
Chernobyl: The Problem With Technocracy 

Morgoth's Review
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28 янв 2023




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@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
The first essay of this two-part series can be found on my Substack, along with all of my content and guest appearances. morgoth.substack.com/p/chernobyls-hauntology
@festusbojangles7027 Год назад
need to give shekel to read or not
@nocomment4848 Год назад
When are you moving to russia? Plenty of unsucked russian kocks for you there; you could even pretend they were Jewtin’s
@mattbell5575 Год назад
FACT-CHECK: the nuclear power station at Chernobyl was designed by scientists and is safe and effective. The explosion and subsequent redistribution of nuclear material is totally normal and conspiracy theories questioning this are unfounded and harmful.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Fair play but IMO this kind of "satire" doesn't work these days. Reality is too inverted already and far too many people would fail to think sarcastic inversion is your device. Satire should not be condescending in favor of the elect. It should entice. The mockery should not be triumphant, it should be eye-opening.
@botulf4908 Год назад
Trust the science!
@popcornbird8436 Год назад
"We worked at the speed of science".....
@sebastianstewart6894 Год назад
It's a lie, radioactive material isn't as deadly as you think.
@definitelynotadam Год назад
Most importantly the explosion happened because the people responsible ignored the operational guidelines. Finally 4:14 if you read up about the USRR's history you would know that it wasn't run by technocrats, but ideologists, to the point that if you were in favour with the party, you could proclaim total nonsense as a scientists as NO ONE would dare to criticise you.
@unoriginal_username1 Год назад
“Every lie incurs a debt to the truth, someday that debt is payed” a fitting sentence for modern Britain I hope. Love the channel
@nudgeunit Год назад
Such a great line.
@z3r0_35 Год назад
I think it applies to the west as a whole.
@Ihrun Год назад
The immense level of irony, of that show being made by the BBC, without even the slightest hint of self-reflection. Sunday 20:00 Cheddar Man: The Story About How Neolithic Britons Were Black, 21:00 Chernobyl: How Does An RBMK-reactor Explode?
@flacjacket Год назад
@@Ihrun It was HBO not BBC.
@unoriginal_username1 Год назад
@@Ihrun it was HBO and skyUK not the bbc
@stampatron Год назад
A quick reminder that three years later, we are still right.
@thewoodlander9868 Год назад
Just sat in the woods, in front of my log burner... hoping the "power" just passes me by and goes on its merry way... here's to hope.
@benbow7 Год назад
Randy Weaver had a similar hope.
@letsallbe-friends1120 Год назад
*"Radioactivity is our strength"* *"Reactors of peace"*
@StockpileThomas1 Год назад
This got a good chuckle out of me
@Mark_Dyer1 Год назад
There is an important difference between CHERNOBYL and COVID-BYL. You mention that the Soviet 'authorities' did not wish for this to happen to "their people". But the JOHNSON Government DID wish for covid to happen to "their people". Behind CHERNOBYL, there was no 'motivation'. It was pure 'accident': even though the Soviet technocratic system may have been ultimately responsible. Here in the UK, however, we are in the business, surely, of establishing what the MOTIVATION was which lay behind our UK portion of COVID-BYL.We know it was not about our health: so what was the motivation of the leading protagonists? The NHS is currently, quietly, withdrawing the FREE covid mRNA injected preparations for those under 50: proof positive that the KNOW/KNEW these things could be dangerous. Yet they practised coercion: and - we now learn - spied on those who propagated true information about the dangers.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Yes, to be fair I was conscious of that and said so in the video. They weren't trying to hurt their people, we aren't so sure here.
@Mark_Dyer1 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 Yes, sir! It was your comment, to that effect, that attracted my interest.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 Re Chernobyl, I'd say that if there were a continuum running from conscious malice (socio/psychopathy, in PopSci terms) to well-meaning and sincere ignorance (didn't know better, can't know better), the rearview mirror (which is relevant for Science and intersection of Science + Humanity) would show USSR to have been careless enough in its rush to technocratic supremacy on nukes, that it threw caution to the wind in pursuit of Top Dog status. Such a drive, holistically speaking, is in at least a small way malicious toward the populace, because very few would elect to endure a Chernobyl event if the true risks were disclosed. "True risks" would include, "we rushed past safeguards to complete the project and test its capabilities." Sandbox limits-testing is real-world engineering, but with nuke power there is no safe sandbox, no matter what nuke Engineers (regardless of degree, regardless of nationality and locus of education & work) would try to tell us. They just want to be the Top Dogs in History, "saving the planet" with nukes. Or in the military sense, their sense of proportion is long lost because they only think of on-paper victory.
@SaintOsburh Год назад
Love is Love, safe and effective and diversity is a strength = 3 chernobyls. Excellent video Morgoth.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Cheers Soozie
@lutajucientropija6643 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 ​ sorry to bother you but do you think a non closed loop system is possible, as there doesn’t seem to be any examples of one?
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
@@lutajucientropija6643 Well, it's becoming worse. De Jouvenel points the era when the monarchs would be in competition with the Church. So straight away we're bound to a purely secular world which reduces rival ''castles''. It seems to be cyclical.
@lutajucientropija6643 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 It seems the best way to fix this is to make a completing alternative power system, of course eventually one will fall and perhaps it will be us who succeed, we can only hope to be benevolent rulers
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@lutajucientropija6643 If you pull back far enough, every shift for every culture/era of culture eventually happens because the sitting powers are deaf to real concerns and problems, resulting in the populace starting to take things into their own hands in order to have them done. The more repressive & totalitarian sitting powers will either chip away at, or in big moves eliminate/deny, your civil liberties in order to prevent parallel systems developing. The most paranoid sitting powers will plant fakes/ghosts/meatspace sockpuppets to create such parallel system seeds, only to lead them as judas goats to nowhere. All of these things can be seen happening in the USA during the past 15 years, but apparently they all happen too slowly, and/or under cover of other big-media-story shenanigans, for people to take notice. Flupanic denials of access to travel and/or gather are one fine example and I think those happened all around the planet. Gee, I wonder why.
@grief1 Год назад
The clicks of the giga counter have always been one of the spookiest things I've ever heard. If we had a giga counter for the lies of modernity it wouldn't be clicks it would be a wall of white noise and then the machine would stop working/explode
@grief1 Год назад
* Geiger counter
@evolassunglasses4673 Год назад
^ Great comment, me old china.
@Coldnewton Год назад
The noise from an MRA scan beats that of a Geiger counter hands down.
@thadtuiol1717 Год назад
@eldermillennial8330 Год назад
@@grief1 Several members of the Geiger clan have contributed to the cultural creep factor.
@vgamedude12 Год назад
Human hubris and naivety is a scary thing. Look at the amount of microplastics in the oceans and food, mercury in fish, fluoride dumped into water supplies, chemicals and pesticides leeching into ground water. Who knows how much we're messing with the earth. The chernobyl ordeal always reminds me of this.
@LordEriolTolkien Год назад
''Everything Within the Science, Nothing Against the Science, Nothing Outside the Science.'' Hmmmm, where have I heard that before...
@seanoneil277 Год назад
In the USA, the empty suit who declared himself the embodiment of Science has stepped down, apparently to disappear before a sufficient number of people realize what's happened to them. But if Science Himself steps down, what and who now are Science in the USA? Remember, he was so doggone good at wearing a white lab coat and selling Rx treatment courses during the AIDS panic that he showed us what Science was -- then.
@theendofeverything6356 Год назад
The Soviet empire had to deal with a catastrophe. Our system creates them and then curates them through the Behavioural Insights Team. And remember when Blair referred to 9/11 as an 'opportunity'.
@arklowrockz Год назад
Anthony Blinken referred to the Nord Stream pipeline destruction as an "opportunity"
@chrisdonohue1607 Год назад
Chernobyl wasn't an accident, part of the plan. It was deliberate.....
@seanoneil277 Год назад
In 25 years people will look back on this era as the era of the True Psychopath Criminals being in charge, reaching all the way to the top moneymen and down to the bureaucratic ride-alongs who refuse to recall that yes, they were born as vertebrates and indeed do have spines. The extent to which all these people did this JUST FOR MONEY will be seen as repugnant. What happens to those living today, between now and my soft-number 25 yrs point in the future, is anyone's guess because the trend of the past 25 years is a lousy one and it has not shown any signs of weakening or changing course throughout the quarter-century. It appears headed for a final failure event. What will that be?
@pippip8744 Год назад
Quite right, nuclear fuel can't melt steel dawg.
@jacobstorey4318 Год назад
@@chrisdonohue1607 to destroy the USSR? What the goal if it was deliberate?
@jeffsparey9585 Год назад
I am sorry to say but i believe the " safe and effective story " will in time make the Chernobyl incident seem small by comparison,great video by the way👍👍👍
@bushwhackeddos.2703 Год назад
The hollocost will still top it.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Tampering with DNA/RNA = tampering with nuclear power. The greedy use sciency-sounding "arguments" in favor of both. A person trained in a good ugrad science program, who also can see and think outside science proper, can see numerous flaws in the sciency-sounding "arguments" but who wants to hear them? Everyone enslaved to the great god of Progress and her secretary of war, Technology.
@alexdavis1541 Год назад
I was a "technical expert" working in the English public sector for decades. I had regular contact with politicians as both a technical advisor and service delivery manager. Everything about the relationship I had with power amounted to the "closed-loop" system described by Morgoth here. In other words the system was primarily driven by political considerations and the technical and practical reality had to be bent and made subservient to it. This required constant lying to the public, ignoring the truth and controlling all dissent. To that end the system tended to employ "experts" who were prepared to acquiesce. Those that didn't had to be prepared to live a difficult life - or leave. We in the west are already on the path to another Chernobyl. The only questions are, how will it manifest, and how damaging will it be.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
I did enviro science policy work in the USA in the early 90s, had extensive interaction with State enviro regulators, local govts enviro regulators, and US EPA folks. And I was the person who had to translate it all for the political office holders, the "elected officials" in the region. Because the most elementary science concepts are well beyond most adults, and because politicians tend not to come from the smartest & most intellectually curious % of the populace, it was amazing how much dumbing-down I had to do to explain things. And they only used the science & policy info as window dressing, or as a punching bag (depending on the politician's platform), to do what they were going to do anyway. Which is to defer to bankers and "developers" and then it's all sold to the populace as "environmental planning" when it's nothing but greed given a Green image. Please note, I'm talking about THIRTY years ago, and it's well worse now. Compared to the present, "green" items in the early 90s actually had incidental enviro positive effects. These days it's always a net negative if sold as "green."
@hayleylongster4698 Год назад
It already has. You probably took a few doses of it yourself unfortunately. Having said that I know all you say is true. We all know what happened to David Kelly
@alexdavis1541 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 Agreed. But none of this is to say that the political agendas in question are necessarily nefarious, at least in intent. Those in power will always tell themselves that what they are doing is for the common good. What it does indicate is how power subverts and becomes self-reinforcing. Leading ultimately to a top-down system of rule that then becomes inherently disconnected from anything to do with the common good. Ultimately, like the Soviet Union, such a system fails
@alexdavis1541 Год назад
@@hayleylongster4698 If, by "doses" you mean the jab, no I haven't had any. I would agree though that the entire covid debacle can arguably be seen as the west's Chernobyl. However, so far, it hasn't proven itself to be a catastrophic event in the same way Chernobyl was. Chernobyl forced the Soviets to face up to their failed "managerial" system because there was no way of hiding it. Today, so far, the average "normie" in the west has been convinced that things are now back to normal. We can all move on and the system can get back to supporting the way of life we have become accustomed to. People are prepared to put money on it. Just look at current stock market trends (and investors might be right from their narrow perspective). However, if excess deaths start to become a political and societal issue that the system cannot contain, then I would agree that this could be our Chernobyl. Let's see.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@alexdavis1541 Not sure I agree that leaders always become corrupted. That seems a simple, lazy excuse to me.
@thadtuiol1717 Год назад
Chernobyl's radiation: The trees don't seem to give a shit.
@Wilhelm4131 Год назад
@_1852_Z Год назад
Big love from Souf Efrika Morgoth.
@LateralTwitlerLT Год назад
As a 14-y.o. kid at the time, I remember having to learn a new word that has stuck with me ever since: *_becquerel_* - aka radiation units in living organisms (mostly meat). That, and the memory of our government handing out iodine pills for inhabitants in the most affected areas. The real truth of how it all affected us we'll probably never know for sure. Protecting the powers always outranks every other concern it seems, so it likely did it for that scenario also . Great and thought-provoking video (as usual), Morgs. PS 9:04 contra-indicate; not contradict. Not meaning to "ackchually" you, mate, but still... All my best!
@therespectedlex9794 Год назад
Very few people died.
@paulking8055 Год назад
Watch Richard Vobes interview with Andrew Bridgen. Bombshells dropping till the end.
@YizzTheEunuch Год назад
Another winner in your catalogue. Keep up the great work friend!
@rebecca.smith. Год назад
Needs verifying, but heard the people who stayed put and didn't leave and ate traditional fermented food suffered less illness than those who moved away and ate 'modern food'
@SC-gw8np Год назад
My IBS has almost gone away after I introduced fermented foods into my diet.
@fraterdeusestveritas2022 Год назад
Remember that Sauron doesn't share power, thus Sauroman is rendered a fool. That's an anagoge you can take to the bank with you.
@GeneticVehicle Год назад
our Chernobyl is demographic replacement.
@glaucon7337 Год назад
It will never cease to amaze me how consistent the ideology of the technocrats that have shaped human history for 250 years is, yet people prefer to think power is an abstract entity that is all corrupting and all consuming.
@MALICEM12 Год назад
That's a result of liberalism. The classical liberal or libertarian minded hate power and try their damnest to destroy something that cannot be destroyed. They refuse to wield it and thus someone else would naturally do it in their stead. Most normies only think of power, in a political sense, as the evil tyrant king who lost himself and become drunk with power. This is the argument of liberalism and democratic processes.
@evolassunglasses4673 Год назад
Fascinating video Morgoth. Hope one day you will do a top 10 book recommendations. Best wishes.
@Clive697 Год назад
Good heavens, Mr 'glasses, I suspect other watchers have mentioned this, but you're omnipresent on patriotic comments sections! I'm in agreement with your regular contribution that we should establish separate communities given the threats to our culture, but how is this to be achieved without us uniting and - given the societal collapse the collective west is undergoing - where are we to do this? Just musing in case you re-watch this fine video and kindly respond to me. Carry on your work.
@paulatreides0777 Год назад
The UK is adopting this system now
@pedroenrique9613 Год назад
You might want to check the history books.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum517 Год назад
Dyatlov in a coffee shop and James O'Keefe turning up
@chuckthompson4610 Год назад
3 Mile Island nuke plant in Penn. was almost another Chernobyl.
@ArtisticLayman Год назад
Election Night 2020 was my Chernobyl moment.
@kaptainwarp Год назад
Trump handed the office of the executive over to someone who wasn't elected. Trump allowed the steal. Trump committed treason.
@ArtisticLayman Год назад
@@kaptainwarp As far as the system was concerned Biden was elected. There was no option to not hand it over.
@SayedHamra83 Год назад
I remember that night well. The stage upon which Biden and Harris gave their victory speech had weird totalitarian vibes.
@photosyntheticzee9915 Год назад
A big difference is that the USA has always been a merchant republic, except the merchants have become the state and the republic has become a technocracy. The USSR was a military dictatorship which also became a technocracy. Their origins were significant, but techniques used by power change its manifestation significantly as well.
@stuartsteel1 Год назад
I'm reading the book Chernobyl Prayer. The accounts of what happened to the regular people is heartbreaking.
@SIGNOR-G Год назад
What happened?
@SIGNOR-G Год назад
@Sygg Kvisling "Witchfinder" Nielsen hilarious
@seanoneil277 Год назад
The conviction, held by many humans, that nuclear energy should be harnessed or tampered with or experimented upon -- it is the most hubristic trait I see among otherwise well-educated (in their own minds) people's views. Greed unbridled, the very essence of something-for-nothing put into practice.
@pentagon56 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 Had this argument over a decade ago myself. No matter how good it may be as a power source, if it can cause entire population areas to be uninhabitable for decades at a time, cause massive runoff into water systems, and require constant building of new storage to deal with it's spent fuel.. just to name a few negatives.. it is not worth it. But anything for one more penny, one more nanojoule of power, to justify more obtuse destruction.
@nudgeunit Год назад
@@seanoneil277 Nuclear physics is cool and based.
@ashleystyles6888 Год назад
The parallels with what's going on in this country right here, right now, is worrying..... maybe it's the exact same game being played out.
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Very few people thought Chernobyl was deliberate, there's that.
@ashleystyles6888 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 maybe it was? Wouldn't surprise me if it was ""inside trading"". Ad infinitum. Have a great evening sir.
@SIGNOR-G Год назад
@@ashleystyles6888 if it was on purpose what were they aiming to?
@ashleystyles6888 Год назад
@@SIGNOR-G did you watch the presentation? Did you hear if the cold War? The ultimate collapse of the soviet union was the outcome, no?
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 Pushing things to the limit without care for consequences, the arrogance and hubris, the lack of conscience, the absence of empathy, all in pursuit of some intangible "greatness" for harnessing nuclear energy, for gaining a "something for nothing"? Look at the nothing it cost them. And will cost everyone who lives near a plant or a crypt where the decaying residue is buried, again hubristically, with the assumption it is safe.
@kaneqangut Год назад
2049 intro nice, plus geiger ambiance
@snippletrap Год назад
Two weeks later and another massive ecological disaster in Ohio, USA.
@cannabishempisawesome5497 Год назад
Should use hemp to absorb the radiation
@cannabishempisawesome5497 Год назад
Hmm I can't delete a comment only edit
@iandonnelly522 Год назад
As always superb! I’ve never read De Jouvenel however I did watch the HBO series....I work in the public sector and I found many parallels between the polit bureau apparatchiks and what goes on at said sector.....I came to the same conclusion....something will happen to dislodge the narrative....whether it’s a catastrophic world war, or something else.....the whole edifice will come crashing down....I suspect this may be sooner rather than later.....🧐
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Just remember/imagine -- the HBO series is chilling, if you have any conscience and empathy. Yet it was made by HBO which means the actual horrors are well watered down, and mostly blamed on bureaucracy rather than the hubris of tampering with generations-lethal residue from accidents in nuclear energy harnessing.
@iandonnelly522 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 Im under no illusion of the horror, and even then as I wasn’t there first hand, I recall it unfolding and subsequently the cancer rate of children in the USSR as a result.....and that’s just the stuff that was broadcast on TV.....the RBMK reactors failed because they weren’t constructed properly, and the USSR had to use nuclear power to keep up with the US and West....”Our power comes from the perception of our power”....kind of links in with Morgoths original point.....
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@iandonnelly522 I wasn't criticizing your POV, just saying something that maybe some folks hadn't considered. A lot of people, I'd imagine, would watch that series w/o ever considering what it could be like. The viewing alone would be shocking and to contemplate it actually was worse -- that may be too much, at once. To think about later, though -- especially after watching/listening to Morgoth above, could be some interesting contemplation. Nuclear energy radiation messes with RNA and DNA in ways similar to what the so-called vack-seens do. Why someone would invite that sort of tampering I don't know, but I suspect that the PopSci crowd are swayed by "genetic research" and "trans-humanism" -- both of which are scientifically and existentially dangerous weapons, much like an atomic energy unleashing in a device of war or civilian purpose.
@iandonnelly522 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 apologies I wasn’t being a dick....well that’s true....! I think the issue of hubris makes people starkly unaware of the results of their bad decision making processes ...👍
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@iandonnelly522 No worries, I didn't think you were being a jerk. I just wanted to clarify what I meant. Internet comments aren't like real conversation, sometimes context/meaning are lost.
@alidaraie Год назад
Thank you Morgoth, this was a subject I was thinking about a lot lately, and you perfectly articulated it.
@DavidPeacock1972 Год назад
Well this has to be the greatest coincidence ever. I've just this minute downloaded Chernobyl to re-watch it again and this popped up on my subs!
@paulatreides0777 Год назад
@clairedoylebooks Год назад
@@paulatreides0777 or AI? !
@raysissum Год назад
Brilliant, I just finished listening to Woodlander talk with Scott Mannion then a new Morgoth video pops up, thanks Morgoth!
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
All the Best Ray.
@WPTheRabbitHole Год назад
ima throw a [($10)] bill down and say the Jays are at fault somehow. i'd like to see flight records in and around Eastern Europe just before the event.. stock purchases, which early life was talkin to who, etc, etc..
@jeepnj2502 Год назад
Those birds do seem to get around, and be behind an awful lot of destructive policy 🤔
@ballshippin3809 Год назад
Always looking forward to your video uploads and uncanny take on the zeitgeist Morgoth 💪
@pearsef7550 Год назад
Yes I can see the similarities in the two situations, the truth will come out here too I feel and be made public this year and it will be a huge shock to many people. If only there was a way to speak openly about our concerns openly and in public this whole situation could have been prevented or at least the worst of it but alas nobody wants to hear the truth. The last few years was a huge wake up call for me but of course there were signs especially over the past decade
@NitwitMN Год назад
You’re getting all fancy with the intro - nice. It’s not whether, it’s how
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Very nice, Morgoth. Two thoughts spring to mind: (1) power is not an immutable or amorphous force; it's only a word used to describe certain acts of men. So, what motives are these men following when they do things that appear as "pursuit of power" or "wielding of power"? What personal drives, and how do they see themselves, compared to others? (2) Technocracies are bad because they're run by who now proudly call selves STEMmies. Such binary thinkers (literally, in computer science; figuratively otherwise, does it work/not work, without "work" being accurately understood) lack proportion in their analysis of every problem. They disdain humanities field understandings; they believe wholly in maths and calculus and physics without knowing such are tools created by men to do things. For what reasons, under what motives? Today, see statsistics as a fine example of technocratic STEMmies loving tools that are used to deceive. It's no coincidence that Marxist-Leninist systems are run by STEMmy technocrats. That's the only way the mediocrities can rule over their literal superiors. And thus, the primary reason to reject anything that smacks of that "revolution of the proletariat" nonsense.
@tahliacroft6772 Год назад
Radiation is safe and effective
@ludekz.773 Год назад
It feels like we had many Chernobyls already.
@Curuleidiot Год назад
Morgoth, your insight never fails to impress, and inspire.
@ScottMannion Год назад
this discloses an ominous clarity on power and our future. Only through facing it can alternatives and possibilities be seen spoken. Bleak truth opens a future.
@wymanrtaylor Год назад
Always reverse Hanlon’s razor. “Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.”
@martinrea8548 Год назад
That was a great essay, Morgoth, thank you. It was very well structured and your thesis was laid out clearly using Chernoby as a backgroundl. Your writing skills are continuously improving and your analysis here is spot on.
@LordHPLovecraft Год назад
What could one possibly mean by are we living in a closed loop system also congratulations to Novax for winning the Australian Open. Only player that doesn't worry about a sudden explosion in his heart playing, except the smart ones who bribed their doctors.
@mattbell5575 Год назад
It’s as though god is on Djokovic’s side.
@malthus101 Год назад
he should never play in Australia, he should have shamed them for how they shamed him. he's a cuck.
@thadtuiol1717 Год назад
Indeed. I don't even like/follow tennis, yet I was still cheering him on, mainly because I know that his victory will get right up the noses of all the indoctrinated bug men and wokified normies.
@ThyCorylus Год назад
Move on buddy, far bigger fish to fry now.
@Horus9339 Год назад
The top has not yet blown, but it seems there will be more than one when finally the truth is set free. Thank you Morgoth, one of your best insights so far.
@thethinredline4714 Год назад
I like your picture
@Horus9339 Год назад
@@thethinredline4714 Thank you, he was my Goldfish who lived for 15 years, sadly we purchased a friend for him and it came with a disease that killed him. He had the most beautiful eyes, opalescent, and he used to watch the children - he was far less dumb than some of the people in this world. May your God be with you.
@thethinredline4714 Год назад
@@Horus9339 Thank you for your kind words, it is clear from his eyes that he is a highly intelligent and empathic being So sad for your loss
@sski Год назад
Well done, Sir.
@njuham Год назад
I was was stationed on a fort in the baltic sea when chernobyl went pop, some were very worried and demanded answers, how serious, what happened, is there danger. I remember thinking already back then how naive fools some people were, thinking we lived in a democracy with open and honest information.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
I get your point, but I'd encourage you to think about something. Calling them "fools" can feel accurate after you've had the scales fall from your own eyes and are in disbelief that you ever succumbed to the ruse(s). But in the long run it's better to not consider them fools as certainly you once were that fool and I was him myself upon a time. Helping them see is harder than calling them fools, but it's better in the long run. And it has to be done with care, which I'd say should cause you to remember when you didn't know any better yourself. And how suddenly the sleep was wiped from your eyes.
@andrewmccombs7347 Год назад
That droning bass synth in the beginning is deafening with decent headphones on.
@richtea615 Год назад
Our Chernobyl will be a financial meltdown.
@RaHeadD10 Год назад
Not only that but the failure of agriculture both in China and Soviet Russia I feel was the same gross incompetence that killed millions. Women and children included. They were god awful planners and always did things on the cheap. As the saying goes at least in F*ascism the trains always ran on time and things just worked as they should.
@edenbreckhouse Год назад
We may or may not have a catastrophe akin to Chernobyl but one way or another we are highly dependent on a web of technologies and if one of them fails even temporarily - banking system, last minute deliveries etc - then we're pretty much doomed.
@BuffaloKings Год назад
The pursuit of power, is power itself
@nuqworld Год назад
I just rewatched C series. It's v haunting. Love your work! The intro was rough...brrghhh...
@IrishRose Год назад
Think this is your best take yet!
@kaptainwarp Год назад
The world now strains under a global Karen-ocracy.
@Ligerpride Год назад
Food for thought. Very well made, good video. Thanks for making. Liked.
@malicant123 Год назад
Mostly safe and effective radioactive fallout.
@johnclaffey7218 Год назад
Just listened to your talk with UK column. Excellent conversation.
@555Trout Год назад
"I am the science". Said a dwarf bureaucrat in a white coat with his own likeness embodied in a bobblehead totem.
@martinjones8861 Год назад
A good video Morgoth as always .it is amazing to think the disaster is 37 years ago now and that so much time as gone by .Eastern European is the only place at the moment where homogeneous white countries exist .Strange to think we felt sorry for Poland swallowed up by The Red. Army in 1945 .The Soviet Union was a society where nobody believed in the official ideology, it must have seen in 1986 that the madness of The Soviet Union would never end
@martinjones8861 Год назад
@@fusion9619 The belief seemed to evaporate very quickly when there was no longer the threat of the Gulag.Members of The Outer Party probably did believe in the ideology but by the time of 1986 they were pretty thin of the ground .That is why The Soviet Union eventually collapsed only 5 years later because it was a system built on lies .Only thing that allowed The Soviet Union to survive so long was the lingering fear instilled by Stalin .Stalin himself despite all his deeds believed in communism and a result of that belief was The Holodomor.I don't think the ordinary person ever really believed in communism but the ordinary person makes the right noises in every system to survive
@martinjones8861 Год назад
@@fusion9619 Yes that is a good analysis of the situation. I would say most people are reasonable but given the right circumstances anyone can do terrible things .It just depends on how desperate you are
@chrisaddiss9298 Год назад
Brilliant as ever Morgoth , maybe the mandated medical procedure isn't a managerial blunder but possibly the final coup de gras carried out on the European peoples .
@seanoneil277 Год назад
A wish. The delusional, empowered by lies, have many such wishes. Study Joseph "Yellow Kid" Weil's story. You'll learn a lot about those currently in power. How insecure they are, in their heads, and how they need to bully or "outsmart" others in order to feel even halfway toward adult status. Most of them are stuck in adolescence, psychologically speaking. In some ways I'd expect the emm are enn ehh device to be an indirect vector of IQ lowering or inhibition reduction, or possibly both. It does seem that many who chose to be guinea pigs have since their course of experimental rounds become more childlike in their views toward the world around them. And what explains the oversexualized component of our culture, and the drive to destabilize developing young psyches. Perhaps it's a combination of the experimental compounds and the panic's lockdowns having created Stockholm Syndrome-styled submission through misplaced empathy.
@jqsudachi Год назад
Listening to the coda of your essay, Morgoth, I am reminded of Ryszard Legutko's book Demon in Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies. A provocative read that I think you would enjoy. Thanks for sharing your excellent work.
@Cassidon12345 4 месяца назад
Just wanted to say, found your channel the other day. You really should make more videos. Excellent content and great to listen to. Keep up the good work. 👍
@athejbaka7084 Год назад
Tremendous as always
@GoldenToothBrush Год назад
This is so well put Morgoth. I'm on the same page with pretty much everything you say but you have such a great ability to articulate it.
@SacrumImperiumRomanum517 Год назад
Great video, chap.
@stormthecat7395 Год назад
Something interesting about Chernobyl is that the Orthodox church in the area was discovered to be free of radioactivity even though the surrounding area had dangerous radiation.
@evolassunglasses4673 Год назад
Othodox Christianity gives Christianity hope.
@kaptainwarp Год назад
So good of god to protect his own property while Pripyat fries. So unconditionally loving. Such provision. Word is, the church building stands unoccupied to this day. god enjoys the privacy. The story is probably shite anyway. Morons.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@Sygg Kvisling "Witchfinder" Nielsen Concepts of the Supreme differ from person to person and I know some good folks who feel strongly drawn to Christianity and RC faiths. It's a bit unfair to assume you know the personal theology and existential perspective of every such person. But if you want to speak of a particular faith's Global leadership (if they have such) and their tendencies to either help or betray their flock, that may be productive.
@hayleylongster4698 Год назад
@@evolassunglasses4673 I spend (well spent, before I was banned for 2 years for not injecting the hot sauce) a lot of time in Greece and part of why I love it so much is their religion. To me Orthodoxy feels like the 'correct' version of Christianity for some reason. I'd prov really like it in Russia too lol
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@Sygg Kvisling "Witchfinder" Nielsen Sorry, but where I come from, when engaged in rhetoric, a cloud of word salad is not an argument -- let alone a persuasive one. It's pure bench racing to toss around polysllabic sciency-sounding stuff and think you've earned everyone's respect. Well if you aim for con artistry, you're about 1/4 there now. If you aim for honesty and serious talk, you're about 6 miles in the wrong direction, 180 deg opposite where you pretend to be heading. If your point is you prefer a more pagan array of the anointed, that's fine. But you're in no position to declare others as deluded idiots for finding spiritual or other reassurance in a different scheme than you'd choose. Or you could puff another hit of salvia and spew another cloud of blue smoke.
@sethapex9670 Год назад
As a chemist with an interest in nuclear physics, I can tell you that the graphite in the reactor is not to put the breaks on the reaction but to slow down neutrons that are otherwise moving to fast to be captured by a nucleus, thus the graphite actually acts to accelerate the reaction. What slows the reaction is boron control rods that were tipped with graphite (as a cost cutting measure according to the series) and which were almost all pulled out of the reactor, in reality the graphite acts to displace water which is a poor neutron moderator and under normal conditions this helps stabilize the reaction before the control rod reduces it. However, during the safety test they were performing the water was all converted to steam which is not a good moderator at all. So when the graphite tips entered the reactor, they actually caused a massive spike in thermal neutron flux which caused the uranium fuel to go supercritical, super heat that steam until it was ionized into hydrogen and oxygen, which then detonated and blew the lid off the reactor.
@thethinredline4714 Год назад
May our Chernobyl come soon, certainly the inner contradictions in the west are growing day by day
@katherinejackson6354 Год назад
I think I read that Chernobyl book, it was sometime before the miniseries, so was happy when that came out. If it's the book I'm thinking of it has alternating chapters of the chronological account of the disaster mixed with a travelogue. You'd love Ebert's book called The Age of Catastrophe. It's probably on annas-archive. He starts with the Titantic and says we know where and when the accident occurred, what the causes were and who was responsible. He then moves forward in time and shows accidents are scaling up and no longer contained by space and time, people are still feeling the effects of radiation etc., and the causes are too complex to attribute responsibility. The point is it's leading to a planetary disaster. The hardware architecture of industrial landscapes have long been superseded by software information. I could write for hours on these things. But generally I find long posts are censored. One other thing that came to mind is Peter Sloterdijk's Terror from the Air. There's the melting of mechanistic containments of space and absolute time at the beginning of the essay.
@OMGAnotherday Год назад
Exceptional as always
@rjb6919 Год назад
Great presentation thanks, will be sharing.
@gregsmith6935 Год назад
great production in this one 😀
@hayleylongster4698 Год назад
Omg that badass intro tho
@awo_five9768 Год назад
Very great stuff
@jayturner3397 Год назад
Spot on good sir
@steveelliott8640 Год назад
Didn't forgot the fire at Windscale.
@Yonder792 Год назад
Fantastic intro as always.
@gelmibson883 Год назад
Thanks. Greatly appreciate! I don't wanna lump you in with ppl you might not like but next to Count Dankular, MMA Guru, Alexander Mercouris and P.J.W. u are the Brit to go!
@evolassunglasses4673 Год назад
Try subbing RU-vid channel Scot Mannion. Also The Woodlander 🍺
@15andersh Год назад
Very relevant food for thought.
@douglashopkins9901 Год назад
Pure gold. Going to try and get my kids to watch it before it gets nuked.
@HonkyTonkManYeah Год назад
Morgoth videos are the best !
@TheMuncyWolverine Год назад
Excellent video sir!
@brianshaffer1207 Год назад
"To be a scientist is to be naive. We are so focused on our search for truth, we fail to consider how few actually want us to find it. But it is always there, whether we see it or not, whether we choose to or not. The truth doesn't care about our needs, or wants. It doesn't care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions. It will lie in wait for all time. And this, at last, is the gift of Chernobyl. Where I once would fear the cost of truth, now I only ask: What is the cost of lies?" - Valery Alekseyevich Legasov
@Jsanon00 Год назад
Excellent video
@yorkshire_tea_innit8097 Год назад
God's work.
@Nozoroth Год назад
Hi Morgoth can you do a video on tangible actions we can take to either stop or significantly slow down the rate at which we’re being replaced? Every day I wake up I get depressed. Thanks
@adude9882 Год назад
I hear you. I think on a psychological level we need to realise a lot of us feel the same way. It's very difficult because you cannot broach the subject with a friend as you could find they are not in a receptive place. Maybe the technique of raising it with total strangers who don't know you and will never see you again. Just raise the issue on a train for instance. If both people are in the same place psychologically each gets to feel a little less alone.
@SayedHamra83 Год назад
All systems predicated upon subjugating the individual, family, tribe or culture according to top-down dictates formulated to achieve some sort of utopia where everything is rational, logical and predictable come to the same result. Great essay and analysis, as always.
@RisingJake Год назад
The truth has to be exposed in code in order to not get silenced; no wonder indeed that reality is so quickly ignored, and peril is made to be the price that we collectively pay to keep the circus going.
@curiositycloset2359 Год назад
Dr Dr mchonk honk has assured us it couldn't happen here.
@pablolowenstein1371 Год назад
I always blamed Chernobyl for the grotesque deformity and human monster that was my ex wife.
@andrewpiper2908 Год назад
Really excellent video.
@mattpiper7290 Год назад
Men claiming to be women. BOOM!
@madameblatvatsky Год назад
Tip top commentary. Many more Chernobyls to come. Power has always been the same since the dawn of agriculture but technology makes its insidious reach more pervasive. I reckon.
@quackhouseproductions5572 Год назад
Great video. Have you seen/read in to Cumbria’s almost Cherynob?
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Thanks, and no, sorry.
@quackhouseproductions5572 Год назад
@@MorgothsReview1 there is an ok BBC documentary on YT about it. Search “windscale fire”. Thanks to “Cockcroft's Folly” and ill equipped local firefighters disaster was avoided.
Exploring SKALA: Chernobyl Reactor Control Computer
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