
Council admits LTNs haven't solved traffic problems as residents face long wait for jams to ease 

Charlotte Briere-Edney
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A week after I revealed Oxfordshire County Council spent £73,000 on fixing damaged barriers - the Council has accepted its controversial low traffic neighbourhoods are creating divisions - and haven’t solved Oxford’s congestion problems.
This week, I've been taking a closer look at how the LTNs are affecting people in Oxford - and sat down with the councillor in charge of our roads.



29 июл 2024




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@patrickfarrell4751 Год назад
Try delivering what people actually want rather than policies that you want and force them to have!
@matros1493 Год назад
Exactly the council should serve and obey the people, not viceversa!
@johnmicheal3547 Год назад
The correct answer is stop trying. People don't need government to babysit them and baby guard them from all danger. People need to live more than safety in everything.
@johnmicheal3547 Год назад
Btw, people have no clue what they want.
@truthandfreedom8145 Год назад
@@matros1493 totally 👍 Governments have got well out of line in last 3 years and as you say - they work for us and do what we want ...... Not the other way round!!!! People are actually like owner slaves ATM !!!!!
@MMCPN Год назад
Yeah good luck with that👍🏾 most councils are there to oppress the people
@gjs321 Год назад
Patronising official "people need to understand..." People understand ok and they don't want LTN's
@mikewade777 Год назад
Yes we do want LTNs
@stealthblox3057 Год назад
I want them too :)
@Zefukey Год назад
It doesn’t take a genius to work out if you force people to double or triple the amount of miles they have to do to complete the same journey it’s going to increase traffic jams and pollution.
@kaikorzonek922 Год назад
Actually if you look at cities like in the Netherlands you'll see that increasing distance can make less traffic jams as more people switch to alternative forms of transit. It also makes the street less polluted and safer to be for things like kids cycling or playing outside
@1aberbeeg Год назад
You are assuming that the people serving on councils have sense. Sadly they do not and as for increasing distances means less traffic jams and pollution , how the hell do they work that out, when there are more cars on less available roads to use ?
@taurus8263 Год назад
Because the agenda is not traffic control, it is people's enslavement
@antonioalonso2986 Год назад
@@kaikorzonek922 Congrats!!, you'll be foerever young and healthy, never have childs, and you wont need to carry anything. Why the hell you'll need to go far outside? with homeworking, delivery services and videocalls to talk to your family, you could stay forever in your neighbourhood, so If you don't need a car, nobody should. Did I nailed it?
@leeadder2105 Год назад
​@@kaikorzonek922 no thanks I'd rather drive in my dry warm comfy car not some smelly late crowded overpriced public transport
@georgemorgan8056 Год назад
There clearly is a problem with all this,and its the arrogance and over reach of these dictatorial public servants.
@paulshea7022 Год назад
If everyone refused to pay their council tax what could the council do ? lock every resident up??
@MrEdrftgyuji Год назад
They will ignore the people they approve of and only prosecute those that they have petty grievances with.
@ultimateoutdoors4659 Год назад
Just vote them out and replace with independents. It’s public apathy that allows these dictators to reign supreme!
@sgillard960 Год назад
No, but they will sell your property to recover debts.
@TransGirlx Год назад
@@ultimateoutdoors4659 we do since the cancel really really wanted them like london oxford haggty everywhere we go LTNS LTNS LTNS LTNS LTNS EVERYWHERe it taked me 5 minutes to getto my school in marston now it taked 1hr with a detation dayly
@ffff7164 Год назад
They will freeze your bank accounts, send in the tanks and “disappear” people.
@bert1274 Год назад
There is NO mandate for this, the public must ignore it, refuse all fines and if required react aggressively to these councillors on the doorsteps of their homes.
@contessa.adella Год назад
Yes. They all have neighbours and all go shopping etc. Imo..the general public should be pointing at them in the street and making their lives ‘difficult’…shops and other privately owned places should refuse them entry and eating out should be impossible. Until people start showing their displeasure nothing will change. These suits genuinely believe their culpability for decisions made at their desk stops at 5pm, then they go home happy and carefree….you must never remonstrate with them privately.
@douglastodd1947 Год назад
Bert Nowhere does it state in the Magna Carta 1215 that you thee Living Breathing Flesh and Blood Sovereign Man or Woman are Liable to Support , Fund or Pay Taxes of any sort, Taxes are Voluntary and need your Consent, No Corporation are above these Unalienable Rights, a Lien can not be put on these Rights that is what it means UN-A-LIEN -ABLE. Councils are committing Malfeasance in Public Office Councils have been issued with notices of Malfeasance , Councils are acting Fraudulently whether knowingly or unknowingly, Common Law =Law of the Land, Unalienable Rights which is basically Do No One No Harm, Cause No One No Loss, Be Honourable In Your Agreements, which are not difficult to remember, unlike All Acts & Statutes Passed by Parliament, these Unalienable Rights are Inherent and can't be Transferred or Surrendered and are always Above any Statute or Act as long as you Do Not Give Your Consent, the difference between what is Legal and what is Lawful is massive ,although we're lead to believe they're one and the same, they are not , Lawful is Common Law the Law of the Land, Legal are Acts & Statutes Passed by Parliament which need Your Consent for the Acts/ Statutes to be Law on the Person that Consents, So the simple answer is Do Not Consent if you haven't caused No One Any Harm or LOSS then there is No Crime being Committed,, the Reason to use NO ONE , because these are the words used in the Magna Carta 1215, Article 40states = to NO ONE WILL WE SELL, to NO ONE WILL WE REFUSE or DELAY RIGHT of JUSTICE
@GS44691 Год назад
Cool. As long as you don't mind pedestrians coming to your door and workplace mob handed and being aggressive to you and your loved ones. I'm up for it. Let's see how far we can escalate the threats, violence and division in our country because some folks in Machines don't want to show any respect to the rest of the populace. Let's do this.
@darryljones3009 Год назад
That's really not going to be a good look...
@truthandfreedom8145 Год назад
This is about a larger agenda of criminal billionaires trying to enslave humanity with new technology......... 15 min cities, combined with cbdc and digital ID are the pillars of a social credit system which controls everything from where you go, to what you eat and own ....... 15 min cities are digital prisons. Fight now or forever be at the mercy of politicians with the powers of a tyrannical dictator!!! 💥👍❤️🇬🇧
@laidbackLUKEY Год назад
When the 15 minute city comes in all the businesses will struggle like hell, expect them to close and people to move away from these controlled areas
@chrishart8548 Год назад
Imagine you owned a home in a 15 minute city. It would be worthless.
@tarikqirem2870 Год назад
There are studies that show people who walk or cycle spend more more money in passing trade than those in cars.
@laidbackLUKEY Год назад
@@tarikqirem2870 that’s great…the suppliers who deliver all the goods that the business owners need can’t get into these places easily enough. Supply companies want to drop and run, messing around with restrictions doesn’t work as it’s not cost effective enough. It will end up pushing up supply costs which will go on to the end users…me and you!
@chrishart8548 Год назад
@@tarikqirem2870 they probably do but I don't know anyone that walks or cycles anymore. I just know fat people that drive cars, the walkers and cyclists are a very small minority.
@kenh3344 Год назад
And when business goes out of business. They shut shop. Council don't get business rates so the council loses there revenue. And they shot themselves in the foot. Ghost town. No one to lord it over.mmm.. this is an example of how to shoot yourself in the foot??? Mmmm. How to lose money and close the city. Welcome to oxford ghost city.
@debbiesharp5910 Год назад
Oxfordshire residents need to protest!!!!
@DrJams Год назад
Stickers over cameras. Low risk and easy to do
@karentanner4002 Год назад
18th Feb...protest in Oxford Democracy in action Come along.
@DrJams Год назад
@@karentanner4002 where about in Oxford? Everyone needs to attend. Numbers matter
@munners0852 Год назад
They've already said no, they're just doing it no matter what!
@GrandAdmThrawn Год назад
Just like people in Schaerbeek, Belgium.
@davegardner2258 Год назад
The arrogance of the council talking head is breathtaking. 'We know what is best. How dare you little people complain!'
@750triton Год назад
We had one about 10 years ago who wasn't so mealy mouthed and came right out with "they'll get used to it". The scheme she put in place was a right cock up
@14percentviking Год назад
You govern by consent. You don’t get to ignore the people and do what you want, just because you ‘know better’
@CG-zm9oj Год назад
This and the 15min city plan will be a hot topic at the next bye elections. Could see some new faces Wave bye 👋 to some old ones All because they won't listen
@richardbentley6781 Год назад
Oh they are listening alright but their agenda is destroying the UK as it is. London getting worse by the minute under gengis
@paulongley2033 Год назад
When it come to voting ,vote theses councillors out .how dare they do this to people's, lives and charge you for the privilege.
@mikewade777 Год назад
I vote to keep them in to force the criminals off the street.
@lindsaysmith7825 Год назад
I hope these councillors have a safe place to.hide
@MrJenklns Год назад
Vote them OUT !
@auldcrow1461 Год назад
@@MrJenklns string them up
@billmarsh1971 Год назад
I don't. The easier they are to find the better
@sparkygazza Год назад
Hope they've bought good stab proof vests.
@hullygully1135 Год назад
A suggestion to all the people who live in Oxford, don't pay any council tax till the council comes to its senses?
@mikewade777 Год назад
Thats a ridiculous idea, we want LTNs.
@c.9900 11 месяцев назад
​@@mikewade777bad b8 M8.
@mikewade777 11 месяцев назад
@@c.9900 Clearly not, since you responded. By the way I'm serious about the need for LTNs.
@Aaron-xb4fv Год назад
That councillors attitude was so pompous we know what’s best we’re gonna keep doing what we want and you will learn to like it that’s the vibe I got all whilst being paid by public money their jobs is to represent the will of the people they need to change course or they’ll get there goal of less congestion because no one will live there
@billmarsh1971 Год назад
The council's job is to empty the bins, keep the lights on and the streets and parks clean. This overreaching is going to cost the taxpayers enormously and end very badly .
@duck1946 Год назад
@@billmarsh1971 Was the gentleman an elected town or city councillor? or was he a paid councill employee carrying out a policy??
@ultimateoutdoors4659 Год назад
The interviewer was crap!
@gordonmculloch4904 Год назад
Causing cars to take longer journey resulting in more pollution. So what’s the point of LTN’s?
@grassytramtracks Год назад
If you make driving quicker and more convenient, it backfires by causing more people to drive a car. That's why the Katy Freeway in Texas is still jammed up, despite being the world's widest motorway
@Bellissimovolere Год назад
The council would sharp change their mind if an IRA type organisation formed as a result..
@Jayen4 Год назад
The people need to realize that this nonsense is effectively a war against them and they need to respond decisively......no silly 'protests' or writing angry letters .... just do them !! .... Maybe then , those that are left will get the message as to who precisely is the 'boss' !
@brianlopez8855 Год назад
Its like miniature version of the American British and French Sectors inWest Berlin and that didn't end well. The RESIDENTS WILL COMPLY says the man from the Council.
@thetruth45678 Год назад
"Traffic is terrible. What can we do? We could block off roads and make people drive further and longer. That'll fix it right up!" How dumb do they think we are?
@stealthblox3057 Год назад
Traffic is terrible, but I still want to drive wherever and whenever I want, even if I could walk or bike there faster without being stick in said traffic. Maybe they think drivers are pretty dumb 🙃
@Lord-Sméagol Месяц назад
This reminds me of Bart Simpson: "Let me get this straight. We're behind the rest of our class and we're going to catch up to them by going slower than they are?"
@jjrider6758 Год назад
The 'man from the council' says that 'the problems haven't all been solved yet because a lot of these schemes haven't come in yet' and for some reason believes this scheme for restricting the travel of the residents now caged into these 'zones' has 'delivered enormous benefits' - I seems that once the citizens of Oxford have been beaten into submission with this 'first phase' their Council has plenty more repressive plans for subjecting them to further misery in the future..
@munners0852 Год назад
A lot harder to control (kettle) people with access to internal combustion engines and multiple exit and entry points you can leave above the speed of bicycle!
@bluecardholder Год назад
And all the political parties are clamouring to give local councils even more powers even though they (the councils) seem to do what they want and ignore what the residents need.
@thetruthwillwinoneday Год назад
These Councils are absolutely stupid. Get some logical level headed people involved snd things will improve. I see so much waste in councils, government and the NHS. You could save billions with the right people running things.
@demetos5432 Год назад
Once a cause of death is deemed due to emergency or doctors vehicles not being able to attend then corporate manslaughter charges should be brought against the council.
@stealthblox3057 Год назад
Cars NEVER kill people do they?
@chrisr.6638 11 месяцев назад
​@@stealthblox3057 so does sugar, so does alcohol, so does everything. Grow a pair of balls or move to north korea if you don't like it
@stevecarter8810 10 месяцев назад
Eh. If it's in line with govt policy then there will not be those findings. During the epidemic, hospitals were told to declare all deaths to be COVID related. The govt understand the power of metrics so they make sure they control what is measured and how.
@stephenspence1192 Год назад
Why has the sound been censored when people are talking?
@thepuddlejumper500 Год назад
Oxford is implementing the WEF 15 minute zones. They probably attend the global Mayer/ head of council meetings which is where they decide to implement these undemocratic policies. Welcome to the great reset.
@grassytramtracks Год назад
Classic conspiracy theory downfall. It's completely incoherent and there's no real reason why anyone would get involved in the conspiracy. Surely the ultra wealthy and powerful (many of whom are involved in the fossil fuel industry) stand to gain a lot from the car centric status quo? A huge facet of the "globalist elite" are big oil and big auto, and the 15 minute city and the like are their worst nightmare. It's the same hurdle where the climate change and flat earth conspiracy theories fall flat on their faces
@thepuddlejumper500 Год назад
@@grassytramtracks You need to listen to Klaus of the WEF and their plans for us. It’s not a conspiracy theory it’s in plain site, they don’t even try to hide what they are doing. Just listen to the speeches given at Davos and the interviews given by Klaus on the implementation of all that’s starting. He even wrote a book on using Covid 19 to bring in the great reset earlier than planned, his words. Their slogan which was on posters all over you will own nothing and be happy. Did you know Pfizer have developed a system where the can detect whether you have taken your prescribed jab, the CEO boasted about it during his talk at Davos, it was all about compliance and ensuring we take what we’re told to take.
@nickcoppard5335 Год назад
Every time they jam traffic pollution increases
@stealthblox3057 Год назад
It is drivers who jam traffic by driving when they could do the same journey by other means.
@johntozer8270 Год назад
I always thought Oxford was a seat of learning and the centre of intelligence. Sadly, it is not shown in its councillors, infact the polar opposite
@doddyvanstraaten2774 Год назад
Townies vs Gownies! Unfortunately, the council lack the brains of the city.
@pemj7360 Год назад
I bet the councillors don't have much trouble getting around. Legally restrict their movement
@peterfox2538 Год назад
Look at his smug look must of been watching Hunt the Runt.
@pavlovssheep5548 Год назад
what about people with disabilities that need to drive due to reduced mobility ?
@nickcoppard5335 Год назад
I am disabled , I also have an acetylene torch
@billmarsh1971 Год назад
Every institution and position of influence and power has been infiltrated by these mindless creatures
@e.colemantlpss6406 Год назад
What a surprise. A woman in a wheelchair supports the LTN's. Are their no pavements in Oxford?
@disaffectedmale Год назад
Consumed by bitterness at her own condition she thinks everybody else should be hampered by things that are out of their control also.
@brianchamberlin6724 Год назад
Typical Gov agent response, you need to accept the pain. Bet that dosser would also say that to cancer patients that can't access treatment. Don't comply with psycho's administrating injury, harm and loss. Rights abusers.
@brianchamberlin6724 Год назад
Bunch of Councillors sat in a Town Hall having a vote on how many times per year that the public are PERMITTED to travel. What do think this is....North Korea you fascist twats. Humble the f'kers withold your Council taxes. Deciding on how often people can travel, who the f'ck do you people think you are.
@jessbarnes8521 Год назад
That’s what happened during covid lockdowns.
@karentanner4002 Год назад
Councils work for residents ...NOT the other way around.. If the councils persist. Cancel your direct debit council tax Xx
@GrandAdmThrawn Год назад
People of Schaerbeek in Belgium stood their ground and opposed stupid laws like those. Why can't Oxford resident do the same? Fight for your rights!
@decmcgovern9281 Год назад
The people who make these choices at the council DONT LIVE WITHIN THE AREA!!! These LTNS are joke!!
@jackybrown3917 Год назад
It started with pedestrianising towns, look what happened to them, they died. These councillors forget that they have no right to tell us where we can and can’t go or how we are allowed to get there. I despair for people who can’t see what’s going on now. 15 minute cities where people live is, the aim not towns where businesses thrive, look at costs for these businesses, they aren’t meant to survive, only the large corporations
@munners0852 Год назад
Exactly, all online purchases from big companies. All tracked and traced.
@grassytramtracks Год назад
Did they? [Citation needed] Walkable places don't stifle local business, quite the opposite. Car centric urban planning encourages people to go to big chain shops and shopping centres rather than local businesses. Has it harmed Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Nijmegen, Groningen, Gent, and more?
@kaikorzonek922 Год назад
Please prove this with facts before you say it. As someone said below car centric shoping parks is what seems to be killing the high Street.
@ellismeah8110 Год назад
When local buisness's start closing I hope the council have enough money for compensation , without putting the council tax up and fining motorists to raise the income
@chrishart8548 Год назад
The council already don't have enough money. I guess 15 minute city to many people will just mean paying the fines. Maybe company's will pay staff more to cover the fines and just increase prices?
@munners0852 Год назад
They'll knock the business buildings down and build high-rise housing!
@grassytramtracks Год назад
Where has making cities walkable caused businesses to all close down. Give me one example.
@davidsmith6661 Год назад
A friend of ours is a GP in Oxford and his surgery is in a different 'sector' to the one in which he lives. He has said that being permitted to cross through and into different sectors only 100 times per annum means he will only be in the surgery for face-to-face appointments 2 days each week. The rest of the time he will WFH and do telephone consultations.
@chrishart8548 Год назад
I don't think many of us work somewhere within 15 minutes from home.
@jessbarnes8521 Год назад
Is there no exemption for work purposes?
@chrishart8548 Год назад
@@jessbarnes8521 there was an exception for the c9vid lockdowns so I think there will be.
@theohopkins1903 Год назад
Essential medical workers are exempt. Doctors are essential medical workers.
@leecromer3289 Год назад
I thought that’s what doctors are doing anyway😂😂😂
@Tm-eg2lx Год назад
Sack the council
@jeffreyroberts7438 Год назад
What this says is if these schemes don’t affect your life in an adverse way it’s great. For everyone else who is hugely adversely affected tough, we couldn’t care less! Divides communities which is the aim!
@englishincontext4025 Год назад
Firstly, why do the film makers assume that everyone knows what an 'LTN' is? Never explained. If the residents of Oxfordshire think they have problems now just wait until the council implement the '15 minute city' in Oxford, which entails dividing up the city into 6 zones. Residents in each zone will only be allowed to leave their zone, in their car 100 times a year. Once they exceed 100 times (it'll all be electronically monitored,and tracked on a database) they will be fined. Covid has given these tin pot bureaucrats a taste of power and they are loving it.
@stealthblox3057 Год назад
They can leave their zone any time they want. They can use the ring road to do so, instead of driving through residential streets where children should be able to play without getting killed by massive SUVs like the one in Wimbledon.
@johngregson9827 Год назад
Vote them out, it’s time for real change, they’ve had their way long enough, but we keep voting them in , time to vote for anyone other than the politicians we’ve always voted for, none of them serve the people
@crumplezone1 Год назад
Serious question are the residents of Oxfordshire dumb/stupid ?
@user-ic7mv6bj4w Год назад
Can't get a GP appointment, can't contact anybody via phone and can't drive anywhere. It's lockdown all over again.
@jamescollins408 Год назад
Manufactured congestion.
@ddoherty5956 Год назад
It's nothing to do with traffic or safety it's conditioning to reduce the opposition to WEF 15 minute cities, they are just slowly boiling the frog.
@nickchater2242 Год назад
I’m afraid direct action will be the only way as all the parliamentary Sheep MP’s are so out of touch with the real world and are unaffected by this nonsense
@wokenup5273 Год назад
You only have to look at the policing of the protest on Saturday to see we have a big problem.
@Richie-vu4we Год назад
Sounds like the council needs to clear the pavements for wheel chairs and pedestrians. Rather then block the roads. Try getting building work done in these areas at the old prices. You won’t it will have a higher price on it or no one will turn up
@mattwarren69 Год назад
Simply accept some pain for a less congested future eh? Lets block these councillors from exiting their homes and put LTN barriers outside their front door and driveways . Just accept the pain , its for our future.
@AudioTravels Год назад
Just destroy the barriers. You have the power, not the council. Meek people!
@vieczurable Год назад
It's about making people go away to leave somewhere else but only high fuel prices can stop people from driving otherwise who on Earth believed in that "solution"?
@paulwalker4118 Год назад
when businesses pack up and people move towns and there tax monies dry up then if they are still in office realise what a mess of peoples lives including there own families they have created but by then it will be to late
@Professorvapes Год назад
the nurse at the end is not effected by this she still gets pade the same no matter what. try asking the tradesmen who do not get paid if they cannot do a job. bad choice of subjects
@1954audrey Год назад
Put them we’re the councilmen live they soon move them😊
@stevemuzak8526 Год назад
Destroy the barriers and get rid of the council. End of discussion.
@bradleysteeves7891 Год назад
Oxford folks better wake up.
@telanian Год назад
To hell with the LTNs. Remove them. If the council reinstate them, remove them again. No-one wants this tyranny. And it will not stand.
@turksrds Год назад
How is a minority knows best .Putin
@ddoherty5956 Год назад
Someone needs to fit a set off bollards outside the council offices and the chief execs drive.
@colleennicholl9810 Год назад
Taking this freedom away and you don't stand together believe me many will follow......
@pterodaktyl6755 Год назад
Oxfordshire democracy - county council always win XD
@andrewgamble5332 3 месяца назад
In Streatham LTNs have led to an increase in muggings so serious the school has had to mount patrols to try and cut down the crime Sheffield has a similar policy of ignoring democracy by ignoring public opinion.
@1954audrey Год назад
AIR TAX you breathe will be next mark my WORDS
@odiedodieuk Год назад
“You won’t even be able to use the roads… and you’ll be happy”
@greenpedal370 Год назад
I used to do deliveries using my bike but during Covid every man and his dog started charity deliveries using cars. Killed my business stone dead. I'm all for taming the automobile.
@annabocking8824 Год назад
It’s a disgrace!! What about the emergency services, how are they supposed to get to the sick quickly! They don’t care, it doesn’t affect them!!
@sahhull Год назад
If voting made a difference. We wouldnt be allowed to do it.
@mariandavies9487 Год назад
The schemes should have been discussed and agreed with the public who will suddenly have to change, and the changes brought in gradually.
@soloperformer5598 Год назад
"It doesn't really matter what the public think". Think about that when the next council elections come round and then consider which councilors are working in your best interest.
@scribs01 Год назад
I work in haulage and my company have started to refuse jobs going to parts of Oxford
@bigboy9693 Год назад
They are a Klaus Schwab lickspittles.
@cindypatterson8157 Год назад
This is terrible 😞
@user-oo8xp2rf1k Год назад
Surprisingly honest answer. If greens were less B.S I would hate them so much .
@johncatto5019 Год назад
From what the council man said they are actually planning even more restrictions. Do the people who live there have no say at all ?
@nickcoppard5335 Год назад
Pompous aunts
@user-gz6tx6yp3v Год назад
People do not want to take the bus. Cars are the ultimate time machine and complete personal freedom.
@hillfy1990 Год назад
Say no to 15 minute city's Say no to CBDCs Say no to the WEF There are 9 billion of us on this planet and we need to Stand together
@grassytramtracks Год назад
9 billion people on a planet that can't support us all driving around in cars. WEF? This conspiracy falls at the first hurdle of not having any real motivation to conspire. A huge part of the "globalist elite" profit from cars - car companies, fossil fuel companies, insurance companies, construction companies. What rich, powerful people benefit from cities not being overrun by cars as opposed to the status quo, and how? Same reason the flat earth and climate change hoax conspiracy theories fall flat on their face with even a bit of thought
@hillfy1990 Год назад
@@grassytramtracks your thinking is correct from your point of view 100% but the elite people in the world don't look at money the way you are explaining it from your every day perception. It's control that the elites want not more money what different does another billion make to them absolutely nothing.
@kaikorzonek922 Год назад
We need to stand together to kill the planet faster ! Say goodbye to sunny days and hello to a smoggy hellscape
@hillfy1990 Год назад
@@kaikorzonek922 I have all the responsibility of my own carbon out put and that of my family's. I chose to put solor pannels and a wind turbine and batterys in my home. I grow my own food in my garden and I drive an electric car all my choice to be a more considerable human. But demanding it of people is another thing. So you crack on and take self responsibility
@mstrp5933 Год назад
@FuqYu Год назад
If they’re not going to make public transport adequate and they’re closing the roads, then this can only be seen as a class war. The normal folk have been priced out of Oxford for years. The rich-exclusive University of Oxford and rich property owning people in central Oxford are the only people who benefit without proper investment.
@henryfolds5713 Год назад
The road between café coco and Kazbar is now used for outdoor seating for Mr Pugh's two businesses. This increases the amount of customers he can have. I am sure he wouldn't rather have that as a through road for cars to drive down...
@magicclimbing Год назад
Kept saying huge benefit. But never mentioned the benefits
@josephdimambro-denson Год назад
The councils publish everything about planning and research on their websites. do some research. in case your too lazy tho: Positives This is a ploy too increase uses of other methods of transport that are better than cars for the enviroment and traffic, you can fit more people through a narrower route on a bike than you can a car. creating more roads/ lanes to solve traffic just makes more people drive, so the opposite is also true. making routes longer by car in comparison to bikes makes them a more attractive option, why wait 35 minutes to drive 1.5 miles when you can cycle that in 10 minutes. if everyone had a more active lifestyle the NHS could save billions and from a reduction in air pollution. ALSO, people are much more likely to go into a shop/ restaurant if they are walking or cycling past it than if they were driving. streets become safer the negatives: people don't like change traffic may increase by 3% for a bit
@chrisaustin1697 Год назад
How the hell are ambulances fire engines supposed to get down the street in an emergency.
@raylv6962 Год назад
The council has been voted in to serve the people. They are not there to behave like 3rd world dictators.
@martingreen2358 Год назад
NO MANDATE IS THE KEY There is a way to beat this by taking surveys. The council needs a concensus to impliment this but it doesn't exist therefore they have to lie about the consulting they've done with local businesses and the public. If a hundred or so local people gather results from 100 people each using surveys a body of evidence can be collected that can be used in a court case to oppose the LTN. This has been done successfully in the past (LTNs have been pushed down south a few years ago).
@tommybalfe951 Год назад
It's about time all these things were done away with they have made the traffic worse a 🔟 minute drive has turned into a 40 minute drive
@brianlopez8855 Год назад
Looks like the timber in those LTN bins would burn quite easily, like roadway "beacons". And why isn't the MAN FROM THE COUNCIL, who was interviewed, named ?
@markhedger6378 Год назад
The beatings will continue until morale improves
@AquariusGate Год назад
Council admits it wasted money without assessing needs. What's new?
@NewMinority Год назад
It’s makes driving longer! People won’t give up their cars as much as these tyrants in the council won’t give up using planes to go abroad!
@petew5289 Год назад
Most of the councilers in sheffield don't live in sheffield the morjitory live Derbyshire villiges because the council tax is less the mp for the area I live in lives in Surrey Clive bettes
@ML-jr1yz Год назад
The mayor is saying: i have been forced to do it by the goverment and their elites.
@merv5492 Год назад
what they don't till you is not all drivers will pay, ask them who will not have to pay, give us the list
@charliechristmas5147 Год назад
I see some of these wooden blocks have been set fire to in and around London. Apparently the fire brigade cannot get access to them. Still it lights up the streets……hey ho.
@philipbrailsford3764 Год назад
It’s simple speak up with no vote of confidence. Don’t forget the leaders n council work for you not the environment
@Zulu_November Год назад
Old man just retire and let young right minded people run the council
@MsLeewood Год назад
The oxford town should take the council to court or personally have them fined and the peoples money payed back you need to employ Lawers to fight the council because there not for the public
@maroondoor Год назад
Oxford is a joke. And that's before the new zonal system comes in, punishing residents. Last time I came I used the park & ride. Easy parking, but no bus. Gimongous queue waiting for P&R bus. Gave up. Too much hassle to come by train so in future I will just go elsewhere, eg Cambridge.
@davidadams5116 Год назад
Just vote these madmen out at the next local election. The problem is the council not the traffic
@holdmyhand2009 Год назад
these councils need to remember who pays them and who they work for.
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