
Corinna Cohn: Homosexuality and the Gender-questioning student. 

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Corinna Cohn was diagnosed with gender identity disorder at age 15 and started gender transition at age 17. After living more than a decade without disclosing her transsexual status to friends, Corinna started speaking publicly about her experience. Since 2013, Corinna has been a blogger and commentator on personal development as a transsexual. Corinna has written about her life experience for The Washington Post, among other places, and hosts the podcast Heterodorx. Corinna is active in the Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network and serves on the advisory board for Rethinkime.org.



6 ноя 2022




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@blakefrancisboggs7526 Год назад
Corina is officially my new favorite person to listen to speak about trans issues.
@blakefrancisboggs7526 Год назад
I'm a gender non-conforming lesbian who in many ways feels an identification with this new gender movement, even though I find them fundamentally reality denying. I'm so glad Corinna is speaking on this subject in depth! I'm especially grateful that she is talking about gay people often being gender non-conforming and that that is a part of being gay! It is a personality difference, imo, that is not solely about being same-sex attracted. I think the gay movement's insistence that being gay is only about sexual and romantic attraction, and has nothing to do with a person's masculinity or femininity, has inadvertently led many people straight down the trans path as an explanation for why they are gender non-conforming.
@lizicadumitru9683 3 месяца назад
Is that what the gay community really teaches that sexual orientation is only in the realm of their sexuality and not mindset or how they present either more feminine or masculine?!
@oliverc1961 10 месяцев назад
Corinna is remarkable, so articulate and thoughtful and kind. I wish her every imaginable bit of good luck.
@miroirs-jumeaux 5 месяцев назад
8:04 Rearrangement is a good choice of word! Lends itself to a backronym for SRS surgery (Slice, Rearrange and Sew).
@ChristinaChrisR Год назад
I wanna thank you so much Corinna. I’ve heard you talk with others on many occasions but never heard your own story.
@jvee8489 Год назад
So enlightening- the social pressure on kids & young adults to identify out of the “oppressor class” is more intense than many adults realize.
@matthewkopp2391 Год назад
I was in a men‘s group which had men who were gay straight and bisexual, with diversity of race, religious and political affiliation. The group was Jungian inspired and was about coming to terms with shadow projections we may have onto others. Which in general fostered self acceptance, broadening a sense of self, and greater tolerance of diversity. From what I have seen in LGBT is the creation of an identity fortress and echo chamber tribalism. I don’t consider the mythopoetic men‘s movement perfect, but it was a healthier movement that accepted feminine and gay men into a broader men‘s community. It was routinely ridiculed by feminists for „reinforcing the patriarchy“. When it was actually doing work towards a greater more loving vital development of men. I am now clearer as to what the other agenda really is about maintaining identity tribalism.
@johnvahl762 4 месяца назад
This is why the Marxist influence is so damaging. It only seeks to divide people into groups to keep them angry and to stop them from freely associating as individuals.
@westcoastblue Год назад
This is incredibly interesting and helpful, thank you both for this interview!
@jcimsn8464 Год назад
You are a beautiful young person. Thank you for sharing your experience and insights. Sending love
@AlbertPaysonTerhune 5 месяцев назад
I don't like to see people pathologize themselves like this. It's self-indulgent, but also causes harm to oneself.
@lizicadumitru9683 3 месяца назад
I really do forget about the 18-24 year range of people who are looking into these things....man!
@erichamilton3373 Год назад
What Candice said about postponing coming to terms with sexuality rings very true considering what seems to be instability in a non-binary identity.
@Clareffic Год назад
Ack a bub. I'm so sorry to hear you had this experience in the nineties and naughties. To not accept that gay and lesbian relationships are normal must be awful for you. X
@Clareffic Год назад
Holy smokes. Reacting to the video in live time. To tell you that the artificially engineered stereotypical female is the preferred option of men is interesting in itself.
@gilltrewick5219 Год назад
Such an unhappy story, thank you for sharing. A real awakening
@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Год назад
Male or female is determined by gender located in the brain. I am Elijah of Malachi 4: 5-6 so any discrepancies in the Bible are decided by me. Matthew 19:12 says God prefers same-sex relationships. Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex but opposite in regards to gender.
@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Год назад
Anyone that deletes the messages from the messenger of Malachi 3:1 rejects Jesus and will automatically die with the wicked. Anybody collecting money for ministering or teaching that same sex marriage is a sin when it is not is now blacked out from the holy Spirit and part of the Great Tribulation that started September 1st. Malachi 2 proves Malachi 3:8 is prophetic instruction for the thieving ministers to return the money and God will end covid. Apparently the ministers or I should say the fake ministers love money so much they would rather kill people than repent.
@lizicadumitru9683 3 месяца назад
​@@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8say wha...
@miroirs-jumeaux 5 месяцев назад
Cori's 17 years older than me‽
@spandangle334 Год назад
Corrina ... how do i contact you ??? P.s thank you for being so brave .. fuck all the bullshit .. i want everyone to feel happy in their body ... sadly its often so many things in a persons life that makes them depressed 😢 but it seems that these kids depressed kids are being hijact into feeling that gender change will be their be all and end all ... and i feel that those who truely are trans will be pushed aside 😢 just like the whole mental health issue .... people are being offered all these " im depressed badges " that it draws every tom dic and harry into thinking " hey im suffering with mental health " to the point its embarssing ... to the point that the real suffering wont come forward in fear of being labled of being a person whos just having a bad day coz their child benifit payment is a day late ..meaning they cant go clubbing 🤷‍♂️.... its dangerous to make it seem like being in these situations is celibrated .... coz it attracts so many people who shouldnt even be in this topic ( sorry im bad at explaning things ) its like a free for all of " hey im confused i must be trans " and sadly those who really are trans get washed aside 😢 im a white straight guy and im worried that those who really will need help wont get it because its become so cool like air jordans ... ie its hard to get a pair that everyone else likes .... for sure im 100% behind anyone who is feeling like they are in the wrong body and as a big loud proud straight guy can only imagine how hard it must be for others ....... but thats why ive reached out here as im not tech savi and dont know how else to reach out 😢 but im reaching out to you in hope you here me .... coz ive some ideas that i 100% believe i can help out ❤ 💪
@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Год назад
Male or female is determined by gender located in the brain. Matthew 19:12 says God prefers same-sex relationships for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.
@samcataldo4278 Год назад
@daveshangar6820 Год назад
I don't know where you got that interpretation of Matthew 19:12 but you are off your rocker! It has nothing to do with same-sex relationships! There is nothing wrong with having close relationships with the same sex as long as it doesn't become sexual. e.g. kissing, caressing, laying with, etc. Some people may choose celibacy for the kingdom of Heaven's sake; in order to avoid all the responsibilities and encumbrances of a marriage in order to devote more to carrying the gospel of Christ to the rest of the world. Additionally, this verse cannot be used to support the idea of people being born as homosexuals because of how the term eunuch is used in its three instances, as well as its overall context. First of all, Jesus is speaking about marriage and divorce, not about homosexuality. Remember, marriage was a social expectation in the Jewish culture. Therefore, we must look at this in the context of biblical marriage which would necessitate a denial of homosexuality. Secondly, consider also that the word eunuch is used three times in the verse, which suggests three kinds of men who are given to not marry. The first two usages were already familiar to the disciples. Jesus mentions that those who are eunuchs from birth; that is they were either incapable of marriage (i.e. a physical deformity which prohibited having children) or have no desire to marry. The second is speaking of physical castration. Such eunichs were often used in guarding harems. The third is a new category: those who choose to be single for the kingdom of God. In both cases there is not even a suggestion that people are born with a homosexual orientation. Never be tricked into believing that God accepts homosexual behavior. He does not. God loves homosexuals but he hates sin!!
@matthewkopp2391 Год назад
I don’t believe a monogamous same sex relationship is a sin and I can defend that position based on the context of Corinthians. But I think your opinion in regards to the Eunach saying is in error. Origen of Alexandria did become a Eunach and he regretted the surgery, and wrote that anyone who takes the verse literally is a fool, and became one of the greatest advocate for allegorical interpretation over literal interpretations of Scripture. It is also note worthy that Origen chose Castration because of heterosexual lust. There is an ancient correlation between those who became Eunachs and effeminacy, Philo actually complained of effeminate Eunachs which demonstrates gender conformity in his era. I agree with Origen’s advocacy for allegorical interpretations. I will add that Biblical literalism is just as symptomatic as transgender „literalists“ because both mistake a psychic/spiritual phenomena as literal fact rather than as transcendent symbolism. Such an attitude I consider idolatry in the same way Isaiah did. Christian literalism IS just as childish as transgender people insisting on a literal interpretation of their fantasy. Both groups refuse to become mature adults.
@elijahmalachi45-6dieker8 Год назад
@@matthewkopp2391 I'm Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6 and that means I have the final say on any discrepancies in the Bible. Matthew 19:12 Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused. Those that choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex but opposite in gender. Male and female is determined by gender attached to the soul not sex characteristics. Jesus was a female man returning as a dark-skinned female woman in a lesbian relationship with a male woman.
@johnvahl762 4 месяца назад
Don't just pull a verse out of context. That statement is about eunuchs (castrated men) in regard to marriage and divorce. You have to read all of Mathew 19, or at least verses 3-22 together.
@mullofcuntire58t Год назад
Let me tell you a funny story about this festering stank of a gash that had split my groin open. -Corinna
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