
Christians HAVE to Change Their Evangelism Methods 

Ken Ham
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@rsmithp51 6 месяцев назад
Foundations must be laid in Genesis and creation before their is any hope of winning the secularized mindset. Thanks for your ministry Ken.
@martinhoy1 2 месяца назад
I’m Christian & believe in all modern science theories, after all, Einstein’s Relativity has been proved.
@laurae8324 Год назад
I’ve been witnessing to my brother, who was never taken to church one single time as a child. I wasn’t either but my two PK friends, in two different cities we lived in, took me. It is more difficult, but I gave him a Bible recently and pray he will be saved before the Rapture.
@andrejgrebenc3235 Год назад
It is very likely that your friend wiil die before the rapture, if there will be one?
@JuliexSteadman 5 месяцев назад
@@andrejgrebenc3235 ..smiles !! yes its interesting when you start looking at where the teaching of the rapture came from as its difficult ot get it from scripture... it seems that it came thro two women Ervinites in the 1800's and Schofield somehow managed to incorporate it into the notes of his bible...
@whitestone4401 Год назад
Ken Ham, brilliant. I myself truly understood Jesus and His amazing sacrifice more deeply the more I studied the Old Testament. It's been in front of our faces the whole time.
@statutesofthelord 11 месяцев назад
Yet Ken Ham breaks God's commandment every 7th day.
@judyswiderski2682 11 месяцев назад
@@statutesofthelord Which day of sabbath rest? "And he said unto them, “The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.” Mark 2:27-28. Jesus said that He gives rest. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 "Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief. Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time, as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.” Hebrews 4:1-11. Was the Seventh Day sabbath fruitful for the Israelites? No. Are we under the law as believers? No. "For if ye are led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." Galatians 5:18. What day is being spoken of then? It is the day we are called upon to not harden our hearts. To day…harden not your hearts. What happens in that day (whatever day of the week it is), that we obtain rest? It is the day when we respond to the salvation call. Paul calls it To day. Jesus is our Saviour, our rest. When we are born again, we walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Read Colossians 2, to find out why we should "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of any holy day, or of the new moons or of the sabbath days, Which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ." No striving to earn His approval and the reward of Heaven. No performing to please Him that we may win His love. He works in us and through us. No numbers do we need to reach to obtain status to get His attention. I believe we are not to forsake the gathering of true believers. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 20:28. This not only says that Jesus is omnipresent, but that He is pleased when saints gathered together. Also, first century believers gathered together to break bread on the first day." Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:2. I do not see where it is a strong enough issue to divide the body of Christ. Our focus should be "faith that worketh by love." Galatians 5:6 The more we read His word, the KJB, and pray, and learn of the beauty of Jesus' holiness, the more we gain confidence and trust and increase in faith in Him. He grows the fruit. He leads and guides. We need to labour to remain in His rest. "This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." Galatians 5:16. "For all of the law is fulfilled on one word, even in this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Galatians 5:14. Again. The more we read His word, the KJB, and pray... The more we trust God, when we experience His peace that surpasseth all understanding, when we grow in faith and confidence, the more we rest in Him. This increases our love for Jesus. We know we are His and He is with us in hard times as well as good. Philippians 1:12-13.
@hermanwooster8944 10 месяцев назад
@@statutesofthelord Colossians 2:16
@statutesofthelord 10 месяцев назад
@@hermanwooster8944herman, If you are serious about studying the Bible, you will notice that Colossians 2 mentions the phrase "no man" or "any man" four times. All Christians I've ever had interaction with agree that three of those times are obviously referring to an unbeliever. . So, to be consistent, the instance in verse 16 should be taken in the same vein. That would make that text: (Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath [days]:) basically mean: Don't worry what an unbeliever thinks of you for keeping the holy days, new moon, or sabbath. . If Paul really did mean to abolish the Sabbath, then he was a liar and deceiver, because he said he kept following the law, and told others to imitate him as he imitated Christ (who also kept the sabbath). . Why is it that the only commandment God specifically said to "Remember", is the only one nearly every Christian wants to forget?
@joshuazimmerman8241 Год назад
Thanks Ken for your many years of faithful kingdom work ,you have really inspired me over the years.
@ChristianCentury2000 11 месяцев назад
Excellent comments from Ken Ham!
@davidh.7138 Год назад
The approach Paul took in Athens in Acts 17 still works today. He just introduced pagan people to the ‘unseen God’ and Creator of all and the Jewish Messiah who had recently been revealed. He did not waste time on the nitty gritty of creation at that time, or the person of the first man except as an introduction to the source of sin. But Paul WAS an Acts 2 Christian and knew the power of God. Many preachers today are not and some even deny the power of the Holy Spirit. That’s our problem today.
@rickwarner516 Год назад
People need to hear this share with everyone please
@ellap.7582 Год назад
This is gold
@BAM-jc7uy Год назад
@Truth_Matt3rs 11 месяцев назад
Leaving verses on RU-vid, or elsewhere on the internet, should still work brilliantly because God's word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11)!
@scottmurray8679 Год назад
I would love to see Ken Ham with Voddie Bacham, Paul Washer and John Macarthur all together on Stage And Speak to All Of This ! Wow Now that Would be a Great Information Day About Everything From Genesis to Revelations Who's Up For That Stage 4 God filled Men speaking God's Holy Righteous Unchanging TRUTH???
@rangerj3301 Год назад
Why does presentation strategy matter in relationship to Calvinist theology? If the audience is chosen, it will be irresistibly drawn, regardless of presentation.
@32Brandonp Год назад
@@rangerj3301 Exactly! Although I think highly of all those men and agree with most all their teachings, inclusion of Dr Leighton Flowers would make it complete as he patiently yet utterly debunks Calvinism.
@peterralph6112 Год назад
Agreed, and it's not a coincidence that John (Revelation 14:6&7) talks of powerfully preaching the everlasting gospel in the context of worship of "Him who made heaven and earth". It is a last call to give God glory in this global judgement message, but with a strong focus on God as Creator.
@billlyon8630 Год назад
I am tired of hearing the watered-down version of the gospel at the Church
@DavidTheZealot Год назад
Come to a Catholic church
@judyswiderski2682 Год назад
God said He would teach His own. 1 John 2:27. You must be born again. John 3:3-8. The Spirit will give you a new heart. Only He can. John 3:5-6. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit, Luke 11:13. He will come and bring your sins to mind. Warning, this may be painful because pride hates it! Ask Jesus to forgj e you. Continue until you see your desperate need for a Saviour. Then cry out to Jesus to save you. He came to save sinners. He promised, "And you shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13. Then call upon the name of the Lord. How? As Peter told the Jews who were pricked in the heart, Acts 2:48, and as Paul did. Acts 22:16. How precious that free gift of Salvation will appear to you. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Read His word, the King James Bible. It will strengthen you, encourage, correct and teach you. And is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:22. Blessings.
@gkarenstratton Год назад
​@@DavidTheZealot Add Ephesians 2:8, 9 No 'works" can earn salvation. 1 John 5:13 (We CAN KNOW if youre saved (a word of God not man). GOD's Word has no wishful thinking place called "purgatory", need to receive Jesus before dying "and then the judgment" Hebrews 9:27 JESUS said we e "MUST be born again"...physically of the birth waters of the womb, again of His Holy Spirit .. that is not the works of baptism or Mass. This: ● Romans 3:23 ● Romans 6:23 ● Romans 5:8, John 3:16 and finally ● Romans 10:9 (and other verses)
@wuntbedruv 11 месяцев назад
Luckily there are more than 45,000 Christian denominations globally and more than 200 in the U.S., Thar is according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity. So it should be easy for you to find a church that agrees with your interpretation of the bible.
@jinimurray4090 11 месяцев назад
Billy - it’s the times, I think Jesus is at the door. Keep strong into Gods WORD. PRAY for others like minded… like me. We are rare but not alone. That’s why Matthew 7 says “…few there be they find it.” (&21-23 … get away from Me, I Never knew you, you workers of lawlessness.”
@scottmurray8679 Год назад
Answers in Genesis and Ken Ham Thank You for all The Great Information ! I Pray All Your up coming endeavors Be Blessed! Time to reboot myself Starting At The Beginning of All Things Genesis!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@beestoe993 Год назад
Yeah, we really need to stop taking crap from fools who think We are the fools and stand firm for the truth.
@jojorey6886 8 месяцев назад
Makes sense as to why some people are easier to witness to than others. I live in the New England area of the US and it’s very difficult to reach people but when I go to the southern part of US everyone knows or is familiar with who Jesus is. Definitely a lot of Greeks in NE.
@MyTakeonliberty Год назад
I've been involved in Biblical Research for going on 48 years. We search out what God reveals in the Bible that he authored. There are many writers but only one author. From time to time, I'll visit churches and it's always amazing to me that hardly any churches I've visited will teach Romans10:9. They have no problem with talking John 3:16 and then laying a guilt trip on the visitors because Jesus died for you! While this is true, here's what God reveals. He raised Jesus from the dead! Then in Acts 1, God caused Jesus to ascend into the sky and sit on God's right hand. Well, here's what is obvious to me. John 3:16 is an invitation. But Romans 10:9 is the direction we must follow to get the the benefits God reveals throughout the Epistles. People are eager to make Jesus their savior but they aren't sure they want him as their Lord!
@statutesofthelord Год назад
Also, Jesus said if you love him, you will keep his commandments. But nearly all Christians break his holy 7th day Sabbath every week.
@jimbee7342 Год назад
​@statutesofthelord what do you make of Hebrews 4 and also the fact that Christ made no mention of the keeping of the Sabbath when questioned by others on the law? (Matt 19:16-22 in particular, Mark 12:28-34) Also, what do you do with the comment made about John in Revelation and the activities of Paul etc in Acts? The two passages in brackets imply a shift in the worship day to the Lord's Day which is the first day of the week. (Rev 1:9-11 and Acts 20:7)
@MyTakeonliberty Год назад
@@statutesofthelord, @lorrie1704 In my youth, from September of 1979 -July of 1980, I was in a leadership program. Every year, the group would select a book to study on Wednesday night of each week. That year, we were in the second half Romans beginning with chapter 8. Chapters 1-7 had been covered the previous year. The teacher covered the background of the book of Romans and then for 2-3 hours on those Wednesday nights we would patiently look at each verse, word by word. On our opening night for this year, the teacher mad a suggestion in passing. “It would be to your advantage to read the entire book of Romans 100 times. After a while you’ll get a real feel of the book and it will help you understand it.” You see, once you have learned something, no one can take it away from you unless you allow it. The next morning the Campus Coordinator announced a contest. The first person to read the book of Romans 100 times would win a prize. Everything changed that day. Before this announcement, we might be standing in line for a class and talking or joking. Suddenly, every person had a Bible opened to Romans and it was like a library waiting for the doors to open. A few weeks into the program we had a class that taught how to speed read. Some of the elder students were reading it quickly because they had been taught the skill a few years before. I wasn’t so smart. The first time through the 16 chapters took me two hours. I would come across a word I didn’t understand and stop to look it up in other books to get a feel for it. Then, I’d have to go back a chapter or two to get a running start to make sure I understood the context. After about two dozen readings, I got to where I could read it in an hour-and-a-half. At around the 50th time, I could get it done in an hour. The final 2 dozen times, I could get through the book in about 20 minutes, with understanding. This had a huge impact on my life. For many, many years after this exercise, I could be flipping through stations on the radio and hear some preacher say one sentence, and I would know everything I needed to avoid his so-called ministry. I still see benefits today from that event. People often neglect to understand that God has a reason for everything He says when He says it, where He says it, how He says it, why He says it and to whom He says it. Regarding the Sabbath, we must recognize the Sabbath is from the Law. We are not under the Law but under Grace. I think of it as I’m no longer restricted to worshipping God on the Sabbath which by the way was on Saturday. Rather, I can choose to worship God every day. In Mark 2:27, Jesus Christ said: And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Romans_10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Once I completed my 100th read of Romans, the other Epistles became so much more vividly clear. In Galatians, a bunch of believers came down from Jerusalem and wanted to make people get circumcised. So, now I ask you. What is the difference between circumcision and making people adhere to the Old Testament Law about the Sabbath? I would submit, not much if anything. Galatians 5:3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. More specifically, it wouldn’t hurt any of you to read Romans 100 times. It’s funny to me. I’ve recommended this to dozens and dozens of people since 1980 and not one person I know has ever reported back to tell me they did it. It’s actually an accurate barometer of where the heart of some people have gone. They love Jesus being their Savior, but they don’t know how to make him Lord! Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. The context covers another subject regarding eating. Some will eat bacon (pork) while others forbid it. I could probably write at least 3 or 4 more pages explaining the Sabbath. But this is why we have telephones. Not for texting, but for talking.Look, if you want to believe Jesus Christ walked to the synagogue in cowboy boots and a bikini, that’s your choice. I read the Bible and have studied the culture a bit and I know better. This doesn’t make me better than anyone else. I can be just as messed up as the next guy. But when I recognize error is beginning to slip into my life, I do something about it. I’m not about to play like I’m a victim of my surroundings or people around me. First, I know the rules. We have rules for everything. What time we wake up, how we get to work, what we do at work, when we have lunch, when we go home, and how we dress. Oddly enough, when it comes to reading the Bible, people act like there are no rules. Well there are. And I learned many of mine from other believers that were taught by other believers. God’s Word is true from beginning to end. Not because I say so, but because it stands on its own. Truth never contradicts itself. Anytime we see an apparent contradiction we must work it like an accountant reconciling the ledger to find out the truth. By knowing these rules, it became apparent there are forgeries in the King James Version. But it hasn’t changed in over 400 years. The KJV allows us to find those errors and find the truth. Truth doesn’t need us to believe it to be true. It only needs to be declared with the love of God. Then we can have genuine fellowship with God and one another while realizing the realities of the promises of God. God bless!
@Woopor Год назад
A Sisyphean task
@MyTakeonliberty Год назад
@@Woopor On the contrary! I have found Biblical Research to be extremely fulfilling. If others don't, I suspect it is due to their unbelief that God could be the author which would mean none of it is true. God doesn't expect us to be flawlessly perfect, but He does expect us to be faithful as believers. God's Word is written for those that believe. He didn't have it written for the Godrejectors and unbelievers. The benefits of believing are amazing. I know thousands with a gentle peace that makes a lake as still as glass look like a turbulent sea. I don't understand why everyone would refuse that lifestyle. I remember being engaged in a word study in 1977 that gave me a reason to revisit Romans 10:9. I was reading the entire chapter of Romans 10 when I contemplated how astonishing it was. I had been to funerals and none of them sat up and climbed out of the casket to go home. As I contemplated verse 9, I realized that in spite of never seeing Jesus Christ before he died or since, I really believe God raised him from the dead! It blew my mind. I could even prove it. NOT because I believed it rather because if the Bible was true, I would be able to do what it said . And I can. So, you can scoff and spit on the Bible if you wish. That's your choice. I can't help you if you don't want it. But I've made my choice and reap the benefits. The invitation to you is always open if you really want to know. But if all you want to do is argue, you may as well argue with God. Logically, it's not an arguement anyone can win. Throwing insults or mud at God is like throwing mud at the sun on a hot day. It won't change a thing. You've got some serious thinking to do if you dare. But I learned a long time ago, people are basically lazy. And it takes an effort to embark on this adventure. However there's something else you should know. When you read the books of Samuel or Kings or even Genesis, you should remember, "God never gave His Word to a lazy person.
@AirWarrior.73 Год назад
Spot On Ken! Preach it!
@SouthDFW Год назад
Excellent, thank you.
@katherinecornette5315 Год назад
In the beginning God… should be how we evangelize. I agree! Unless we start at the beginning, we cannot get to the cross. Thank you Ken Ham for being true to Gods teaching. I pray we pray feo plowed ground to plant Gods truth into many hearts!
@wilcandou Год назад
The unknown God. How true of today.
@barbaraburke1676 Год назад
Thank you Brother Ken, God bless you also.
@PortmanRd 11 месяцев назад
"Now, mosques and churches --- even a Kabba Stone, Korans and Bibles --- even a marty's bone,----- All these and more my heart my heart can tolerate, For my religion is love, and love alone." Al-Ma'rri Philosopher and Poet 973 - 1057 AD
@hennieelmonaviljoen Год назад
Thank you for a wonderful teaching. Do you have any lessons one can use or any you can suggest for kids Sunday School?
@janetsavage5496 Год назад
Excellent. Agree.
@tarp-grommet 4 месяца назад
Start with the core mission, the one shared by every spiritual teacher and tradition the world over. That is to help people see their capacity for love and compassion and to make it a major theme in their lives. Then it doesn't matter which god they worship, they have the thing they need to live in the light. It's also your only hope for reaching young people. If you keep doing what you have been doing then you will keep getting what you have been getting. Young people live in a world of space travel, instant global communication, and unlimited information right on their phones. They do not live in a world of miracles, angels, and demons. Belief in those is simply no longer possible for anyone born in this century.
@wadenovin2479 10 месяцев назад
Ken Ham's desperation to hold on to an antiquated mythology is palpable. The Christian mythological system no longer provides an explanation of the world as we now know it.
@alastairhopkins245 Год назад
The Old Testament is about what was there, what became wrong/inadequate about it and how it was going to be put right. The whole of the Old Testament in some way points to Jesus. If we were to discard the Old Testament we would forget why Jesus had to come.
@idahojoe8232 Год назад
Thank you! Soli Deo Gloria I will get some of the tracts👍
@joeosp1689 Год назад
Great teaching. An educational and entertaining book to inspire faith as well is Axis of Beginning.
@TickedOffPriest Год назад
Centuries of compromising. If there is one thing that the devil has learned is how to play the long game.
@godgetti 11 месяцев назад
When God made the angle that would become Satan that would learn to play the long game, did God know that's how it'd turn out? If so, God is playing the longer game. My $ is on God. I simply can't imagine God would make Satan and not have a plan.
@TSeeker1 11 месяцев назад
Matthew 10:19-20 *But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.*
@DaysofElijah317 Год назад
It is time to break up the fallow ground we have to plow so another might sow and another might reap for that which they haven’t worked for. Time to rend our own hearts and seek the LORD’s face that HE might draw near to us.
@paul8914 Год назад
I am thankful to God for you and for how His abundant grace towards you has not been in vain. I am thankful for your genuine faith in His Word, your godly example including as a parent, your earnestness and diligence and your plain-spokeness. I am also thankful for the example of your parents. I have often made mention of you with thanksgiving in my prayers. You are a modern Hebrews 11 example of faith and a Hebrews 13:7 kind of example to imitate. In the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians: "But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we also believe, therefore we also speak,".
@benannalachaise4646 Год назад
I think degreecing is an easier pronunciation. David Pawson the English Bible teacher used this word.
@colonalklink14 11 месяцев назад
Saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.
@haroldbertrand852 5 месяцев назад
I would so like to go through the creation museum and the ark encounter one day. I just don't have any idea how to afford it. I live to far away and on social security, I can't afford to pay bills, get medicine and buy food, never mind take a vacation to another state two thirds of the way across America... But I'm good with that. God has been so good to me, In the long run, such a vacation it would not change my belief in the truth of God or the goodness of God, so I really do not need to see it to believe. I already know that God is real and that He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to pay the price of my sin debt. My life is Hid with Jesus Christ in God the Father. Thank you, Father. I love you so much. I thank You; I worship You; I am Yours!! Praise God.
@skylarb3289 Год назад
Agree. This isn't the first time I've heard about the culture becoming more greek. Idk about de-greekizing, but I have heard about de-greeceing the church in a sermon series by David Pawson from some years ago
@judyswiderski2682 Год назад
I recently began to pass out comparison info. I showed what the bibie said and compared it to what Evolution says. 101 Scientific Facts in the Bible. I am hoping to get His word in front of them. And show the beauty of His word.
@andresullivan6473 Год назад
Very true message i totally agree the church has wolves in the pulpit and people follow them blindly. Practically those that tackel this are the enamy
@judyt5446 11 месяцев назад
❤if you abide in my word, you are truly disciples of mine, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free'! free is what we all want to be. You have done well, do more..Read the WORD in the assembly 1 Cor 14:26ff❤
@ambassadorlight3146 Год назад
I agree. I stopped using the road to Rome, and other approaches several years ago. I discovered they didn't know the Bible stories. I rather say Bible HISTORY. I'd ask them about the 3 crosses, they'd reply huh? Noah? Who? The flood? Where? Adam? I never knew him. So, I now start with God's creation, God's plan for man, sin, death, in simple terms, and go through some of the old testament history. Then I explain who Christ is and why He died for us to that we could be reconciled to God. Why? Because God has not changed His mind. He will complete His plan and live with His children. Then briefly talk about Revelation and what's going to happen. But I emphasize God's love and not terrorize them into believing. Rather, reason for loving God and committing our life to Him. Seems to work.
@mashoodaguda1084 Год назад
To understand everything that is going on in the churches not only in America but in the whole world, let's go in the scriptures of the bible...The judgment of God has already started in the churches.. but judgment starts with the church..it's not getting better.. there's no longer a true Gospel preach.. The prosperity, the vision , dreams, tongues, the political, and the free will gospels will not be honored by God to bring people to salvation...God Himself is saving His elected outside the congregations by leading people to the Bible through sources like social media, for God has raised some lonely voices crying out apart from the congregations to save His elected .
@Project-pq1qh Год назад
How did we get from an Acts 2 culture to an Acts 17 culture? By Baptist lie of Freedom of Religion. By Baptist doctrine of independent church government.
@marylenelessard4532 Год назад
What is generation x2 in church? What is it about the Greeks? I am not familiar with these terms. Thank you for explaining
@michaelgeiss741 Год назад
Did I misunderstand 1 Corinthians 1:18-30? To those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. They respond despite their background or our presentation. God, not pre-evangelism, is the reason they are in Christ Jesus. We should share rightly, but the message of the cross is foolishness to the perishing no matter how wisely we share.
@briendoyle4680 Год назад
YES! Start by PROVING the gods that y'alls claim...............
@johnsummerfield5544 10 месяцев назад
Graham was a universalist, Ken. 33rd degree Mason.
@EranRicos Год назад
What is an Acts 2 culture
@jojorey6886 8 месяцев назад
What is an X2 generation?
@mountairyforjesus Год назад
There is no method for raising the dead to life. Success is His job. Obedience is mine
@velkyn1 Год назад
aka one more christian who fails and then tries to invent a way to blame his imaginary friend.
@mountairyforjesus Год назад
@@velkyn1 Jesus “failed” at evangelism too. In fact, they killed Him. But historically, mockers like you have only made Him more successful. Keep going!
@tammykalii9360 Год назад
@@mountairyforjesushe did not fail which is why they killed him. Don’t say he failed when over 2000 years later the world is still talking about him.
@tammykalii9360 Год назад
@@velkyn1tell him when you face him.
@tammykalii9360 Год назад
You are called to share his truth with others. To expose false prophets and teaching. You are the salt of the earth and are to let your light shine.
@brianmason9803 2 месяца назад
I feel that evangelism took a wrong turn when the focus changed from personal counselling to mass conversions of people. I marvel at 4000 conversions in one day, but don't hear about the thousands of church members who are there to support the individuals when the begin to suffer the attacks that come to the newly converted. The evangelists' work is not done when a conversion to faith occurs, it is only just beginning. It takes years of support to help a Christian into maturity. Anything less than that is abandonment.
@F14Defense Год назад
For some reason the Ken Hams of the world have no anointing whatsoever for Signs, Wonders, and Miracles. Mere ‘belief’, logic, and claims were never enough in the 20th or 21st centuries, and not the evidence and greatest strategies of Jesus Christ. Obviously running one’s mouth from the pulpit was not the Power of the Holy Spirit. And the great healing evangelists of the past and of our lifetime understood these facts.
@65gtotrips Год назад
Carbon dating is more accurate as a method to determine geological time, that’s why secularists like to default to radiological dating since that method points to the millions of years; Since they can install their predisposition that natural processes like nuclear decay have always behaved the same way; Not realizing that we cannot use this epoch to determine the processes of former epochs.
@Woopor Год назад
Carbon Dating is more accurate, but it literally doesn’t work on rocks, so it needs organic matter to work, and no carbon at all is found in things millions of years old, so of course scientists wouldn’t use carbon dating for rocks
@timwilson2920 11 месяцев назад
Where has the gospel not been preached ? Can somebody circle it on a map ? And please, look up bob lapeen and give him as much money as you possibly can !
@hongotedesco8931 11 месяцев назад
A fascinating book about a missionary trying to convert a tribe deep in the Amazon jungle to Christianity: "Don't sleep, there are snakes".
@Truth_Matt3rs 11 месяцев назад
Jesus said, for us to take His gospel into every nation, and then the end will come. That's a clue, that His gospel hasn't gone into every nation, yet, or Jesus would have returned by now.
@Daniel-yf9iy Год назад
I can’t agree you more Dr. Ham.
@69eddieD 11 месяцев назад
What is Ham a Doctor of? Lying for Jesus?
@markpettit5966 10 месяцев назад
Please read 2 Corinthians 6:17 in regards to the idea to change who we are because the world changes. WE (i.e. the body of the bride of Christ) IS NEVER TO PARTICIPATE IN THINGS OF THE WORLD NOR ARE WE TO CHANGE WHO WE ARE BECAUSE OF THE WORLD. We have one job to do that the Savior asked of all his disciples (includes us). The mission is to speak the word of God so those who want to the word of God will come. We DO NOT give our interpretation of the word of God. We merely read the Bible verses as the Holy Spirit says. We are not here to confront anyone about being saved rather we are here to let those that might want it to get a chance to get it. This is what EVERY PREACHER OF THE WORD does wrong and has been doing wrong for a long time. WE ARE NOT HERE TO CONVINCE ANY PERSON OF THE VALUE OF THE WORD. We are here to be "fisher of men" which means put out a net (i.e. US BEING AMONGST NON-BELIEVERS) and bate (i.e. READING THE WORD) so those who wish for the Word will choose on their own to come. That's al our job is. Ken Ham, stop misleading people. One last thing, a comment about "those with ears to hear" are the non-believers wanting the Word of God.
@jeffransom9480 8 месяцев назад
Did Ken just admit that age of the earth and evolution does not effect salvation? Honest question.
@hongotedesco8931 11 месяцев назад
How about simply not evangelizing? Why not just feed the hungry and clothe the poor?
@UserRandJ 11 месяцев назад
How about not loitering on Christian sites and trolling, shuffle dancing around the topic like a nanna, and with no evidence to speak of for your bias? J
@hongotedesco8931 11 месяцев назад
@@UserRandJ What? What "shuffle dancing"? Nothing could be simpler and more straightforward than saying we should help people. And what bias do I need evidence for?
@UserRandJ 11 месяцев назад
@hongotedesco8931 You're suggesting that people don't need to know there's a creator and they are loved and should stop playing with their phorskins. In other words you said he should stop helping people spiritually/ evangelising. Are you an athiest? If so, discuss your so called evidence that supports it. Thankyou, please come again. J
@Truth_Matt3rs 11 месяцев назад
@@hongotedesco8931 Jesus said, go into every nation with His gospel. Jesus doesn't make suggestions.
@hongotedesco8931 11 месяцев назад
@@Truth_Matt3rs See, that doesn't mean anything to me. All I see is that somebody *wrote* that jesus said this, or jesus said that, with zero evidence that it actually transpired. But even if true, we have zero evidence for the divinity of jesus, so what does it matter what he said? I value things on their own merit, and "preaching the gospel" has so little merit, it's unfathomable why somebody would value that. On the other hand, he did say some things that do have merit. And again, it doesn't matter whether it's made up, whether jesus is god, or whatever. What matters is....does it have value? And to circle back...why not just feed the hungry and clothe the poor.
@stephenberry8658 11 месяцев назад
Ken... restricting God to 6,000 years and one version of religion maybe diminishing the Almighty Divinity... It is said that Ken Ham may convert many more people away from Christianity by such a tiny version God.... It is actually very simple... GOD IS LOVE. When will you return to this reality??
@UserRandJ 11 месяцев назад
Doubting the bible is turning most away. Why was there a need for a Saviour if there was no original sin? Why did Jesus reference the flood and Noah? Can you not see with your own eyes the globe covered in tectonic rapid layed sediment from an immense event? Doubting Genesis is not smart. J
@stephenberry8658 11 месяцев назад
@@UserRandJ Choosing a literal truth version of the Bible against the huge evidence that it is allegorical is called Blind Faith over Reality . The Original Sin obsession choice of one version of Christianity over any other religion or spirituality is a sad scenario taking us back to the Dark Ages... Preaching that the Love of your partner 💕 of the same sex is a Sin is an archaic cultural teaching. It is not supported by the wide evidence in Nature. My partnership of 26 years is a blessing at the Deepest level. A narrow interpretation of the Bible to earn the After Life is something that was not supported by me attending a Church of England school for 8 years. Australia as an Ancient Island Continent with ancient Aboriginal culture and the vast universe now visible from deep space telescopes are realities that do not support a 6,000 year 7 Day Creation nor a Word Wide Flood nor Australian Aboriginals descended from Noah... Religious beliefs are just that... Beliefs...
@johnsummerfield5544 Год назад
That’s right because Graham was a fake who had people pray a little prayer rather than teaching the true gospel. He was also a universalist. A 33rd degree Mason. Now I’m concerned the Ham is half-baked. Talk about Greeks.
@stevencohn922 Год назад
I take the gospel to sports stadiums and they are completely indifferent and ignore the gospel sometimes mocking and scoffing!
@godgetti 11 месяцев назад
that wouldn't happen if you brought Swift with you!
@hopeful135 11 месяцев назад
I posted this same info on another one of Ken's videos. You are right Ken, we have to change our evangelism methods. And that change is a simple message which does not begin with the controversies that attend Genesis in regard to earth's age. We need to tell people that when Adam sinned death passed on to all men because the wages of sin is death. Man is born MORTAL. Jesus came so we could have eternal life and become IMMORTAL. The Good News is that we can live forever!! All others pass eventually out of existence after the judgment. There is no ECT (eternal conscience torment). If there was ECT that would negate the indescribable gift of immortality reserved for the people of God. Is this not Good News. Jesus died for our sins, paid the price of sin which is death and rose again in newness of eternal life which He gifts to all who believe. The message might even reach the Greeks.....possibly even a few Church Leaders and possibly even cause a spiritual movement like we read in the Book of Acts. Reply
@JesseDriftwood 10 месяцев назад
Being immortal doesn't sound like good news to me, it sounds like a nightmare.
@hopeful135 10 месяцев назад
I guess I don't know what you mean....could you please clarify further what you are thinking. Thank, you@@JesseDriftwood
@JesseDriftwood 10 месяцев назад
@@hopeful135 I'm not sure how to be more clear than that. I don't want to live forever.
@hopeful135 10 месяцев назад
OK got it.@@JesseDriftwood
@UserRandJ Год назад
Since "knowledge shall increase " Daniel 12:4, it seams people are happy with a contrived answer placed on their screen- as long as they think they have asked the question and been answered on it. Most just take the wicki answer. It's supposedly a public volunteer managed site, but you know.. J
@arnoldschmidt2753 Год назад
Billy Graham was a 33°
@scarolinispicks4073 Год назад
Yes! He hadme til he mentioned him
@eugenelombard960 Год назад
​@@scarolinispicks4073 I don't follow Billy Graham at all, but in his defence, don't forget that David was a murderer and Paul used to be a Pharisee.😊
@qwerty-so6ml 11 месяцев назад
Only one Gospel: The Gospel of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of God.
@tammykalii9360 Год назад
guess what? The Holy Spirit hasn’t changed and the spirit is the one witnessing through us and the Holy Spirit knows how each person needs to hear his word. If people are witnessing wrong now they were witnessing wrong then. You let the spirit lead when you feel prompted to witness to somebody because the Holy Spirit knows what he’s doing. If someone says which God you tell them the truth that there is only ONE GOD! And he left us his living Word to prove it.
@ethanmoon3925 Год назад
I think the problem was, Christians adopted some atheist assumptions into their philosophy that made them feel guilty about "imposing their views on people". As if we don't have the right to straightforwardly tell others what we believe without qualifying or apology. We accepted liberal political tolerance (valuing all beliefs equally) as the new definition of loving our neighbor, and in the process we accidentally abandon our neighbor to hell.
@mashah1085 Год назад
Tell ya what, when you "Christians" FINALLY figure out which of you has "the correct version"....contact the rest of us. And just saying "My version" while the a hundred other denominations say "Our version"....isn't going to win us over, since clearly your religion is so open to various interpretation...how can any of them be "the ONE true Word of God" and "the ONE way that God wants us to believe."
@Project-pq1qh Год назад
I have the truth. Follow the Scottish Covenanters and the Westminster Standards. Why do I say this. Look at the Baptist and American Presbyterians et al. They care nothing for the truth. They teach ecumenicalism, freedom of religion, and independency, which are all lies. Christianity is about truth, they are not.
@richardkremers Год назад
human evangelists don't save anyone. our methodologies, as long as they are truthful and sincere and based in the word, aren't that critical.. salvation is by faith through grace in Jesus Christ alone. we are simply agents of salvation, with the Holy Spirit being the actual saver.
@GODSMISTAKE-j9k Год назад
You divorced the Jews. Those who bless you I will bless those who curse you. I will curse.
@JamesCedeno Год назад
Sorry but you guys are not Jews in any sense. Your covenant is as sons of Noach not Yisrael. And that's a good thing not a condemnation. But I've got to say that cavalierly throwing around that you guys are anti-Greek is extremely odd since Xtianity is inextricably Greek
@stevelenores5637 Год назад
Mr. Ken Ham. Don't you think the churches themselves are becoming Greek themselves by teaching that the Bible is a written form of the Temple of Delphi. Most churches teach that prophecy is only forward looking. Prophecy is the revelation of God through the prophets of Devine things. It can be a state of being (as when the prophets revealed the state of God's people when they were sinning), the past (as in Genesis), and the future. Prophecy can also be conditional as salvation is conditional on our accepting of grace and turning away from darkness. IMHO
@soostoons1826 Год назад
Bro says the same thing every video
@rofishy2 Год назад
Someone doesn’t know eschatology. I love his science, but to deny that gog and Magog is well underway, and that these people are just ignorant instead of willfully/purposefully ignorant is just turning a blind eye. The Bible I read says that they will hate us. Let’s see, yep they hate us. The Bible says in the end they will have a form of Godliness, but deny the power of it, check. The Bible says that the books on prophecy will be unsealed at the time of the end, don’t take my word for it go read the prophetic books. This is 100% the time of the end, and until we point the time of wrath and it’s nearness then the wicked will continue, btw most will not repent just like in the days of Noah and the days of lot. My Bible says that the church does not have an appointment to wrath and that God’s word won’t return to him void. The gates of hell have not prevailed, the majority have always been going to choose hell out of pride. Narrow is the way to life and few who find it. My Bible says that God will pour out his wrath on the people of the world, not the church, because the people of the world took pleasure in unrighteousness. Now I love hearing Ken Ham’s teachings on science, but if my God does not blame the church it’s high time that the pulpits stop blaming the church. The world mocks and hates and they are without excuse!
@statutesofthelord Год назад
Also, most Christians today show that they don't love Jesus every 7th day, because they don't keep His commandments.
@rofishy2 Год назад
@@statutesofthelord The commandments to the church are not the same as the law. We are called to Love the Lord with all our heart and with all our might, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Anytime we help the poor we did it for the Lord, anytime we visit people in prison we did it for the Lord. Remember what the Bible says about the sheep and goats judgement. The law had to be fulfilled through Jesus or no one is getting to heaven. Also Moses, Abraham, David, and the like didn’t get saved by following the law perfectly to the dot, they were saved through faith, go back and study why God justified them. God got tired of animal sacrifices because one it wasn’t enough to save us and two people merely did ritually with no heart. If a person is truly sorrowful for their sins and truly accepts that Jesus is the savior then they are saved, not perfect. We will be perfected in heaven.
@statutesofthelord Год назад
@@rofishy2ro, so we can be lawbreakers, refuse to follow Jesus' perfect example, and still be admitted to heaven? Are you sure about that? Of course our sins are washed away and names written in the Lamb's Book of Life by the free gift of the blood shed by the only begotten Son of God. Then, if we love him, we will keep his commandments.
@rofishy2 Год назад
@@statutesofthelord as the world digresses so does the church. Lot was called righteous. Go reread about him. David was considered a man after God’s own heart. Maybe you forgot about how wicked he behaved. Look how his family turned out. The church is no where near that level of wickedness. The world is to blame not the church. It was never about perfection, if we could be perfect why did Jesus die. The heart is desperately wicked who can understand it. Go read Paul’s writings. That said we should be striving to grow and become more like our savior every day, and not live or continue in sin, but if your going to blame the church then you’re not in line with scripture. God I’d mad at the unbelievers because they suppress the truth in unrighteousness and by unbelief. The more people who don’t believe and refuse to repent the darker the world gets.
@statutesofthelord 11 месяцев назад
@@rofishy2rofishy, The churches of the world are in a much worse condition than we usually think. It was mostly Christian churches that helped Darwin get his religion established, churches that helped abortion become a business on demand, churches that helped sexual abominations become the law of the land, etc. So do you believe one can be a lawbreaker and still go to heaven without repenting?
@musictheoryforeveryone7938 Год назад
This is the most radical approach every Christian needs, first, to believe, second, implement in their thinking, and third to motivate each one of us to reach the world for Christ! Unfortunately, Christians have surrendered to evolution. In 1925, the famous Scopes Trail set the Theory of Evolution in motion for the dominant world view today. It’s been almost 100 years since the Church launched any kind of meaningful retaliation against this atheistic world view. Christians and the world need to return to the concept that The Bible and Science do not contradict each other. Beside “Answers in Genesis”, also study the lectures from “Is Genesis History?” found on RU-vid. These lectures and field trips discuss the evidence and reasons why Noah’s Flood is real and Creation is real. A quick summary of the Creationist point of view and the Evolutionist is this: Evolution believes a little bit of water over long periods of time can make great changes, whereas Creationist believe lots of water over a short period of time can make great changes. With a planet that is covered with 75% water, it doesn’t take much imagination to realize how much change can happen in God’s Creative Process!
@statutesofthelord Год назад
Japan accepted Evolution into their school systems way back in the 1870s.
@musictheoryforeveryone7938 Год назад
@@statutesofthelord Thanks for that interesting additional fact concerning Japan’s quick acceptance of evolution in the 1870’s. It’s also interesting to notice that Germany was heavily influenced by evolution as well as American Eugenics early as well. Both countries developed their militaries to the point of being major combatants in World War Two, Japan starting its military campaign in the early 1930’s, long before the rest of the world fell into chaos. It cannot be denied that evolution led to eugenics and the systematic murder of millions of people by Germany in World War Two.
@Woopor Год назад
You act like there aren’t other religions in the US or even the world other than Christianity, and when you all do acknowledge them you say they’re sinners the devil corrupted which makes no sense and is a hypocritical statement
@musictheoryforeveryone7938 Год назад
@@Woopor Dear Friend, thanks for writing back. If you will, I will try to present my thoughts more comprehensively for you. Let me start with this principle from the Bible.From Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” The principle is that God is not part of this material world and universe. The origins of everything we see and know comes from God. In the Bible, the opening statement from Genesis 1:1 states, “In the Beginning, God….” At the beginning of what we know and see, God was already present to do the creating…”In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” John 4 says, verse 23, But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” Worshipping God must be in the Spirit and in Truth. Truth is the ultimate singularity. Truth requires that everything is 100% accurate. If there is one lie in a statement, the lie puts everything else in that statement suspect. If there is one lie discovered, how then do we know that other lies can be detected. How do we know that other parts of the statement are trustworthy and accurate. One lie makes the man or woman suspicious as well, not just a statement. Suddenly that man or woman’s entire life is in doubt. Truth is like having a glass of water. These days, many people drink only bottled water, because they expect perfection and purity. But perhaps, as they were drinking this bottled water, they noticed a bug floating in it. That man would demand a fresh glass and a fresh bottle of water because the single bug made the whole glass and more than likely the entire bottle suspect. This is the level of people’s expectations these days. In India, many people won’t mind if there was a bug. They would be happy just to have water, clean water is even better. A bug would be unnoticed. 100 years ago, people anywhere would not mind having a bug. The point of this illustration is to describe first the necessity of Truth being free from any doubt or lie. God’s standard is this high too! Jesus said in Matthew 5:48 “Be therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Peter even quotes in First Peter 1:15 “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; 16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” Truth, perfection, and holiness are all the same ideas, though with different emphases. Is man made in the Image of God. Yes! Genesis says in chapter one, verse 27 “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Does God therefore have two eyes, a nose and a mouth? Probably not. The image of God is a bit complicated. We know from Scripture that there is only One God. One of the first things God created was light, as stated in Genesis 1. God is described as being White light through out the Bible. Since God created light, I believe it is also a revelation of who God actually is. White light when passed through a crystal, a prism, or even water vapor, divides white light into the 6 colors of the rainbow. These 6 colors are actually composed of only three primary colors, red, yellow, and blue. If one of these three primary colors was removed, we would have the secondary colors become visible, namely orange, green or purple. So this is true of God. He is one God only. White light is only one. God has revealed Himself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matthew 28, even states it as, “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!” Is does not say, “In the names (plural names) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Nor does it say in Name of the Father, the Name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28 says only one name, but revealed to us in three persons, just as white light has three primary colors, and humans were created as having a body, soul, and, spirit. This is the beginning of what I would ask you to study and understand. I can continue if you like. I wrote this to Hindu friend of mine in India. He is asking some very serious questions and seeking to know the TRUTH. I pray you are being honest and open before God and truthfully seeking God! All too often these days, Americans and Europeans ask questions but they don’t really want any real honest answers. They figure they have heard it all before. I got Good News for you! You haven’t!
@statutesofthelord 11 месяцев назад
@@musictheoryforeveryone7938Yes, music. And the Japanese military beat Russia in 1905, becoming the first Asian power to defeat a European one. This made them very proud, and they took over Korea in 1910, then Manchuria a while later, and of course leading up to total destruction. It is important to note that they melded Evolutionary "superiority" with Shinto "uniqueness", to forge their racist mindset. I have had elderly Japanese people privately tell me that they are glad their country lost the war, or else their military would still be fighting somebody today. May God bless and guide you as you write the Hindu man in India.
@manager0175 Год назад
We are living in a Post-Modern, Post-Christian world. There is no changing it. The old world is gone and we are better off without it. The quest for Christian apologetics in our Post-Modern, Post-Christian world is not to prove God (Been there. Done that. All of those attempts have fail.) But to make the question of God relevant within a Post-Modern, Post-Christian world.
@Adam-ti9vx Год назад
Can you explain what attempts have failed and how they failed? I have heard this argument before, but no one has ever explained it to me.
@davidaraujo5544 Год назад
repent from your sins and be born again so you can see
@williamdavis7266 Год назад
The attempts have not failed . . . What happens is atheists saying, "theres no evidence for a God" To which, the theist responds, "there is overwhelming evidence, allow me to articulate 3 arguments for God's existence. The first being a teleological argument, the second cosmological, the third being an ontological argument. The first 2 of which are based on observational evidence, the last rooted in the laws of logic." The atheist, "theres no evidence for God!" It'd almost be comical were it not tragic
@manager0175 Год назад
@@davidaraujo5544 You proceed from a false assumption. I am Christian.
@manager0175 Год назад
@@Adam-ti9vx You want the "proofs" one at a time? Or bunches of them? The easiest to show is "First cause" also called cosmological. Here are your options for premises: #1. All things have a cause. #2. Some things have a cause. Some things do not have a cause. #3. No things have a cause.. Since no one uses #3 we will not entertain it. And from there, it is concluded: There is an uncaused causer. The conclusion is an explicit contradiction of premise option #1. The conclusion is a reiteration of either premise #2 or #3 (begging the question). Any questions?
@johnelliott5859 Год назад
I had a new beginning and a fresh start when I realized the christian god is incoherent. How can an all loving being knowingly create a world where billions will be condemned to eternal torment? Free will? Nope. The bible clearly teaches salvation only comes from god and not anything man can do.
@UserRandJ Год назад
Your view is flawed. There is only one way for God to achieve free will, and you're living it. And certainly, God has provided a means for salvation- but if you only ever play with your phorskin instead of honouring Him with your foolish flesh, then you will find eternal separation from God is very deserved. We buy our eternal memories with our soul. What matters is where you live for eternity. Do you deserve Heaven with God and a life built for you- if all you did was put your flesh first? Complaining, sooking and testifying against the creator? J
@johnelliott5859 Год назад
@@UserRandJ I don't hear any argument to my point. Salvation only comes from god. This means god is doing the saving and necessarily the condemning. (In fact we are condemned just for existing due to Adam's sin). God has knowingly selected billions to suffer eternal torment. This god is incoherent with the christian all loving god. I cannot honor god with my flesh. I cannot "buy" memories with my soul. That would mean man could warrant salvation - a clear contradiction of the bible. God has provided a means for salvation, but he has knowingly selected some (even some who call him Lord) to suffer eternal torment. That is not all loving.
@UserRandJ Год назад
@johnelliott5859 The ones who will spend eternity separated from God chose it. And you will remember the things you did that took away your chance to reside in Heaven- so effectively, you are buying those memories with your soul, since it cost you eternity in heavrn- all you will have is the memories of the silly things you chose. God requires people to turn from evil. What don't you understand? J
@stephenglasse9756 Год назад
​@@johnelliott5859so, why don't you just reject eternal torture then? Why not just believe "he will BURN UP the chaff with unquenchable fire"?
@johnelliott5859 Год назад
@@UserRandJ but the bible clearly teaches that man cannot choose salvation. Only god can give him that ability. It is god who is responsible for the conditions that exist and for choosing who is saved and condemned. Can man warrant salvation?
@jenna2431 Год назад
Ken Ham refuses to accept that other belief traditions are allowed in the United States. Things change. You need to consider your religion yours and leave the rest of us be. It's RUDE to come up to someone you don't know and tell them how sinful they are. It's obnoxious to still knock on doors - even vacuum salesmen rarely do that anymore. And what is the deal with that crazy set he's preaching from?
@paularrowsmith9980 Год назад
Friend, perhaps you need to reconsider your disbelief in God and in His Word. Clearly you have a very secular, atheistic view of the Bible, of Who Jesus is and of what He accomplished in His death and resurrection. You have evidently taken on board a very "Greek" worldview and therefore exemplify what Ken is trying to convey. Please bear in mind that faithful Bible believing Christians seek to persuade others, not to force them into anything. We appeal to the mind and to the heart. We agree that no-one should be co-erced into any religion. So many of our fellow Christians around the world experience hostility and violent persecution from religions and ideologies that consider a coersive approach to be acceptable. Our Saviour didn't. Instead, He treated people with compassion while speaking forthrightly and frankly about eternal and practical issues. Like yourself, some didn't appreciate that. Eventually, they had Him put to death. But as He foretold, He was raised back to life, never to die again. And through repentance and faith in Him, forgiveness, salvation, new life, new purpose and confident hope are all available to any of us. That is the gospel message that we offer. What better message can anyone offer? It's truthful, being founded on historical realities, attested by historical evidences and by transformed lives. You may choose to disagree, but you have no right to demand that others should be prevented from sharing or receiving this wonderful life-changing information. It has been such a blessing to me and to so many others I know personally. I do hope and pray this will yet be your story too. Maybe soon?
@Woopor Год назад
@@paularrowsmith9980you still didn’t acknowledge that other religions exist, proving his point even more
@food4thort Год назад
Isn't it arrogant and presumptuous to enforce just Christianity on all schoolchildren? Shouldn't the basics of ALL major world religions be taught in schools (religious studies)? Schoolchildren can then decide for themselves what one, if any, they want to follow.
@statutesofthelord Год назад
@paularrowsmith9980 Год назад
It is never arrogant or presumptuous to teach what is true. Your use of the word "enforce" belies your hostility to teaching the historically-attested Christian faith. But do you also object to enforcing the teaching of evolutionism, or of other non-Christian ideologies in schools? I doubt doubt you do.
@food4thort Год назад
The supernatural claims of any religion is a matter of faith - not truth. However to understand world history you need to know the basic dogma and history of religions - especially as most wars are based on religious belief. I don't object to origins of the universe and evolution being taught ( alongside religious studies,) as 'current scientific theories'. What I object to is one religion only being required learning for schoolchildren as though it were a fact. @@paularrowsmith9980
@martha-schalleck Год назад
Is there one real truth? If there is, we should try and find it. If there is one truth, then all our problems result from humanity not living according to this truth, from denying reality. The Bible has much more evidence for speaking the one real truth (that includes God wanting to save everyone!) than any religion. From archeology, numerology, fulfilled prophecies, documented miracles. Everyone can test this God, he is available to everyone any time. Since there is so much evidence for the Bible speaking absolute truth, it is not arrogant, it is rational and loving to try and bring this truth to everyone.
@Woopor Год назад
@@paularrowsmith9980Evolution is a theory of Science. All religions have an equal chance of being true, you can’t just say “mine is true because I’m in it and I would never be wrong” you YEC’s all just narcissists
@robertbusuttil7848 Год назад
Become jehovahs witnesses and learn the bibles true message and the true God who He is and what his divine name is Jehovah. Or Yehovah.we preach from house to house and grew 2.6 per cent in australia while every other """church"""declined except jehovahs witnesses and seventh day Adventists. So grow your faith in Gods word and reject man's theory and pagan teachings.
@statutesofthelord Год назад
robert, Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. Do you believe this?
@robertbusuttil7848 Год назад
@@statutesofthelord hello, yes I certainly believe that the lord jesus christ I'd God in the flesh. Read John 1 verses 1 to verse 14 ,philippians 2 verses 6,,7,,8 9,10,,11. It timothy 3 verse 16. Acts 4verse 12 . I am a young man who loves Gods word the bible and who loves to teach a n d preach the Gospel and the coming kingdom of God on earth. Young Robert the australian boy.
@statutesofthelord Год назад
@@robertbusuttil7848robert, While your writing is poor, the content of your recent comment is biblical. If you believe that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, then you are not a Jehovah's Witness. If you are serious about loving God's words, then you should ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth, open up a Bible, and start reading and following it. There are two things one must do to walk the streets of gold one day: 1. Believe in Jesus as the Son of God 2. Do as He says. Many Christians today think that God's 10 Commandments have been done away with, but Jesus himself said in Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Have you studied that?
@robertbusuttil7848 Год назад
@@statutesofthelord you come across with a very judgemental bias religious spirit. Every day I kneel and pray before I open my bible to heavenly father to send his holy spirit to teach me and guide me in my bible studies. So don't presume I do otherwise. Of course Jesus us God in the flesh as I gave you the scriptures to prove it and I will never move from my bible based position.. Regarding your question we keep the law of christ. Read Galatians 6 verse 2 Revelation 14verse 12. John 14verses 15, 23. Unlike false religion we honour Jehovah God and his dear son ,our saviour the lord jesus christ. We do not meddle in apostate teachings of babylon the Great. We uphold the bible not tradition and preach the kingdom message. Most jehovahs witnesses are converts from catholic,,baptist,Anglican uniting Church etc. Some also from seventh day Adventists due to that church infighting and compromise. Young Roberr.
@statutesofthelord Год назад
@@robertbusuttil7848Young Roberr, If you believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, then you are not a true Jehovah's Witness. You said you were a young man, so my duty as an elder, is to guide you into more truth. However, in your most recent comment, you show you currently do not want to learn more about Jesus or the Bible. Perhaps you will in the future. I have prayed for you.
@angelodimichele8549 Год назад
You want to go back to the good old days and your trying to turn back the clock but your asking people who have become smarter to become stupid again. It’s just a matter of time when Christianity in America becomes just a period of time in our history. Christianity will be in the history books and that’s the only place it deserves to be, a part of history.
@statutesofthelord Год назад
michele, It is impossible, by definition, for anyone to truly be "Atheist".
@martha-schalleck Год назад
You´ll miss Christianity when it´s gone.
@angelodimichele8549 Год назад
@@martha-schalleckBeen there done that.
@angelodimichele8549 Год назад
@@statutesofthelordWatching John Hagee this morning for some laughs but I almost can’t keep from throwing up. This is what Ken Ham is defending.
@Woopor Год назад
I don’t believe that Christianity will ever be gone but I do hope that one day it learns to coexist with science and modern culture
@thomaspayton516 Год назад
@paullockyer7905 Год назад
One of the most enlightening sermons I have ever heard.
@jinimurray4090 11 месяцев назад
PLEASE KEN HAM - help! I love the LORD WITH ALLLLLLL my heart Born Again, spirit filled - beleive EVERY WORD OF GOD WHAT DO I DO? church teaches repetitvely Gods “UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” OSAS SOFT PREACHING DONT STEP ON TOES (But by teaching wrongly, I don’t want to go to church-concerned if I hear lies long enough I’ll start believing lies!) TRIED to speak to pastor who is a wonderful amazing gentle man! But to no avail. I listen to you or others -on you tube & THANK YOU PLEASE WILL YOU SPEAK on these issues - you’re right No foundation- no success with ANYTHING
@Melanes07 Год назад
You are so right, brother Ken Ham! It frustrates me how many "Greek" believers we have in the church who will take the New Testament at face value but not the Old. It's pretty plain from a plain reading of the context of the text that we live on a "young" earth. Thank you for your ministry and all you do at Answers in Genesis day in and day out!
@stevencook4002 Год назад
Young earth, old earth… doesn’t really matter. Too often we get into needless debates on non-essential issues.
@hermanwooster8944 10 месяцев назад
@@stevencook4002 It does matter. It comes down to whether we believe what God wrote or if we are going to harden our hearts and go with the world.
@stevencook4002 10 месяцев назад
@@hermanwooster8944 My point was Christians get into needless debates on topics that are not essential to a believer’s walk with the Lord.
@hermanwooster8944 10 месяцев назад
@@stevencook4002 I understand. There are many needless debates on unessential topics, but I believe the root of this particular issue comes down to whether we take God at His Word, which is infinitely essential.
@NaseerAhmad-ty4ds Год назад
Without the current Church Establishment being taken off the scene and replaced by a group that confronts heads on with the ongoing assault on their religion...nothing can change for Christianity...certainly not by (ordinary) Christians changing their Evangelism Methods..
@ronm6349 22 часа назад
God set the earth on pillars, not a spinning ball Ken
@generalleigh7387 Год назад
“Pure religion is to care for the orphan and the widow.” -James
@patrickc3419 Год назад
We got to see and hear Ken Ham at G3 in Atlanta last week and he was outstanding.
@piggymalone1 Год назад
Christians must operate in the power of the supernatural ie the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You can spend hours even days trying to use apologetics on an atheist. But if that person is sick, you pray for their healing, when the power of God hits them, they will immediately believe in the existence of God.
@AlexanderosD Год назад
I was born a "Greek", read the Scripture at 20yrs old and became born again as a "jew", After a few years of being in the church I readopted the "Greek" culture. But after assessing the voices of folks in the church and seeing the contrast that folks like Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis and Is Genesis History are presenting; I don't put stock in the many "Greek" philosophies anymore, and I've returned to being a "Jew". Sometimes it can be tiring to hear Ken Ham make the same point about the authority of scripture and importance of a Genesis world view, but it is truly the foundation and without it, it's all just Greek to me.
@stevencook4002 Год назад
Paul’s gospel says there is neither Jew or Gentile. We are all one in Christ.
@metapolitikgedanken612 11 месяцев назад
Paul said that both "Greeks" and "Jews" had it wrong. Simply because people in the Flesh are prone to start 'their own path to salvation'... 'building themselves a name'... As in Babel... And to prevent this turning more and more evil, the nations were separated by the 'confusion of languages', which is more than just the vocabulary and grammar. You have to be 'in Christ' to be restored in the likeness of God, independent from what your background or previous choices/adaption were. Ken is however spot on that you can't teach the Gospel without Creation as doctrine. If you don't have Gen 1-3, you can't have Mt 1:1 to Revelation. Fortunately most cultures still had/have some garbled version of the Creation account and some even had some conflated account of gospel and eschatology... Which btw. indicates a common source. But to put it frankly, it isn't enough to intellectually tick off a list of dogmata an then you are a 'believer' or 'saved'. It's far more than that. Substantially more. It has to be perfect and that can only come from the Holy Spirit. If he isn't there, it won't work. People will back slide in some way.
@stevencook4002 10 месяцев назад
@@metapolitikgedanken612 Backsliding is not scriptural btw.
@stevencook4002 10 месяцев назад
Culture has nothing to do with being “in Christ.” Once we are born a again we are all in Christ and there is no distinction between Greek or Jew. Adopt one of the cultures if you like but it has nothing to do with salvation or our position in Christ.
@wrlSivan16 11 месяцев назад
Jesus sent me to watch Zola and our jewish roots and these videos help me to know God more clearly and to feel excepted as a graphed branch. They feel like a door to a secret Garden opened to learn. 💙💜❤️
@ruthwalker2214 12 часов назад
Some very thought provoking and helpful concepts. I would add that personal testimony is also relevant in our sharing of the gospel. Thank you Ken, God bless you.
@waggyquack974 11 месяцев назад
Carry on preaching Ken, you're the best recruiting officer the atheists have! Keep up the good work.
@69eddieD 11 месяцев назад
So true. Hambone is a walking talking parody.
@angusmcpherson Год назад
I agree that paid Christians need to change their evangelism methods. They can start by getting out of their comfortable offices and hitting the streets, going door to door and house to house until they have gone through the entire city, then they can start over!
@fourwinds9947 Год назад
People only come to faith by hearing Gods Word.
@loving_2B_a_life_designer 6 месяцев назад
People only come to faith if God chose them
@at6098 Год назад
I would say that one would have to becareful pulling information from RCA(Reformed Church of America) which Chic Broersma is appart of because they are conservative and liberal and more recent liberal leanings...
@efrenrodriguez4329 Год назад
Was in Athens last week from a cruise. Did a tour that included the Acropolis and asked the guide about the location of Mars hill or Areopagus. Right below there's the remains ( a rock area with steps and an inscription). Pretty amazing how Paul's witnessing brought Christ to Greece, and today 90% consider themselves Christians (Orthodox), in spite of these pagan temples still standing.
@danieljust295 Год назад
I would love to do this in Japan where only 1% of society are believers, but the language barrier is enormous. Not to mention that there are many “Christian cults” which impacted negatively Japan. The Japanese simply HATE Christians. Prime minister Abe was even assassinated recently because of his support of one of such cults.
@tanacious808 Год назад
Is this the enduring word ministries?
@SMNR777 Год назад
Interesting 🤔 thanks for the info! 👍
@efrenrodriguez4329 Год назад
@@tanacious808 just a lay person.
@angusmcpherson 11 месяцев назад
Paul wasn't "witnessing." He was preaching the gospel to the lost, as all paid Christians are required to do (1 Cor. 9:14).
@niceguyrides Год назад
@danielniesing5628 Год назад
Great teaching! Eye opening! Ah ha moment! Quote John 3:16 to a Greek all day long and it will profit him nothing. It is foolishness to him. The Romans road to him means nothing. First he must be convinced that there is only one supreme God.
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