many of them will be a chore to keep and the mind is still more in love with sin. Certainly there is no reason to deliberately break any so the only reason you'd break them is because you didn't know better or you wanted to. The Bible heroes of old put their life on the line to obey commandments so i'm tired of hearing Christians talking about them like they are optional - like making use of that sacrifice by sinning a little here and there. No different than the israelites trying to buy a sin allowance with the sacrifices.
@jeroenvonk1898 4 года назад
Great, exactly the teaching what I was looking for to help my fellow believers to understand. Thanks Thanks thanks!
@stumpDD978 6 лет назад
Does this mean no pork?
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 6 лет назад
Thats right
@gospelmusicfans2048 5 лет назад
Why can't we eat pork
@anepicflyingbrick_4872 4 года назад
You say Matthew 5 means we must keep the law as much as we can but even Jesus taught that to not be the case. OT says this, “Love your neighbor, hate your enemy”. Jesus says, love your enemies. Which one do we follow???? You say we must keep whole law that we are physically capable of doing but clearly we aren’t as Jesus said to love your enemies whereas OT says to hate your enemies. So do we hate our enemies or love them bc law says to hate yet Jesus says to love them??
@DASgodson1983 5 лет назад
In Jesus Christ you have fulfilled all the commandments.
@brianfixitguy2494 4 месяца назад
Hi Would u explain your statement? Thanks
@collinsydney7307 3 года назад
You’re a blessing to others my brother in Christ 👊🏾🙏🏾
@tekxpert1708 5 лет назад
@zclzc 8 лет назад
Hi Lex, I believe it would be helpful if you made a video on how to study the bible for ourselves. I'm sure many of us will benefit from it and learn to answer some common torah bible questions ourselves. Cheers.
@unlearnthelies 8 лет назад
+Zhen Cheng Lee great idea. I will add it to my list.
@10Lifeorg 5 лет назад
I found answers here --> google " pauline paradox playlist - youtube 8 videos"
@trevorthinkstruthmatters3485 9 лет назад
Amen brother,preach it! Let God be true and every Man a Liar.
@sojourner2280 7 лет назад
In Matthew 5:19, when you read GREAT think of older/mature and when you read LEAST think of younger/immature. A key phrase in this passage is "in the kingdom". So no matter who these great and least are, they have come into covenant with Elohim. Another key concept is TEACH. In context, it is teaching BY EXAMPLE. The mature usually will have a greater teaching by example because of their long time in the covenant and the less/least mature because they are at the outset of their walk in the Torah Covenant.
@colasoda6558 8 лет назад
Jesus send us the helper which is the holy spirit to help us keep the commandments.
@lizbz 6 лет назад
The law can only condemn us if we focus on trying to keep them. If you believe Jesus died for your sins, then follow him, as he says to. It's the difference of trying to find where you're going in an unfamiliar area with a paper map, and having someone jump in the car in front of you and saying "follow me", and just driving where they drive. WAY EASIER!!
@valeriegriner5644 6 лет назад
Cola Soda: Jesus Christ told us EXACTLY what the "Spirit of Truth" would do...mainly to bring to remembrance HIS teachings, be a "comforter," convict the world of sin, etc. And, of course....to keep the commandments that JESUS CHRIST taught....about loving God and loving our neighbors.
@mtalk828 5 лет назад
This thing about Jesus sending us the Holy Spirit is a false teaching, coming from the corrupted New Testament. Research how corrupt the N.T. is. In the Hebrew Bible, G-d is the Holy Spirit. He has always guided those who love Him and keep His laws. The aim of the New Testament is to get you into commiting idolatry. Making Jesus to be Savior and G-d! And making the Jews who kepr the Law of Moses look like they were wicked people.
@bobbi2235 5 лет назад
Valerie Griner absolutely
@mitchellosmer1293 4 года назад
Colossians 2:16-17 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ. --
@Jason0088 3 года назад
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days - Col 2:16 Doing a quick study on Colossians 2. Every time I read it now, I cannot understand how it is possible not to SEE the argument Paul is making in the text. And you, who *once were alienated and enemies* in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled Colossians 1:21 Colosians are new converts from pagans. They used to celebrate many other idol celebrations which are not substance of Christ. But now they began to celebrate Yahuah True Festivals. And Paul warns them... Beware lest any man spoil you through *PHILOSOPHY* and *VAIN DECEIT,* after the *TRADITION OF MEN,* after the *RUDIMENTS* of the *WORLD* , and *NOT AFTER CHRIST* . - Col 2:8 For those who still argue that v16 is telling the Colossian believers to NO LONGER keep the Sabbath and the feasts, the new moons etc, would you read through the argument Paul is making again? TORAH is NOT PHILOSOPHY, it is certainly not vain deceit, it very evidently not after the tradition of men since it is the Law of God. Paul here is ESTABLISHING, AFFIRMING the practices of the Colossians which were in accordance with the commandments in the Torah. He was NOT telling them to let go of them. He's affirming that their practices have their substance in Christ because they are a shadow of things TO COME (future tense). Paul is telling them not to listen ASCETICS. Is Torah asceticism? Anyone who's kept any of the Sabbaths of Yehovah knows that those are times of CELEBRATION and not of ascetic restraint. Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels - v18 This right there is NOT from God's law at all. Paul is not speaking about people who are defending God's law and trying to impose them on the Colossians. He is speaking about people who have come up with their own stuff and trying to influence the Colossians as to HOW they kept their feasts. Please read through, if you like. Col 2:8 to 23. That's my plea.
@TorahisTRUTHPsalm 6 лет назад
Thanks Lex.... I just shared this on FB and this is my Caption...…….. The USA has over 2 million laws, We only have to keep those that apply to us, there are over 20,000 just for guns, I dont own a gun..... I keep those that apply to me and thus, I dont break the Law....same thing with the so called 613 laws..... Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) ONLY kept those laws that applied to HIM, some laws are only for women , Is HE a woman ?? No...…. Some only for Farmers and Lepers Employers Etc...… Can we keep all of the commandments? (keep the Torah) - UNLEARN the lies
@rosenasser5943 Год назад
My stumbling block is if I am to be judged on keeping all the commandments even unto my "thought-life", it is hopeless for me. For I am only human and have human thoughts and words. I am not a murderer, but I have gotten angry and upset with other people from their words and actions from time to time. I am not an adulterer, but I have looked at another human with desire in my heart. I have not bear false witness against my neighbor, but I have lied before on various occasions. I have also coveted in my mind and desired what someone else has. What I am trying to say is I AM NOT PERFECT. I wish I were. All I can do is go before the Lord and say and say "Have mercy upon me Lord for I am a sinner!" And I am by no means sinless enough to be self-righteous as a Pharisee may be. It is not by works, but by FAITH than you are saved, lest no man boast! If when I die I go before the Lord and He says "Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you." I would reply to Him, "You did know me because I confessed my sin to you Oh Lord and tried my best to keep your commands but failed form time and time because I was human and subject to my human nature and I was the one who begged you for mercy!"
@mariejules9252 7 лет назад
Great vdo. Fill with truth. Shabbat Shalom
@unlearnthelies 7 лет назад
@pittless22 7 лет назад
what about Galatians 3 1to 29? I'm confused , what about the millions of Christians in the last couple hundred years alone are they all lost? I don't even know what laws to keep ? right back to works and utter fear , what was Christ's purpose for the cross if we can live a flawless life? many in the Torah were seen as upstanding . Sounds like my roman catholic days.
@pittless22 7 лет назад
what about hades in rev 6 ????????
@DocScience2 7 лет назад
to + pittless22 - - There are several differing lines of thought on those subjects... One is that some people will be judged according to what they understand to be the truth, so that many people doing their best to do what they think is right, will not be condemned for that... I am still researching these myself ... for me, I think it is easiest to start with keeping the Saturday sabbath... If the Sabbath is done away as many are preaching, it is not wrong for me to keep the Sabbath... If the Saturday Sabbath should still be held, then they which are not keeping the Sabbath, are in the wrong.
@DocScience2 7 лет назад
What people fail to realize, is that except for #5, people do not have to do anything, to keep the 10 commandments... People have to do something, to disobey the 10 commandments... They ARE ALL "Do Not" ... "Do Not" kill... "Do Not"steal... What people have a problem with, is the "Do Not" work on Saturday, and will go to any extent to say that it is "done away"... People prefer to live in PERPETUAL HABITUAL LAWLESSNESS of the Sabbath, and call it Judaising to keep the Sabbath... It started solely in Roman lands, where they had to make a law that people must work on the Sabbath, because they could not otherwise figure out who was Sabbath keeping, because people started using Sunday worship, but still kept the Sabbath... This is very well documented... - - The Sabbath was first kept by God,, was clearly shown to be kept before the 10 commandments were given,, was then in the 10 commandments,, is made absolutely clear that it will be kept in the millennium... The Sabbath was always kept by Jesus,, and by the apostles,, and Paul,, when ever it is mentioned... AND YET people will do what ever they can, to claim that it is done away in this period of time in between... Even when people try to claim the Bible shows Sunday worship, the Bible still NEVER says that the Saturday Sabbath was ever changed, or ever done away... The verses people use are either misinterpreted or misunderstood, and one of those being Colossians 2:16 ... - - Yeshua/Jesus HIMSELF said... John 14:15... If ye love me, keep my commandments. - John 14:21... He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. - Rev 12:17... And the dragon (SATAN) was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed... **WHICH KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD,... AND... AND...AND... HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST.** - Rev. 22:12-14... And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. - **BLESSED ARE THEY THAT DO HIS COMMANDMENTS, THAT THEY MAY HAVE RIGHT TO THE TREE OF LIFE, AND MAY ENTER IN THROUGH THE GATES INTO THE CITY.** - - PEOPLE ARE DEFINITELY TREATING THE SABBATH LAW AS DONE AWAY... Even the catholic church catechism says that the commandments are still in effect, (catechism 348) and then, they do NOT follow them... People prefer to live in PERPETUAL HABITUAL LAWLESSNESS of the Sabbath...
@sequoiavalerie 3 года назад
genuine question, what about Acts 15 concerning the letter to Gentiles about the Law?
@tomgeorge9025 2 года назад
Act.15 is about laws of Circumcision,,
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