
Cerebral palsy | NHS 

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About one in 400 children born alive has cerebral palsy. An expert explains causes, symptoms and treatment.
For more information please visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/cerebra...



10 мар 2009




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@tichavhu 14 лет назад
my daughter had cp at 5 mnths. she is the best thing we have in life. unfortunate she is completelty paralysed (cant do a single thing by herself) she is 9 old now. i wish for the best to those with CP and may the Lord up obove bless those taking good care for u. we love u
@dotty1220 2 года назад
She speaks so gently and beautifully
@gbeato79 12 лет назад
I have mild CP in my legs, I agree with the way you think 150%! I feel like people dont understand that our minds are perfect no matter how bad the CP
@staygoldnman 12 лет назад
my girlfriend has CP, from medical malpractice. She's an olympic athlete and represented the USA for the olympic games in Greece. I think she's absolutely beautiful, and truly amazing.
@UKD4N3Rzz 10 лет назад
i have cerebal palsy, anyone out there whose got it, my age or whatever im 16 and im popular happy and all that, dont let it get you down, i play football and am first in my team (not disabled team) you can do anything if you put your mind to it! dont worry about what others think, even when they stare, someones opinion of you doesnt have to come your reality:)
@paulmcdonough1093 10 лет назад
well said max i hope you have a great time doing whatever you choose to do.regards
@sue769 2 месяца назад
What a fantastic positive message to put out there to inspire others. Well done 👏
@StonerCharm95 12 лет назад
My sister has cerebral palsy. She also has OCD, Asperger's syndrome, and anger issues. Living with someone that has cerebral palsy can be difficult, but it is very rewarding. It has taught me to be patient. My sister is good with children, because she can relate to them. They don't judge her. It's sad to think that people can look at someone and judge them because they don't look the same. My sister is a very beautiful person and I love her. I wish everyone saw her the way I did.
@sue769 2 месяца назад
You're a fabulous sister. God bless you ❤
@faustmarlowe23 13 лет назад
I have Cerebral Palsy myself as well. What I find funny is that every thinks that people with CP can't do anything. I am basically starting to see a lot of mis information or no information about this specific disability in recent years. I have basically made it my life's mission to educate people about my disability. I am lucky enough to have such a mild case that I am able to hide it. It helped me when I was growing up but now I tend to tell people straight out that I have this disease.
@ohnonik 13 лет назад
I appreciate a video exists like this. I work with residents whom all have cerebral palsy, and I adore them with every ounce of my soul. They are so strong, and pure. I know things are tough, but. . . stay strong, this condition is something that makes you very unique as everyone in the world is!
@PriscillaandSyd 14 лет назад
I have CP too, but mine is not serve though, it only affects my left side only. I can walk around my walker just fine, and nobody treats me no differently except for my family. They treat me like im still a kid and they won't let me as active and independently I want to be. I wish I could move out one day and live the life i wanna live.
@BerneaseMountainDogs 14 лет назад
my sister has cp and she is 9 years old! she can stand up while holding onto something now. its amazing. she also rides at freedom farm a place where kids with disabilities learn how to ride horses. and at river valey dance accademy where children with disabilities dance. i am eleven and it is very hard when people make fun of her. but i have to live with it because some people are mean enough to not see whats in side of them. i hope your daughter makes progress like my sister.
@chococaty24 12 лет назад
so true. i have cp and i've almost finished two bachelor degrees.
@TeishaRiley 13 лет назад
I have CP too and I play soccer practice is frustrating at times but, my team is supportive
@reggieboy04 14 лет назад
My son has a form of CP called hemiplegia, which affects the left side of his body. In his case, a stroke that he survived as a young baby caused his CP. His case is quite mild, to the point that many people do not know he has CP when they first meet him. That isn't to say that it doesn't affect him, though. Unfortunately, many people tend to group all people with CP together and assume that the diagnosis means that the person cannot live a normal, active life.
@ahatamiana 11 лет назад
I have one son, born on 2004 with CP. he can not walk or seat independently and I and my wife give full support to him as a duty. he goes to normal school and write by his own laptop. the life goes on...
@Hamthy727 13 лет назад
I know this girl in my class who is Paralyzed and has CP but she is hilarious and I hope she is in some of my classes next year. :)
@DavidBrent101 12 лет назад
For my work experience I have worked with a girl with cerebral palsy at my primary school, and I have learnt alot from this experience.
@EmmaMarieThomas 13 лет назад
is CP caused by damage to the motor cortex?
@MissMaddy881 14 лет назад
good outlook!
@dawnlowenstein7277 Год назад
I have a friend with CP who is quite involved and yet this man has the capacity to really enjoy life! David can't speak, yet he is intelligent and knows what he likes and doesn't like! I've known David since he was born. My brother-in-law's brother, Richie, who is an extended part of my family also has CP.
@Koyko200 13 лет назад
People of CP can do anything they want, if they try. I have many friends with CP and love each of them. They are unique in their own way.
@teimon91 11 лет назад
thamk you for this
@DefineDelicate 15 лет назад
I have CP, I like how this video is presanted, reminds me of when I was Younger LOL the little girl, the way she walked [it's better then mine, but ] she reminds me of me when I was Younger. UGH I hate Physical Theropy.
@MrNikkovl 10 лет назад
You need to be strong. I believe you can do it, when there are people who looked down at you, More people all over the world see you as a special. Be Courage
@HandicapThis 10 лет назад
Informative video. Over in the United States cerebral palsy is present in about one of every 303 births. So the UK's one in 400 live births intrigues us. We wonder what causes the difference.
@Hectorferjr2 12 лет назад
Hello, my name is Hector Fernando Andrade JR. II I'm 17 I was born with Cerebral Palsy with moderate Spastic Quadriplegia that sadly affected my movements, muscle tones and my posture so I use a walker to walk because I can not walk like everyone else and I also use a power wheelchair to get where I need to be.
@ironedge8 12 лет назад
I have very mild cp,but there many variations of cp ranging from one limb being affected to someone being paralized and unable to talk.
@MissMaddy881 14 лет назад
sorry about your nephew. my form of CP is very, very mild so i can do anything my friends do.
@MissMaddy881 14 лет назад
i'm sorry. i have CP, also but it's a VERY mild form. i feel really sorry for the people with severe CP because they can't tell anybody how they feel or whether or not they're in pain.
@whatonearth234 12 лет назад
@jessebelle27 It's not always due to medical malpractice or an accident. In my case, I simply came out facing the wrong way and I believe I was wrapped in the imbilocal cord as well.
@Yonner666 Год назад
I was born 3 months premature and diagnosed with Mild Cerebral Palsy at 5 months followed by ADHD and currently on the waiting list for ASD diagnosis, was told for years I had mild Asperger's Syndrome.
@keirstenwahlberg396 12 лет назад
i was bornnt born premature but i was born late. i had a stroke before birth and it caused mild hemiplegia CEREBRAL PALSY affecting my right hand.
@rossdamufukinbawss 14 лет назад
My nephew had severe cerebral palsy and did not make it to three years old. It must have a wide range of affect. He had other problems as well but was basically paralyzed by cp
@NothingButBarbeque 13 лет назад
i have cp, it makes me hard to understand. its the hyper toina type its extremly mild and is barly deticdable
@Yotes4Life 12 лет назад
@jessebelle27 But what do you mean by an accident? An accident by whom?
@bulls7123 13 лет назад
My cousin has cerebral palsy, he was born prematurely, when his mom was about 42 years and his dad was about 50 years.
@heyitsmedima 11 лет назад
there's a cool guy with mild CP on Breaking Bad.. (he's the main characters son) you should watch it :)
@CapriUni 14 лет назад
@LilPolishBoi Well, I thank you for your concern, but you don't need to feel sorry for *me* -- I have CP. I also have a basically happy life. What sorrows I do have are *not* the result of my condition.
@vbohinc 13 лет назад
I have CP and with surgeries and physiotherapy I managed to get from GMFCS Level 4 to Level 1 (this means from wheel chair to move freely without aid). Sure it took me a lot of work and luck - that I'm mentally "normal" ;) ...just heads up and try to overcome it...
@sophiebrownskinner4021 11 лет назад
my best friend has Cerebral palsy she has it mild shes needs a walker or crutchers and a wheelchair for distance she is wording is they anything she can do to walk long distance with out support
@scarethechillyPS3 12 лет назад
i have it where mt left side is affected and i can only put my foot to like 80 something degrees, and my left hand spazes out all the time, and i can't use it very often, but i am very good at football (soccer) and am faster than the normal person
@mrsstephanievernon 11 лет назад
Can't believe that the consultant has not mentioned selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR). My daughter had SDR in November 2010 with unbelievable results - please goodle megansquest where you can see before and after clips. Megan was an independent walker but I have seen many cases of children who walked with kaye walker before SDR and can now walk independently - NHS PLEASE include SDR :)
@JBSwatz 14 лет назад
I had those splints Ahhh memories.
@darbirhian 11 лет назад
You either get in in the womb or during birth. You do not die from it, it is essentially compromising a person's level of motor movements, (limited fine motor movements), manner of speech, and it can be mild, or severe. You cannot get rid of cerebral palsy, but it is not degenerative. People who have mild cerebral palsy definitely know how lucky they are; I know this, because I have it quite mildly. :)
@reggieboy04 14 лет назад
@DISKETTES1000 I think what they mean by trauma physical trauma, such as a hard fall or a car crash.
@mininananana 13 лет назад
@LilPolishBoi You should be happy that God has made it possible for you and your brother to be together. Be happy for his life, be happy that you were born somewhere with good medical access. Think of all the positives
@twicethebaileykisses 13 лет назад
@LilPolishBoi My second cousin has been diagnosed with CP since he was two. I know how you and all of the other families that have family members or close friends with CP. Now my cousin is eight-teen, and he's in a wheel chair. I'm not sure how much longer he'll live.
@Nikica1325 11 лет назад
hello,i am 15 years old and i have CP. i walk with crutches.And let me tell you,I know hov hard it can be.I had 4 surgeries,and an eye surgery when i was 5 because i couldnt see. But we are fighters,and we will be,forever. So you shouldnt care what people say or think. Just do what you want and chase your dreams
@darbirhian 11 лет назад
You either acquire CP in the womb or during birth. You do not die from it, it is essentially compromising a person's fine and gross motor movements, and manner of speech; and it can be mild, or severe. You cannot get rid of cerebral palsy, but it is not degenerative, meaning it will not worsen in severity (if a person works out the muscles if more severe, etc.). People who have mild cerebral palsy definitely know how lucky they are; I know this, because I have it quite mildly. :)
@larkuciel87 11 лет назад
I have cp too. Relativley mild and I agree. Sometimes I feel like people don't know how to approach me cause i have cp
@racafritz 12 лет назад
@castiel241 What happened?
@Skinwalkerxiv 12 лет назад
how could 10 people dislike this video?
@blahh262 11 лет назад
heard this in a redman song and just wondered what it was
@lyndapies 3 года назад
I have mild CP as well. It affects my right leg. I had trouble walking as a kid. I had to wear braces to help my walking and it was not fun believe me. My feet would hurt really bad when I wore them. I also had to had surgery to correct my walking and I'm walking good now since that surgery did help. I even had to do physical therapy as well. It was tough but I made it through. I remember one time my physio therapist said if I didn't wear braces I would have more surgery and that scared me. But I proved her wrong I stopped wearing them when I was 9. I couldn't stand wearing them at all and I've been doing fine without them ever since that day. Let me tell you. Doctors and physio therapists are not always right. You can prove them wrong. I know I did. It's like I said I am walking good and not slouching. I am standing up straight while I'm walking. I'm independent as well. I am also thankful that my cp is mild and I can communicate. And you are not alone. I've been through bullying as well. Kids were very mean to me and said nasty things and didn't understand that I different. Sometimes adults can be bullies too. But don't worry about the other people. They just don't understand that's. I had people ask me what's wrong with your leg, why do you walk that way, you name it. Part of me didn't want to talk about it cause it was personal and hurting to talk about. But now I am more open about my CP and it is the person's choice to understand or not understand.
@Dan4157 14 лет назад
1 in 400 people, how mild are those cases?!
@13tomhayes 13 лет назад
my uncle has CP he cant speak but can understand us, my "friends" just laugh, but i feel for my uncle inside :/
@beth1966mich 14 лет назад
hi, i am deaf and mild c.p. i was born with c.p. i was very sick baby. i learned to walk about 3 yrs old. my family helped me execrise. i am very good and very normal. i walk very good then before. when i grew up, i walked funny then i walked straight now.. my arms are good. no promblem..
@MsTrinichic 14 лет назад
@DISKETTES1000 I don't think so. Rather CP is brought on by a lack of oxygen to the newborn during delivery
@LadySpoonerism 15 лет назад
I have to agree with 4flipssake. CP is a very wide spectrum of disability. And It's really frustrating trying to get the proper care for your child when everyone dismisses the psychological aspects of this spectrum as 'frustration' all the time.. Also in my experience it is always best to get 2nd opinions, my son was prescribed too much splinting which stinted his development due to 1 physio's overzealous ideas. Physio's who've become involved since felt that particular physio was overzealous 2.
@viperscout 14 лет назад
Damn straight.
@racafritz 12 лет назад
My name is Lorrie and I have CP on my right side. I've had 3 surgeries on my right leg because it was too crooked to walk on.The last one was when I was 16 i'm 44 now. I have a slight case of it,but from what I understand,and correct me if I'm wrong. It can be whole body, lower body, right side, left side. The one thing I do know ,and everyone with CP is the mind is just as normal, even sharper then anyone without CP! Our minds work just fine, just our bodies don't.
@Kai2oo6remix 12 лет назад
this woman sounds smart. which is more than i can say for most of you.
@Cantantaranta 13 лет назад
my twin sister and I were both born with cp and scoliosis. Her's were more severe than mine and she died when we were 6 weeks old
@MissMaddy881 14 лет назад
prolonged labor can cause CP. stopping a woman's labor so she can sleep and starting it back up in the daytime can seriously damage a baby's brain. that's what happened to me but as i've said before, my case is VERY mild.
@anastasiatempest6939 9 лет назад
I to have cerebral palsy, it is not the end of the world, what can be wors is not being brought up properly, I had dreadful foster parents for over 10 years. Anastasia Tempest
@starpeter71 11 лет назад
I have mild cp and I am 41 yrs old , I have been made fun of since high school, as I can not speak properly, and get up of floor without getting hold of items to help me up,i am still made fun of at work or when I walk into town people stare at me, because I can not walk properly, sometimes I come home and feel like ending my life, because everybody just laughs at me. also as I can not through and catch items like everybody else.
@StettB26 14 лет назад
my cousin was born prematurly, but wasnt born with CP... it was medical mal-practice but non the less hes still living with it, as a matter of fact hes been training and today hes going to be walking without his crutches thats hes needed his entire life, that or rely on his wheelchair when too tired to walk.
@goaskmisshannahs 12 лет назад
i have cp too
@nerdoseven332 11 лет назад
You don't know me and I don't know you but we share a similar story, I'm 18 years old and also have CP and I'm on a low stage so I luckily I can walk but, well, it's noticeable that I'm not 100% healthy and other people have for some reason pointed that out to me my entire life, as if I didn't know. I just wanted to ask you to stay positive and don't mind what people say and remember you're stronger than them. Plus if we were 100% healthy other people wouldnt stand a chance, right? ;)
@MrCanterburyBulldog 12 лет назад
wow that's kind of messed up are you sure you're normal?
@goaskmisshannahs 12 лет назад
@TheMcColl1 i cant do sports but i read and walk and talk but i have cp too and i am 19
@BuyBBStonk 11 лет назад
i have CP, and i'm a pro athlete!!
@life-gs7zr 4 года назад
How are you
@bluesmurfs87 15 лет назад
i hate physio too and it does remind me of wen i was younger i have spastic hemeplegia CP
@Butterflys_Reborn_Nursery 11 лет назад
i am seventeen and i have cerebral palsy
@X0X0DREAAA 13 лет назад
@vbohinc my brother was four when he passed away to cerebral palsy . i wanted to see if any other people could rate to me & your comment stood out to me (: wish you best of luck .
@jessk1993 12 лет назад
i have a strain of cp ,i got told by my physio it is rare it was passed to me from my mam i had the injections in me legs hated it i got bulled but i am 18 now and getting on with life i would not be me with out it my sisters is mild but mine worse at the mo i am trying to get a new chair as i am getting worse but i going cost £2,000 unless i can get one that like it on nhs but you dont no what chairs they have till you go , i may have cp but i still a loon in me chair going in skate parks
@lordmind 11 лет назад
I'm sorry you had to deal with that kind of person but no one can control your emotions but you. Use them as a stepping stone to be stronger today for your tomorrow. Next time say "thank you for your honesty. Have a nice day." They'll be so confused that they won't bother you again :P
@pavornocternum 13 лет назад
i also have cp. it is true that there is alot of mis info about it. i have even had dr.s that didn't quite understand; even some of them have been mean or judgmental towards me. but the truth is, that i have 3 college degrees, speak two languages, passed the MENSA test when i was 15 yrs old... and just happened to also have spastic type cp. on a related note: i just found out that it is considered rude to ask someone what their disability is. WTF? its better to ask, then to stare.
@sickandtwistedchicks 14 лет назад
@LilPolishBoi I know what you mean.
@abe1289 14 лет назад
I have Cerebral Palsy. Very interesting video
@Xerxes0421 12 лет назад
@alexanderloux5548 11 лет назад
My little sister has CP but she can move fine
@CloudysGuitarChannel 12 лет назад
I will be your friend :D
@dangofun 12 лет назад
i have cp but people think where aliens but where very normal and if you meet someone with cp try to be there friends and know them more before you judge
@LilPolishBoi 14 лет назад
My brother has CP, Im a twin of his that does, we're premature nd Im pissed for god having to put this on him. He never deserved this shit. Im srry for all those that hav CP it aint fair.
@trulychloe 12 лет назад
I know someone with cerebral palsy
@Leviathan-13100 12 лет назад
I was born with cp
@itzalicegaming 5 месяцев назад
I have cp
@goaskmisshannahs 12 лет назад
@31operafan i have ataxia cp and i am 19
@karlpeart7597 12 лет назад
i have cp but i was bodied until when i was 3 months old my birth father dropped me on a sharp object on purpose i suffered a serverely fractured skull and severe brain damage n was in hospital for 5 months, i used to hv tunnel vision but nw have epilepsy , there is a common misconseption that cp is a direct cause of a birth defect but this just isnt always the case
@TheLinkvsganon 13 лет назад
i have cp
@TheFilipFonky 11 лет назад
I don't have Cerebral Palsy so i'm afraid i won't be making a comment as cool as the current top ones.
@xJT94x 12 лет назад
I have cp on my computer.
@lisaholding3106 11 лет назад
im so sorry dude,i was watching this show called BREAKING BAD? his son has CP. how do you get it,and do you die from it?can u recover?im so sorry..some people JUST DONT KNOW HOW LUCKY THEY ARE..TO HAVE EYES,WALKING LEGS,MOVINGS ARMS..everyone takes things for ganted,best wishes for you mate.
@spencerkpope 9 лет назад
My son has cerebral palsy and walked for the first time at age 4. He is such an amazing kid. His motto is "I can do hard things." Just because your kid is diagnosed with cerebral palsy doesn't mean they wont do amazing things. My son Kyler is doing amazing things. You can see his video on his website at youcandohardthings.org or on RU-vid here, ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Vi4pPA6tTLU.html
@CapriUni 14 лет назад
Wow. a presentation about CP that doesn't even mention mental retardation. How refreshing! In the U.S., quite a few doctors just assume that mental retardation is a common part of the condition. ... Which makes it doubly hard for people with CP to get the proper access to education, or being taken seriously by doctors and teachers. I have CP. I was almost diagnosed as retarded, when I was 2, but my mom challenged that, and the evaluating psychologist took it off my report (I'm 46, now).
@nickalmond9708 9 лет назад
Dear Dr Carr, I feel that your vlog is miss leading and has fundamental errors. First, the incidence of CP is about 1 in 500, not 400. Second, your statements about how the majority of CP cases are caused are totally untrue. I accept that a minority are caused before birth (e.g. due to twins or very rare abnormalities) but the most common cause of CP is a lack of oxygen during or just after birth. I also find it very interesting that you do not mention that a large number of cases of CP are caused by medical negligence. This vlog feels like the NHS have put you forward to say "it's never our fault so don't blame us when we cock it up!"
@madamhenry 9 лет назад
Nick, I think the aim of the video is to give a general overvue and therefore the specifics are less important. For example, whether the incidence 1 in 400 or 1 in 500 the fact remains that it is extremely common, which is the point that she was trying to make. She gave an inisight into what CP is and how it is caused; if people would like to look at the causes more specifically, I'm sure they will. Finally, there was no mention of fault at all because portioning out blame (towards the NHS or the parents) is an extremely negative aspect to fous on. What the video does is raise public awareness of CP which is actually a really good thing. Wouldn't you agree?
@nickalmond9708 9 лет назад
I agree that it is great to raise awareness of CP, but I do not agree that the NHS should pretend that it is never their fault and not managing that many causes are due to medical negligence. If parents watching this video had a child with CP I think it would make them feel that it was their fault and therefore not pursue a negligence claim.
@santamonicagirl4life 13 лет назад
People are really ignorant and say the nastiest stupidest questions sometimes. It is 2011, right? Not 1911! Before you open your mouth to ask something inappropriate or absurd, rephrase the question like this..."how does one come to have CP?" not "is it true your blood lines are inbred?" how insane is that. People need to raise their kids with awareness and respect for those differently abled. No wonder my kid has developed a hard shell with people around like those past commenters!
@Dacholo1 14 лет назад
@BronteShakespeare haha best !
@MohammedHamidmhhm 5 лет назад
@goaskmisshannahs 12 лет назад
@nascar373 you are not rite
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