
Catholic Confession Booth 

Henry A. Thurman Jr.
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Went into a random "mass" one afternoon with my son to try and get into a debate with a priest. i used my son's phone to make the video but i mistakingly pushed a wrong button some how and lost the back & forth. Oh well!...better favor next time!



28 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 65   
@tomgrunhard903 9 лет назад
"Try to get into a debate with a Catholic Priest". Seems pretty damn ignorant and disrespectful to use the confessional for that purpose. SMH And by the way, why is the word "mass" in parenthesis?
@henryathurmanjr 9 лет назад
+Tom Grunhard Hey! Watch your mouth sinner!...or you will be "damn"ed with the "mass"!
@tomgrunhard903 9 лет назад
Just another phony "born again" snake oil salesman.
@henryathurmanjr 5 лет назад
Hay! Watch you language Sinner! Didn't Mommy wash that little mouth of your out with soap back in the day? Or were you born after '80?
@travelguide1673 3 года назад
@@henryathurmanjr brother we are all sinners, if someone atacks you pray for them
@PraisingWithFriends 7 лет назад
Shameful to disrespect someone's religion. Especially something so personal and private. I feel sorry for you. Not the time or place to proselytize.
@henryathurmanjr 7 лет назад
Religion is against GOD & GOD is against your religion. This "personal" & "private" "something" is evil and vile! These satanic priests are thinking they can forgive sins with absolution through a man made "sacrament"?...and you ignorantly and blindly except this action? i feel sorry for you when your traditional LOST soul perishes into an eternal fiery doom. Repent Catholic!
@PraisingWithFriends 7 лет назад
Henry A. Thurman Jr.---who said I was a Catholic? Sometimes, you just find yourself in that weird part of RU-vid.
@henryathurmanjr 7 лет назад
Well if you defend it as you did...what are we to think?
@PraisingWithFriends 7 лет назад
You're to think that I'm respecting someone's religion. Whether or not i disagree, I'm not going to go into their places of worship and enter into their sacramental life and degrade it.
@PraisingWithFriends 7 лет назад
Not to mention you couldn't even have the wherewithal to go around the corner and just talk to the guy face to face?
@clairehoeft5414 6 лет назад
Roman Catholic here, this priest handled that beautifully!! In the sacrament of reconciliation priests are praying & asking the Holy Spirit to guide them, so it is Jesus who we really meet In the sacrament. And I think God answered you there through that priest. Also, priests go to years of seminary & study before ordination. I'm sure you could talk to one anytime if you made an appointment! They are happy to answer questions you might have about the faith. I would just caution about doing it within the sacrament of reconciliation though, people are usually waiting in line & it takes up precious time for penitents! God Bless.
@henryathurmanjr 6 лет назад
I had mistakingly pushed something on the cell phone and lost the best footage. I don't believe roman catholic priests, with their religious sacraments & works based faith have anything to do with GOD, JESUS, or The HOLY SPIRIT (all the same). i'm not trying to insult you...i'm just being frank. When you look at the religious system of Catholicism with Scripture...it is un-sound doctrine & heresy.
@travelguide1673 3 года назад
@@henryathurmanjr well did you know who made the bible? do you know that all teaching from the catholic church comes from the bible, man made doctrine like bible alone, is not from the bible but come from men
@travelguide1673 3 года назад
@@henryathurmanjr and confession was started by Jesus, he gave the apostles the autority to forgive sins, the eucharist was started by Jesus himself
@nickpitman5870 2 года назад
I love that the priest was very calm in dealing with this situation, a true example of patience.
@vivalawrench 8 лет назад
Pray for this man!
@henryathurmanjr 7 лет назад
The prayers of these scoffers are an abomination uno the LORD'S Ears with their vain repetitions. And John 9:31!
@samuelm.e8778 6 лет назад
Baptism doesn’t get people saved
@CatholicK5357 Год назад
According to the gospel it does.
@twentyninepalmdale 2 года назад
If you really did not care, you would have not bothered to do what you did here; but touche good sir, that took some balls to violate the seal of confession
@amused2death2012 7 лет назад
There was no other Christians before 1520 besides the Roman and Eastern Catholics. It seems very strange that God would mess up and send all those people to Hell.
@henryathurmanjr 7 лет назад
It was the Romans that nailed The SON of GOD to a cross where HE bled & died. Keep your heresy man-induced religion.
@davedave872 6 лет назад
Henry A. Thurman Jr. yes and it was the Romans that crucified the first Pope Peter. You must understand that we are only called Roman Catholic because Rome is where the Head Of Our Church resides. Man-made church? Lol our Church was not man-made it was was founded by God. However all Protestant Churches are man-made started by Martin Luther. Give me one example of a Non-Catholic Church that can be traced back to Jesus and his apostles. Seriously all it takes is for you to go on to this page en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Peter and press the Successor link (Pope Saint Linus) until you reach Pope Francis. This is proof alone that Francis is the successor to the throne of St. Peter.
@davedave872 6 лет назад
Henry A. Thurman Jr. so keep your heretical man-made religion! :) God bless you! May the Holy Spirit be with you!
@CatholicK5357 4 года назад
@@henryathurmanjr All of our sins nailed Christ to the Cross including yours. It was not just the Romans and the Jews.
@bythedog 2 года назад
Is there more to the video?
@henryathurmanjr 2 года назад
i had accidentally pressed a button on my son's cell phone and lost a lot of the footage.
@bythedog 2 года назад
@@henryathurmanjr Interesting footage none the less! Thanks for sharing!
@robertbrown7917 5 лет назад
the confession booth was invented...so the priests could be SATISFIED
@nathanieltexas8715 3 года назад
Not true
@nathanieltexas8715 3 года назад
May God get Satan out of you
@joshuab2437 6 лет назад
Blasphemy. Only Jesus is the mediator for repentance. Not man.
@henryathurmanjr 6 лет назад
Amen to that!
@CatholicK5357 4 года назад
Catholics don't believe that man is a mediator before God.
@FerralesFinance 2 года назад
@johnvitw5030 Год назад
@@CatholicK5357 If that is so then why go to a priest to confess your sins?
@CatholicK5357 Год назад
@@johnvitw5030 Because Jesus asked us to. Christ gave His authority to the Church through His apostles. That power has been passed down by the laying of hands in every generation and will be 'till the end of time. Jesus breathed on His apostles and gave them the power to absolve or retain sins as said in scripture. That is where the sacrament of confession comes from. My speculation is that Jesus did this for His faithful because it helps keep us humble and because we are people of senses - meaning that our soul craves to hear that we are forgiven just as our soul craves to give accountability of our actions to Christ through the ministers that He bestowed upon us.
@chum3192 3 года назад
Catholics gathered here to dislike and hate on you. Good job brother, rebuke this heretical church !
@henryathurmanjr 3 года назад
Thank you Brother. i lost a lot of good footage by accidentally pressing something on my son's cell phone while videotaping the event. These priests want people to kneel down to them in these booths and give them praise...very satanic. They are dressed up devils and licking the flames of Hell...unless they repent and flee this money-making establishment called "The Roman Catholic Church".
@chum3192 3 года назад
@@henryathurmanjr Oh yeah I wanted to hear your rebuke at the end unfortunately technology can be confusing haha Yeah this Catholic Church is completely demonic. I actually interpret revelation talking about it as Great Babylon. You know Jesuits? And the Jesuit oath? It's sick! They swear to secrecy and they are trained to appear holy and give an answer to conceal the evil behind the Catholic Church. It's amazing that they call themselves holy yet they seem to forget the elephant in the room: The crusades.. The Black pope is a Jesuit as well as the Pope Francis. I do not doubt these people sacrifice children and they do more horrendous stuff that I'm not even going to type because it's that sick. Behind closed doors it's absolutely abominable what they do. And on the day of judgment I'm going to REJOICE when God gives every man according to his deeds. Everything will be exposed. In their Catechism, #460, it says: "The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":"For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God." "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God." "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."" So apparently we can become gods one day... HERESY Also.. Hey Catholics can you explain this contradiction to me? Jesus says in John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." But your Catechism ( www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/841.htm ) says this in #841: The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day." Yet, Muslims proclaim that Jesus is only a profit. 🧐 BUT, I do agree with the Catechism though Because Catholics (sun god worship) AND Muslims (moon god worship) both worship paganism that DOES come from a god they both believe in... That's Satan. Open your eyes Catholics. Repent of your sins and turn to Jesus. Not the Jesus of the Baptist Church. Not the Jesus of Mormonism. Not the Jesus of Religion. But the Jesus of the Bible hallelujah!!
@noahreyes6276 2 года назад
Extremely disrespectful to do this
@henryathurmanjr 2 года назад
If you want to go in there...get on your knees...call a man "Father"...and confess to him like he's somebody...you can do that on your own time. GOD is nop respecter of persons.
@eddies8856 3 года назад
This is so disrespectful... would you like it if someone mocked your religion like that? Ugh. This is so disgusting to watch. I hope you learn what's right and wrong sometime.. disrespecting someone's religion for a RU-vid video? Are you actually kidding? God bless you, you'll need it..💔 You are a terrible person, if you are a Christian, it sure doesn't seem like it.
@henryathurmanjr 3 года назад
Judge not lest ye be judged.
@spencerchristensen5766 5 лет назад
I'm not catholic, but this was very disrespectful. I applaud this priest for the way he handled this very abrasive incursion on one of the sacraments of his faith. It's no different than a person showing up to your evangelical service interrupting the pastor as he exercises his duties and looking to pick a religious fight. Jesus defended the faith, but he never tried to force it down peoples throats. We would all be better christian's if we spent half the time arguing over our doctrinal divides and invested it ministering to the poor and being a listening ear to the less fortunate.
@henryathurmanjr 5 лет назад
You need to read the Bible again. i've heard all the same rhetoric before....ignorance...politically correct...subjective...etc., etc. Read Psalm 1 if your a sinner...just to break the ice. i'm not going to cast my pearls before swine.....carnal...walking the the flesh swine.
@menme4546 7 лет назад
satan, why are you bothering the priest?
@mariettaljiljic1903 6 лет назад
Disgustingly disrespectful!
@henryathurmanjr 6 лет назад
Your acting very "Roman" "catholic". If you want to lift up a religious, pagan, Idolatrous, "AntiChrist"...you can...this is America. Just leave your kids at home so that there don't get molested by these devils.
@mariettaljiljic1903 6 лет назад
Henry A. Thurman Jr. Henry, you wouldn't go to the confession in the first place if something was not pulling you there. It's more than just a joke for you, but the inner defenses are to strong for you to fully realize that.
@henryathurmanjr 6 лет назад
Wrong. I lost most of the video because a button was pressed on the phone. It had nothing to do with a "joke". It had everything to do with exposing a false religion with a man that tries to be a mediator...but is an evil servant of the devil. i really hope you don't go to these little rooms to bow down to a man & confess anything to.
@CatholicK5357 Год назад
It seems like Divine Providence turned off your phone to mitigate how much His sacrament could be mocked - although He left it on long enough to show you being informed kindly by a well-educated Priest who seems to know His bible quite well.
@henryathurmanjr Год назад
what had to be said was said and he was confronted with Scripture to debunk his phony religious "play acting" behind a curtain. All he did was defend his man-made pagan religion...not the Gospel! He has some nerve in letting people kneel down before him...a mere "man" and call him "Father"...very satanic! i'd call him "Mr." ...maybe Devil!
@CatholicK5357 Год назад
@@henryathurmanjr I don't know which video you watched, but the one you showed had the priest reciting scriptures and simply asking you questions. He explained to you why the Roman Catholic Church practices only one baptism and confession and used scripture to do so. I heard nothing about paganism. The same video had you defending your man-made doctrines. Father was very polite considering your intentions. Speaking of hiding behind a curtain, you acted the part of a stranger asking questions, and yet when no longer in front of him you call him satanic. How courageous of you to slander someone behind his back after "confronting" him. Considering that the devil is the one who hides his true intentions, perhaps there is some projectionism on your part. I call my priest "Father" because he's my spiritual Father, just as I call my own parents by their titles. We kneel in confession out of humility before God. The external helps with the internal contrition. The Catholic catechism, which explains all the sacraments, including confession, references all the scriptures that support the sound doctrine - even available free online for anyone who wishes to learn what Christ's Catholic Church actually teaches. On a sidenote: if you are truly concerned about things that are satanic you should probably stop promoting psychedelic 1960's music which pushed a diabolical culture of death and drugs onto modern society which we continue to see the effects of to this day.
@EmelitaPancho 4 месяца назад
where to order confession box please im in.mndanao.bkdnun
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