
Can you lose the Holy Spirit? | GotQuestions.org 

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Is it possible to lose the Holy Spirit? Can one, be filled with the Spirit then emptied? Is that what happens when we grieve the Holy Spirit or quench the Spirit? Do we lose the Spirit? If so, knowing how to be filled with the Holy Spirit is of great importance! The doctrine of eternal security ( once saved always saved ) is also on the line. For example, can you lose your salvation? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “Can you lose the Holy Spirit?”
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*** Recommended Resource:
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By: Charles C. Ryrie
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13 окт 2024




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@friendyadvice2238 2 года назад
No man could say Jesus is Lord unless the Holy Spirit were with him. No man could say it ..... but more importantly sincerely believe it, without the Holy Spirit.
@Hjj.sjsjzksk Год назад
Thats really good to know, can u put bible verces
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@@Hjj.sjsjzksk 1 John 4
@jeffouellette9946 6 месяцев назад
You didn't rightly divide that.
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
Lord is just a genetic title used in the bible for many ppl.
@friendyadvice2238 6 месяцев назад
@Josieb4008 But with Jesus it actually the truth. He is God himself, because only God could take the punishment for our sins. Jesus took an eternal punishment for every person who will ever believe in him. This is what he said himself.
@8018bren 2 года назад
God knows when a person becomes ready to follow or not. When a person becomes ready to follow and ask forgiveness of sins, is when God can and will send the Holy Spirit into that persons life through Jesus Christ. It does not take a church/religion, it takes a person becoming ready to follow and asking forgiveness. The worst of people can change and become a good person. It's a life changing experience for many people as it was for myself some years ago.
@SGOV86 Год назад
It depents. In my case it was during a church sermon.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
Thank you! You`ve helped me get free from satans lie that God has rejected me! I woke up in 2017 and feeling so empty as one can be. I got so afraid, and called on God and asked Him if He had left me but after a while i heard His voice saying: "You`ve grieved The Holy Spirit!" He sounded a bit angry. But satan lied and has been shooting his arrows against me all these years. I didn`t know what to believe anymore so i thought it was true. I started living for the world. But hated it. I drank alcohol but didn`t like it, went to pubs but never had any fun. It was awful! And I`m thankful to Jesus that He saw to that i never got a worldly friend but everyone was rejected me in a way. I thought that was a curse over me for being rejected by god. I Was listening to Wilkerson too the same day i felt His presence left, and his` sermon: " When the Holy Spirit departs" and every one thinks he has a sound doctrine. But it seems he hasn`t right in everything he preached. But he never claimed to be right eather but said we should test him... But God has worked with me for 6 years now to make me understand He never departed! But instead I grieved Him and that`s why i felt empty of His presence. Today the 29 april I understood that. Otherwise satan might have lied me to hell. God! My Lord. My Savior THANK YOU!!! Thank you for your loving grace and forgiveness! Thank You!!! THank You!!! 🙏
@aaronguzman2258 Год назад
@WhereKIDstayAndPlay Год назад
Hello! Same me here the HOLY SPIRIT Departed from me. He withdrawn his presence from me. I felt empty now. I felt GOD is too busy for me to answer me. The HOLY SPIRIT withdrawn his power from me his guidance from me and now I felt it's all me walking alone. I am sorry Papa God.
@2Chor5_13 10 месяцев назад
@@WhereKIDstayAndPlay But the Holy Spirit never departed from me! And if you are a born again believer you haven´t lost Him eather. But possible grieved Him or quenched Him!
@chevychelios4672 2 года назад
1 Peter 4:19 Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.
@SGOV86 Год назад
Then he remembered the days of old, Moses and his people, saying: “Where is He who brought them up out of the sea With the shepherd of His flock? Where is He who put His Holy Spirit *within* them, Isaiah 63:11 NKJV In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit did not just came upon people but also dwell in them.
@ayehay 2 года назад
I know many genuine believers that are practicing sin. The Bible says DON’T be deceived bc those who practice these things WILL NOT enter in. All believers sin and fall in to temptation at times in which we have grave for..but if you embrace and choose a sinning lifestyle over God, there becomes no more sacrifice for you. So you CAN lose the Holy Spirit or depart from Him by choice and the Bible says how great it is if you can bring the departed believer back from death. God is a loving Father who longs for a relationship with you and wishes none perish and He is patient. But pls don’t be deceived.
@Josieb4008 Год назад
There is no Eternal damnation. Our souls are indestructible and eternal and go on to live forever!
@fem0000 Год назад
​@@Josieb4008eternal life or eternal punishment. The bible is clear about that
@Josieb4008 Год назад
@@fem0000 Most bibles only give us a version of the truth. The rest is fabricated. The whole truth is that we are ALL born connected to the Holy Spirit bc it is tethered to our souls. There is absolutely nothing you can do to separate the connection. The soul has a consciousness and is an entity all its own. It is indestructible, eternal and capable of thinking for itself.. Also, the soul can go on to exist without a body forever bc it is a fragment of GOD...pure unconditional LOVE. The soul does not need any saving! God is tethered to everything on this earth. God is also connected to everything on all the other billions of earth's that exist outside our solar system. P.S. God is not one-dimensional, but the bible is. The bible is very agenda oriented bc it is very heavily influenced by the Roman church; along with the Jewish Bible and the Muslim Bible. They all were influenced by Rome. Do your research and free your mind of this mental slavery. God wants us to enjoy life without fear!
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
@@fem0000 Our spiritual souls are pure energy it never dies. Jesus teaches the Law of ONE(Removed from the bible) Where WE and the creator are ONE.
@MasonS7 5 месяцев назад
A born again believer CANNOT lose the precious Holy Spirit. Read the Bible. Jesus says the Holy Spirit will be with us FOREVER.
@maractusthecactus1790 2 года назад
And I will send the helper to be with you FOREVER
@Christdeliverme 2 года назад
Forever as humanity not in each
@2Chor5_13 2 года назад
Yes, IF you don`t sin and refuse to repent! True!
@bartleon Год назад
to have the Holy Spirit: Acts 5: 32 And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him.” John 14: 21 He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.” 22 Judas (not Iscariot) *said to Him, “Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?” 23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. 24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me. notice: receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2: 37 Now when they heard this, they were [aj]pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “[ak]Brethren, [al]what shall we do?” 38 Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.” Romans 8: 14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 1 John 2: 15 Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17 The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever. James 4: 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. (don't take personal from me)
@Josieb4008 Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 Sin simply means to miss the mark...that is it! God is pure unconditional liquid love...no anger, no jealousy and no judgement. There is absolutely nothing we can do to cause the Holy Spirit to leave the soul...NOTHING
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@@Josieb4008 Thank you! But...that isn't totally Biblical. It says He is jelaous, and He is The judge and Paul says we all will be judge one day for how we lived our lives. It also says that God is angry at sin daily. He's Holy. So we are to fear Him as the Word says. But He's also love and He's gracious towards those who loves/obeys Him! 🙏🌺
@god563616 2 года назад
Thank you for this video! I was trying to figure out if I lost the holy spirit or the devil is deceiving me. God gave me a miracle this year that I had been waiting for years to have and I am grateful but all hell broke loose over my life and I was attacked on my finances, my mental health and my emotions. I lost my job, became very depressed and started thinking about all the time I've wasted during that time I was in sickness but even then God has still been using me even today to pray for people and giving prophetic words to people.I have been indulging in listening to secular music and went to two secular concerts. I feel empty but I am also going through a spiritual transition right now. I haven't done anything outwardly in sin but my heart feels out of place. With everything I feel I have never stopped praying in tongues this whole time every single day. I have not been in church since 2020 because I'm trying to find a holy spirit one. So I wasn't 100% sure if he's left or not. I can still sense God's presence and I seen a huge angel in my room while praying with my sister two weeks ago. So now I'm thinking being spiritually dry does not mean you lost the holy spirit or just needs you need to start again and get your fire back.
@2Chor5_13 2 года назад
This you`re telling us that u seen a huge angle in your room is NOT God! It´s the enemy trying to decieve you into newage. In The Word Of Faith Movement they see angels, Jesus, goes to heaven every other day. ANd that sect indolges in newage without even recognize is. To f e e l a presence does NOT mean that it`s God but rather a kundalini. New Age/ word of faith is dependign on FEELINGS all the time. THey "feel god" is saying or "Feel gods" persence or "feel that they should do this or do that" So everything`s about feelings and emotions. But that is NOT FAITH. Faith believes totally without feelings or what you see or experience! It`s just a blind relience on God and His word/the Bible! He always speaks through the bible! And a true man of God said: If you want to hear God audibly, read it out load!
@jimkraft9445 10 месяцев назад
The only reason I cannot go to hell, is because Jesus paid my sin debt in full at the cross. Second Corinthians 5:21. For He who knew no sin, Jesus the sin bearer, became sin for me, so that I have the righteousness of God in me. Romans 4:5-8. I have no sins to pay for. He already paid for all my sins and has imputed His perfect righteousness to my account. On the cross He sealed my pardon, paid the debt, and set me free. John 3:18. John 10:28-29. Hebrews 13:5. John 6:37-40. Gods word, and He cannot lie.
@godfidence2369 2 года назад
Thank You. I just got my holy spirit. But i had bad sitiation the enemy attack me 3 times at worl & gas station & home. I was so irritated zo mad i started to say bad words . i felt so bad guilty after, and i dont feel my holy ghost in me anymore. 😞 and im crying and crying bcs its an Amazing feeling. I hope god didnt take my holy ghost away from me 😞
@MrPimpc24 2 года назад
Your lieng you never had the holy spirit
@nanayaaadusa-poku9422 2 года назад
Mark 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor-Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever.
@maxvpr3 2 года назад
Isaiah 55:3 - “Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David.” It was David himself who begged God to not take His Holy Spirit off of him. Psalm 51:11- “Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me.” When David said that he really messed up big time. God will forgive you and He will not take His Holy Spirit off of you. Hope this helped!
@markfarmer354 2 года назад
Hello brother, you do have the Holly Spirit because the same Spirit in me knows your heart. The words that you speak reveal your heart. The Holy Spirit does produce a feeling; it’s called Joy and Peace. When we sin brother, we loose fellowship with God. There is no joy or peace when we aren’t in Gods presence. Sin separates us from God. Repent and read his word in the mornings. He will fill you up again. You are a chosen child of God and the Spirit of God will never leave you nor forsake you. Love you brother.
@venmarobinson2424 4 месяца назад
I’ve been falling into sin for two days, felt alone, been distracted and had instructive thoughts and I started shaking during a Christian meeting…, am I saved or did I deceive myself to believe I am saved?… I don’t want to lose my salvation… I want to be saved…
@heavenbound7 2 года назад
OSAS Ephesians 1:13-14 Ephesians 4:30 KJV Bible
@fem0000 Год назад
Only if you continue in Him! We can still fall away if we don't obey Him anymore
@pbv4932 2 года назад
Praise God for this truth
@jennifermedley1727 2 года назад
Thankyou for your teaching on this subject, a much needed resource as the enemy would deceive many
@josephbranner4418 6 месяцев назад
Thank you
@paulensor9984 2 года назад
Thank you for speaking on this
@mikefinley4367 8 месяцев назад
Great short post.
@i9Shant 10 месяцев назад
@hollydoodle Год назад
That was an awesome explanation! Thank you so much. ❤
Amen my brother
@glendagajsek-shears3890 Год назад
I wish that no one could be that someone who thought they believed or were imposters or didn't really have the spirit or then makes it be so hard to have it 😔 and where we all came to believe that all became true believers and that were sealed and growing towards God and Christ with The Holy Spirit.
@NickOtis0707 2 года назад
When someone is truly saved they have the holy Spirit within them but you can lose the joy of the holy Spirit when you sin. When someone truly puts their face within Jesus Christ the forever his child and their name is written in the last book of life. And we're not saved by getting baptized but this is what Jesus did and we should do that to obey the Lord. We need to remember the thief on the cross next to Jesus he didn't get baptized. We can offend the holy Spirit when we sin. PS I wanted to talk about something else when my brother in Christ said about a sinner's prayer we need to remember as Christians true child of God that the sinners prayer doesn't save that person because it's not in the Bible. Billy Graham is the one that created the sinner's prayer but even though yes the sinner's prayer is good but we need to remember it doesn't really save us. What truly saves a person is put in their faith in Christ alone and faith alone and the truly confessed our sins and one is meaning that you're sorry for them two the holy Spirit guides us to convict us of our sins to guide us to do right to make sure that the holy Spirit directing us to the right path that Jesus is on. We are so grateful of what the Lord did for us through Jesus Christ that he gives his grace his Mercy his patience and his love towards us every day and we can do the same upon others. Another reason you can tell that someone is truly saved it's the fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 and to remember Matthew 5:16.
@Josieb4008 Год назад
We ALL are born with the HS with us.
@DevonB-fz4tx 29 дней назад
I said “the Holy Spirit is not real” and I heard “I’ve departed” afterward, now I haven’t felt the presence of God since then and am scared …. I feel no conviction or remorse over sin now … have I blasphemed the Holy Spirit and made God leave me?
@joshuacherian6718 2 года назад
How can u lose something u never had ? But to those who were baptised and recd Gods spirit it is written , And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.(Eph 4:30)
@Josieb4008 Год назад
Truth is that we all received the Holy Spirit before birth. It came attached to our souls. They can't be separated...ever.
@johnniehughes35 10 месяцев назад
​@Josieb4008 that's a lie.Jesus told the apostles to receive the holy spirit. How can you receive something that you already have
@dlove9034 Год назад
@abcchristian5298 Год назад
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
@bonniesanders4224 11 месяцев назад
In Hebrews it tells of Christians blaspheming the Spirit of Grace that sanctified us and they will not be forgiven and will go into perdition.
@tribdrawsnear 2 года назад
I was just filled with holy spirit on July 13th 2022. Quit smoking 🚬 cold turkey even. But in day 6. My mind was invaded with thoughts. I got so angry I couldn't shake them. I didn't know what to do. I felt terrible ever since. I don't feel him anymore like I did. Im afraid he's left me. Like I failed a test. IDK. I can't lose him
@Miro-wy7dp 2 года назад
Similar situation with me, April 2022. Over time I stopped feeling him and lost passion for God and im wondering what have i done wrong and if i could have commited the unforgivable sin. I pray that i will feel Him again
@richardbabb2666 2 года назад
@@Miro-wy7dp He will never leave you..The Holy Spirit Is With You Forever ‼️..You just have to confess whatever sin you did..& everything will be ok 🙏🏾‼️
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
I believe you "only" lost his precence. But repent and ask for His forgiveness and tell Him you want Him back. And don`t give up!!! Many go through this, even famous old men of God as John Bunyan for an example...he felt he lost Gods Spirit, for many years, and the anointing, also his love for God and met only Gods slílence...he couldn`t hear His voice. But he never gave up. Lived for God and obeyd the Word the he could after some years He came back....
@Bernie2011 Год назад
Jesus loves you, you have to remember that... our self works do not save us, it is all Jesus and what he did at the cross. Keep your faith in Jesus and repent, turn away from sin. We are not perfect and most importantly God know our heart completely. The fact that you felt bad for smoking again, says the Holy spirit is guiding you to not do those things, we must listen and not grieve the Holy Spirit. I pray in the power name of Jesus to remove that feel to smoke... in Jesus name.🙏
@almazavala3934 Год назад
Bad thoughts are always going to come , we just shouldn’t feed in to those thoughts . These thoughts always come and when they do come or even before the come call on Jesus everytime ❤
@silai88 2 года назад
We wont lose holy spirit. But just like a torch, the holy spirit fire can be lit off if we keep sinning.
@jesusneedu07 2 года назад
@Kingofkings955 Год назад
Do u know if this happened to anyone
@alexlouis9424 Год назад
Hebrews:6.4-6 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, Hebrews:6.5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, Hebrews:6.6 if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
This has to do with those who become christians, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, TASTED, but only tasted, not lived for or they have tasted the good Word of God but never studying it, then they go back from where they came from. For example a Jehovas Wittnes which become a believer in Jesus CHrist and being enlighten, tasted the good WOrd, shared the Holy Spirit but then doesn`t take God seioulsly but go back to JW, bc he misses the rules and reglulations and also the friends etc. Those are impossible to bring to repentence again bc they crusifying Jesus Christ a second time.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@maame No that´s not the case. Have you read MY comment who started this thread? I read comments saying: "If you´re a bornagain believer He´ll never leave you or forsake you. He loves you. Just repent. Do this. Do that. But no one seems to read my WHOLE comment! I have repented uncountable times under this six years but it´s like God only have sent people from the Word Of Faith movement, which i belonged to for almost 20 years, but repented then when God showed me it was new age, in 2016, but fell back to listen to false prophets and their teaching. Of course i didn´t know they were false. When i listened to them i thought they had the right doctrine, die to self, etc. But after listening to them for ten days then i woke up one mornng and i felt like the Holy Spirit had departed. I also heard a voice saying before this happened: "You´re hanging on a thin thread!" Under this period i had been seeking God in solitude for three weeks. That´s when He showed me abou word of faith and i repented and then He departed. He has never returned when i have repented. But another spirit has come instead. I know i have the kundalini which tries to copy Gods Spirit. And i feel its manipulate my feelings and i feel my heart is harden, after this happened. Don´t know if it´s God or me or satan who´s behind that. After such long time of different bad experiences i have given up. I feel like He doesn´t want me back. Maybe i crucifying Him a second time!? I could tell you more but it would be too much to text, but what i think prooves that God has rejected me. But if that´s not the case, then I still can´t repent in my own strength or go alone. I need true believers who´s standing along with me. And i had, a few days, a woman of God who encouraged me and i repented and i was so happy, but then she suddenly shut the door for me and she refuses to answer me. And i take that as God have told her to not pray for me or have anything to do with me. I guess my sin is to death, as the Bible says. That is bc i´ve given up so many times and gone back to live for the world and drink some alcohol (happened a few times) and cuss, getting angry, etc. Easy when you feel He´s departed. But as i said, i repented six weeks ago, when this woman (Johanna Michaelsen, don´t know if you ever heard of her) came. God didn´t even let her explain anything to me. Still i keep on calling for help, but its hard to believe those who comment who seems to think that what i´m going through is nothing, they don´t know my journey! Also they don´t even want to pray for me or give me advices how to come back or keep in contact with me. They just want to throw away their comments as they think they know everything. They´re not seroius as Johanna Michaelsen first was before God shut the door. But that must have happen bc it was too late for me to repent. I just wish she could have explained it to me that she wasn´t aloud to help me, then i woudn´t have to wonder. But it must be Gods will in everything! God bless you! 😢
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@maame Long comment again...If i´m still saved, then why is it like He has given me over to a false doktrin? jack Hibbs explain Hebrew 6, and it´s those who go back to the vomit, and i guess i did, when i listened to the false prohets instead of continuing seeking God. And i told you in the comment that i´ve tried to repent so many times, but intead of Him comming, false prophet and people in the word of faith has showed up, and in the beginning i thought they were true believers but understood after three years or some instant etc. Why did they come?? Why cant i feel sorrow over my sin? Repentence it´s a gift, then why doesn´t He give me that? I have so many questionmarks, and so confused. Speaking of once saved always saved, it was my brother who witnessed for me the day i was "saved" and he wasn´t a true believer. He has left God today and everything that has to do with God. But he says he belives that God exists, but that´s all. He live for the world and has done that for the last 35 years. But i´ve thought of this. Was i ever truly saved? I felt Godly fear, but the devil gave me worldly friends and i continued to drink alcolhol and smoke even though i knew it was wrong. After ten years i went to my church which was penticostal which had a wrong doctrine, and they prayed for me to be free from the pleasures from the world and i was free and stoped smoke and drinking alcohol. I know satan can answers prayer too.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@maame What question passes us a lot? I had many questions in my comment? :))
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@maame Didn't you read anything else in my comment? I really need help more than just connection. For me it's serious. Do you take this serious or do you just passing time commenting me? I dont say this to be rude to you, but i just want to know. I need help in prayer everyday also encouragement to not give up, if needed. Do you want to help me? Or are you unsure of your salvation?? Then you maybe cant help. But you should know if you're bornagain...
It’s almost like how we had to fulfill the law before Lord Jesus came and died for the worlds sins
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
God is ALL and is everything. There is the spectrum of darkness and light. God is both and the in between. This does NOT make God evil. But,, we are the only planet granted individual freewill to experience and feel BOTH. What we create from it comes from our on personal journey. This is why earth was created.
@nomoretoxicrelationships7186 2 года назад
Are intuition and Holy Spirit the same. How do u know it is the Holy Spirit ? Can u do a video on how you get the Holy Spirit
@2Chor5_13 2 года назад
THe bible talkes about OBEYING. In the Acts Peter says, that only those who obey can get The Holy Spirit. So that means that you have to obey God in everything, then He will fill you with His Helper/Acts 5:32 - "And we are His witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God has given to them that obey Him." 😇🙏❤‍🔥
@Hjj.sjsjzksk Год назад
​@@2Chor5_13But filling of the Holy Spirit and getting it after believing on Jesus are different things
@2Chor5_13 4 месяца назад
Got Questions: Why have you changed the ending of this video? Before you ended this video by saying : "Could their emptiness be bc they grieved the Holy Spirit?" Only those words helped me a lot! But after removing that, how can people really know what they are going through if so few talks about the consequences of grieving Him?
@justinhorn49 2 года назад
While there are false covernts out there it is also abundantly clear from the scriptures that one can willfully forfeit salvation by departing from the faith. Eternal security is a false gospel. And so are the other 4 points of calvinism.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
Yes calvinism is unbiblical. But this is not calvinism. If you study the scripture you´ll see that Jesus talkes about the selected also He sayes: Many are called but few are selected. Many isn´t serious and therefore their not His own. Like the 72 which left Him. In these last days many will fall away from faith, but never the selected. They belong to Him. It says that the devil/antichrist even will try to decieve the selected, (but they wount get hooked...) It says in the Bible that He protects them...
@Sumtingwongbruh123 4 месяца назад
Quench the spirit
@bonniesanders4224 11 месяцев назад
Everyone tells me if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit then you lose the Holy Spirit.
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
There is absolutely nothing you can do to separate yourself from God . He is pure unconditional love. God is light and darkness.
@JoleneCatanne 3 месяца назад
What about when Jesus specifically says in Revelation of how if we remain luke warm, He will spew us out of his mouth! He is the Word of God and to be a believer, we are entered into His body as one with Him, as His 'Body'. Hence, we collectively become one with Him, the 'Body of Christ'. When Jesus says He will spew us out for willfully backsliding (growing luke warm) He is telling us that He will evict us out from Him, from His Body. There is no salvation without Him. So.....how is it anyone can possibly teach that you can never lose your salvation? This statement is in DIRECT opposition to the very words of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Repent!
@notbryantlong6567 Год назад
was i unsaved for used to believing this? I was a new christian at the time until around 2022-23
@lawrencewillard6370 2 года назад
You can, easily. If you don't treasure it more than everything else.
@heavenbound7 2 года назад
Ephesians 4:30 KJV Bible
@SGOV86 Год назад
In 1 Peter 1:10-11 it is written that the Spirit of Christ was *in* the prophets in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit was not just upon them.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
So why did the disciples had to wait 50 days if He already was there??? If He already was the Helper even in the OT??? He did n o t dwell inside them in the OT! No, no, no. That`s why Jesus said that when He left them He was gonna send the Helper to them, to live inside of them for ever, it says, which He didn`t do in the OT!
@SGOV86 Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 the diciples did not wait 50days. They only waited 10 days after Jesus ascended. The 50 days was 50 days after Passover. In John 7:38-39 Jesus said that all that believe in Him will receive the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit did yet not came because Jesus was not yet gloryfied.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@@SGOV86 50 or 10, they had to wait for Him. And yes He came after Jesus recended up to heaven. And yes after the Holy Spirit came, all can recieve Him IF they are born of God.
@SGOV86 Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 Of which salvation *the prophets* have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: searching what, or what manner of time *the Spirit of Christ which was in them* did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 1 Peter 1:10‭-‬11 KJV Are you saying that Peter was lying?
@SGOV86 Год назад
​@@2Chor5_13Then he remembered the days of old, Moses and his people, saying: “Where is He who brought them up out of the sea With the shepherd of His flock? Where is He who put His Holy Spirit *within* them, Isaiah 63:11 NKJV
@noway22573 Год назад
David asked God to 'take not your HS from me Psalm 50 or 51. Of course God can take it from you. He can do what He wants.
@Josieb4008 Год назад
What David said and what is actually true a two different things.
@jeffouellette9946 8 месяцев назад
​@@Josieb4008ask Saul that
@paulpogba2429 6 месяцев назад
@@Josieb4008you have revelation but few people understand
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
@@paulpogba2429 What do you mean?
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
@@paulpogba2429 I don't understand
@sleric3 10 месяцев назад
You do not choose the Holy Spirit, he chooses you.
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
We receive everything at birth...including the HS. The Roman church modified the biblical writings into a religion. They removed a lot of the truth
@finnal6748 Год назад
Free will law allows any angels Or men to willfully reject One Love Above The Eternal One Creator Of All But, there are Eternal consequences by The Eternal One Creator Of All if the rejection is done by angels or men
@ALC77787 Год назад
I feel that I lost the Holy Spirit after eating a slice of melon that my sister said was soul food because I stopped feeling peace, love and joy and this concerns me alot and makes me think that I am no longer saved and that Jesus has left me and is not coming back. I don't see or feel evidence of the Holy Spirit being in me anymore. What is your advice. Would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
@ALC77787 Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 give an account for eating a slice of melon?
@lucidlagomorph5809 2 месяца назад
sometimes we have to strive for our faith - There is a book Dark Night of the Soul describing what you are going through
@ebabycom Год назад
Hi, quick question. If you are filled with the holy spirit and reborn again, is there any possibility of going to hell or it's not possible? People are saying different things. I thought once you are reborn again, you're sealed to the day of redemption. Ty! 🙏
@fem0000 Год назад
Yes it is possible, if you ignore the Word of God and fall back into sin. (Think of Ananias and Sapphira, or Saul. They ignored what God told them to do). There's many warnings in the Bible; don't resist the One who speaks from Heaven, abide in Jesus, if your hand leads you to sin, cut it off... Remember your first love, or he will take the lampstand (his presence) away. We need to take that seriously. Not to make you afraid, but because he loves you. As a Christian you are responsible to live by the Spirit and not by the flesh; Gods will over your own will. That is a daily fight! It's all about obedience. Obedience leads to blessing, disobedience leads to curse. (We should not forget about that side of God; he is kind to those who love Him, but terrible to those who reject Him.) Any sin will be forgiven except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That is why the most dangerous sins are not paying attention or not obeying/believing when God speaks to you. When you know what he wants, but you ignore Him/pretend you don't hear it. You always have to be obedient to the Word and the Spirit. You are sealed to the day of redemption, but you have to hold on to the end. (The Spirit will leave those who no longer follow Him). So always strive to obey God and repent when you sin. Do the will of God. Remain in fellowship with Christ. I think to stay safe, it's important to seek God every day, read the word, check your heart to see if there is any sin. Fear the Lord and love him with all your heart, always seek Him first! And surround yourself with other believers. You gave your life to Jesus and made Him Lord of your life, He is your Shepherd. So don't go your own ways but make your life about following Him and seeking his will. That is the best life! Personally I really love the Psalms as an example for your life. David writes all about loving Gods commandments, seeking God's guidance, trusting in God... :) And use the Spiritual weapons (Ephesians) !
@GioGospelGamerOfficial Год назад
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
You`re right! According to the Bible you`re sealed to the day of redemption. Then what others say isn`t importent, only what the Bible says. We do like the Bereans which tested Paul and Silas by studying the Scriptures!
@Josieb4008 Год назад
We are all spiritual bodies of light walking around in these heavy bodies. Our spiritual bodies of light(SOULS) are perfect indestructible fragments of God that do not ever die and do not need any saving. When the body dies, the soul leaves and manifest into another growing fetus to live another life cycle. This idea of Hell and Sin are just man-made concepts to oppress a ppl. You have to use critical thinking to realize why Christianity, Jewish, and Muslims all believe the same type of narratives; it's bc all their narratives were once controlled by the Roman Church. Why is there so much suffering in the world? The answer is complexed, but along with these bodies comes an EGO(satan). How does a light body that is pure LOVE deal with a heavy body AND an ego that will not shut up in our heads? It is a tasks many of us as light bodies came to earth to experience. P.S. Hell only exist in the mind.
@pipkinrahl7264 Год назад
Salvation is a very simple IF/THEN statement. IF you place your faith in Christ, THEN you will receive Salvation, IF, after placing your faith in Christ, you take that faith and place it elsewhere, THEN you walk away from that Salvation. There is no predestination, God does not make the decision for you, you are not a puppet, you have free will and you do not give up that free will when you are saved. When someone walks away from Salvation, it does not mean that they were never saved to begin with. All of these are word games people play to push false Calvinistic doctrines that are not supported by Scripture without first twisting Scripture, redefining words or removing context.
@MrBretHatch Год назад
Im worried the holy spirit left me after pushing bible away while saying God is not the author of confusion in frustration of not understanding the bible....red amazing smelling orb or spirit appeared in front of me and slowly left room...this has bothered me ever sense
@Josieb4008 Год назад
There is absolutely nothing you can do that will make the Holy Spirit leave you. NOTHING.
@fem0000 Год назад
​@@Josieb4008well you can, by always ignoring Him. If you keep on sinning. But he won't just let you go after one moment of frustration.
@fem0000 Год назад
Just be careful with the way you speak about God or the bible or the revelations of the holy spirit, always love and honor Him with your words. Don't allow bitterness or doubt into your heart. Of course you can have a moment of frustration, but repent & ask forgiveness. Gon to Him with your frustration, tell Him: Lord I don't understand, I feel frustrated, but I know you are good, please help me understand. And believe that he can help you understand, he can! Just be strong in the faith!
@Josieb4008 Год назад
@@fem0000 There is ABSOLUTELY nothing we can do or say that will separate us from our CREATOR! in heaven. NOTHING. The KJV just like any other bible is just a VERSION of the truth. How much of a percentage of the truth are you getting? No one knows. The absolute truth is God is pure UNCONDITIONAL LOVE...period! If you have ANY questions ab the bible...ask me. With love, take care.
@fem0000 Год назад
@@Josieb4008 of course he always loves us, he always invites us, but we have to choose to love Him & follow Him. We still have our free will. He says; those who obey my teaching will never perish... But if someone never obeys and never respects Him, not even try to follow Him, then they'll get to the point of blasphemy where God will take his Spirit away. That's never His choice, but it can be our choice to walk away. Because we'd be so hardened of heart that whatever the Spirit tells us, we'd never obey anymore, we'd never stop sinning. Then God will not continue to live in a defiled temple. He'd be like, okay, if you're never gonna listen to me anymore, if you dont want to follow me, and you start lying and making excuses and pushing Me away, if you choose sin over me, if you don't want me, then I will leave you alone.
@jeremyboakye7129 5 месяцев назад
What if someone leaves the Faith? Does the Holy Spirit remain in them?
@ngonigriffith1491 2 года назад
Why did King David in Psalm 51:11 ask not to take the Holy Spirit from him then if the Holy Spirit cannot be taken away?
@couplegoals5322 2 года назад
David was not asking that, he was asking God to forgive his sins and for Him to get His face away from his sins. God bless!
@HottopicsLegacy 2 года назад
in the old testament, not in the testament .
@auh2o148 2 года назад
@@HottopicsLegacy YHWH does not change. To keep it simple, tear out that page in your bible that says New Testament.
@apexone5502 2 года назад
David wasn’t in dwelled by the Holy Spirit since that was centuries before the death and resurrection of Jesus. In his era, the Holy Spirit could only settle upon a person and the Spirit would leave once a holy goal was accomplished. Believers in Jesus are in dwelled with the Holy Spirit as a permanent seal while we are on this earth. This video even covers what you had asked.
@holybredzz 2 года назад
@@auh2o148 Ephesians 4:30
@latinoloco28 2 месяца назад
Did the Holy Spirit leave Bezalel?
@rebekah5870 4 месяца назад
I fell from grace and He left me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@lisagant9420 3 месяца назад
How do u know u fell from Grace sweety???
@lisagant9420 3 месяца назад
We leave him, he doesn't leave us if we grieved the Holy spirit or quench I can feel like we are feeling condemned because that's what the enemy does to us and that's what we do when we allow sin to come in our life and we sin against him but u may be in a season , you turn back to him with all of your heart and mind and Godly sorrow will lead to repentance God says go back and do the things you did at first so that's what I would say but you're not on your time you are on his time. Don't let ur hope go and faith waiver sweety!!! That's what the enemy wants!! pick urself back up and give urself back to him, he would leave the 99 sheep to go look for the 1 And he also brings the prodigal sons back, so don't lose hope because without faith it's impossible to please him!! Its not his will that any shall perish, He says a man that turns away from the plow is not fit for the kingdom, don't turn away and fall completely away, GO BACK NOW !!!!! MUCH LOVE TO U IN JESUS NAME!!❤❤❤❤ also this goes for myself too , don't take his mercy and grace for granted , I've been messing up so much but I hate it and I begged him please do not hardened my heart but I feel so far from him like i use too cuz of sin, REPENT AND GIVE HIM ALL OF U NOW , HES COMING SOON!!!
@rebekah5870 3 месяца назад
@@lisagant9420 because I was trying to stop something in my flesh to be right with Him 😭😭😭😭
@lucidlagomorph5809 2 месяца назад
You can enjoy his presence again - your just going to have to trust me - However you must press in be done with your sin that separated you. God returns when we least expect it
@Noemie291 Месяц назад
Me too
@jeffouellette9946 6 месяцев назад
Yes you sure can.
@NicoleR-z4p 19 дней назад
@auh2o148 2 года назад
YHWH's Set Apart Spirit cannot dwell within a defiled temple. Do not be fooled in thinking you can constantly grieve Him and think He will want to spend eternity with you. There is a reason He says your name can be *blotted out* of The Book of Life - you had to have been written in there in the first place! We are born into sin, so we are not written in it from birth - we have to except His call to be written in it. It doesn't matter if you believe that The One in the Old Testament isn't The same One in the New Testament, the scriptures say He is unchanging. When Messiah was that single grain that died, He became the grain that covered the whole field; so, regardless, He is everywhere, and therefore He is always *with* you - as He says He will never leave us nor forsake us. However, that doesn't mean He remains *in* you, because like I said, His Spirit cannot dwell within a defiled temple, and His Spirit can go up from you because there's no communion. If you couldn't lose your salvation, the scriptures wouldn't tell you to be vigilant, not fall asleep on watch, and to hold fast to what you have, if you were in no danger of losing anything - and all the wrong you do wouldn't make a bit of difference. The child analogy the speaker in this video used is interesting, because Proverbs 22:10 paints a different picture.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
Maybe you defile the temple some days!? Paul says in Rom 7 that he did what he didn´t want to and then it must be the sin dwelling inside of him. He didn´t sin in foolishness but maybe in very small things. But if you confess your sin He´s faithful and rightous to forgive you.
@auh2o148 Год назад
@TheMarymary905 repentance is different than apologizing or feeling sorry. A change in behavior is the best apology. However, YHWH's love and mercy is eternal for those who are His. But, continuously falling back on that will curve your own judgment, and pretty soon you'll wonder if you even need to do right at all just because you still believe - that grace may abound. That mindset (and we're judged by our minds) will get you lost.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
You have a lot of preconceived notions about me. I know very well what you´re talking about when it comes to loosing the salvation. I´m not the kind who thinks i can sin and still go to heaven. I´ve never thought that. The Bible is full of warnings regarding it. I also know what it is to grieve Him, but its so sad that no body told me. Of course we shouldn´t have everything explained to us for not sinning. But the problem is that in word of faith i heard the "preachers"/"prohets" etc saying "we greive Him everyday...." So in the word of faith the sin isn´t so dangerous. So i got deceived by my own lust and the enemie using my neighbour, or maybe God tested me...but this is the consecuences i have to go through bc i didn´t humble myself and asked God if it was His will to receive the Ipad. I knew when i fell in sin that the road is narrow and there´s few who finds it. And now i might be the one who didn´t find it.. I know through Matthew 24 to be aware of not being deceived, etc.. I´ve listen to Ravenhill. Wilkerson, to mention a few..so i´m well aware of what you´re talking about. But i start listening to Jack Hibbs who explained this, to be elected. And when i read the Word i can see it mention "the elcted" every where..and he explained it, not like the calvinists but in a different way that sounded right..I have to stop here, on my way to work... ;))
@auh2o148 Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 there's no preconceived notion, I was speaking in general.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@@auh2o148 Okay :)
@pasarobles8724 Год назад
You can lose salvation. If you constantly live in sin after being saved. Holy Spirit well not dwell in someone who doesn't repent and turn from evil
@aaronguzman2258 Год назад
Anyone that is truly saved won't constantly live in sin and if they did sin they definitely will ask for repentance to our Lord and turn from it. 1 John 3: 7-10 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he righteous. the one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. 10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@@aaronguzman2258 Then i never was a true child of God when i thought i got saved in 1987. I was changed and didn´t dare to think an evil thought. But i had no christian friend and no church, only wordly friends, so i continued to drink alcohol and smoke. But i always felt bad after dinking. But the one who testified for me about Jesus, wasn´t a born again christian, but religious. It was my brother, so it maybe never were the Holy Spirit which drew me to Christ but another spirit to another Jesus. Anyway for 6 years ago i lost, what i thought was, the Holy Spirit, bc of idols. But it maybe was another spirit i "lost". It seems like God doesn´t let me come in contact with true believers, only those, who themselves, are decieved, like people in the word of faith movement! THey´re very eager to come in contact with me.
@aaronguzman2258 Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 ask God to save you and put trust in the savior You believe Christ died to forgive your sins. The Bible teaches that a true Christian believes only Jesus can forgive your sins because He paid the penalty that you deserve when He died on the cross and returned to life. He did everything necessary so that your sins can be completely forgiven (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). There is nothing you can do to earn forgiveness for your sins and then go to heaven when you die. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures . . . 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (NASB) So, do you understand that Jesus is God, that His body died and returned to life, so that you can be forgiven? You know you cannot earn forgiveness. Therefore, how will a person respond who wants God to forgive his or her sins? Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that we only have to believe what has been described above is true! We cannot do any works to earn forgiveness. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (NASB) Do you believe what has been described above is true? You want to be forgiven. Jesus said in Matthew 19:17 that only One is good, and that person is God. Why is that true? Romans 3:10 explains why. It says no one is righteous, not even one. So, Jesus did not come to forgive the sins of those who believe they are good people. Only those who want their sins forgiven will be forgiven. Jesus said, I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32). Then later Jesus said, I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish (Luke 13:5). So, those who go to heaven are those who want to be forgiven and desire to stop sinning. Is that true of you? You want God to change your life. Next, those who truly believe in Christ will want Him to take control of them and to change their lives. That is the message of Romans 10:9. . . . if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:9 (NASB) You must understand that a person who truly believes in God will want to be forgiven and will want Him to change their life. So, is that true of you? Ask Him to forgive you. So, how should you respond to God? Romans 10:13 encourages us to call on God to saves us from our sins. WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED. Romans 10:13 (NASB) What to say to God If the five statements above are true of you, then call on God. Tell Him that you desire to be saved from your sins and to be forgiven. Romans 10:13 gives you the promise that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13 (NASB) Please know that the prayer does not save you; It's JESUS and the Holy Spirit that saves you when you truly are sorry for sin and ask in faith. Here is prayer will express to God what you believe and will express your thanks to Him. Here is a possible prayer that you can use. Dear God, I am sorry that I have disobeyed you by sinning. I believe that Jesus died and rose again so that my sins can be forgiven. Thank you for your forgiveness. Help me to live as You would want me to live. I ask this in Jesus’ name. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in my heart heavenly father that you rose your son from the dead to conquer my sins and death I receive the free gift by faith in Jesus name I pray amen John 18:37 Pilate therefore said unto Him, “Art thou a king then?” Jesus answered, “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth My voice.”
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@@aaronguzman2258 I was saved for 30 years. And i believe i had the Holy Spirit. But i belonged to word of faith until 2016 when God showed me, after seeking Him and fasting, that it was new age. So i repented. And i was still seeking Him but my weakness was listening to teaching instead of continuing seeking God so He could show me who He really was and so on. So i got an ipad from a neighbour and then i sat with that more then took time with God and was listening to a false prophet (which i then thought had a right doctrine) so after ten days i woke up one morning and i felt the Holy Spirit had departed. It was SO traumatic. I heard an angry audible voice saying that i had greived the Holy Spirit. But now i don´t know if it really was Jesus or the enemy. And i haven´t had a glad day after that happened. It´s such a long story. But its like God has sent only fake believers, ( word of the faith) in my way, who wanted to "help" me and who i thougth was right. But everytime i found out they had a wrong teaching, i just gave up. And that´s why i went back to the world and drank beer and a few times i got a little drunk. But just a little. But i have asked God for forgiveness for everything, everything and also repented, exept for the internet and watching movies, bc i don´t know what to do with my life anymore. I try to read the Bible every day. And try not to listen to the voices in my head saying i´ve sinned too much for God to even want some true believer to pray for me, also the feelings of unbelief and hopelessness, that comes from this demon, kundalinin which i have,It´s hard without really knowing that there´s hope and forgiveness. I know i can´t to it by my self without anybody true christian, that has a true and right doctrin, prayes for me and so on. But IF there was any forgiveness under this years for me i think i´ve sinned the grace away by believing in satans lies so much that i went out in the world. Otherwise i would never drink alcohol. It became a substitute when the Holy Spirit departed. I´ve asked God many many times , yes everytime i pray to save me, to give me the grace to repent and be born again, If it should happened that i´ve never been a child of God. I had contact with Johanna Michaelsen, a true women of God for almost a month ago. But now she refuses to answer my messages on Messenger or on facebook. And my conclusion is that God forbids her bc there´s maybe no forgiveness left for me. Therefore it is hard to stay in faith of forgiveness, no matter how much i pray for forgiveness. Sorry this became a long comment. Hope you managed to read it! :))
@aaronguzman2258 Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 read the book of Romans 10
@papoo9517 2 месяца назад
If the Holy Spirit vacates a heart that he promised to seal, doesn’t make him unfaithful…it means you were unfaithful. God “divorced” Israel in the Old Testament…not because he was unfaithful, but because they were.
@SaraiWoods-e6k Год назад
I feel like I commited blashphemy and now I feel horrible.. I'm only 14 :(
@Josieb4008 Год назад
There is absolutely nothing you can do that will make the Holy Spirit leave you. NOTHING.
@eemilohraluoama Год назад
You have hope God loves you devil is trying to make you hopeless
@fem0000 Год назад
14 is very young, I don't think you have done it..
@lucidlagomorph5809 2 месяца назад
​@@fem0000 It says in the Bible blasphemy of the holy spirit has to be a verbal declaration of disrespect I would imagine you weren't dumb enough to verbally disrespect the spirit of God. I have experienced this very same issue where the enemy put unwanted thoughts in my mind about the holy spirit. I renewed my mind declaring beautiful things about the holy spirit even imagining images of the holy spirit like a river with sunlight glimmering on the surface of the water. You have to make the holy spirit feel welcome in a sense its our symbiote that connects and teaches us within our spirit about the nature and will of God it is what moulds and shapes us
@DF13939 Год назад
What about the man and woman who lied to the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts?
@aaronguzman2258 Год назад
Don't think they were true converts
@fem0000 Год назад
Yes I think they blasphemed against the Spirit
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
They were never saved! You do not dare to lie to the Holy Spirit if your saved. You wouldn`t even think about it!
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
They did never had Him. A true child of God would never think of anything like tha, to lie to the Holy Spirit... never. The Holy Spirit was at work in the first congregation and couldn´t accept what they did! It says in the Word that there´s sin unto death. This was such sin.
@fem0000 Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 They must have had Him, otherwise how could they lie to Him? But they stopped following His voice & went the opposite way, that's why he left. The Spirit gives life so if He leaves they die. They had life but they didn't hold on to the end.
@peterbengtsson 10 месяцев назад
This is not the historical view of the Church. Check with the Early Fathers. God bless!
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
The earlier church taught on the side of gnosticism. It is not what is being taught today.
@HumbleHeartMinistry 2 года назад
God very much can take the Holy Spirit from a person! David knew that, and in his prayer, prayed God would not take the Holy Spirit from him! Also, king Saul was anointed by God, and had God’s Holy Spirit in him. But because of disobedience (which = unbelief) God rejected him, and took his Holy Spirit from Saul, and sent an evil spirit to torment him! The Bible declares in many scriptures that we can fall away from the faith. And you can not fall away from that which you never had! In Proverbs it says, He that is often reproved, and hardens his neck, shall be suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. God gave us freewill, and he did not take that freewill from us, when we chose to believe and follow Jesus! That is why osas is a damnable heresy. Because true saving faith is not a one time prayer. It is a daily dying to self, and choosing daily to carry your cross, and follow from the heart Jesus Christ! It is doing what you profess to believe! It is living and seeking the things of Gods kingdom, and walking in his Spirit daily! But we also have the freewill to turn back to Egypt! To take the gift that God has purchased for us, and throw it away! Because once a gift is given, it then belongs to the one it was given to! To cherish, and use as it was intended for, or to cast aside! That is why having the true fear of the Lord is so important! And why we are warned over and over to keep the faith, to endure unto the end, to run the race, to not be a unfruitful branch, to fear Him, who has the power to not only kill the body, but cast both body and soul into hell fire! Even Paul said he himself could be rejected if he did not keep his body under subjection! Don’t be deceived! Grace is not a free pass to get away with sin! Sin is a death sentence! And if you play with fire, it only a matter of time before you will get burned! Fear the Lord, and depart from evil! For by the fear of the Lord, men depart from evil! Take it seriously! Don’t gamble with your eternal soul! Don’t deceive yourself by thinking you can sin now and then, and God will just overlook it! It took one sin for Adam to be put out of the garden! It took one act of disobedience for Lots wife to loose her salvation when she looked back! It took one lie for Ananias and Sapphira to drop dead at Peters feet!
@bryleritzgungob9660 2 года назад
What a very great explanation 💖💖💖 so blessed to have read your perspective regarding this matter🙏😇
@Power88987 2 года назад
HumbleHeartMinistry That happened to me around 15 years ago, I received the Holy Spirit and God took it away from me a day or two after [because of a sin I committed].
@justinhorn49 2 года назад
I agree with ya.
@justinhorn49 2 года назад
I agree with ya.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
If David or Saul etc had the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of them, then why did the discilpes had to waith for Him 50 days?? Jesus called Him The Helper. And tounges of fire came and stayed upon them and they began to talk in tounges. Why did Jesus promise something if He allready had come already in the OT? 😳😳😳 I think you´re very wrong!
@philoshaughnessy906 Год назад
If the Holy Spirit was never mine. And I'm sure He left. Then that's it?
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
I´m going throught the same thing. I don´t know if i ever was born again. I changed when, what i think was the Holy Spirit, entered in me, in 1987. But i continued to live for the world, drank alcohol, smoked, bc i had no christian friends. But i felt so bad every time after a night at the disco/pub. But its a long story. In 2017 it fellt like He departed for good. And i´ve heard satan for 6 years now, screaming in my ears that i´m lost for eternity. Ten i get in contact with a true women of God for two days, and she gave some hope and also some advices and sayed she kept me in her prayes. But now she refuses to answer my messages. It has gone over three weeks now. SO i think God told her to stop praying for me or have anything to do with me, as the Bible says. So now i have given up again, like so many times before!
@Josieb4008 Год назад
I was a Christian for many years until I decided to learn the truth. God is pure liquid unconditional LOVE...that's it. Everyone one has a soul and automatically a fragment of God(Holy Spirit) is tethered or attached to that soul. Now, here is what a lot of Christians don't know: We ALL receive a fragment ofGod(Holy Spirit) before we are born... all of us! Moreover, there is absolutely nothing you can do that will EVER separate the Holy Spirit from us bc its attached to the soul. Also, the soul is an entire entity in itself. Our souls are also pure liquid love; it is our true authentic selves. , But, bc it chose to come to earth, it has to wear this heavy Avatar suit, it has to deal with the earth's density and the dreaded EGO. and all bs that come with that. The soul is INDESTRUCTIBLE, ETERNAL and experiences many life cycles. So,, the soul is in no need of being saved. A person can no more receive the Holy Spirit after being born than he can receive a soul. We receive everything before we are born; including powers that we have not discovered we have yet.
@KD-vt8ug 6 месяцев назад
How are you now?
@KD-vt8ug 6 месяцев назад
@@2Chor5_13how are you now?
@lucidlagomorph5809 2 месяца назад
​@@2Chor5_13 That's terrible to not answered your calls when you were in a time of crisis perhaps someone advised her not to contact you. The fact that satan has been screaming in your ears for 6 years tells me you probably have a high calling on your life. satan doesn't waste his time on people that cannot be saved he is very calculating. This is an attack on your faith. Just fight your way back to him. I have had the holy spirit leave me and I had also been tortured by evil spirits but if you strive and fight you can be in Gods good graces again. You must not give up I really believe you have a high calling. Just talk to him fast for several days. Romans is really powerful read Romans thought to the end. Decide to go back to church. Be relentless once God sees you are repenting he will take notice you are sovereign over your will. The only unforgivable sin is to verbally disrespect the holy spirit which I am sure you have not done. Go to sleep with scriptures you can get on youtube read out to you. Listen to praise and worship music sing along to it. Just be relentless he will come back. That Hebrews passage is about Christian Jews that wanted to go back to the old covenant because of persecution so it does not apply. Believe me your journey is just getting started. Yes the enemy doesn't waste his resources on the truly hopeless cases trust me. You have to decide to give up this world and not hold back anything. Only those that have fully surrendered to Christ will be saved. please dont be so easily discouraged I can only see good things in your future
@josephtuman1285 Год назад
Can adultery remove Holy spirit?
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
If you`ve crossed the line, yes.
@fem0000 Год назад
Yes any sin can, when the Spirit warns you about it but you still do it.
@SSNBN777 Год назад
NO! Salvation is by faith, not what works you may have done, or may do in the future. Jesus paid the price for ALL sin. But you can destroy your earthly life here, like cut it short by contracting a disease from adulterous affairs, or go to prison as a criminal, etc, by continuing in gross sin. But if you have been truly saved, trusting in Christ through the Gospel, He will never be unfaithful to you and not fulfill His promise of eternal life. If you've been sealed by the Holy Spirit, then God sees only the blood of His Son covering you, not your sin. John 10:28 KJV And *_I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish,_* neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 1 Corinthians 3:15 KJV *_If any man's work shall be burned,_* he shall suffer loss: *_but he himself shall be saved;_* yet so as by fire.
@fem0000 Год назад
You cannot sin willfully. If you have done adultery, you have to repent and can't continue in it. Yes Jesus paid the price for all sin, but after being saved we have to walk on the Spirit and not in the flesh. Without repentance of sin, we will still die.
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
No. Should you do it? No bc of Karma. However, the Holy Spirit is within all of us...since birth. The God that Jesus speaks of has unconditional love for all of Its creations. Unconditional means no punishment bc that is not why your spiritual soul came to earth! Your spiritual soul had a choice. Do you think your spirit would have incarnated here if it knew it would go to hell at the blink of an eye or it stood the chance of losing the whole kingdom of God? No, the bible is not being completely truthful. The rabbit hole of truth goes deeper than the Bible. Who made it law that we must own a Bible anyway? Native Indigenous ppl know all these things without ever reading a Bible bc they have a stronger understanding spiritually.
@velvetbruise 2 года назад
Is it possible that the Holy Spirit is just with a person and not in?
@fem0000 Год назад
If you accept Jesus as Savoir and Lord of your life, the Spirit will be in you! In the Old Testament the Spirit was 'on' people, but now He lives in us.
@SGOV86 Год назад
​@@fem0000 if you read 1 Peter 1:10-11 you will see that the Holy Spirit was also *in* the prophets of the Old Testament.
@SSNBN777 Год назад
Who is the Holy Spirit - an anonymous, aloof duplicate of the Father, or the Father, who is Himself a Spirit? John 17:5 KJV And now, O Father, *_glorify thou me with thine own self_* with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. Acts 2:33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and *_having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit,_* he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. Acts 1:4 KJV And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but *_wait for the promise of the Father,_* which, saith he, ye have heard of me. Acts 2:3-4 KJV *_And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire,_* and it sat upon each of them. [4] *_And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,_* and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. John 14:23 KJV Jesus answered and said unto him, *_If a man love me,_* he will keep my words: and *_my Father will love him,_* and *_we will come unto him, and make our abode with him._* 1 Corinthians 6:17 KJV But *_he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit._* 2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV *_Now the Lord is that Spirit:_* …
@jamaliaavalos1941 2 года назад
How can I receive the holy spirt :( 😞 I miss that .I no have it anymore am I not saved?
@christ-is-king694 2 года назад
Did you ever put your faith in Jesus
@christ-is-king694 2 года назад
And become save d
@blurplecube2435 2 года назад
Why are there only 4 comments???? Why are you guys deleting comments!
@2Chor5_13 2 года назад
It's youtube who deleting comments!
@keyivol6478 2 года назад
@@2Chor5_13 do you have proof?
@apexone5502 2 года назад
@@keyivol6478 RU-vid is known for deleting comments. I’ve personally seen my own comments disappear within seconds on secular videos when I used words or phrases that RU-vid’s algorithm rejects.
@MrAvaraa 2 года назад
What does it mean to be imposter vs sealed?
@knowledgenow9671 2 года назад
Don’t know about the imposter part. Read your Bibb “ sin no more” means just that. Do not commit sexual immorality if you’re not married.
@jesussaveslivess 2 года назад
The Lord sees the hearts of all mankind. If people really genuinely want to please God they will seek him because they are tired of their lives going wrong and their looking for hope. If God sees ypu are truly looking for him "knock and the door shall be open, seek and you shall find". I found Christ while in a bad relationship and he gave me the holy spirit simply because I was broken and asked. He saw my heart legitimately in pain and searching for better (him) but also.. It was no coincidence. He chose his people before the foundation of the earth. He knows who he chose. Hes just wating for everyone to come to him in due time. I truly truly believe this!
@triciaperry2234 2 года назад
@@jesussaveslivess I was born again into a Christian family and SERIOUSLY went back and didn't understand all the warefare. I hate this now. And feel spiritually lost. I don't want to keep sinning and do me. This made me. A fool. I want the holy Spirit back. I was better. I shouldn't have fornication with men and drinking. I wasn't fighting. Please I need him back
@auh2o148 2 года назад
@@triciaperry2234 Repent and ask Him back. I don't have to tell you He has not been dwelling in you while you've been lost, you already know you haven't felt His presence. However, He has still been with you because He said He would never leave us nor forsake us - that's why you still know that you have to return to Him. Don't wait for another sermon or until you speak with someone from a church - the time for fixing your estranged relationship with our Father is right now, and that's only between you and Him.
@Sarah-us4bf 10 месяцев назад
@triciaperry2234how are you now? I hope you’re restored 🙏🏻
@Blockah 2 года назад
How do I know if I have the holy spirit then? It is not like he talks to me? What is this so called communication?
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
Maybe you need to be saved. Salvation is not to believe in Him. But it`s when the Holy Spirit convicts you that you`re a sinner and gives you grace to feel sorrow over sin and repent. Then He takes His place inside of you and fill up that empty hole inside you and make you a new creation. (2 Cor.5:17).
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
I think you need to be born again. You´re not saved. You only have a so called head knowledge. But you can call on God, ask Him to forgive your sins and save you. Importent to pray to Him that He protects you from another jesus, another spirit, and another gospel! ( 2 Chorinthians 11:4) Pray till He answer!
@Blockah Год назад
@@2Chor5_13 Haha you're funny - You're going around telling someone who literally uses Gematria calculations, prays to Christ daily, reads the bible and has a cross tattoo that he isn't saved because he asked a question? I ask those questions for multiple reasons, however being told I'm not saved is not one of them. For example: 1 John 4:15 King James Version 15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. Jesus is the Son of God and Jesus Is Lord. Romans 10:9 King James Version 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. The Lord Jesus has been raised from the dead by God. According to the bible I am saved. I feel guilty all the time when I know I've sinned and I repent and do my best to hate sin and prevent it, while Loving God above all and loving creation. I appreciate your effort but you shouldn't go around telling people they aren't saved until you've heard the full story. Proverbs 18:13 King James Version 13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. OR: Proverbs 18:13 NLT “Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.” Much love to you and maybe I'm being a bit harsh but I don't like being told I'm not saved when my whole life is for Christ! He's all I have left.
@fem0000 Год назад
@@Blockah The Holy Spirit is God in you, giving you peace, joy, love and other fruits of the Spirit. Teaches you to understand the Bible and to live in a way that pleases God. Everyone can sense His presence. If you ask Him ,you can also learn to hear his voice, He speaks through visions, impressions or words. To some people just like the prophets in the Bible.
@Blockah Год назад
@@fem0000 Yeah see if I have full faith in God, but I don't trust voices in my head because that could be me or the devil. So I need God to like speak speak to me if he wants to communicate with me. I talk to him nearly daily, I could always improve though. But to be fair, when I don't hear anything? At all? And I can't hug him? Kinda gets depressing. But I hold on and endure because I know for a fact Jesus Is Lord and God rose him from the dead. We are saved by grace through faith. I don't doubt that, I even have Mathematical proof that backs it up on my channel, however Bible prophecy alone and the biblical eye witness accounts of Jesus's resurrection is also proof enough. I love God above all. I love my neighbour as myself. My only real problem is more or less God not being in my life in a physical sense. So when I hear people saying oh I hear from him and this and that, I think well either they are tricked, OR, I've done something wrong and he doesn't want to talk to me. Either answer is horrible. Can you see the issue?
@paytonmccartney1569 2 года назад
6:04 does that mean if I do anything else not related to God and Jesus will I lose the Holy Spirit, and what do you mean "it was never there's does that mean I don't have the holy Spirit please answer back please
@fem0000 Год назад
I don't think it was never theirs, I think they had Him but grieved Him away. He leaves when we never obey Him anymore.
@fem0000 Год назад
I don't think it was never theirs, I think they had Him but grieved Him away.
@fem0000 Год назад
I don't think it was never theirs, I think they had Him but grieved Him away.
@fem0000 Год назад
I don't think it was never theirs, I think they had Him but grieved Him away.
@2Chor5_13 Год назад
@@fem0000 Says who? Where do you read that in the Bible? Saul? Or Sampson? He didn`t dwell in them like He do in us today. That`s why the diciples had to wait 50 days for the Helper to come and make them/us His dwellingplace.
@federicosanchez7791 2 года назад
I am sure I have blasphemed against him, I feel no love for anything
@aaroncrutcher7360 2 года назад
How can you blaspheme against holy spirit
@jeffouellette9946 8 месяцев назад
​@@aaroncrutcher7360by rejecting
@KD-vt8ug 6 месяцев назад
How are you?
@federicosanchez7791 6 месяцев назад
@@KD-vt8ug I am great, I found this sin can’t be committed today, I love the Holy Spirit
@nostalgicplayer115 Год назад
First u say we cant loose it and through faith in him we are saved, Then u say some are not saved because they didnt do works or as you say "turn away" or "dont follow him anymore, So with that your saying we have to do works "repent of sins and have good christian lives" to stay saved, so your saying its us that hold our salvation. Sneaky wolf sermon
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
Even if you sold your soul for fame, God will accept you back. The bible is meant to form a religion and control your thoughts. People are waking up to their spiritual self. That is who we really are. Don't just take my word, ask for the truth to be revealed.
@nostalgicplayer115 6 месяцев назад
@@Josieb4008Good intent, but wrong wording. Wrong people who teach the bible put burden on people. Taking verses out of meaning and twisting it for themselves, because of their pride and deceitfullness. We cant sell our soul now our soul belongs to God from birth-to Judgment. You can be deceived and have your faith put in a wrong motion. We put our faith in christ now and trust em. We take his word how now it is written. We dont get confused because the Holy Spirit takes apart false doctrine. We simply trust that Jesus is sacrifice alone was enough to pay for our sin, he dont need our works for that. He didnt die painfully for you to do it yourself. God bless sister
@Josieb4008 6 месяцев назад
@@nostalgicplayer115 First, Jesus NEVER wanted us to worship him. Those are NOT his true and complete teachings in the bible; Jesus' teachings were either removed altogether or rewritten by the Roman church Second, No one said that we have to own a Bible or believe in a Bible. In Medieval times, ppl were not allowed to own a Bible. It is by choice today that we have a Bible. Third, it does not matter what book or Bible you read. You will only get a fractal version of a truth. There is more truth found in the more sacred text or original writings; such as the Emerald Tablets and the Dead Sea Scrolls to name a few. Finally, in the end, there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from God...NOTHING
@nostalgicplayer115 6 месяцев назад
@@Josieb4008These different denominations of christianity is man made added nonsense. You can trust that the bible has been preserved from generation to generation. Dont be confused with unknowing nonsense. Jesus really did exist and did miracles, revived ppl and rose from the dead himself. And i trust that man to tell me about life and God. No evil roman vatican empire has the power to change Gods word. Only they can confuse the word and put uncertaincy into ppls heart. Dont fall for that. Simple trust in Gods offering concering humanitys redempetion is the way to go on this life purpose. What better love proof to show someone they love you? And God did that!
@nostalgicplayer115 6 месяцев назад
@@Josieb4008 I replied 3 times already but satan keeps deleting it. The bible has been preserved from generation to generation. These mad man cults like catholics or orthodox twsisted the bible to their taste. Jesus really existed and healed, fed, Resurrected ppl and rose from the dead. Its simple history. U are too confused with nonsense outside Gods word. Just trust Jesus and believe in him instead of going all over the place
@pagen5219 2 года назад
@Josieb4008 5 месяцев назад
The Jewish ppl did not ever worship Jesus as their God in the old testament. Although many ppl today blindly call Jesus God, it is Not ever spoken of in the old testament. Moreover, Jesus was also a Jewish man and was NOT his own God, nor did he worship himself. Jesus did, however, speak against the actual God of the Jewish ppl worship bc that God was very cruel. The God of the old testament was not the God that Jesus supported or agreed with in the new testament. The God that Jesus TRIED to point his ppl toward was a very different God...one of unconditional love and grace. However, his ppl refused to listen and repent from their worship of THAT God in the old testament and the Jewish ppl ended up turning against Jesus.
@justinhorn49 2 года назад
While there are false covernts out there it is also abundantly clear from the scriptures that one can willfully forfeit salvation by departing from the faith. Eternal security is a false gospel. And so are the other 4 points of calvinism.
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