
Challenging Tradition: LGBT Clergy in the Church of England | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary 

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4 окт 2024




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@daffidkane8350 5 месяцев назад
So if I want a harem of women will the church also accept that? Can I swing with other married couples and still be accepted by the church? Can I love who and how I want without restriction? What commandments can we compromise to satisfy modern values? Or do we only compromise matters of sexuality? Where do we want to draw the line?
@dorasmith7875 3 месяца назад
I think the Church of England would - long before it will ever stop treating honest Christians in loving monogamous relationships like perverts.
@godzilla4082 Год назад
For anyone who is religious and lgbt ignore most of the comments none of them are true Christians. bigotry does not define all Christians Christianity is built on love and always has been its the Christian fundies who make lgbt clergy a problem because they are taking the bible literally not able to see its nuances and contradictions and picking out a verse out of its historical context. I'm not religious but the fact you still believe in god despite the hatred you receive is inspiring. In reality god does love you and do not honour god by what you say but honour him in what you do help the poor , the sick and the dying. The bible is about love and if you look at what Jesus said he loves you no matter what. So please don't be a priest or levite be a good Samaritan instead.
@tallnoodle4729 Год назад
One of the few non-hateful comment I’ve seen in this comment section. It’s truly sad seeing how utterly rude supposed “Christians” can be.
@godzilla4082 Год назад
@@tallnoodle4729 I prefer love over hate it just makes the world a little bit nicer.
@tallnoodle4729 Год назад
@@godzilla4082 the bible also states that you should love thy enemy in order to be more perfect like God, but I guess they haven’t gotten to that verse yet. (Matthew 5:43-48)
@godzilla4082 Год назад
@@tallnoodle4729 Yup its almost as if none of these people actually read the bible
@barrysnelson4404 Год назад
Just nonsense. To make it blunt, make a brief study of human anatomy, you will see what goes where and why. That must be God's plan. Anything else can not be God's plan. Homosexuals must intend that the creator God's human race dies out as they refuse to reproduce. Claims of 'hate' are just bogus as is the demand to be seen as 'poor victims'. Hate is not involved. Just the truth. To be a homosexual and still claim belief in a Supreme Being is just imposture.
@leokeo6871 Год назад
I'm not even the slightest religious but wtf?
@08hawkst Год назад
Yawl acting like God wrote the Bible 🙄. Are yawl also okay with slavery and think eating shellfish is a sin ? Cause that’s in the Bible. Don’t we have enough problems on earth to worry about ? Maybe focus on trying to be more Christ like.
@rahjah6958 Год назад
Thank you for exposing the channel 👍
@neuro.weaver Год назад
Jesus Christ did not accept everyone's choices. He accepted everyone's REPENTANCE. He forgives everyone who asks for forgiveness and SINS NO MORE. Our Lord and Creator never condoned self-serving behaviour that places our own will over His instructions on how to reach God.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
Repent this🖕
@MrMarcodarko Год назад
ya thats spot on. It isnt Jesus loves everyone without consequence. You do what he says and teaches. Don't like it? There is the door. How secular people want to take Christianity and secularize it is contrary to everything
@thomasfholland Год назад
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@Neuro Weaver How would you suppose to know that freedom of speech is freedom of speech?
@Aaron-hh5tf Год назад
@jeffros6739 Год назад
Well let's face it they've been there all the time pretending. So they can still be there and be open about it now, what's the difference?
@puddingtame3483 Год назад
The difference is these degenerates are now expecting society to accept their sexually deviant perversions as normal. You don't understand that? Maybe thinking isn't for you..
@jcfisher8771 6 месяцев назад
From the POV of a queer (USA) Episcopalian---oh, Mother Church (CofE) WHY are you so effed up? Thank GOD the Episcopal Church shucked all this sturm&drang years ago now. "All the Sacraments for All the Baptized". We have equality of marriage, of ordination . . . and we are, truly, more BLESSED than ever! 😇🕈
@KandiKlover 2 месяца назад
Why waste time LARPing a lie and delusion? Just be pagan
@goldencheesesteak4890 Год назад
Church of England exists because a king wanted to divorce his wife and marry his concubine. Because of him, it's only expected that there will be people to start demand the same changes. Just two generations ago a king has to abdicate his throne for marrying a divorcee, but now England is ruled by a king that's not only a divorcee himself, also marries a divorcee. Before we can criticize the lgbtq crowds, we must criticize the hetero crowds first for being the majority and the rule-makers who actually change the rules when it doesn't suit what they want. Is it any wonder if the LGBT crowd then follow the example and make changes to the rules they don't want as well?
@theimputationist3331 7 месяцев назад
The establishment began when Augustine of Canterbury brought Christianity to the UK. King Henry, though a fool, did put the church in the hands of a good man, Thomas Cranmer, who reformed it.
@gh5691 Год назад
We are in the last days. The bible is clear about sexual immortality. These I am afraid are not truly Christians. The agenda is clear to see. God is not to be mocked.
@thomasfholland Год назад
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
Anything that mocks god is protected by the first amendment
@glauvie Год назад
@@jeanclaudejunior 🤣 it’s England!
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@glauvie Ez zait axola Ingalaterra edo Estatu Batuak diren.
@ciggystardust99 8 месяцев назад
You can't read their minds. You don't know what their relationship with God is like because you are not God.
@Vastasiya Год назад
“LGBT clergy” is an oxymoron
@SumriseHD Год назад
It's like saying "hanukkah with nazis"
@piretkivi3218 Год назад
There was a Finnish Waffen-SS man who was sent to Siberia after the war. To a Soviet concentration camp. He got on really well with the Jewish prisoners. They even invited him to their holy celebrations. He was seated between two rabbis. The Jews wanted to thank him because Finland had treated them well. Despite a very harsh situation. Anyone who understands why this Waffen-SS officer sat between the rabbis is able to truly understand WW2. LGBT clergy is absurd mainly because heterosexual clergy is absurd. There is clergy. Full stop. They have to follow the rules, i.e. Christian moral teaching. Christianity does not allow homosexual acts.
@michaelrg3836 Год назад
@@piretkivi3218 What a BS comment
@hdsmileus2007 Год назад
Atheists are more Christlike than most Christians. Thank you for proving that point.
@soul-lifeinstitute1533 Год назад
This type of comment is completely un-Christ-like.
@sheilagadde5975 Год назад
It is shameful. Accepting what you are is fine. Expecting normal people to change because you are different is NARCISSISTIC.
@akorn5800 Год назад
Frfr they can’t force their stuff on us
@MB-vu3ow Год назад
@Sara Same here and perfectly said, Sara, and I am 70+.
@patricianorton3908 Год назад
I’m reading a lot of comments that sound very self righteous. That kind of righteousness is not good. Who gave you the power to judge? From New Hampshire, Patricia 👵🏻 🤔 😟
@ciararespect4296 Год назад
Seems like youre judging the judgers? In case you haven't noticed humans judge. Its one of the most basic things they do! We judge others we meet subconsciously within seven seconds and some say a tenth of a second is all it takes to start determining traits like trustworthiness
@rainystormcloud7499 Год назад
When you change one of the Churches most clearest rules,.. you'll then go on to change another and then another. Soon the Church will be unrecognizable to what it once was. If you must change a church in order to join it and be comfortable as a part of it,.. what then happens to all the original faithful? Are they to continue worshipping where so much(fundamentally) has changed? This is why Churches split. As crass as this may sound, why not split and start their own Church that encompasses all they hold dear to who they are. Instead of changing the Church that represents all that we hold dear and true to who we are. It seems a bit one sided to simply change some of the Churches most core rules without at all taking into consideration an entire world wide congregation's needs and wants and not just the wants of, in comparison, a chosen trending few....in my RESPECTFUL opinion. What I do seriously wonder is,..how does one bring up children sincerely in a Church when so much in the Church is no longer parallel with one's believes. Yes, Jesus was inclusive to all,....and when they followed they no longer were prostitutes, thieves, etc..They changed, became a new creation and were uplifted out of their sin. ✨✨✨Just an old ladies opinion 👵
@Scorpio45Libra Год назад
Very, very well said!
@lindamon5101 Год назад
@maitelefever6402 Год назад
do you eat shellfish? Do you get haircuts? Shave? Mix fabric in clothing? Celebrate Mothers day, Valentines Day? These are all against the Bible. Reles change and there are no longer "original faithful" that follow all the rules in this world.
@ciararespect4296 Год назад
Donkeys years ago plenty left the church when they stopped Latin masses lol. Its all a joke now
@MrMarcodarko Год назад
The bible cannot be any more clear no matter how anyone wants to spin it. It's God. You're in or out. God isn't the bad guy cause he doesn't conform to people's life choices and expects a free ticket to Heaven.
@maitelefever6402 Год назад
Do you eat shellfish? Do you get haircuts? Shave? Mix fabric in clothing? Celebrate Mothers day, Valentines Day? These are all against the Bible. You're in or out doesn't work as an argument because no one is always fully 'in'.
@ZoeX87 6 месяцев назад
"life choices" is your issue. Did you make a life choice to be straight?
@pradeepakrish 5 месяцев назад
The Holy Bible was written by mortal and weak men, according to their culture, likes and dislikes! God bless you!!
@ZoeX87 6 месяцев назад
There sure are a lot of self-righteous people casting stones and looking for specks in other people's eyes. Christ talked about (and condemned) a lot of things that Christians seem to brush off, ignore or justify all around them. Christ had a LOT to say about the wealthy, selfish, angry, hypocrites, gossips, adulterers etc. Meanwhile, not a mention from Christ about LGBTQ people. Try reading and understanding Christ's actual message instead of digging around for out of context biblical justifications for your own pre-existing bigotry.
@LorenzoLozziGallo-rg8bf 3 месяца назад
Christ said clearly: “Go and sin no more”.
@ZoeX87 3 месяца назад
@@LorenzoLozziGallo-rg8bf Yeah, Christians should go ahead and worry about their OWN sin. Nowhere does it say for Christians to obsess over OTHER PEOPLE's sins. In fact, quite the opposite. Nor am I under any obligation to follow YOUR religious ideals. Christians seem to have a serious problem living their own religion while demanding everyone ELSE adhere to it.
@MB-vu3ow Год назад
If you don’t like the picture, leave the theater.
@glauvie Год назад
A church led by the unrepentant is no church for me. I hear a lot of “it seems” “I feel” “I consider” “I define”. The Lord has spoken. Your assessment of the validity of it is immaterial.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
How would you suppose to know that freedom of speech is freedom of speech?
@ciggystardust99 8 месяцев назад
The purpose of the church is to interpret the word of the Lord for us, is it not?
@simibignall5688 2 месяца назад
@glauvie, well said.
@oldhickory4686 Год назад
The devil will gladly invite people to embrace religion and "warm feelings", but it has no effect on the soul. These people can twist Scripture to fit their narrative till their blue in the face, but it doesn't change clear Biblical teaching. Using an example to illustrate my point. If you take a foreign language class, you will find out very quickly it has rules you must abide by. For example, the Spanish language has masculine and female nouns. You can try and change the language, and twist it to fit how you want it to be, but any native Spanish speaker will quickly call you out on your own error. These people are deceived, and it's an awful place to be.
@blackrain303 Год назад
Don't use God as a cover for your deviance...the Scriptures...word of God is Clear 💯🙏🏾 @0:50 Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, Rom 1:25 👉🏾Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 👈🏾💯🙏🏾 Rom 1:27 👉🏾And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 💯💯🔥🔥 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pOmz6VVw7IU.html
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
How would you suppose to know that freedom of speech is freedom of speech?
@ApisVenandi Год назад
@blackrain303 Год назад
@@ApisVenandi 🙏🏾
@thomasfholland Год назад
@@blackrain303 Amen it’s always a joy for me, and our Lord! when someone like you understands and interprets the Word of God correctly. God bless you and your loved ones. 🙏🥰
@blackrain303 Год назад
@@thomasfholland Blessings to you as well
@Kristoffceyssens Год назад
The church is done. Our culture is also done.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
shut up
@roonilwazlib3089 Год назад
Sadly this is true
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@roonilwazlib3089 FUNTRUE
@7eyesopenwide168 Год назад
Jesus described the temple/church being destroyed at the time of the end/judgment. Mathew 24.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@7eyesopenwide168 WHO CARES
@monl3807 Год назад
What happens if the Pope decides that priest can marry? Marry just women? 😮
@veronica_._._._ 9 месяцев назад
This is Anglican, why would they care.
@LorenzoLozziGallo-rg8bf 3 месяца назад
@@veronica_._._._Anglicans aren’t real Christians, so the true Church of Jesus doesn’t concern them.
@dorasmith7875 3 месяца назад
Pope will decide a priest can marry children first.
@LorenzoLozziGallo-rg8bf 3 месяца назад
@@dorasmith7875 sick mind. This is a fruit of the Anglican perversion.
@chibichii1990 Год назад
Firstly, God and Jesus never ask for war or harm to others. Jesus was sent to save us from the harm we were doing. Secondly the Bible was written at a time homosexuality was punishible by death.
@kostaspassias3815 Год назад
Meaning what? That the Bible is therefore anti-homosexuality? If the Bible is the word of God why would it have to adhere to old systems of governance? If it doesn't have to do that why even bring it up in the first place? Also, yes, God does in fact ask for harm to others. Many times actually. Sometimes even demands it.
@chibichii1990 Год назад
@@kostaspassias3815 When the apostles first compiled and wrote the bible of jesuse and the catholic/Christian/protestant faith, at that time homosexuality would have been illegal and considered a sin. Not just in the eyes of the law but by the people too. Yes there is some homophobia in the bible.
@marcopolo4576 Год назад
Sorry, but we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but with spiritual enemies. You have surrendered to the spiritual enemies of God.
@denisetroest9090 Год назад
Will you be casting stones?
@mistywoods4407 Год назад
I agree. we are in a spiritual battle. We are to please God and not man.
@thomasfholland Год назад
@@denisetroest9090 Try to find some true wisdom. You don’t want to be mocking the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@mistywoods4407 Goddamn it, stop acting like the Taliban
@agewilson Год назад
Those who do not love do not know God
@lukemurray4950 Год назад
And this is why the religion has failed and no longer the leading religion in the UK.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
The first amendment IS the reason why Religion is failing
@neuro.weaver Год назад
Why do you think they deliberately accepted ONLY Muslim refugees for over a decade now?
@MrMarcodarko Год назад
isnt it Islam or will be?
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@MrMarcodarko none.
@ciararespect4296 Год назад
​@@MrMarcodarko no Islam if it ever became dominant in the UK it will no longer be the uk but a foreign place. Usa is where the real old English are now anyway and governing there
@arabianhighlander4160 Год назад
That’s a little Blasphemous innit
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
Blasphemy is protected free speech
@thomasfholland Год назад
@@jeanclaudejunior And while you “legally” can say blasphemous things you will be subject to the wrath of God. And that’s not something you can escape.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@thomasfholland First amendment still protects using the lord's name in vain
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@thomasfholland Well you will be a subject to the wrath of my middle fingers🖕🖕
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@thomasfholland Goddamn goddamnity gooddamn goddamn goddamn
@davebannister323 Год назад
The issue is in my view " What does God / Bible say ? " . Yes their are views on both sides . There needs to be more talking and understanding as Sally says . At the end of the day we are " commanded " by Jesus to Love one another " and ultimately we are ALL accountable to God . I do find the interview lacking in it's questioning , it does not look at the subject from the viewpoint of God's Word . I do not doubt his " sincerity " but i profoundly disagree with the vicar's remarks near the end , the Bible is our Authority and we need to go back to that however uncomfortable , Yes there have been " callous , disrespectful and hatred " remarks said by many including Christians , so again i go back to the point above , we are to LOVE all including our enemies .
@realemonful Год назад
By 5:45...Edit: 5:34... and that is why Catholics are not followers of Christ and even they know that they will not have room in heaven
@realemonful Год назад
By 19:15, just to mention ONE of the contradictions of this "priest" he has ZERO understanding of the Holy Bible. How can he stand in front of a congregation? He will face severe judgement one day, not only for his wrong doing but also for misleading the congregation!
@TheElizabethashby Год назад
@katherinecollins4685 Год назад
@Janine_C Год назад
What’s next? Transgender priests?
@puddingtame3483 Год назад
You mean men pretending to be women? There's no such thing as a "transgender" person.
@MB-vu3ow Год назад
Sadly, yes.
@Janine_C Год назад
@@MB-vu3ow 💔
@sonogabri1 Год назад
I wouldn't be surprised.
@vincentfuoco9748 Год назад
Why don’t you just relax and think that there are worse problems than transgender priest. And yes, there are transgender priests but does that affect you no no it does not.
@hirogochitomayto7018 Год назад
The bible is very clear about homosexuality.
@thomasfholland Год назад
Yes He is very clear about these abominations.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@thomasfholland You are the abominations not Homosexuality. Jesus is homosexual
@tallnoodle4729 Год назад
@@thomasfholland now that’s just rude
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
​@@thomasfholland How would you suppose to know what the first amendment to the United States constitution is? How would you suppose to know that freedom of speech is freedom of speech?
@vincentfuoco9748 Год назад
Yep, and the Bible was also written over 2000 years ago things change, not saying that about Jesus I’m saying about laws…
@DeeZ36 Год назад
It's not about tradition, it's about commandments. We Christians believe that Bible is from God, and is God's words. If you only believe it as a tradition, then don't be a christian. Find other religions you can ruin..
@MB-vu3ow Год назад
Live your lifestyle, but stop trying to force it on others including children.
@vincentfuoco9748 Год назад
Last time, I checked you clicked on the video, they didn’t force it upon you…
@michaelrg3836 Год назад
"Suffer little children to come unto me" sounds like child abuse to me.
@Janine_C Год назад
First. I’m an atheist. Please don’t judge. I find this so wrong. For Christian people this goes against the Bible.
@maitelefever6402 Год назад
Yeah but eatng shellfish and mixing different kinds of cloth is also against the Bible. so who cares
@vincentfuoco9748 Год назад
That’s funny, because you don’t even believe in the Bible… Bats_777
@AzliHuzainiOfficial Год назад
Funny..dont be shock next lesbian become priest
@sonogabri1 Год назад
That would be a trans-lesbian.
@crilf5830 Год назад
They should fight for it. Literally.
@crilf5830 Год назад
Traditionally speaking.
@thomasfholland Год назад
@crilf No they should go and start their new age Sodom and Gomorrah sin worshiping cult. They’re not a part of the true church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
@ebohestherekene1598 Год назад
Sodom and Gomorrah please change come back to God He will forgive you
@TheElizabethashby Год назад
MATTHEW 7: 13 -23 KJV
@thomasfholland Год назад
This passage of Scripture is a very good reference to point out for these people who claim that they “follow and believe” in our Lord Jesus Christ - BUT they never repent of their sins.
@simibignall5688 2 месяца назад
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
@tejaswakade9047 Год назад
So this channel also became LGBTQ bandwagoner. Rip.
@mikebaguley9092 Год назад
Excluded is the freedom of which resulted in those who will not accept one another as equals, too many people have judged falling innocent souls, it takes all to make a beautiful world and but a few to darken the out look of true faith and love, we can all flourish when we shift our focus on topics of improvement in a positive way ✨ ❤ 💖 🕊 wife's Bible was a study and a freedom of speech to help lift people and give them hope that love will always exist within each other, have a great day take care 🕊
@thomasfholland Год назад
@gracefuller1722 Год назад
@freddiekirschman4933 Год назад
Love the sinner but hate the sin
@mikebaguley9092 Год назад
@@freddiekirschman4933 opinions are one thing to be considered, and the truth is anothers way of life. Have a great day take care 🕊
@TheElizabethashby Год назад
@thomasfholland Год назад
1 Corinthians 6:9-20 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. That pretty much sums it up. God created man and a woman and they are to be joined in marriage.
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@thomas holland read the first amendment
@thomasfholland Год назад
@@jeanclaudejunior Sorry if the eternal truths don’t appeal to your taste. It’s nothing I have the power to change. If you should ever try and gain some of God’s wisdom instead of His wrath you should read about all of the unfulfilled prophecies that are coming our way. And you will finally start to understand why we hold the Bible in such high regard and reverence.
@thomasfholland Год назад
@@jeanclaudejunior This is regarding the Church of England!! The British don’t have the protection of the first amendment 🙄
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
@@thomasfholland No me importa. Cállate
@FixedFace Год назад
muslims will take care of this in englandistan in the long run 3:15
@ciararespect4296 Год назад
Yea England has gone anyway. Its a backwater and will be full of Muslims but it won't be the proud England it was so basically its been ruined by being too popular. Tge real English of old are running the USA didn't you know?
@TheWorldisSoDivided Год назад
It’s wrong
@debbie2027 Год назад
ROMANS Chapter 1 .... Repent and believe the good news !
@omoxo Год назад
Good for him ❤
@puddingtame3483 Год назад
Shut up
@splinterbyrd Год назад
As they are mostly a tiny minority, when lgbt people become a more substantial group or a majority - church, workplace, anywhere - they tend to try to take over
@vincentfuoco9748 Год назад
@ciggystardust99 8 месяцев назад
Asking to have a seat at the table is hardly the same thing as "taking over."
@Rosemary-u5z3y 7 месяцев назад
The Supreme Creator GOD - His Laws cannot be changed. Spiritual life means to abide God's laws. Only the pure in heart can enter the kingdom of God. Greed, Lust, selfishness, violence and anger are the killers of the unique immortal soul, the symptom of life. ❤❤❤🛐🛐🛐
@SumriseHD Год назад
@nicolasbascunan4013 Год назад
@cahkediriv8564 Год назад
cristian pagan religion of yunani..romawi..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@draconianoverlord7545 Год назад
Stop the madness. Put your foot down .
@jeanclaudejunior Год назад
How would you suppose to know that freedom of speech is freedom of speech?
@vincentfuoco9748 Год назад
Why don’t you just learn how to live and let live are they affecting you no, no they’re not so grow up and carry on with your own life. Stop being critical to other peoples lives.
@StopListenThink Год назад
I think you guys are acting above your pay grade
@alchemistkingdickinson2256 Год назад
@Tass... Год назад
Which of the roughly 3000 recognised gods are you talking about specifically?
@alchemistkingdickinson2256 Год назад
@@Tass... There is only 1 God; just like there is only 1 Christ who is Gods only begotten son who is HUMAN and who comes to this world like ALL SOULS DO; IN A NEW BODY WITH A NEW NAME EACH AND EVERY COMING.
@Tass... Год назад
@@alchemistkingdickinson2256 So you choose to believe in 1 out of 3000 gods. I choose to believe in just one less than you. We aren't so disimilar. Are we? You reject 2999 gods. I reject 3000.
@thomasfholland Год назад
@@Tass... The ONLY true God is the God and Father of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. That should be specific enough for you.
@Tass... Год назад
@@thomasfholland That's only your opinion. Billions of people would disagree and point to their chosen god.
@Pammy62 Год назад
@amberreid6242 Год назад
Beware the false prophets
@thatomofolo452 Год назад
@nickytheyahoo_ Год назад
Unbelievable , what’s next ? Is there any next ? !. The end can’t come soon enough now as far as I’m concerned . Earth needs a cleansing
@glauvie Год назад
You’ll miss your public image on the street? Spoken like a true servant of God…?
@canadachandler7521 Год назад
Apostates... replacing God`s judgement with their own.
@freddiekirschman4933 Год назад
Disgusting and sinful
@adamdilem941 Год назад
1st Schism: Pagan Gentiles supported by the empire overwpowered The 12 Disciples Movement. 2nd Schism: Divinity of Jesus supported by the Emperor overpowered the Monotheists Christian and caused a genocide. 3rd: Schism: East Rome vs West Rom. 4rtb: Schism: European Kings vs The Pope. Over 30 milliondead. 5th Schism: Sodom and Gomorrah takes over the Churches by the support of the Empire.
@ciggystardust99 8 месяцев назад
Get over yourself lmfao
@NaniFatimana Год назад
Convert to Islam 👍
@ciararespect4296 Год назад
Even worse 😂 primitive and debasing
@donnapeitz8737 Год назад
Begotten means first born he was first angel
@thomasfholland Год назад
Yeah that’s a completely wrong interpretation of Scripture. I don’t know where you’re getting this idea from but you definitely need to find a new place where you can do serious Bible study. And remember, the Bible interprets the Bible.
@donnapeitz8737 Год назад
@@thomasfholland ya know the Catholic church made the interpretation of bible do you know what downloaded information from God is where you fall to the ground you know nothing of the interpretation first born he's the first angel before earth creation and there'sike 10 others I'll not listen to you are the letting Satan use you Holy Spirit is female Sophia the Vatican wanted everything male Earth is mother so Satan be gone by the power of God who lives in me done with your lies and putting me down
@binghamguevara6814 Год назад
The abomination generation
@vincentfuoco9748 Год назад
Nope, you’re just homophobic
@jenniferwalker6629 Год назад
@vikiestracener259 Год назад
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