
Celebrities join pollution protest against sewage in Lake Windermere 

Channel 4 News
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A host of celebrities, including the comedians Steve Coogan and Lee Mack have joined campaigners in Windermere to protest against the discharge of sewage.
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They're calling for a comprehensive plan to guarantee the long term protection of England's biggest lake. United Utilities, which manages the sewage - have said they're determined to play their part by improving operations.
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8 сен 2024




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@condorone1501 Год назад
Privatisation has really worked well. For the shareholders not for the general public.
Capitalism is all about money
@kanedNunable Год назад
and lets not forget, nobody under 50 voted to do this. thanks boomers and older.
@Kodakcompactdisc Год назад
It was never supposed to work for the general public.
@hexrag5901 Год назад
privatisation achieved exactly what was intended. How else can we get more money out of public hands into private ones?
@tentringer4065 Год назад
Take a vital public service established through decades of hard work and taxes. Underfund and degrade it, then sell it for a pittance to your chums in the city.
@Deathwish026 Год назад
300m to shareholders. 19m to preventing the mess they are making. absolutely criminal.
@bobbybinns379 Год назад
+ 10 billion the water companies are going to add to our bills to pay for their years of underinvestment.
@seanmcgarrigan3942 Год назад
Criminals and the corrupt minister put every effort in to protecting these companies, to a point it looks like a complete joke on the public, some individuals are filling their pockets at the expense of public country and environment.
@JohnHuxleySavage Год назад
Sadly not criminal. Just capitalism.
@YOPGaming Год назад
@@JohnHuxleySavage normal with a tory government
@memofromessex Год назад
The government should ban water companies from giving money to shareholders until they clean up their act. If companies like United Utilities can afford to handout £300M, they can afford to invest more.
@sarangistudent8614 Год назад
But but but punishing shareholders would stop them investing more… oh no, wait there 🤦🏽
@James_Doyle83 Год назад
Tories won't ever do that
@rogerwilco2 Год назад
The Tory government removed a lot of regulations to allow their donors and friends to rake in the money. They have their own private pools. The UK voted for this "bonfire of EU regulations".
@stephenwalker2924 Год назад
@@solariss452 ...and out...Broadsword calling Danny Boy, etc, etc...
@debbiehenri345 Год назад
I used to receive the 'Environment Agency' quarterly magazine (since I worked for the Environment Agency in the capacity of a Royal Parks gardener until it was privatised). In the back of that magazine there was a list of companies and individuals that had been taken to court by the Agency with regard to pollution incidents. I don't think there was ever an issue that didn't have the name of at least one water board that had been taken to court. It didn't surprise me to see Anglian Water turn up in the list quite regularly - their water already smells like sewage when it comes out of the tap. Goodness knows what it's like by the time it goes through the sewage system. Northern water boards also turned up with worrying regularity. However, the point to my comment is - it didn't matter how much they were fined. It didn't matter how often they were taken to court. These water boards just carried on in the same irresponsible, slack-handed manner, attending court and paying fines over and over again. The reason why they don't need to be concerned is because they have your money already. They can raise your water rates as much as they feel they can get away with, making poor excuses for the increases (under the banner of 'we're improving water quality just for you!') while using your money to pay off any fines they incur as well as awarding the management those pay increases they think they deserve. That's the beauty of direct debits - championed by our banks under the pretence of 'our convenience.' The only ones who know any convenience are the companies that can raise these direct debits at will - so that you don't have to lift a finger!
@Jimmie16 Год назад
Maybe if you stopped voting tory that would help.
@kwanman5146 Год назад
Finally somebody needs to say it. Public bodies such as the Environment Agency have been hollowed out. Same with Local Government, Natural England and Historic England. You want decent public services such as education, health and keeping the environment clean and safe for everyone then you pay for it and don't vote for a party who introduced austerity in 2008 and just keep on it. People need to understand there is a direct correlation between paying for decent services through sensible taxation or doing the bare minimum which will get long waiting times for health appointments, overworked teachers, pot holes everywhere, a decent environment to live and a general failing provision of quality public services. It all depends on what type of country you to live in or raise your kids in.
@someblokecalleddave1 Год назад
Oh yes, but I have to admit I watched question time a couple of weeks back and this was a subject that came up in the debate and the Labour Party rep was asked directly and she waffled on and then pretty much said if they won the election they wouldn't be upsetting share holders. Thatcher was a clever woman - she knew all along that these companies would be intrinsically linked to institutions such as Pensions.
@amayastrata4629 Год назад
@@someblokecalleddave1 right now the Labour Party are saying nothing that will possibly offend anyone because they need the votes in their favour. I’m having to hope that they will take some action if they get into government after the general election. If they don’t then I will feel that there is no hope for common decency in this country and if my husband pops his clogs before me then I’m off to France and resigning from my loyalty to my country of birth.
@laurencefox5884 Год назад
@@someblokecalleddave1 Labour are another Conservative party...no real difference. Just as corrupt.
@tobyjackman3212 Год назад
​@@laurencefox5884 Sadly I agree
@jjsmallpiece9234 Год назад
Water companies should be nationalised. Its unbelievable that the government is effectively giving our money away to the water companies. If you can't make a profit running an essential services company ....
@kanedNunable Год назад
and then telling us we have to pay 10bn to clean it up
@westwyc Год назад
And lots of these water companies are owned by other nations investment corporations. Why? Because they know it's effectively free money. Yes there are pension funds that invest in them but you have to ask, should they? It's such an easy win for any government to nationalise the water companies as the vast majority support it. However in doing so the conservatives will have to admit that Privatisation has failed.
@highvoltageswitcher6256 Год назад
Don’t need to nationalise them in terms of ownership. As they are all (except for telecoms) natural monopolies they are all regulated. The arms length approach has clearly failed with water companies. So, move the regulation closer to the companies. Put Ofwat, Environment Agency and representatives of customers and local authorities onto their boards as public interest directors. Make sure this public interest directors are larger by one director than the shareholder directors. All issues of investment, did videos and senior pay and bonuses will have to pass the public interest directors scrutiny.
@MrEpic86 4 месяца назад
​@@highvoltageswitcher6256 and what happens when the already filthy rich directors start paying the public interest directors truck loads of money to back their ideas instead?
@user-bu9nb8wr6e Год назад
This pollution is a disgrace and there needs to be criminal charges for the individuals who are running the companies that commit these crimes. We can not allow individuals to hide behind working for a company and we can not allow profit to be put ahead of pollution. Enough is enough and these scum companies need bringing down.
@adambrickley1119 Год назад
Cant be criminal charges because it was legalised after we left the EU.
@kingflynxi9420 Год назад
Personally I think a big, thin piece of metal in a wooden gantry should be brought down on them
@Ghengiskhansmum Год назад
Farmer's, property developers and councils too. Property developers rip up tree's before work begins and spray loads of weedkiller after work ends. Many farmers are using chemicals on land their cattle are grazing.. absolute criminal madness.
@thinkingoutloud7425 Год назад
​​@@Ghengiskhansmum yes, that happened in the dead of night in our town to allow the builder to put more houses on his site. The fines are a joke and not a deterrent.
@AndreAmorim-AA Год назад
Thank you, taxpayers, for paying the bill again. Best regards, a billionaire shareholder writing from the Bahamas.
"reducing" there shouldn't be any poo or anything going into the lake. You can thank the tories for this.
@jeffsuter344 Год назад
It is not accidental "spills" it is deliberate discharge.
@TheBigMidweek1889 Год назад
Lee Mack says politicians have to get involved in this, not comedians. I think that means we need a change of government.
@mikehutchison4892 Год назад
It’s £300m profit for shareholders…….but didn’t they announce a £10 billion bill for customers ? Typical of our Tory Govt……all the benefits for them,with none of the costs. Good to know that in “Levelled up Britain”, ‘caveat emptor’ doesn’t apply to their responsibilities. Get angry folks…..or get ground down !
@jujutrini8412 Год назад
Everyone has got it wrong. Levelling up means the top 5% are moving up a level, getting to level up to the top 1%.
@rogerwilco2 Год назад
But the British voted for the Tories? The voters must have wanted such things, right? This is the "bonfire of EU regulations" that the British voted for. The Johnson government removed these regulations so these companies give more money to their shareholders.
@oracle8589 Год назад
Any way to bring up Brexit huh lol. You remoaners just can’t let it go
@PP237PP Год назад
@@oracle8589 Do you mind me asking what benefits have you personally experienced after we left?
@Bromley68 Год назад
​@@oracle8589 We're not going to let it go. You had better start getting used to it buttercup. Brexit hasn't worked. You wanted it. It's your fault. No-one else. Man up and own it.
@blazzz13 Год назад
@@oracle8589 And you can't even come up with a substantitive retort, just petulant name calling.
@Ghengiskhansmum Год назад
The English voted Tory and Scot's voted SNP in Scotland. SNP is basically a Tory spin off and a massive con with an excuse for everything they haven't done, blamed on someone else.
@annwornell7510 Год назад
WELL DONE everyone involved. Grateful thanks ❤
@jonh6503 Год назад
No excuse our waterways should not be like this
@titteryenot4524 Год назад
Neither should our sentences. *.
@seanmcgarrigan3942 Год назад
It’s for profit not for benefiting the public country or environment. Some very bad people lied to the public, and sold a national asset for their personal gain.
@someblokecalleddave1 Год назад
Honestly, most people who vote Tory read the Daily Mail for the celebrity content, they don't want to engage with these kind of issues as they're too depressing. These celebrities might make a small difference, but most people do not make the connection with politics, they wont be watching programs where the blame is laid at the feet of Coffey et al and they just assume this can somehow be quickly cleaned up. We'll see another Tory government at the next election. But it's good to see people like this getting on board.
@AleisterCrowley. Год назад
I highly doubt we will see another Tory government at the next election.
@oscarmike3482 Год назад
The Tories are on course for a beating next election but I don't put too much faith in Labour either.
@stephenjon3502 Год назад
Most people that read the Mail want to read news that makes them angry and also constantly talks about immigrants.
@TimothyBushell Год назад
I lived on Lake Gardo in Italy for a few years. Locals will get angry if you throw a banana skin in their lake.
@DD-fc1rv Год назад
But these same companies make hundreds of millions in profits! Obviously, those profits are at the expense of the uk having clean rivers and beaches. It's that simple profits first f&%k the rivers and beaches, just think of the shareholders premiums.
@shirleyn546 Год назад
Dog owners: Blue-green algae is lethal to dogs, never let them swim in it
@stephenwalker2924 Год назад
And to humans too, of course...
@theenchiladakid1866 Год назад
Also clean up after your dog and stop from killing kids
@shirleyn546 Год назад
@@theenchiladakid1866 don’t drive cars or travel on planes, people get killed in them, don’t cross the road, may get run over…
@shirleyn546 Год назад
@@stephenwalker2924 I would hope a human wouldn’t even contemplate getting into that, and wouldn’t need to be told
@gregjones8412 Год назад
Doesn't surprise me at all given the utter slapdash and couldn't care less way that once great country is currently run. What a joke the UK has become.
@chriscjad Год назад
As a kid growing up in the early 80s I thought we had got over this. how have we gone back to Sewage polluted beaches and waterways?!!!
@michaelshanahan4042 Год назад
Yes we were going the write way but along came the tories and they turned every think to sewage 😊
@jujutrini8412 Год назад
@kanedNunable Год назад
tories taking us back to 1780s
@DNW28 Год назад
The reason for everything ££££££££ and rich Tories , oh and English voters being brainwashed that rich Tories care for you
@Jack-qv5ru Год назад
Backhanders from the corporations to the Tory nonces
@riveness Год назад
Tory policy
@chrisrattray8958 Год назад
I never had a clue raw sewage was being pumped into Windermere, or any lake for that matter. I am utterly shocked. Every single politician without exception should be against this. Put a few rubber boat people on it and they’d soon do something about it!
@j.p.9295 Год назад
The same happened in the Sea water in UK on oyster farms. Oysters now have 💩 topping !!!!
@jujutrini8412 Год назад
The fishermen should be suing the water companies.
@blazzz13 Год назад
@@jujutrini8412 But the fishermen voted Brexit!
@jujutrini8412 Год назад
@@blazzz13 I know. They voted for their own demise. 🤷‍♀️
@gary8306 Год назад
@@blazzz13 dude, just let it go. Smhydc.
@MARTIN-bd7gm Год назад
@@blazzz13 This started long before brexit numb nuts its been going on for 20 yrs .
@jacklewis3803 Год назад
Who voted for it? Oh yes, Tory MPs
@peterreed3104 Год назад
Did he just ask Lee Mack "How comfortable he would be wading into sewage?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@sarahcollins7220 Год назад
How do these share holders sleep at night
@stephenwalker2924 Год назад
@tonyar952 Год назад
Stay hydrated, save the bees, clean the lake
@jujutrini8412 Год назад
This is the fault of the Tories.
@johndavenport8843 Год назад
The local government and MP should be on top of this and demand immediate action. Do not vote for those whoo don't.
@stuartweston678 Год назад
And what about the rest of the countrys rivers and lakes 😢😢
@janepearson5802 Год назад
Its a start
@EdDueim Год назад
It's probably most effective to start with an iconic place (Wye Valley is another) to highlight the issue and get people involved in their local area.
@grassytramtracks Год назад
You have to start somewhere
@algoretex45 Год назад
That young fella has been pushing this cause for a while glad to see he's being heard
@passiveaggressive6175 Год назад
Lock up all the CEOs.😮
@pauls3075 Год назад
This is how you make change happen, with a joke a smile and cold hard facts. Highlighting the indefensible position of the water company who is shirking its responsibility to a criminal degree. If the company could justify its negligence then they would be on TV stating exactly why but they can't. This is a total lack of investment that they have been allowed to get away for decades due to a toothless and corrupt watchdog.
@ArCher11-iq9co Год назад
By having rich and privileged individuals who don't care and aren't affected in the least by this, who make a pretty penny through brand exposure and PR. The fact you think this can sway utility companies to act responsibly is laughable. You are another useful idiot propping up the circus. I bet you donate to liveaid and savethechildren. Thinking that makes a difference
@jimbob-robob Год назад
Privatisation of major utilities for individual's and corporate profit obviously doesn't work. RENATIONALISE NOW! GIVE THEM BACK TO THE PEOPLE!
@gary8306 Год назад
It's getting beyond a joke with sewage and water shortages. Cornwall and part of Devon are still on a hosepipe ban. I believe there are 23 water companies in the UK and the 25 bosses earn £25 million between them.
@Wang_Monkey Год назад
There should be 0 profit until their system works. Of course it's their fault!!
@DavesGarden1714 Год назад
The government should be doing more to stop the water companies pouring raw sweage into our rivers
@stephenwalker2924 Год назад
The government are allowing this to happen. They want it to happen. They made laws to make it happen. They voted for it. And if you put your X next to the little box marked TORY...so did you.
@notgarybrown Год назад
They literally chose this.
@mikethebloodthirsty Год назад
@@mikw1809 plus they allowed them to be self regulating, not a surprise that incidences of pollution have plummeted. These people must literally hate us, we the plebs.
@rrstows3522 Год назад
Cesspool government . Turning the country into a toxic waste land.
@MARTIN-bd7gm Год назад
@@mikw1809 Yes but ONLY in an emergency and only for a set amount of hrs per year , whats happening now is the environment agency are turning a blind eye to it where as 4-5 yrs ago they were prosecuting companies they now let them get away with it and this is how bad its become with 85% of rivers now polluted in this country and some are completely dead .
@thedandyhighwayman Год назад
Never has such a run of poor government caused so much harm. The UK need politicians that are qualified for the job and not the peers of a PM who is in it for himself and his cronies. The national anthem needs to be God save the people, rather than God save the King. He seems to be doing OK without divine intervention. Politics needs an upheaval for 2024. A divisive two party system is outdated and unfit for purpose.
@MarvinofMars Год назад
Channel 4, you also investigate Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland too, largest lake in the UK and Ireland. 200 Square mile lake, which now off limits thanks to pollution, blue allege warnings have the lough of limits this summer again! In Northern Ireland it is agricultural pollution at 80% human 20%. I live on the shore line, it simply soul destroying to see this grand lake dying thanks greedy policy makers and lad managers. 23miles long 7miles wide 8m deep of pollution waste. Affecting aquatics, fund, flora and human health.,😢
@garywalling4341 Год назад
Gary Walling 11 days ago United Utilities sent me 10 yes 10 letters, all saying the exact same thing, all at once all on the same day to tell what they're gonna do with £19 M they've been granted by the government (basically us the taxpayer). To address pollution/sewage issues in Lake Windermere. These issues have been relevant for decades due to mass tourism/building of second homes etc. So these letters, all in a glossy brochure format. 2 to myself, 1 to the owner, 3 to previous tennants and 5 to the 'occupier', me , whom they've already sent two WTF? So not only have they been ignoring water pollution problems forever,(water pollution) now all this irrelevant paperwork (de-forestation). Then they'll put up bills (cost of living crisis and all) even though they've already been paid (by us). Corruption, corruption, blatent corruption. The Lake District, my families home for generations (we were hill farmers originally) being destroyed before our very eyes. Non-local businesses springing up every where, glass fronted mansions appearing almost on a monthly basis. That's before I even get into the amount of traffic here (air pollution) all year round now almost. So now's the time HRH Charles (the woke) to do your job instead of chucking money away on your parties. Also people of Britain, stand up for yourselves before it's too late.
@adrianrouse5148 Год назад
Which water company is this and who owns it. United utilities water???
@andyhutley2857 Год назад
Lee Mack making an ironic joke, "politicians should get involved here, not comedians". Majority of politicians are clowns that don't stand for much despite promises made early in
@tabazan9182 Год назад
Did anyone know that JP Morgan has control over UK water. No wonder our waterways are in decline. Its not just Windermere. The River Wye is not far off toxic.
@titteryenot4524 Год назад
Lovely to see Pee Mack, Steve Poogan and Paul Shitehouse doing their bit. 👍
@victorelfring Год назад
I see what you did there
@stephenwalker2924 Год назад
@milo2324 Год назад
@tobyjackman3212 Год назад
That's a *B+* 🤓
@titteryenot4524 Год назад
@@tobyjackman3212 Harsh crowd.
@steveatkins2564 Год назад
Protesters are wasting their breath. The water companies are only interested in the bottom line and their shareholders. Someone needs to list the water companies, look at whether they are UK based and look at the shareholder's payments and bonuses plus the salaries of employed managers and directors. When all the information is assimilated, make a programme and put it on RU-vid. The current government, and Labour, are inherently weak when it comes to dealing with matters like this.
@tabazan9182 Год назад
At least there doing something rather than sitting back and doing nothing. Unlike your government.
@steveatkins2564 Год назад
Not my government. The fact that you have 3 high profile personalities supporting the protest can only be a good thing. Whether it makes a difference only time will tell. Apart from a handful of good MPs, the rest of them are a waste of space.
@SuperGamingBeast1 Год назад
Another positive of living in the uk! My goodness it gets better by the minute
@steffanhoffmann Год назад
I moved to the ☀ after Brexit My mates laughed but....😉
@RogerBengtsson75 Год назад
None sewage and sewage combined in ONE pipe (combined sewer systems) in to the treatment facilities resulting in any overflow release containing sewage. This is not an easy fix and will cost huge amonts of money and time to change.
@barnabyhughes5643 Год назад
Privatisation is a corruption of society...Full nationalisation now!!!!!
@jasonstation Год назад
For anyone that doesn’t already know - privatisation (creaming off profits) is detrimental to many aspects of our already tarnished country.
@chriscocks3670 Год назад
A country always gets the government it deserves
@epicmonkeydrunk Год назад
why is that?
@laurencefox5884 Год назад
@@epicmonkeydrunk Its called voting....remember that some people literally voted for this.
@NatalieLawrence Год назад
We need to start electing people who already have a track record of caring for the environment and putting pressure on water companies to do what’s right. Too many times, people are elected based on promises, but they don’t have any history of delivering. How many of our current MPs are water company shareholders, who are sponsored by their lobbyists or have close relationships with them?
@LegalVampire Год назад
@derek68able Год назад
Water should have never been privatised, clean water is essential, for decades these water companies have put profit before the environment, the CEO's should be jailed.
@cannonball9478 Год назад
A protest with a great goal
@funbarsolaris2822 Год назад
They've given themselves £300 million pounds profit and they haven't done their fking job!
@reallymakesyouthink Год назад
Alan Pootridge and 8 out of 10 cacks
@friendgray1 Год назад
Delightful ‘sovereignty’ has helped this along
@JohnDoe-wb9ht Год назад
Well yes..all in a good cause...but also just because it's my back yard syndrome...never heard these "stars" talk up before when other areas have been affected by these disgusting water companies.
@jade_dragoon3208 Год назад
We can't do anything now..... The thing is they should have been keeping it at a good quality years ago
@MrSatnavatron Год назад
Classic Paul , national treasure
@WhiteUnicorn82 Год назад
I've never hear of sewerage being measured by the hour. I've no idea what "thousands of hours of sewerage" looks like. Not that I'd want to.
@1970pizza Год назад
So let me get this right , the lake is toxic but it's classified as an excellent lake , the people who gave Lake Windermere the " Excellent " tag were bribed
@Luke73195 Год назад
By the water companies
@1970pizza Год назад
@@Luke73195 totally agree with you
@Darkreign1 Год назад
We need this sort of help for Roanhead Beach and Sandscale Haws Reserve in South Cumbria. Someone is trying to build a holiday resort there that will be bigger than a nearby village. The place they are trying to build at is home to loads of wildlife, including the Natterjack Toad, a European Protected Species and over 25% of Britain's toads live there. It's an offence to disturb their habitat or kill them with intent and that is exactly what they are doing but our council is just seeing money even though everything will be available on site to the guests, they'd never need to leave while on holiday. We're trying to stop it but we still aren't managing it so far
@cdean2789 Год назад
They're taking the P and Poo and dumping it on us.
@plumduff3303 Год назад
These water companies are villainous
@tentringer4065 Год назад
They are enabled by Tory MPs and in line with Tory ideology.
@johnwilkinson4951 Год назад
I agree with them but how many celebrities have property there.
@zenoofcaledonia2439 Год назад
Why don't the celebrities do the actual cleaning if they are so concerned? Or is that beneath them
@spikeus3039 Год назад
300 million to share holders from a company that has No competition...They're a disgrace!
@mrsmith9079 Год назад
If only they could muster up the same effort to protest against the sewage in Westminster we might actually get somewhere
@tjmarx Год назад
Where are the celebrities?
@andrewashton195 Год назад
Windermere, not 'lake' Windermere, there are only two 'lakes' in the Lake District, the rest are meres, tarns and waters.
@lolgrant Год назад
It's Windermere not Lake (sic) Windermere.
@sargestack5657 Год назад
The water companies have shareholders for what reason,? If the primary job of water companies is to give us clean water what contribution do shareholders have
@robertpayne3213 Год назад
This is because the environment agency budget has been cut by two thirds so no prosecutions
@alexandermichael117 Год назад
The lake has been filthy for years, thats why I never now visit this place.
@Nick-kb6jd Год назад
The free market is GOD. All hail the free market! Growth, growth, growth, at any cost (to the plebs).
@droningoninscotland6124 Год назад
"An early start" and "next 2 years" arnt the same thing
@Hascienda27 Год назад
Theres no lakes, no rivers and no body of water the Environmental Agency hasn’t let go to rack and ruin, yet we have to pay 30 quid a year to the EA for what ?
@prwapps Год назад
Interesting to see that the sewage outflow looks like a toilet lid
@TSINIproductions Год назад
If an important public waste cleaning service is unable to cope with the amount of cleaning they have to do, perhaps they need to be giving less money out as “profit” and spend more money on increasing the amounts the service can cope with. And if the other excuse used is “rainfall” I’ve got an eye opening revelation for them: it’s the UK, rain isn’t rare.
@sinfo881 Год назад
Don't forget governments who privatized such basic service as water and sewages. Companies in stock market do not have incentives to invest
@davefish8107 Год назад
Yet if I put the wrong rubbish in one of my 5 bins ( yes 5 ) my local council will refuse to take it and I will get a fine
@PP237PP Год назад
Do these investment firms from the likes of China, USA, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Australia really care about some poshos from the lake district?
@conradcodfish8638 Год назад
Ceo of Wessex water has someone to clean out his swimming pool.
@greatscott369 Год назад
That would mean investing in infrastructure though and that would go against the very clear plan to destroy everything
@Beemer760 Год назад
Where is the local MP to be seen ? another jobs worth on the gravy train just like nearly all these utility companies milking joe public and providing below standard and even bad public health standards, how can it be financially beneficial to privatise such state services is beyond me.
@angelikalindenau943 Год назад
Civilization is when you do not have to resort to celebrities for keeping poo out of your water ways, never mind swimming areas.
@stephenwalker2924 Год назад
Celebrities are, like, normal, everyday people too, you know? Even *shudder* Phillip Schofield...
@rebeccawhite3804 Год назад
Does your current goverment fine these big company's, and make laws to prevent their environmental crimes. Or throw tax payers moneys at big businesses ?
@lamf4846 Год назад
The biggest poison on Lake Windermere is YHA Ambleside.
@jaykay1848 Год назад
not a single ethnic person in sight, says a lot about these groups....
@erikmorales1004 Год назад
As a brown person most of us live in cities. Cumbria is very White which has nothing to do with this story.
@benglishman Год назад
I remember a time when we didn't have to rely on comedians and footballers for moral guidance.
@mkmrys Год назад
Time to turn lakes and rivers into landfills, so much potential
@Davao420 Год назад
remember the Torries allowed companies to do this. This case is getting a lot of attention, imagine cases in more rural areas with less educated people, they are suffering but nobody is helping them. Vote wisely next time
@andrewjones-productions Год назад
I understand why Krishnan asked the question about it being party political or not and he got the desired answer. This shouldn't be party political in any shape, way or form! This is the environment that everybody shares and I find it very hard to believe that anyone, other than the water companies, think that this is appropriate. To anyone that it is stupid enough to claim that this is a 'leftie' thing (or vice versa), I ask them whether cleaning your own home and keeping it tidy is also a leftie or right wing thing? The general public need to collectively let the politicians (of whatever party) know in no uncertain terms that they need to deal with this and quickly.
@vickyking3408 Год назад
Me neither
@robertpringle303 Год назад
Weel done, Cutty-sark!
@mrfrisky6501 Год назад
The irony is, all the rich celebrities were happy to use the toilet while they were in Cumbria.
@belkentens Год назад
Yeah!!! Nice one brexit Grrr
@stephen2583 Год назад
Where do they think all the fish take a dump?
@allanallen1835 Год назад
they should build a treatment plant it has to go through before entering any lake. oh but that would go into the profits. its all about the fast expanding housing developments increasing population of the local towns in the surrounding area, i have seen dozens of housing estates go up at a fast pace,obviously the water plants are outdated for such influx.
@terasci5102 Год назад
When you put profit above the public, it smells!
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