
Challengers! Review: This means War! 

The Dice Tower
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15 сен 2024




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@philipjohnson935 Год назад
While I almost never overlap with Roy on his perspective on games - I think this episode is a really good use case for WHY the "group reviews" Dice Tower does are a good thing. I play with some players more like Roy, I play with some players more like Tom, etc. By seeing greater than one perspective we can see "well, THIS player might hate that, THIS player might actually like that".
@philthephreak Год назад
This seems like one good idea in search of a good game. Keep the first half - quick light deckbuilding - and replace the second half with an actual game. Something on the order of Mindbug, where you have some actual choice in how you play. If it was that kind of game, it would be brilliant. I hope someone else evolves this concept.
@philipjohnson935 Год назад
@@philthephreak I actually own Challengers! and I really think it is a great and also strategic game. That said - the group reviews showed that not everyone might share my enthusiasm - this has been correct. I have some people I play with that I would never bring this game out, and this review warned me that that was the case before my purchase - helpful
@revimfadli4666 Год назад
Interesting how Roy seems to be the one who usually enjoys the chaos while others complain about agency lol
@kevinwallace1374 Год назад
this is the board game version of the popular digital genre "Auto-Battler"
@andrewwdavvid Год назад
I can’t wait for Super Auto Pets: The Board Game to hit kickstarter next year!!
@ronthal Год назад
yes, or "Idle fantasy combat (with gatcha)"! I hate everything that says idle and tells me it plays when my phone is off and therefore it doesn't need me.... This game doesn't need me to play my deck, and I don't need to play this game (again) either.
@revimfadli4666 Год назад
If only it also has the flexible set collection found in PG autobattlers, as well as Ethnos and Chtulhu Realms...
@randalladkins7452 Год назад
18:27 😂. Roy’s face at Tom’s 8! 😂
@Ras137 Год назад
Roy did a father's disapproving head shake.
@nirszi Год назад
That the face of losing respect for your boss 😀
@ElectronicShredder 6 месяцев назад
Coming from the grown man with sharpie'd nails lmao
@jasonbeane8683 Год назад
I picked this one up about a week ago, and I'm 100% with Tom on it! The decisions are light, but make a big difference. You make your choices, and see how it unfolds. There's a bunch of luck in how the cards come out, but it's silly and fun. Once you run through a round, you get an idea of how you should adjust for the next one. It's honestly a bit like betting on a race. You make your choices ahead of time, and then watch what happens. You don't have any agency in what happens during the race itself. It has choices like a filler, and plays like a party game, and the rounds are quick enough that it works!
@swcrusader Год назад
Watching Roy made this review the best ever.
@LawrenceMiles1972 Год назад
Splits the room for the same reason as "Galaxy Trucker": set up your side, then watch helplessly as everything goes wrong.
@flawed1 Год назад
I think we can all feel Roy’s pain here. Everyone has one game that they hate and they can’t understand why other people even play it 🤣I definitely want to give this one a try
@JohnBystrom Год назад
I thought Roy was going to throw up when Tom gave his rating 😂
@todddonaldson885 Год назад
@ElectronicShredder 6 месяцев назад
Guy never progressed from his 90's adolescent phase 😂
@Listan1 Год назад
I’d like Roy’s reaction to Tom’s score as a GIF please! I often worry that the Dice Tower people are yes men to each other and Tom and a lot of group think, so I actually LOVED Roy’s reaction. He actually cannot believe Tom likes this game and has a twinge of disgust over it. Nice!
@jameswoodard4304 Год назад
The day we watched Roy die a little inside. So, is this the widest score spread in DT review history?
@Monkeyb00y 6 месяцев назад
Sam's explaination of why he hates Cosmic Encounter when everyone loved it during one of the DT conventions was absolutely hilarious.
@CodyHoover Год назад
I think the rules explanation glossed over (and simplified) the impact that "redrawing" has. During the drafting phase, you can discard any number of cards and redraw that many, THEN choose which cards to keep. So for example, if you draw 5 and get one 1 card you might want, you can discard and redraw 4 more (or keep 2, draw 3). Then from those 5 you can choose which 2 to add to your deck. It might sound small, but this really does make the decisions more interesting and impactful than just "draw 5 keep 2. It's still a light, silly game, but there's slightly more meat than this review suggests.
@Nebenerwerbsbauer Год назад
Thanks for mentioning this possibility. One small correction: You can´t redraw if you keep 2.
@CodyHoover Год назад
@@Nebenerwerbsbauer you're right, i forgot that we've house ruled it a bit differently for more flexibility. Here's the original rule text from the rule book: "Once per Deck Phase you may discard the cards drawn this round and draw that number of new cards from the same Level Pile. If you are allowed to pick 2 cards you may discard and draw new cards before or after you picked your first card."
@adamkenney6932 Год назад
I could actually see this being a great transition from war to other games. My nieces enjoy war and I always liked it as a pastime, but I would much rather pull this out for that same feeling plus a bit more interest. War has a certain feeling of being able to win even when you shouldn't. It's also a game where losing doesn't really matter. It's fun just for the comparisons between values and the upsets. Light, light, light.
@joaocarvalho8275 Год назад
More of savage Roy please 🤣... For what I saw in the review, not my type of game so I would probably give it a low score like Roy did 😅
@todddonaldson885 Год назад
What an amazing set up by Tom to get Roy's opinion going. Sneaky good Tom @8:19 then @9:07; Roy got on a roll once you passed it on.
@chiehlilee9224 Год назад
I’m with Roy on this one.
@CoreyMarinoGames Год назад
Serious question, does Roy like Quacks of Quedilinburg? That has basic "deck" construction, but then the rest is randomized.
@KingMePlease3 Год назад
This has been on wishlist for my family since I heard about it and I still really want to get it, but mainly to play it with my kids. Surprised that wasn't brought up in this review that this would be a great family game. Did anyone play it with their kids, and if so, what did they think of it? As for agency in the game, I think there is enough for me during the deck building phase when I am playing with my family. I like how the actual game play is on auto pilot (like War) as this would make it easier for my younger kids to play.
@Mark-jagger Год назад
I noticed that you hadn’t had any replies yet. I’ve been playing with three of my kids, ranging in age between 12 and 18. They all enjoyed it, although my 12 year old got a little salty when losing in the final to me. “Luck!” he shouted when my cowboy made one of his better cards hit the bench. Ultimately it won me the final. I had two cowboys in my deck though so had a good chance of that happening. He wanted to play a revenge tournament the next day though so it’s all good. It’s simply a silly fun game. I enjoy it very much. Not every game has to be so serious with many meaningful decisions. Games can be fun too.
@republikadugave420 Год назад
only thing is you have to be lucky to hit certain cards at certain points but building a good deck mitigates the randomness.. i mean why is dominion different it is also random and automatic to an extent... like most deck builders are....a rarely stupid great game, for me a 9/10...roy needs couple more plays cause there is strategy involved here it is not just pure luck...i just build an almost yellow only card deck where i had basically full control on how and when some cards came up and also had some great when on bench bonuses...surely with more plays you can become better it is not pure chance...
@Pikaphanpooh1991 Год назад
The reason the deck is gigantic is because it is sized for an 8-player game. The deck ends up getting tiny after 1 turn in those situations.
@eighty6d233 Год назад
Roy is in pain, someone help him.
@ElectronicShredder 6 месяцев назад
Must be the Sharpie on her nails
@conillet Год назад
More bumper cards than bumper cars, actually. I love Tom's smug smile during the whole video, first in anticipation of Roy's rant and then amused by his indignation at his own "8". I'm definitely getting this game; with the right people it's gonna be a blast.
@ShamankingZuty Год назад
@18:22 Roy's smile and optimism: Gone.
@sexagesimalian Год назад
I wondered how long it would take Tom to bring up Magical Athlete.
@fashwang99 Год назад
I've played kitchen table MTG, but never got into Friday Night Magic or any other tournament TCG's like Yugi-Oh, Pokemon etc. Always wanted to have the experience of a sealed deck tournament, but having gotten into TCG/CCG's later in life I found the point of entry more difficult, so in the past few years I've found myself jumping into digital CCG's like Hearthstone and Marvel Snap, and leaning more towards the classic euros or themed co-op table tops for in-person game nights. The premise of Challengers being a microcosm of a CCG tournament experience, all in one self-contained box with approachable, "light" mechanics and rules to easily get players of all skill levels and experience playing quickly is really intriguing, and the physical adaptation of the relatively new genre of "auto battler" games is very interesting as well. Just ordered a copy and am excited to bring it to a group, and of course will make sure to level-set with them that it will likely be more of a "zany" fun experience with occasional strategic choices in deck construction, rather than a "true" MTG-like approach of player agency and tactical play.
@improfil Год назад
I really would like to love this game but there is a disconnect I can't ignore. In an autobattler you have more options and a lineup. So you have more control. And I think the missing of the lineup is what bothering me. Hopefully there will be a expansion introducing a new mechanic between the deckbuilding and the battlingphase for more control. Only a little bit, but if there only will be new characters its a pass for me.
@patrickotoole6115 Год назад
I held back on this for awhile because of Roy’s comments. Eventually tried it on BGA and LOVED IT! Went and bought the physical copy later. Fun game. Lol
@thewbsart Год назад
we play it with three cards in hand. Makes it less random. It's for this reason a big hit with our group!
@republikadugave420 Год назад
Doesnt this mitigate some card bonuses??
@oHara123 Год назад
This is a game that you just shouldn't take too seriously. If you win you win, if you lose you lose, its most of the time not the ultimate best player winning but (in our games) always people having fun! Its basically hearthstone battleground or teamfight tactics in a board game, it actually simulates those quite well.
@pridas5202 Год назад
Battlegrounds has so much more strategy than this which is why there are tournaments and pro battlegrounds players
@oHara123 Год назад
@@pridas5202 I agree with your point, which is why I would never play this competitively. But I do think that this boardgame comes closest to simulate autochess, because of the multiple battles against switching opponents, basically as if you are in a lobby together. Apart from that, influencing the deck that you are playing with every round and then hoping for the best with the setup you made does give me a similar feel as those games previously mentioned.
@tomragaert7350 Год назад
This game just won Kennerspiel des Jahres? THIS?
@philthephreak Год назад
Boggles my mind
@psycholoner Год назад
This one looks interesting to me. For light games to play with people who honestly don't want to think too much (theres a lot of them), this is nice. Its always neat to see a game that focuses on a single concept and tries to expand only on the one concept without adding too much complexity. It kind makes me think of it as a marble race, but you're allowed to modify your marble before you start. Does it really matter what you did to modify it? Maybe not, but lets see who wins anyway. Definitely a game you only want to introduce to certain people in a certain mood. Might be a good one for the young ones.
@MrTukitukitu Год назад
Just played this weekend with nongamers is what a huge hit. I don’t like party games but really enjoyed this one. Plan on buying myself. We played from 4 to 8 enjoyed all plays
@artdogez Год назад
Hahahaha! Roy's face after Tom's ranking is priceless! 18:20
@theodillmann940 8 месяцев назад
What Tom, Chris and Roy didn't mention: This is one of a rather small number of games that you can play with 8 players, that isn't overly long and where the players have little to no downtime. It's easy to learn and play, so you can play it with your kids as well as with seasoned gamers and even if someone doesn't like it, like Roy, it's over rather quickly. I think the luck factor is too high, both when drawing cards and when playing them, but it's still fun turning over your cards not knowing what will come next. Now, for up to 5 players, there are plenty of games that I like more. When it comes to games for 8 players, I can recommend Challengers!
@l.schmidt9132 Год назад
Would try it just to see if it's really that bad - Roy's tastes are usually to niche for me (space, fantasy, big), but based on his arguments, this sounds like something I wouldn't enjoy
@bedwyr84 7 месяцев назад
I love how Roy cant even look at Tom for a minute there 😂😂😂
@valimure Год назад
The first round or two are very random, yes. But you get the agency Roy's asking for by drafting cards that give you better control over your deck; it really seems like y'all just didn't play long enough for Roy to see that in action. There are plenty of powers that let you cycle cards back into your deck, rearrange your deck, and even search through your deck to find specific cards... you just have to draft them as opposed to other cards. That's one of the reasons I love this game, we've played about ten times so far and I've tried different strategies for each one.
@astrophe-cat Год назад
Team Roy! Playtested at Essen, maybe got a bad explantion, but essentially stopped after 2nd round as there seemed zero decision possibility. So yeah... maybe a 3 or 4 for me, but not higher
@republikadugave420 Год назад
Shame .. game ramps up after 3-4 rounds
@kytmuisco Год назад
Ha, this is amazing! I'm definitely with Tom on this one, love this game! I can totally understand Roy as well though, the first time I played this one of the players dropped out after the second round.
@ScytheNoire Год назад
This was entertaining. Roy was offended this game even exists.
@robertbrookes2000 Год назад
Played this the other day with 7 other people. It was all our first time playing the game. Interestingly we did actually make a mistake. When we benched cards, we simply put any number of cards that just lost on the same pile together, rather than spreading out and stacking any with matching names. But the game still worked perfectly fine, our rounds were probably a bit longer but that wasn't a problem. The deck building was fun, each round got more and more interesting with more complex cards. And swapping seats to play different people helped us to interact with people we didn't know that well. While I see a more experienced board gamer might not like the 'automatic' card plays, I didn't find it an issue. I had added plenty of cards in my deck that let me look through my deck, sometimes moving cards within it. And in the end I had the most fan points, a little due to the slight variation in points for a rounds trophy. But I did lose in the extra final showdown round, which was fair enough as my opponent had cards with higher stats and got to clear plenty of cards from his bench. Really liked it overall, and so did the rest of the players. And it was always hilarious getting to say things like: 'My dog benched your cowboy.'
@exe2543 Месяц назад
I played this a lot on board game arena with two other friends who have played hearthstone battlegrounds and teamfight tactics before. For context, I've hit Diamond in tft, one of my friends has hit Gold, and the other has hit Challenger multiple times on the NA server. There's actually a surprising amount of depth in the game especially with the reroll feature, and while there is a lot of luck involved there is still plenty of skill expression and it always feels fun. Auto battlers inherently have a lot of luck anyways, with random shops and fight rng, so I think the variance is actually a good thing.
@elqord.1118 Год назад
18:23 is the moment where Roy dies
@KaptajnLove Год назад
This game is great. Played with my family and we all had fun. If i played with my gaming group, i would really hate it. But as a family game where my kids and mom can play along it is really funny.
@LegoAssassin098 Год назад
Seems it'd be fun for a nice filler or end of night game especially with families. Something you don't take seriously and kind of turn your brain off. I grew up playing card games with a traditional deck of cards before bed every night, this seems like it would work in a similar vein. Definitely a lot of space in the design for expansions. I hope they come out with an app for it.
@palacsintaz Год назад
Love that spread and Roy's face when Tom gives the 8. It's about an 8 for me too, very addictive on BGA.
@michaelstraw6694 Год назад
I stand with Roy!
@andrewellis712 Год назад
I gotta side with Roy here, but I’ll take the caveat that as a super light game for young children to play with the adults too, it seems pretty good.
@borreholic7238 Год назад
Is the Merman card art the best of all time in the history of board games since the dawn of time? :)
@robinett74 Год назад
I feel like this is the first of a new type of card game and it will be iterated on (even by challengers 2) and better games will come out that surpass it in every way.
@chrisfong8929 Год назад
I think this game would work better as an app or bga implementation. It seems like the game itself is playing itself more than the players are.
@timothyyoung3193 9 месяцев назад
Would it be possible to draft the new cards (7 wonders style) between rounds? Would this add anything interesting to the game?
@chuckm1961 Год назад
Yes, Roy, agree that I want agency. Which is why I avoid so many games that turn on rolling dice to battle, and seeing what happens. I don't care that I can sometimes mitigate the rolls; i have The Worst Luck Of Any Human in History.
@kylemossman1519 Год назад
Im with Tom and Chris on this one. Its such a fun, super simple, goofy game. There is no ego involved in this game, you can sit down with the right group and just have fun 🎉
@realmiltonbradley8365 Год назад
Hey that game looked super boring to me at first. But I love your review of it guys. The synergy between the 3 of you having different opinions was on point, I can relate to everything each of you have said ✌️ love it. I will give this game a try for sure
@Danimal1901 Год назад
Woah Tom has a forearm tattoo! Have never seen that in hundreds of videos I’ve watched
@JeffGoris Год назад
I think this game looks like it has more skill involved in it than Roy thinks. Knowing what cards to pick, which to ditch and how to build cool combo potential into your deck will have a huge impact on the success of your deck. If it is anything like Super Auto Pets, then that will definitely be the case. Of course, this means that having played it a few times means you will have a much better understanding of what kinds of decks work well so you should in theory get better with more plays. Can't wait to play it myself. The fact that it plays 8 is awesome.
@BoardGamesBricksHobbies Год назад
This reminds me a lot of the old "Quickstrike" card game from Upper Deck. It only had three sets: Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, and some random anime.
@MichaliSarris Год назад
When I watched the tutorial I more and more got the creeping thought: oh no... I really dislike this... So my score would very likely be near Roy's. Not my cup of tea I think.
@JimmyWorld Год назад
At 5:43 why does the Champion take away the Merman? Isn't the Merman also a 4?
@JhoffDJ. Год назад
Custom content for this could be epic.
@wondernate Год назад
So glad Roy was in this video. The only voice of reason here!
@dividendapacolypse6060 4 месяца назад
This game is literally TFT from league of legends. The auto battle genre in the form of a board game is actually really cool
@marccote8544 Год назад
Not sure where i stand for this game . The gamer side doesn’t like it , too lucky not enough ´´game ´ ´ The average joe side really loved it and had fun playing it !!! 🤷🏻 Might be between 7 and 8
@dinbabwa452 11 месяцев назад
Roy needs to accept that some people appreciate having less agency over their actions in a game and just enjoy the ride.
@draco949 Год назад
The more I play this game, the better it gets. Crazy I know, but I play a ton of Magic and Codex, this is the party game version and I love it!
@Kagi-jv9se 7 месяцев назад
It is a stupid game but fun!!!! 😂 It’s absolutely not supposed to be for serious gamers. This is indeed a game you should put in your « big group/party game » category. It’s absolute fun with large family groups and everyone can join (the kids, grandma, etc….) 😊 It’s a good 1st deck builder experience for your family members that do not game 👍
@hairbrainedgames3127 Год назад
Well, this review throws the idea of "review score groupthink" out the window... the disparity is delicious. I rate the game an 7 with 4+ casual players, and a 2 as a 1-3 player game.
@Listan1 Год назад
Oh I just made the same comment!
@hairbrainedgames3127 Год назад
@@Listan1 Great minds! ;)
@ClasmanFilms Год назад
I’m with Roy.
@paolobingham3045 3 месяца назад
i would get this as a party board game for a party board game price without the mats...
@Monkeyb00y 6 месяцев назад
In Soviet Russia, game plays you! Just like Bunco and LCR.
@chemdent421 Год назад
Roy at 18:22. 😂
@AdalfanFilho 9 месяцев назад
I'm 100% with Roy! 😂😂
@thedicetower 9 месяцев назад
Good! I'm glad he was in the review then. A divisive one to say the least.
@blowingaim5029 Год назад
Just won the Kennerspiel des Jahres today.
@montanaricello Год назад
Fantastic show 😅
@_Cervantez Год назад
Guess it's a game for when you want to be entertained, not for when you want to play a game
@JonTripp115 Год назад
It's a good thing you have a new studio because Roy is going to burn this one down.
@RoyalPieMaker Год назад
Did Roy enjoy Quacks of Quedlinburg? I liked Quacks but my biggest issue was that the only real decisions in the game was during the buy phase. After that, your just placing randomly pulled chips. There’s a few decisions like the blue tokens that let you pull multiple tokens at once or deciding when to stop, but for the most part it’s pretty simple. It seems like this game has that same flow. Build up your deck/bag, and then see what happens.
@denholmspurr7211 Год назад
Glad you mentioned quacks here cuz that’s another SdY’s winner that I personally dislike. The thing I accept with Quacks however is that is actually innovative, and I can see how a different type of player may enjoy it - and you are actually improving your probability each time you buy new tokens for your bag. Challengers is the most undeserved winner of SdY since its inception (especially for the kennerspiel). It makes me question the entire awards enterprise. There’s zero innovation here, virtually zero agency. It’s the monopoly of 2023 except monopoly WAS innovative for its time. Tom says he prefers playing against real players versus the robot but to be honest, the other players could go play a decent game in another room whilst their Cardbaord cutouts play this game and the game would play just the same and Tom would have just as a good a time (apparently!). Somebody somewhere is pulling some strings to give this game some traction as in reality it should be confined to board game Alcatraz!
@silvermcdaid Год назад
It's definitely not a 7 or 8. But slightly better than 2. But i agree this game doesn't have enough decisions to make it interesting. I much rather play Libertalia than this
@ronthal Год назад
100% agree with Roy. You shuffle and play in this random order, no decision, then you pick extra cards, after 2 rounds you understand you need more of the same rather than diverse cards with various powers (none of which are actually very interesting...). You're lucky enough to have picked 3 Sharks or 3 T-Rex? Oh but you may not be lucky enough and you wont draw them at the right time! right... And then at 6 it drags for soooo long... Plus artwork is ugly, everything looks like a cheap card game prototype... Wow. Never again with me.
@danielengel4593 Год назад
Nominated for Kenner, guess Roy you were wrong.
@jawsvvvvv Год назад
Tesla comparison...Hilarious!!!!
@nickwatt1450 Год назад
This game seems to fall into the same category as Quacks, and Galaxy Trucker. Approx half of the game is decisions with some impediment and then the other half is watching the results of what you did. Neither of those two worked for me, I suspect this would be the same.
@axétério Год назад
Roy, preach brother! The description of this game reminds me of politics. One person says something smarter than the other so the other just keeps talking more nonsense until they drown out the first person with some nonsense that the first person didn’t include so now they’ve won. But wait! The first person takes a breath then just talks more than the other person did and now they’ve won. Rinse and repeat until they’ve gotten so caught up in wild random things that they both forget the substance of what is required to make a good conversation and solve the issue. Roy solved it in 1, it’s a game so let’s see, and 2 walking away from it cuz there isn’t Might as well flip quarters at the base of a wall and come up with bunch of different reasons why you won 🤣
@revimfadli4666 Год назад
Why does this game look like it'll make sense as an NFT game?
@JayDeiman Год назад
I am 100% in camp Roy here. I like plenty of lighter games, but, as Roy said, there's basically zero decisions in the gameplay here. This looks like hot garbage.
@BoardGamesandBarbells Год назад
Even if you are kind of an “exercise person” 😆😆😆
@matofilipovic7818 Год назад
I almost bought this one, but after this review and the How to Play video... yeah, I will have to pass.
@nshaw1299 Год назад
wrote the comment before Tom's Analogy: So this game to war is 'magical athlete' to a dice-based simple race. maybe less funny and seems like not enough 'special' in the special cards.
@5ammy13 4 месяца назад
Wait, where is Zendaya?
@rockthemic12 Год назад
Poor Roy. But this is why having multiple reviewers is great.
@mitchelldorcas9687 Год назад
Roy is the type of person that never loses because of a decision he made, but because the luck didn't go his way isn't he
@Rezgarfia Год назад
Lol, bumper cars.
@InVinceIble009 Год назад
Roy would clearly be "OMG THIS IS AMAZING" were it MaRvEl
@pirotehs Год назад
I watched BGG's Gamenight episode with this game and found out that there are no choices/decisions during matches. If Tom showed 10 sample matches with these cards with the same card order, those matches would be identical. Not same winner, all 10 matches would be IDENTICAL in every move. You could save time, reveal first card and owner of strongest card gets a win. There are cards that can change this, but looks like they are rare. I didn't see them in this video, they were not in Gamenight playthrough. I am with Roy on this one.
@mahuloq7562 Год назад
Uh what? "If you set up the cards in the same order, every game will be the same!" Well duh. But thats not what happens, the same decks could play out very different with a different shuffle.
@pirotehs Год назад
@@mahuloq7562 And, if You shuffle differently in my version where strongest top cards win, top card would reveal different outcome. That doesn't mean it's interesting game. You didn't change my opinion on this game.
@jobberslayer Год назад
Not a big surprise for a guy who likes to watch marbles randomly roll around. 😀
@TheBlakeWhitaker Год назад
Hey if you didn't know....Roy likes AGENCY! Sorry Roy, I love you but wasn't on board with you here lol
@dramajoe 6 месяцев назад
"Come on guys! Please hate the thing I arbitrarily decided I hated based on petty, bad logic and my own terrible decision making. 😦" The fact that he then arrogantly claimed Chris only liked it because he was winning is as hilarious as it is frustrating. What a nuclear bad take.
@joshjenson8111 11 месяцев назад
This game looks terrible I agree with Roy
@alexstrang9823 Год назад
the whole thing sounds fun, but that box cover.....so offputting...what were they thinking?
@TheBlakeWhitaker Год назад
I love the cover. What’s wrong with it?
@CoreyMarinoGames Год назад
Cover is great
@TheManofDew Год назад
This looks so bad. If you like it, I’m happy for you. But this is one game I’m with Roy, which is a rarity.
How To Play - Challengers!
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