
D&D Players, What was your very first PC like? 

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@justinaustin1600 Год назад
Currently playing my first PC. 3 years so far in a Homebrew Skyrim campaign. Bosmer Blood Hunter Lycan with a vendetta against Hircine, Lord of the Hunt. I've grown so fond of this character
@superlexaan_ Год назад
A grung cleric named Квык which approximately translates into Rewbbit (from ribbit) who literally put down 2 out of 3 trolls that were trying to eat his rogue friend (1 troll fell onto him dealing a lot of damage) by ripping out a tooth and hitting a toe with a mace. He's level 4 now and disguised as the "mascot frog" to infiltrate an assasins' guild. I begun playing appr. half a year ago and can't wait to see what happens to him)
@dr.nowhere8905 Год назад
Dunban, a Tiefling paladin, he was the craziest fanatic you ever did see. it was a real shame when my party members were forced to put him down via twinned lighting to the chest.
@greendragonfly4831 Год назад
I wish for more Tiefling Paladins.
@SirJoffry Год назад
Should've been named Faith. (Tiefling lore)
@foggy227 Год назад
Can we get more context, I really want the story of Dunban
@Callmesenpai1337 Год назад
Hmm let me guess. You are a Xenoblade fan?
@Kureemy Год назад
There was this character I made, and I decided that I wanted to make her into my first dnd character. Originally, she was supposed to be a cute half-elf witch who is actually a lost princess, with an equally as cute and also petite sidekick with the deep voice of a gentleman, but after giving her a character sheet, the character is now a warlock who isn’t really a warlock; she is a little girl (who is still a lost princess) who is being protected by a fiend, who is the warlock, not her; the fiend is the one who fights while she does the talking, and they have a sibling dynamic. Basically two characters in one. I never played this character, because I thought it sounded dumb, and just decided to make another character.
@travisbishop782 Год назад
I would have let you play it.
@mallard3084 Год назад
Joie DuPont, an orc bard with a charisma score of 8. He worked hard to become a clown, but he would always end up making children cry instead of laugh
@kyrar.j.4856 Год назад
Both of my parents played D&D when they were younger, it's actually how they met and how their relationship started. So, I grew up hearing about the game and wanted to play. Together we made my first character when I was about 6 years old, in 3.5, and played only one session. I'm pretty sure I made an elf ranger who lived in a tree house, her name was Liadan. My father was the DM, and my mother was also an elf. The way we ended up meeting was by my failing a dexterity check to climb down from my treehouse, ended up falling instead, but rolled high enough at the last second to catch myself on the last branch. Hanging upside down, now face to face with my mothers elf. I don't remember anything else unfortunately, but I was sad that we didn't continue to play.
@armandmcconahy9786 Год назад
Back in 1998, my first character was Galan, a half elf fighter- AD&D 2nd E. Due to some lucky rolls my character's lowest stat was a 12 that was put into wisdom. He had a higher INT score than the wizard, and on par with the thief in DEX. the campaign only lasted for a few months but in that time he was the party's face, face breaker, and puzzle solver. Near the end he engineered a plan that dispatched a copper dragon without anyone in the party taking a hit. My DM was a bit more on the lenient side, allowing us to make mistakes, but trying to guide us as well since we were all new to the game, and wasn't one of those player vs DM types. Probably why I still play D&D to this day, and why I'm the DM about 70% of the time.
@raedev Год назад
My first character was Eri aka Eremia Crole, a half tabaxi (of course) rogue trickster (of course) girl whose merchant family's name was ruined by her stepmother so she ran away, and she met Big Cat, a trickster/bounty hunter who captured her but then got attached to her due to her family business, and helped her learn trickster stuff and escape. Ended up playing into the catlike instincts a lot, having her be very curious and often assist the other characters (especially the evil cleric she had a crush on) in arguably dangerous nonsensical plans just out of curiosity, and almost started a race war against dwarves by accident (she kept disguise self-ing into a dwarf to do terrible stuff). That campaign unfortunately got put in a "long pause" aka we haven't played in two years, but it was fun while it lasted. A shame too, we were about to enter the territory where her merchant family has a lot of presence and power too, we heard her old mentor (the trickster bounty hunter) was arrested in the area, and just a couple sessions earlier the new evil orc god (the gods of the pantheon were being killed, that was the homebrew story) had realized who she was and shared the information with some mysterious person via Sending, in-lore she even had to dye her hair and get a different hairstyle to pass by without being noticed.
@MattHedgern Год назад
Splix, a blue dragonborn bard, made for a high school D&D club during freshman year. Didn't actually do much with him, but bro was a whole vibe. He just wanted to play his ukelele and have a good old time.
@pungoblin9377 Год назад
I actually had a pretty good one imo. A warforged who was manufactured after the war he was built for. Now purposeless, he was sold to an even shadier business who sought to use him as a tireless mercenary. He was gifted the name Mercy, an ironic name that was a shortening of his purpose as a Mercenary Automaton. Mercy had fulfilled his purpose time and again, brutally and thoughtlessly destroying all that lay in his path to the target. One day, while yet another target was left half-dead on the ground, waiting for the killing blow, a strange thing occurred that would shape Mercy’s very life. Mercy’s target was a man of faith, and decided to give something to Mercy in his last breath. Mercy received a vision, just a flash of warm, divine light, and then came to with his target skewered on his blade. But, for once in his life, Mercy did not feel as if he had fulfilled his purpose. He took the holy symbol of his target and decided to visit its corresponding place of worship, abandoning his former duty. This place was the Church of Repentance. He sought to repent for his terrible crimes, and gave his service to the church. This service, they decided, was to protect anyone at any cost with his shield, using his sword only to slay those who wish to harm others and were unwilling to seek redemption. He swore to this oath and became a Paladin of Redemption. The church attempted to give him a new name that fit his new purpose, but they could only ever settle on Mercy. TL;DR: Warforged becomes a mercenary but then gets blasted by divine magic so hard he becomes a Redemption Paladin
@travisbishop782 Год назад
That's a cool character concept.
@vaporizer2211 Год назад
Psylobin, the half elf Ranger, (The bame comes from a poisonous mushroom leave me alone.) Chaotic neutral outcast who's a murderer in his backstory. He doesn't like to talk much but he loves to hunt. So much so he makes a habit of hunting... people from time to time. He burned down a cultist camp killing about 4,000 cultists because they captured the dragonborne sorcerer and preceded to trade a whole person into slavery for their return. He's also why I love Fog Cloud
@maxblake5564 Год назад
Creizhar the Immortal, a Tiefling School of Necromancy Wizard. First battle, against an orc mage and an Intellect Devourer. The orc mage blows himself up first turn. I use all my spell slots casting magic missile. Side note: at the time, I didn’t know magic missile automatically hits. I miss all my attack rolls. I then switch to Ray of Frost. Another side note: at the time, I didn’t know cantrips could be cast indefinitely. I used all my spell slots and didn’t hit once. Our Kenku bard finally kills the Intellect Devourer with Dissonant Whispers. I wasn’t completely useless, though - I developed a slang term for Intellect Devourers for the party. I called them Brain Frogs.
@TheSkittleNerd Год назад
A Kalashtar cleric who started at like 15th level and had a DM who was very generous with milestones, killed myself with the first leveled spell I cast by casting gate to a non existent plane
@tammyboy2084 Год назад
I’ll never be able to remember my first character, because my dad tried to rope us in at a *very* young age, but the first character I remember creating was a fairly generic (initially) half orc barbarian called Ghorn Bronzefang the younger, and was played across both versions of DnD 3e. He was the son of an Orc chieftain and the daughter of a neighbouring human chieftain (alliance via marriage), and set out to make a name for himself to potentially prove worthy of being the next chief. Eventually his faith in Kord, god of strength, led to take levels in Holy Liberator (3e had “prestige classes” that you had to earn, rather than subclasses that you just get to pick) which is a bit like a paladin who focuses on the C/G philosophies (freedom, down with tyrants, etc). Across his career he helped to liberate an island being ruled over by gods of chaos, laid to rest the ghost of a paladin who died trying to end the demonic control of a rural village, and once managed to stop a charging skeletal chariot with his bare hands through sheer strength and determination. He unfortunately met his end in a dungeon complex dug into a mountain, which was being used as a staging ground for a war between devils, demons, *and* angels. If I remember correctly, he was face to face with a marilith and the dice gods were not kind that day. He ended up being replaced with one of my favourite characters, a wild elf sorcerer and silver dragon disciple called Lilith Lavanadel, but that’s a story for a different video.
@unnameduser5647 Год назад
My first character is also my only one jet and the one i am currently playing for 3 years now. That is partly due to us being dumbasses, our DM not doing much prep beforehand and is being good friends irl and goofing around all the time. But my character is a giant rock golem called Norit (after a mineral(i am a geologist student)) and acts as the tank of our group. He weights a 1.5 tonns pure stone, is 285cm high and tries his very best to behave like someone with this dimension, but often let's himself go to much and become quite silly. Tbh he is a lot like me but in the dnd world but i like him a lot
@drunkenrobot7061 Год назад
Journey, the Abyssal Tiefling Way of Shadows monk. Had the Urchin background, so I flavored it that his 'martial arts' was literally just street brawling. His whole thing was that if you helped him, he'd find a way to pay you back; he initially joined the party because they found him injured on the side of the road, and one of the players used Cure Wounds to heal him. He stuck with them afterwards so he could repay that PC, and eventually did by saving their life - though by that point he was also in debt to another PC who had saved his life from a group of undead. The second debt never got to be repaid, as that PC was atomized by a homebrew Deck of Many Things card, and I decided to retire Journey afterwards, both because there was now nothing tying him to the party and because we needed more healing power, so I talked with the DM about switching characters to a cleric.
@totallyseriousgamer Год назад
I still use my current PC! Our DM for aboit a year now uses a completely homebrew setting and allows players to have very powerful abilities because big numbers go brrr. My character is a NG, hard light bow-wielding Aasimar paladin named Orielle. She has the homebrew oath of reality. To match the emphasis on self-discovery and quest for knowledge, I have various abilities to see through lies and deception!
@Tasukeoftheflame Год назад
My first time playing D&D was in 1997, 2nd edition AD&D! I was in the Navy at the time, and I found a group that was playing on the ship! I had been interested in playing for a few years, but I couldn't find a group while in high school. Anyway, my shipmates invited me to play, and so I very excitedly decided to make a half-elf dual class Fighter/Wizard! The dm let me do it, and then I proceeded to get my ass kicked... a lot! I had no idea how to properly play a wizard. So, eventually, my character voluntarily gets turned into a vampire, and the dm then looked at me and said, "You don't know how to play a wizard, for your next character, I recommend you play a fighter and pay attention to how the others play. When you have a little more experience as a player, then try playing a wizard again." Since then, I have played wizards and many other classes in the other editions, sans 4th ed, and I have also recommended that brand new players play as a fighter or barbarian for their first character to get player xp. I don't force them. I just recommend it.
@lucielm Год назад
My first PC? Well there's the first concept Kari Windblade, Noble Gold Dragonborn Paladin raised by a human noble family. However the first one I am still playing is Zyn. Pirate Drow turned Cleric of Eilistraee. He started in on the pirate life in the underdark against the female oppression. That got busted by a cleric of Loth. He escaped and joined another crew. This time he was brought down by a Cleric from the surface. Zyn left the underdark and joined a crew on the high seas. Then an adventurer group attacked their ship. A Cleric of Lythander knocked him out with a mace. Once he woke up in prison he vowed to become a powerful Cleric before attempting to return to the seas. After 10 or so years in jail he was released and became a Cleric of the only good drow goddess. In the first game I played I went through the dungeon untouched and played him very aggressive. We got to the final floor of the dungeon and started the boss fight. 5 or 6 terrorfolk, pterodactyl people, and 1 with a magic staff. The fight is kinda going good. Zyn is focused on the main boss monster while the party and dmpc deals with the rest. 2 terrorfolk left and the boss all hurt. The barbarian and rogue go down in the same round, the dmpc is bloody, and the wizard is hurt, me still untouched. I channel divinity and heal the party for like 16 hp each and say "Get up boys, we got work to do." The dm then asked "Who should I kill?" My Darwin Award seeking brain says "Me, I've done the most damage to him and just healed the group. I'm also at full health so I'll be fine." One 6d6 fire damage spell later and I went from 24 hp to -1. The rogue piped up saying "Didn't he just tell us to get up?" Zyn was stabilized by the rogue's healing kit after the battle a turn later before I had to roll my first death save.
@archer4728 Год назад
Pathfinder 1e player here. My first pc was an unchained summoner dwarf with the construct caller archetype. The GM allowed me to swap around my casting mod from Charisma to intelligence since I wanted a smart engineer esque character. Had a sort of Pinocchio situation with his construct Eidolon with wanted to make him a real boy. Some events ended up giving the soulless construct Eidolon a soul and he became an angsty teen for the duration that he was getting used to having his own thoughts and feelings.
@fateric007 Год назад
I'm still playing my first character. It's been almost 3 years now. I'm a dwarf cleric whom became a teacher after the war.
@cloudfair2 Год назад
My first PC, that I made and played, had unusual circumstances, he was a human bard named Soma. I played him for one session in my first campaign before swapping him out next session. I brought him back in the backup campaign we ran when the normal DM couldn’t make it but as my brother’s character. When we TPKed in the main campaign, we switched to the backup and my brother made his own character so Soma just wandered off. Eventually the character I was playing realized that the rest of the party were reckless idiots that would get him killed so he left and I started playing Soma. Soma was an emotionless bard that was good at pretending to have them. His sole motivation was to find something that would make him feel anything and sought out any form of entertainment. He wasn’t a horny bard because in his backstory he already did that shtick but it never actually stirred up anything in him so he stopped but he did pick up a stalker. Soma was lively and brought the comedy to the party but if he wasn’t asked directly he didn’t usually offer much direction on what to do. His best moment was when we were dealing with a castle sieges by bullywugs and he wiped out 11 with one spell only for the sorcerer to one up him later by offing 14. He counted up the sorcerer’s kills, turned to him, held out his hand and stated, “Well, I have been bested, congratulations my good man!”
@Trazaeth Год назад
My first DND character was a Weretiger home ruled to be a fighter barbarian hybrid (we just came up with it) and he got to epic level in 3.0. I picked up special home brewed magical items that were made of silver that eventually got me to godhood. I was the god of Lycans. I miss Veudant.
@grabtharshammer2085 Год назад
Henry the Dragonborn. He was a Paladin in a Wildmount setting. I made to specifically not have a tragic backstory, so I made him a homeschooler! He went to adventure and see the world and as a Paladin of the Stormlord. Learned his family was involved with the evil God Bane and I bought an evil looking helm that allowed Henry to become a low budget Batman who never rolled intimidation right and was generally too nice when trying to be scary! Years later as a DM I inserted a copy of Bane's Bane, the autobiography of Henry Goldscales and my players (most of whom were the people to introduce me to dnd) got a big hoot out of it
@conspiracypanda1200 Год назад
I had a rock gnome barbarian. Her name was Terr Biggle (ie. terr-ible). She had a fear of falling. The height and sensation of falling triggered bad memories of falling down her mountainous home and breaking all her bones. Her learning to rage was her way of learning to overcome her fears, and eventually she would gain the courage to return home knowing she could fearlessly make her way back down whenever she liked. The meta reasoning for this fear, however, was because I wanted to play a gnome without being thrown across the map every 3 seconds. I figured if I could make picking up and tossing me detrimental rather than useful I could delay the innevitable. I had hoped that one of the other characters would gain enough of my and my character's trust to let me declare "Okay... You can throw me!" but the game only had 3 sessions and we never scheduled another :(
@rpglover5955 Год назад
As the Forever DM of the group, the one time I've had the chance to be a player (for a oneshot), I had a half elf illusionist wizard, whose task among his group of two kobolds & one rock gnome was to travel to some theme park where there was supposedly some weird magician with wild magic tricks (our quest being to come back to a storyteller with a good story). Long story short, weird magic affected the park, the party successfully took care of a animated baby dragon, and then the rest of the party blew themselves up with a necklace of fireballs (that my character was slowly walking away from due to having taken some hits in the fight). That character then went back solo to the story teller, and asked to be sent back home, and is probably sitting somewhere in the woods, terrified of ever being an adventurer again
@some_Russian_dude Год назад
Kuxli barbarian lizardfolk he just wanted smash things for his village and become stronger he eventually became a pirate warlord of unimaginable strength
@sonicroze Год назад
Sybil Gailflower, halfling Bard at your service! Rolled her for a 3.5 campaign. Although I knew it was going to be a dungeon grinder, I was still extremely excited to make my first character in a game. Our party was in no way, shape, or form balanced. We were expected to die, (all of us but the DM and one of the other players being new to the game). I spent a lot of time on her backstory, determined that she would neither be a stereotypical Bard, or have a "Tragic backstory" like so many characters out three. No, no, Sybill didn't have a traumatic history. She lived in a town seated at a cross roads that saw a lot of travel and trade. She was the daughter of the inn keeper and one of four other children at that. Her folks were very much alive, caring and compassionate. Her older sister was engaged to the Blacksmith's son, her Younger brother was a shepherd and her older brother was away in the next town over learning to be a scribe. She was the one at home helping with the family business and serving drinks to whoever happened through. Well, because of her being a barmaid for the most part, she got to hear Adventurers tell stories, and some of them were even regulars at the establishment (The Windy Pony) and in particular, there was a group of two elf brothers and a human who came in relatively often. She was sure the one elf was some kind of mage, and the human a Rogue perhaps, but the other one was a Bard. Sometimes they would have others with them - a Dwarf with an axe once, a Human cleric, etc.. but always those three. The Bard would often be goaded into playing one of his tunes and he would. Elves are supposed to be amazing singers, with hundreds of years of practice, how could they otherwise? But when you live in a town visited by everyone under the sun, you hear everything from drunken yowls to the finest tunes to reach a persons' ears as if mortals should not have ever had something so fine. Ah, he always sang well, that was never in question... but there was something... fresh and raw and real... Something... alive... the way he sang. It touched Sybill to her core. She, of course, begged the Sylwyn (the Bard) for lessons, wishing to even be a fraction as talented as he! She would have given him anything for such an opportunity, but he smiled and laughed and waved any and all fees. He asked her only to sing for him when he returned. And so he taught her what he could before leaving on his next adventure, and Sybill hones her craft in the months he was gone. Several times she sang and played for him when he and his party would come by, and he would praise her progress and how wonderful she sounded... but... something was missing. And so, Sybill decided all she lacked was "Real world experience." What made his songs so wonderful was they were from his experience and his adventures. She needed that... and so she left. And died in a catacomb under a church, along with the Rogue, Cleric and Bard that went with her. I have always wanted Sybill to live on in a new campaign, and I did for a time, but I want to see her reach the end of an actual story some time. The Bard who wants to touch peoples' lives with her music.
Steve the mild mannered wizard
@ShadowDude6488 Год назад
So our campaign starts at a prison encampment, the rest of the party are political prisoners consisting of a Halfling Swashbuckler Rogue named Isren, a Dwarf Great Old One Warlock named Urdock, and a Half-Orc War Bard (Raised by orcs, became a bard) named Thymus. Then they meet my character, a Half-Orc Berserker Barbarian (Raised by humans, became a barbarian), who was arrested for breaking a lieutenant's arm during an arm wrestling match. Isren: "And what is your name?" Barbarian: "...Keith." Party: Silence Urdock: "Hi Keith." His full name was Keith Myath, he hooked up with a viking cheif's daughter, proved to be smarter than the rest of the party (They tried to climbed greased up stairs on fire, and he just vaulted up the balcony to the second floor), married said cheiftan's daughter after getting seperated from the party, and was the only original member that survived. He now has 3 kids, Athmodeuth (Deal made) Heathin Myath (Reincarnated as a Dark Elf after getting killed by a white dragon, Totem Warrior Barbarian), Tharrin Myath (Druid, like her mother), and Kerri Myath (Barbarian).
@gamerfoxlord336 Год назад
Fashraha, a Human rouge. Who was always shy and timid and was always hiding but whenever someone attacked her friends the enemy always lost a limb before the attack could happen. She is in my PC hall of fame, and still her spreadsheet to this day
@SoraPierce Год назад
Currently with my first PC. Adran a high elf evocation wizard Currently level 8. Started out as a quiet man in a tunnel visioned pursuit of power. (Cause an orc kept being a better wizard than him in wizard school was a joke my party came up with for the motive) He then proceeded to get his scrying orbs in a vice grip by Helm and began to see the world around him and want power for a reason. He wants to protect his new friends and takes aim at a goddess of misfortune thats been our enemy for a year ingame Then through a complete out of left field RP side moment with the ranger that got the ranger killed, he forcefully became Bhaals current source of entertainment. So now he has a God and a Goddess in his crosshairs Our group starts back up tomorrow and im excited to see where this character goes.
@penguinmaster7 Год назад
I'm still playing mine. Takean "Tak" Lightfoot, the Tabaxi scout rogue. He's actually a scout, since i thought you had to literally be what your class said (swashbucklers had pirate accents, assassins were murderhobos, druids were clueless about society, barbarians were unga bungas, you name it). He was a former contract killer for the darkfang assassin's league (think Dark Brotherhood from The Elder Scrolls), but because he caused his partner on one contract to be killed, he went straight and now he uses his abilities to help others. Fast forward to the campaign I'm playing him in, and he's become more of a bard than the ACTUAL bard (as in socializing). He's managed to convince a master wizard to assist us in a boss fight, helped an NPC overcome his grief and unlock his true potential, and become an honorary knight of the Kobold village of Quartzholm because the DM has a weakness for well-RP'd speeches. come a few years down the line and we come across these portals that lead to a party member's past or future (depending on personal lessons to be learned), and one of those portals is Tak's past, the very place where his old partner was killed. We haven't gotten to his portal yet (the party decided on portal order by vote) but considering Tak has yet to reveal to the party what his job was, I've prepared one of my famous speeches for when the party betrays me for this revelation.
@BrettHunter97 Месяц назад
My first character was a half-demon. The DM made the entire campaign take place in a holy city (and did not inform me), making me sit out most of the time because my half-demon simply couldn't go anywhere. I didn't play DnD again for years after because I wasn't given space to actually LEARN anything, I was just punished from jump. It took ten years before I finally found a cool DnD group & now we play once a week!
@BallroomDancer7 Год назад
Wane, a Tiefling Warlock. He was tricked into his contract when he was in a low part of his early life. Since then he only called the demon who was his patron Jim. But he heard Jim's voice in his head piping in comments about what he should do. But his party members only heard him muttering "Shut up Jim" from time to time. He was a really fun character to play. He was a kleptomaniac but since stealing is wrong he would make trades with everyone and everything thing he saw.
@silverfortune2205 Год назад
It's been a good bit so I don't remember the full name of my first character. What I do remember is part of his name was Gruul so we'll start there. Gruul was a half dwarf (a stipulation on our first DnD campaign was that we were all the same race for lore/story reasons). Gruul was a Barbarian. He was a fateist to the extreme. A true chaotic neutral character. His philosophy was simple: if you die, you were supposed to die. If you live, you were meant to live. He'd never actively try to keep someone alive or send people to their deaths. People will do as they must, whatever happens to them in the end. Including himself of course. Side note, someone in our group was not a fan of how their character was doing (mind you we were barely into the campaign at all) so he just killed his character by hanging himself and did a redo character. My character just saluted him on his way out. The campaign sadly ended before lots of progress was made, but at least my character was still alive at the time.
@Solaris1000Angel Год назад
Im currently playing my first ever pc, Dreadfang Akra, the blue dragonborn bard who has been exiled from her clan due to a scandal with a nobles son and i am loving every second of it
@Atalas5 Год назад
ah, David. just a lowly Bard in the days of 3.5, with a knack for dealing with dragon's... NOT in the stereotypical Bard way... because I was too shy back then. His moments of epicness included: convicing a blue dragon we woke up while trekking through the desert to go back to sleep, leaving it open to full attacks by the party; talking another dragon who was chasing us (and the dragon we were riding) through the Underdark whilw a dragon matron mother was riding on it's back to "do a barrel roll!" (it worked); won a sentient greatax that was also a guitar with a LOT of buffs built in (according to the DM, he kept getting "roll twice and combine" on the loot table); and made his very FIRST attack roll over a year into the campaign, 11 levels from start (we started at 5). He (more me) contributed to a meme for our play group, where when my turn had come and I still hadn't figured out my turn, I'd say "Mind Blank". And I now take that spell whenever possible in 5e.
@UltimateAkuma Год назад
Green Dragon paladin called Fafnir. He was quite the stoic fellow and always wanted to try his best to defend the group. He also had a brother name Jormungandr, which one of my best friends had made as his first character as well. They were quite the duo, fast-forward to now, and we are currently making two new characters who are half brothers, one being a goblin, and the other an orc.
@coolhacker1025 Год назад
My first character in any TTRPG was a Vulcan science officer who later became captain on a homebrewed Star Trek RPG, that used elements of D&D and Esper Genesis, etc. I also play my character's sister, too. My first D&D character was a Wood-Elf Fighter named Elajor. He was true neutral (tending towards evil, due to things in his backstory). He was one to shoot his arrows first. He was eventually downed (at level 4/5ish) by a giant toy soldier who got a lucky hit, and me not noticing that I still had temporary hit points that might have saved me for another round. My second character was Elajor's identical cousin, Theren, who has (mostly, except for a short span of petrification) lasted for at least 8 months (realtime)
@Lonelysoul02 Год назад
Adrien, was a merchant Artificer sermed to be the voice of reason of the group. He had an artificial arm that he was supposed to be able to modify. The DM scrapped that idea, without talking to me. One thing he couldn't counter was his pack rat mentality, either to sell or through my notes build traps. This was last year I met in Mr. Ripper group.
@ryanperpich2501 Год назад
Mine was a human monk named Vandal in 3.5. His big thing was that he spoke like Captain Jack Sparrow, or at least the best imitation I could do LOL. Also, since I did not know any better I always thought all of his attacks had to be done with flourish oh, so just about every attack I ever did was accompanied with an acrobatic check because that's what our brand new DM thought I had to do. The campaign only lasted a few sessions because none of us had any idea what we were doing but I still look back at it fondly
@keiichimorisato98 Год назад
My first character was in a Gundam homebrew. I took the place of a person who couldn't make the session. They were mid combat and was on the ropes. My character drops into the middle of combat and starts wrecking things. I get really into the moment and start role playing as a someone who goes into a crazed feral state in combat. I started yelling, "Kill kill, kill die!" Maniacal laughter ensues. My roles were fantastic. We get back to the ship and my charscter has no memory of what happened. End of session, never played the character or with the group again.
@Shark59809 Год назад
Blue dragonborn ranger(drakewarden 4) warlock(hexblade 1) named Caboose. I still play him.
@LordFalconZero Год назад
Verdant, a green Dragonborn fighter. He hardly spoke, but got along great with the party. He was a man of few words, but never lacked action.
@somedudewithaniqof2795 Год назад
Umbra ironthorn was my first character. He was a drow paladin who suffered from my inability to plan ahead. His backstory was me adding elements over time. He started as a sailer who had become a paladin to look for his half brother who was in the country the campaign took place in. Then I made his half brother a half dragon. Then the black dragon was a shadow dragon. Very quickly I forgot about the fact he was a sailor and ended with a nonsense backstory. Stil would not mind fixing the backstory and play him again.
@anwd8646 9 месяцев назад
I never got to play this character, but the first ever character I designed was a bog standard human, sworn to an oath that they could never harm another being via attacking. The oath did allow for self defence, and it never talked about creative methods of harm either. Since I knew next to nothing about DnD, this character had no actual class. One thing I do remember is how I went to town on the backstory. As the only survivor of a family killed by a plague, and adopted by one of the most renowned medical practitioners in the land, he went on to become a medical professional himself. But when he returned to his old village, it had been burned to the ground, destroyed by bandits. My character was to have an intense hatred of bandits, and also experience nightmares about his families deaths, to the point where he wears a plague doctor outfit permanently. He would have been quite rude to the party, chastising them if they got on his nerves, but always there to keep them healthy. I look back on the character and see how some concepts can work, but others, not really.
@neoprower777 Год назад
Synka, my Leonin Battlemaster. He holds a special place in my heart because before I joined DnD I was in the middle of a divorce from a Psychologically abusive marriage. I was in a dark place an was on suicide watch. My friend invited me to be part of DnD to keep my mind away from other things and fell in love with it. I put a part of myself into my character who was fighting for a evil corrupt order that manipulated his raw emotions to fight for them but found out how horrible they were an left them to fight with the good guys. It was a redemption story for him and as the character grew I learned through him and dnd. I learned to value myself, all the power of change I have is already within me, an I broke the chains that depression had on me for a long time. My character grew and so did I. Dnd changed my life for the better an I thank my friends for helping save my life. Love you Synka!
@greatazuredragon Год назад
Kel, Loxodon Bear Totem Barbarian. A gentle giant that got furious if his friends got threatened and was too curious for his own good. Somehow ended up his days owning a bakery alongside his sworn-brother, the party's necromancer. xD
@zeroknight1311 Год назад
My Half Elf Knight named Z is my first PC. And I'm still playing him due to how I'm a new player to DnD and TTRPGs in general. Plus in terms of backstory, his Elven mother and his human knight father went and became farmers. Wanting to settle down and live peacefully. But one day bandits attacked the farm. Thankfully from a combination of Z grabbing a Bandit's sword and a group of Adventures showing up. The farm was saved and the Half Elf's talent as a swordsman was shown off. So he went off to become a knight due to his parents encouraging him to become one. Not wanting his talents to go to waste.
@pcalix17 Год назад
Werat, a treant fighter. He grew in size as he levelled up until, at level 5, he became a Large unit. Due to player inventiveness, I became something of a mobile fortress and transport, ferrying as many entities as I could long distances and having metal attached to my body to act as a strongpoint for ranged players to fire from. My greatest weakness was always close confines.
@charliejones7512 Год назад
Currently playing my forest gnome life cleric Nim, who’s made it her life’s mission to find out what happened to her family and her clan. She might also be hiding a couple secrets of her own…
@Blargerhonk Год назад
Virella a mage. Type. Thing. It was in roll20 and we didn't fully understand the system. Anyways. She was ditzy. Declared everyone friends. She didn't have a moral compass, so she relied on her friends to know what was right and wrong... which wasn't a good idea, but she was too ditzy to tell. She became very attached to her friends. The way she was introduced to the tavern where the party ended up finding each other was some elf guards walked her in from the boat they arrived on, took her to the tavern, distracted her and then quickly sailed back home. It was great.
@MusicoftheDamned Год назад
11:14 Cool. A new metal band to look into. Before it named them at the end, I was mentally joking that the half-elf cleric's name was "Galactica Phantom".
@sniclops15 Год назад
First PC was a cowboy outlaw in a 1-shot named Dante Quickshot. Rootin Tootin 6-iron Shootin. First CAMPAIGN PC is the one I'm currently playing. Kazix, the Kobold Hexadin multiclass. His patron is the dragon who protected his burrow in exchange for food and gold. The dragon died recently, and now resides in the sword he wields. Kazix now ventures forth to find those responsible and gain the power needed to protect the burrow himself.
@TheDuelManiacs Год назад
My first character was Dreki Thunderbringer, a red dragonborn paladin of Thor. She was the shield of the innocent, the hammer of justice, and her first fight had a kobold charge at her, cut off his own leg, and die in the dirt at her feet.
@silvanusasher446 7 месяцев назад
Liadon Ront, half-orc wild magic sorcerer with one arm and one eye lost in the blast that turned a late night, unsupervised, lesson in wizardry into a life changing event.
@James_Stan808 Год назад
I'm actually currently playing my first PC. Drayon Ka'ah, a Chaotic Good Half Dragon Barbarian. A large imposing figure, but is very friendly outside of battle due to his rural upbringing. Aside from the main campaign, Drayon has been searching for his great grandmother, a Brass Dragon his Great grandfather, Aaron Ka'ah, was able to seduce as he was a great bard in his youth, or so Drayon has been told, so now he seeks out his family to learn more of his Dragon heritage. His main quirk is he collects the skulls of notable slain enemies and has them made into various cups he carries on his belt as trophies as well as means of intimidation. I've also poured a ton of skills and money into fire resistance. While raging he has a 41 fire resistance, so his main means of attack now is to grapple enemies with bite attacks, then set off alchemic grenades in his hands, or have our teams wizard cast her strongest fireball spell on Drayon and whatever poor female soul he happens to be holding
@FaisLittleWhiteRaven Год назад
Atielli, my bright yellow 'cockatiel' Aarakocra Way of Mercy monk, who due to my not understanding how DnD level ups and stats worked, had all her numbers under 15 (str was 9...) and mostly survived up thanks to the power of flight, flinging pebbles with her signature sling and eventually getting her talons on a Fire Giant's belt which made her a LOT more useful~ XD Her backstory was pretty much just 'fell out of her nest (wherever that was) at like a month old, was taken in by a bunch of human monks and then ended up accidentally flying through a portal to world of the campaign on her very first successful flight as aarakocra who'd just reached adulthood, aka 1 year old' with me making stuff up as I went but personality wise she something of a pollyanna/stepford smiler: always earnestly making friends with everyone and trying to help with cheer and throwing herself into their problems before the adventuring life (stress of combat, constantly feeling lost, other PCs dying, her ongoing anxiety issues regarding her lifespan and not knowing jack about herself/her species due to being pretty much the only aarakocra around, etc etc) would inevitably eventually push her into a depressive spiral which she'd force her way out of because other people needed her. Didn't really accomplish many super amazing feats on her own but was much beloved by everyone at the table to due basically being really easy to empathize with (loudly nerding out alongside the kobold monk/barb and the isekai'd fighter/artificer over anything dragon, martial arts technique or mecha related, gushing enthusiastically over any kind of low stakes fun the group happened to stumble across, and having a 'Nope!' reaction to anything even remotely lewd -despite her 'romantic friendship thing' with the kobold monk/barb- etc) and for curtailing a lot of stupid by pointing out practical solutions to problems, especially if they could involved talking and sharing information (her constantly making and handing out informational fliers and maps to every new PC and NPC she met was basically her trademark 'thing' after a while XD). Atielli eventually retired at lvl 20 having assisted most everyone else with their goals (her own subplot getting dropped off a cliff due to me being really burnt out on playing her by the time it started being relevant at all) but I did bring her back into another game as a lvl 3 Twilight Cleric. Ended up only getting to lv7 in that game due to me not liking how she bounced off the other PCs in that game and retiring her early (still occasionally played her as an assistant to the local apothecary and a quest giver NPC) but looking back on it, despite never really resolving her own issues, Atielli has probably been one of my most memorable and successful PCs and if I ever get around to DMing a campaign she's almost certain to return again as a helpful NPC and side quest hook. Hopefully she'll just as fun then as she was back when I first played her~
@ala5530 Год назад
My very first PC was in an old edition of RuneQuest. Swede Hammerhand, the 6'4" dwarven nobleman (in character, it was a touchy subject, as the other dwarves picked on him for his gigantism. Out of character, I was a 14 year old Discworld fan), carrying an arbalest. Lasted a few sessions before dying to an ogre? ettin? troll? (it's been more than 20 years, I don't exactly remember) which picked him up and yeeted him through the air to land head-first in a swamp. While wearing heavy chain armour. My first PC in D&D was Rhys ap Rhys, a Paladin of Kernunnos (one of the Celtic pantheon), in a Planescape campaign. I lost him because we'd established early in the campaign that Sense Evil worked by giving the character a directional headache, and while chasing a thief through Sigil, we accidentally triggered a portal from the City of Doors to one of the Nine Hells. Since we couldn't see the thief we were chasing (little sod apparently hadn't triggered the portal), I tried to use my Sense Evil ability to find where he'd got to... scannershead.gif
@vincenttaylor5728 11 месяцев назад
Forest gnome arcane trickster rogue, named Cloak. The game he is part of is currently on hiatus, so he's sitting at level 8 right now, but when we resume he will be swayed by the queen of air and darkness to become her champion (warlock). He's sarcastic, intelligent, and witty. He's currently on a mission to steal back an idol, from his home, that he was coerced into stealing for a mid tier bbeg. He hopes that by bringing back the idol his people will forgive him and he can return home.
@BottoBobbs Год назад
I only recently got into DnD, but I'd love to share my story. My college had a fun afternoon where students would get to partake in various clubs. I chose DnD because I'd always been interested in it, and the president of the club had already had some premade characters ready. She passed the sheets around, and I decided on a Lawful Good Naga Smuggler Ranger. Since I didn't exactly know how to go about coinciding with the lawful good nature and the smuggler background, I decided to be more neutral good, being skeptical of cops and such. I decided to go with Irru, theslick-haired drug smuggler (think Ramsay Murdoch from Epithet Erased) with a heart of gold. I also decided to give him a phobia of fish and an eye patch, which he got from an incident involving a crossbow bolt (he went to the store to buy some crossbow bolts but saw an eye patch in the shop window and bought that instead). I started out the one shot dealing Halfling Weed to another character (I also had Feydust, Fizz Cola, and Funpowder, which was at a low price in bulk because Irru is an ally. The large party went on a basic quest to slay a dragon, and Irru developed a paternal liking to a pacifistic Druid named Tala. Along the way, he cast speak with animals to listen to some birds and he discovered that there were "Lions with coats that made magic bounce off of them." He pondered over this and eventually came to the conclusion of saying to the party: "There are bouncy lions." The party eventually found the lions sleeping, and we had a choice to make; go around them, or kill them for their pelts. Most of the party members decided to kill the lions, but Irru refused to fight in solidarity with the pacifistic Tala. At long last, they arrive at the cave. The dragon had become a god through those who worshipped it as one, and it started out as a fish, now having many fishlike tendencies. Irru, of course, was terrified of fish, but a Paladin in the party cast Heroism on him, allowing him to continue. As the battle went on, the dragon's health was slowly chipped away. Tala, objecting to this, shape shifted into a baby dragon and tried to reason with the beast, pleading with it to flee. The dragon refused, and it was my turn. I don't think I'll ever forget this. I walk up to Tala and put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. I said in my gruff, vaguely Jerseyesque voice: "Sorry, kid. That's just the way things go sometimes." And without looking, I fired my crossbow at the dragon. It was a Nat 20. I hit the dragon right in the eye, the crossbow bolt imbedding itself into its brain and killing it immediately. I'll probably forget about Irru as I play DnD more and more, but playing him just perfectly encapsulated the magic of DnD for me.
@williamthomas2099 Год назад
Rimm Gobbstone. Wood elf ranger folk hero tinkerer. Modified the short story the lottery but instead of someone dying their child was chosen to be raised with the intention of being a guard between the surface world and the underdark. So ideally mixing jon snow with the magi from the the mummy movies. Allies enemies and even then roaming tribes send their own tributes to protect the world. Rimm is a 95 year old wood elf about to become an adult. But his next 5 years will be spent learning about the world honing skills and preparing for his final occupation. Got a loving family (avoid orphans always). But Rimm is still a sheltered child so its like playing ash ketchum telling everyone he met at first that he is an adventurer in a hopeful and excited tone. Became a gloomstalker made some basic trick arrows (bolas, grapples, health injectors). Almost was eaten by a giant mantis. Our party was very chaotic. A bet caused a flaming arrow to burn down a pot field, there was some bar fighting that landed the party gnome socks when our gnome rogue bit a dwarf on the penis and held on clenched tight as the barbarian beat him down, Rimm managed to cut a long line with a 6 silver. First silver bounced off the persons head that stopped him first. Another 5 went out to the crowd fable style. Scared a room full of gnomes by using a dead mimic as a puppet. Jail broke the barbarian and ended up sniping the mayor for his betrayal. Good game.
@DarkKnightofIT Год назад
Skreech, a Kobold who believes that he's a Velociraptor, and wants to make "THE BIGGEST BESTEST FAMILY RIUNION EVER!!!" I had the idea after watching a particular Animated spellbook.
@DevilFruitZero Год назад
Deff, Human Fighter, Advanced D&D I was 12. My Dad was the DM. He (Deff) kept giving an NPC gold because I thought it was hilarious. Fun adventure that had me hooked to D&D. Died that day to a cockatrice stoning him. I was very mad. Never played with my dad again until last year because he stopped playing for work reasons.
@dragonsmash3r Год назад
Drake, Tiefling Edgelord Bard. Was in a sort of online phase at the time. Instead of in a corner brooding, was tuning a lute until a string snapped, didn't say much. Didn't really feel comfortable, usual first time player woes. Did have a singular memorable moment of getting one shot by a nat 20 in the first encounter and smashing through the door I came in through. Campaign didn't even get past the first session. One player was a no show, one was an Aaracockra with a valley girl accent who had to spoon the tavern keeper's basement cow to sleep, the warlock was barely there and literally huddled into a corner crying during the first combat encounter (then getting told he had a glint in his eyes and that he was destined for greatness), and the one player who had experience and knew what she was doing with an interesting wizard concept. Thankfully it didn't ruin my perception of DnD, not even when the second game (module this time) fell similarly through when Wizard Drake saw the same valley accent guy get splattered by a large stone golem and tried to poison it. Somehow that session ended off marginally better overall. Then the 3 year campaign with a completely different group happened. That was neat. Still is neat. Now if only the regenerating-C4-Chair-of-Jesus wielding Monk wasn't a total That Guy.
@ShazotoTouge Год назад
My first PC was a half-phantom named Yuurei Europa. The campaign took place in the 1950's, so as a bit of flavor, she died during the Pacific Theater in WW2. She doesn’t know why she was revived, or by who, but she is enjoying herself with a ragtag group in the 'States. She was a level 5 Ranger with a bit of Homebrew, and acted as the groups sniper using a 20mm anti tank rifle as her weapon of choice. Yuurei was dumb as bricks if it didnt involve fighting, or Italian cuisine, which made her a lot of fun to play. Sadly, the campaign only lasted 1 session before schedule conflicts made it impossible to group up consistently.
@Strangeric798 Год назад
Not sure if it counts since i played the character in an hour long mini one shot that had more improv than dice rolling, but my first character was a half Elven rogue named Guy Fandengo. Came up with him real fast since the game was a spur of the moment thing, but he had been arrested for the assassination of some petty noble who had upset him and he and the rest of the party worked together to break out of the jail. Noteable moments include dislocating his thumb to escape his cuffs and then using a bone fragment as a lockpick to free his allies, weilding a wooden bowl and spoon as an impromptu dagger and buckler, knocking out several guards with said bowl, and successfully convincing both the party and later the guards that he had been wrongly imprisoned for merely stealing a pie. In the end, while the other three ditched him in their attempt to escape, Guy merely walked out the front door as a free man after the aformentioned pie theft lie. He of course immedietly left the city since the lie wouldnt really hold up for long, but still. It was a fun little game.
@creepercommande4171 Год назад
Clay Furnace, the clumsy Goliath Paladin who first session launched a part member above the tree line of a very large forest when trying to find their way out, started a genocide of a rival Goliath clan, destroyed the giant stone door of a stronghold with a nat 20 strength check, fell into many holes, and killed a giant dragon worshiped as a god.
@LEWS316 Год назад
In College, i think it was A D&D i played Hulvard Strongarm. A dwarf cleric of light looking for the stolen relics of his temple. Eventually party finds the goblin thieves camping on an island in middle of a lake, party starts rowing a boat across the lake but not enough room for Hulvard, so I cast water breathing ran across the lake bottom and got there first. Party arrives to flames and screaming and finds my battered, bloody and beserking cleric tearing the place apart. he became a paladin after that
@WeAre1Legion Год назад
Miraak, Dwarven artificer, heavy armor, 2 handed weapons, crossbow, chaotic neutral, firebolt god, the tank, ranger, and healer all in 1 for some reason, and my favorite part, schizophrenia
@the_spaggot3148 Год назад
In a homebrew one piece campaign I played a mink named Lee Mur who was a 5'7 lemur ranger who blasted people with explosive shots from a rifle and was emotionally vulnerable (if ever given alcohol he'd cry over anything)
@zinmaster24 Год назад
Human Soulknife Rogue named Brenham Soldress. Brenham was a good natured orphan with a pention for disregarding the gods, and stealing from the rich. He had three dreams. 1. Find his family if there were any left. 2. Own a magical bar that can travel between dimensions. 3. Eat a live dragon. Over the course of the game Brenham was slowly driven to insanity due to growing frustration with the party. Things didn't end well. But to this day I use Brenham as an tavern owner for any campaigns i run with an inn called the "Ham's Rest."
@sarahcarless5480 Год назад
High school, back in the late '80s: 1e or 2e, I can't remember, homebrew world. Chargen was actually "roll 1d20 for each stat." If you rolled a 1 or a 20, roll again. Second roll stuck. I wound up with a gnome cleric with a Comliness score of 20. (I rolled a 20, rolled again, got another 20). The only other thing I remember about that game was that my drop-dead gorgeous little 3rd-level gnome cleric wound up face-to-face with a shadow dragon in a swamp with nothing but her pack and her apprentice (another gnome cleric, played by my best friend). I cast "Distract," and the GM rolled the shadow dragon's INSANELY HIGH magic resistance. I think it was something like 95%? The dragon rolled a 99. So my little cleric basically looked at this massive shadow dragon, pointed behind it and said "OH, LOOK! SOME CHEESE!" and when it looked, she and her apprentice dove under the swamp water, drank potions of water breathing, and managed to get away. Long live Gnoshta, priestess of Chislev. The Cheesemonger.
@SnowLeapOver Год назад
First character was a pre generated elf wizard. Immediately got two standout moments of shocking grasp on a rude guards balls and freezing a giant nudist gnomes balls to kill him. Later went to a cave with party where he got ripped in half on surprise round.
@HeyyMakarena 2 месяца назад
My first character was Mr. Pituh, the chicken. By the lore, he was a wizard who accidentally turned himself in a huge fat chicken. Was notorious for paranoia, for example, when we were going through a dungeon, there was a wooden dummy, and for some reason I thought that it was a trap. So I doused it in oil and set it on fire. Nothing happened. But I watched the dummy closely until only ashes remained. Y'know, gotta keep an eye on them.
@hannahdigioia692 Год назад
Dawlish, a halfling rogue who really was more of a monster hunter. Wore an elven cloak really intended for someone medium size, but it was wrapped around her like a cross between a cloak and a tabard.
@josieundecided Год назад
Dr J. Halcyon, an Astronomer and Engineer aboard humanity's first manned mission using warp drives. Which of course goes wrong and flings him far into the future, in which the galaxy is now inhabited by all of your typical fantasy races. Was a "pacifist" despite playing one of the highest dps classes, although he did have a fondness for making risky decisions and threatening his way out of them using an unloaded laser pistol :)
@numbskullsncrossbones Год назад
My very first D&D PC was back in 3.5e, back in highschool freshman year. We played it at the cafeteria table a few times. He was a red dragonborne paladin of Bahamut named Liez of Kiel after the Guardians of Ga'hoole which I was reading at the time. His nickname was just Eliza, which my friends misread as Lisa and became the party's punching back for it, being bullied as a girls name. I had little knowledge of how to play D&D being my first time so I ran heading into danger pretty often, having no concept of how traps worked, sort of big dumb paladin and got bullied for that too. But after awhile, I took and leaned into it as his character style. A big armored raging ball of scales fire that feared absolutely nothing, with only battle on his mind. Big and dumb enough to challenge a god and not even flinch. The bullying stopped though after rolling a nat 20 against a whole horde of goblins hiding within a small room. His fire breath, melted all the goblins and crossbow traps in a single blow. No one bullied him again and but he remained the party's flamethrowing tank against everything!
@AHilton21 Год назад
My first ever character was a White DragonBorn Rogue who stood at 6’6” 250 lbs named atlas. I rolled incredibly well and as a lvl 1 had a +10 to stealth, so I almost never failed stealth checks. I enjoyed just appearing out of nowhere startling people at how this hulking bright white Dragonborn would seemingly appear out of nowhere
@mrrey3481 Год назад
Thorayne, Dwarven Bear Totem Barbarian, and the weilder of unique ability brewmistry that allows him to brew magical alcoholic drinks out of pretty much everything. He was hella fun but I left him shortly since I made one too many mistakes building him and didn't really feel it. But recently after BG3 rolled around the corner he got a new life via his iteration in BG3. He switched from Barbarian to Cleric of Moradin, got new haircut, glorious moustache and additional writing that made him serve in the military before switching to becoming a Cleric and dedicating his life to make life of dwarves better. Currently he is waiting around the corner to show up in current campaign if my current Monk ever dies
@venuswine9905 10 месяцев назад
In my first campaign right now playing Rob Hugh Mann a magician pickpocket. He took to learning magic after his mom disappeared when he was very young and learned to pickpocket people because he and his dad grew up very poor and he wanted to help his dad scrounge up any extra money he could. He never told his dad about it and instead would just sneak whatever he got in with the rest of their funds. When he grew up he opened a magic show and when asking for audience volunteers, would pickpocket the particularly wealthy ones and then donate what he got to those in need. I got the idea from the word trickery in trickery cleric so I needed some way for him to have real magic but I didn’t really feel like the typical cleric idea fit him as a character so my initial idea was for him to have been approached by some god and given powers to help and heal because they had been observing him helping the needy already but that didn’t really fit in with the narrative of the campaign the dm was running so instead Rob can just kinda do that. We haven’t gotten particularly far into the campaign but already I have adopted a little orphan boy who’s good with gadgetry and cursed to not be capable of speech save for very emotional moments and am biding my time til the party reaches level 5 so I can cast remove curse. He also has a comically tall top hat with a propeller on it and because we thought it sounded funny it’s his holy symbol and the propeller spins when he casts a spell.
@philkirshenbaum8867 Год назад
My first PC. Elf Rogue. Lawful Evil. Steals because he came up with nothing, and has a strong Moral compass. Other player was a murderhobo who made my character start being selfless because he saw that greed was just getting him in trouble. Ended up becoming rich and owning a Tavern. Sometimes use him as an NPC to reference when I DM.
@junglejim9739 Год назад
My first ever character was randomly rolled race and class, along with the rest of the party. I ended up with Turok, the goliath soulknife rogue. It was a fun homebrew setting bar crawl. As a new player I was forged in the fires of intense combats and had to learn quickly. Turok made it far but was ultimately killed due to a failed abortion attempt. After one very intense combat we hit the tavern to celebrate and a couple party members wanted to get some ladies of the night. So I decided to join and asked for something really exotic. After spending a night with a mind flayer, turok got knocked up. The party started noticing little things here and there and never told my character. For those who might be wondering, turok was a big dude. After finding out he was prego, he wanted it out of his stomach. We happened to be at a new tavern by this point and the tavern keeper had his private room in the back that had all sorts of magical goodies. So we hatched a plan to create a diversion so our other rogue could sneak in and see what was there. The distraction? Giving my guy an abortion of course. So our fairy barbarian used enlarge/reduce to shrink himself and go up my backdoor into my stomach, ended up in a mini pocket dimension fighting the mind flayer fetus and wasnt doing too good. Ultimately he had to rage and one failed con save on my part, the barbarian had grown back to normal size and blew out my guys stomach. Turok died immediately. Our other rogue succesfully snuck into the tavern owners private room but ended up having his throat slit and he bled out in the room. Yeah we lost both of our rogues in a tavern at the same time. My new character, and randomly rolled kobold warlock named lockstock, ended up finishing the bar crawl and was given one wish. He wished for his big goliath friend to come back to life. Backstory stuff blah blah blah. And now, turok lives again!
@AkaTrios Год назад
The first ever PC is one that I luckily still get to play. He's a Dragonborn Monk who was very paranoid and aggressive early but after a canon time skip became the figurehead of an organization that basically looks for survivors of a certain tragedy and tries to prevent tragedies of similar nature to happen, all while trying to get revenge on his father (who is a full-fledged dragon) for almost killing him twice and killing more than half of his former party. He's also proficient at throwing his current party's cat girl and we have the house rule that he can use his breath weapon to propel himself in a certain direction. Including upwards.
An Oath of Glory paladin that I rolled really high for his stats (all but INT *started* at +3), his name was Gregarius, and he was an ex-town guard captain.
@willmcgonigle3107 Год назад
His name was "*SCREAMING*" aka john, as the other players refused to scream to alert me. He was a black dragonborn pact of the old ones warlock, he was chaotic nuetral and ran around hugging folks to death. I accidentally TPK'd most of the party because I didnt ubderstand arms of hadar. That was at my middle school DnD club, where we had only one DM, and 11 players. that campaign didnt go far
@hudyfhddvdbhdh2240 Год назад
My first dnd character was a dwarf that believes weapons have felling and punching hurts his hand so he hugged every thing that move that wasn’t his party it was stupid off how strong he was
@Ballodsofthebold Год назад
My first PC was Thibbledorf Pwent named after R.A Salvatore's character. He was a dwarf (obviously) trollslayer in a Warhammer fantasy campaign. We played two sessions maybe. I that time I punched a lizardman to death during a test combat run, attacked a minotaur, and never found any trolls
@joshwalton25 Год назад
Achilles, minus the demi-god stuff. Played him in several campaigns. He was a table favorite every time, and taught me that the best trait a PC can have is the simple willingness to embrace whatever adventure comes their way.
@thatbloxguy5432 Год назад
5E My first character was a mountain Dwarf Barbarian. His name Thorrin Pyrite! He was your basic balding, big bearded Dwarf. The only thing, that really caught a lot of attention. Was the fact, that there was a hand axe in the left side of his head. [The DM agreed to me being able to use it if I like to. But I would lose some of my most recent memories I have] The other quirk he had, was that he hated magic a lot! I purposely picked Mage Slayer instead of increasing my ability scores at level 4. [Everyone thought it was funny because we just fought a Hag] Thorrin's backstory was that he lost his memories. (Do to the axe being in his head) And he was trying to find his way back home? He didn't know if he had one or not. Or if he had a wife or kids? All he knew was he could sware in Giant, and none of the party members would understand him. [Side note I literally made up some words in giant that I would cycle through when I missed an attack or something bad happens. Later, a new player joined that could understand giant. So me and him worked together to come up with noise for giant speech.]
@hellkitelord8319 Год назад
The first PC I enjoyed playing was a tiefling bear totem barbarian that I multi classed into archfey warlock her theme in the warlock spells and abilities was finding them by mistake. An example is her learning about eldritch blast by using it when not knowing about it and blasting some mugs at the tavern after apologizing and paying for the mugs destroyed we were allowed to go on our way. She was a blast to play when we were at a distance she would use her warlock abilities, but once she got close her rage would take over and well do what barbarians do. Sadly that campaign ended by a lot of things happening IRL for most of the other players. The DM, another player, and myself still play, but everyone else is new. I had planned for her to become an archfey herself of course by tapping into magic that she didn't mean to. Now she is the quest giver for multiple one shots I run once in a while. In a way she is still a blast to play always funny when they think the helper is just a barbarian then an eldritch blast start firing off. Throws the players off almost ever single time.
@vacantsix1586 Год назад
Mead the human fighter after he died, I made his half-orc half-brother grog . Half a year later, I made an assassin Cleric named Brandy, who was there half-elf half-sister. Their mother was a working girl named Marla
@Xarestrill Год назад
My first character was in an ad&d 2e campaign. I'd made a female Half-Elven Wizard name Moondance Ka'Vala, who had the little quirk that on nights of the full moon would sneak off to dance in the moonlight. The DM decided to make her a noble and one of the other players (an male wood elf ranger named Ravenwing) a family slave who'd been promised his freedom if he went adventuring with me as my bodyguard.Ravenwing's player decided that his character had a crush on mine, and when I found out, I thought it was a cool idea and had my character have similar feelings. It was really cool to have a character in a relationship. The third character was a Drow wizard named Wally (the player was a bit weird, but in the fun way) who (thanks to the DM ignoring the rule that only fighters got exceptions strength) had an 18(88) strength and ran around smashing enemies with a maul. After a few sessions, we picked up a pair of new players. A human Paladin named Scorpion Casper Thor (nicknamed Tin Can because he wore full plate) and a half-ogre who's name I can't remember, but who was nicknamed Stinky. Sadly this game didn't last too long because the DM moved away. I ended up taking over as the DM, but decided to retire my character, so Ravenwing left with her, and that player made a new character.
@redacted606 Год назад
Self sacrifice type turned unknowingly corrupt with the asperation to keep her home lands name alive, so no one forgets it.
@theofficerfactory2625 Год назад
Briask. A 5e awakened ragdoll cat using the animal adventures mod that I backed. DM at my first convention to attend of its kind allowed me to play him. That DM was awesome and as players came and went; I stayed for the whole thing and survived my first ever time playing dnd. As a ragdoll; he had extra charisma but could not jump to high places as that is what ragdolls are known for; mostly. I really didn't had a play style for him other than do cat things like shredding important documents to dispel a demon! I hope to play him again sometime in the future.
@stepgamerdad Год назад
My First PC was a no-holds-barred-cliché-ridden edgy assassin. Par for the course, since it was a Dark Fantasy Game. "Arcane Codex", a German system that all my friends played back in the day. During the course of my last campaign with him, he grew resentful of the Assassins' Guild and the god of madness it served, so he turned on them and founded an organization based on egalitarian freedom of all peoples and races. He retired as a PC and has since become a questgiver NPC in many games I've run as a DM.
@sharqbyte 10 месяцев назад
Mine was a dumpster lurking lizardfolk fighter who would make trash into caltrops and stuff like that.we had several days to prep for our first fight, and i ended up living in the dumpster for a few days. Only had one session with him, and we all died to quicklings.
@eldragon5247 Год назад
I had a half elf barbarian bard He was an overconfident luchador trying to make waves in the music industry. It was fun
@ThymeSplitter Год назад
So... I don't remember my very "first" PC, pretty sure that was in some game run by a friend in highschool. Anywho, my first PC that I do remember is Geoffrey Wallace, formerly "Gunther", a half-elf Arcane Trickster Rogue turned Lore Bard, and traveling merchant. He wore a mask (think ski mask with a ball mask over it) to conceal his identity, and started off a bit cocky to mask his lack of confidence and fears. He was on the run from the thieves' guild, keeping up the identity of Gunther, until he had to face his past. Afterwards, growing slightly more confident, he let go of the full face mask, just to replace it with a smaller one. Eventually he did change some more, losing the cocky attitude and letting go of wearing a mask at all. I miss Geoffrey.
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