
D&D Players, What could be interesting weaknesses for a god of death?  

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@MrRipper Месяц назад
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@whitefox3189 Месяц назад
Ruling out traditional God weaknesses, anything that twists the natural order. Ultimately death is a boundary between the Living and Dead. Sometimes Death is also simply the beginning of Rebirth, in other words, new life. Spells which create Undead and spells which grant Temporary Hp are both good thematic weaknesses. An idea I had for a while but yet to implement is have a Fate Cleric looking at the Strands of Fate, then casting Disintegrate on them. Death is the ultimate fate of the living, so a living being lacking Fate could potentially damage the god of death. There is also the Deck of Many Things. Through it, an Avatar of Death can be summoned. An Avatar of Death may be inclined to end the God of Death, kinda like how Primordials, which represent the Elements don't get along with Gods. Using the Deck this way would be a very nice way as opposed to the normal campaign destroyer. Also I wish to mention that Hades is not a Death god, he is the god of The Dead. The greek death god is Thanatos.
@tylerosborn7596 Месяц назад
Necromancy. Death is either lawful evil or lawful good depending on how you want to play it. He is doing his job as a part of the life cycle. Things die and the soul goes to an afterlife and body decays and becomes , ultimately, new life. But necromancy makes a mockery of both life and death. This could be really fun as it would force the party into ethical conundrums.
@tlotro625 Месяц назад
This, and artifice of all kinds, ranging from constructs and vehicles, driven by the turning of cogs and gears, to prosthetic limbs and augments of all sorts, as they never live. Basically any "false life" there is. Also, shovels. The instrument of undertakers and grave robbers alike. Used to put the dead underground or disturb them. I am saying it less as a "weakness" or an insult, but as a tool that is so closely tied to the god that it gains power to affect that god in a meaningful way.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 15 дней назад
Not just Necromancy, ALL forms of Immortality would be anathema to Death because it Violates the Great Cycle (Life - Death - Rebirth into new Life)...Necromancy and Undeath would simply be the most Hated form of that Violation...
@CSPaffy Месяц назад
Convincing the capital D "Death" that the god of death had outlived his purpose. Basically go get the bigger fish
@JoshAlex1986z Месяц назад
Staring a death god in the face and exclaiming, "I want to speak with your manager!" 😂
@projectafterworld2557 Месяц назад
3 ideas. I like the idea that death doesn't like to see good stories end too soon, and hates when bad stories drag on beyond their welcome. At least in 5th edition, a cantrip can stay his hand, a first level spell can turn him away, and a single gemstone worth just 5 days of aristocratic living can buy a soul back from him. It's clear death doesn't see himself as some gatekeeper of the final rubicon. His domain has a revolving door for those who's stories have yet to end. This also would explain why death is so horribly unkind to undeath. Their stories have either dragged on and on, or been spoiled with a terrible last chapter, tacked on at the end by a different author. Killing a god of death doesn't destroy him, it merely sends him back to his own domain. Imagine the look on the party's faces when the avatar of a god crumbles at their power - because he's a frail and withered old man - only for that same god to walk through a gate moments later, looking calm, youthful and strong. Calling their weapon back to their hand and bearing an expression of pity rather than pride. But above all, the party realizing that death's weapon isn't the scythe. It's inevitability. You can kill death, but what is death, to death, but itself? As for an actual weakness? I can think of a few. Constructs, as they're timeless, ageless, lifeless and as such, deathless. Sure, they can be destroyed, but they can also be remade. That isn't death, and so death holds no sway over them. There's also primordial life. Things where the boundary between life and death begins to break down and meld into uncertainty, where things don't so much die as change, only to live again. Also the implication that the gods of life and death are (or once were) one in the same, but both refuse to acknowledge the connection, despite their domains being inexorably part of the same process. This could be used in game by introducing a third god (or third and fourth) of decay and rebirth who understands that all of them are part of the same being who - through the belief of mortals - was pulled apart into pieces, as mortals weren't comfortable with the concept of life so close to death and decay. Meanwhile the god of rebirth (Think revival and transformation, a god of change, new beginnings, second chances, the list goes on) is often seen by mortals as unnatural or even a defiler of the natural order, when in reality they ARE the natural order. All things exists to be changed and made new through time. To *deny* that is what's truly unnatural.
@josephradley3160 Месяц назад
3:14 Ah Hades. Two of the times mortals were allowed to leave The Underworld were when Persephone either let them go in Hades' absence or persuaded Hades to let them go. (Sisyphus and Orpheus) One of the others was released by a great hero from his captivity, well most of him, (Theseus left his backside behind) Heracles just asked nicely if he could take his dog for walkies. Odysseus managed to get in and out without the big guy knowing he was there (helps to have your own ship I suppose) So, in short, either go through the love of his life or be really nice with his dog.
@phantommaster5757 Месяц назад
(Theseus left his backside behind) did Hades say that u can leave on the condition that your ass remain seated here for eternity so Theseus just cut his ass off put it on the seat and just walked out. I MUST KNOW MORE
@josephradley3160 Месяц назад
@@phantommaster5757 Heracles tore Theseus out of the chair Hades had stuck him in. Theseus' arse stayed stuck to the chair.
@somekidonline1242 Месяц назад
Before even watching the video, healing spells
@ZombieDireWolf Месяц назад
was thinking the same thing. maybe a reincarnation spell, similar to phoenix down on the one boss that killed it.
@thefreshestmango1106 20 дней назад
*stares at Final Fantasy:* Yeah,that checks
@lokithetrickstergod2100 Месяц назад
While not exactly a god, I think Death from Castlevania Season 4 is a good example of making similar characters. He can’t use the dead in any manner and has very little influence outside of his domain so he needs others to do the work for him if he wants more power.
@firstnamelastname9794 Месяц назад
His weakness: he could only control his own death.
@sireoslee2202 Месяц назад
Could also go with excessive unfated and unnatural life, death, and/or immortality. The God of Death is just that, death. Death doesn't care if a few adventurers get a little extra time with a revivify. The plane or planes of existence that it has domain over, it doesn't ever register those cheap resurrection spells as a mosquito bite to it's work. Every mortal's soul will come to them eventually. Someone gains immortality because of another god ... *groan* ... ok. One single uppity mortal somehow gains lich-dom or some other God gives birth to a "chosen one" to deal with a threat? That might cause an irritable bowel for a while. If you're fated to gain immortality, the God of Death doesn't care because you were never theirs to begin with. Now if someone does a Meteor Swarm on a major city years before it was destined to be crushed by a comet or a tarrasque ... oh, you bet the God of Death is going to feel that. Especially if it was decades before it was supposed to happen. (A week or 2? no big deal. 5-10 years? That's a problem.) Whole bunch of Wizards on the same plane cheat Death by becoming Liches? Yeah, no one wants to be around when that happens when the God of Death comes for their due. Even worse? When someone lets loose something that forces the world to have a lot of life all at once. The God of Death cannot process it. I'm not talking about a few trees or a forest. I'm talking about bringing back continental or event planetary ecosystems or having entire cities ... *ahem* ... impersonate a bard ... . The God of Death gets 1 major shock. Fast forward a few decades and it gets a second shock when all that life is now stuck coming thru their domain for processing.
@Swolesauce96 Месяц назад
A holy chinchilla that the party randomly keeps that constantly emits a holy aura
@someaccount5200 Месяц назад
A god of death that fears death itself
@michaelpomato45 Месяц назад
Fear of doing their job too well. They've come to the realization that if everyone is dead, they would have nothing to do, thus leaving them in a vacuum of complete boredom.
@robertheinrich2994 Месяц назад
how about making the god of death not evil? I'm thinking about king yemma from the dragonball franchise, who is essentially a big red bureaucrat, who has to register all the souls. maybe the party (or somebody else) had to use a wish to restore a ton of lives, and the god of death got pissed because of all the extra work, bringing back the correct souls to the correct bodies, etc. so the god of death leaves, and suddenly, people can neither bei killed nor be revived/reincarnated, but people can still be injured (for extra fun, think about the 4th season of torchwood, where humanity got immortal, including surviving very fatal injuries. since it is D&D, this could have even further implications. liches are suddenly just regular people, who look weird. and even simple dungeons with unkillable monsters will become hard. suddenly, the party has to think outside the box, how to remove monsters, or immobilize them. I guess, sovereign glue will be in high demand. the goal of the party must be to find the god of death, who suddenly enjoys a nice vacation, and convince him to resume his job. and maybe find a compromise that somebody takes over the job on a few days of the year, so that death can have vacation too.
@tabithachastain6999 Месяц назад
I love the idea of undeath to be anathema to death. Lots of people compare undeath to be a perversion of life, but what if it was the opposite?
@alexkuhn5188 Месяц назад
I agree that a God of Death would be friends with their counterpart the god/goddess of Life because they would understand that without each other they would both have problems, either overpopulation or extinction. Meanwhile a god of the Undead would be the worst nightmare of BOTH the deity of Death and the Deity of Life. If the Deity of Death is friends with the Deity of Life then you could possibly ask for help from said Deity of Life as the Death God probably would not want to attack their friend so that could be a potential Diplomatic route to the whole issue.
@taranis9848 Месяц назад
I have a goddess of death known primarily as a collector or preserver, mostly of knowledge, but also she preserves the first copy of a creation, whether is done by mortals or divinity matters not. It's baked into her to die the day no new knowledge is learned and nothing is created. The gods specifically crafted a god to constantly craft new things and discover new things, solely for the purpose of ensuring she lives, for if she dies, what she has collected goes with her.
@jamesward1949 Месяц назад
Unbreakable rules, like he cannot fight directly, but he can defend himself if challenged. Death is meant to reap souls, not punish them.
@herostempus5794 Месяц назад
A few of the ideas in the video touched on the idea of having the God of Death be weakened by being in the presence of the creation of life, but my idea was what if you convinced/tricked them to participate in the creation of life. Like the vegan boyfriend in Scott Pilgrim who was defeated by being tricked into drinking milk, a death god could be depowered if they created life. Depending on the atmosphere of the table, this could be something as banal as tricking them into tossing a piece of fruit out a window, or a horny bard could roll a few nat 20s.
@LucRio448 Месяц назад
Thinking back at Percy Jackson, there was a pretty good point made bei Hades: The Realm of Death at some point becomes just completely overloaded with souls. So I'd reckon, the god of death actually refuses to kill anyone himself to not add to that issue.
@jessrush1158 Месяц назад
Well, a major aspect of why we fear death is that we do not understand what happens afterward. A lot of people are satisfied with the concept of it being nothing, but entire civilizations were built around different concepts of it at least being something other than that. So, perhaps a big weakness would be someone that is able to do necromancy or speak with the dead, because once the realm of death is understood, that god doesn't need to be feared, hence it will lose a lot of respect and authority.
@SpeziFischDE Месяц назад
Bureaucracy! All the time ppl are dying, so the god of death has to handle the necessary paperwork all the time and nearly has no time to fight the group. You can distract him by doing stuff to his mountains of important paperwork (burn it) and hit him with advantage in the meantime.
@n0vabubble867 Месяц назад
Idea: Its status as god of death was attained or born with rules that it must not break. You must find out what they are and trick or set up the god to break one or more rules, losing part of it's authority as a god, bringing them into a killable state.
@Corazon-99 Месяц назад
Stagnation, every second that something is alive its is slowly getting closer towards death which may nourish the god but for something that does not grow does not age and does not rot would starve the god true stagnation would completely cut off not only its source of power but also its source of life
@darkphoenix539 Месяц назад
in one group we played one-shoot where BBEG was loosely based on Hel from Norse mythology. Her weakness ... Sweater ... just that give her sweater and she dies ... And yes our DM loved Adventure Time
@3rduck735 Месяц назад
I had the idea for a BBEG who returns to life when the person who killed them dies. There has to be a lot of ways to get around such a thing. First thought is to kill them posthumously, not as an undead, since those can be destroyed, but say, to fire an arrow at them, and die before it hits. What happens then? Do they come back when the arrow decays? The bow? The archer's body? Never?
@nobodyimportant2470 Месяц назад
Capture traps. Something as simple as a box propped up by a stick will do. The catch is that with Death imprisoned no one is able to die. No matter how great the suffering there will be no end. The person who caught death must release it and take it's place after seeing the horror of an immortal world.
@tarinfatel2985 Месяц назад
I really liked the fear part, but I would build on it this way. To the god of death fear of dying is belief in him. So if you could make forget/stop believing in death as a part of life they would have no fear of it (maybe done with a divine empowered wish spell). Without that belief empowering death it could be killed/banished from the mortal plane. In that state I would probably try to use or adapt the stat block of the death summoned by the deck of many things.
@tlotro625 Месяц назад
Shovels. The instrument of undertakers and grave robbers alike. Whenever the dead are put underground or disturbed, it is always the shovel that is used to do the deed. I am saying it less as a "weakness" or an insult, but as a tool that is so closely tied to the god that it gains power to affect that god in a meaningful way. They may not be the Achilles heel or an impenetrable protection, but perhaps something the god has to respect and be a little more serious and careful with. Something that tips the scales in one's favor, even if only slightly.
@journeyrivenburgh1052 Месяц назад
...Another God of Death. Pit two gods of the same thing from rival religions against each other and break out the popcorn!
@tarinfatel2985 Месяц назад
Or make a new one, make the party raise a new god of death to Godhood. Building churches and a following for their God of Death.
@dizzydial8081 Месяц назад
To kill a god of death, tying its mortality to something fragile and weak forces death to find ways to protect it. Like a bird, or even a person that doesn't age. The person will have their own desires and ambitions that could get them killed, so that brings up interesting conflicts the god of death has to account for.
@erikschaal4124 Месяц назад
There is no death without life. And life can't sustain itself without death. Death's weakness is their codependent relationship with the goddess of life.
@AliannaHinton Месяц назад
I feel, interestingly enough, that it should be grief. Yes it's mourning and sadness for a person that we will no longer see, but it's also joy for the life that they have lead. Idk, it just feels like it'd be interesting to have a God of Death defeated by something that comes with the death of something/someone dear.
@zeriul09 Месяц назад
before watching the video, specifically revivify and resurrection spells, healing keeps the body going, but resurrection spells rip a soul back which has been claimed, had it in one game that it wasnt actually the original soul that got brought back but an artificial one made of the god's essence, after years of adventurers mocking the idea of death and stealing bits and pieces of them, the god was too weak when a challenger arrived...
@ddubmomo 5 дней назад
I love the idea of meeting a death god with a name that takes a week to pronounce getting resurrected. They may be an all powerful deity in death, but when they died; they were just Keith, that one guy who some people knew that one time.
@yourface2464 Месяц назад
A god of death is likely the only one who has the power to kill any god of his choosing. Therefore, the easiest way to kill a god of death is to use his own power against him. Either convince him to take his own life, or find some creative way to uno reverse card his power, like getting him married with a special bond that literally ties their life forces together or smth, making him kill his partner.
@tracematson385 Месяц назад
An interesting weakness for a god of death could be an obligation to do the job correctly no matter what. For example, there could be a specific time at which people are meant to die and anything that would cause them to die at a different time the god of death is compelled to prevent no matter the cost to itself.
@ShadowEclipex Месяц назад
Not a big fan of the stereotype of a god of death being an evil or malevolent force, but just a part of the cycle of life and death. So weakness for them would be something that disrupts said cycle. Perhaps healing spells would work as a way to slow it down, but I like the idea of not being able to defeat a god of death without breaking out of the cycle before hand. Or just pull a DC comics Flash and find a way to take death were technically nothing lives, thus breaking it's powers since the cycle is broken. Can't have life without death, so without living beings the god of death would technically loose all their power as well.
@camdenthompson4307 Месяц назад
ok, so although the god (or rather, goddess in my worlds case) of death isin't a villain, they do have a ton of weaknesses that they have to deal with, same with the other gods 1. they need followers to survive (which is the same for all gods) 2. they need to do what they are required to do in some way (in the case for death, they need to make sure mortals die, as well as manage the afterlife, etc. which is why people who become gods, with a few exceptions like storm and/or war gods, regret their decisions after they realize the responsibility, especially if its a massive domain like death). 3. to kinda go with the domain idea, any god who's domain is viewed as more important than another will be stronger than those considered less important (an example in my game being how people view the god of victory, fortune, and luck as the most important due to "Luck" being basically everywhere and related to almost everything, unlike the god of, say, bees). so in short, if for whatever reason you wanted to kill literal death herself, you'd just need to either kill her followers or get another, more important god to do it for you.
@marius5340 Месяц назад
I think paperwork could be a weakness. Every death has to be filed, so does every resurrection. One might go a little crazy, if they have to add yet another addendum to somebodys file, because they just got ressurected for a THIRD time. Also some of their files might be false, have spelling errors within, etc. and they go ballistic if you start pointing it out to them.
@nicholashodges201 Месяц назад
9:30 I'm pretty sure all death gods have power word "miscarriage" in their arsenal...
@SerathDarklands Месяц назад
So, not quite a god of death, but I'm running a story right now where the threat is an un-thing, something born out of an absence of creation. In this story, the very first thing that ever was in any reality was an ancient entity that cast the 'light of creation' and these 'un-things' manifested in the shadow of that light. They're not anit-creature, they're an absence. I'm still sort of sorting out what they can do, but I was thinking of making their weakness the actual emotional bonds and connections that living creatures form, as that's something so antithetical to them. They can understand physical form, they can understand the physical and biological mechanisms of life and death, but those sorts of metaphysical connections are so alien to them that those sorts of connections actually harm them.
@ramondelgado4927 25 дней назад
In one of my games , the goddess of death was also the goddess of life ( sort of like La Muerte from Book of Life), true neutral , she was aided by individuals akin to anubis , super devout clerics who were elevated to demigods but still human at their core , so the BBEG summoned and bounded one of this to his will hence why he seems so lucky in battle , the party found out about this and eventually learned how to beat it , there were 3 mayor points: 1) To be immune to his death magic (power words , desintegration , necro fire ball , etc.....) they had to accept death , truly do so , this mean mechanically they could not be resurrected if they die , but this mean anubis could not even bonk them as they had accepted their "destined death" and he could not interfere , only the Druid and Monk took the deal 2) To greatly weaken him (lower AC , speed and spellcasting DC) by using consecrated bones of a recognize saint of death/life goddess , basically the remains of those same elevated clerics , which were basically super holy rare relics , this basically "grounded" him and took away a chunk of his godhood 3) To stop him from healing and granting invulneravility to the BBEG and his minions (he wields both death and life magic) they had to basically use high lvl necromancy (the really bad one) to disrupt his life magic , this ofcourse was super taboo on the life/death goddess doctrine , the wizard became a pseudo lich (half undead) to be able to cast the rituals and spells needed In the end , the party disabled anubis almost entierely and killed the BBEG , but findout was one of several clones (this was the 3rd time they killed the BBEG) which lead to the 3rd arc of the campaign , where they were basically exiled from the kingdom because they stole holy relics and were hunted by faith militant not only for the theft of said relics but also because the wizard lichdom got find out and a former ally denounce their necomancy , but on the bright side the Druid died and made a Death Cleric who allied with the party
@gnomerobot6972 Месяц назад
Adding on to what is said in the video. Infants or young people or the act of creating life, doesn’t make them feel physical pain but emotional pain. Knowing that at some point these small innocent beings may fall to his realm make them incredibly sorrowful, especially as it could be at any time
@spartanhawk7637 Месяц назад
Pull a page from the Greeks, the god of Death is the most relatively normal dude in the pantheon. At most he's atrocious at first impressions and legendarily awful at picking up girls. (A pickup line does not mean you LITERALLY pick them up, Hades!) That being said, his one weakness is probably the fact he loves his family as dysfunctional as it is. Guy just wants to hang out in his palace with his wife and dog. Someone messing with said family would make for an interesting weakness and possibly an interesting strength.
@jasonlotti8639 27 дней назад
The common cold. He cannot die, but he’s miserable and has disadvantage on rolls due to constant sneezing, can only cast spells that have no vocal components due to sore throat, perhaps certain resistances are lower due to having fever…
@GyattiousMaximus Месяц назад
Pollen is definitely up there 😂
@everythingsalright1121 Месяц назад
The god of death in my friends universe is insanely tired and overworked because of a war against the gods that killed all of them except Death. They're now basically the only god left (because you cant kill the primordial embodiment of the concept of death) and theyre trying to cover the domains of all the slain gods atm to keep reality from falling apart, basically having to take on their duties as gods of water/fire/fortune etc. They're looking for some people that they can train to be new gods to replace the old ones, but it's not a task that was meant for mortal minds and most can't handle godly duties and incredible burden of knowledge. So in this case (where death isnt the bad guy) I think they'd love nothing more than to have a break
@sherylcascadden4988 Месяц назад
Compassion. Now to watch the video.
@IjustWantedToPost 25 дней назад
My Idea would be a Vampire or some other ageless/immortal creature as some kind of love interest. Death represents the passing of time, inevitability and finality, so I figured a creature whose existence defies the very nature of a God of Death would definitely be intriguing.
@tuojiangoman3228 9 дней назад
Coming as a guy who played a worshipper of an underworld god, they have a lot of responsibilities, and as much as they might like their cleric/paladin, they cannot leave souls of the deceased waiting.
@stevenporter7065 Месяц назад
A therapy session about how he or she got to where they are as a god of death and why they continue such a job.
@alexmartinez5859 Месяц назад
A god that is not bound to their realm, if not their seat of power. A high enough level/mythical ritual/spell that can remove them from the realm permanently if say, a certain big bad evil former god wants to unleash the chaotic powers it once held, and one of the major steps along the way is to unseat the Goddess of the Afterlife herself.
@anon0092 Месяц назад
Probably wouldn't come into play unless it was a major plot point, but I love the idea of a God of Death that either knows right off the bat, or eventually learns that "even Death may die," and their weakness is that their paranoia has left them incredibly inept in the face of direct conflict.
@josephradley3160 Месяц назад
Not everyone fights/resists death. Some cultures embrace a good death.
@dragonsboon2316 Месяц назад
This is how I do it in my own world. All things die, it is the order of things. Plants, animals, people, monsters,. Deaths job is to insure finite existence so rebirth and growth can occur and he is also a part of that cycle. So deaths weakness is death. Unlike the other gods he doesn’t have immortality, and can be killed
@sonyyung5510 22 дня назад
Just do what Marvel did and make everyone alive immortal through a godforsaken eldritch ritual with the Many Angled Ones. SURE you have to sell your soul and everyone else's to the DnD equivalent of Cthulhu's cousins to accomplish such a feat, but hey if no one can die; then Death doesn't even exist in the first place.
@nickcampbell5626 Месяц назад
If I was a DM and my party was fighting death, I would require the boss to take an action against a PC after their hit points dropped to 0 for them to be officially dead, like in all those "death took a vacation" stories where without Death people physically can't die.
@Suites547 Месяц назад
I'm writing this before I watch the video, but my weakness is simple and sweet, a local that lacks death. Think of it like how an anti-magic field works, if you stand in a local that is death resistant, death will cease to exist, and therefore be, by association, death god resistant. Of course, death resistance doesn't just mean infinite regeneration either. Simply put death cannot get you, so if someone ripped you to shreds, you would just live as a bunch of shreds until you leave the deathless local. Edit: I'm watching the video now. For clarification, this is a preventative method, not a method of killing death. Not all weaknesses result in being able to kill the thing you are facing. You cannot kill death; it's nonsense.
@Zack_Zander Месяц назад
@MadDemon64 Месяц назад
My idea would be that their weakness is mold, fungi, flies, and anything else that causes purification because it turns dead bodies into new life.
@theorichalcumspider7755 Месяц назад
Money, it usually cost two gold coins to cross the River Styx in Greek mythology. But give Death enough money he'll let you go back to life.
@razorbliz 21 день назад
Just a quick constructive criticism here, a lich does not die when you break their phylactery but is able to be truely killed once it is broken.
@Seeker55 Месяц назад
I would say the very souls of their domain, travel there while the God is building power and convince the souls down there to protect the living that they love and forcibly drag them back to the underworld.
@anilin6353 Месяц назад
Ghosts, and the reincarnated theses are beyond the reach of death. Thus, they can hurt him due to them being outside his ability to effect them .
@VA_Nightshade Месяц назад
I think the best weakness I can think of it death on a massive scale. Its a simple idea. Death gods are powerful, not becuase of the souls they control, but the amount of people waiting to die. As such, every soul that goes out is one less coal in their fire. As such, death gods tend to make enemies of war gods and such. So, these gods will seek massive deaths to weaken them. These gods might also influence their worshippers to fear the death gods. This could lead to an awkward revelation when a party member dies, expects damnation and the unknown, only to be met by a gentleman who invites you for tea, or a friend to walk you to the afterlife. but when enough people die at once, that kind gentleman may start looking far older ver rapidly. And if enough die at once, death might not work properly for a moment. Meaning spirits start roaming. This could be why certain places are so heavily haunted, too much death happened too quickly, and souls got through.
@Sorain1 Месяц назад
Alternative take on this: the potential death yet to be is the basis of their power. The more life, the stronger Death gets. When this potential is realized Death gets a boost of power... that swiftly fades. Thus mass death makes Death much more powerful... briefly. Then Death is potentially significantly weaker. The same could be true of Undead and Immortality, because there's no more potential state change to Dead there. Potentially, that power only triggers once, this being why Death doesn't care about resurrections as long as it's not happening en-mass. So long as the few tens of thousands of adventurers are the ones being brought back, it's no real skin off Death's nose. Meanwhile someone eradicating a major cause of death may or may not annoy them. But anyone trying to give Immortality to the masses is going to instantly find the God of Death throwing Clerics, Paladins and Messengers at them until that stops. This would explain the behavior of the God of Death and their relations with Life and Undeath. Life is their friend, making them more powerful by proxy. Undeath is a problem. It would also explain why Resurrection costs a huge amount and always will, to keep the number of 'empty batteries' limited.
@cactizach1363 Месяц назад
I would make it so they have a mortal aspect that is separate from them, akin to a demi god that exists on the mortal plane and if they are killed it will take 1d100 years to recover enough power to raise another.
@dragonriderabens9761 Месяц назад
not really an answer, but perhaps it could inspire one: I love the personality of Death from the Castlevania anime he is just...so done with everyone's shit and it shows sometimes, he will start off with what seems like some noble and articulate speech...only to devolve into talking like shitposter other times, he skips the act and goes straight to talking like a shitposter "I was put here at the down of life on earth to feed on everyone one of you fuckers. I'm a little more than a 'thing'" AN ACTUAL LINE this is the kind of Death I would LOVE to have in my campaign
@primordial-chaos00 Месяц назад
I mean a deity of death is not bond by mortality and is responsibility keeping the balance continuing the wheel of life. the party could spread rumors of them failing the job making the deity who rule over the afterlife relive them of the responsibility finding a new person.
@kevinhenrique4256 15 дней назад
Fate's Eresh(The Fate Universe Version not the Mytological version)They are basically the same except that Fate's version of Ereshkigal defeated Nergal when he invaded the underworld as a result she has authority under the sun and Stayed single...,anyways she has several Fun Weakness: Despite being the Goddess of Death she is obsessed with life,If you are alive and in the underworld is unlikely she will be a Threat to you. Specially if you are being respectful(Gilgamesh proves this),Give her something pretty(Flowers) and she will like you,if you are Trapped in the underworld and Still alive Just ask and she will send you home She Likes Humanity(if you are a Human you already has some points with her,Also like the Mythological Version she can be persuaded to revive you,Usually there is a Price however,as Ishtar and Dumuzir can prove it to you...,if you are a good person or your death was really REALLY stupid she might take pity and revive you for free,See Gilgamesh dying of overwork) Fujimaru(The Main Character of her series and her First Love(as she never married nergal in this timeline),She will turn into a Blushing mess if he is around,and will break her oaths for him,He Literally can disarm her with words and has done this more than once during the series,of course if you are a enemy you might think of threatening him.... lets just say that might not be go well for you...
@Tolinar 29 дней назад
Tied to a weak god of life - god of life dies, god of death dies. "NOT amused." - Beerus
@Autobubbs Месяц назад
The Belmont family.
@funnyblog100 Месяц назад
How about a weakness for dark humor and skeleton puns? They might also be fond of the stupid ways Adventurers get themselves killed. Leeroy Jenkins your way through the campaign and make a fool of yourself and they might just resurrect you if they find you entertaining enough. Basically they are a sadistic gm who will gleefully troll you the entire journey.
@dadatheartist-pt4th Месяц назад
Things that were never alive in the first place. As in rocks arrows and bullets
@DuesIrae Месяц назад
So in my campaign I have Gods and Demon lords, they work in harmony and hatred. But the god is depressed as his job is to just collect the dead and tell them their life is over, so maybe his weakness would be someone who has wished to die. For the Demon Lord his weakness is the God of death who keeps the souls from leaving therfore limiting his power.
@Wardion2000 Месяц назад
Water... It's the source of all life..
@13thMaiden Месяц назад
Hmm... threatening his puppy. Most death gods in mythology has some guard animal, usually a dog. Which you can use to make him back down. But remember that they'll probably become John Wick on your ass if you're dumb enough to actually try to kill it. Or a bard from Georgia with a golden fiddle.
@zimattack9994 Месяц назад
Answer new born baby's because there new to life they brim with it and it acts as a temporary shield from death
@theworldstoryteller1197 Месяц назад
How about this for a scenario: the god of death, when he was first placed in his position, was given an amulet on a blackened iron chain to make him unable to leave the underworld for any reason. Somehow, a group of adventurers somehow get the amulet off of the god of death and, now freed, the god of death is doing all the things that he has always wanted to do and causing absolute chaos in all of the planes of existence. The reason that the adventurers took the amulet was that they were blackmailed into getting it by someone because it is reputed to give the bearer immortality (which it does, but traps them in the underworld). Meanwhile, the god of death, not knowing that the amulet is what actually keeps him from dying, is going on all sorts of adventures and quickly finds out that he is able to be hurt and ends up in some random jail and can't escape! While this is going on, the underworld is in total chaos because there is no one to take care of the dead souls that are piling up.
@O-carto Месяц назад
Gathering the 4 horse men of the apocalapse's powers and destroying the god of death with itself. but then whoever wields the power of the 4 horsemen of apocalapse and beaten death then becomes death itself. Hence making a new god of death
@andrewdesalvatore7262 Месяц назад
@hiroshock Месяц назад
Cookies, just straight-up chocolate cookies or brownies (with fudge).
@DHTheAlaskan Месяц назад
Social awkwardness, might have a touch of the tism and never had it treated.
@JP-eh4ee Месяц назад
Genuine laughter of joy
@tylerlarson1037 Месяц назад
A god of death with principles. He actively kills those who don't value life. If you learn the value of life( be it your own or others), he cannot kill you directly and must for you to die naturally. (Yes, I ripped it off of Puss in Boots 2.)
@Thought_Processing_ Месяц назад
I do not like evil death god as a concept so I think he would essentially have quit for a while because no one likes them and the reason why the world is ending is because nothing is dying or the undead are spawning everywhere so the quest is finding them and convincing them to go back to work set up a cult to them which makes them feel appreciated. Or heck just have the party be temporary interns to do the job while death takes a vacation.
@mysterymaiden Месяц назад
I imagine this god would have the Gomez and Morticia with their partner. So I would say their loved one is their weakness.
@CheesyKnobby Месяц назад
OCD. He kills, revives, kills, revives... leaves the house, only to go back in to check he did indeed kill.
@mikewithington4755 Месяц назад
I think I might take the idea from final destination... unnatural life. Assuming the world has a set fate of everyone, little to nothing can change if someone would die or not. Death usually works in the background... however, if you cheat death, he takes matters into his own hands while keeping themselves as un noticed as possible. This might start with new allergies in it's targets, or paranormal activities. But will grow more angry and become less unseen and more direct, entering the mortal realm and finding their target manually. How does one stop this? A new life. If you bring life to a person after you should have died, the child should never have existed and becomes a ward against death, while the child grows... death cannot touch their target. Only under 2 methods can death kill the target. 1, if the target intentionally leaves the child with the intention of never coming back. 2, if the target is willing to die. Other methods might overlap, in fact. Most believe that adventures with a dead parent is just a miracle child, who protected their father to only have them leave and never come back.
@winnerwannabe9868 Месяц назад
The god of death is dead, but if he escaped, he's just a very powerful restless soul. Or have the god of lice act as his counterbalance, but whatever let death free trapped life, and the players need to free life.
@scoots291 Месяц назад
Something really arbitrary. Like a handful of blueberries
@liberationnation3924 Месяц назад
A particular cat with a very recognizable voice? 🐈👢👢
@Levyathyn Месяц назад
The god can't actually kill anything... not doesn't, is genuinely unable to. It's a shepherd, a herald, one that claims the souls of those killed by others or by natural causes, carries them into the next realm they belong in, and... that's it.
@PoxMox-t7r Месяц назад
Facts. If Death has been underground since mortals exists, maybe he doesn’t actually know what happens in the material realm and doesn’t know that mortals figured out how to dodge death like with resurrection or undeath. So players would have to show this god proof that people that should have died managed to stay alive, thus proving his dying system to be entirely flawed. Make the players have to use resurrection, make zombies and skeleton rise, even finding a Lich and bring it to death, kill it in front of it and wait for the lich to come back (which to my knowledge takes multiple days). Once the players shown him all that, he’ll be forced to come back underground and think of a way to solve all these “mistakes”. If the players are lucky, he won’t think of any solutions for the next millennia.
@Fridrich-g6f Месяц назад
I have Not a weakneas but an Idea: how about the Partymember thats gives the finishing Blow be Forst Out of the Party and gets to be Forst to be the new god of death?
@ShadowDude6488 Месяц назад
Bananas, like his flesh has a lethal reaction to Potassium and Fructose.
@chainman958 Месяц назад
Vicious Mockery.
@PantherCat64 Месяц назад
Health Potions!
@phantommaster5757 Месяц назад
Have them go in a seperate quest to get the aid of a goddess of life she give them a elixer that heals even death. now heres the cool part the party can beat the god if death just like a other bbeg but obviously he will be imensely tough however if they keep the elixer and dont use it on themselves instead they throw it at the death god it will work simular to the weird white goo stuff and the litch from adventure time it will make the death god become human losing all his power
@Zenek_Rozenek Месяц назад
Let's say that if he forgets about a soul, then it becomes a zombie, a ghost, or, in worst case, a lich. Then he gets reprimanded by higher gods and mortals have to deal with them. SO MAYBE the way to destroy him would be creating zombies and ghost on a large scale, complaining to the elder gods, blaming it on the lazy god of death and he gets evaporated for incompetence
@adrianbrown3085 Месяц назад
Dad jokes and polka music. If you're dead, they can't escape your jokes, and the music will fill eternity.😈
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