
Daenerys Targaryen | Fear is how I fall 

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10 июл 2019




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@Omi791 5 лет назад
"A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing" Aemon Targaryen..😭😭
@SG-pu3rx 5 лет назад
Umair Riaz yeah FOR THE WORLD
@mg-cx5tv 3 года назад
@@SG-pu3rx i think that's why in books he wanted to send a maester tk guide her
@ACinemafanatic 5 лет назад
Emilia deserves to win an Emmy especially for that fifth episode of season 8 I never get chills from a performance like that
@Cassaravi 5 лет назад
I have always marveled at the way a well-thought out and edited fanvideo could fix poor writing and give justice to characters and stories wronged by the source material. You've reminded me of that incredible power, now. Amazing job! Given justice to a remarkable character.
@SerbAtheist 3 года назад
So how the hell do fan edits 'fix poor writing' when fan edits contain literally nothing BUT the show's writing and content? I mean it's not like an astute viewer couldn't figure the themes of Game of Thrones even without these edits.
@SunnyVids 5 лет назад
This makes me even sadder at Season 8. It had the potential to be really great with the Mad Queen storyline, but instead just decided to have a random descent. She had all the buildup and then...it just all fell. This video shows all the amazing potential.
@J3nelle 5 лет назад
a full season of Daenerys being a tyrant would have made her death more understandable. They didn't give the storyline enough depth. :(
@blinkeu7775 5 лет назад
I commented this somewhere else as well but I’ll just say it again : I think the mad queen storyline had the potential to be great, but rushed writing and poor storylines caused it to be one of the biggest disasters in tv history. They should have had more time, more seasons, they certainly had plenty of money to do it and I feel like a change from saviour to mad queen would have been amazing, like the change for Jaime Lannister, everyone hated him and grew to love him. If they had done that with Dany (which is a lot harder to do; loved to evil) they should have done it a lot better and not ruined it. It would have been interesting to see if they had just spent more time developing her character into an evil one. I think George R.R. Martin will turn Dany into an evil queen in the Books, but undoubtedly will do it much better than D&D and I rlly hope the other characters get proper endings as well ie. Jaime Lannister 😭
@takuveli 5 лет назад
The build up to “Madqueen” has been happening for 8 seasons! What more did people want?😂😂 this video summarises it perfectly!
@blinkeu7775 5 лет назад
Taku Music the video portrays it better than the show did tbh, it was just that so much happened over two episodes, people were so angry cuz dany was portrayed as a protagonist for many seasons and her build up as a good character was long and detailed and then in just a few episodes so much happened that turned her ‘mad’, in pretty sure people just wanted the change from good to bad to be more lengthy so it would live up to the previous sophistication of the show and do her character justice, I would love if they had managed to turn her character into someone we hated as much as Cersei, but that would take so much time, they tried doing it but it should have taken many more episodes to perfect. The problem was that tons of people lived Daenerys and her change into the mad queen was too fast and didn’t allow a build up of hate and so her madness just seemed uncharacteristic of her personality. They should have extended the story so they could carve out another storyline that would have undone all her good deeds if they wanted to make her mad. It was just too fast
@bauernhofgermanshepherds4210 5 лет назад
Totally agree! This video really does show that potential in a great way!
@AbiNoelCarter 5 лет назад
Thank you for this. While I still feel Daenerys was utterly ill-served and done dirty by the writers, it wasn't her fall into madness on its face that I disapproved of. It was, simply, their horrible way of getting there in no time at all. Daenerys' fall should be the tragedy you display here -- not a coin flip where the gentle hearted breaker of chains abruptly strafes city blocks and murders children...
@mg-cx5tv 3 года назад
@Diana734 5 лет назад
"Dragons do not understand the difference between what is theirs and what is not." Dany became a Dragon in the end.
@sdzielinski 11 месяцев назад
Nice catch!
@Zomseb 5 лет назад
One of my favourite songs combined with one of my favourite characters. Thank you for this powerful video, AnneSoshi.
@Henbot 5 лет назад
Daenerys is definitely going to go down as one of the greatest character demolishing in the history of television. The fan video treated her with way more care than the showrunners who just turned her into a blonde Sauron. Myself has started reading the books and so much better even scenes I thought were really good in the show are way superior in the book. Daenerys is so great character in them and complex. Emilia Clarke did a great job but god they spat in her face by the end. Still, don't get why Season 2 turned her into a brat whilst she was way more intelligent in the books at that point.
@mg-cx5tv 3 года назад
Yes , i am reading books too and she is actually intelligent in books way more than ever in show.
@ivraeas 5 лет назад
Your videos got me into ASOIAF and despite the lackluster final season, I don’t regret watching it. Your view of Daenerys is perfect, in my opinion. She’s definitely a complex character, and I think you have summed up a lot of the aspects of her personality and have been wise enough to understand how she parallels and echoes many people we think of as tyrants today, from history. You’re genuinely one of the most talented editors I have ever known, and it is truly wonderful to know that you have gained such a deep and poignant and human understanding of all these characters. I think the biggest crime committed against Dany’s character has been people unknowingly painting her as undeniably good and undeniably bad, and you adhere to neither of these stances and see her for what she is. It is hard to put into words, an entire person’s character and soul, without sounding like Virginia Woolf on opioids, but your videos come entirely close to doing so (and they’re not even an 8,000 word Times article, which inevitably ends with much confusion and a shamefully simplified conclusion) and for that I would like to thank you, you’re genuinely one of the most talented people on this platform.
@by-ebd 5 лет назад
I remember the first time I watched your Kingdom Fall vid and not wanting to believe Dany would become the series' ultimate antagonist... She's been such a powerhouse of inspiration to me that I couldn't (or didn't want to) imagine her as the queen of the ashes. As time went on and I dug more into the source text, I felt her turn coming but was so disappointed by how the show got there. Months after the finale, it still blows my mind that _that_ was it. Thank you for paying Dany and all of her complexities the respect her character deserves.
@spiderspiral1913 5 лет назад
This almost makes me accept what happened to Danny and look like it was a slow decent into madness vs how the show did it. Thank you I love it Danny will always be my favorite
@jayonawaters316 4 года назад
spider spiral keep in mind majority of the bad parts of her cane from season 8
@amylathwell9534 5 лет назад
brilliant video, as always. I too was very disappointed by s8 - especially Jon's characterisation. They really shot themselves in the foot by making the last two seasons shorter and by trying so hard to make the 'big twist' even bigger and twistier. I feel very bad for all the cast and crew because it's evident that they worked so hard with what they were given
@autumnhobbit 5 лет назад
I don’t go here but your talent is unmatched.
@PokeLSouma 5 лет назад
I 100% agree with everything you wrote. To me as well, it was predictable that they would take this route for her. She has always been cruel. While not evil, definitly not a good person either. And even when I didn't feel it came "out of nowhere", the change from giving up her goal for the greater good, to burning an entire city down just because... well.. it just didn't deliver. Everything between the long night and the battle at Kings Landing we would've needed at least another episode to make it work and it's so frustrating because I agree with almost every idea that the ending had. WHAT happened was never my problem with it, just the HOW. But anyway, this should be about the video, not the show. I honestly loved this edit, I had shivers from about the middle point to the end because you're just -so- good with voiceovers and I love how you jump back and forth between her being a good person and a mad man, because that's essentially what Dany is all about. One of the best and most thorought Dany tributes I've seen for sure.
@linaaviles430 5 лет назад
PokeLSouma tired of this “Dany was never a good person” argument 🙄
@PokeLSouma 5 лет назад
@@linaaviles430 well, but she wasn't. Not by my definition of a good person anyway. To me, when you torture people like that, no matter if those people are bad, no matter your ideas, you're just.. not a good person in my eyes. Two wrongs don't make a right. Like I said, she wasn't -evil-. People can be just.. neutral, you know. She had great goals, she definitely cared for people. But she was always cruel, and she was always hungry for power, even when a bit less so at the start. That's the thing about GoT. People aren't just good and bad, they're grey, and that's why this show is so good.
@fingolfinofnoldor3592 5 лет назад
@Cynthia Zavala But D&D retconned her entire character in season 8. What I meant by saying that D&D retconned her entire character in season 8, this is what D&D wants us to swallow with this new Dany: -Dany’s exclusive motivation forever has been the Iron Throne. Until she fell in love with Jon. Any other motivations (compassion, freeing slaves etc.) or actions are purely in the viewers head and a misinterpretation. What she told Sansa in 8x02 was not a diplomatic decision to leave certain things out (and what diplomatic purpose would be served by leaving her good motivations out anyhow?), but the actual truth about what she thought. -Dany is in the North to fight the War against the Dead, not because she has come to believe in the greater importance of Jon’s cause, or any noble motivation. In fact that has nothing to do with it (contrary to what we saw in 7x06). No, she is here only out of love of Jon. -Dany still compelled Jon and demanded he bend the knee as a condition of her help (contra 7x06). Hence Jon’s statement in 8x01 that he had to either keep his Crown or save the North was not meant to throw Dany under the bus but rather a retcon of what we saw in season 7. The fact that Dany and her advisors didn't react to what he said makes it more nonsensical. -Dany is essentially an unfeeling psychopath with respect to all people other than the few she actually cares for and has deep attachments to (e.g. Jorah, Missandei, and most prominently, Jon). The statement by the Samwell Tarly actor after 8x01 was correct in this as far as what the show was actually trying to show us in that scene between Dany and Sam. We didn’t see it that way back then because, once again, that makes no sense with the woman we have come to know in prior seasons. As a result the only things that can be used to motivate her not to act in the worst and most evil ways possible are either pragmatic arguments about how she may be perceived (because she does not want to appear like a psychopath) or the concern that a particular action may make her fall in the eyes of the very few people she actually does care for. Nothing else. No deeper or evolved sense of morality. Retconned out. -Dany’s motivations for the throne are purely selfish. She is not doing it (even in part) out of any sense of duty to the restoration and continuation of House Targaryen (as, for example, can be argued for others who want to restore the feudal position of their Houses). The fact that she has additional family does not make her happy in the least. There is no conflict in heart whatsoever on the issue. It is just a problem for her pure and simple. The fact that she may have a way to continue the Targaryen dynasty after her (a deep concern for book Dany and even show Dany in 7x07) does not even register. These concerns are gone. Retconned out. -Any and every (apparent) act of benevolence or kindness from her is actually nothing more than a manipulative act meant to get her closer to the throne (or to tie the few people she loves more closely to her). That is why Sansa’s looks when she legitimizes Gendry are so nasty. -Dany is too unwilling to take the opinion of anyone else and will force her own views on anything, even on Jon if they were married. She is never going to allow an equal partner in any sense. Forget that she almost accepted every piece of advice he gave her in season 7 when they weren’t even as close as they should be now. Somehow being much more in love will make her less likely to listen to him. Because she has been retconned again. -Even her character development about recognizing the Mad King’s evils is reversed. Sansa can forgive Jaime’s recent transgressions against her family despite Jaime telling her to her face that he’d do it again coz it was war. But Dany wants to avenge the mad King. No recognition that he was an evil man as she said to Jon in 7x03. And finally -Dany actually suffers, at least to some degree, from the old Targaryen madness too, and it starts manifesting when she is angry, or unhappy etc. And no, her going mad queen was never going to happen. Did you forget that she was a teenager who fell in love with Drogo because of Stockholm Syndrome? Characters throughout the series have sacked cities and murdered innocents all over the place. Robb ordered his men to rape and pillage their way through the Westerlands in order to "pay Tywin Lannister back with his own coin." That kind of standard medieval warfare is totally different than the decision to murder an entire city of innocent people for no reason after the city has surrendered. The fact that the show makes Dany a mass murdering psychopath proves absolutely nothing. The show has completely misrepresented every single character in the series - why should we assume it's representing Dany in a fair way now when it never has before? Just because some plot points are going to be similar doesn't mean the characterization will be. Every single character in the show has been twisted into some funhouse version of themselves so D&D can validate their own moral judgements about the book characters. Take Tyrion for example: In the books, Tyrion pledges to kill Jaime, Cersei, and Tywin. He murders Shae - it's not self defense. He goes to Essos and rapes a few slaves, hoping that he can make them hate him as much as he hates himself. He convinces fAegon to sail his Golden Company army to Westeros because he wants to see the world burn down. Then he goes to Dany, intent on doing the same thing, and he asks that in return for his service he should be allowed to rape and kill his sister. In the show, he's a funny dwarf. He goes to Dany because gee-whiz he just wants to make the world a better place - isn't that great? He drinks and he knows things and makes cock jokes to Varys! LOL!! I'm sure they some plot points are similar, but the characterization is comically off-mark. Dany's not going to be a villain in the books any more than Tyrion is going to be a hero. George writes grey characters, but D&D have simplified everyone down to cardboard "good guys" and "bad guys" based on which ones they like and dislike. One of the main issue is that the show equates ruthless ambition with madness. I think in the books Daenerys is going towards a path of being so ruthless that she is called mad (by her enemies) but that she is never mentally ill like her father was. Making her mad takes away all her agency as a character and reduces the weight of her choices as something "she couldn't help doing because she's crazy.'' Making her mad turns her into a one-dimensional villain.
@wolfsbanealphas617 11 месяцев назад
I never understood how she could instinctively tolerate the smell of burned flesh
@NastasiyaPlato 5 лет назад
the last part was so powerful! I love the vibe you've created, especially the song choice. It's just thrilling and beautiful.
@SARAEnigma 5 лет назад
She was the best caracter..... it s just a shame to destroy it -_-
@Natalie-cv2nt 4 года назад
From the way you edited this, literally shows her flicks to madness throughout the show when it's put into a 5 min video. This felt disturbing watching her change💚seeing all that happening. You did a great job!!
@eddiebaby86 5 лет назад
Wow, that was really well put together! Love how the editing put all the pieces throughout the serious together. Really well done!
@Phoebelle Год назад
She never was one of my favorite characters even if I found her fascinating. I think it was mostly because of the fandom and Emilia herself which whitewashed her all the time. I still getting angry about the people who were disappointed about the final because Daenerys didn't got her happy ending. It was never about that. If the ending wouldn't be slapped down loveless and rushed (by the writters, not the actors and the crew!), Daenerys still would have had her downfall. I love this video and your description so much. It's one of those videos I still come back even if I don't watch Daenerys videos normally. :D But your point of view is my point of view and it totally came through in this masterpiece.
@xroyaltea 5 лет назад
One of my favourite editors vidding my favourite character is such a blessing!
@l.k.3660 5 лет назад
This is really really beautiful. And powerful. And really shows her as a character. For who she is.
@Sophia.Stark17 5 лет назад
So much writing and acting potential (Emilia would be amazing, we got only but a glimpse) in this twist w a s t e d. I completely agree with what you're saying in the description. When people call D&D Dumb and Dumber etc, I disagree. They are not stupid, that's the easy way out. For me it is obvious that from a point on, they just stopped care. It is such a shame. Your videos are always awesome btw
@allysonctibor8351 3 года назад
How have i not seen this. Very well done!!
@Quiirkie 5 лет назад
Love your description! It's so articulate and exactly what I feel towards her character also, of course she is going to be the bad guy. It all pointed that way, from the slave masters view point she has been the villain for quite some time! "History is written by the victors" is a saying that comes to mind. It could of been handled so much better than it was. Oh well I'll wait for the books and see how george ends it! Love your glitchy effects and the song couldn't be more perfect for Daenerys. Beautiful scene choice. I especially liked your use of the "wake the dragon" quote. Sent chills down my spine. Beautiful work as always
@clobleh3957 5 лет назад
I think the way she ended was the way she was going to end since the beginning. The hope that become the threat. But I think we would have needed at least twelve episode to end this well. You just depicted her way to madness so well.
@gabygal7 5 лет назад
So damn good!!!! Girl you know I agree with everything you wrote. And yes yes yes it’s what makes Dany such a good flawed character it’s such a shame D&D botched the execution 😭 but this??? This is epic!!!
@achingheart 3 года назад
As always, your works are superior ✨
@TruthWiz 5 лет назад
AnneSoshi As usual, you've done an exquisite job on this video. I love the way you work with the subtle of images and the power and potency in the music you choose. You're an amazing and gifted editor. I truly love this video. Thank you with all my heart.
@pratyhi5 5 лет назад
I couldn't imagine listening to this song without the words from GoT. I disagree strongly with your understanding and portrayal of Dany, but I appreciate the aesthetic pleasure I derive from it. I see what you're trying to show me.
@batwolf9603 5 лет назад
I usually don’t watch your GoT stuff because I’m not a Sansa person and we have different opinions of Dany, but I just knew this would be beautifully done. And it was 👍 Probably the last Game of Thrones thing I’ll ever watch
@asyabellia6791 5 лет назад
I am crying right now, this is so beautiful!
@Omi791 5 лет назад
You summed it up nicely in your description, if anyone saw her rise in mereen and the reasons of her restrain against her enemies, would understand completely. How our loved ones tether us to humanity in real life. Which in the end she lost. And if you've read the books you'd be more awed how amazingly this character is written.
@jahgarciaGOT 5 лет назад
It takes your video to somehow fix what D&D had butchered. THIS IS GOLD. Thank you for this!
@StainedRedFlowers 5 лет назад
Despite seeing all but two episodes of this show, I know for a fact you’ve done this character justice. Such a gorgeously complex masterpiece
@fairysaurus7557 5 лет назад
Wow that short clip that flashes between visereon and viserys
@sweetserieskiller 5 лет назад
Wooown😱👏🏻 You just killed me with this style. Awesome edit ❤️🔥
@meritam6763 5 лет назад
Beautiful editing and you are one of the best vidders! (although i do still disagree with your interpretation of dany but that has more to do with believing she has a different role in terms of asoiaf)
@Estaaaas 5 лет назад
This was awesome :) and the songchoice, well done! Daenerys, I loved her in season 1, she grew from exciled princess to great khaleesi and mother of dragons. And with season 2 and 3 her story slowly started to show her fire and blood temper and we were being prepared for her becoming main antagonist, yes, i agree her story in last season was rushed, but.. the story itself would still be the same if there was more seasons, the things that effected her the most had to happen in short period of time (jorah's death, rhaegal's death, missandei's death) so she wouldn't have time to recover from all those things , it had to happen all at once so she would't have time to recover after each of these events.. and all of these things which happened at once just woked the dragon in her. So.. in the end, for me.. I think, that they had to speed her story little bit.
@verannaca 5 лет назад
Crazy how your fan video did a better job of explaining this character than the 8th season did. You definitely did her better justice. Well done.
@silmarwen9971 5 лет назад
absolute marvelous editing!
@dinaaaRS 5 лет назад
Loved your video and your description of her character arc
@Filmsber5 5 лет назад
An abused woman who was a rape survivor and one of the few characters caring about the common people enough to fight for them having a voice going a "mad queen" route will absolutely never make sense to me neither its implications or people's acceptance of the woman unable to attain power without becoming 'mad' or simply incapable of being emotionally strong to carry the weight of it. A woman being killed by her lover during her most defenseless time to portray him as a 'tragic hero' and making her be put down like a rabid dog will never make sense to me neither will it bring any gratification. The video is absolutely amazing with a lot of emotion and beauty portrayed and even if we do not agree on what happened to her character. Good luck on future projects.
@nietzsche77666 5 лет назад
I feel you. You can nitpick a lot and search around in the psychology the show and the books gave you to come to any critical points about her character, how wrong she was here, how power-craving she became then, how bad her behaviour was there and so on... Still, we all have to remember the people who wrote her decided to write a female lead character representative of a classical woman of power, a woman of empowerment, a woman of politics - and they also decided to end her in the most devastating way imaginable, as a mass murdering war criminal, that should never be considered as a role model even in the slightest (that's the message at least I get from this story!) There were already a lot of other women in the show, none of them fared much better if coming close to any position of authority, except Sansa in the show, a very passive character without any political goals or ideals, which is very clearly written as a kind of red herring to gaslight away from the plan they had for their main female character. It doesn't look good, whether you want to blame D&D, or even Martin himself , who may still give a more complex or nuanced idea of a "mad queen" or a "dark turn" or a whole different arc... or he may not. Writing like this should always be questioned with the utmost scrutiny. Why does anyone want to write his characters like this? "Power corrupts", yeah we got it, great deep insight. But should we all just stay like the "morally superior" male leads who never would talk openly about wanting power, but can just wait till the authors stick their thrones in their asses in the end anyway? Did they free a whole continent of slavery with this attitude? Which is somehow a bad thing that makes you mass murderer in the end, because... power corrupts, things could get rough, yada yada? Isn't this the most stupid thing we all ever heard about politics, just as childish as it is cynical as the story plays out? We will see if the books will ever be written. But I don't have high hopes we really will read anything more satisfying considering the political and ethical subtext it will provide in the end.
@meloderieugif2294 4 года назад
I know we've had clues since always, I know she's a Targaryen and all but I'll never get over the fact she's not Azor Ahai and went mad instead. Amazing edit.
@tonyplyler6203 4 года назад
What an amazing video. Bravo! This is one of the best I’ve seen.
@valquiria889 5 лет назад
The chills, man, the chills!!! A-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!
@Hani-nw4qh 5 лет назад
I'm still pissed on how game of thrones ended
@Hani-nw4qh 5 лет назад
Cersie was right
@isabellafrancine2729 5 лет назад
My Queen, Blood of my Blood
@bauernhofgermanshepherds4210 5 лет назад
Excellent video!
@sayanalimana697 3 года назад
Beautiful and heartbreaking 💔💔💔
@jaloniiagnew5609 5 лет назад
I just read your description and just had a few thoughts. Lovely video by the way. I like the idea behind Daenerys being morally grey because she needed to be in order to be the ruler she envisioned for the world. She needed to hold evil men accountable for their actions, I don't think she's ever been a non morally grey heroic figure. She's always been morally grey but still heroic until the gaslighting narrative of s8 that made it so her pain and trauma consumed her and she became her own worst fear. However I don't agree with how you said in her last conversation with Jon that she had always seen the world that way. That her version is the best version of the world, that people around her don't get to choose. I think that was the sign that Dany we had known for seven and a half seasons had been consumed by the constant conflict, trauma, loss and pain of her life but she's always been the queen/leader the people around her chose. She listens to the grievances of not just highborns but small folk as well. To say that she's always viewed her perspective of what the world should be as the only right one is weird to me considering how much her story relies on the people around her choosing her and how much she turns to her council to advise her on how to make her leadership for the world better for its people. Also how much she fears that her perspective will become the same as her father's and she'll become like him. I also think saying she wants to be the one turning the wheel is also weird. Considering she's open to negotiation with other nations having their own rule and power without her being present at all. She gave the Greyjoys independence in s6 remember and if she's always wanted to rule over the world by herself, then why do that? I mean in the books she longs for a simple life away from power and in the show she includes her own house as a spoke on the wheel she wants to destroy. Why would she include her own house as that spoke if she wants it and herself at the center of it? Also I wanted to say that she doesn't dracarys anyone who disagrees. Barristan, Tyrion and Jon are just the few examples of the people who went against her initial ideas and words, men she's listened to and taken their words into account instead of punishing and going dracarys to them. She's really only ever dracarysed (before s8) slavers, rapists and traitors (the tarlys betrayed their leige lords and her allies). Anything else her dragons did, like an innocent child, she was against and risked her connections with her children so it wouldn't happen again until the shit storm of s8. Lovely video edit, she is a wonderful morally grey character like everyone else in the series, I just don't agree with your outlook on her characterization and how she was always meant to go this way. Especially considering the poor foreshadowing the writers used to justify their decision.
@jaloniiagnew5609 5 лет назад
Sorry this is so long, I'm a big fan of your edits and hope to become just as skilled an editor as you one day.
@jaloniiagnew5609 5 лет назад
Oh and I just wanted to add that even when she burned KL to the ground, it was so badly written considering how much she values innocent life and how her prime motivation has always been subconsciously justice and protecting the innocents considering no one did that for her as a child.
@AnneSoshi 5 лет назад
thank you for your input! i agree with a lot of what you have said, mainly that book!dany wants nothing more than to find a home, and her quest for power is more about delivering on her 'duty' as the last living targ to restore her ancestral house to it's former glory than anything else. she does want to make good decisions and for that she looks up to other people for advice a few times, especially in meereen where she spread herself pretty thin to achieve stability. but she's also extremely young and volatile and she lashes out when upset (i.e feeding people to her dragons, crucifying masters arbitrarily, allowing a girl to be tortured in front of her father...) my point (which as highkey character limited) is that over time she finds out following her impulses and 'dragon blood' (that she's initially afraid of/wants to supress i.e. locking up the dragons) are a much surer and quicker route to achieving what she wants than walking on the eggshells of diplomacy. maintaining peace is hard, she found that out in slavers bay where she even had to give herself away in marriage. though very poorly done this is better shown in got than in the books considering they went further in the story. she's always been pretty unwavering about her goals, though she was willing to adapt them when necessary, but then at some point she just didn't, and by season 7 she's just straight up despotic, and she simply burns people who don't accept her (she didn't burn the tarlys for their betrayal, she burnt them for refusing to bend the knee. and technically they didn't betray anyone cause they owed loyalty to the crown over olenna tyrell). not to say she became an evil and vile person without morals, she's still all about helping the weak, freeing the chained, its just that it got really warped overtime. but that is the tragedy of daenerys, she doesn't want to be her father, she's scared of what she unleashed upon the world (her dragons) but she doesn't have much of a choice other than to embrace it, and she does. i think book daenerys will have pretty much the same ending as show daenerys but better developed. I don't think they sacrificed even a big storyline like RLJ to make her descent easier if it weren't a serious endgame point. she still has a fire to love and a treason for love, and that basically goes with razing kings landing 'burning their sins and flesh away' only so jon can kill her right after, for the love of his family. not to mention in his OG outline GRRM describes her as a 'threat' coming to westeros similarly to the WW and she has been one of the characters whose story has p much remained unchanged so, yeah im pretty convinced its her fate. i just hope grrm does her justice. anyway, thank you for your input! and i dont mind long comments, my reply got quite long as well 🤣 i appreciate discussions, so thank you, and thank you for the lovely compliments ❤️
@misaghkhosravi4541 Год назад
There is nothing to be afraid of;) fear is just an illusion
@lrlavalais2068 Год назад
When you realize it was only blood magic that made her invisible to FIRE.
@wolfsbanealphas617 11 месяцев назад
Facts that witch must have been strong since her cursed lasted so long
@VibrantlyDark 3 года назад
Emilia needs a Emmy, even though they ruined season 8, she still had impeccable acting
@MaddyWinkel 5 лет назад
Amazing! 😊
@taslimalia3644 4 года назад
3:58 of course you don't have “love” here. you saved the north from the night king, that would ensure their gratitude but not “love”. northern people weren't mereenes slaves who never knew love or kindness. so when daenerys gave them freedom, they loved her instantly. i always liked daenerys but i felt that she didn't have to do very much, or sacrifice very much to earn the love of people, before she came to westeros. conquering the heart of the northerners would have been a real challenge, but she was so demanding at that point that it seemed impossible
@__Lopps 5 лет назад
My favorite character. 🤓
@alishalovrich 2 года назад
Fucking masterpiece
@beatriceminetti2199 5 лет назад
This is amazing 👌
@kikima258 5 лет назад
It was clear to me that she will become a tyrant she tried diplomacy in mereen and it didn't work but fire and blood always did they should have let her choose this path since season 6 adding the hallicinations from adwd( remember who u are, fire and blood and dragons plant no trees) so after a long time struggling with these 2 sides of her personalety she finally embraces her dragon side after the faillure in slavers bay
@stay4497 4 года назад
@candelfairy 5 лет назад
Very well done. Amazing
@HimitsuMV 5 лет назад
Arrepiei-me desde o primeiro ao último segundo. Para mim Daenerys será sempre a legitima rainha. Também quero fazer um vídeo dela e irei fazer. Obrigado por este maravilhoso tributo. Long may she reign.
@wiktoriakoodziejczak720 5 лет назад
@hunterx8127 4 года назад
I would be more happier if Dany let Jorah kiss her
@xXxJustxBreathexXx 5 лет назад
for what it's worth, that "twist" at the penultimate episode made me love daenerys even more.
@sarthaksharma8407 4 года назад
linkin park is awesome with got
@danieldaniels4508 3 года назад
Dany deserved better... but she choose the wrong man to love. Khal Drogo would never betray her...
@leonie6463 5 лет назад
@jonaydlpc5133 5 лет назад
Majestic ♥
@elysse4929 5 лет назад
I still think she would have made a good ruler. The way things turned out was not entirely her fault... With the passage of time I realize that. She did have a good heart, she just had emotions from too many bad experiences that happened in a short time, and she let it get into her way. Her father was paranoid for no reason, it was a sickness, but she knew that the country she had come to had indeed hardly accepted her, and that scared her. She made a mistake when she burned the king's landing, it wasn't necessary. She could have chosen the path of grace and love, but with all that was happening lately, she chose the path of death, thinking that might have gotten her respect from people. They would respect her out of fear, she saw that as the only solution. She knew she probably wouldn't be loved, so she wanted to be feared. In the end, she really wanted the world to be a better place and she went with "purpose justifies resources". It's really sad it ended like this :/
@shygirl7 4 года назад
Great video
@emmaekrem3251 5 лет назад
Omg omg omg so goood👌👌👌👏👏👏
@nietzsche77666 5 лет назад
"She'd always wanted to return cities to the dust in order to build her new better world, because she has motherfucking dragons, how much easier could it be?" I agree with much of your analysis, but I'm not too sure if you can read her occasional "burn cities down" comments from earlier in the show as more than rhetoric and mere signs of a dangerous idea slowly forming in her mind. At that point, if she would have had to attack a city with dragonfire, she certainly would have refrained herself to strategic points without targeting civilians. You can't ignore the "corruption" part of her arc. There were clear moral boundaries to her conquering that got lost in the end because the war path she chose already was nagging silently and secretly off her humanity, it was becoming clear when she reached Westeros. There are all these "DT was always evil" takes I kinda sympathized with shortly after watching the end the show, I don't agree with anymore and I think they all fail if you understand the arc better. Without reading her arc as having a slow progression towards tyrannical behaviour, you won't see clearly. Drogon knows in the end: He spares Jon because he knows what led to DT's demise was actually her in the end ever more desperate craving for queenship, that perverted after a lot of other influences and factors holding her tight in her normative boundaries fell away. She was looking for the throne not to find domination and armies, but for pretty personal and reasonable things: a home, friends and family, safety (to avoid further assassination attacks). When she was at that crucial point in the end, she must have realized that her quest for the throne actually did the opposite than bring her these things she was secretly looking for on her quest. This emptiness made room for "waking the dragon". I'm almost certain Martin will play this out if he will ever write the books and go for the same arc goal. It kinda gives an important nuance to her behaviour I was missing in the show. Of course, everything you say about her egocentrical view on morals is all true, but it needed the corruption to turn her from somewhat impulsive but benevolent saviour to tyrant in the end. Every personality in the show that was trying to sit on the Iron Throne had their own character flaws enhanced to the max as he got nearer to the throne. Nothing else happened to her, but it took a long way to get her to this point.
@Natalie-cv2nt 4 года назад
I think Martin said that the same thing will happen to her in the books but differently but idk🤷🏻‍♀️when he's gonna finish the books
@nietzsche77666 4 года назад
@@Natalie-cv2nt No, he actually didn't. Before the screening of S8, there was talk about "the broad strokes being the same, but with changes to secondary characters", but after the screening he didn't repeat these. Recently, Martin talked about the show ending being "one ending, but not his ending", and indicated a possible deviation re: DT's arc referencing movie/book versions of "the little mermaid" in an interview with "Die Welt". Everything stays ambiguous.
@gayetriroychoudhury3787 2 года назад
Long live khalessi.
@celesteodair1834 5 лет назад
I am the one who love GOT S08 😂 Great edit, it is so beautiful !
@heyyats386 5 лет назад
@michelleraven1832 5 лет назад
She deserved better than season 8 gave her... Great vid by the way 😁
@dinaorr6339 5 лет назад
I don't like the mad queen story line. That's not Dany at all, read the books and you will know. When Targaryens go mad it's a slow downward spiral that takes years to occur. She always said I will take what is mine with fire and blood. Dragon queen forever.
@blinkeu7775 5 лет назад
I think the mad queen storyline had the potential to be great, but rushed writing and poor storylines caused it to be one of the biggest disasters in tv history. They should have had more time, more seasons, they certainly had plenty of money to do it and I feel like a change from saviour to mad queen would have been amazing, like the change for Jaime Lannister, everyone hated him and grew to love him. If they had done that with Dany (which is a lot harder to do; loved to evil) they should have done it a lot better and not ruined it. It would have been interesting to see if they had just spent more time developing her character into an evil one.
@alanareynolds1193 4 года назад
Have to disagree, I’ve read the books and it’s fairly clear she will become a tyrant from early on. I wish it was handled better though. I bought it on the show when I first watched it but in retrospect it’s probably because I’ve read the books, in which Daenerys borders on villainous at some points.
@Natalie-cv2nt 4 года назад
You do realize the story is shown through HER EYES right? So your basically seeing everything in her point of view, what she believes to be right or wrong. Plus in the books *if you pay attention* it shows how she's SLOWLY turning mad. Martin even said that the same thing will happen to her in the books but differently. 🤷🏻‍♀️but he hasn't finished it yet
@alanareynolds1193 4 года назад
LoveInTheLight you’re so right, nothing irritates me more than people saying the mad queen storyline won’t happen in the books, if anything she’s more morally grey in the books
@Natalie-cv2nt 4 года назад
@@alanareynolds1193 exactly characters are always more flawed in books then what they put on screen
@suwaidajalal 8 месяцев назад
Emilia Clarke is gorgeous.
@luna8327 5 лет назад
Beautiful job. But wrong music
@nietzsche77666 5 лет назад
Everything is fine with the outcome for this character and her turn to tyranny for me, even the drastic shock moments that were told have their place in the GoT tonality. It is needed to give the story the depth and complexity that was envisioned. Still, there is an imporant nuance that was pretty much botched by the series I very much hope the books will care about - but I'm not too sure about it, because I heard Martin can be quite cynical if he wants to. All the insight into the tyrannic nature of her late politics and even scorn for her broken idealist promises notwithstanding I would hate it if our last moments of relationship to that character are reduced to pure degradation of her as a mere political metaphor. Her personality and humanity were laid out in a complex way from the very beginning and were as much a part of her arc as the tragedy of her political career as a false idol and wrong choice in the end. And her personality and our relationship to it needs as much closure for the reader/audience as her failure as "breaker of chains" and queen of Westeros, it needs to be focussed and emphasized in the last moments we get with her. I can't see a way the material can be artistically or ethically successful if we exit this story with complete disregard, contempt or even hate for her very personality. That would simply spread shitty values. I think people should be allowed or even expected to mourn and understand the tragedy of her life in this moment, after all the time spent and all the diverse past moments we encountered in this arc. The atmosphere of the death scene of the series may have already been trying to go for this, but the narration, rushed as it was, never took us out of the KL burning scenes for a long time enough for this closure to even become wanted or possible. Brilliantly, they didn't give the mob that was already building up for the spectacle of a brutal death of Cersei what it wanted but demonstrated her very humanity in the end. God, were people disappointed about this. And yeah, they SHOULD be disappointed, and rightly so. They never got the hint about Cersei's "Walk of Shame" in the first place, they can't complain IMHO. And I do think Dany also needs her "Cersei moment", and even more than that, because of her greater importance for the story. Hopefully, the books, if they ever get written, won't be too obsessed only with exposing everything that was bad and wrong about that character in those crucial moments to hammer that points even into the weakest of minds, but will handle this with utmost intensity, care and nuance, and maybe even some love, too. Everything else would greatly spoil the whole epic for me permanently.
@frankcastle8117 5 лет назад
@alan__6453 5 лет назад
Marry me please
@Tkk861 5 лет назад
@TheINSANATY 5 лет назад
"Fear is path to the Dark Side." "Fear leads anger." "Anger leads to hate." "Hate leads to suffering." - Master Yoda, Star Wars Episode 1: A Phantom Manace
@meloderieugif2294 4 года назад
If we think deeper she makes a good parallel with Anakin Skywalker. Both chosen and born to be great and powerful but lost in their way.
@forint9654 4 года назад
"Twice the pride, double the fall." Count Dooku, SW E3 Revenge of the Sith
@Bakuru 3 года назад
@@meloderieugif2294 yep. Pretty much exactly the same. The only difference is that she didn't get the chance to redeem it the 9ther way the way Anakin did..........or did she? 👀
@xxbludger 5 лет назад
Dany's character felt like it could've been such a fascinating inversion of what it means to be "the chosen one". She's more powerful than anyone else, more closely tied to destiny than anyone else, but the fatal flaw is that she cannot see anyone but herself as the savior. And seeing her believably turn into a villain would have turned a character I really couldn't care for into someone I probably would have stanned for the rest of my life, lol. Instead I found myself feeling bad for Dany in this season, because I just didn't understand the writing she was put through. Anyway, great video, I can feel the frustration you must have felt trying to finish it, knowing how it ends! I especially loved the "They can live in my new world," "Or refuse - " "- And die in their old one", a super clever overlap!
@caleidozkopie8344 5 лет назад
"Half the Targaryens went mad" no they didn't. I've read fire and blood and none of them were mad like the mad king. Some were cruel or just unfit to rule but none were actually mad and i'm pretty sure the Targaryens the fire and blood 2 focuses on won't be mad either.
@KHH595 5 лет назад
caleidoz kopie - They weren't raving mad like the Mad King but they were mad in other ways such as Viserys' behavior, Rhaegar's obsession with proohecy, Baelor's obsession with the faith, etc. That still counts as mad though.
@kikima258 5 лет назад
@@KHH595 don't forget that one who swallowed wild fire thinking it will change him into a dragon
@Harahvaiti 5 лет назад
Even the Mad King had gradual descent into paranoia and madness, triggered by certain events. Maybe every tenth Targaryen in 300 years of their family ruling Westeros was truly mad.
@visenyastormborn8302 3 года назад
btw only 6 in hundreds were actually mad lol it was just a rumor spread to discredit them
@meloderieugif2294 3 года назад
People talking about Targaryen madness as a major issue are non readers. The current experience that we have about it is Viserys, but since the first time we read/watched him, we knew he was cruel ,evil and entitled, he said and did a lot of stuff that made us believe he was up to no good, and his actions could be described as meaness and cruelty, even in the peak of his "mental condition", he chose to threat Khal Drogo where he knew they couldn't share any blood, add some wine and he felt the courage to do so. Even the so called Daenerys madness in the books is an exaggeration , if you read her chapters not knowing about it, you'll think she's just like Robb or Jon after becoming Lord Commander , a young and naive leader, struggling to know what's right or wrong, being confronted for their lack of experience the whole time and always trying to fulfill expectations they're not prepared to. I also believe she's connect to the Long Night somehow and she will need a strong and clear mind to deal with the White Walkers.
@elizabethandrews2587 5 лет назад
This is so well done, it really shows her arc really well. I'm kind of sick of the fan vids that only show her positive traits and recently it's made me dislike her but this shows her negative traits as well, the ones that made her an interesting character.
@Natalie-cv2nt 4 года назад
Exactly! I understand the reasons they like her but she has flaws to, she's not a god. (They should have made it more obvious of her turning dark) *Cause I know most people want it to be easy than been made to look for it* I was a bit disappointed with how they did that.
@TheLavanderDiary 5 лет назад
I love the bit at 4:28 with the line ‘you don’t want to wake the dragon, do you?’ 😍👌🏻
@forrestpowell12 5 лет назад
5:05 hits the hardest.
@nicolerae594 4 года назад
I've been trying for literal days to put into words how much I love this video, but really, all I've got is I love this video!!! But seriously, this is the perfect encapsulation of Daenerys's journey. I will forever be bitter over the execution of season 8, but this video actually makes me want to rewatch the series in its entirety again (which I haven't felt for a long time because of, well, season 8). It also makes me appreciate Emilia's acting over the series. Your editing is just sooo good--not just with the effects but also the timing with the music and the trajectory of the story you're telling. I've rewatched so many of your videos, and Kingdom Fall was the one I would always show to other people when they didn't believe that Daenerys would become the villain in season 8. You're just so talented!!
@herbertwest9266 5 лет назад
While all you say about the character problems of Daenerys is probably right, the greatest problem with this character for me is that it is really some old writer's idea of a warning to a type of young woman he doesn't really like, if you look more closely at it. It's full of hidden clichés. There are also interesting double standards in what is told what is bad about Daenery's behaviour that will lead to this outright crucifixion of her in the end that he is kinda fine with if other characters engage in it he seems to have more love for. Strangely, although I usually engage in many fights against some of the overblown intersubjectivity nonsense we hear nowadays, for some reasons my usually tone-deaf sexism warning lights kinda start their little signs and blinking here. And fuck off with Sansa's reign of the north, she is just every old guy's dream of the "initially annoying daughter maturing over the years, listening to daddy's warnings, inheriting the house in the end (the brother will get the villa)." Sometimes I think she is just an excuse for doing all this to Daenerys. Daenerys uses her elbows, does her very own thing and follows her destiny, which is actually deceiving her and leading to her demise. Surpise surpise, she ends up a massively humiliated villain, corrupted by power. Actually, if I would be this type of young woman he seems to address here, I would probably have this answer: "Up your wrinkly ass, pal.", lol. I'm strangely fascinated with this arc's ending for weeks now, making up my mind about it. But at this point, I tend to have more sympathies for Daenerys than for Martin, who's IMO certainly the origin of this brutal degrading ending of her.
@herbertwest9266 5 лет назад
"Intersectionality", not "Intersubjectivity", sorry
@heatherstorey3240 5 лет назад
Wow. Brilliant heen a huge fan of your work for some time. The tone of this video captured the pure anger in her quest for the throne she had. Amazing video
@emotionaldrug61 5 лет назад
reasons i clicked on this video in no particular order: the song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your name got reason(s) i leave this comment here: fcking awesome man, you almost made me forget how much i disliked the last season also the song
@christophertracy383 4 года назад
Daenerys should have burned the Red Keep in S7 period and she would be Queen of Westeros now.
@mg-cx5tv 3 года назад
Best danerys video
@alexisrodrigues3746 5 лет назад
You just mixed my fav character with my favorite band Thank you ♡
@Natalie-cv2nt 4 года назад
This was beautifully done!!
@sdzielinski 11 месяцев назад
A suberb analysis told through edited video found in the source material. The clues were always there. My favorite clue: from memory: "Politics involves compromise." Dany: "I'm a Queen, not a politician." As a great philosopher once put it: "When you believe in things you don't understand, then you suffer." Others suffered because Dany believed a queen was not required to compromise with others. She died because she held this belief and because the belief made her a scourge on the loose.
@octobremikee8699 5 лет назад
That video mesmerizing... and the description!! You slayed.
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