
DAY 4: Part 1 - Former President Jacob Zuma at the Commission into State Capture 

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@petrusmaphelo870 5 лет назад
The will never create a positive image of a black man.
@marnorau 5 лет назад
Judge Zondo isn't black?
@another7239 4 года назад
Zuma has been portrayed to be guilty. Im white, and you know where the problems are? With Mr Rupert has been controlling south africa politics and economics for years.
@thabangmofokeng8782 3 года назад
Ubaba uZuma must stop trying to run away from issues that he wad invloved or created. How many times will he be always let go...SPEAK THE TRUTH
@butimokoena4203 Год назад
These matters very seriously and is too sensitive because if you hear all the sides of the story really really our judges is gonna having a tough decision
@andriesleshaba9079 5 лет назад
Advocate pretorius carry on, I am recomending you, continue to cross guestion the truth will reveal itself.
@bongagustavmtshali1104 5 лет назад
Andries Leshaba hey u don't understand this ,they called Zuma with no rules, u r lost
@thabisomasoka3822 3 года назад
So You Agree That Pretorious Was Cross Examining/Cross Questioning Zuma. Sikhakhane Made His Point Clear, Pretorious Will Not Cross Question Zuma Based On Other People's Hearsay Lies
What are u going to benefit from arresting an old man? What a waist of time or resources waai from eddies in NW province
Are you giving us dignity?if you are fighting for the position to become president, why you didn't sit down with president Ramaphosa before taking decisions. When you were a president we protected you,you were not only protected by your family
Leav zuma alone he never killed someone plz plz leav an old man alone form eddies in NW province
@MrMicagogome 5 лет назад
Guilty or Not guilty but the only way to ascertain that is to test the credibility of the evidence put forward against him by various witnesses. And that of course by asking him questions. But when you know that you have Not being honest you run even when you are Not being chased. If I were him I would invite all the questions from all angles without anything to hide unless of course I had something to hide.
@lindiwegayiza7471 3 года назад
Why is He afraid of the commission ifhonest. Please Mr president we want to know what has happened since your inception?? Are you not interested in clearing, cleansing yout name, credibility. We voted you in and trusted you, hoped that you would do right. Your name is tainted, pls explain to us.
@bongagustavmtshali1104 5 лет назад
clever move by Zuma by not responding to allegations when they start to b In public domain. now he started to expose every thing what was strategically planned long time ago,truth will come out soon but not by him n if not state capture was a waste of time n money
What about phalapha who have hidden billions at the bush that is not fair plz plz be fair from eddies in NW province
@mwilimamolefe9613 5 лет назад
This is very serious misunderstanding. but i wish Umbamba stays.
@lindagoqo6577 5 лет назад
If he is guilty then vele why isnt he in jail? Please ngoba nihlakaniphe kakhulu explain?
@profjohnatesha5826 3 года назад
Life is fully of mysteries
@KobbeRJacc 3 года назад
The repeatedly interrupting comments by the chairman annoy... One would say he's putting the defendant Zuma at easy, in comfort zone: please let the prosecuting lawyer carries on his questions -do not interrupt, sir.
Mr Barry White zondo what abou phalaphala issue,alwys ramaphosa used to dodge bullet of wrong doing,it was sms of marikana they leav him just imagine haai maan jerr leav zuma alone he never kill someone plz plz from eddies in NW province
@makkieslengwati4649 3 года назад
There is a delaying tactics play. The is an ignorance to the matter. People exercise rights of being human being superior to others. The commission status is undermine. There is the human factor of who is who and what is what. The former President legal team seek favour while the commission legal team want to know fact's related to the matter and such the other legal team don't want to happen. Person implicated must have sovereignty to decide about his responsibility to the nation. This are national issues to be known by every person contributed tax in the country.
@billwest8815 3 года назад
So now zumas legal team are dictating to the judge and the commission.
@jerryreent1700 5 лет назад
Its clear that this state capture is a waste of time. its just exposing the divisions within the ANC. The commissions legal team gave those files 2 weeks prior to Zuma's testimony. He could have given more detail even if he had to speak to some of the people who is involve some of these matters in question. Sometimes a person just need a refreshing of mind to give a better detail account.
@jownlodgelodge1399 2 года назад
@jownlodgelodge1399 2 года назад
@jownlodgelodge1399 2 года назад
@jownlodgelodge1399 2 года назад
@jownlodgelodge1399 2 года назад
Fnfnfngfñfhnfnfñhnffgnffñññññfñfñññnñfññññnñfnñnñññnnnfnfnnñnfnnnfnnññnñnñnñfnnfñññnññfñññfñnfñnnnnfñnñnñnfnnfnnññfñnññnññfnñfnnnfñnñññfññññfññfnfnnfñnfnññfñfnñffnfnfñnfñnñnfnñnnññfnfnñññnnnññnnfñññfnnfnnñnfnññnfñnñnnñññfnfnfnnñnnnnmnññnñññnnñnñnnññfñfnñññññfnfñnnfñfñññnńmnmmnfnnnnmññfñfñnññfnnnmnnnnñnnñnnfmnñnññfmnfnnñnnñnnmfnnnñnnnñññnññnmfnnnnnfnfnnfnmñnnmmnmfnnfmmnnfnññññmmnnnñnñfnñnnññmññnmnnññnnnnñnñmññnfnnñmnñnnññññmñññnñññnññnñññnmnnnmmfnnnnfnñnnmmnnnnñnnnnnnnnnnñmnnnnnnnnnnnnnññfññfññññfññnññnñfñfñfññññnññññññññññnnnnññññnfñññfnñnñññññnñfññññnnnñnnnnmññññññnñnnfññnñññfnnfnñnnñnnffnfnfnffnfnñññfnffnñfnnñffnñnññnñnñnñññnñññnñnñnñññfñnnfñfnfnfnndñnfñfnnfnnfññnññññnnfnñnñfnnnnñnnnfnnnnnnnññnnnnññnññfmnñnnnññnññnnnnnnnfnnfffñññnnnnñnfñññnnnnñnnnnfnññnnnnnnñnñññnfnnnnfñffnnññnfñnnnñnfñnñnñññññññnnnmnnñnnnnnnnnnñnfffnnfnnnnnnnnñnnnnñnnnnnmnñnnfnfñnnnnfnnnnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnñnnnfnfnnfnfnnnfnfnnfńnnñnnnñññnfnnnñfnñññññnfmnñnnnnnnñññnnnnnññnnñnññnnnnfnñnfnnnnnnnnñnnnnfnnnnnnnnñfnnnnfññññnnfnnnnnffffnnfnnnnfnnffffnfnfnmfffnnffffnnnnñnñnnfnfffnfnfnfnnnfnnmmnnfnnfnnnfnnñnfnnnnnffnnnnfnnnnnnnnnfnnnnfnffffnfnfnnnnnmnfffnnnfnnnfnffnfffffnnnffnnnnnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnnnnfmfffnnnfnfnnmnñnnnnnnnmnnnnfnnnffffnnfnfffffffnfmnnfnffnfnffnmfnfnnffffdfffffnmnnnfnnfnnñnnnnnnnfnnnnfnnnnnnnnnfndnnnffnnfññnnnnnnfnñnnnnfnñnnnnññfnnñnfnnnffnfnnnfnnnnnnnffnfdnnnfnfnfdfnfffffnffnnnndnnnnnfnnnmñfnfnfmffmffnfffmffffnfnfnnfffnnnnnnfnfnfnnfnnñnnnnfnnnnnnnnnmffnnnfnñfñnnfnfnffffnnfnnfnfffnfñnfnnfnnnffñmnffnffffñnfnfnnnfnnffffñnfnfmnnffmfnfnfnnnnfnnnñfnfffnfnnnnfnnnnfnñnnnnmnnmfnnnnnnnmnnnndnffnnnnnfnññnnññnnfnñññfñnfnnñnñfnñnñnnfnnnnnñnnnfnfffnfffffnfnfnfnñnnnnnnnnnñfnfñfnnnffnnnnñfnnnñndnnnfnfnnffnnffnfnnnnnfnfnñnffnnndñnnñnfñnnnfnnfnññfnñfnfnnfnfnnnfmfnfñnñnfnñññnñnñnmfnnnnnnfnnfmfnnffffnnfn fmmffnfnfnnfn nnnññnnn nnfn nnnnfmfnn fnmnnffnfnffn n nnnnnffnnn.n.nnmnnnnnfnnnnnnfnñnfffnfffnnnnffnffnfnnfdnññnfnñfñnnnndnñmnnfnfnñnfnnnnñnñnnñnnnfnmffnnfnnnnffffnññnnfnnn nnnnnnfnnn nnnnnnfnnn nnfnfnn nnffnfffnnnmmmnffnnfnfnnff mnnnnńnnnnnnnnfmnñffffnñfnnffnffnnfndnnfnnnfffnnfnfffffnffffnfnffnfffdnffnnffnfmfffffnfnmdfff.fnfnmmnm f m.mffnnnnnnmnfnnnnnn nnnfnfnfnnnfnmndnnñnnnn fnffnnfnnfmfnfffnnffff fffnfnnffmfmfnnn nnffnn ..nnnnffffnfnnnmffffnfnnnmn nmnnnnnnnñnnnnnffnf.fnnmnnnnnmnf fnnffnnnnnnnfnfnfnnnnnnnnffnnnnf ffffnnnnnnnnffnfnnnnfnnmnnnfnn nnfnnnnnnnnffffdffnnnñnnnndnnnnnndffnfnnn nnfnffffnfmfnnfdfnnfdfmffffffnnnd dnnfnñfnnm .nnnmnnnfnnnndnnnnnffffndmnñnfmnnnnnnnfnffnndfmfnnnfnñnnnnnnnnnnnnnffnffmfnfnnnnmnfnfnfmmnnnnnnnfffnffnfnnnnnnmmfnnnfnfnffnnnfnnfnnfnmnnnnffnffnfmmmffnnfnfmnnfnnnnfmfnfmnnfnnmnnnfnnnnfnmmmfffnfnfnfmffnnffnf. M nnnnnnnnnfnnnnnnnffnffnfnf.ffffdffffnnnn nffnnfmfffnfnnnmmnnn ffffffmfnnfnfmnnnndfdnfnnnnnnnfff nnnfnn nnffffnnnfnmnfnnfnfffnnfnfdfnnnfnnnfnnmnnfnnnfmffnffnnffnnfffnfmnnnffñnfmfnfnñnfnfnffffnnfffffdfnfnffffffffffffffnffnfmf.. m. Nnffffffffffffmnfnnmfffmnffffm. Mnfnnnnff.n f mffffmnnnf mffffnfnfffnfffnffffnffnfffffffff dfffffnfffdndffffffffffffffffffffffffnfnnfnnffffffffffnffffnfffffnffff fnffffffffnndfnffffffffnffnfnnf ffnfffndn.ffffnfnffnffnnfnfffffffffffnnn.fffnnnn mnffffnnnf fffffffffdffffffffffffffffffffffeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffnfffffmnffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffnffffffffffffffffffffffnnnfnnnffnnnfffffmnnfnnffdfnfm
@aneledlamini3385 5 лет назад
How much is being spend to run this commission cuz elections are over now
@sifisongwenya5302 5 лет назад
Insizwa enamakhanda amabili,,inkomo ethi ma ingena esibayeni ezinye ziyayihlaba...umsholozi engabe wayenzeni umfoka Zuma madoda.
@lindokuhlebhengu7056 5 лет назад
bayay sukele lensizwa
@robt3407 5 лет назад
Hayibo, umsholozi i’sgebengu! Kumele a phendule imibizo. Stop protecting a crook.
@robertndou891 2 года назад
Thomas mapfumo
@asiphewakeni5842 5 лет назад
Mdala kodwa uNxamalala iminyaka ihambile baba
@ragnarandersson2866 5 лет назад
Zuma go love prison food beans and rice....☻😁👍
@another7239 4 года назад
Zuma has been played, mr rupert has been controlling and manipulating our politics and economics for years through the elite.
@mushken65 5 лет назад
The Gupta mafias used you to loot south african taxes. Now you are alone. Deal with it. You were warned to keep off association with international criminals but you would not listen. Power corrupted you to run the country like your little kitchen.
@mbathasipho4897 5 лет назад
One day the truth will come out and u all gonna be surprised and disappointed cz it seems like u think his guilty
@sbonisosabelo2652 5 лет назад
Judge Zondo is very fair so far I haven't seen any wrongdoing from him and Advocate Pretorius also Advocate Skhakhane is doing the right thing to defend Zuma as his client it's part of his job that he will get paid for it but from my point of view they must allow the process to continue for the inquire of commission to get truth
@rouchellereent6842 5 лет назад
Leonie Arries is correct. My take is that only people who has a lack of leadership exposure that will think that Zuma is deliberately lying or playing like he's not knowing. Its clear that the factions within the ANC caused major disruption in certain matters which played off in board rooms.
@jerryreent1700 5 лет назад
sorry. This is me Jerry Reent's comment and not Rouchelle's. I was just wrongly signed in on my daughters acount
@jerryreent1700 5 лет назад
All these witnesses against Zuma came without evidence and then Zuma getting made a lier for defeating them by giving answers. Its clear that for Zuma to be guilty then the Deputy president together with cabinet must be all guilty together.
@mutongi_garwe2000 3 года назад
This is an open court not a commission
@miracleemmanuel2313 5 лет назад
Zuma is a good man & innocent hand off zuma . zuma must go now he has left what now. ANC IS DESTROYING ITS SELF
@Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 5 лет назад
Good as defined by what standard?? Where is your moral compass?
@kapajita9 5 лет назад
imbi lekaka representing zuma. He thinks so highly of himself, but he is playing himself haaaaard. 1. He's not getting to any intellegent point and thinks he can convince the judiciary. Yet again an embarrasing state of affiars, disgraceful to south africa. jerrrrrses!
@siyamthandaonkembaleki6282 5 лет назад
You are just a disappointment and lumpent pluritariat, how can you insult someone like that yeeeeeeeeerrr yeses
@mushken65 5 лет назад
Zuma allowed Gupta thieves ,gangsters and unqualified people to run the country.Do what is right and you will always have peace. Look now this man Zuma ,because of doing things that were not right for the nation while in power he will never have peace.. The citizens are baying for his blood
@lementphalanndwa6223 5 лет назад
People s of south Africa they dnt learn hw cn they support someone who allowed hiz friends 2 run wth our money's
@millionaire-in-the-making9960 5 лет назад
What friends what money's and what facts do you have to prove that
@lementphalanndwa6223 5 лет назад
Ernny sibisi its nt all about having prove but the point is let's the law take its course as 4 me I wnt supports someone who is held accountable
@lindokuhlepeaceful942 5 лет назад
Mmmm education is very important ey
@sihlesibisi5795 5 лет назад
They talk with no prove. Akungadlalwa ngoZuma
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