UNLEARN the lies
UNLEARN the lies
UNLEARN the lies
Learn to look at the Bible with fresh eyes, & allow the Bible to interpret itself so we can understand its original message.
My name is Lex, and I invite you to join us each week as we UNLEARN the lies and dig deeper into the truth of God's Word.
God took my job away
14 дней назад
How COVID impacted our Church
14 дней назад
Who are the Sons of God in Genesis 6
5 месяцев назад
What does the Bible say about Tithing?
10 месяцев назад
Freedom from Sexual Sin
10 месяцев назад
Online Discipleship Program
10 месяцев назад
Steps to Freedom
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Lies that keep you trapped
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Doctrine of Balaam
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How to Interpret the Bible
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Work on the Sabbath?
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How to avoid temptation
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Is this a mistranslation?
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Hidden Prophecies in the Bible
2 года назад
I was WRONG... and it changed my life
2 года назад
What does the Bible say about Giving?
2 года назад
Is the Lake of Fire Eternal?
2 года назад
Lunar Sabbath Biblical or PAGAN?
2 года назад
Was the Last Supper a Passover meal?
2 года назад
Do you pray, or simply say prayers?
2 года назад
The purpose of speaking in Tongues
2 года назад
The Tongues of Demons?
2 года назад
@1kawiboy 46 минут назад
‭‭Read Hebrews‬ ‭7‬:‭8‬-‭10‬. Levi paid tithes through Abraham that was before the law. According to passage the tithes is still being received
@choward5430 2 часа назад
We know from Yeshua that Hell is a real place. It is a place where you can be sentenced - Matthew 23:33. It is a place of unquenchable fire - Mark 9:33. A person can be thrown into hell - Mark 9:45 or cast into Hell Luke 12:5. We know Hades is a place of torment - Luke 16:23 and 28. Peter says this about hell 2 Peter 2:4 "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment." So there are demons down there. We know from Revelation 9, that Satan fell from heaven to earth and was given a key to the bottomless pit literally the abyss and demons who resemble locusts to John, that will bring desolation to the earth. In Revelation 9:7, weird beings who have faces like men, and demonic creatures were given power to hurt people for five months. In Revelation 9:14, specifically fallen angels are bound under the River Euphrates and are released during the great tribulation period to ill 1/3 of all human beings. Holy Angels are never bound!
@kennethjackson5754 2 часа назад
You indicated that the Sabbath was giving to God's people as a sign. Actually the scripture said the Sabbath was given to the Israelites as a sign. That does not include gentiles . Your thoughts?
@petermakiwa7503 2 часа назад
This gentleman mixes truth and lies...exactly what happened in the garden in Genesis 3. Sad. Sad. This gentleman need to unlearn half of what he wants his listener to unlearn. He combines Jehovah witness and seventh day adventism. Shame.
@timeday6420 7 часов назад
there is no commend to tithe in the new testament and the new covenant we cant find not even 1 saved gentile ever being told to tithe or who did tithe under the law of Moses there not a preacher alive today has any commend to receive tithe in Jesus earthy ministry he could not receive tithes according to the law of Moses every thing taught today by preachers that say you have to tithe or you should tithe is a lie in Lev 27,30-32 the tithe could only come from the land of Israel and only the Levites and Aron Priest have a commend to receive tithes and it was not money not 1 person says tithe becomes Abraham did not 1 person read Mal 3-8-13 or quoted not 1 person says see Matt 23.23 means gentiles have to tithe if you would read Acts 15 .1-32 you will see the early church never told the gentiles who were getting saved to ever tithe the truth of the Gospel the temple has been thrown down and tithe has be abolished call the Jews in Israel they will tell you they don't tithe
@Asb20301 12 часов назад
Please keep making videos Lex. I missed watching your videos. Thanks.
@melvinbush3852 13 часов назад
The new moon is the start of the new moon and Sabbath week for the month
@JohnWelcome-cq1ce 13 часов назад
Unbelievers are not christians
@bantukbryant9948 17 часов назад
@Canyster 17 часов назад
It is our goal to have the faith of the Son, as it is written in the NT. Faith pleases the Father, for it is whom we trust, and whom we live by.
@Yet333 19 часов назад
The biggest liar is the one who claims to teach on unlearning the lies. What a scumbag
@LionLambFilms 22 часа назад
Make sure you read Mark 7:1-18 to understand the full context on why Yeshua/Jesus was speaking to them on this matter. He was specifically talking about unwashed “hands” Scripture shows us no where that Yeshua/Jesus nor any disciples are unclean foods while The Lord was here or even after he died.
@davidplatt6440 День назад
I feel more confused listening to this guy that before lol. I don't think he knows what he talking about. These are two different covenants. All you have needs to be under the direction of the Holy Spirit that's it. Don't give money to people unless He tells you to. Confusion is NOT of God!
@aservantofYah1968 День назад
How important is it to have an official position on things like the "rapture" or "trinity"?
@mistywaters1508 День назад
I would say it is part of the deception because as written in proverbs awoae man aeea trouble on the horizon and makes preparations,or prepares ,like Joseph saved 7 years of plenty for the 7 years of tribulations of the famine in Egypt. King Solomon said in Ecclesiastics that what happened once will happen again,there’s nothing new under the sun. I took these and the warnings of the 7 years Tribulations to prepare aaving up sried foods and what will be safe to last in storage and how to store foods and medicines if you can get them and Jesus said whoever survives to the end will be saved. That means you can’t be running around sinning either. . You still have to stay righteous. Others keep telling me I am wrong and not to worry that God wont put us through terrible things. I told them it’s written we will die as our brothers died who are under the altar asking how much longer. If they were not spared being killed in different ways then we also will die like they did. But if you have the Holy Spirit the death won’t hurt and we will rejoice while dying. Many looked forward to the first death knowing a better place awaits us. The next life will be so beautiful you won’t care about dying. Oh rejoice and hold your faith and hope as we are almost home. God bless you all ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@jimmybautista1128 День назад
I would stand with the passage he mentioned about the lying spirit. Something that God can do to fulfill his purpose. But with the Ecclesiastes 9:5, when you read the chapter from 1-5 it will give you different context..you would want to do it in the book of proverbs but with all other books, you need to read the whole chapter to get the idea.
@davidjohnson1536 День назад
Who cares what his name was? Zeus or Jupiter is still a false god.
@davidjohnson1536 День назад
You say you keep the mitzvot but do you worship a man as GOD?
@user-fx1kj9mb5y День назад
That is your explanation. Not very good. You better study for yourself and not to depend on Doug and other 7th day Adventist. Would love to study with you
@goodshorts День назад
Please please please read scripture in context. What is the context of "endure to the end" to be saved. What were they talking about in the beginning of the chapter? The church is drowning in bad doctrine. Salvation in Jesus Christ is final.
@christinavanderwesthuizen День назад
@christinavanderwesthuizen День назад
So powerful!
@animalvideos955 День назад
Do not listen to this guy he’s a false preacher he obviously doesn’t know how to read
@naturallyT1820 День назад
What translation or Bible in general are you pulling from. My journey with Christ has been a roller coaster. At one point I denied getting closer to him because the translation I read was so off and obscure that it didn’t feel right in my spirit. Now I read NIV, it’s close to the scripture you used but I’m interested in the specific Bible you read.
@osiyopeaceosiyopeace4807 День назад
You can tell restaurants that you have a pork or shellfish allergy by law they will clean the grills before cooking your food.
@babeltower5782 23 часа назад
Or just go to vegan restaurants
@j.i.k2.044 2 дня назад
Thank you for breaking it down like this, this has truly helped with my understanding of Heaven and Hell. God Bless you and your family sir 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
@AMA-7991 2 дня назад
You are waisted in your heads. It says don’t do it for the dead, and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has a name written on his thigh in revelation. Learn to read before you preach to the world. Everyone is cutting that bible verse short! Leviticus 19:28 King James Version 28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord. So God has a name on his leg written with a permanent marker of what? “And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭19‬:‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@JohnWelcome-cq1ce 2 дня назад
Unbelievers refuse to come to god
@Jjj53214 2 дня назад
I thought he said he was comparing the gospel in the Book of Mormon against the gospel in the New Testament. A plurality of Gods is not taught in the Book of Mormon. The concept of grace in the Book of Mormon does not contradict the New Testament. We are saved by grace after all we can do. What is all we can do? It is to come to Christ with a broken heart and a contrite spirit. His discussion of archeology in the Book of Mormon is not the gospel. I thought he was comparing the gospels. Again, his discussion of events and the author of the Book of Mormon is not the gospel. He talked about almost everything else, except the gospel.
@VLsangluraRalte 2 дня назад
Very clear and good about Sabbath chsnge to SUNDAY
@waynehonea4592 2 дня назад
How can something be uncleaned if I ask God to bless it and besides if you're starving you know you're in a survival situation which will all be coming here soon what are you supposed to do cuz I really don't think God wants you to starve and I know God will provide the way but that still don't answer my question how can something be uncleaned if I ask God to bless it
@HoraktyHeru 2 дня назад
It is fascinating to see the huge prophetic capacity that some people have.😮 Greetings from the Prophet Moses from the south of Spain.😃😁
@navygroundtraveler6884 2 дня назад
How could they have been called christians, when His Name wasn't JC? They were called Messianic. The letter j wasn't invented until LONG after his death.
@Daysl33per108 2 дня назад
Just started watching your videos yesterday and in the past 24 hours the 3 times I randomly open the Bible, I came across the exact verse in each video ive seen so far (of the 3 videos ive seen). amazing
@living4thekingdom170 2 дня назад
I truly want to understand. Please help! Which laws are we to keep now? There are 613 laws.
@paulharper4214 3 дня назад
Whatever his mother & father surname is must also be his! Fact's. Same applies to every human. Your'e still sleeping, 2000 yrs; on.. He can lead you to the water's but can't force you to drink, let alone walk on it. Oh ye of little faith. And greater thing's shall ye do! DO IT NOW! The krishna/buddha/christ/mystic/sharman/gnostic/master, are all Titles & version's hidden/veiled & concealed ( IN MY, I AMNESS!) Onedermental peace, that gift's us ALL Onederstandiing. Untill we activate/trigger/Switch on, to our full devinity & power beyond measure, (within.) The kingdom of heaven is within ME! I Own & Claim All, by the grace & favour of supreme Devine Source Spirit, permeating/ embodying/ surrounding/uplifting/indwelling me. ( AS IT IS SO I AM! = ) = =(THE FIRST POINT /SPARK/ EGG /SEED/ SPEC OF DUST/ DROP OF WATER / BREATH/ ENERGY/INTELLIGENCIA , CALLED CONSCIOUSNESS)... Time to cast thy net from the left brain to the right, West to East, Adam to eve in one sacred Union & marriage... Already done! & So i let it BE! 🙏
@333Paradigm333 3 дня назад
The new Covenant has done away with the old, hence why I can eat shrimp and bacon without it being a sin. Praise God for His grace and mercy
@davidreinker5600 3 дня назад
In Psalm 139:8 David isn't saying that he could literally make his bed in hell (Sheol, or the depths, netherworld, place of the dead) and that God would literally be there. It's an exaggeration to make a point about God being with David no matter where he goes. Sheol, Hades, the pit, etc., in the Bible are not describing a literal place where the dead hang out. These are just ways to refer to those who have died.
@dianefuller3242 3 дня назад
I'm pretty sure gluten free is demonic too. I think it's no coincidence that Yeshua is the "bread of life". The food industry has devitalized, high-bred, and bleached flour to the point that it has become toxic to many (including me). People who are milling their own wheat who used to have this problem can eat this with no problem (including me). In fact, my health has improved,. The Bible speaks of bread as a blessing, and society tells us wheat is evil. It's just like all the other food products, the commercially processed are poison-but when we grow or make it ourselves it has the blessing that the food was meant to have.
@iswiu2bl 3 дня назад
I spend half of the time watching what is behind you 😄. For some reason, it seems you are at an airport which is stylized comfy. Thanks again for providing something to think about today.
@lazaromiranda1693 3 дня назад
Please this is Juan from Puerto Rico. Would explain the parable of the Rich man and lazarus. Thanks
@GriffithLiam 3 дня назад
GLORY!!!!'m favoured, $140K every 3weeks! | can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church. God bless America 🇺🇸❤️
@RusmusBen 3 дня назад
I'm genuinely curious to know how you earn that much weekly
@GriffithLiam 3 дня назад
GOD bless you more abundantly for your generosity
@GriffithLiam 3 дня назад
Big thanks to Elizabeth Marie Hawley
@Jaco1bArnold 3 дня назад
I have heard a lot of wonderful things about Kate Elizabeth Becherer on the news but didn't believe it until now. I'm definitely trying her out
@Ruth-o3z 3 дня назад
Same here, with my current portfolio made from my investments with my personal financial advisor (Kate Elizabeth Becherer) I totally agree with you.
@fiesie2486 3 дня назад
For Shabbats family always has roasted lamb with unleavened bread and wine, in reference to Numbers 28: 9; we also have some other large meal that lasts the entire rest day. Regarding Passover, making dip or spice bath out of bitter herbs for the lamb roast pairs very well; just make sure to wash the lamb, to get game taste and any small amount of blood / fat off the meat.
@elizabethmartineau-marshal341 3 дня назад
I totally agree Lex! I love traditions, but they need to be meaningful. We had some friends over for our Passover & Shavuot celebrations from our old church this year. They wanted to see what we do on these holidays, they really enjoyed them & want to be included next year.
@caslan1000 3 дня назад
I lived in fear of God's anger all my life because I thought I don't give enough percentage of the possession that God allowed me. Whenever my finance doesn't go well, I thought in fear that God will take all my possessions away to teach me the necessary lesson because many of the famous pastors on youtube speak this way and He might do so if that is a part of His plan for my life. But does God want us to live in fear and guilt because we don't give enough? Is this the image of father described in the prodigal son story? The father who waited every day for his lost son who ran away and wasted all his possessions? Would this father say, "now you've come back to me, give every tenth of what you make from working for me and you'd better be exact about the calculation." or "you know the ring, the robe, and the sandals I gave you, you need to sell those and give me the tenth of those..." Does God wants us to live in fear and guilt because we don't give enough percentage of our possessions? I now believe God sent Christ to us to free us from guilt and fear - 1 John 4:18. Blessed are those who trust in God completely with their finance. I am sure God is pleased with such faithful hearts but living in guilt and fear because our faith isn't complete is not what God wants. We are free from living in guilt and fear for God is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love - Psalms 103:8-11 The new testament says that tithing was not required for the gentile Christians - Acts 15:19. Even if you're a Jewish Christian, "now that the way of faith has come, we no longer need the law as our guardian." - Gal 3:25. We have the freedom from the law now but we WANT to use this freedom to freely serve and love God and our neighbors - Gal 5:13 but feeling guilty by the number of percentage doesn't sound like what God wants to me.
@paulaivens8063 3 дня назад
Sounds delightful. I keep the Sabbath on my own as my husband and children aren’t interested. I must admit I’m envious of those who enjoy fellowship together as I know what I miss out on.🌟
@user-xy2rq1zi3k 3 дня назад
I keep it on my own as well since my parents don’t observe it. It’s lonely.
@paulaivens8063 2 дня назад
@@user-xy2rq1zi3k Yes it is. Many people say you have all you need in Yahweh so your not alone. Which is totally 💯 but I personally would love to have a husband who prays for me and my children or I can talk to but he is of this world and hasn’t a clue until Yahweh changes him it will always be so. Though Yahweh is my rock strength, help it is still hard going it alone no matter what others say and no matter how much faith and trust one has, unless it’s just me?🤔🌟🌟
@salvadornavarro6389 3 дня назад
I’m pretty sure he was born in between the 14 or 15 in Bible calendar on the first month of the year. I say that because he was the first born and the lamp had to be one years old.
@Jessica-vc5yd 3 дня назад