
Carbon Dioxide (Part I) - Periodic Table of Videos 

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We look at carbon dioxide as a gas and solid (dry ice), but more unusually as a liquid. This is part of our "Molecular Videos" series.
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@Squagnut 14 лет назад
The way CO2 goes straight from solid to gas is truly sublime ...
@Breakfast221 8 лет назад
Does Neil ever talk?
@ruggerz 14 лет назад
@ricardjorg I believe there was something on the floor - perhaps on purpose... They didnt react as much as you would expect do i could be a pin or something...
@acmilanshevachels 14 лет назад
OMG, I did not expect that balloon to pop! jumped...
@Frances3654 14 лет назад
@OnwardToMail 12 лет назад
That's what I want to know to.
@JustOneAsbesto 12 лет назад
6:22 "Neil's been really active." Bullshit. Neil is the krypton of the periodic table of humans.
@tristenturner832 11 лет назад
to clarify your point, its water comiing out the stack from the nuclear plant and no CO2 is being released
@Antimated 10 лет назад
fuck that first blast at the intro scared me to death lol
@Bourinos02 11 лет назад
I'm really sad that you showed what seems to be a nuclear power plant while talking about CO2, this is quite confusing for people that don't know it's water that comes out of it!
@LaBarata12 9 лет назад
0:40 That man looks like science.
@radishpineapple74 14 лет назад
I'm glad that you're moving onto videos about whole molecules now - I wasn't sure if you were going to stop after doing all of the elements. Now, with literally millions of molecules to choose from, you can't possibly run out of material!
@mvstrvndrhydn558 11 лет назад
Neil NEVER looks amused at all...
@TheWolfHowling 10 лет назад
Another potentially important future use of Supercritical CO2 is as a working fluid in Closer Cycle Gas Turbines, replacing the Victronian steam engines in thermal electricity generating station. Depending on the fuel used and the setup of the plant, thermal power stations can consume vast quantities of water for steam generation and cooling, which is why most large scale centralized generation are located on the shores of lakes, rivers & the sea
@Furball2k 14 лет назад
Cool!!! I've always heard and have sloshed around CO2 in a liquid state but until now I realize I've never really seen it. Thanks Guys!!!
@KarpatycGhost 14 лет назад
this thing had 17 views when i started watching it now at the end it has 134 ... this channel is begining to get noticed ...nice
@tryne83 14 лет назад
co2 is so cool.. litteraly ;-P i have a friend who work in an icecream factory, so i`ve played a lot with dry ice (solid co2). at halloween parties or regular parties you can fill plastic cups with a bit of water, and ad small chuncks of dry ice to create a bit of fog ;-) and if you fill water and dry ice into plastic soda bottles, you`ll create a small bomb.. just remember to keep your distance from it when it blows up ;-)
@Chlorate299 14 лет назад
It should be made clear that at in the shot of a power station at 5.20 the only visible emission is steam coming from the cooling towers. Whereas the exhaust from the boiler is leaving the narrow and taller tower. It's distressing how often people associate a cooling tower with pollution. Look forward to part 2.
@RealRaynedance 14 лет назад
That balloon scared the crap out of me when it popped. I wasn't expecting that XD.
@mastoth 14 лет назад
I know that this is a geeky thing to say, but I love when these videos come out! Keep on making them!
@nokomarie1963 14 лет назад
Now I regret not taking apart my parent's soda siphon and the little CO2 cannisters while I had the chance. It would have been worth the trouble I would have gotten in.
@KarpatycGhost 14 лет назад
in normal cases yes, but u people managed to keep it interesting to the and so the 7 minutes actually felt more like 3... can't wait for the 2nd part
@ShiroKage009 12 лет назад
Is that a relative of the professor on the cover of that book up in the top-left corner?
@ryanthomasmccallum 11 лет назад
anyone else shit them self when that balloon popped?
@laurdy 14 лет назад
try putting out a magnesium fire with CO2 and watch what happens...
@ProvenKilla 12 лет назад
7:09 it sublimates... not evaporates. I know that he knows. :P
@macvegard 14 лет назад
you shoud try to cut the dry ice with a knife. it will make a cool sound.
@magicicle 14 лет назад
I love Niel!
@GuppyPal 14 лет назад
I just love you guys and think what you do with these videos is fantastic. I sometimes think popularizing science and/or educating the masses does as much for science as actual research. Thank you for your videos!
@universalhat 12 лет назад
"If CO2 is captured from power stations..." *shot of a nuclear power station* wat
@ruggerz 14 лет назад
scared the hell out of me when the balloon popped....
@macecommunions 13 лет назад
6:27 Neil laughed! WHAT?
@DevilMaster 11 лет назад
Some people like their coffee without caffeine. Other people like their soda with caffeine. It's not "being a twat", it's selling what people like.
@kattejuice 14 лет назад
its NOT neon ;P its tritium, H3. it glows because it emmits beta radiation, but its safe for humans as long you dont breeth it!!!! (its a gas) neon only glows when high voltage is applied (or something, im not sure. but im sure it doesnt glow normally)
@Flachzange1337 14 лет назад
You can get Tritium in a glowring for your keys to find them in the dark so it should not be that difficult to get it for a lab.
@DevilMaster 11 лет назад
It's a shame that we have to use the same word for £ and for lbs.
@ferrreira 13 лет назад
@steveUys carbon dioxide is definitely NOT a pollutant, and it is also essential for the chemistry of life. It might, however, because of its power of displacing oxygen in the environment, kill a person or an animal by asphyxia if it is suddenly released. In 1986 a lake in Cameroon called lake Nyos suddenly released a huge amount of carbon dioxide which was trapped in the bottom of the lake, displacing oxygen and killing 37 people of asphyxia.
@Damien132435 14 лет назад
@bprzybysz CO2 is not a polar molecule. So the charge is evenly distributed, that's why it is unreactive. You see, water is a polar molecule as Oxygen has an extremely high electronegativity (it's attraction of electrons) and creates a very slightly negative side, and the hydrogen is very slightly positive (we're talking very small, intermolecular size). Thus it is a great solvent as the slightly charged sides rip chemicals apart, such as NaCl, creating an ion of Na+ and Cl-. Hope this helped!
@AcanLord 14 лет назад
If you were not trying to imply conspiracy then you have failed. Your wording lead to that conclusion rather easily. Academics receive funding from government and 3rd party institutions such as the National Academy of Sciences or the royal society among others. If one is employed by a government, that does not invalidate there research in the slightest. And i have no idea why you have suddenly started mentioning Free market. that is once again, non-sequitur to the research.
@AcanLord 14 лет назад
I never implied anything of the sort. your entire response is non-sequitur and wrought with conspiracy jargon. Guns are not involved, Paying under the table is not involved, This section of your response "words never cease to be befuddled and confused into non-meaning" better describes your response. I am talking about the validity of the peer review process and how research labs work. "being paid to prove things" never happens. That is not how it works at all.
@AcanLord 14 лет назад
umm... no sorry. you are wrong. Climatology research IS placed through the Peer review process. Ever Heard of the International Journal of Climatology? Evidently not. there are others too. And its not just One field that has concluded a warming effect. It is widely known that Global warming holds a position of scientific concordance, meaning it can be deduced by several unrelated scientific disciplines such as Oceanography and atmospheric sciences.
@sirnlawson 14 лет назад
I'm not even going to bother arguing with you - you clearly can't be bothered checking your posts for spelling or grammar issues, which results in an almost incomprehensible slurry of words. If you don't acknowledge CO2 as a greenhouse gas (i.e. a gas present in a planet's atmosphere that absorbs in the thermal-infrared range), and simply make up parts of your argument (all the planets are warming?) then there's no point in trying to reason with you.
@sirnlawson 14 лет назад
1) Carbon dioxide is not an element, and water is better for showing the forms of matter, CO2 sublimes. 2) CO2 is a greenhouse gas, along with water vapour, Methane, and Ozone. It absorbs and emits infra-red radiation (that is what a greenhouse gas does, so it is one by definition) and therefore increasing the amount of CO2 will warm the planet. 3) You need to be more specific with the type of radiation. 4) Any source for the claim that every planet is warming? And that they all contain CO2?
@4ristotle 14 лет назад
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, letting visible sunlight into our atmosphere, without letting infrared light out. So yes, it has to do with radiation from the sun, but it also has quite a bit to do with CO2 conc. Temperature very likely has an effect on sources of CO2, but even then, it works both ways. If you want to convince people of your opinion, I would recommend punctuating and using "effect" and "affect" correctly. It makes it look less like the mad ravings of an ignorant climate change denier.
@Legolaaa 14 лет назад
What?? NO Salt and water don't react that way!! Salt dissolves in water which is totally different!!! Na and Cl atoms separate from one and the other getting attracted to the water molecules. Na goes to the negative part of the molecule and Cl goes to the positive part of the water molecule., and you get a nice arrangement! As you boil the water, the Cl and Na, as water goes away, finds each other again and gets back together :) Can't Imagine drinking/eating Hydrochloric acid every time you eat
@sirnlawson 14 лет назад
Close, but not quite: Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen. It has two extra neutrons in the nucleus. Tritium on it's own won't glow - I can't think of anything that glows of it's own accord. For example, the Noble Gases need a voltage applied in order to glow. The reason these specific tubes glow is because the inner surface is coated in a phosphor (a phosphorescent compound, not the element phosphorus), which will emit light when exposed to energised particles, like beta radiation.
@PianoKwanMan 14 лет назад
holy damn...that extinguisher at the start scared me. i just turned to this video in tabs after 30 seconds. i though the co2 would escape the screen... the same with the balloon
@akkudakkupl 11 лет назад
5:25 talk about CO2 and show water evaporating from condensers - come on! :P
@vwoxy1 12 лет назад
That actually makes a lot of sense, though. The way most power stations work is by heating water (usually combustion or nuclear fission, though there are geothermal stations) to get steam and using the steam to run a turbine that turns the generator. They all need to then cool this steam before either recycling it through the plant or returning it to the environment.
@sirnlawson 14 лет назад
That was as part of a radioluminescent paint, and it wasn't glowing of it's own accord. If I remember correctly (we studied it last year), the paint used was radium combined with Copper-doped Zinc Sulphide (or so it says in my notes). Because the radium releases beta radiation when it decays, and the CdZS emits light when exposed to beta radiation, the paint would glow.
@mastoth 14 лет назад
@bereal666 Co2 isn't dangerous to the climate. With out it all life would cease to exist. All plant life depends on Co2 for photosynthesis. The byproduct is O2, which animal life breathes. Its a circle. Saying that Co2 is dangerous is also kin to saying that H20 is dangerous.
@trunkszetto 14 лет назад
Nice vid... I was pleasantly surprised to see that this was a multi-part video. Too hard to fit it all into 7 minutes, eh? Any plans on doing water soon? Biologist here, so keeping my eyes peeled for that one. That vid's gonna have to be at least three or four parts, though, hehe.
@pacogoatboy 12 лет назад
Your numbers are wildly wrong, but there really is nothing to worry about regarding the CO2 that we produce. Gases mix quite easily, and the contents of your lungs before, during, and after a breath are a well-mixed sample, including the CO2.
@nikushim666 11 лет назад
"so the window you are looking through in this experiment is sapphire" No it is pure Aluminium oxide. wile they are the same, in order be considered a sapphire or ruby it has to contain the impurities that give the coloration.
@MrDeadlyOctopus 12 лет назад
It does evaporate, as it forms a vapour. The word means "to form vapour". I know that sublimation's definition includes that the state skips past liquid, but it's kind of inferred by the fact he's saying a solid evaporates.
@FyJonas 12 лет назад
i cant answer all of your questions but first of all stop with capslock its annoying second, air is not pure oxygen its about 20 percent oxgen you breath out about 4 percent less oxygen and do the maths by yourself
@P00P0STER0US 14 лет назад
My notion of burning CO2 was a bit like the middle step in the Underpants Gnomes business model. 1: Collect underpants 2: ??? 3: Profit! But hey, the future may reveal something amazing that will provide a use for CO2.
@888Xenon 14 лет назад
@ P00P0STEROUS Essentially they use water as rocket fuel, with a few other thing thrown in besides but the main constituent is an oxygen - hydrogen burning reaction which only releases H2O, good idea though
@THESocialJusticeWarrior 14 лет назад
@ 5:26 that is not CO2, that is steam, those are cooling towers, I hate it when people think that is pollution! The stack to the right in the shot might be putting out CO2, but as you can see, it is colorless.
@universalhat 12 лет назад
My eye was drawn to the mess of cooling towers - Which upon further investigation it turns out are also a common feature of coal/oil power plants. Who knew? (the people who made this video probably knew.)
@LilyChen3_14159 14 лет назад
I love that he has dog toys representing the shapes of different compounds!
@ferrreira 13 лет назад
@wassahilden and, for the ones who are worried about global warming, an interesting info: water vapour is a much stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide :)
@JustinPallo 12 лет назад
@darkpigion that's not what I meant. I know what sublimation is. I meant is there a process where it gots so cold that a gas goes straight to a solid?
@AverageJoe8686 14 лет назад
uhh, all of that vapor emitting from those nuclear towers is all steam. This was probably already stated before but i'm not reading all the comments.
@douro20 14 лет назад
Do they have an N sign on the CO2 cylinder now? That would be a travesty.
@SupportShotgun 14 лет назад
Isn't Plasma a state where all the electrons are stripped from the nucleus of the Element? It takes a lot of energy an it's reallt hot.
@iwan0t0smith 14 лет назад
had my offer for physics ages ago and declined it yesterday, Good luck, They usually let everyone in that they think can do the course:)
@gamma526 12 лет назад
@Ldsguy01 yes it's called deposition, frost dose this when water vapor freezes onto grass and other things on cold mornings
@TerminvsEst 11 лет назад
How did that balloon just simply pop when it hit the floor? Didnt look like there was a sharp object where he dropped it.
@technoman9000 14 лет назад
Yep, that's was the point. It's both lethal to and necessary for life. We live on a thin margin, surrounded by oblivion!
@cyberdemon107 14 лет назад
You're one of those people that think those emails had a smidgen to do with a world-wide conspiracy of science, aren't you?
@fritspas 13 лет назад
@DazIOM1140 The oxygen atoms are already bound to the carbon and can therefor not react with the fuel of the fire.
@Canonpixmalogitechko 14 лет назад
It is if you inhale it under pressure (about 30 kPa). Divers sometimes kill themselves if they get the gas mix wrong.
@kamyq1 14 лет назад
radium glows on its own accord. Used to be used on watches, for example, before people realised what it really was.
@arden-chan 13 лет назад
@q41n There is one more: Bose-Einstein condensate. But ordinary people just care about the three featured here.
@carlcastello 14 лет назад
can i have a request? can you put hydrogen on the CO2 to produce H2O and a graphite carbon CO2 + H2 ===> H2O + C
@juggliac 14 лет назад
yeah, I know, but obviously they're not going to make them all. My point was that they would sort them similarily,
@milroxsox 14 лет назад
@kattejuice Ya its tritium they use in ACOG scopes for military nigh ops because it makes the crosshairs glow
@wassahilden 14 лет назад
Nuclear cooling towers produce STEAM, not CO2. (5:20) Coal on the other hand... I love the channel though.
@jjkul1 14 лет назад
Ah... He's one of those... what do you call them.... pyromaniacs. nothing satisfies them but fire. O.O
@sciencoking 14 лет назад
please make a video about sulfur hexafluoride =D
@Envergure 14 лет назад
@6:45, what's that metal round thing on top of the fridge? Looks like some kind of bacterium lol
@shawnanthony1992 12 лет назад
The balloon looks like that model in A Clockwork Orange that Alex uses to kill the Cat Lady.
@rioross 14 лет назад
1:00 i just might have OCD, but those orange handles annoy me pointing diferent directions.
@P00P0STER0US 14 лет назад
I'm waiting for CO2 to somehow become rocket fuel. I'm just not sure about that middle step.
@unarmed1234 14 лет назад
arg im still waiting for news to see if i have got into this university to do chemisty =[
@AvidMc 14 лет назад
@bestSVMS 14 лет назад
wouldnt a 1 inch glass be strong enough? like what they use in super large aqariums
@kattejuice 14 лет назад
yes, the signs at Las Vegas are made by neon (and argon and usally also mercury(for blue colors)and some other stuff for the rest of the colors) no problem! :D
@TheFaustianMan 14 лет назад
They also use it in Manhattan at the hot dog carts that sell ice cream novelties.
@kmica2008 11 лет назад
jeeeesus fucking christ when that ballon popped it scared the shit out of me >:O
@Circleofcocytus 11 лет назад
Neil is such a happy fellow!
@mynameismatt2010 12 лет назад
Large grocery stores usually have it. Big lots and Albertson's usually have it.
@GMcarsMAN 11 лет назад
5:17 lol that's water vapor not carbon dioxide
@ThePhildalegend 14 лет назад
you sure its tritium? i would think it would be neon actually, i may be wrong
@Sentinalh 12 лет назад
What he didn't tell you is that Neil's saw was blunt, he's just that strong.
@jaksproductions4520 14 лет назад
:SS Z7 does MPEG2 format, is it worse then a 58 Mbit/s H264 Mpeg4 camera?=D
@TeoTheAwesome 14 лет назад
I'd like to see a video on the 2 hydrogen isotopes; deuterium and tritium.
@xcranker8118x 12 лет назад
800 and 1400 pounds for tiny sapphire windows? they must be pretty dense.
@JustinPallo 12 лет назад
Is there a process where a substance goes directly from a gas to a solid?
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