
chiShona is Hebrew Part 1 

Beyond the Rivers of Ethiopia
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We explore the chiShona language as a dialect of Hebrew.



6 сен 2024




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@bentracoglobalconceptco8607 Месяц назад
In Igbo(Ibo/Ebo), W/Africa, moon is called, 'ọnwa,' face is 'Iru'. When the Igbo say, 'Olo,' it's Hebrew for 'No' ["Lo"]. When they say, 'rapu' or 'hapụ́' it's same word for 'leave,' 'keep' (like saying, 'avoid', 'abandon' ). 'Ori'[Hebrew for light] is 'Uri' in Igbo. 'Ozi'(way/road) is 'Ezi' and 'Ozi' ('Ozili' in Ndọkwa/Ụ̀kwụanị̀/Anị̀ọma-Igbo). 'Kéé' Divide) is exact meaning for the Hebrew equivalent, 'kel'. 'Uda' (sound/praise in Igbo), has the specific root of 'yahudah'. 'Kpe' is the Igbo word for 'pray'[v] and 'judge,' retaining the Hebrew root for the same ideas. 'Be' is same for home. 'El' (G-D in Hebrew) synchs to 'Elu' ('Above') in Igbo. 'Naphtali' (extricated), same as, 'Napụtalị̀' in Igbo. 'Isi' is the Igbo word for 'head,' 'top,' 'beginning,' etc. It's the root of, 'Ro[sh]'. Etc. Etc. Need I recount the religio-cultural parallels (Torah-specific) in the Igbo observances, like 8-day Circumcision, Levirate Marriage, Kaparot, Azazel, Bar Mitzvah, Shivah, etc? The greatest is that Igbos are mindfully predial [praedial], as Hebrews (opposed to the feudalism of their neighbors). i. When Avraham used 4-legged animals to validate land transfer, the practice is classic Igbo. ii. When he 'planted a tamarisk tree...call the name of G_D... ...' The practice is eternally Igbo. The Igbo religion is 'Ó' Mé N'Ànà' ('what to do in the land'), exactly injunctive as 'Der'kh Eretz'. Only in Igbo can be found the exact use of, 'ANOCHI', with same meaning as its Kemet use by Moshe. The Igbo use of 'Infinitive Absolute' ways of expression is perhaps, only found in the Hebrew! NB: the use of 'claim' to describe the unique equivalents in Hebrew-Igbo parallels is anti-historical. Was it such 'claim' for biblical history when it states that Avraham came from Ur of the Chaldean? ('Ur' = 'Uru' in Igbo). Language and or, Culture-mix not withstanding (Moshe's influence in Egypt and by the Midis, his in-laws), the undeniable resemblance the Igbo share with Israel is in the relationship with who the Igbo regard as, CHI UKWU ('Great G-D'). There's no parallel to it outside the Hebrew Religion.
@TsedekBen 21 день назад
From the genetic Atlas, Bantu's are all related by blood!! whether a Zulu speaker, Kongolese, Gabonese, Harero, Igbo's, Yoruba's, Kikuyu, Shona, Luba, Luhya, Meru, Kamba or the Sindi's in India. they are all the same people. Language may vary because of regions and influence but DNA will not change. What most scientist will never tell you, Luhya of Kenya(LWK-Bukusu in General term), carry all different haplogroups found in all other Bantu's in Africa while Cameroonians carry the most non Admixed, in other words, Luhya carry admixtures found in Kongo, Southern Africa and west Africa (N.O.K) like E-M2, E-m75, B-M60 and others plus little bit of Nilo-Saharan admixed because of our surrounding's but zero Khoi-San or Mbaka pygmies.. Within the 17 subtribes or federation of Luhya, you can reconstruct all other Bantu's in the continent of Africa. With that said, doesn't that prove that Bantu's(E1B1A)=E-p2 Originally came from the Great Lakes and not the other way round? Given the historical wars and repeated invasions that happened from the direction of Aden-Ethiopia by the Kurdish, Baluchi-Assyrians, Al-Habesha war, Ottoman-Khadive-Turks then finally Nilotes vs Bantu's, wouldn't that be the reason for Bantu's to move from East to West, since there is enough evidence for movement by Tutsi's and Fulani from Horn of Africa to West but no evidence whatsoever for Bantu's migrating from West to East other than Seligman and Greenburg fictions, to call Bantu a SUB-HUMAN from Kongo-Cameroon forest?
@TsedekBen 21 день назад
HAPMAP 1000 GENOME project. The ancestor of all West African groups is Yoruba/Igbo. The Oldest in East Africa is Luhya(LWK) and Baganda. There is no Zulu! no Kongo! no Shona, no tribes!! But purely DNA origins, splitting and ancestors of the other ancestors!! According to 1000 Genome project, Somali's claim of East African origin is obliterated to dust! even Kalenjins are pushed back to Sudan while Dinka are confirmed as the ancestors of all other Pastoralist of the Nile, Levant and entire East Africa(Sarah Tshkof). The Igbos claim of being different from Yoruba is also a scum! most of Ghanaians are descendants of what I'll call Yoruba's Benin. In Simple terms, Yoruba/Igbo can claim to be the ancestors of all Bantu's or Niger Kordofanians combined.
@TsedekBen 21 день назад
Why do you think 1000 genome Malaria Gates project say "Luhya" are same as Yoruba, but not Igbos, yet Igbos and Yoruba's are one and the same people who separated not so long ago? in-fact there were no related group of people called "Yoruba." those INSULTING slave names never existed before 1700s! there was no name such as Igbo in Northern Cameroon where they were known as super Barter Traders, there were no name such as Igbo in equatorial guinea, Sierra-Leone or Gabon!!!! why?? Within Bukusu, and this one Mzungu and Abyssinians(traitors) knows very well, there were an ancient Royal clan that ruled in Kongo! also within Luhya ancestry, they found Lwk ancestry or bones in Iberian Peninsular that dates EXACTLTY right as the expulsion edict was effected, and at the #Valle #da #gaffaria burial site in Portugal and Lagos in Spain where Germans had a palace and punishment camp after expulsion, majority of the "DISCAREDED skeletons were of Luhya Origin, Germans tried to claim them but filling of teeth, wearing skull/bones on the necklaces and Afro skull of the massacred, matched 100% NEGROID and not Caucasoid. All of the bones matched Kongo-Niger groups, Afro-Americans found in Brazil, Jamaica and Texas, now from the Luhya, 1000 genome project reconstructed the the most archaic to new admixed, which connected all other Bantu's, especially Southern Half as they called it back to the Great Lakes, these includes all the Kongoid and Eastern Bantu. Infact, today all DNA firms use Luhya(LWK) to compare all other Bantu's ADMIXED because Luhya seems to carry some of the oldest Bantu-Niger kongo root than that of the Benue-Kongo themselves(Seligman/Greenburg point of FAKE origin) which is supposed to be the other way round. #NOTICE: There is a friend of mine, he just warned me about disclosing the secrets of the Nile River. So I wont say much about Nile.....BUT ONLY FOR NOW!!!
@BCC1442 Год назад
Also Father in Shona is pronounced as BABA (Hebrew; ABBA). Mother in Shona is also pronounced as MAI, (Hebrew, IMA).
@southernafricanboy4148 24 дня назад
@BCC1442 24 дня назад
@@southernafricanboy4148 Lord is Mwari in Shona. Mari in Aramaic.
@BCC1442 24 дня назад
@@southernafricanboy4148 Sacred is Kosha in Shona, Kaw-doshe in hebrew.
@jayleetzvevo460 Год назад
❤❤❤❤This is staff, unfortunately there'snt many Shona people accessing this Master knowledge. Those Shona Missionaries who went to Kenya will be grateful to watch it
@andrewkekana 3 месяца назад
I am sorry for a very late response. Thank you for the encouragement. Let's keep hoping that our people all over the continent will wake up. In fact I believe it is happening. Shalom.
@jayleetzvevo460 Год назад
❤❤❤❤I found this amazing for real Shona is real Hebrew thats why its all over east and central Africa. ❤Even Netanyahu the PM of Israel is using a Shonalized surname, I noticed also noticed there's plenty of Shona Surnames they use in Israel yet they're a different race but some of them show African Genes in their eyes too ❤❤❤ I love this bro I'm following your content. I'm really boggled
@andrewkekana 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much for the encouragement. Apologies for a very late response😪.
@shemtaimu3825 11 месяцев назад
Keep on doing the good work.
@andrewkekana 3 месяца назад
Thank you. I am sorry for a very late response.
@vianneypindji4727 Месяц назад
Don't forget about the Central Africa's Bantu dialects such as the Kongo, Teke, etc. In my mother's dialect, * "mueri" ( moon) being used to determine " months". * Paya" means " face" In kongo, the word " tonda" /" matondo" means " Thanks" just like" Toda" in Hebrew.
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
Thank you. My intention is to cover as many abantu languages as I can. I just got distracted.
@Bourne-fu8bz 27 дней назад
You are a great researcher. If it was a Shona person telling us about this link, they wouldn't believe him but thankfully you are not Shona, which makes it believable.
@andrewkekana 26 дней назад
Thank you for the encouragement. Your point is well made.
@peterroosh8114 24 дня назад
@Changamira Месяц назад
Chishona (and other so called Bantu languages) is also the language of Kemet, there are books on this. DNA STR loci indicate the Pharaohs highest affinity is in relation to central and Southern Bantu.
@southernafricanboy4148 24 дня назад
Thank you. Now you got some west African and Cameroon claiming to be Bantu .it actually upsets me
@TsedekBen 21 день назад
Not true. The early like Narmer were A patternal Y dna. Amenhotep however y dna was abantu E1b1a. The first Pharoah were kushites they carry A y dna( South sudanese and Koisan). However , All abantu people autosomal dna show Abantu married allot of Kushites aka South sudanese woman hence the str loci. Abantu Y dna is E1b1a . E1b1a is a brother to E1b1b ( Habesha/amhara, tigrayna Somoli, etc). We all came from one father . So explain this. E1b1b speak what is Shemetic languages. So if they are of the seed of Shem what does that make bantu since we are of the same paternal stock? 1000 genome project provides genetic studies showing that Haile Selassie tribe the Amhara and other Ethiopian highlanders are a cross between African stock predominantly L3 mtdna and E1b1b y dna and almost equal amouth of mutated Euroasian mtdna and Y dna. So on a paternal side Amhara aka Haile Selassie tribe show the following: 1.33% J1 y dna a Turkish persian Japahet Y dna. 2.The bulk of thier Y dna is 44% E1b1b which is Shemetic hebrew Edomite not Shemetic hebrew israelites( E1B1A abantu). paternallly they are brothers to abantu. 3.12% kushitic as Aoo ydna possible south sudanese or Koisan from south africa who once lived in North Africa. 4. T Y DNA FOUND in India and persia/iran Maternal Mtdna of Habesha: tigrayna, Amhara, and other Ethiopian highlanders. 1.On thier maternal side third of thier dna comes from the l3 African mtdna L3- the youngest of all mtdna in Africa and the one that mutated and produce all euroasian/European mtdna. 2. Next The other third of thier maternal dna is the euroasian mutation from l3 as in ( M, N , U4, T , J , some H etc). All those mtdna stems from L3. The also carry small fraction of pure African mtdna such as lo,l1, l2, l4, l5, l6 etc. Theses originated from Luhya abantu shemetic (sametic hebrew israelites bantu woman, Sukuma E1b1a Shemetic hebrew israelites bantu woman and Koisan ( kushite Khamitic woman).
@TsedekBen 21 день назад
​@@southernafricanboy4148Garbage. What is the Y dna of Abantu? It is E1b1a what is the Y dna of Yoruba, Wolof, Ibo, Akan, Ga , dogon? E1b1a. .From the genetic Atlas, Bantu's are all related by blood!! whether a Zulu speaker, Kongolese, Gabonese, Harero, Igbo's, Yoruba's, Kikuyu, Shona, Luba, Luhya, Meru, Kamba or the Sindi's in India. they are all the same people. Language may vary because of regions and influence but DNA will not change. What most scientist will never tell you, Luhya of Kenya(LWK-Bukusu in General term), carry all different haplogroups found in all other Bantu's in Africa while Cameroonians carry the most non Admixed, in other words, Luhya carry admixtures found in Kongo, Southern Africa and west Africa (N.O.K) like E-M2, E-m75, B-M60 and others plus little bit of Nilo-Saharan admixed because of our surrounding's but zero Khoi-San or Mbaka pygmies.. Within the 17 subtribes or federation of Luhya, you can reconstruct all other Bantu's in the continent of Africa. With that said, doesn't that prove that Bantu's(E1B1A)=E-p2 Originally came from the Great Lakes and not the other way round? Given the historical wars and repeated invasions that happened from the direction of Aden-Ethiopia by the Kurdish, Baluchi-Assyrians, Al-Habesha war, Ottoman-Khadive-Turks then finally Nilotes vs Bantu's, wouldn't that be the reason for Bantu's to move from East to West, since there is enough evidence for movement by Tutsi's and Fulani from Horn of Africa to West but no evidence whatsoever for Bantu's migrating from West to East other than Seligman and Greenburg fictions, to call Bantu a SUB-HUMAN from Kongo-Cameroon forest?
@TsedekBen 21 день назад
​@@southernafricanboy4148 Your stuck in tribalism and lack scientific data and historical data to know we are one people .Take you head out the mud . HAPMAP 1000 GENOME project. The ancestor of all West African groups is Yoruba. The Oldest in East Africa is Luhya(LWK) and Baganda. There is no Zulu! no Kongo! no Shona, no tribes!! But purely DNA origins, splitting and ancestors of the other ancestors!! According to 1000 Genome project, Somali's claim of East African origin is obliterated to dust! even Kalenjins are pushed back to Sudan while Dinka are confirmed as the ancestors of all other Pastoralist of the Nile, Levant and entire East Africa(Sarah Tshkof). The Igbos claim of being different from Yoruba is also a scum! most of Ghanaians are descendants of what I'll call Yoruba's Benin. In Simple terms, Yoruba can claim to be the ancestors of all Bantu's or Niger Kordofanians combined.
@erastusabraham2392 21 день назад
in my Oshiwambo language from Namibia moon is "omwedi"
@andrewkekana 21 день назад
Thank you for your contribution. We are one people! What does Oshiwambo mean?
@RoyMberi Месяц назад
Morning My name Roy Mberi from Zimbabwe. The word shona means zion Thank u.
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
Thank you Roy. There are obviously different versions of the meaning of the word from different Shona-speaking people.
@elijahmugwagwa3226 Месяц назад
This is pure wisdom how can I contact you
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
Thank you. Send Me your email address, and I will send you my contact details.
@andrewhowson7540 Месяц назад
So far I see that Hebrews are in East, West, Central Africa, and the diaspora. The Shona language is part of puzzle to the Biblical Hebrew language, along others such as Yoruba, Gadangme, Eʋe, Dan, etc.
@tokumtekwatekwa9936 8 месяцев назад
This is why all Shona people villages are not allowed to work every one day of the week,if u work u get fined by the chiefs,even at my mine we only work six days a week
@andrewkekana 4 месяца назад
Wow. I did not know that. Amazing! Thank you for sharing that insightful info. I started celebrating Shabbat about 3 years ago, amazing!
@Daughteroffice 3 месяца назад
They call it chisi
@pulengmashifana6094 Месяц назад
​@@andrewkekana even the bapedi used to not work on Wednesday same as the shona. the shona is also wednesday.
@bronzebantu Месяц назад
This is true, indeed some call the day "chisi". It's been said that the word 'Sabbath' itself is perversion/translation/transliteration aka hellenisation of the Bantu (Shona) word/term/expression 'usabata/musi wekusabata' which literally translate respectively to 'do not touch/ the day you do not touch' , (*touch* tools for work nor currency for trade). My research over the years has indeed proven Bantu languages indeed are proto "Hebrew", shona is one of the major ones, biblical names of people and places have amazing and undeniable contextual relevance in Bantu Shona...
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
​@@pulengmashifana6094 I grew up as Mopedi and I did not know that. Kea leboga.
@goneshellmasendeke2661 Месяц назад
Wherever you are coming from and wherever we are going...
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
I am afraid, I do not understand your comment.
@listenup2882 Месяц назад
Modern Hebrew isn't the same as Ancient Hebrew. The modern version has been europeanized.
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
And that is one of the reasons why we are looking at the ancient script. Shalom.
@ZAR_72 Год назад
Light/Chiedza in Sepedi is also called seedi, seetja or lesedi
@pulengmashifana6094 6 месяцев назад
yep ke seyetša ngwanešu
@livhuwanitshisikule3515 Месяц назад
Light/Tshedza in Tshivenḓa
@UrhoboWorld Месяц назад
In any case, there are linkages between languages across the world, my question is why are you linking Hebrew in particular?
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
I agree that there are linkages between languages across the world. Unfortunately my people do not know that. And I am only discovering this knowledge in my 50s. Why the focus on Hebrew? Because it is the language spoken by descendants of Yakoba in the Bible. And my thesis is that we, abantu, are the descendants of Yakoba based not only on language, but also culture, history and a common haplogroup.
@UrhoboWorld Месяц назад
@@andrewkekana I know that this would be your thesis. But the only basis for that is religion and most definitely not history. My thesis would be that the Hebrews, amongst others, come from us and not the other way round. We are most certainly not Hebrews
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
​@@UrhoboWorldI assume you consider yourself and your people part of abantu? Why do you say we are definitely not Hebrews? What evidence can you provide to substantiate your rebuttal? And what material do you have that we can read to help us understand who we are?
@wadzanaimupindu 3 месяца назад
I am shona and am here
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
@UrhoboWorld Месяц назад
I am afraid I cannot agree with you that Bantu languages are dialects of Hebrew, looking at the spread of humans to the rest of the world the opposite will have to be true, that if any real links can be found, it will be Hebrew that is a dialect of Bantu languages
@HasanAnyabwile Месяц назад
Yes, it’s the other way around, 😊
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
I acknowledge your disagreement and thank you for your comment. It helps me think deeper.
@SuperGateri Месяц назад
I am a Kikuyu, the largest Bantu group from Kenya. Recently I am learning biblical Hebrew and I'm so astounded by the deep similarities in the two languages, Kikuyu and Hebrew. Forget Swahili which is pretty much Arabic, my old Kikuyu and biblical Hebrew must have had a close interaction at some point. Whether Hebrew is from Bantu or the other way round, that's secondary. One thing is for sure, the two were once one.
@UrhoboWorld Месяц назад
@@SuperGateri All languages come from Africa, discuss
@SuperGateri Месяц назад
@@UrhoboWorld all life comes from Africa...
@jackholman5008 Месяц назад
Chishona is not hebrew,the hebrew doctrine is not the only real one just the most popular You believe in your mwari not Yaweh
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
I will give you 2 days to rewrite your comment should you want to engage meaningfully. Otherwise I will remove your comment from the channel. Your time starts now.
@jackholman5008 Месяц назад
@andrewkekana your african, follow your african beliefs
@samusha3422 Месяц назад
Why are you trying to smuggle Hebrew Arabic language into Bantu. I refuse this robustly
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
What am I smuggling, whatever that means?
@zw-crc Месяц назад
Why should Shona be Hebrew and not Hebrew be Shona? Why aspire to be them and not them be you?
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
Who is them? Whoever they are, I am not aspiring to be them. If you want to reason, please show me a Shona alphabet that expains the meaning of Shona or any bantu words. The reason for the direction is that the Hebrew alphabet carries the intelligence of all the bantu languages. Please, do not just be eager to share your opimion without thinking.
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
And by the way, "bantu" is not an ethnonym, it is just a word in the language for people. What is our ethnonym?
@zw-crc Месяц назад
@@andrewkekana So why should Shona be Hebrew when all humanity originated from Africa?
@andrewkekana Месяц назад
C​@@zw-crc Your question does not make sense. Please go read a lIttle bit more about how humans migrated and developed civilisations around the world. Shalom.
@zw-crc Месяц назад
@@andrewkekana Apparently, you do need to take your own advise.
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