
Combined Arms: Oliver Hazard Perry Frigate Class Tutorial | DCS WORLD 

Grim Reapers
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@lenn55 5 лет назад
The Perry Frigate might not look like much but it was designed very well and could take alot of punishment compared to modern day warships. It even too 2 Exocet hits and still managed to stay afloat.
@aqdv25 5 лет назад
The OtoMelara gun on the oliver hazard perry has the range to hit the russian frigate, the only problem is that being placed in the middle of the ship with the sensors blocking the front it cant turn enough to face and fire at the russian frigate.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
@TaffenFelspar 4 года назад
Yep Capt was too late in unmasking his 76 gun and phalanx. Just like the Stark.
@lohrtom 5 лет назад
Greetings. I hope you are all doing well. I served on the USS Wadsworth (FFG-9). As the chief fire controlman I owned all air and surface weapons, so perhaps I can give you some insight on the OHP class. RE MK 13 Launcher. Two rings under the launcher in a cylindrical magazine. Typical load out was. 34 SM-1s, 4 Harpoon, 1 test missile (TSAM) and one empty cell for moving missiles around. Cycle time was one SM-1 every 8 seconds. Harpoons took longer. The MK 13 on the Brooke class was the same except it only had one ring and a total of 16 missiles. When the SM-1 bit the dust, the Australians replaced it with a small VLS configuration which launched Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles (ESSM). The ESSM looked like a mini SM-1 and has slightly better range. The newer ESSM versions are bad ass. Fire Control System: The MK 92 was a bastardization of the Dutch WM-25. The WM-25 was a guns only FCS. It has two track while scan fire control channels for surface targets only and one active tracking channel. The TWS is on a rotating antenna, on top of it is a small dish antenna that is the active channel. Both are in the Combined Antenna System (CAS) which is the easter egg in front. To add SAM capability, the US took two Continuous Wave Illuminators (CWI) from the MK 74 FCS which provides missile guidance beams and added one into the CAS active channel antenna. The other was routed to an Simultaneous Track and Illumination Radar (STIR) that was taken from the MK 86 FCS typically on Spruance class destroyers. That gave the MK 92 two air and two surface fire control channels. Also, the SM-1 had a surface mode that switched the warhead from blast fragmentation to point detonation for better effect against ships. MK 76 gun. Better at AAW than the bigger guns due to rate of fire. It had a shorter ranger than the 5 inch but had a rate of fire of 80 rounds per minute and a water cooled barrel. It used three different rounds: a point detonation round for ships and shore targets, a radar controlled blast fragmentation and and infrared blast fragmentation for aircraft and missiles. Both AAW rounds had backup point det fuses. It could be fired visually, but with poor accuracy. Phalanx CIWS. The OHP FFG never received the Block B upgrade that had the TV camera tracking. Helicopters. We had the SH-2 Seasprite because of our short deck. It was not that capable. The SH-60 Seahawk. It could drop torpedoes, effective making the ASW system good for about 100 miles or so. It also had a radar that could be displayed on the ship combat displays via SHF Hawklink. It also has an electronic signal measurement system that could identify radars and relay that info back to the ship. Using active radar or passive ESM from an airborne helo allowed a ship to do its own third party targeting, making a Harpoon firing solution much much easier. The SH-60 also sometimes carried the Norwegian Penguin anti ship missile. They are not very effective. The SQS 56 bow mounted sonar was nicknamed Hellen Keller because it couldn't see shit. The tactical towed array however, still is the best towed array in the world. Awesome passive sub hunting device. The over the side torpedoes had limited range, but if a sub was close enough to take a shot at the ship, it was in range of the over the side torps. Electronic Warfare: the SLQ-32 came in several variants. One had active countermeasures the other did not. Sidekick was a bolt on accessory that gave the non-active SLQ-32s limited active capability. They were bolted on before deployments, and then taken off and given to a deploying ships. The SRBOC is a lot like the chaff on the DCS aircraft, only rocket launched. It was the electronic warfare operators job to select a course to come to before launching chaff. Otherwise, it would land back on the ship making it look like the size of Wisconsin on a radar seeker head. Comments as I listen to your narrative: Those guns are the 25mm bushmaster. There are remote operated versions, but those would be manually operated. Also FFGs usually only had them on one side and were only mounted when deployed. There were not part of the permanent ship's armament. The small bump on the flight deck is for RAST control. It allowed for launch and recovery in rough weather. The control tower is the windowed bump between and above the two hangar doors. The large dome in front is indeed the CAS portion of the MK 92. The aft dome is satellite telephone. Most FFGs did not get NULKA until the launcher was removed. Bucket things are satellite navigation antennas. The “crow's nest” as you call it was where the STIR fire control radar was mounted. I have no idea why it is not rendered in DCS. It's a big dish looking radar. Those “little places to stand” near the front top is where the signalmen raise and lower the semaphore flags (notice the flags painted on the side of the stands). The spinning small radar on the mast is the SPS-55. The one just above the bridge is either a Furuno or Raytheon civilian navigation radar. They have better resolution than the SPS-55 (albeit shorter range). But if you only use it to navigate and turn all of the other radars off, the enemy electronic warfare systems think you are a fishing boat and not a warship. Next to the Furuno is indeed two 50 cal machine guns. SLQ-32 antennas. The sidekick, when mounted, would be directly next to the antenna on each side. The “little huts” are Chaff rounds. Any white box on the decks is usually some kind of ammo locker. White reflects the sun and keeps the rounds cooler. The aerials aft by the CIWS are HF antennas. They lower to the horizontal position when shooting CIWS or the 76mm Ship to ship engagement. The OHP had an unrealistic number of Harpoons. Typically only four. The 76 mm cannot engage targets off of the bow. It has forward and aft firing cutouts. Aft shooting will hit the stack or CIWS (which has happened), forward would hit the BFT or LFT (big fucking tower and little fucking tower as they are known in fleet parlance). The missile launcher will also not fire aft. The OHP should have engaged the soviet pigs with SM-1s. Also, the 76mm was probably not out of ammo but reloading. It has a screwfeeder magazine that holds 80 rounds, one minute of shooting. Then the gun crew has to reload it. It can take a while to reload. The only way the SM-1 could fire at 40 miles, is if the intercept point is less than 25 miles away. Unrealistic CIWS engagement. If it fired at you, it would not miss you. And when it hit you, you would not survive. Anything you want to clarify on the OHP, feel free to ask.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
thx Tom will read as soon as I get a sec :)
@tspencer227 5 лет назад
Thanks, Chief! Nice to find another sailor in this thread.
@Firestorm2900 5 лет назад
Hello there, I was the help in the thread. I wanted to write a few responses and questions I was curious if the OTO had some AP shells onboard since it was mentioned it could fire them in the wiki, but I wasn't sure if the Navy considered having those rounds or not. I was having a hunch what DCS is doing with Naval Guns and knowing this might help my theory if they considered use of those shells. I am willing to admit I knew what band those whip antennas being HF and that those white boxes were chaff. I'm willing to admit I didn't know about why those lockers were white and that the whips rotated out of the way of the gun. I thought that was only used for flight ops on ships like the Spruance and Ticongderoga classes. I am somewhat concerned though about how much detail I should go into and I think I've been erring too much on the side of caution. I am curious though, what do you use for a rule stick to determine how much info is too much? I have to admit, I think I forgot about how the SMs could be used against surface targets, although I remember the Sea Sparrow (the OG one fired out of that box launcher) being said it can be used against surface ships as well, but not to great effect. I think they were comparing the Sea Sparrow to the Harpoons though, which isn't very fair I have to admit and I probably looked at the SM2s ability to do that in the same lens. I suppose the story Cap read though showed sometimes you don't need a sledgehammer warhead to deal with a target. About the SLQ-32, I have to get another look at it, but I'm wondering if it got an upgrade to the V(3) which has jamming built-in. That module seemed a bit large for what I was expecting, what do you think? Except I completely missed the boat on the towed sonar array. When reviewing the next ship planned, it started jogging my memory and reading some of the comments helped remind me on how the ASW game is played for the most part outside of facts like weapons ranges, which is an easy fix. Atrophy really set in on that one, and considering it was the specialty of the class I served, it has been slightly embarrassing. I hope to redeem myself with the next ship though.
@tspencer227 5 лет назад
@@Firestorm2900 nice! What ship is next?
@lohrtom 5 лет назад
@@Firestorm2900 Frankly, I cannot remember if any of the 76mm shells were AP. The point det rounds probably had a limited AP capability, like the nose of the harpoon having a bit of AP capability so that it penetrates the ship before exploding. Also forgot the BLP rounds, that had no explosives in them and were for shooting the killer tomato targets. The Sea Sparrow oddly enough totaled a Turkish frigate when it was accidentally hit with two Sparrows fired from and aircraft carrier. They hit the bridge, killed the Captain and others. We gave them an old Knox class frigate as compensation. I guess that shows it is a matter of where the missile hits as well. Also, the Sparrow was a crappy air to air missile. So naturally, the Navy decided to adapt it for surface to air defense and call it the Sea Sparrow. We used to call it the Sea Chicken. It was a total waste really. Then, they got serious about upgrading it. Now, the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) looks totally different, has over twice the range and is a very capable weapon. A DDG fired one recently at an antiship missile fire at it from Yemen. Plus, you can fit 4 into one VLS cell. Those HF antennas probably were lowered for flight ops. I can't recall. We lowered them for CIWS and 76MM shoots, but in actual combat we wouldn't worry about it. The odds of hitting one was pretty low. We also had to lowered the port and starboard life lines on each side of the 76mm gun so the barrel didn't hit it. Coincidently, Oto Melera was offering a Super Oto Melera that shot 120 rounds per minute. Not sure if it ever went into production. As far as information, I always err on the side of caution. Anything I discuss can be found publicly if researched well enough. There are some things I leave out. For example, Cap wanted to know how many harpoons are needed to sink a Moskva. All of the harpoon quantities and strategies have been researched and are available in a classified publication in any CIC. So, while I know exactly how many harpoons a ship should shoot, that's something I will not divulge. Since the OHP is decommissioned, little about its actual capabilities is still classified. There were big plans to upgrade it. Mainly the Coherent Receiver/Transmitter (CORT) for the MK 92. Once the Clinton administration was elected, those upgrades, and many others, were cancelled. There was recent talk of reactivating the 8 or so we still have in storage to bolster fleet numbers. I was sweating it because as a naval retiree, I could be called back to help reactivate the ships (it happened when we reactivated the Iowa class battleships). About a year ago it was decided it was not cost effective to recommission the remaining OHPs. As far as the Stark is concerned. The TAO did get a raw deal. However they were not ready to be where the were. In the Gulf, one should never let their guard down. We had many close near/combat encounters during my tours during "peacetime" in the gulf. In a weird turn of events. One of the ships that came to the aid of the Stark was the USS Waddell (DDG-24), which is the same ship the TAO and I has served together.
@AdurianJ 5 лет назад
During Sinkex the ship is generally emptied of stuff that can burn or explode unlike a ship in service.
@tspencer227 5 лет назад
...and also crew who would be fighting fires, shoring up hull damage, and otherwise keeping the ship afloat and able to stay in the game longer. The fact that both the Roberts and the Stark survived, were able to make it to friendly ports under their own power, and were returned to service later, speaks to both their construction and the skill and dedication of their crews (damage control training is pretty much constant in the Navy).
@tspencer227 5 лет назад
Frigates were named after Naval heroes. In the case of USS Gary, she was named after Donald Gary, who earned the medal of honor after the massive fire that took place aboard USS Franklin in 1945. SINKEX == Sink Exercise. RIMPAC is an annual exercise that west coast US Navy units take part in, playing with various other Pacific rim nations. The Patriot's Point Maritime Museum in Charleston, SC has a Talos missile on display, if you're ever in that area (it's where the CV Yorktown and DD Laffey are on display). SHP = Shaft Horsepower. It's a unit based on the torque generated on a rotating shaft. And if I remember correctly, one of the turbines is for propulsion, the other is for electrical power generation. Served with a guy who was on the Elrod, who told me a funny story about the time they lost their rudder in the south Pacific. Automated guns on the beam are the Bushmasters. The M2's will be crew-operated.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
thx Sir
@Wildfire86872 5 лет назад
Iraq had 88 Mirage F-1's and a couple of Super Etendards. Nice to see it in DCS. Before the only game you could control an OHP in was Dangerous Waters.
@Etyneo1984 5 лет назад
SHP = Shaft Horsepower, not ship horsepower. The term is the same for helos as well. OHP got screwed by Cap. It's main gun is a broadside weapon, not capable of firing that far forward or aft, so the Soviet DD had free shooting. Soviet DD not hit as much likely because the OHP's fire control radar was damaged/destroyed, so less accuracy.
@Krubarax 5 лет назад
Remember. the ships are classified as "Warehouses" which means they are never really "winchester" (unless you limit munitions available in the settings) They will just take some time to reload themselves and they are good to go again. Unknown if they have to remain stationary to reload though.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
Interesting thx
@AdurianJ 5 лет назад
The SLQ-32 is a whole family of ELINT and Cuntermeasure systems where the version generally decides the size of the installation as almost every US Navy combatant has these. But Ships like Carriers have the biggest and best systems and Frigates have the smaller and more limited systems.
@brianeckland7913 5 лет назад
Were you an EW?
@AdurianJ 5 лет назад
@@brianeckland7913 no i just read about the system after i read a story about USS Iowa jamming a Swedish coastal battery in the 80s. Im one of those guys who actually reads the refferenes in books
@GutkowskiMarek 5 лет назад
76,2mm OTO-Makarena (Yes I know I spelled it wrong) is 3-inch gun. Not the best for anti-ship work. That caliber of weapons mostly disappeared from warships around the turn of the XIX and XX century. It made a comeback as a AA weapon right after WWII. It was big enough stuff a VT(proximity fused) shells in and small enough that it, even then, could lob a shell at enemy plane very second or just about. As for why it didn't do much to the Russian FFG. Its has a warhead the same diameter as the RPG-7. The Small Russian ship is still the size of a building. As for why the OHP got so damaged, maybe it's only because OHP has a better Model in DCS, but the Nieustraszny has 100mm or 4 inch gun on it. One inch does make a difference. ;) As for what a Corvette is. In DCS you have a Tarantul class Corvette. Nasty little buggers with their big Moskit ASHM.
@FalcoGer 3 года назад
Towed sonar arrays have a distinct advantage in that they are not on board the ship. The surface of the sea is cluttered and noisy and the ship bashing through the waves isn't helping either. Ship, hull mounted passive sonar sucks especially in rough seas and/or on the move. On top of that sonar can not penetrate the thermocline layer where salinity, temperature and pressure create a refractive index difference for sound (see sound-speed-profile). A submarine could possibly dive underneath that layer and remain undetected. Typical depths for such a layer is 100-500 ft. Another disadvantage of hull mounted sonar is the noise of the ship itself. There is a massive dead zone behind the sonar (where the ship is), giving about 280° coverage with about 80° blind spot. The towed sonar can be streamed and it sinks to a depth determined by the speed and cable length. The cable can be very long. The sonar can dip beneath the thermocline layer. On top of that the sonar is streamlined and far away from any noise sources apart from the liquid streaming past it so you will only get a little bit of broadband noise from the flow of the water. Another advantage is that you can use the parallax between the hull sonar and the towed array to measure distance from passive sonar only. A major disadvantage of the towed array is that it does give a false contact for every real one mirrored along it's longitudinal axis. You can resolve those contacts by context (for example you're near a coast, the contact couldn't be on land) or by maneuvering. The real contact will stay where it is, the mirror image will have a massive bearing rate change. Another disadvantage is that the towed array will take time to change course after the ship did, possibly giving confusing readings. And of course it's a cable in the water. You can't reverse with the sonar streamed. To bait torpedoes there is the AN/SLQ-25 Nixie towed torpedo decoy.
@isotaan 5 лет назад
The Perry frigates (aka OHPs) were retired without a replacement. They were old and obsolete and needed to go. Unfortuantely, the Navy didn't have a proper replacement for them, so every mission that the Perrys were doing has to be done by a Arleigh Burke destroyer. There are couple of ship classes that maybe kinda-sorta can be considered a Frigate called the Littoral Combat Ship (Freedom-class and Independence-class), but they didn't enter service until long after the OHPs were decommissioned. IMHO, the LCS's are one of the worst naval warship procurement projects in the US Navy's history. It would be scandalous if the media knew or cared of just how bad these ships are.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
@Lysurgic 5 лет назад
found the navy geek
@isotaan 5 лет назад
@@Lysurgic I'm a military buff :)
@Mariner311 2 года назад
I would disagree with the obsolete - the "big" drawback was that the Congressional members in charge of upgrades/procurement were in love with the Burke, enamored with the Zumwalt, and drooled over the dumb Littoral Combat Shits (ships in name only). The OHP had a relatively shallow draft, 2 helicopters and COULD have been given a small VLS to replace the old SM-1 launcher. I'm GLAD that some of the class went to Allies - and sad that many of the different boats I deployed to on the West Coast were SUNKEX - though an honorable end to train missile launching folks.
@Francisco_CS 5 лет назад
Mirage F-1...
@Senor0Droolcup 5 лет назад
Thank you for doing the Combined Arms tutorials! I really appreciate this. You're the right person for this.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
Thx Brian
@Mariner311 2 года назад
Oh - and the Bushmaster was only on MEF (Middle East Force) boats (in the 80s-90s), and was usually ONLY on the startboard side - curiously - it was usually manned by the Air Detachment (gunner was the aircrewman NOT in the aircraft). The tall whip antenna over the helo-hangar were HF antenna and lowered for flight or gun operations... because hitting the damned antenna with a helicopter rotor HURTS the ship and aircraft (ask one of my damned pilots).
@xemon1992 5 лет назад
Few words about some technology. Towed array sonars are great. They have many adventages - TAS is isolated from the ship, so in contrast with hull sonars which are a bit disturbed by own ship sounds and water sparkling created by ship movement, so TAS have usually far greater range. As another adventages I could mention area of coverage. Hull sonar is blind backwards cos there are propellers which create huge amount of noise. TAS solves this problem. There are kind of TAS called variable depth sonars (VDS), which allows using towed sonar for example under thermocline. And if you remember how important is thermocline in reflecting sounds and hiding submarines from surface ships, you can see how great tool is it when combating enemy subs. Of course they have some disadventages, which is usage in shallow waters. I don't know exactly why, probably because of fear crashing TAS into bottom or so much differently reflected noise from ragged bottom. There is great story from cold war about one towed array sonar. Don't know exactly why (probably because testing capability and of course some inspiration for own TAS), but NATO (exactly GB) wanted piece of soviet TAS and come with totally crazy so crazy stuff. They prepared sub (HMS Conqueror) with some modifications - large cutter, arms and some cameras. And after preparations sub creeped towars soviet ship and with cutters and arms they sucesfully cut off TAS and take it into own naval base within. That totally crazy idea was sucesfull and they survived it (if soviet detected it, they probably sunk the submarine). So be proud on your Royal navy. If you want more detailed info on this insane mission try to google it. And few words about Neustrashimyy-class (oh man you are probably better on pronouncing of this word than me :D) frigate. You were right, they carry no ASM (except one ship in this class), because they are intended to use as anti-submarine warfare ships (they have VDS, Vodopad (waterfall) anti sub missile/torpedo (simmilar to SUBROC, but soviet use this extensively in contrast with US) + of course ASW helicopter (probably Ka-25 or 27)). You mentioned that Moskva was not good at anti-submarine warfare. You were right, it suck in it, because this class of ships is always accompanied by other ASW ships and copters. Ship of cruiser size rarelly sail alone. But you mention that Neustrashimyy have no CIWS... you couldn't stay further from the truth :D. They have 2x Kortik (in west better known as Kashtan) CIWS. Probably best CIWS of the era and definietly one of the best nowadays. It have two 30mm gatling guns with 4500 rpm ... EACH! But that's not all. It have integrated 8x close range AAM for better defence. But that's still not all, probably not at Neustrashimyy class, but on bigger ships it have under deck large rotary magazine for additional 32 missile. It's fuck*ng owerpowered, overkill insane beast. It use radar and electro-optronic control system for engaging targets. I'm not sure if it's fully modeled in DCS, but it's really havoc wreaking beast with kill probability 0.96-0.99 (ok it's official statement, but it still must be great). On Neustrashimyy you can see these on both sides of hangar. I hope I have bought some new useful information and I'm looking forward to new videos.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
Thx X
@Firestorm2900 5 лет назад
@@grimreapers Yes, you gave some really nice info. Facts on the Neustrashimyy-class seems a bit fragmented compared to other ships. Also, I'll be mentioning about the thermocline a few things about ASW when I get the chance next. I think atrophy has set in on me more than I thought and reading through these is helping bring a few thing back to light. Thanks for the post. Neat story about the towed sonar array too, I can imagine that being very complicated to pull off.
@FalcoGer 3 года назад
Those ship launched lightweight torpedoes have a very shit range. About 15nmi or so. The mk48 heavy weight torpedo can easily do triple that.
@hadijaffri9856 5 лет назад
Pakistan operates one of these frigates ..they were overhauled and refurbished and commissioned inot PN as "alamgir" It is due to retire in 2020
@AdurianJ 5 лет назад
Terrier and Talos are 1950's missiles while Tartar is early 60's, all missiles underwent significant upgrades during their service later all missiles where replaced with the Standard Missile family of SM1 and SM2 missiles with Tartar being replaced with baseline missiles while the Terrier where replaced with extended range missiles. All the Talos ships except USS Long Beach where decomissioned and she already had two Terrier launchers so the Talos launcher was just deleted in favor of Tomahawk launchers. Google the Talos missile it's not small !
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
Thx AJ you mother
@lohrtom 5 лет назад
The old Talos missiles were converted to Vandal targets drones. There were EXTREMELY hard to shoot down due to their speed. The one time we actually locked onto one, by the time we were ready to fire, it had been purposely crashed into the see because our intercept would have been too close. Once the Aegis system debuted, they were shot down with more frequency.
@nikoplanes774 Год назад
u can change the hull number on the ship via skins, these are in the base game actually, just like u would change the design on planes
@baconx4 5 лет назад
4x M2 Brownings and 2x 25mm Bushmasters near torp tubes.
@liammarra4003 3 года назад
The Iraq plane that attacked the, USS Stark, was actually a heavily modified French Dassault Falcon 50 business jet. I believe it was hauling two Exocet ASM.
@grimreapers 3 года назад
@metaforest 5 лет назад
I've given you guys shit before about how little you understand radar... If you get some mass and a ship bay. The radar gets really good! Aircraft radar sucks because it has to be low power, small and light weight. And that fucks with the physics of radar. Some of the best radar innovations require a lot of power, space and weight!!
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
Affirm thanks
@Z09SS 5 лет назад
Mirage F1 fired the missile that hit Stark.
@trentbyington1449 5 лет назад
Angus McThag I thought a upgraded Dassault Falcon 50 did it
@eddisoncampbell6785 5 лет назад
The USS Thach mentioned USS Thach (FFG 43) had been stripped of all weapons and fuel etc. so even though it took major damage there was no risk of secondary explosions doing damage to the ship. Saying that, it also has zero damage control or fire control onboard during sinking so that may be a factor as well.
@jasonosmond6896 5 лет назад
They also weld all the hatches shut. This ensures the ship is completely compartmentalized.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
roger good point ^^
@bmw540i 5 лет назад
I thought DD was for destroyers??
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
it is, we have no idea why it says that there?
@ryanpayne9119 5 лет назад
51:26: Someone get the cook, give him an M16, and send him over to the Russian ship. Boarders away.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
@TaffenFelspar 4 года назад
SINKEX = Sink Exercise
@PracticalReformation 5 лет назад
Just as an FYI the Exocets that hit the Stark would have been carried by Mirage F1’s. Edit: looked it up they were in fact Mirage F1’s. The missile came in from a blind spot in the sensors apparently? The CIWS didn’t even activate. This may be of interest to your pilots if this blind spot is simulated in the game.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
Yes this is interesting DB
@Firestorm2900 5 лет назад
@@grimreapers About this, I never mentioned it in the video but the Iraqis used a modified a Falcon 50 business jet to launch the missiles and the captain appears to never have activated it's defense systems during the attack. Also at the time the Mirage was claimed to not be able to fire the Exocets which made things even more confusing.
@lohrtom 5 лет назад
The CIWS was having maintenance done at the time. They turned off the ASCM alarm because it kept "going off." The Tactical Action Officer on the Stark that day had previously served as the Nuclear Weapons Officer on a destroyer with me. Good man. Bad circumstances. FYI, only one Exocet warhead exploded. The major damage was caused by the fires ignited by the unspent rocket fuel.
@Firestorm2900 5 лет назад
@@lohrtom Thanks for the clarification. The way the Stark entry was worded in Wikipedia made it seem like there was some negligence stating things like the SRBOC was not armed until a few seconds before missile impact and having CWIS on standby without about any sort of reason why. Made me want to read the report the USS Stark's wiki Missile Attack section cites. In the report that's cited, it states the CIWS was actually degraded and the Radar Video Processing/Automatic Detection and Tracking system was down. It's in pages 25-26 of the report . Also, they never reported these systems with a CASREP (Causality Report, you use these to report when something is broke and I think request parts for repair), probably should have. Really seems like the TAO got dealt a bad hand. I also remember in GQ drills having incidents involving missiles that had a fuel leak, and.I think I remember hearing that some fuels that can burn so hot it can melt metal. Brutal stuff.
@PracticalReformation 5 лет назад
Tom Lohr thanks for the reply. I was curious about the details as it would seem like a major flaw if the Wikipedia article was right. This makes more sense. I’m confused though about why the CIWS would be down for maintenance in dangerous waters. My uninformed mind would say that if a ships primary defenses were down then you get back out into open waters where no one is around then fix the problem.
@FalcoGer 3 года назад
Hull classifications work by a 2 letter code appended with letters describing it. For example DD is a destroyer, FF is a frigate, CV is a carrier, BB is a battleship. Append G for guided missile, N for nuclear. So a CVN-76 is a nuclear powered aircraft carrier and a DDG is a guided missile destroyer.
@tonylabbe6690 4 года назад
I wish I had seen this video sooner. I served on the USS Gary as a sonar tech.
@grimreapers 4 года назад
@patientmental875 4 года назад
At 38:00 how do you get that camera angle
@krasp28 5 лет назад
I only know this because I was JUST playing around with one of those ships and some helicopters in DCS, when you got in close with the F15 it wasn't the big 76mm gun that shot you, it was those automated 25mm Bushmasters (they're not M2's like you thought) that are on either side. And those things are absolutely deadly against helos lol. If you look closely at the very end of your video you can see the fire coming from them, it's obviously a different rate of fire from the M2
@국방밀덕 2 года назад
where can I find this EDM file anyone knows let me know!! please?????
@lohrtom 5 лет назад
Also, the new Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) should not be named as a frigate replacement. They are their own class and total POSs. They could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag. The contract for a new class of 20 frigates will be awarded at the end of this year.
@TechGamer45 5 лет назад
The Russian ship model is old and therefor has no proper damage modelling.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
ya agree
@Mariner311 2 года назад
USS Rueben James (FFG-57, USS Curts (FFG-38), and USS Gary (FFG-51) were the ships I deployed on... and bounced on virtually every Fig deck on the West Coast in the mid 80s to late 90s. We did ship / group escort, small group ASW, and missile sponge.
@cornbread5144 5 лет назад
*** Good information. If the Frigate is close , it will use its CIWS on land targets. ... Also, you can sink the ship with tanks... :)
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
I wish I tried the CIWS against the tanks
@GutkowskiMarek 5 лет назад
@@grimreapers I an older ED game Flanker 2.51 the CIWS did fire at sea targets. It was really fun to place a Kuznetzov in the middle of a dinky little torpedo boat swarm and watch it annihilate them in short order. No idea about DCS.
@ByynDawg 4 года назад
Oliver Hazard Perry ''Frigate'' Him: ''Frigett''
@boingobadger9846 4 года назад
Differences between accents I guess
@stephenwoods4118 5 лет назад
your gun is masked by the superstructure.
@grimreapers 5 лет назад
@AdurianJ 5 лет назад
In the old world before the Metric system all countries had their own weights and measures Long Ton is just an old British designation of a Ton that's not exactly the weight of a Metric Ton. And apparently the US measures ship weights in Long Ton's. A good example of what I'm talking about is to look up the measurement "foot" you'll see that every country has a different measurement that's roughly in the vicinity of everyone else though.
@Firestorm2900 5 лет назад
Yes, after the video I learned there are three tons out there British Tons are Long Tons at 2240lbs US Tons are Short Tons at 2000lbs And Metric Tons at 2204lbs, or 1000Kgs, also called tonne.
@callsignnictmere465 5 лет назад
Excellent I have learned alot. Thank you. Thumbs up!
@Mariner311 2 года назад
Towed Array Sonar was the BOMB - especially if you had 2-3 boats in the group/array - the unit is a LONG cable that is towed behind and below the ship... getting it away from the ship and surface providing "acoustically clean" water for PASSIVE search. And of course, with several ships using towed array at the right spacing/distance, we could triangulate a possible contact quickly. The Towed operators were some EXCELLENT Sonar operators, and I used to pop down to their space to learn... I was an airborne operator in the Seahawk and our systems were pretty sparse back in the mid-80s (using a 1970s era computer).
@davidrobertson4332 2 месяца назад
Sadly when I got to an Perry FFG in 1994 the cold war ended and they treated Sonar Operator like dog crap and pretty much gave up on ASW for 30 years after at least on the surface.
@joaomateus2870 Год назад
Very good
@bismarcksandiego6539 8 месяцев назад
I was stationed on the McClusky 41 in Yokosuka (90-93)and the Rentz 46 in San Diego (93-95). The Iraqi airplane was a converted private jet, and yes we could use the SM1 to hit land/ship targets.
@bismarcksandiego6539 8 месяцев назад
And I was a Mk92 tech.
@bismarcksandiego6539 8 месяцев назад
The egg up front, top is part of the Mk 92 FCS, CAS (combined antenna system) a 25nm search and 25nm track radar. On the platform in front of the gun, was STIR (Seperate Tracking Illumination Radar) that was 50nm (it's not shown in this model)
@rvsteve583 3 месяца назад
ffg= fast frigate guided missle.
@AdurianJ 5 лет назад
As the army always say the navy is not a Service branch it's a dress code !
@tspencer227 5 лет назад
Huh. I've never actually heard that one.
@Firestorm2900 5 лет назад
@@tspencer227 Yea, us service types have... unique nicknames for each other. :)
@tspencer227 5 лет назад
@@Firestorm2900 I mean, I was Navy for 9 years, my Granddad and several aunts and uncles were career Army (made Thanksgivings interesting), and I don't think I ever heard that. I'll have to tell them they need to step up their game. :)
@tommasofrisone2643 5 лет назад
@jasonc5781 5 лет назад
The Neustrashimyy class does have CIWS. Its located on both sides near the rear radome, Kashtans CIWS apparently.
@dylan4964 5 лет назад
Finally someone who knows enough about a ship that they dont need to baby sit a wiki page.
@meansartin 5 лет назад
The LCS is absolute garbage. The Navy quit building them
@lamboman 5 лет назад
That is an absolute lie. For example, the USS Oakland (LCS-24) is currently under construction and had its keel laid down last year. Or go to the Navy's website for confirmation that they are still building them. www.navy.mil/navydata/fact_display.asp?cid=4200&ct=4&tid=1650 They may not be good but anyone that isn't completely stupid can search and see that the Navy hasn't stopped their construction. In fact, there are some with contracts recently awarded and in the pre-production phase.
@lohrtom 5 лет назад
@@lamboman Very true. Although I wish they would quit building them. What a waste. Better use of funds would be to at at least 10 more hulls to the upcoming new FFG. I had no respect for the LCS, but nearly threw up when they named one after Gabriella Giffords.
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