
Can we put reason back into politics? | Richard Dawkins 

The Institute of Art and Ideas
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Richard Dawkins explores the unique ability of humans to have foresight and where it falls short.
Can we put our long-term interests ahead of our short-term gain?
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Despite the scientific evidence predicting long-term consequences of certain actions, political will to take action is often lacking. Join Dawkins and Freeman as they discuss the importance of overcoming short-term benefit for long-term gain, the internet's echo chamber effect, double blind testing, and the need for critical thinking skills and skepticism.
#Foresight #Empiricism #ScientificLiteracy
David Freeman formerly presented Science in Action for the BBC World Service as well as The Bookshow for Sky TV. For many years he hosted a daily book programme in Oxford. He has also featured on Jazz FM for many years and is now the resident expert on blues music.
The Institute of Art and Ideas features videos and articles from cutting edge thinkers discussing the ideas that are shaping the world, from metaphysics to string theory, technology to democracy, aesthetics to genetics. Subscribe today! iai.tv/subscri...
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@TheInstituteOfArtAndIdeas Год назад
Watch the full talk here! iai.tv/video/dawkins-on-the-crisis-of-rationality?RU-vid&+comment&
@innerlocus Год назад
Schools need to teach critical thinking skills. The key critical thinking skills are analysis, interpretation, inference, explanation, self-regulation, open-mindedness, and problem-solving.
@Light-qi8ol Год назад
most of the information from education is unapplicable. many academics will respond that, even if the the information on its own is of little value, the practise of repetition and memorization is invalueable. but what those sort of academics completely fail to acknowledge, is that the same kind of repetition and memorization, could just as well be spent on learning applicable information rather than worthless fodder.
@Light-qi8ol Год назад
it's as if academics inadvertently suggests that to practise information that is less desired by our mind, and thus is more likely to be forgotten by our mind, is of more value than applicable information, because that applicable information takes less effort to memorize. fucking baffling to witness this kind of nonsense coming from well educated people.
@toaster4693 Год назад
Good luck even getting a roster of people worthy of teaching critical thinking in the first place.
@FromPlanetZX Год назад
Such people are the worst of creature.
@Greebstreebling Год назад
In the U.K., it's integrity and honesty we need back in politics. Return to the concept of public service rather than private greed.
@CHIEF_420 Год назад
@linmal2242 Год назад
But is the greed Genie 'out of the box' and can we put him back in?
@MontyCantsin5 Год назад
‘’I’ve never been controversial.’’ Love it.
@edsmith9846 Год назад
Dawkins is correct about politics and that bothers a lot of people who never set foot inside a library. It is a fact that the average is of those who step inside a voting booth is a 100. And that fact is a real problem for democracy.
@Screaming-Trees Год назад
He's not even looking at the problem. Formal reasoning is possible of course but the issue isn't reasoning. It is propaganda as an active component in a strategy to subvert the critical thinking mind and reduce a person into apathy and obedience. The question isn't can you put reason back into politics it is can you take propaganda out of politics. Intelligence services, in the west where I live anyway, actively engage in propaganda on a massive scale. I don't think even Goebbels could have imagined the scale of what's possible.
@lsobrien Год назад
I want to see the Institute interview you instead of Dawkins. All very good and insightful points there.
@bubbercakes528 Год назад
@@lsobrien If you believe “the west” uses propaganda then you should try living in Iran, Russia or China. We have a free press in the U.S. although it is run by people; and all people are biased to a degree.
@lsobrien Год назад
@@bubbercakes528 If you believe "the east" has McDonald's then you should try living in Ohio, Texas or New Jersey where the Freedumb Fries are just mm mmm mmmm.
@mycount64 Год назад
He did address it. They are the echo chambers and bubbles created that are not based on facts. Yes, of course propaganda is a subset within these bubbles. The problem is that before the internet at least to some extent an expert in a field was consulted. Now once you are in the weeds in physics, politics, social psychology, etc. people do not have foundation in the discipline to A) know the math B) know the history of what failed and succeeded C) know what constitutes as evidence. So, confirmation bias creeps in and an opinion and propaganda in the echo chamber outweigh facts, reason and evidence. And here we are the lunatics are running the asylum.
@CARambolagen Год назад
Well the problem is that with youtube etc. We have 8 billion troll factories out there multiplying the propaganda of the traditional professional propagandists like the KGB/FSB etc.
@aminam9201 Год назад
They talk about science, reasoning and humanity!
@Urululla Год назад
I would like a debate among Dawkings and Sheldrake.
@sony5244 Год назад
Dawkins is a realist ,like Carl Sagan , He is.
@youtuber5305 Год назад
"Can we put reason back into politics?" I would be satisfied with just "sanity".
@trimetrodon Год назад
I don’t think Mr. Dawkins has any idea how counter-rational US politics is. US politics is designed to prevent any interference by facts, truth or the interests of ordinary people.
@briansmith3791 6 месяцев назад
Dawkins was , and still is, a part of that counter-rationality. He promoted the dangerous RussiaGate hoax for years. He praised the warmonger John McCain as a "good man, has "no sympathy" for Julian Assange and publicly supports Israel even now. He's an intellectual snob and looks down on the rest of us.
@Fedaygin 5 месяцев назад
Yeah that's fked up system.. 😮‍💨
@aminesaihe4844 Год назад
احبك استاد دوكينز امين من المغرب
@musicalADD_theband 4 месяца назад
They preach skepticism, but only in things that don’t agree with their beliefs. It sounds like they should practice a little more of what they preach.
@aminam9201 Год назад
Put reason back into the destructive irrational meanness! has the destructive irrational meanness reasoning too !
@MrS-pe6sd Год назад
He evoked Putin. That’s just silly.
@stewartbrands Год назад
They use the word science. This word means knowledge. What they refer to is empirical science. Even the words critical science is a misnomer. Richard continually ignores this important distinction. People who know wrong things engage in science because the meaning of the word is knowledge. People who do empirical science are essentially people who place evidence as confirmation of their knowing thereby creating correct knowledge. CEO's and managers of companies do think ahead and use this to maximise profits. This talent has caused enormous harmful changes to the natural habitats for extrapolated profits. Far more damage and harm has come from this foresight than anything else therefore it must be argued ,from the evidence,that the ability of foresight is not a blessing(as Richard said) but on the whole a serious and dangerous flaw.
@brothermine2292 Год назад
The problem in politics isn't pandering; the problem is pandering to minorities instead of majorities. The solution is to switch to a voting method that counts all of the head-to-head majorities, instead of counting at most one majority. When only one majority is counted, that majority is often a coalition of minorities, such as the minority who want to ban abortions, plus the minority who want government to punish their ethnic or religious or gender scapegoats, plus the minority who want to slash taxes on the rich, plus the minority who oppose regulations that protect the environment, etc. A voting method that counts all the head-to-head majorities would create a strong incentive for politicians to support majority-preferred policies. Counting all of the head-to-head majorities would also effectively end spoiling, end political polarization, reliably defeat extremists, settle issues, and allow future elections to focus on new issues. The importance of counting multiple head-to-head majorities is understood by the most frequently used, most widely used voting method: the Roberts Rules procedure for voting on motions. Roberts Rules counts N-1 head-to-head majorities to eliminate N-1 of the N alternatives (similar to a single-elimination sports tournament). This is what makes Roberts Rules fairly effective at defeating minority-preferred alternatives.
@edsmith9846 Год назад
With an average IQ of 100, democracy is in very deep trouble as Dawkins clearly states. And this fact bothers a lot of people.
@emperorchopchop7726 Год назад
The IQ scale is purposely set up around the idea that 100 is always the average. The point of the scale is to show how far any particular individual deviates from the average, so by definition an IQ of 101 is slightly higher than average, and an IQ of 99 is slightly lower than average, no matter what the actual functional intelligence of the people is.
@davidbanner6230 Год назад
​ @2ndchookie919 : what about Nostradams? However since you've, stupidly decided, to demontratrate what an empty vessel you are I'll respond. What I was refering to was the current situation where we have people (Russians for instance) making statments directly in oposition to what we know the truth to be? It may be that for many years, or even centuries, we have been seeing and approaching Russia, and subsequently its allies, in an unrealistic way? Not recognizeing a fundamental reality, in that nature abhors, and cannot exist in a state of imbalance? And in consequence of that reality our democracies, must be balanced by anti-democracies that live in opposition to every moral code that we have claimed to believe in. We have failed to recognize the impossibility of a homogenous world ever being able to exist without division, tension, and fear? Our stability can only be possible and held in place when it is reenforced by tension. In the same way that a “One world government” would be an impossibility without the presence of an external threat? We have allowed ourselves to be led astray by a bandwagon of so-called Atheists, who want us to believe there is nothing of influence in our lives except the structures of evolution. We ignored Orwell’s predictions of a society of reversed logic, where hate was love, oppression was freedom, invasion was defence, cruelty was kindness and defeat is victory, yet we are faced with just such a world today? Can anyone imagine that there will come a time when the Russians and the Chinese will be wanting to live in peace and harmony when, with the support of their populations, they are hell bent on gaining even more territories than the massive territories they already hold. It will never come to an end, because it cannot end… Does that make sense to you......​ @2ndchookie919? Richard?
@RandomNooby Год назад
No; simple answer to a simple question...
@Fedaygin 5 месяцев назад
Yes please & that (both books) old storybook's content away from every government on this Planet 🤞 Pst: Go buy The God Delusion Book & enjoy.
@blackshard641 Год назад
I used to rag on Richard Dawkins for being a polemic egoist and philosophical lightweight, so it's nice to see that his views have, er, evolved to take seriously the challenge of epistemology. Dawkins used to be tremendously ahistorical about the success of natural science, as if its merits should have always been self-evident, and he often still finds himself succumbing to the temptation to declare its findings "true" instead of merely "generally more reliable than other methodologies." (I'd call such a declaration premature, but that implies there is some future endstate where we have shed the veil of our senses and transcended the inherent biases of our squishy meat cognitive architecture for a thoroughly uninterpreted view of "truth." Yeah, no. Subjectivity is intractable. Learning will always be a process.) Until you subsume yourself in philosophical history and practice and appreciate the depth of our ignorance as human beings, it's easy and quite natural to take for granted that "you" are rational, and rational means "self-evidently true." The problem is that "rationality" is, in fact, underpinned and deeply influenced by irrational predilections. Even a tool as useful as logic has its limits. You can be absolutely mathematically precise in your chain of reasoning and still end up with a garbage conclusion built off garbage premises. Even once you are aware of how easily we humans tend to inadvertently build our conclusions into our premises, that doesn't help with the infinite regress of analyzing our base assumptions. At a certain point, you have to accept "good enough" as a starting point, go from there, take your lumps, revise and go on.
@UnMoored_ Год назад
He's very accomplished and seems so reasonable yet he becomes irrationally irate when he speaks with those he feels are "stupid". He seems to understand very little about child-development and human psychology.
@emperorchopchop7726 Год назад
I don't get that. I think he sees some people as stubbornly uncurious, not stupid, and he gets frustrated trying to break through that stubborness.
@briansmith3791 6 месяцев назад
Dawkins is an intellectual snob. He's an elitist and thinks only those who are of the 'intellectual elite' are worthy of consideration. The working people are stupid in his ( hidden) view. The fact that he's a fool outside of his science doesn't do his elitist argument much good. He praised the warmonger John McCain as a "good man", has "no sympathy" for a truly good man, Julian Assange, and even now publicly supports Israel.
@eksffa Год назад
NTS 10/u
@eksffa Год назад
Dawkins the improbable Hoppean asserting the main problem of democracy 😂
@antonivanov1351 Год назад
So, Dawkins a political expert now as well. Ok :).
@16sputnik7 Год назад
Before we put “reason” back into politics, how about we put it back into the soyance?
@_nebulousthoughts Год назад
Make America think again.
@Ed-quadF Год назад
"Scientists on the whole are capable of telling us what's going to happen..." Now if only they were correct with the predictive models. This is why some of us are skeptical with what we're told. One thing history tells us is, science isn't always accurate. "I am the science.: -- Fauci.
@lsobrien Год назад
Finding it difficult to accept a person who believes the solution to the crisis of liberal centrism is more liberal centrism is someone "open to evidence." Dawkins outrun his usefulness as a commentator long, long ago.
@nyworker Год назад
Dawkins needs to spend time on Tik Tok and see how they've abandoned reason.
@boliussa Год назад
you seriously think he doesn't know
@davidbanner6230 Год назад
​ @2ndchookie919 : what about Nostradams? However since you've, stupidly decided, to demontratrate what an empty vessel you are I'll respond. What I was refering to was the current situation where we have people (Russians for instance) making statments directly in oposition to what we know the truth to be? It may be that for many years, or even centuries, we have been seeing and approaching Russia, and subsequently its allies, in an unrealistic way? Not recognizeing a fundamental reality, in that nature abhors, and cannot exist in a state of imbalance? And in consequence of that reality our democracies, must be balanced by anti-democracies that live in opposition to every moral code that we have claimed to believe in. We have failed to recognize the impossibility of a homogenous world ever being able to exist without division, tension, and fear? Our stability can only be possible and held in place when it is reenforced by tension. In the same way that a “One world government” would be an impossibility without the presence of an external threat? We have allowed ourselves to be led astray by a bandwagon of so-called Atheists, who want us to believe there is nothing of influence in our lives except the structures of evolution. We ignored Orwell’s predictions of a society of reversed logic, where hate was love, oppression was freedom, invasion was defence, cruelty was kindness and defeat is victory, yet we are faced with just such a world today? Can anyone imagine that there will come a time when the Russians and the Chinese will be wanting to live in peace and harmony when, with the support of their populations, they are hell bent on gaining even more territories than the massive territories they already hold. It will never come to an end, because it cannot end… Does that make sense to you......​ @2ndchookie919? Richard?
@paulkchin Год назад
Ppl : Who need critical thinking we got ChatGPT now ! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@howardrobinson4938 Год назад
These guys obviously need more folate in their diets. Their cells are obviously not methylating properly. Now, not folic acid but folate. Look, just believe me on this. There's a lot of science around it. Where? Well, there's got to be...I mean there's a lot of advertising for folate capsules. No I haven't actually seen the science...I don't have time for that. But it wouldn't be advertised if there wasn't. Right?
@briansmith3791 Год назад
"Critical thinking". Dawkins is surely the last person who should be commenting on this. He promoted the dangerous RussiaGate hoax for 5 years and his condemnation of a good man, Julian Assange, is unforgivable. And never an apology!
@alphalunamare Год назад
He sure did dodge the last question ...
@aminam9201 Год назад
What about living on the tragedies of others since hundreds of years ago! unlimited crimes against humanity on daily basis!
@davidbanner6230 Год назад
​ @2ndchookie919 : what about Nostradams? However since you've, stupidly decided, to demontratrate what an empty vessel you are I'll respond. What I was refering to was the current situation where we have people (Russians for instance) making statments directly in oposition to what we know the truth to be? It may be that for many years, or even centuries, we have been seeing and approaching Russia, and subsequently its allies, in an unrealistic way? Not recognizeing a fundamental reality, in that nature abhors, and cannot exist in a state of imbalance? And in consequence of that reality our democracies, must be balanced by anti-democracies that live in opposition to every moral code that we have claimed to believe in. We have failed to recognize the impossibility of a homogenous world ever being able to exist without division, tension, and fear? Our stability can only be possible and held in place when it is reenforced by tension. In the same way that a “One world government” would be an impossibility without the presence of an external threat? We have allowed ourselves to be led astray by a bandwagon of so-called Atheists, who want us to believe there is nothing of influence in our lives except the structures of evolution. We ignored Orwell’s predictions of a society of reversed logic, where hate was love, oppression was freedom, invasion was defence, cruelty was kindness and defeat is victory, yet we are faced with just such a world today? Can anyone imagine that there will come a time when the Russians and the Chinese will be wanting to live in peace and harmony when, with the support of their populations, they are hell bent on gaining even more territories than the massive territories they already hold. It will never come to an end, because it cannot end… Does that make sense to you......​ @2ndchookie919? Richard?
@aminam9201 Год назад
@@davidbanner6230 you talk too much, but I don’t care about Russia or China !
@divvy1400yam600 Год назад
I think it is rather hilarous to hear Dickie Dawkins talk about critical thinking. He used to quite frequently respond with anger when the idea of Natural Selection (NS) was challeged. Any mathematician who has shown an interest knows that NS is rubbish. How impossible it is that CHANCE can create the molecules that support the existence of different species. Dawkins got angry and said it is not chance it is NS Tautology hehehehehehehe. We also have the objection that neither life nor energy can create itself. A bit of a problem there methinks !
@RG_Eph Год назад
What credible scientist denounces NS?
@divvy1400yam600 Год назад
@@RG_Eph JBS Haldane showed that long gestation low birthrate species could NOT reproduce new species Fred Hoyle estimated the probabilty of new long USEFUL polymer chains evolving by accident was as near zero as makes no difference. N Essers BELIEVE NS is true Mathematicians know it is not. For example the change from non cellular to cellular life conferred NO advantage while developing ; therefore it is NOT the result of NS Same with vision etc especially the activity of the brain which by so called NS (hehehe) has controlling pathways to all parts of the body Experiments with short life flies could NOT produce new species when subject to stimulae over 1000's of generations of their life cycle
@Zomfoo Год назад
Was politics ever reasonable? Dawkins is hardly the poster boy for reason.
@marderprod Год назад
How very on brand that he's in favor of gatekeeping and editorial control (Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?) without even addressing the underlying problem of state-sponsored propaganda. His stance on covid treatment, lockdowns and the poor rationale behind invasive governmental measures makes (and made) him look like a technocrat demagogue. The whole "they can't be thinking" frames any disagreement as ignorance. Shame on you.
@5ayes12 Год назад
this guy can't reason by the rules so of course here he is touting reason.
@englishwithmuzammal3596 Год назад
This guy spent his whole serving science as it appears. However, the crux is that he can't prove that GOD does not exist. The same goes for religiosity when it comes to proving GOD's existence. Though religiosity shows all sorts of signs needed to believe in GOD. On the other hand, science relies on evidence, which is most of the time subjective. For a common mind, it suits wiser to believe in GOD rather than renounce GOD - an understandable decision. Anger is more prevalent in Atheists; while religious ones demonstrate anger when they are provoked. This discussion has no end.
@Frisbieinstein Год назад
Reason has no place in politics.
@CARambolagen Год назад
Noone in my family and cultural background would have found Dawkins "controversial". Different if someone grows up in the Nutcase States...
@rusty1here Год назад
When science is looked at holistically it proves beyond a reasonable doubt true and correct religious doctrine, and I can prove by mouth And I’m going to be using the Bayesian statistical analysis that you allegedly believe in And I promise you, you’ve never heard of the doctrine of which I speak, or considered the science in the light that I will present it I dare you to try me But you won’t because you’re too proud and arrogant
@ready1fire1aim1 Год назад
Science is wrong. We chose Isaac Newton's universe instead of Gottfried Leibniz's universe.
@MontyCantsin5 Год назад
@FirstName LastName: ‘’Science is wrong.’’ What?
@ready1fire1aim1 Год назад
@@MontyCantsin5 Newton says the reality we perceive with empirical evidence is necessary. Leibniz said its contingent. 1D-4D are contingent; on their predecessor. 0D is necessary; having no predecessor. I bet the zero-dimensional space holding our quarks together with the Strong Force is the horizon between life/death. This is the contingent and less real side. Other side of 0D is necessary and more real. Obviously.
@goldwhitedragon Год назад
Bingo. Highest IQ answer I've seen.
@blackshard641 Год назад
@@ready1fire1aim1 so... you had me with Leibniz, you lost me with the geometric nuclear physics life and death word salad. Leibniz's metaphysics is certainly underappreciated for the novel choice to make interrelationships primary and the entities "with" those relationships secondary, and yeah I'm a fan of process physics which owes Leibniz a tip of the hat, but let's maybe dial back the mysticism a pinch.
I am against any kind of gate keeper for ideas thinking it is better to have it than not, what kind of nonsense talks sometimes Dawkins as if before the internet the world was a better place to live in or people were not only listening and marrying their own kind. I was born long before the internet and always have expressed my mind at the costs of losing jobs and even facing all kind of violence which is the same happening now with the internet.
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