
Chemtrails & Sunspots 1.11.2022 

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@curtisnorris868 Год назад
Growing up in the 70's and 80's I lived near an international airport and watched the planes in the sky as I walked to school. In the nearly ten years that I watched them not one of them ever left a trail in the sky. I vividly remember when there were no trails in the sky anywhere at anytime. As a six year old I knew what contrails where and could see them. They were never longer than maybe twice the length of the plane. Anyone who thinks the trails in the sky are contrails are fools.
@kaliissouledout4jesus928 Год назад
Exactly!!! No amount of lying or manipulating the truth can change that fact! I’m watching them spray as I type.
@realitypreferred7084 Год назад
Anyone who thinks the trails aren't contrails is ignorant.
@realitypreferred7084 Год назад
@incognito Then your parents didn't live in an area with high altitude flyover traffic. I did in the 60s and 70s and saw these trails all the time. What your mum believes, and reality, are two different things. Yes, CO2 heats up the earth like a blanket and jets create CO2. As do billions of sources at ground level you all completely ignore. The colors are from light refraction through ice crystals. Look it up on a source other than a conspiracy site. WHAT "court hearings"?! Was there ANY expert testimony? Do you know what a "hearing" even IS?! I really do hope that someday there REALLY is a trial about these trails, and experts from atmospheric science are allowed to testify. You people would be so owned...and embarrassed. Yes, contrails spread out to become cloud cover...because they are clouds. No one starts spraying at 3AM. The scheduled flights BEGIN at 3AM. Typically air freight to and from other countries. If you don't like the trails, it's time to blame the right people instead of some imaginary bogyman. The AIRLINES are responsible and can make the trails go away. But, it will cost more money because planes would have to maneuver differently to avoid atmospheric conditions that would be conducive to contrail creation. I REALLY DO feel sorry for those who have been ensnared by this hoax. It must be horrible to think your own people are intentionally spraying you...for whatever reason....with whatever. So far, NOTHING has been found that points to ANY such program, regardless of what morons like Dane Wigingtron say. There are no high levels of chemicals anywhere associated with the trails. To many people have no idea how wind and rain move chemicals around our ecosystem, and they make assumptions and jump top conclusions.
@realitypreferred7084 Год назад
@incognito And you stay afraid. Just like "they" want. What a shame.
@realitypreferred7084 Год назад
@incognito so, you don't think we are being intentionally sprayed?
@FloridaWildlife 2 года назад
Spraying daily over central florida..I am a retired pilot. I know the difference between chemtrails and contrails.
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
*_"I know the difference between chemtrails and contrails."_* Finally. Just think, you can become the first to actually detail the methodology to allow differentiation between your supposed 'chemtrails' and persistent spreading contrails that have been observed, documented, recorded, photographed, filmed, measured and studied since the early advent of high altitude powered aviation and in excess of 80 years. *_"I am a retired pilot."_* Of course you are...isn't the internet wonderful?
@myname-ns1rp Год назад
@@yassassin6425 Look up Operation Popeye, genius. It's declassified, public information. troll elsewhere. people older than you didn't grow up indoctrinated and seeing these things since you were in diapers so you think its normal. Anyone who had lived in excess of 30 years remembers when the sky was normal in rural areas that don't have flight paths. suddenly we are seeing all these aircraft flying at high altitude with odd trajectories spraying your 'contrails' daily til the sky is completely hazy when it used to be pure blue in our arid climate. 300 days of sunshine has turned into 180 suddenly in the last 5 years as these planes continue to bombard us with these metals.
@yassassin6425 Год назад
@@myname-ns1rp *_"Look up Operation Popeye, genius. It's declassified, public information."_* Yes, that's precisely why it's common knowledge. What does cloud seeding have to do with the aircraft contrails you are seeing? *_"troll elsewhere."_* Another online conspiracy believer that doesn't understand the meaning oft the term and thinks that challenging a comment constitutes 'trolling'. *_"people older than you"_* And yet another online conspiracy believer that favours unsupported assumptions and supposition. *_"didn't grow up indoctrinated and seeing these things since you were in diapers so you think its normal. Anyone who had lived in excess of 30 years remembers when the sky was normal in rural areas that don't have flight paths."_* Persistent spreading contrails have been observed, documented, recorded, photographed, filmed, measured and studied since the early advent of high altitude powered aviation and in excess of 80 years. The increased prevalence is due to the sustained and unregulated unfettered expansion of the commercial aviation sectors and routes flown. Rural areas? Are you actually attempting to suggest that long haul and domestic air traffic is only routed over built up urban areas? *_"suddenly we are seeing all these aircraft flying at high altitude with odd trajectories"_* What 'odd trajectories? Surely you're not another conspiracy believer with spatial impairment and a complete lack of understanding of perspective - or are you yet another that doesn't understand the grid patterns that commercial air traffic can create? *_"spraying your 'contrails' daily til the sky is completely hazy"_* Could you identify this magical chemical that can mysteriously expand and increase in mass, just like...well no shit...condensed atmospheric water vapour? Also, the aircraft that can deposit these expanding trails weighing tens of thousand times more that their maximum take off weight? *_"when it used to be pure blue in our arid climate. 300 days of sunshine has turned into 180 suddenly in the last 5 years"_* You 'arid climate' at ground level has no bearing on the ambient conditions six to eight miles above your head. I suggest you start with an understanding of relative humidity. *_"as these planes continue to bombard us with these metals."_* 🤣What metals?
@myname-ns1rp Год назад
@@yassassin6425 thanks for wasting so much time with your elaborate dismissals of the truth. it was fun to observe. now on to better things. I didn't reply to you initially for you, I replied for the other readers' sake. we know the truth, founded in the facts. No time for deceiving trolls. Bye sweetheart.
@yassassin6425 Год назад
@@myname-ns1rp *_"thanks for wasting so much time with your elaborate dismissals of the truth."_* Nothing to do with me, everything in the response to you is independently verifiable. No use saying it, do by all means feel free to falsify any aspect of it. Truth? - ha you freaks were separated from this at birth and exist in bipolar universes. *_"it was fun to observe. now on to better things."_* You have another conspiracy video to watch or more confirmation bias to search for? *_"I didn't reply to you initially for you, I replied for the other readers' sake."_* Of course you did. *_"we know the truth"_* Of course you do - you are an online conspiracy believer so naturally you know everything. *_"No time for deceiving trolls"_* Said the deceiving troll. *_"Bye sweetheart"_* Is that a promise this time?
@TheCherokeeKidd 2 года назад
It’s almost like we went four years without them and now all the sudden they’re back
@ericblack4165 Год назад
@msheart2 7 месяцев назад
I've seen them constantly since 2001 when I first noticed them, in the Northeast, and in England from 2011- 2015 daily.
@christopherhowes609 6 месяцев назад
Everyday i see them, everyday
@youknowme2252 2 года назад
I think the truth behind chemtrials is crazier than we can handle or comprehend.
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
Yes like nano particles we breath that literally move and acclimate with warm moistheat.
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
@@blessedwithtruth105 Exactly they are spraying at night in my rural area it wakes me up and prevents my from falling asleep. There is no way we can stop This unfortunately. So yeah have an happy zombie apocalypse yall 🥴
@chrisw5742 2 года назад
Tobacco smoke for the sky spirits. See my vids on it.
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
@@GEENIAH3 im sorry they are here too... People are noticing more and we are conversing alot more as people get sicker and dying ... People won't see WE ARE AT WAR..
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
Take a good flashlight out at night you can see!! We are rock hounds and have convoy c 8 flashlights.. Particles are alive!
@circlesrround8545 2 года назад
The funny thing is is when I bring up cam trails in a conversation only 10% of the time The person news about them the other 90% are idiots that never look up…
@chadkline4268 2 года назад
I agree. I think a lot of those 90% have unhealthy, unsound, unstable psychology. They are afraid of reality. They like to 'pretend' their way through life.
@okedoke1234 Год назад
OK, let's have a conversation. What aircraft are equipped to spray chemtrails? How are they equipped? Who services the chemical tanks on the aircraft? Who maintains the chemtrail equipment? I eagerly await any chemtrailer's fully detailed answer, as someone with 36 years experience in US military aircraft maintenance. This should be an easy answer for a true chemtrailer, right?
@josephjulianmionie4744 Год назад
Nanoparticles.... Aluminum.... Barium.... etc.... .........the masses will die asleep. Only the Enlightened and Chosen will inherit the end
@okedoke1234 Год назад
@@josephjulianmionie4744 Yeah ok. Tell me how these nanoparticles are delivered. And be specific.
@YasinNisay-hr9hu Год назад
@@okedoke1234 🐑🤡. No argument
@thiefofvirtue 2 года назад
I worked in Monterey County in 2008. Salinas to pass Robles for job. I watched socal to north commuter plane traffic, typical contrails. In 2009 went back to norcal. I work in ag and have pesticide applicator lisc. Starting noticing blazes in the sky. Not morning coastal fog or moisture clouds. Then streaks with planes spraying similar to my farm spray jobs. Inversion layers keep them up, they dissolve moisture, preventing rain. Aluminum, barium, corporate filler like chaff makes 666 on the periodic. The clean air act is what it's called. Only 1 modern country said no, Sweden. Deniers are shills or stupid.
@mariamaria2751 Год назад
One country?
@eddie788 Год назад
And those two chemicals spell our baal, who the people running things worship
@JM-ll2vv Год назад
@@eddie788 Or backwards it spells laab, i.e. Covid-19 was invented in a lab!!!!
@Wjustin2499 Год назад
This makes sense
@sarah4958 Год назад
These trails expand and cover the whole sky . Sometimes you can see black and various colors and it’s just a horrible gloomy feeling 😢 I miss our blue skies. And remember when rainbows only happen when the sun came out after the rain? Now we have random rainbow patches in the sky among the chemtrails. Kinda reminds me When there is a oil spill on the pavement and it leaves that iridescent color🌈This can’t be healthy and I miss the way things used to be ☀️🌎🌳🥀
@okedoke1234 Год назад
What aircraft are equipped to spray chemtrails? How are they equipped? Who services the chemical tanks on the aircraft? Who maintains the chemtrail equipment? I eagerly await any chemtrailer's fully detailed answer, as someone with 36 years experience in US military aircraft maintenance.
@Grayscale14 Год назад
uh there are still blue skies, what the hell are you talking about
@okedoke1234 Год назад
@@Grayscale14 Grayscale you are arguing with those that are just slightly more coherent than Flat Earthers
@Grayscale14 Год назад
@@okedoke1234 i mainly started research on this to make a point to a friend, checking both sides and i've found this is another conspiracy that people desperately try to prove
@bibilopez849 2 года назад
WTH is that flying out of the chem trails?! Love your videos 🖖🏼👽♥️
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
Skynet from Musk
@GreatHope3-16 2 года назад
@@GEENIAH3 What do you think the real purpose is for "starlink"?
@ibrahimcetin8146 2 года назад
Aynı ufo benzeri cisimleri havada asılı kalıp çok hızlı hareket edebildiklerini gördüm renkleri çok soğuk metaldi. Hızları inanılmazdı. Asla insan teknolojisiyle karşılaştırılamaz. Gün içinde gökyüzü açıkken bir anda çapraz oluşan sisle kaplanıyor. Dün gökyüzünde c harfi oluştu. Ve kesinlikle sessiz bir şekilde oluşuyor. Birileri güneşi kapatarak kıtlık, hastalık oluşturmaya çalışıyor. Dünya insanları Uyanmalı artık hepinizi öldürmeye çalışıyorlar.
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
I'm pretty sure it's ice from the frozen water vapour. Technically the contrails are clouds, and high altitude clouds consist mostly of ice particles, which upon freezing, fall down
@mreowp0 Год назад
@@alexthegreat5009 wake up
@louisetucker3973 2 года назад
so much craziness ... Thank you !!
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
Its called suprême evil
@jackdshellback3819 2 года назад
You're the crazy ones believing this crap.
@mightytaiger3000 2 года назад
the sarcasm in your narration... "thank YOU, air pilot man" LMAO
@barbaradu75 4 месяца назад
👁️ 👁️ 💪 👌
@Bravei 2 года назад
Good evening, your video is wonderful, I downloaded and used the translation into Brazilian Portuguese, I put credits to your channel, I subscribed, I am Brazilian, I don't speak English, but I understood everything perfectly. Thanks for sharing, here in Brazil things are very bad too, and I am an observer, I always look at the sky with my Canon SX530 Hs 50 x zoom camera, I can see these orbs, and I also know that the contrails are chemical. Thank you JRESHOW
@JRESHOW 2 года назад
Hello from America! Us who can see these things are all in this together!
@Bravei 2 года назад
@@JRESHOW Amen friend, Thank you, that's right we're all in this together!
@MrMonkabp Год назад
Oi bom dia, ouvir falar dessa forma de controle mundial recentemente. Por gentileza como encontro mais conteúdos sobre os “chantrias” em português?
@Knekten666 Год назад
they are contrails, stop being so stupid
@chatroom101 Год назад
I love how all the chemtrail videos have disclaimers from RU-vid underneath. How reassuring.
@michaeljamesreed9054 2 года назад
Great work, my friend.
@munhassan7840 Год назад
I’m always seeing them in the sky so bad thank you for your video.
@Chuck-fc4xf 2 года назад
Thanks Joe! I'm just relieved you are starting to spit truth again.
@Ben-mk9ig 2 года назад
He's spitting something, all right, but it sure aint the truth!
@okedoke1234 Год назад
What aircraft are equipped to spray chemtrails? How are they equipped? Who services the chemical tanks on the aircraft? Who maintains the chemtrail equipment? I eagerly await any chemtrailer's fully detailed answer, as someone with 36 years experience in US military aircraft maintenance.
@ruth.greening 7 месяцев назад
​@@okedoke1234You won't find it on this platform as the censor ship prohibits it. Keep searching, you'll find it whistle blowers do post, you know.
@eastky1901 2 года назад
The last 3-5days iv noticed lots of chemtrails. More than normal. Even in grid pattern in the east as the sun comes up. In ky
@okedoke1234 Год назад
What aircraft are equipped to spray chemtrails? How are they equipped? Who services the chemical tanks on the aircraft? Who maintains the chemtrail equipment? I eagerly await any chemtrailer's fully detailed answer, as someone with 36 years experience in US military aircraft maintenance.
@FrankWyssen-mg5gi Год назад
Really, if you are in the military you know things are compartmentalized . Everything is on a need to know basis. This is obviously done by the military complex, it’s not in any budget. The guys flying would have signed none disclosure agreements. I have hundreds of videos and photos I took that cannot be explained by commercial flights. We live directly under the flight path between Toronto and Calgary , none have ever left or had any trail behind them . We have lived here 28 years.
@okedoke1234 Год назад
@@FrankWyssen-mg5gi Really!! Do tell!! I have been working for the US Department of Defense for 36+ years in aircraft maintenance and logistics. Have been working at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma for the past 15 years. Maybe YOU can tell ME exactly where and how any of the aircraft overhauled at Tinker have chemtrail equipment installed. I cannot wait for you to tell me.
@FrankWyssen-mg5gi Год назад
@@okedoke1234 First, I didn’t say I knew where these planes fly out of. Certainly didn’t say Tinker AFB and I have no idea how many military air base there are in the States or for that matter any where in the world. Second , these planes probably don’t fly out of known or well known bases. Remember these are large commercial type air planes that would have at least a 3 or 4000 mile distance they could travel, so how many bases do you think they need, not many.
@FrankWyssen-mg5gi Год назад
@@okedoke1234 Third , I have videos I took of two and three planes flying together in formation and it wasn’t a air show. I watched them turn on and off and switch back and forth from trails that stay and trails that look like they disappear. It all becomes clouds or haze, and it’s done with military precision.
@FrankWyssen-mg5gi Год назад
Fourth, we are now seeing an extraordinary amount of different trees dying. As organic regenerative farmers when we test our soil samples they have heavy metals in them. At high levels, where do you think that could come from? Take soil samples were you live, you will find it’s everywhere. They have been doing this for decades, we have finally hit a tipping point and they have definitely ramped things up this year. You wouldn’t just have a significant increase in commercial flights all of a sudden, and not one of them has ever had anything coming out the back . They all fly clean. No matter what time of year.
@Damidas 2 года назад
I was watching the skies being sprayed in front of the sun last week and I saw one trail being sprayed in one direction and I couldn’t tell what was spraying it, it looked as if the trail was being formed by itself (maybe it was a drone and it was too small for me to see it?) ..about 10 minutes later I saw another trail being formed flying in the opposite direction and I could clearly see that it was a 4 engine plane spraying it, and as I was watching the plane the trail stopped for a few seconds then it started spraying again then completely stopped spraying a few seconds later as if the plane ran out of chemtrail spray. Made me realize that it’s possibly not just planes that are spraying them
@DeniseKYurek 2 года назад
DAMIDAS HI , OUR OBSERVATION TOO , we have been videotaping an photographing Chemtrais for years , an seen some amazing things , the lines straight up an down , top to bottom , Chemtrails that just appear mid air , squiggle lines , an curl in loops , crazy shapes an forms appearing , what plane has the technology to fly in all loops , curls etc, it's like drones at times or different technology , or Alien technology . An why arent they admitting to doing this , we see , the public all around the world sees it . An check out Dane Wigington channel he shows lots of different photos . An also geoengineeringwatch.org too . An thanks for your comment here . Take care .
@Damidas 2 года назад
@@DeniseKYurek Years ago I saw a segment of a news conference and a guy was saying that the government spends 10 billion dollars annually spraying the sky in an effort to slow down global warming, which is obviously a lie. I’ve also noticed in the last few years that the skies are more often sprayed in the middle of the night when people can’t see them instead of during the day when it’s so obvious. I have watched the sun rise dozens of times where the sky is completely clear and as the sun rises, an entire blanket of chemtrails that have already been dispersed gradually comes creeping in from the west, and by the time the sun is high in the sky there is a blanket covering everything
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
Many times they make star shapes, and pentagrams...
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
People are literally hooking up to blue tooth!!!! We are conductors for their web a literal web in the sky a net of evil covers us. Everything you were taught IS A LIE!!!
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
@@blessedwithtruth105 Hé is souless forget IT. Not human anymore. They cant see nor hear anymore.
@rouschno1 2 года назад
Great video. Very nice choice in music as usual.
@chadkline4268 2 года назад
2:20 This chemtrail video is interesting because it appears to show: 1) a solid line inside a puffy line. 2) one trail is darker than the other. Can't all be water vapor! Thanks for doing what you can. It's important, even if it's not easy to realize at this time 👍
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
Are you similarly confused by differing thickness and tones of clouds? None of it is as you say, 'water vapour'. Water vapour is an invisible gas. Contrails are the result of condensed water vapour in the form of ice crystals.
@BokiRS Год назад
Forst vid is sky writing. You can order it
@IIop902 2 года назад
Posting this from Belvidere South Dekota, were in city hall together watching these after we saw a jetliner fly really low over our town, the mayor complained to the FAA and they hung up on him, ever since we have been starting to feel dizy, this nonsense must stop!
@farkasbelabill5969 2 года назад
Great Job 💡
@DrEVeils 2 года назад
I've seen other videos of these. Very interesting for sure. Thanks for sharing.
@ogasi1798 2 года назад
videos? do you ever look up? observe your skies daily and nightly, you can see it yourself...then show people, it is the only way
@user-me4xm1fe3j Год назад
Total normal ansver
@lisabek72 2 года назад
O was watching one leave a heavy trail this morning. I looked away for a second and when I looked back the "plane" was gone.
@TapiaJ Год назад
@ogasi1798 2 года назад
btw that is an insane catch - those 'particles' (or shall we call them uap) jumping like that.....impressive catch, wow !!!
@ogasi1798 2 года назад
few years ago 'we' spoke about chem trails and how what is inside will affect immune systems and their ability to respond, late 2019 look what happened....Or maybe its just peoples minds that have been affected and not their immuno response... either way, stay smiley everyone -
@JRESHOW 2 года назад
@TapiaJ Год назад
Ok. This is how it works. It's makes it into your respiratory system. Then, eventually, into the nervous system. It's designed to get emotional anxiety out of people. For those who are more asleep to this, it's almost like mind controlling them. This is by no means a government thing. It's higher up. The annunaki's. This is the only way they can control this planet because they can't be here to do it. Based on atmospheric conditions. For those with a std know as herpes. This mixed with herpes is worse. Especially when it makes it into the nervous system. Both of these combined work against the host.
@stickology4475 2 года назад
People who say they are contrails are those who NEVER look up bc they have been put to sleep
@angelablacksmith9653 2 года назад
@jackdshellback3819 2 года назад
I look up every day actually. Some days there are contrails, but most days are clear. It's funny "chemtrail" believers never mention the majority of clear days. You would think if "they" were spraying chemicals, for whatever reason you think they are, then "they" would be doing it every day, wouldn't you?
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
*_"People who say they are contrails are those who NEVER look up bc they have been put to sleep"_* So that'll be the entire fields of aviation, meteorological, atmospheric and environmental science then. Righto.
@Knekten666 Год назад
The people that believe chemtrails are real, do so because they are dumb, gullible and extremely naive
@silentwhispers1116 2 года назад
❤🙌great catches
@curiouscat8457 2 года назад
What you are showing at the starts is "skywriting" - created by injecting paraffin or diesel oil into hot engine exhaust. It has been used in airshows for decades. It is not a contrail - it just a smoke and it can be created in any altitude. Its size is limited by the amount of paraffin aboard, typically to a few hundred meters. It can persist for some time before it is being disturbed by turbulence and diluted to the point of becoming invisible. The rest are contrails, water vapors condensing or depositing into tiny ice crystals in high altitudes (extremely low temperatures) after aircraft triggers the chain reaction in the supersaturated air by adding a bit more of water and physical agitation. Contrails will start forming only if the relative humidity of the ambient air is over 70%. Only about 0.1% of the contrail is the water from the plane. The rest was there before, in the form of invisible vapors, so the size is virtually unlimited. When the chain reaction once starts, it can't be stopped, and contrail can grow all over the sky.
@johnmudd6453 Год назад
Thank you the voice of sanity !
@marklanders6833 Год назад
Try something else, buddy, cause no one believes your false statements.
@okedoke1234 Год назад
Curious Cat I appreciate your efforts.....but you gotta remember.....chemtrailers are just slightly more coherent than flat-earthers, who are the most insane lunatic tin foil hatters on the internet......
@toddblessuable 2 года назад
Reminds me of a video Crrow777 did a few years ago. He caught orb like craft flying around and "shooting" into the chemtrails.
@youknowme2252 2 года назад
Three years ago I saw with my own eyes an orb like object spraying the sky in London. It wasn't an airplain or a drone. It was moving fast aswell as staying in one place. It looked like a dark dot. It was day time and it was spraying small short lines not like the long once from airplane.
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
@@youknowme2252 spraying fresh morgellons
@lisabek72 2 года назад
Demonic activity
@amycanizaro5987 2 года назад
I spend quite a bit of time outside and right before cov a plane went past my home and in got very sick. Cov started after that cement type dust. I do notice everything they spray, all get stick within 2-4 days!
@briansmith5391 Год назад
The same thing has been happening to me. I get sick a couple of days after I notice trails in the sky. I told a couple of people about this, but no one believes me.
@DEADPOLES Год назад
Awesome and hilarious 😂 but a fact 💯%
@Htdobb458e Месяц назад
The feeling of impotence is overwhelming. No one is ever accountable. They make me sick.
@robmorris3710 2 года назад
Yes excellent thank you
@lisabek72 2 года назад
I so wish we could make this stop
@lisabek72 2 года назад
@Mike JH82 educate yourself.
@lisabek72 2 года назад
@Mike JH82 exlpain the off the charts aluminum in soil. Explain why Monsanto has come up with gmo Frankenstein seeds that are aluminum tolerant. Explain why every afternoon there us no sun due to the lingering, spreading, darkening SHIT that's put in the sky every damn day. You have your head up your ass and you CHOOSE not to see what's right above you.
@DivineTruth1 2 года назад
White vinegar clears chemtrails, and clouds, just put a couple of litres of it outside your home in the path of the sun *you can just open the bottles and leave them outside. Most shop bought vinegar is 5 percent vinegar and 95percent water, so you can simmer it (do not boil it) for an hour to concentrate the vinegar and evaporate the water before you put it outside in open bottles. I would go into the science of why it clears clouds, but if I try to the comment is deleted by yt. I have a playlist with examples of it working please check for examples from around the world, chriss aussie videos are good ones to watch.
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
Nothing is stopping you from buying a few ground to air missiles from terrorist organisations on the dark web. Then you can make it stop with a press of a button
@lisabek72 2 года назад
@@alexthegreat5009 oh your so funny
@bill8582 2 года назад
They have been spraying like crazy here in North Central Texas
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
Lovely END Times
@threedawgz6559 Год назад
same here S of Chicago
@okedoke1234 Год назад
What aircraft are equipped to spray chemtrails? How are they equipped? Who services the chemical tanks on the aircraft? Who maintains the chemtrail equipment? I eagerly await any chemtrailer's fully detailed answer, as someone with 36 years experience in US military aircraft maintenance.
@bill8582 Год назад
@@okedoke1234 🤣🤣🤣 😴😴😴
@okedoke1234 Год назад
@@bill8582 Yeah it's god damn hilarious, isn't it? These are basic questions any good chemtrailer should know. Man, the whole chemtrail conspiracy experts have really declined over the years. I mean, the Flat Earthers are kicking chemtrailers asses these days....
@Raktaarion 2 года назад
🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫✈️✈️✈️✈️🛬🛬🛬🛬There is nothing to see🙈 Take your booster shot and keep watching CNN show 👀
@monkeywentbananas 2 года назад
I have seen those white orbs before! Grest video capture of whatever those things are!
@edgewyze7352 2 года назад
We were in Disneyworld in 2012, they sky-typed *Jesus loves you* I was in absolute awe for a split second.
@misterr279 2 года назад
Duuude,,,,,I was there too,! Wtf brought me here??
@Damidas 2 года назад
Things like that let you know the religion is a farce and is simply used to control people
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
Oh Boy the name is YASHA creator 🤎
@myname-ns1rp Год назад
@@misterr279 Because Jesus does love you. He'll even use what the devil means for evil and reverse it like a judo master for your good! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, his blood on the cross to pay for your sins, His resurrection from the dead to prove His deity, and you shall be saved!
@nickelplateroad63 Год назад
I saw that in the sky in March 2023 this year spraying Jesus Loves You!
@matthewsteenbergen8904 2 года назад
They Don't Care about Us
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
That's a song from MJ
@BigElCat 2 года назад
You sure they were sky-writing "Thank You" ? Could have been Warner Brothers writing, 'That's All Folks'. Meep Meep.
@JRESHOW 2 года назад
You may be right!!
@craigmahan5185 2 года назад
Oh Handy Andy, @4:14 notice the "Maduro ceee-gar" just lft of cntr, below that skidmark in the sky?
@3rdicam724 2 года назад
I also looked up at the sun today with my telescope and saw those very same Sun spots as well as some other bigger planets apart from the sun & one sat behind the moon and lastly.... the big green planet that sits just behind the sun for my in it's 11 o'clock position. I have videos on the big green planet by the Sun.
@seang2424 2 года назад
Cool are you putting it on utube 😁
@seang2424 2 года назад
I've just subbed your channel BRILLANT
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
Nibiru planet X
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
@Mike JH82 blahblahblah are you a bluebeam création or just a wacko.
@jcmick8430 2 года назад
big green planet behind the sun?!
@user-me4xm1fe3j Год назад
Thank you brother ☦️☦️☦️
@pmerrytako4745 2 года назад
In my country, chemtrials are often seen, and we have know it's poison they spray.
@jackdshellback3819 2 года назад
No, you only THINK it's poison they spray. What you see are contrails, water vapour turned to ice crystals, that's all, no more no less.
@dannyj45h33 2 года назад
What country
@cheezitsgaming3326 2 года назад
It's not poison it's contrails
@jackdshellback3819 2 года назад
@@cheezitsgaming3326 I kind of feel sorry for these conspiracy theorists. Just imagine being so paranoid all the time, even to the point of being scared of high altitude water vapor.
@cheezitsgaming3326 2 года назад
@@jackdshellback3819 it happened to my mom she is such of a scared and worried person it drives her crazy, I hate facebook
@sebastiankraftbaum3195 2 года назад
Love the videos and the music, just subscribed your channel right away. Could you do a video about temperature of the moonlight compared to the shadow? It seems the moonlight is cold, means like 1°C colder than measured in the shadow.Best.regards.from.germany
@MaverickFilms24 2 года назад
I believe it’s because the lack of the sun ☀️
@genisys0069 Год назад
Great video friend, Were those multiple objects flying out of the chemtrail? its like they were using it for cover. Very interesting. Do you have any more footage of these events?
@robtrill68 2 года назад
Thanks 🙏 for what you’re doin!
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
What precisely are you referring to? Doing what?
@willmous3646 10 месяцев назад
If they're condensation trails, then why did the plane just turn it off ???
@TheJoMo360 2 года назад
That’s right they follow the sun why? What are they hiding? My boss said planes con trails one of the busiest travel days around Christmas time ther was no trails I told him I guess no planes are flying today huh he didn’t have much to say
@JejetRC 2 года назад
I am currently training as a pilot ( not an airline one) but, they have been doing this for a long time. It’s called sky writing and it is usually water vapor or thickened water or sugar water, kind of like molasses. But sky writers are hired by someone and they don’t work for the government. And the airliners are just high enough to condense the water into water vapor because jet engines are very hot. God bless.
@curtisw107 2 года назад
dude you picked the wrong place to be rational with this gang of tin-foil kooks.
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
@@bankhead1 what do you mean "gotcha"? Present an argument first
@sharko4093 2 года назад
@@bankhead1 Mate, the USA isn't the only place on earth, this happens everywhere. Airliners aren't "writing" because as anyone with a brain knows, their job is to fly people from one airport to another in as close to a straight line as they can.
@kellyt5341 Год назад
@@curtisw107 The C***d jab is safe and effective also...right! I mean CDC, FDA, WHO and the medical industry said they were. I'll take my tinfoil hat and you can have all my jabs as well.
@michael-dy8tz Год назад
Yep, this is the way a chemtrail looks.
@Storm-qq8qg 2 года назад
Context box under your video... CONTRAIL definition 🙄
@user-lx7zg4vu5b 5 месяцев назад
Growing up I don't remember condensation ever hanging around either. They were short trails that disappeared almost immediately. Our technology must be going backwards. And I also remember pilots used to have a destination. These pilots now days must get lost all the time. Their always zig zagging around up there. ( their up there going...im going this way. Now you go that way...no, no go that way. No this way. ) So ya. Condensation that you can just turn on and off whenever you want. Ya. Ya. That's it. I mean, you know our government would never lie to us. They would never hide the truth. Just ask Bob Lazar.
@curiouscat8457 4 месяца назад
"Growing up I don't remember condensation ever hanging around either." So, there were no clouds then? "pilots now days must get lost all the time. Their always zig zagging around up there." Please, show a photo of a "zig-zag" trail. "Just ask Bob Lazar." Sure, the most credible source of information there is.
@nospamnc2075 2 года назад
smoke generator, like at air show.
@Jett777 2 года назад
There are gov't patents for it dating back to the 1930's. They used it in WWll.
@jackdshellback3819 2 года назад
Really? Patents for what exactly, and what was "it" used for in WWII?
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
Patents for what precisely? All that I've seen from chemtrail believers is false equivalence and technologies and devices that they either don't understand the purpose of or proposals that were never adopted. Why are you people unable to comprehend that a patent is not proof of the existence of something? rather, simply the registration of an idea irrespective of how outlandish or bizarre that may be.
@Bigazzham 2 года назад
@@yassassin6425 They used weather modification in war before. Vietnam, operation Popeye. Seeded clouds causing landslides, floods. Or how about operation Nile Blue. Seeded rain clouds off the coast of Cuba so they would dump all their moisture over the ocean causing drought for Cubas crops. They also did that Soviet Union and China. Do you really think they just forget about that technology? You really think they didn’t advance that technology over the years? It’s the military, of course they advanced that technology. I would hate to see what they can do now. Weather modification is real and has been for a long time.
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
@@Bigazzham No one is denying the existence of cloud seeding which has been practiced since the 1950s - the technical term fro which is weather modification. We can discuss this if you wish, but it is an entirely separate subject. To clarify, this video is about a conspiracy theory based upon the misidentification of aircraft contrails. The patents referred to in the OP and the topic of cloud seeding it completely irrelevant.
@threedawgz6559 Год назад
@@yassassin6425. B O T
@thomasmorgan5028 2 года назад
In the Book of Revelation it says in the last days the sun and moon will be as sackcloth
@ibrahimcetin8146 2 года назад
Kuran da" gökyüzünün açık bir duman getireceği günü bekle. O duman insanları çevreler. Bu kötü bir azaptır. İnsanlar rabbimiz bu azabı üzerimizden kaldır, çünkü artık biz inanıyoruz derler. " yazıyor
@dazgreen63 6 дней назад
So the fact that during covid we had the greatest summer ever, was due to there being massive plane decrease ?
@itachiisolit2029 2 года назад
Is it the stairway to heaven? “And god will lift us up in the sky to be with him”
@firebird14420 Год назад
THA= Zarloffian god
@buenoconlosbuenosymaloconl3535 2 года назад
En mi país cada q "sale" el sol comienzan esas estelas a notarse despues de que pasa una avioneta en el cielo y al toque se nubla todo.
@alanduffield5729 2 года назад
I’ve seen these white balls in the sky twice over south London blackheath , once I watched for 20’mins . 8 spheres moving inbetween each other and then stopping and sitting stationary then moving around again and this is going to sound like bs but I’ll tell you anyway some completely vanished into thin air then reappeared in another spot . They moved very slowly not like these ones . They must have been 15 -20 Miles up and 5-10 miles apart . Then I saw 3 a year later in the same spot . Clear sunny day . 2004/5
@TheSpirituralWackadoo Год назад
I'm getting sick of this pollution
@abdxu326 2 года назад
the earth is flat in our quran الأرض مسطحة في مصحفنا الشريف
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
Space is water
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
The moon is not solid
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
The æther stars ripples on the firmament
@spiritualwarrior9520 2 года назад
what are the orb-like things? Are they part of it or are they disrupting their plan?
@mahalalel7771 2 года назад
Well... in my opinion, I think the Earth is being terraformed to suit the needs of what's coming.
@ISEEORBS 2 года назад
Part of it.
@novawill17 2 года назад
@@mahalalel7771 are they trying to grow something? I mean, idk what but it's been on my mind. What did mean by terraform?
@renplease4322 2 года назад
Thank you for your work.🖐🏼
@amerwun23 2 года назад
X sell ent pre sent action. ♥️♥️♥️
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
@marshutch3931 Год назад
So they are turning off their engines to write in the sky.
@Grayscale14 Год назад
they use a special built plane with a type of flare in the wings in that instance to produce those trails. If the planes were higher up then they would constantly leave trails instead of just in the shape of the letters
@marcusjaybrode2129 Год назад
The “chemicals” used in skywriting are either mineral oil or canola oil. 💡
@michael-dy8tz Год назад
Why are they only behind the planes that go back and forth? They make designs with them sometimes. Planes that leave the airport and go somewhere never leave trails. Also there’s metals on produce when it’s tested.
@MeteoricStoneofShatteredSouls 2 года назад
Does the sun have spots again when you try to take a picture of it? It was doing that a few years ago every time I would take a pic.
@GEENIAH3 2 года назад
Black Hole Sun they have fake Sun un China now
@MeteoricStoneofShatteredSouls 2 года назад
@Mike JH82 Yea that's not what I was talking about. More like when I'd take a poc of the sun with my phone, there would always be a large black i4cle in the middle of the sun. This was back in 2018 when a lot of people online were talking about a fake sun already in place. So when I hear about China's fake sun....it really makes me wonder.
@DeniseKYurek 2 года назад
@Mike JH82 Mike , your very knowledgeable on a lot of different topics here , very precise information , been reading your comments here .
@chadkline4268 2 года назад
@@DeniseKYurek he's not knowledgeable. Fission energy/bombs are a fraud. The sun operates via fusion and hydrino energy.
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
@@MeteoricStoneofShatteredSouls it's funny how you think you debunked everyone while you were simply burning your camera out by looking into the Sun with it😂
@samanthabranch8130 2 года назад
Uk 🇬🇧 last 6 week has been a lot worse
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
Overcast skies in the UK? Surely not. Can only be a conspiracy.
@Lalalovee_1989 Год назад
Umm what is that at 2:33 little white dots floats from top to bottom anyone else catch that ????
@Lalalovee_1989 Год назад
Lol never mind 😂 he literally slows it down cuz he sees it 😂 what the heck is that ?
@Wjustin2499 Год назад
I believe they are attending to modify the genetic disposition of all living things on earth through bioengineering. And that's just one goal they are working towards with this large scale operation.
@burnnotice5086 Год назад
In Northern Arizona spraying 5 consecutive days without letting up. I haven't seen the sky in a week. I'm planning to move out of Arizona.
@JRESHOW Год назад
I think you’ll have to go far far away to escape them…
@TapiaJ Год назад
Wear a mask. This is mind control juice.
@ceramikxxx5882 Год назад
They sprayed chemtrails in inland empire california and caused a snow storm ...its snowing right now....fucking us all over with this disastrous weather
@22lilacsky Год назад
​@@ceramikxxx5882 The past few years the weather has been a bit too odd!!
@okedoke1234 Год назад
What aircraft are equipped to spray chemtrails? How are they equipped? Who services the chemical tanks on the aircraft? Who maintains the chemtrail equipment? I eagerly await any chemtrailer's fully detailed answer, as someone with 36 years experience in US military aircraft maintenance.
@honeybadger2129 Год назад
People all around the world seriously need to stop this shit!!
@DaniellaDD5 Год назад
Wake up world b4 it is 2 late
@michael-dy8tz Год назад
They are ruining our sunshine and good weather that we used to have and it's a lot cooler in Ky. than it used to be, just look at the weather there this week it's not that warm like it used to be, I've lived there since 1977 and I noticed a big difference in the decades of warmth and weather. Not as many clear skies either, lot's of clouds which is depressing and cooler weather in Aug. 2023.
@josephjulianmionie4744 Год назад
A Wrath is coming..... .....the end is nigh. Those not of the narrow path will perish.... ......and as for the Evil ones that dwell in the shadows... ...,.....they all know and are finally beginning to fear the very thing that was long ago mocked..... denied..... ignored........ and ultimately challenged..... Their choice was made long ago.... and their fate is Sealed. Only the Chosen will inherit what is yet to come.... Every Knee will bend.... and Judgement.... .....will come like a theif in the night.... There will be no rest for the Wicked. The end is nigh. -|-
@memnoch6 2 года назад
Well you are right they follow the path of the sun and moon too i got a lot of pics from chems in the Night following the path of the moon. AND THE ORBS TELLS THE PLANE WHERE TO GO
@angmayo5403 2 года назад
I see this in Brentwood all time and always though something is not right
@tomtupafan4732 Год назад
They are safe. I am totally safe
@neatstuff1988 2 года назад
Kim trails are disgusting but beautiful photography. That must be a high end camera
@M8017. 2 года назад
What are Sunspots? And what are those things flying?
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
Sun spots are places on it's surface, where it's colder than normal and that's why they are darker. The flying things are probably pieces of ice formed from the water vapour
@objectanimator2763 Год назад
Link for the 1st video?
@JRESHOW Год назад
Cousin sent it to me she recorded it.
@objectanimator2763 Год назад
@kerimg6793 2 года назад
Thanks it’s the best videos I was see and if I already know what it’s happening about all that it’s again a chock what they try to hidden us about angel / demon and God wich we can today see them and all holy book talk about
@daflatearth7456 2 года назад
Told people 7 years ago they were spraying the skies , they laughed
@chadkline4268 2 года назад
Spraying since 2000 at least.
@daflatearth7456 2 года назад
@@chadkline4268 I didn’t pick up on it till 7 years ago. Didn’t take long to realize everything was rigged after that including 9/11
@chadkline4268 2 года назад
@@daflatearth7456 👍 thanks. I am always grateful too see people that have brains, and the wisdom to distinguish truth from propaganda. My father used to work in Russia for John Deere, and he would come home after a long trip and say: the only difference between Americans and Russians is that when they see propaganda they laugh. But when Americans see it, they think it is truth. America has the best propaganda money can buy. We are world-class when it comes to marketing and psyops.
@jaythebull8795 2 года назад
They are making her mad. Someday she will be so mad she will shine brighter than we can handle. That’s what they want.
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
Who are you talking about?
@carolsimpson5293 2 года назад
Why cant we find out why they are doing this? It's been going on for years now..
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
Because "they" aren't doing anything whatsoever. You are simply seeing aircraft contrails a phenomena that has been observed, documented, recorded, photographed, filmed, measured and studied since the early advent of high altitude powered aviation and in excess of 80 years.
@carolsimpson5293 2 года назад
@@yassassin6425 look up geo engineering, it may give you more information you may not have.
@carolsimpson5293 2 года назад
Look up GEO ENGINEERING FOR answers on chem trails. It's an eye opener.
@yassassin6425 2 года назад
@@carolsimpson5293 I don't need to "look up geoengineering" - I'm fully aware of it and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the contrails that you are seeing. Geoengineering? What aspect are you referring to? It can be divided into -1/ GGR (Greenhouse Gas Removal) or negative emissions technology as it is sometimes termed and 2/ Solar Radiation Management. Some branches of GGR are underway - for example biochar, aforestation and carbon sequestering. Ocean Fertilisation is a proposal - and one that has some concerns due to possible side effects. SRM meanwhile, with the exception of ground based albedo modification, is entirely hypothetical. One branch of this, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, is regularly mentioned by chemtrail believers due to false equivalence by the perpetrators of this conspiracy theory in a lame attempt to validate their hoax. SAI is intended to replicate the cooling effect of volcanic aerosols and those heterogeneously produced in the Junge Layer. SAI has yet to graduate beyond mathematical modelling and research proposal. A small scale trail called SCoPEx, involving a steerable balloon launched 20km into the stratosphere releasing a few litres of water to evaluate perturbation (and subsequently maybe 2 or 3kgs of calcium carbonate to establish reflectivity) has been postponed multiple times. You can establish all this yourself, but the only reason you know the term is because you have been fed utter nonsense by chemtrail conspiracy theorists. Given how close to the tipping point that we are, the only geoengineering strategy that is likely to have any effect so late in the game is DAC which is hideously expensive and many nations will lack the will or the funding to participate. Like I said, SAI doesn't exist beyond paper proposals and computer modelling. Even is it was ever be attempted, which it won't be, *_it would not form a visible or lasting trail_* or involve commercial jet aircraft *_and would need to take place at double the altitude of the trails that you are seeing._* There is currently no aircraft on the planet that could currently loft the requisite materials (which have yet to be determined) to the required altitudes (65,000 - 70,000 ft). More tellingly, in addition to the environmental unknowns, cost and logistical problems, the sheer impossibility of international governance means that Stratospheric Aerosol Injection will never get off the ground - unless you count the SCoPEx project that I referred to. As I said. SAI has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with aircraft contrails that have been observed, documented, recorded, photographed, filmed, measured and studied since the early advent of high altitude powered aviation and in excess of 80 years. All you need to do is read up on what SAI would actually involve and learn the basic rudiments of meteorological science and aviation to understand contrail formation.
@carolsimpson5293 2 года назад
Thank you for the informative chat. If you should find out more information on this subject , please dont hesitate to let me know. Have a great day
@user-lr1gl3bm3k 10 месяцев назад
Certainly spraying the sky!!! Not a con- trail.
@realitypreferred7084 Год назад
Skywriting is "chemtrails"?! Lol!!!
@ClockBestEvent Год назад
It is un-utilised fuel
@hime273 Год назад
@ClockBestEvent Год назад
@@hime273 They have to be below a certain weight to land otherwise they risk damaging the aircraft
@hime273 Год назад
@@ClockBestEvent Excess Jet Fuel being dumped evaporates.
@ClockBestEvent Год назад
@@hime273 they leave trails that dissolve in air over time
@hime273 Год назад
@@ClockBestEvent Bullshit
@aaronmorgan2476 Год назад
That's obviously just... condensation... right?
@Aquashortss2m Год назад
Condensation is when liquid gets melted into vapor where is any liquid brother ? Or burning any liquid ?
@Grayscale14 Год назад
@@Aquashortss2m pretty sure jet fuel is liquid, and they're quite literally burning jet fuel in planes. What's your point?
@WARRIORMETAGOD 7 месяцев назад
Those are not sun spots because i have seen them at day and night. You would not believe what those were if I told you.
@JRESHOW 7 месяцев назад
Don’t leave anyone hangin…
@reneesalvatori1996 2 года назад
Anyone know when that Disney footage was taken at which Disney location???
@JRESHOW 2 года назад
Florida in December
@dominotruth 5 месяцев назад
I know you asked this question 2 years ago, but I’m just coming across it. I have photos of chemtrails over Universal Studios in October 2016. They even made a nice design in the sky, the Cross of Lorraine. No one else seemed to notice the trails or that symbol, I was baffled at how dumb and blind people can be.
@reneesalvatori1996 5 месяцев назад
@@dominotruth now that I am aware, I see so much in the skies, everywhere now. Even my own back yard.
@climber222 2 года назад
East Coast of Australia is thick, everyday for months now. Not many seem to notice or care :(
@coolkidcrypto386 2 года назад
Where abouts? I'm in QLD
@climber222 2 года назад
@@coolkidcrypto386 I'm near coffs harbour
@coolkidcrypto386 2 года назад
@@climber222 beautiful part of the country 😎✌
@michael-dy8tz Год назад
My friends don't believe they're real and only a handful that I've met has believed they are real, they don't even look at the sky these days. I always have looked at the sky.
@wesleyrodgers886 Год назад
Chemtrail photos over London, 1940s.
@michael-dy8tz Год назад
No not hardly, maybe experimenting a little but that's it.@@wesleyrodgers886
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
Ive gotte some reat shots of things!!.. I see these orbs on a daily basis here in Michigan... Many have been seeing lights in the woods and within days they are clearing out entire acreage!!!! Christmas eve, trucks rolled into my sisters back yard after nights of lights and orbs. They clear cut it ....🤔🤔🤔 shits gettin real weird up here.
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
If you are so terrified of these "orbs", are you terrified of the ice in your freezer as well? I'm saying because they are literally the same thing pal. ICE. You know high altitude clouds are mostly ice. Contrails are made of water vapour, so they are basically clouds
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
@@alexthegreat5009 🤣🤣🤣🤣..
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
@@alexthegreat5009 you are so wrong dude...those are contrails ....youare so behind...😂😂
@blessedwithtruth105 2 года назад
@@alexthegreat5009 also..why are drones spraying X, and star patterns...then we get bad weather, people get sick, we have a white sun, there are nano particles that are moving.. Ask yourself some deep dark questions.. Look up Cern, DARPA weaponized weather, and biological weapons... I'm not your pal..Nor anyone else's. Get your head out of your ass
@alexthegreat5009 2 года назад
@@blessedwithtruth105 Yes they are contrails. Correct.
@Jessicascleaningtips Год назад
Watch The Dimming
@justinebourke-ih9zh Год назад
THA..lium, probably
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