
Chicken Breed Observations - Easter Eggers! 

real simple mama
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What is an Easter Egger hen? RSM does her final breed observation video on her beloved Blue and Flopsy, who came to her in late 2018. In this video, get the pros and cons of this breed, based on her experience with her two Easter Eggers. Now you can learn about the quirks of the Easter Egger and see if they're right for your flock! (And hey if you have EEs of your own, tell us about them in the comments!)



16 окт 2024




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@wintermorgan1552 4 года назад
I have 3 easter eggers and they are great girls! They are super friendly and curious. They are almost a year old and each lay an egg every day! They are super easy going and low maintenance.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Yay! That makes me happy. I love cute friendly chickens. I think I need a refund as mine are broken 😆
@wintermorgan1552 4 года назад
Well we got what we thought was a cochin hen..turned out to be a rooster. Hes beautiful but hes bipolar lol he can be nice one minute and the devil the next! He knows I am the alpha when I'm outside! I had to put a stop to being attacked. Everything that I've read says cochins are supposed to be friendly..well I got a broken one too! Lol so you're not alone lol
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Aaaah and roosters are a whole other ordeal. You want one who protects his flock but then who isn’t an a$$hole to you either. Like “Dude I’m the one who feeds you!” But hopefully if you and he can come to an understanding he’ll be a big help!
@wintermorgan1552 4 года назад
@@realsimplemama he does a great job at protecting the girls. It's so cute, he will go find a "treat " out in the yard and he will call them over so they can eat it. When I bring them goodies, he will stand and watch while the girls eat and when they are done he will eat what's left. I just had to put my foot down and not be afraid of him. It's been a learning process that's for sure :)
@hillbillyhomestead1966 3 года назад
I'm incubating 11 easter egger eggs 🥚 looking forward to hatch day
@greaterthanme876 2 года назад
I have 1 easter egger, she is the favorite of both my husband and myself. She is affectionate, curious, social and gentle (although she is a bit of pushover when it comes to the rest of our flock). She lays every 2-3 days, then takes a day off consistently. In winter she lays about every other day.
@realsimplemama 2 года назад
Oh that’s so cute! Sounds like my Carmen Hendiego. Definitely low on the pecking order but she’s a decent layer, curious and social and just really funny. ✌🏼❤️🐓
@greaterthanme876 2 года назад
@@realsimplemama Carmen Henriego is such a cute name! My girl is named Hen Solo (I also like playing with words when naming my girls! I just found your channel, and I'm so glad I did! I am watching your past videos and look forward to more of your content in the future!
@LittleFrenchyinBigTexas 3 года назад
I started with some chickens this year and got a few EE for the fun of their egg colors. I hope they grow into healthy friendly chickens and good eggs layers.
@ILoveMyCreativeSpirit 3 года назад
I've had a great experience with my girls. I raised mine from babies. Had them quite awhile now. They lay every day.
@realsimplemama 3 года назад
Oh that’s great! I think mine are just defective but I love them anyway. ❤️ thanks for contributing!
@carlabarry7708 4 года назад
I have an Easter egger. She is a similar color to your with green feet. She lays 5-6 large olive eggs a week.She is very friendly and sweet. She along with my Blue Ameraucana which lays blue eggs are at the bottom of the pecking order and very docile. I have 6 chickens total. I have raised them from a couple days old.
@Cathy_MidwestHome_Hens 2 года назад
I have three 3-year old easter eggers. When I bought them at our local farm store, they were sold as Ameraucana. From these three hens, I get one of each: blue, green and pink egg. I just got 25 chicks on 5/5 from Cackle Hatchery. i ordered 5 each of: Easter Egger, Olive Egger, Welsummer and French Black Copper Marans. So excited to see the dark brown eggs from the marans
@addieanderson2043 Год назад
It sounds like the Easter Eggers are older than you think. I have had a total of 3 of them with no problems. They have been laying about 5 a week. about . I only have 1 at present. As you know I had to rehome my first flock due to my husbands illness and his dreams to travel. The one I have now produces a large egg. My Cream leg Bar produces a X large egg. My best layer is a Black Copper Marans. She layers large chocolate eggs. Averaging 6 a week. She is the boss lady.
@realsimplemama Год назад
That’s true, it’s always possible they were much older than we thought! So good to hear from you my friend! I love hearing about your new flock. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@ManuPantoja777 7 месяцев назад
I had one Easter egger. I got Gigi when she was 16 weeks (pullet). In the beginning she was skittish, as she got older, she warm up to me. But she was very loud, she always scream to go free range. She laid every other day (beautiful blue egg). Unfortunately, suddenly she passed away last January. She was fine in the morning, but around 12 pm I went to check the flock and I found her dead. She wasn’t sick, she laid the day before she died. I guess, it was a heart attack.
@realsimplemama 7 месяцев назад
Oh no. I am so sorry that she passed away like that. Thank you so much for sharing her with us. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@MydogsandI Год назад
My Easter Eggers are the friendliest of my mixed flock, and I have no health issues however, mine were bought from the hatchery
@louisianaluxuries3554 4 года назад
I have 3 EEs, they are sweet and curious. They will come close, and maybe eat out of your hand, but they are not the "pet me" type. They are almost a year old, and they have been laying about 5 to 6 eggs a week each. Shuga, a pretty pastel blue egg, Georgie a sea foam green egg, and Sammy a kind of an olive green/blue egg. No issues except Georgie seems to be stressed out by laying, She jumps in and our of the nesting boxes and circles the coop for about an hour before laying. I am pretty sure that has something to do with the broody Seramas. I have never seen such a big bird get bullied by such a tiny little thing. My Seramas are less than a pound and they will drag my EEs around by their comb (MEAN little thangs)! They are at the bottom of the pecking order even though they are my biggest chickens. Like you, I like to have different breeds. I try for 3 of each of the breeds I have. My EEs are probably my favorite hens, but we won't tell the others.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Thank you for posting! I love hearing about all of this!
@Koilake. 4 года назад
I just got a few Easter Eggers for the colorful eggs. I ordered them from a hatchery. They are very close to the egg laying stage. I hope there's no problems. My girls seem very sweet but a little skittish
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
I hear good things about EEs for backyard flocks, so knowing me I just got defective birds. 😆 their medical issues have been a big problem but who knows why that is. But I am leery to get more in the future because of my experiences.
@Koilake. 4 года назад
@@realsimplemama 😂🤣 well.. that is my luck also.. I'll keep you informed 👍
@kentuckycowboy7660 Год назад
Have two ester Eggers both lay about 4 a week and it just turned to April which I heard is April through July is peak production for most hens. Also one old Barr Rock she quit laying eggs a month or two ago All three were from a neighbor’s flock wanted to downsize and the smaller Easter egger was getting beat up . Since then they are all doing fine. Changed the feed to a local co-op and the egg shells are solid and better than the store
@DerafsheKavian Год назад
Thanks for the reply. Hope you had a good Christmas. Wishing a happy new year for you and family.
@forced4motorsports Год назад
Very sorry to hear this. I have 2 EEs as well, raised from chicks, 19 weeks and not laying yet and still seem quite immature. I know this is old but from what you describe of their home, it sounds like they could have been seriously inbred. We had a similar situation but with cats we adopted from a colony; two of three brothers. One of the three had already died but we were not told cause. Simon died from cancer; got into his respiratory system (no source discover since it was everywhere) within a month, and Theo died four years later from defective kidneys. We kept him alive via subq fluids until he told us he was done.
@realsimplemama Год назад
Oh no. I’m so sorry about your poor kitties. And I agree with you, I’m sure without any monitoring that my girls had some genetic issues due to inbreeding.
@alijames2592 3 года назад
We have a cream legbar hybrid who had a 75% chance of laying blue eggs. Nope; hers are a cream colour and small in size. She is right at the bottom of the pecking order and a very unreliable layer. Plus she goes broody so often in the spring and summer. Fortunately, she has buckets of personality - she is the most intelligent of our flock, can solve treat-puzzles and is super quick on her feet. Oh, and she has tried to fly the fence several times too...
@realsimplemama 3 года назад
I love hearing stories like this! Each of our birds is so unique and wonderful ❤️🐓
@carriedulaney2191 2 года назад
I had 2 ees my favorite died on Monday. She had issues with bumble foot but died from gout. My other ee her egg white, is a little like jello. That being said, other people I know with ees have had the best luck with them. I do plan to get more since I love the eggs and the temperaments .
@realsimplemama 2 года назад
I’m so sorry. ✌🏼❤️🐓
@77lases Год назад
Have you considered the hormone chip (birth control) to stop their egg laying? They can still live but without the pain and complications of having to lay. Plus, if you're not really getting many eggs from them as it is, you won't be losing much, but still able to keep your babies 💗 I've heard of ppl who do this and it works out great!
@realsimplemama Год назад
Hey! I’d heard of this a while back but didn’t look into it too much. I don’t have a hen with complications now but I’ll keep it in mind if I need it again! Thank you ✌🏻❤️🐓
@joyceverdian3013 3 года назад
I have a 3 year old splash Easter egger. She did not lay at all until she was one year old. I thought she was infertile. But since then, she typically lays about 3-4 large mint green eggs a week except in deep winter. She is rather aloof but I got her as an 8 week old pullet, so maybe that’s why.
@realsimplemama 3 года назад
Wow that’s so interesting! Mine too, aloof is a great word. Those two girls of mine have never been great layers, I actually have a third Easter Egger now who is younger than they are and she is curious and funny but also not an amazing layer and she came from a completely different place. We call her Carmen Hendiego! All three of those girls like to be near me and they are the first ones to jump in if I start digging in the dirt, but they are still standoffish and will probably never be extremely friendly.
@MichaelKensinger Год назад
My Easter Egger is sweet as can be. Very healthy, friendly, and a good layer so far. I think perhaps your girls are older than you might think (as you said). Overall I’m not sure your experiences are reflective of the breed overall. Not to discount your experience though. Since they’re mutts, one would expect fewer health problems I would think. I love my Helen so much. I have ducks and she fits right in. She’s our only chicken but our neighbors chickens visit occasionally.
@realsimplemama Год назад
I’m so glad you’re having a great experience! I’ve gotten Easter eggers on two separate occasions and have had similar experiences with both BUT I also got mine from someone looking to rehome, not from a hatchery or breeder. Other opinions are important too, so thank you for taking the time to share yours! 🌱☀️❤️
@douglasfick4817 6 месяцев назад
I have 11 easter eggers and they are my favorite, whites, Grey's one gold, one brown, they lay well, blues-greens-and one lays a tan egg, all ruled by a beautiful buff brahma bantam, they bicker between themselves a little bit but no troubles at all yet
@realsimplemama 6 месяцев назад
That’s great news! I’m so glad! Did you get them as chicks? Where did you purchase from? I’m really curious but oh so happy for you. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@douglasfick4817 6 месяцев назад
@@realsimplemama yes, raised from chicks, bought at fleet farm
@workshopvillage Год назад
I've had a similar experience as you. I have 2 EE and they are very skittish. They also don't like to dig/forage and aren't really curious. I also think EE's are cute with pretty colors, but I probably won't get them again either.
@realsimplemama Год назад
Isn’t that interesting? ✌🏻❤️🐓 thank you for sharing
@Afroyogacollective 5 месяцев назад
Super interesting! I have 2 EES chicks that forage better than my RIRs and Buff Orpingtons. For whatever reason, my RIRs and Orpingtons refuse to eat Slugs and pill bugs...My EEs LOVE eating the slugs and pillbugs along with my black australorp.
@marshaG8057 2 года назад
You have a very nice flock. Thank you for your wonderful videos! I've kept chickens for about 20 years and currently have a flock of 26 girls. I have 9 different breeds in this (layer, not-for-meat) flock. I currently have 5 Easter Eggers (from Meyer Hatchery), and they are some of my best layers. Their shell quality is nice and thick and much better than my other hens' shells. I get at least 4 eggs a week per girl (they're 2 years old now), so they've been good hens. (FWIW, my all-time favorite breed is Speckled Sussex). I re-homed my Easter Egger hens' brother "Wilson" only because I prefer to keep my "convent" male-free, so I didn't order him in the first place. He grew up to be a beauty and lives on a lovely farm with dozens of new girlfriends where he is a new father to many. :-) Keep your wonderful videos coming, please! They're very helpful and fun! Thank you!
@NumbForever 3 года назад
I have 2 and they are the best out of my barred rock and Rhode Island
@carariela Год назад
I've had three (young) easter eggers since baby chicks (12 Hens/2 Roosters) I don't know if they mature quicker than the Heritage breeds but as they matured it appeared they started out aggressive (teenagers age) & it concerned me. After awhile the others started standing their ground. The easter eggers then changed & kinda mellowed out..I'm glad too. It's interesting cause mine will probably get to be like yours when they get older & stop laying eggs... good to know this, thanks for your video : )
@realsimplemama Год назад
Oh yay! Enjoy them! I’m glad that everyone is more mellow now. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@steve8346 4 года назад
I have 3 I got from a hatchery as baby chicks. They are now a year old and are great layers and so far very healthy. They don't seem to be skittish of me but I don't handle none of my chickens either usually. I liked them so good this spring I got 2 more.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
That’s great! I hope they all do really well for you.
@DerafsheKavian Год назад
Hello there, You have a really good looking flock. May I know which hatchery your easter eggers are coming from?
@realsimplemama Год назад
Hi! Thanks! They were mutts honestly, from a woman who was in New Braunfels and let them run wild on her acreage. So they inbred and she moved out of state a few years ago. I’m sorry! ✌🏻❤️🐓
@janetmcnutt4994 5 месяцев назад
I'm confused. I watched videos on what chickens can eat and in the videos they say chickens shouldn't eat green tomatoes or the tomato plant. But they can have ripe tomatoes.
@realsimplemama 5 месяцев назад
Yep that’s right! The plant is a nightshade which is toxic. But the fruit is not! ✌🏻❤️🐓☀️🌱
@leannehassinger6167 4 года назад
I have 4 ees that I got as peeps. Lay an egg almost every day. Seafoam green. Also have buff orpingtons. Bluffs are like puppy dogs and follow us around. Ees got less skittish after they started laying. I'd get more but would like to try other breeds first.
@kathybradbury 3 месяца назад
From the sound of it these are backyard bred birds? Idk your location, but besides being crossed more than once, exposure to environmental toxins can cause genetic damage. Other potential causes can be infection or parasites? I haven’t heard anyone else mention problems like this, so hopefully it’s not an issue with the “breed.”
@realsimplemama 3 месяца назад
Hi! Yes you’re probably right. I got these girls from a woman who had them on acreage and wasn’t really paying attention to them. I don’t think it’s a widespread breed issue but I do know that some of the characteristics show up with other people too. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@kathybradbury 3 месяца назад
@@realsimplemama I’ll have to ask around…I just invested in a couple for my urban chicken coup and really hope they aren’t problematic. I’ve been thinking about getting chickens for a few years and when a stray chicken arrived, decided it was time as she needed a flock💕
@realsimplemama 3 месяца назад
@kathybradbury oh don’t worry! You’re doing research and are already aware of the potential issues. I do have other people who have come along and commented over the years too. But I think you’re right, while Easter eggers are already mutts, I think a lot is also up to that specific chicken and their own history.
@brandywvstrong9531 4 года назад
Poor little baby. I hate to see any animal in pain. 🥺 I have 3 EE chicks right now. They seems to be so far very gentle. I will keep you updated.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Oh what sweeties! Mine have such beautiful detailing on their feathers. And while they grew up wild without much human interaction, my Blue Byrd is a calm companion now and my little shadow. Not cuddly but I know she wants to be near me. ❤️
@brandywvstrong9531 4 года назад
@@realsimplemama awe ordered ours from Meyer Hatchery. You can have a 3 chick min. All 3 are totally different colors. Can’t wait to see there markings here in a few weeks. One is dark with brown, one all white or buff, and a buff with dark markings through her feathers. 🐥
@lorenzoghostmade6866 Год назад
Are Eggers tha way ta go fa those eggs n iwonder if they lay a certain amount bc am lookin ta mix breed those runts inord3r ta pop out with at least double tha eggs or tha most possible they kud lay
@realsimplemama Год назад
Eggers are a mix breed and I personally have had bad luck with them. I’d look for high quality layers like sex links or others who would pair well with your climate. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@glennrodeorealtyrealtor5622 4 года назад
Easter Egger are beautiful. They are personal favorite chickens. I had one that was super friendly with me. Until it died from unknown cause.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
I’m so sorry. ❤️
@glennrodeorealtyrealtor5622 4 года назад
real simple mama I hope to get chicken again after many years I was in my adolescence age. :)
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
I hope you can too!
@personalaccount4360 2 года назад
Excluding the times when the one with the health condition is trying to lay an egg, how are they in terms of noise? Average?
@realsimplemama 2 года назад
Mine have been quiet.
@karinforsberg6046 Год назад
Ps.. i do have an adult but she hasn't laid since i moved her from VA to NJ 7 weeks ago. I cant speak to how often yet. Hope she gets going soon. Her and a Barred Rock were my starter pack. 7 weeks, im up to 8 and building a bigger coop. 😂 also adding a 9th this week my friend has a sweet girl being bullied by her HUGE flock running her acreage. :) So far very sweet, curious, not afraid or skittosh, but doesnt enjoy bwing caught. Once I have her she sits nice and seems to love being pet and me gettimg im there and rubning her neck at the skin. My 2 week olds i hold daily alot. I want them to come to me and jump on my lap! The 3 month olds have gotten i dependent and make me chase them now too. :/ i need to love them!
@realsimplemama Год назад
I’m so glad you’re getting more and you can help out your friend! And more space is a great idea. :) Be sure you quarantine the new ones for a while (I have videos on how to do that) to keep everyone safe. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@joanpharo1140 3 года назад
I just wanted to thank you for answering my questions. Many people don’t 😘
@realsimplemama 3 года назад
Oh you’re welcome! If I ever miss anything just yell at me 😆 or email me theMama@realsimplemama.com
@skyeharmoning22 3 года назад
I've got 2 EE beauties. Neither have a beard. But, their coloring is gorgeous. I get 5 to 6 light blue and green eggs a week from my girl's. I got them from Atwood's and they are almost a year old. Skittish as well. And they are the ones that like to fly the fence and go out into the pasture. Bad influences!!! Bc then my other chickens follow 🤣 also they are in the middle of the pecking order. The younger chickens are at the bottom. I love my girls and would love a couple more.
@realsimplemama 3 года назад
Oh how sweet. Yes my two EEs are so beautiful, the detailing in their feathers is breathtaking. They’re content to follow us (closely) but they’re still standoffish. While I’d love to cuddle them we just accept them for who they are and are happy to have given them a loving home. ❤️
@darkserpent6884 3 года назад
I have a Easter egger rooster he's pretty tame but does tend to attack one of my nephews. His feathers match the color of fire and they shimmer golden flecks in the sun. he has a favorite hen of the flock which I had to give to my sister because he was destroying her feathers. they've recently had babies, one kinda looks like a penguin so that's her name. it was nice meeting your flock!
@organixgirl 2 года назад
I have a roo also ee he's 10 weeks he actually started crowing before my leghorn who is a week older he also lets me hold but he likes to stand up tall before I pick him up and he'll rest in my arm he's def getting his tail feathers and they're bluish and green 🙂 so he's going to be beautiful hopefully his calm demeanor stays
@glennrodeorealtyrealtor5622 4 года назад
I think maybe your Easter Egger are on the elderly stage? My childhood friend had two. One was super friendly and was more flighty. Both look identical but one was heavy and had a muff. Skittish one did not sport a muff. Both laid eggs consistently everyday.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
It’s possible. They were rather wild when I got them, the previous owner had acreage and let them free range.
@brittneychickenlady7149 4 года назад
My 7 EE pullets are super flighty. I’ve had them from chicks from tractor supply but they are super flighty and don’t like me getting too close to them :(
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
I got mine as full grown hens but they’ve never gotten really friendly. Blue isn’t afraid anymore but I just want cuddly chickens! 😩
@brittneychickenlady7149 4 года назад
real simple mama I’m right there with you! My cuddly chicken passed away. She was my fiancé and my favorite :(
@hillbillyhomestead1966 3 года назад
I only have one hen outta 4 that's a bit skeditsh but she let's me pet her on her terms.my rode island reds are awesome layers and so friendly
@jeffdinter600 4 года назад
And the Easter eggers as you stated, are usually always at the bottom of the pecking order.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Hmmm that’s so funny to see these parallels! What other breeds are in your flock? Who are the alphas?
@greaterthanme876 2 года назад
@@realsimplemama my Easter egger is the bottom of the pecking order. My Welsummer was at the top, and she was an amazing leader; she was sadly replaced by one of the Plymouth Rocks when a coyote attacked and killed her. The rock got power hungry and has not only become a bully to my Easter egger, but has lead the other girls to chase after her also.
@BadBoyBreeze13 Год назад
Are you sure it’s OK to give chickens tomatoes?
@realsimplemama Год назад
Tomatoes yes! Tomato plants no! They’re members of the nightshade family. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@hazalminsin1711 4 года назад
I’m a first time chicken mama. We got our flock of 14 from Rural King as chicks. We’ve one Easter Egger, two olive eggers and an “experiment” (looks like a cream legbar) in the mix. Nobody is to the point of laying yet, but all are sweet, healthy birds thus far.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Yay! Congrats and let me know how they all grow up.
@hazalminsin1711 4 года назад
real simple mama Thanks! I will! 😃
@pringleeinhorn148 4 года назад
It is hard to get nice chickens in my area, so I typically have to order online. Most hatcheries hava a 5 variety minimum,so if I want a breed I have to get five. This kind of sucks because I don't want 5 chickens that all look the same, but with the easter eggers no two look the same which is what drew me to them. For something crossbred they sure seem to have the issues you would expect from inbreeding though. I am raising mine from chicks, hopefully all goes well with them.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
I totally understand. I wish you could order along with some other local families and then split them up! I’m a sucker for wanting my flock to look completely diverse and unique.
@glennrodeorealtyrealtor5622 4 года назад
Have you looked into MyPetChicken? Or have look at local feed stores?
@johncspine2787 3 года назад
McMurray hatchery you can mix and match for a six chick minimum after April first. So..six different..if you want before that, then it’s fifteen.
@realsimplemama 3 года назад
Oh yes I know people who have used them. I’d have to look up where they’re based out of. And how I dream of ordering more babies one day! 😍😍😍
@jenn8675 3 года назад
I got my EE's at 12.5 weeks from a hatchery. Mine are very skiddish as well, even with my other hens they have been with for over 4 months now they are scared of them too.
@shanewilles9310 6 месяцев назад
My Easter Eggers disrupted the entire flock. They were the only ones that would constantly fly over the 6 foot fence, they were very skittish, and mean. Then when I caught them eating the eggs, they were gone. After that the flock was peaceful.
@realsimplemama 6 месяцев назад
Oh my gosh wow! Yes they’re really skittish and “wild” in my experience too. I also want to get birds as chicks from now on to help make them friendly. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@darlene5621 3 месяца назад
Thanks for your input I thought I was the only one with an ee in left field. I just gave her away yesterday i'd put up with her aggravation for over 6 months. I'd had her from a week old but she had gotten so bad at bullying my other girls nothing worked. When she tore my favorite girls comb almost off I was done. So I felt guilty but no choice, it's been a lot more quiet & less stressful I should have remedied the trouble a lot earlier but I'm a newbie chicken mom. But good to know I wasn't alone with nut case chicken. 🙄
@realsimplemama 3 месяца назад
@darlene5621 oh I’m so sorry you went through all that! Yes it’s hard when we care about every life, but I’m so glad you made that choice. I’ve had to rehome a few times too and the difference in stress is IMMEDIATE and then I always kick myself for not doing it sooner. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@yennyjen5742 2 года назад
Hi. My Easter egger gave us out first egg 3 days ago. 😬 but they eggs of the last 3 days are mini eggs’ 🤣 are they supposed to get bigger with time? Or that’s normal?
@realsimplemama 2 года назад
Lol! Their system is probably just “booting up” and getting used to the assembly line process. Easter Eggers do lay full sized eggs I promise! ✌🏼❤️🐓
@realsimplemama 2 года назад
I was going to add - look at my “fairy egg” video as that’s what you probably got. It’ll give you some more details, and some peace of mind. ✌🏼❤️🐓
@yennyjen5742 2 года назад
@@realsimplemama thanks for replying 😊❤️
@Nbs_elvis 3 года назад
What chicken is the grey and black please tell me
@realsimplemama 3 года назад
The small speckled one is a barred rock. The black and white hen is a silver laced Wyandotte. Look up photos online and see if that’s what you meant!
@Nbs_elvis 3 года назад
@@realsimplemama Yes thank you I had a chicken like that but it died and I wanted to know what breed of chicken it was because I had a hard time finding it thank you so much!!!!😁
@lonestarbs 2 года назад
I get 6 eggs a week from my easter eggers. I have a yellow and a charcoal one. Charcoal one loves me so much that when I'm having cocktails she has to me right next to me.
@shawnmcginnity3786 Год назад
There great chickens
@Ventura0404 4 года назад
OK, I have raised parrots. But we have one out of six birds white leghorn. That keeps having a little diarrhea. Yes I’m keeping his or her but clean. Been going on for a week Pants clean their clean clean water good food good scratch about a month old. Any suggestion to help my little one. She’s eating well drinking well active
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
If everything else is ok i bet she’s ok. Maybe drinking more water because it’s hot? And I wouldn’t feed anything to young birds except their grower food (high protein) and plain water.
@Ventura0404 4 года назад
real simple mama LOL they’re in my house. I’ll keep an eye on her I keep adjusting the heat lamp so they’re not too hot and you’re not too cold. Like I said the other ones are doing fine so maybe that’s just what it is she’s drinking a lot of water. Don’t wanna lose my babies. Thank you for answering my question.
@deborahmask5798 3 года назад
I have two Easter Eggers and I have no problem with them but I raised them from babies they leg eggs every day they are sweeties
@realsimplemama 3 года назад
Oh that’s good. Mine have mellowed out a lot but like I said they’ve never been good layers.
@sharoncourt75 Год назад
I had 2 easter egger, they had been he best, I have 1 2 years old,the egg issue has nothing to do with that or she, I had that experience with a young silkie egg bound, her eggs are too big, this has more t do with the feed, in my opinion the silkie had worms and i put her in adult food too soon, so she didn't get enough proteing as a young pullet (to build sttong muscles), the worms where bad.
@realsimplemama Год назад
I’m glad you’ve had a good experience! Yes like I said, I think mine were inbred and so it was a generic issue. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@AKlover Год назад
Cream Legbars are BETTER layers. Unfortunately CL Roos are often vicious to the hens in your flock and depending on the individual bird the easter egger eggs may be larger........ IT'S A WASH!
@realsimplemama Год назад
Oh that’s so interesting (and sad about the roosters too). Isn’t it weird how even things like aggression become a repeating pattern with certain breeds? I think the CL hens are just beautiful too! ✌🏻❤️🐓
@AKlover Год назад
@@realsimplemama I have A CL/Aust mix that lays large green eggs ................. I HAD 3 roosters who were that mix. They were way too rough with the hens. Much happier with the Bresse and RIR roos I have now. Breeding in CL for the color gene with A bird that is A far better layer and lays larger eggs would seem to have merit. I doubt I'll bother with easter eggers in the future.
@ernestosanchez2942 2 года назад
Then other breeds that are crossed are considered mutts also aricuana americauna Easter egger olive egger they all sound the same and are the same to me the only thing is they have different colored feathers pattern and could lay different color eggs depending on the gene 🧬 the hens may have
@realsimplemama 2 года назад
Exactly! Thanks for adding this. I’ll also say that my mutts have had reproductive issues too which I always assumed was due to the inbreeding. But that’s a more specific example.
@13doll13face 3 года назад
I have a young one.dont know if it's male or female, but it's crazy as hell.Always scared of me
@noahsturgill20 Год назад
I have 8 EEs and they don't want nothing to do with people and I get about 10 eggs a week total out of them and they are only 2 years old I will never get them again and the rooster I have is very mean and trys to attack everyone that goes in there yard
@realsimplemama Год назад
Ugh I’m sorry to hear that. I wish you could trade them with someone for another breed! They’re technically just a mutt and I think have some inherent issues (at least around here) due to that. ✌🏻❤️🐓
@jeffdinter600 4 года назад
Usually an Easter egger as far as egg productionis fair about three maybe four eggs a week is what is average for m, and in the winter months in Tennessee it slows down a little bit too maybe just averaging three because of the colder temperatures.y Easter egger hen
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
That’s interesting - in reading about them generally it seemed like they were really great layers.
@janiemelgoza166 4 года назад
I have two easter eggers, they are beautiful. I have a golden one with blk, and a white and blk. But I think that the white and blk one is the only one giving me one egg a day. And I got them as an adult so no love and hugs for me.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Oh I’m sorry - mine aren’t cuddly either, they were so wild and afraid. But they’re beautiful and still fun to watch!
@janiemelgoza166 4 года назад
@@realsimplemama I totally agree, love your videos. I'm a newbie with chickens and learning from you♥️.
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Thank you 🥰 I’m so happy that you’re here. And I’m always learning too!
@amberemma6136 7 месяцев назад
Easter eggers were never aracanas. Maybe you meant Ameraucana?
@sifat4632 4 года назад
I would like six pieces of chicken. I am speaking from Bangladesh. I really need to keep my fancy chicken
@topking5080 4 года назад
I have a flock of cream legbar in free range and they are fantastic..excellent self sufficient, foraging birds. Maybe inbreed becomes a problem eventually. Approx. 5 eggs per week per hen. Something I don't like at your chicken den..I think these chicken have a boring life
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
Lol! Wow thanks for your opinion. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@Ventura0404 4 года назад
TopKing International Vallett
@Ventura0404 4 года назад
I hate to say that but that’s extremely rude. They may live in a small place but I think she’s taking pretty darn good care of them. Wow
@realsimplemama 4 года назад
I must be important now because I’m getting self-proclaimed experts criticizing me. 😉 (And notice they have nothing useful on their own channel. I’ll just sit here and sip my tea.)
@topking5080 4 года назад
@@realsimplemama Dear Becky, pity you take critics personal. Chicken originate from the jungles of south east asia. Your easter layers from Chile. These are facts- you might want to google it. So in their natural habitat they are living within rocks, trees, bushes etc. Every basic zoo has more entertainment to offer to their animals than what I saw in your barren chicken den. I believe it would be more entertaining for your chicken if they find some distractions in their coop. This has nothing to do with being an expert or not. Just think about it. And no I don't entertain a channel. What for..
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