
Christians care more about politics than discipling others |  

The Basement with Tim Ross
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3 окт 2024




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@eduardotenorio2792 2 года назад
He knew that corruption starts in the heart of every human being, he knew if men are not completely transformed inside out, it won’t matter how many policy changes or government reforms men did, it would never solve the problems.
@nou3783 2 года назад
And you were able to read those cherry picked scriptures because of Roman Catholics. Just think about that
@beautyfullar2861 2 года назад
@kingdomallegiancepodcast 2 года назад
Amen bro! Jesus wants to transform hearts! And give us his spirit!! Let’s go
@joab757 2 года назад
It’s because Christ didn’t care who was in power, His eyes never left His father. And His teachings were hyper focused on His father and himself. It wouldn’t have mattered if He were born in Nazi Germany or Mao’s China, the focus would have been God. His time for changing the worlds politics and eliminating the heartbreak and evil is coming, but it wasn’t then and it isn’t now. Now is the time of the Church and spreading the gospel.
@devonkind 2 года назад
I appreciate you bringing context to what Christ came to do in His first coming. His second coming will take care of the wickedness of this world But as of right now the church should be focused on the gospel focusing on to lost equipping the saints for the work of God while in the world not of the world
@DeltaSquadron63 Год назад
Church Isn’t a building It’s a people. More importantly, a individual.
@memeaw76 Год назад
Wow agreed
@embracingpeace2509 Год назад
Bravo Brother, Bravo. Beautifully Said.
@merthidealexisromain4377 Год назад
Drop the Mic
@ryangriffith9972 Год назад
Lord continue to grow and groom me/us in your name Amen.
@amberhammo4279 2 года назад
This is a message that God has revealed to me and have passed onto my church leaders. What God is trying to get through to us is that it’s time for the church to shift our focus.
@kathrynmcauley4808 2 года назад
Right! Politics of any kind is never a solution to the problem of sin which is a spiritual problem
@charlottebarclay4631 2 года назад
He knew that he was for a better kingdom.
@Awareoftruth 2 года назад
Oh my God I am crying listening to this truth. The basement is bring me into maturity glory to God.
@conniesleeper163 2 года назад
@joab757 2 года назад
Best new channel on YT. This channel has already blessed my life tremendously
@michaelruiz5222 2 года назад
For Christ to say to repent for the kingdom is at hand in a place like Rome was controversial in itself
@BILLADO 2 года назад
Top comment
@kingdomallegiancepodcast 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is king. The fact that he was labeled “king of the Jews” was also controversial. Because nobody was “king” but Cesar.
@Kallah_DaughterOfYAHUAH 2 года назад
@PKr_0 Год назад
LET ME TELL YOU!! I prayed today. I prayed hard. "Lord, please tell me what I should do. I want to burn balenciaga stores down. I want to fight. I want to get back on social media and fight the liars and go back to being a keyboard worrier. Please tell me what to do." Thank you for clipping this. This is my sign from God. To keep believing him and wait for him to do what he is doing.
@angiejohnson4058 2 года назад
Thank you for the clarity with this.i appreciate your honesty, and where the church should be and what preachers should be doing. Thank you sir!
@audracleveland2667 2 года назад
Thank you for saying this!!!
@williamschlueter6446 Год назад
The time was near, he was there to collect his flock.
@mateomorales863 2 года назад
Spitting Facts🔥🙌🏼
@waynelewis8355 2 года назад
U know ur Bible. Keep up the good work, and God bless u!🙏🏽
@RisingPurpose9941 Год назад
I love this dissected take on Jesus on his principles
@johnschwabauer372 2 года назад
Per Peter, God said, Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
@ChasingJesus 2 года назад
So good man!
@esmefantasia727 2 года назад
He is NOT Lying!!!
@janetpaguilar5086 2 года назад
It’s organized so well you can’t even notice it. In my opinion.
@Christina-ik2dw Год назад
@imanimalaika7734 2 года назад
Love not the world . . . Love one another
@rdixon8364 Год назад
Boom. He was about His Father's work!
@JaneDoe-lw5xv Год назад
You just figured that out 😉
@perfectingyourpursuit9280 Год назад
Christ said “The world hates me because I testify of it that it’s works are evil!” He had a LOT to say to everyone.
@grapeseed427 2 года назад
"Give to Cesar what is Cesar's"
@susanhamilton8288 Год назад
What should Caesar get? He pass away carrying nothing out..what is here for him...nothing..we lie to ourselves too much..
@danielroque02 Год назад
Thank you!!! To many of us put first our political association, race in front christian..Christian... i.e I'm a latino Christian. NO!!! I'm a Christian who is wretched and saved by God almighty and His kingdom comes before anything else.
@lifeasriz Год назад
@LINDAJX7 2 года назад
We are in the world NOT of the world. Our home is the Kingdom of Heaven
@mattlomenick6389 Год назад
@Isthatjraybill_24 2 года назад
@Torack007 2 года назад
In every gospel, Jesus has fierce political debates with the Pharisees. And He did not back down.
@praizzzeGod Год назад
This does not mean ignore politics because politics directly effect our ability to spread the gospel !!!
@knowthyself690 2 года назад
I never got why soo many church heads are endorsing politicians and speaking on policy soo much. I always figured the World and the Church was always gonna be at odds and that was not their mandate. Besides, a pastor, who’s flock is practicing the word should not be worried about Abortion rights and Gay Rights and Taxes 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I am 51 now and I peeped that when I was 10ish.
@travisdevoid535 2 года назад
Do you really think they were more savage? I think we are just more secret. Roman just did it out in the open.
@AnitaLuvsPeaches Год назад
@maryeammalallah5870 2 года назад
Amen 😌
@1laforees9 2 года назад
He didn't say to pay taxes. He said "Render unto Ceasars what is Ceasars, and unto God what is God's". He was speaking of the image of Ceasar while aware of the trap the question proposed, before asking who's image it was He stated "why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?
@chadillac1127 2 года назад
Mmm I would say it’s equally as corrupt a majority of people just don’t see it.
@imanimalaika7734 2 года назад
Caligula & Nero were pretty barbaric - we are not on that level.
@chadillac1127 2 года назад
@@imanimalaika7734 barbaric and corrupt are two different adjectives
@corathurber7499 2 года назад
Help please! I agree totally, but what if that corruption is impacting my kids? Both in school and in the courtroom. The school, I simply pulled them and am homeschooling my two youngest. But, my oldest two are in a horrible high-school environment and I am seeing how it is effecting their walk with Jesus and don't know how I would be able to homeschool highschoolers although I am researching programs to hopefully pull them out soon too. But, the courtroom? Is evil! My ex, is evil minded. He's smart and crafty as the devil himself. He knows not to show physical marks anymore but instead manipulates, scares, persecutes, drills and grills my two youngest. Narcissistic abuse that does affect them! They used to love hearing about Jesus. Now? They still believe me when I talk about storing up treasures in heaven for example, or that they can "be with Jesus" in the midst of these attacks but lately they have shown little interest on their own and their trauma seems to send them to their phones or TV shows rather than wanting to hear more about Him or watch shows about Him! I have been fighting in a corrupt courtroom that seems bent on persecuting mothers. Canada is trying to take all mother's rights away, as well as finding new ways to take our children as well! A Vancouver mother is currently facing possible charges of kidnapping and even hit my phone up as an amber alert, because she didn't want the spinal tap or another 18 rounds of iv antibiotics when her son already finished a round and was healthy and happy. They tried to force her to do these treatments "immediately... tonight" when all she asked is to wait for the new bloodwork results to come in after her son had completed the first rounds of antibiotics and was feeling good. Two days is all she asked for. She tried working with cps and said she would work with them openly and said she had already talked to the head physician about these inasive options and would work willingly with him exploring all options if the infection had, indeed, not been cleared up. Again... she only asked to wait two days for the new blood tests as she KNEW her son was better and that checking his blood after the treatment is a standard procedure. Instead, they came to her door WITH THE POLICE to take her kids! She fled but is still trying to work with cps and had a meeting set up and doesn't know if she'll be arrested, or what will happen really. This terrifies me as I experience this every time I'm in the courtroom. My "rights" are not respected and no matter how many times my ex proves himself to break policy and procedure, riling up the judge's and sicking them on me (the slingshot method I call it) or how insulting he is, the judges break protocol, policy and procedure is ignored and I am abused, accused, not allowed to speak or defend myself or my kids despite the stacks of evidence and then lie all about it in their orders. I have audio recordings of this happening again and again since 2020 and things moved to phone calls and I have a call recording app on my phone. I can actually prove it but! They have removed all accountability measures in the courtrooms in the name of "privacy". No recordings during hearings and they've made recording ourselves illegal too! Unadmissable in court so no point in filing a complaint against them. My two oldest haven't had to go back since they are teenagers but I can ask the judge for the Voices of the Children's report but I already know what the judge is planning. They had made it abundantly clear by the way that THEY OWN MY KIDS. Arrogantly so! The judge HAD to issue the report as it is a big deal here, thank goodness that hasn't been taken away... yet, BUT! He will order supervised visits from a court appointed official, making sure it's someone who advocates for father's rights rather than both, and will use THAT report to override the Children's report "proving" I brainwashed the kids! How on earth does it not matter to fight for both justice while spreading Jesus at the same time because from where I am sitting, I have no choice but to do both! And are we not to expose evil for those to see the deception that leads to the Truth as being Jesus? Serious question that I am sincerely asking as I want to honor God in everything... including how I represent myself in court. I haven't even used the term, "my rights" in the courts as I believe I gave up all rights, even citizenship when I decided to follow Jesus, except for one time when I explained respectfully why this or that happened or didn't and gently said "because my rights had never been respected in the courtroom or with legal aide which is why you may be confused because I had been lied to about everything from not being allowed to take my ex to court on the grounds of continued abuse that does, in fact, constitute a "physical change of circumstance", for example, while my ex takes me all the time for just made up stuff to try and break me, or the fact that legal aide acted like they hadn't even heard of the Voices of the Children's report, for another example, which is standard court procedure in domestic violence cases as I understand." Other than that I don't usually get the chance to say more than five words throughout the hearing. Advice please!! God has been testing me to develop self-control as it's getting close to where I want to break policy and just tell the judge what's what you know? Even thoughts of revealing the audios in the middle of court or online or SOMEWHERE which, I'm sure I'd be arrested for. So, going through the testing so I can allow the Holy Spirit to continue to speak. But I don't find it a coincidence that for ALL these years being tested in the courtroom for God to continue to say, "Just trust Me!" only to now have this potent evidence in my hands now. I didn't even record them with intent as I have had the app for a long time for other reasons, yet, here I am in possession of the one thing that could change everything for my children. Don't know exactly how to go about it. Getting copies made and spreading them out for the "just in case I am arrested, or disappear (it happens) or they try and take my kids, etc. Also, maybe asking to approach the bench and speak quietly and pleading "just for your understanding" to listen to this for a second so "he knows" that I haven't lied, that I do not hold the courts in contempt or the judges and that if he can help me (even though there may be a good chance his voice is on one of those recordings)... I don't know. Praying for guidance and wisdom in this. Many mothers are facing this and what if I could do something about it but didn't? I don't know if I could live with that. I don't know. I pray over the courtroom before hand and have done my best to allow the Holy Spirit to lead, to speak and now it feels like the "finish line", at least for my childrens freedom and protection, is right there! Yet so far away as I know the judges intentions. But, what the enemy has used for evil, God uses for good does He not? How can I ignore the corruption in our government when I literally have to be involved? Both with the governments infiltration of our schools and in our justice system? The police here too are being stripped from things they used to be able to do before that they can't now. Like obtaining a peacebond order (restraining order). That too has to go before a judge now. It is just so dark here and it seems Canadians don't realize it and yes! They ARE wasting their time as they hope to put Trudeau in the courtroom to be tried but he knows the judges are racist and misogynists. He called the unv'd these two things a long time ago. People weren't surprised he used the race card, but the misogyny? They didn't get it. I did though. It was a comment like a big screw you! Go ahead and take this to court. Because he described the judges perfectly. Thanks for letting me air all this out... not wise but... at this point? I've got nothing to hide anymore and every reason to speak out about this as much as I can. I need answers, advice, prayers even! Thank you!
@ladyj5682 Год назад
Good point, WOW. Yet I wonder if it just wasn't the main part of the writings bc not main focus but they has to talk about it. The disciples really thought Jesus was going to over throw the govt. And changes thi gs but Jesus said He came for something different. I am missing it too...what I am I missing
@discerningtruth6848 2 года назад
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1 9
@WhatIveLearned5.9 2 года назад
@dariusallen863 2 года назад
@bhanani5480 2 года назад
When we were going through our 2nd lockdown in New Zealand, we briefly touched on the policies being rolled out by our government as we found our own church members were against them, so we were reminded of Romans 13 Submission to Governing Authority - as long as these policies don't go against my faith n beliefs then I need to heed to them.
@GrantAHolcomb 2 года назад
This is such a miscalculation of Romans 13. Were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego wrong in the eyes of God because they violated the civil authority? Were the Hebrew midwives wrong in the eyes of God for refusing to murder the baby Israelite boys? Romans 13 is not a blanket statement. When government commands what God prohibits, you must obey God rather than man.
@JESUSLOVESYOU219 2 года назад
Because Jesus came to grow disciples for The Kingdom of Heaven 🙏🏾 for His Almighty Father who is the true Authority. Praise KING Jesus.
@MM-ty8cm Год назад
You are loved! You are precious in God's eyes. You are His Beloved. You belong on this Earth. If you are breathing now.... God has a purpose for your life now...... There is Hope and Love, which can only be found in Jesus. God has a purpose for you now. He sees, knows, and understands the pain from your past. God doesn't see your scars from your past, whether you made mistakes or decisions where made for you. What God sees is your Beauty. He sees you as fearfully and wonderfully made. He sees His Child made out of His own image. He sees you as His Beloved, apple of His eye. If you are contemplating suicide, then please comment back. You are important! God loves you, and so do I. God bless!❤❤❤
@lyrisgreenidge-adams5941 Год назад
We need to keep our focus on Jesus. God can change any politicians decisions or world situations without them even realizing why they made the change. He doesn't need us to it.
@calebrcrawford 2 года назад
Are you saying Jesus wouldn’t have a Trump bumper sticker?!?!
@69mwagner 2 года назад
@estherkeeling777 Год назад
JESUS KNEW he had power over ALL the nations. He was here to bring HIS kingdom the KINGDOM of GOD in the earth through the HEARTS of men.
@FlexFTK 2 года назад
as stupid as it sounds, i never thought about it like this 🔥🔥👍🏼
@sleepypanda9441 Год назад
After seeing the majority of the comments here, I felt I had to add something. I would agree that Christ came for a purpose and that didn't include reforming/overthrowing the powers that be, much to Judas's disappointment. That doesn't give Americans the excuse of allowing evil to thrive in our country. We don't live in Rome, we live in a country God blessed us with, built on the foundation of His laws. Please be aware of the times and prevent our children from having to live in a country where preaching the Gospel could land them in prison for hate speech because we didn't believe we had a responsibility to maintain truth in our government. We the People. We are the government. Let's be watchmen on the wall brothers and sisters.
@aaronstone5142 Год назад
There is nothing you can do it will get worse. These are endtimes try and save the people God has sent us to save. most people Think they are giving God an assist or they are holy this are Pharisee behaviours.You we’re once like them go look at 1 Corinthians 6:11 have some empathy not for the sin they are living in but for the bondage they are in .what God has told us to be aware of is happening nothing you can do but don’t be scared he has overcome the world.Don’t also let’s things of the world entice you
@aaronstone5142 Год назад
Live things of the world to people in the world this is satans world.Go read Luke 9 where he spoke about the spiritually dead burying their spiritually dead
@janetpaguilar5086 2 года назад
He was killed because it was a political issue.
@ocbfdog 2 года назад
He was killed by religious leaders. They just used Rome to do it.
@angeladogan26 Год назад
The government on his shoulder was the kingdom of God, a heavenly government. His kingdom was no part of the world then nor is it now.
@tracyparker6439 2 года назад
@nicolegilzene7995 2 года назад
That's not all he had to say about the government let's pay your taxes Oftentimes we talk about the New Testament and we don't talk about the Old Testament And when you put it together he had a lot to say about how a government should be ran When you get a chance you should listen to John mccarthur's message on government
@BigBearFan 2 года назад
I'm just curious how do you know these facts about Rome were you there back then where did you get your information from please let me know so that I can look it up myself
@XtCGaming 2 года назад
Time as you know it is an illusion. The entire history of man is within us. Rome is a time and place within each of us and on our journey to God 1 may or may not depending on how you lived your life visit. There are lightworkers all around you hopefully doing what they need to get to heaven! We are all 1, there's really no such thing as division, if 1 has existed in a place then we all have that within us. There is only 1 God and Jesus died on the cross as our salvation to pay for our sins. Love everyone for I Am you!❤️‍🔥
@monicagriffinmonroe 2 года назад
The Kingdom of God, here on Earth. Mathew 4:17-23, Mathew 6:33, Luke 16:16 Colossians 1:9-14
@jessjames133 2 года назад
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬ The idolatry then is the same as it is now. To turn a blind eye to the evil around us is a whole other type of ignorance.
@nicolemcwilliams3015 2 года назад
I wonder if they would have the devices that we have that we hold in our hands or sit in front of what they still be as gangster or not
@yaohkhanandaout3292 2 года назад
I haven't seen anywhere in scriptures where YA'OH sent any other nations to slavery for breaking THORAH. It was always US. That is why the message was to the children of the promise. Because we ISRAELITES, and to us belong the adoption, the esteem, the covenants, the giving of THORAH, the worship, and the PROMISES. ~Romans 9:4~ That is why he wasn't worried about the other nations. That food was for the children, not the dogs.
@est.inthe80s 2 года назад
I say this with all respect that's just speculation on which was worse I get the point but the bible I read said these days would be even worse so how exactly can one come to that summation idk
@janetpaguilar5086 2 года назад
He had everything to say about the Jewish leaders not the romans he did not come to Rome.
@careprof4799 2 года назад
The Roman Empire was ruling the world then.
@janetpaguilar5086 2 года назад
@@careprof4799 I think they are now too. Catholic Church is Rome.
@brennacook6953 2 года назад
Two systems kingdom God almighty and man's so called
@incorruptibleword4513 2 года назад
For sure, Gospel of the 'kingdom'
@forscience9977 2 года назад
You can tell he's hip bc he wears yellow frames.
@Christina-ik2dw Год назад
By far
@kingt9240 2 года назад
What's the full podcast for this short?
@SYAgencies0379 2 года назад
Yep, give Caesars what his, he created taxes, or the idea, has nothing to do with God spirit.
@yeaok6912 Год назад
Cause none of that matters with Jesus!
@anikac128 Год назад
Christ made it clear that His Kingdom is not of this world.
@onamiilove777 2 года назад
Jesus was focus on a new political system, " The kingdom of God " with new laws and ways of behaving
@annettemenefee-pitts6204 2 года назад
@siervodedios5952 Год назад
Christ's kingdom is not even of this world, amen.
@yaohkhanandaout3292 2 года назад
The Messiah wasn't but to the lost sheep of the house of YA'OHSHARAL. Why would he have been worried about Rome???? He knew his job, he knew his people. If GOD would have sent him to the whole world like many of U erroneously assume, he would have dealt with the whole world. He was sent to YA'OHSHARAL.....The world without end in Isaiah 45:17.
@Degsta001 2 года назад
The “Jesus didn’t say anything about …..” argument is tired. If we are salt and light, we can be an influence in any part of life where Jesus didn’t explicitly mention it: politics, work, podcast interviews. Rome was not a democratic republic. They had no way to get “involved” politically. We can. Context.
@one_spicyboi7376 2 года назад
“Rome was light work”💀💀 The slaves that died to build it:👁👄👁
@janetpaguilar5086 2 года назад
Because he came to the Jewish people. Not to the romans
@MM-ty8cm Год назад
If you haven't accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, please comment back. I'd love to speak with you. God bless!❤❤❤
@danisblessed4766 2 года назад
Jesus never went to Rome so how could He live in Rome..... What teaching is this? The Romans ruled over the Jews though
@Apollyon2119 2 года назад
Nope. It's the same Rome. Open your eyes! Rome just disguised itself better to appear more like a sheep than a wolf. Do not be deceived. Rome is still the beast now as it was..and it is described in the Book of Revelation and The book of Daniel. If you don't know the reference...read your bible
@jcglowka 2 года назад
YES, modern day babylon!
@nou3783 2 года назад
This is such bs jesus literally overturned tables in a fit because of money lending. He was plenty political
@itsj0eyhere 2 года назад
In the Jewish temple
@nou3783 2 года назад
@@itsj0eyhere ik you were trying to be antisemitic here, but jesus considered himself jewish, regardless of how his teachings became their own branch of religion, so he was upset with a house of god being turned into a marketplace. That and people were being required to pay coin to the church another thing he saw as being wrong. Yet you people still do that too. Jesus was anti consumerist before it was even a thing. Jesus was extremely political and by a left wing standard if we're using today's terminology
@Patriot-px6pq 2 года назад
That's a very out of context way of interpreting what Jesus said. He did not say pay your taxes, he said pay Caesar what is Caesar's. Which means Caesar was a ruler a king not like in the United states. We don't have a ruler or a king. And the reason we don't is cuz we fought against having one hence the revolutionary war hence fighting against unduly taxes. That's what America was founded on
@marywinchester5323 Год назад
Gangster?????? You using that as a compliment is ignorent
@freddrickwilson6527 Год назад
America is Babylon
@truthandpower8853 2 года назад
He said stay out of it. You can't serve God and be a political activist.
@imanimalaika7734 2 года назад
Love thy neighbor is political activism.
@GrantAHolcomb 2 года назад
That’s patently ridiculous. Christ was crucified literally as an outlaw against the Jewish AND Roman political structure. He didn’t stay out of politics, he said that he is Lord over politics.
@truthandpower8853 2 года назад
@@GrantAHolcomb people who worship other gods find all sorts of justification. So tell which political party does not specifically go against my religion? Considering the very nature of the game is to "other" people who disagree on some inane subject that you truly have zero control over?
@truthandpower8853 2 года назад
@@GrantAHolcomb it's one thing to be ignorant. It's a whole different thing to open your mouth and prove it. I tolerated as much as I could of the nonsense political commentary you tried a few years back. Didn't hear you mention Christ once. So how can it be that He is the only thing that matters to you? The fact is you know even less about the Bible than you do politics
@truthandpower8853 2 года назад
@@imanimalaika7734 really? You show me one political activist that doesn't hate an entire group of people they don't even know because they disagree.
@awatchmen3244 2 года назад
Sodom and Gomoriah 3.0.
@carpman221069 Год назад
but god and jesus are the same NOT REAL.
@keiths.4540 2 года назад
It was worse. It was black on black. Haves vs have nots. Just like captivity under Egyptian rule.
@charlottebarclay4631 2 года назад
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